IS P‘JliLXS‘rll‘lD EVERY FRIDAY IJIORNING le J. ‘1. ST 1‘] W ART, At his Printing Establishment RICHMON i! ii lLl.. ~37... ONT . . . h «ï¬llings gummy. Churches. Er. Mum‘s EPXRCOPAL Cl’IURCH.-€8che at 3 Pall†exccpt the third Sunday of every month when the servicc and mammcnt are hold at 1] mm. Snlldly School at 1:30 pm Rev. 11.. shunn- 1n.l’.acror. ' Miz'ruoms'r onunr‘n or' cANAoA.~â€"Ecrvicon 8121030 mm, and 6:30 p. 111., and Sunday school, 2230 p.111. I’ruvur :noeting evory Thursdziy Inning, in tho 1.0. tum Room. RJVI. Furor Adul- Imi Ind J '11- 1’ :‘cr u tumors l‘xitsnvrnuux Circmtu or CANADA.~SBIVIXCS 1:11 o'clock,u.n<16;.‘i() pm. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:50. Rev. 1. Campbell Pt’itor. ‘ I M l" . c.\ rmLic cnuncn.â€"Scrvicos in on or m) 5.53:3: zl‘horuliill m 9 MIL, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 am; the following Sunday at Rich- iiumri llill utl um. {mil 'l‘lioruliill fit 102110 u.m., I. ltcmctin: with Markham every third Sunday. Societies. ’. YUKON!) Looms, A. 17'. Al: A. M.,_1\’n.‘£3, G.R.(‘ ~~ lite:th in the Lodge lioom,Ms.sonic troll, on the Monduy on or bonus full moon. at 8 o clock p.m Inc Crowhv, \V. M. Ricnxovn L. 0.14., No.778.~Moetsig tflic Trim; mince Hall. on the Friday on or e ore n 31300.1, at 8 o'clock pm. 0. E, Sheppard. W.M'.r cumovn llILL TEMPLE, N0 .â€" ‘digcrts in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday cvcuinu. at i' 3:) o'clock. W'm. Harrison ’1‘. D. Tim \‘lot‘m l-q. Hw‘lllfltl‘ snhool'l‘empnrunco As Wiiation issue pledge cords every Sunday when- c’csircd. Wm.Ha.rrison sopt ilucruxim ._\'.\l‘il‘O’1‘l§, v [library at over 1 ()0 olumosdipcu every Tuesday ovamng, in tho, Mar sonic Hall, iron: 7 to 8 o'clock. 1t. Luv-.1, Libra.- fan. Lectures and discussions periodically. RXCHMUNI) 111m. (ioiwn’r BARRâ€"«Moots for m‘uctice ovary 'l‘iiac«'luy and Suturday evening; at ‘iiim o'clock. Alex. Luird. Iiomdor. VILLAGE Carmeloâ€"4h: w. Wm. Tranch; Couriâ€" Iillurs, Messrs. lie‘ j mi Red-1.1,, \\ m. l:’. gsloy, L. unnrmub, and J.1[. Sanderson. (Jloik. Murat-,1) *su'smiag RDS. SC A ..-ama::i"' ' ’ Graduate of Toronto University, Thornhili, almond H ill,will generally be found as homo . A'l‘ Ont. " James Lungstafl at Nine o clock um. Dr. Orr, Maple, 15.13. Orr, AI.B., and 1st Silva: Medallist if 'vursitv of l‘oronto; M C.l".S..Ont».; L,S ,. lCngjlzmd. (lmtn of London England) :éurgnon, (tn. Oliicc hours: 8 to 10, l to 2. mid ii to 7.520. 28 W...“ _ 7 31.11131. 7 V ‘5 ‘ L’xr gov L. 1’). 13‘ XX 0791C“ iï¬lCll.i\iOXl)111LL lat 10 days ofcaoh mouth bl ll‘lilll, 18111 †“ Nitrous oxide gas administered for painluss an *1 ion 01 Tooth. his“. A. itchinlistiu, SURGEON DENTIS", thankful for the favors of the post ton years. may still no consulted in any branch of the pro- }‘ossion, 9."- follows: Aurora, 1st, 8th, 18th, and End of 05.9!» munch Kawmnrkot ............ 2nd do. Richmond Hill... ..t}th LLllLl 24th do (at the Palmer House) mufl‘villc.... 10. Mark hum . . . it). ‘x’ictoriu Square do. l‘homliill... . . (in, 11min...“ do \Voodhridgo : do. liloinburg; . do. nth Nobloton ,. o Anuthotics,ns Nitrous (lxidc.otn., mind when 4ir'181‘8d'1, and ncnc but tl-c lmstmoioiiol used. Avhlross A. liolllNSON 1111.8†Aurora Ont. Wm'ni‘" Ethical. w-W William til. E505; is llarr‘iAt-vr, Aficiâ€" ‘ 'loi‘,?\.otrir'.', 37r- m 1.0. Moon 1 hos-n lluil tin, .t-lniw, Sol-’citirsiir ' ilt’yiiourls. Con» Lou-r4 at“. w, flxillluiilflFU‘v!f«l,TDX‘NlJtD, limul li.ll'1wl. l l l l \ K oral," C. Birlllsurri‘, HBii‘sï¬, E‘aalroviln'nlgdr r3; Ii‘oyivs. 1m, Lori}: of rim third (“113iiizlmrs, st-wmwmt,’l‘x. into. ‘ w (t ,.. . 3).) 1151283: c. Fri/miss Hora. M. " llni‘l.l.’i’. x". . 1:. A: y.i.i.‘..‘oi'.n‘-i .‘Jamcw M. Lsiwr'rrrcc. ï¬lm‘s of 13.0 ’1'?!) l (fuurl, (‘lork and wiflllzihs, Mani, ‘ 'L’.1,“‘)l'~‘rl){ ..;c. 0:.‘\ 151‘ . . may lo. Court ctr C. 3‘ ch, (‘Olvi‘v’EYANC .l'l, ETC. y (.3J‘l“?i"'. :i‘...,u [woodland , c-m be seen a‘. A. RETAIL “‘16 the ‘LIBERAL‘ 3091101.- ________________ Money to Loan. A large amount of Money to Lend on form or citv property; iutcrcst 7 percent; no commis- Hiuu. ' ROSE, MACDONALD, MERRITT k (30., ' Union Loon buildings, Toronto I .. . l 'Efintrm. ‘7 The Clyde Hotel, 158 King street East, Toronto. First-class coniâ€" morcinl house. Good Accommodation and every :11 Lention shown Guests. Superior Swirling. HENRY LEMON. l’i‘uurictor. The Pulnlcr House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Hts-Vin recently built the above House on the site 0 the old Stage Hotul, and furnished it throughout in first-class style, 1 mo prepared to givo the public thoabost of accommodations Good stamina and attentive hustlers. 81mph Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 {701’ day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leuvox :his Housn at 7:30 am. for Toronto und leaves Toronto at' ' 0 mn. swimmers?“ " A. 1.. Skccfc. Clock and Watch Ma Ker, And denier iu W’ntchos, Clocks and Jewellr Importer of Watches, clocks and firm jewellery n stock of Dimnonda and precious stones ulwuys on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. La'Munufacturimz ol jewellery, and ropuirina ol’watches and clocks on the promisos, 9. specialty . I , .Thunkiug our patrons and friends for their lib- éfnlpltronogc ii. the past we beg to state than we: hove just re veived a. large stock of new goods in 1 st dosigns. A large stock oi 1213111 and Wu. _ In watches kciit onliund. _‘__ , . ,,.. , , ;* George Eukin, Issuer 01’ Marriage Licenses for tho ()ounty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for solo, or wishing Insur- ance )n life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Mouoyto icon at 8 par cent on a provod freehold security 0mc3~Cnurt11ousm oronto é'U‘iiE’TEA'†PURE LITERATURE C‘ will Mi HziiiRlSDl‘i’S New Tea Sims, RICHMOND HILL, opposite the Masonic Hull. '7' =10?- lu- A $1 v cm: ME given with every 3 lb of ten. .ir“. Wm. Harrison. 33-tf RlCll MONO lllLL. ll. when i. Mi. UNDERTAKER.‘. RICHMOND HILL, FUNERALS FURNISHED a the shortest nation and romvonnble terms An Aucflmcnt of Robes, Celtics. Caskets&c.. constant 1;: kcpton hand W1:an & RON ~ its" " llliil his, Tendon; will bo received by the undcr~ signed up to march 252.11. 1532’, fnrlmild~ in“ an addition 5 to the Presbyterian Church, ThOZ‘lllilll. Pilliifi lilill SPEbiFiMTlï¬liil (hilmmugli‘s, Thorn- .. :ill. n (hoiiiselvcs 'l e Criniiiiitlcc mil not bind E to acci-pt the lowest or oiiyi under. D. SMELLIE, Pl .6. ,. .39ch my. , '53. (hoof. ch Timur; who . way“. who {turnout -. of tlm good (hunt for making Einnzivy tbs? zu'o (Illcz‘od {Emim‘ailv yv.hilcili ho do not impm ’ ' ,\‘. \ch P.11l."‘ Concord, blur. 7 Co. .I‘liiv mm mm (11' tin» is 11.118 ilrxi‘stmt. Tho husluci. prupnrly frt. ‘i’tc 231‘. i pay lump 1. pomivc loam-i fol : tun tlinov ordlzioij‘ vxaw’ls. ti fill’l’llrlli‘tl fro 0 mole manor r.» . l scuocrscnxs WHOLESALE PRlCES _ ~1.-- .N _ . J .._... »‘ ._..__..._. 1., . _._._.-- A .._--. .___.M_w-..._. .--.~._. -. at. DEPOT. lemme militia HIGH {l‘l’_EASON. A WlNNlP-EG BLAZE. THE N. PTâ€"CATECHISM. THE QUEEWGHATITUDE. SUSPECTEF MURDER. CANADIAN. Deputy United States Marshal Heal; , who 'was mado captive by Canadian half- brecds and Indiana or Milk.River, has i‘been released. A In the suit for breach of contract brought by the Northern Transit Colu- pnny against the Grand Trunk Railway Company a verdict of $111,000 has becn given for the plaiutitl". The sum claimed was $400,000. Justice McKay, of Montreal, has de- clared the Quebec Localetoriip Act to be unconstitutional, as do powcr lies in the Local Legislature to levy'ian indirect taxation. The decision. if not appealed against and reversed, will cause a. loss to the Government of $30,000 a year. A very imporiant series of questions has been prepared by the Sub-Committee on Agricuuuro to be submitted to the farmers throughout the Domiiiiou, to as- certain whether the National Pol'cy ex- erts for them a. beneficial influence and whether any changes in the tariff are nevdcd. Mr. Tsrte’s paper, Le Canadien, in making matters rather lively for the Ulinploall Government, and is now sa 1: Legislative Council, wh‘," Ilid such splendid execution for tht 3%} party. ousting the July Ministr' up; mi. cliucd to act singly with rcferevl’l a die railway bargain. “1 A destructive conflagrsijgfvbi .160ch out in Winnipeg at an earl V" Monday mornin: Tlielire. siffgcé' T' street h] rllld cleaned out sonic ten buildings on that street from the Ontario Bunk to the Montreal Bank, with tho exception of the Ottawa Hotel. The loss is estimated at $100,000. The Rcformers of Centre Huron have again nominated Sir. 11. J. Curtwright as tlicircundidatc for the Commons. The lmnibton Reformch met on ’Wedncsduy to nominate a. candidate in place of Hon. A. Mackenzie, and the names of Messrs. .l. l“. Lister and R. Curd, of Sarina, are mentioned in that connection. An injunction has been granted by the Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba c- gainst Dr. Schultz and his associates restraining them from interference in the management. of the Soutliâ€"W'cstern Rail‘ way. Chief Justicc Wood took three hours in dellwringjudgment, and his dc» cision was concurred. in by JusticesDubuc and Miller. The Singular (‘isappearance of a farm- er numcd James \Vatson is reported from Lonmm. 11c and his hired man went to the. city on Thursday, and the litter reâ€" tIvIlGII home alone shortly after midnight. Watson has not been heard of since he was seen in his man’s comptu just be~ fore rimcliiug a. bridge over the Thames. The hired mom has now been arrested on u charge of murder. Prince Bismarck has addressed :5 Cir- culir to Mr. Mundorluli, German Consul at Montreal, asking information under a number of dill‘eienh lieuds relative to the Canadian Nortl:»\Vcst and its facili- tics for farming and stock raising. A rc- ply was pro mred by Mr. \V. J. Putter- son, Secrcfa'y, of the Montreal Board of Trude, who also offered to furnish sum- ples or Cziinidizui cereals. The Princi, in acknowledging the rurly, status that tho samples will be plucvd iii the High >501an of Agriculture at Berlin and ward in the. promotion of agriculture in Ber- : lm am! used in the promotion of cur-i. culluro. UNITED STATE S. Detailwd information from the flooded districts of (in: Mississippi shown that [he reports of torriblu sufferings are not nxnggcmtimm. Thousands of people an: :icinnlly starving. lllzison,wlim attempted to shoot Gnilcuu lm'; boon sezifunood by the Court-Martial to disliouoicblo discharged from tho :n'mv. loss of all pay and allowances, and eight yours imprisonment. in tho poni- tci.tisu'y. Petitions arc in circulation of a. pardon. The f‘lormcns are said to begin to reu- llze tliuta crisis in their history is at , hand, and the closng speeches before the adjournment of tho Utah 1;“- lili'ul‘, writ rcciygnitiou to lb 1‘., ‘ ' ' gisluluro . . ' of jmlygzuuous legislition I'm {motor pzisscd. Ec‘l‘fi 1 I Munsddras czprczz l l I . 1882. -d the opinion that perhaps it Would be better after all that Guiteziu should hang in order to bring about a. change in the law which wmild protect the insane. He has wired the President, however, to con- fine Guitcuu for life. so that if he became a raving maniac his removal to on any lum would be easy. BRITISH. McLean, the Queen's assilant, has be- en committcd for trial, charged with hiin treason. llc reserved his defence. The evidence showed that the pistol was suf- ï¬ciently elevated when he fired for the ball to have struck Her Majesty. Notwithstanding that a large majority of the English Commons agreed with Mr. Gladstone that an investigation into the Workings of the Irish Land Act would at. present be embarrassing, the commit- tee of the Lords has declared its intent- ion of proceeding with the enquiry. Her ll'lujesty the Queen has written to the Secretary of State for the Home Dcâ€" pm‘tmcnt stating how deeply her heart has been touched by the expressions of ail'ection mid sympathy from 1181‘ subjects and the people of other nations in con- witli the recent attempted casiissinatiun. She promises tocontinue unceasiugly to the last hour of her life her endeavours to promote the welfare of her subjects, muslin conclusion prays God to protect her for her people‘s alike as he has hith- erto so visibly protected her. FOREIGN. It is stated that there is strong indign- ation against the Czar among all circles of Russians. A planet of the 13th magnitude has be- en discovered by Palisa at Berlin on the 10th of March. The Panama. canal has already cost over 1000 lives and $25,000,000 and noth- l'ias bncn accomplished. Several Russian oflicers captured a- mong the Bosinian insurgents, it is alleg- ed, were shot without a. courtâ€"martial by the Austrians. The French Senate by a. vote of 197 to 27311113 rejected a proposition requiring schoolmastch to teach pupils tiioir duty towards God and the country. A terrible earthquake is reported to have lucontly {IUCill‘w’Il in Costa. Rica, ly _. which scvcml towns: \voro dustroyed. Tllollfli‘lldi of lives are said to have been lost. A good deal of uneasiness is cxhibited by the French press, lest Ccruu 7 should begin to fear a. Russo-Franco zil- liance against her. The Russian (Nos strongly doprecates a. \rurwitli Germany. Slcobclefl‘ delivorcd an address to a number of Russian ollicci-s, stating that the best Russian is the Czar. “ Europe knows,†he said “ wlmtliis (Simbelcfl'ï¬q) views were on the Sluv question. llis recall was onlv a new humiliation, pro- ceeded from the man (Bismarck) who with blood and iron founded an empire. which must be destroyed by ltussizui blood and iron." -.__.__.‘ .0..._._.__.. THE HUMBER Alli] ITS TREBUTARlES. Timber, Timber floating. Gor- ernumni works, Mills, etc. The following is one of a series of papers read before the York Pioneers by Mr. Vv'iiliam Watson, of Weston, one of the most prominent and respected members of the Assomarion, and is a minute history of the Coâ€" unty of York, especially the Western portion, (PAPER No. 3.) For lhelNBiCllt, at lcnst, I will defer naming: the different kinda of tllllbk‘l' lound m the section of country cmbmcmi in tlnsc papers, with the exception (f tin) oak and pine. Those were very abundant. The latter, indood, was by many cunsidured us practically inexhaus- tiblo ; tho uszsortion being frvqucnrly mode as recently mi fifty years ago, that there was Silillclf‘ill pine within easy reach of the Number to supply all possi- blo dcmnnds for n. thousand yt’urs at least, Thu-n, :md for many years letter. the chief coi’isidcrutiuu was. how in des- troy it most rapidly ; now it is, how best to piemi'Vc it. A d r7. in goud pine trons are lmw worth as much as runny u liund» ' rod acre farm was lely you†95,50. Before saw mills Wrm built, :xiiywliurc ncur, higher up than \Verxlo‘i ; the form- (its for miles ubovc, when Clo: r‘iig lleHl, frequently not out quantities of 11 [5 fm the mills hvlriw. Sonic dolivi‘rcd them on the bank, the pzii'rliaicr doing the floating: : mild-rs (lilt‘lllllllfl it. more profit» civic. did the lionti. j: flimiisvl-wwi. Our family trio-d limb plans. in 18-32 or ’33 m :1 lot; numb» intmirlcd for l Jr‘s mill, _-. Govt.“ Ull’lli. Gnu-"o bond: silicon: in: fix-mini i . spring we bad to f;!‘l,’)li,._\' oxen to dr: ~ logs or†ll m7 plop/“4. thdï¬â€™ltl»; ;: not? :cveu 1 ' tlicy soot d: 7’10 and 4‘5“; .i 1) my bat wr-mn a .\. in; . l The rest on at one of the \Vcston mills. reaching.r their distinction sold for about. 50 cents each. Lug selling in those earl) days was scarcely a paying business, nevertheless it was by many Considered preferable to burning the timbcr. The i “'udsworth’s, of \Vcston, among others frequentiy purchased lugs on the banks, they also on sereml occasions, floated plank and 0th -r in avy saun llllnlml‘ to llumbcr nivutli, and them: mind it to Hamilton where it. was used 111 iiwe con struction of Dundrcn Castle. Consider able pine was also used in the making of? charcoal. OAK STAVES.-Tliesc wore made thrfB or ï¬ve feet in lengtli‘geu-rully ï¬reâ€"«s :1 inches broad, and two or three inches thick. About 1823 a Mr. Chisholm made a quantity oi staves which \vcro lcf; in the bush not. paid for. It was said he failcdiu business and died soon after. My fatlier,auiong orvlicrs,sold him timber. From 1826 John Paul (Major), Paley Howland, Huctor Mc Lam and others, carried on stave making occasionally, {w several years. In .1818 Mr. Louis on- gsgcd extensively in the business, along. tllé main Humber, Little Hlimlwr and \Vest Brunch. A few parties cooked up their own oak and then sold the stoves in Lewis. The stoves were hauled (in strong sleds to the river buns ; thence floated to the lake ; from thence carried in schooner: to an island in the St. Lain once, below Kingston. Finally tho} were rafterl to Quebec, and shipped to the Old Country. I no) go t:i=;| away from the number, but the digression seems necessary. In Vaughan, near the Scotch Block, there is n. place \Vlllg‘ll cm called “Stave Bank,†because of the quantity of stavcs placed there preparw tor-y to being thrown into the r.vcr. A bank on Lot. 20, 61h Con of York, was similiarly named, and for the some Ten- sou. In 1839 Mr. Lewis gm. out 11. quan‘ tity of squared oak for the some destiv nation which was also driven down this river. 'lluit was his last timber tram action in these parts. lOVEILNMENT Worms. A About 1705 i. mill was build by Government, at the bend of still water, about two miles and 8. half from the lake ; also a. dock, when» a. yacht, for Governor Sinicoc, and two schoonch were built. The dock has long since disappeared About the some time an Indian trail was opened out into who! has since'becn known its the la'k’é“slioic road. There being no bridge across the Humber, waggons and foot passengeh wcre conveyed over on a scuw, for which convenience a charge was made. .f‘. home house was erected near the cm‘: ing, probably for the person lmvug: chargo of the ferry. \Vlio was liiu cnipicyod in that; capacity 1 have 12†been able to ascertain, but about 1815 ;. icotclnnan, named Mchzm had chin-v» oi the ferry and occupied the house a: :. tavern. This is said to have boon the only public house between Toronto um lluunliou at that time and for a ccnsidr; able time c'terwards. After the (lentil of McLean his widow continued to ll...‘ pcnsc hospitality at the tavern for many years. In 1853 a Mrs Creighton was 31:. charge, but the building was pulled down when the Great Western Railway was l‘ll course of construczion. The mill nboi :- nienticncd was built by a man beavirg; the appropriate name of Ncholus Millci. who was a inillwriglit brought from ita- State of New York for the purpose. Tbl‘ walls were constructed partly of logs and partly of boards. The mill was ï¬rst run by a. Mr. Jilson, their by a Mr. Cusliman and lutur by a Mr. Stiles Stevens. Whether those parties rented the mill or core employed by Government is un- certain, lllOUéll it would seem that Jilscn at lean-t, had some control over it, as be at one time thought of converting it; im‘o a hull factory. The dock and tnnrn we 0 '21) the lork side of the river, nod tho mill on tho 5n bic kc ï¬ll 0 Ab 4.1.1820, Iiir. ’l‘nunius, miter, gener- ally betti‘l' known as “Squire Fisher.†luatOd tlic mill to'rctlior with twelve, hundred acres of g'orwblund for twrn'ty yours at a iow rental. This not. prori‘ ,u snii-slucimiy, lic gavc up Ibo lcusc iv» ccivlng us compcnsutlon liity acres w land with tin. 11.111 on it. old aunt lily about u niilc up the rirur, also L (.ch l‘ltobicolce Side 18255 Mr. V'vilhi» Gamble, purchased the lower lot and: ml and the lullowlng your cr'cctcd on flu» on situ u live story stone 0 JUI‘ mill, with it: run of stones. The wlignr r.) (l 0'. supplies for the mill were tultcn up fr: scliooncrs outside the bar in bowâ€"{c (‘upuble of cnri‘yiinr from one liulidi‘cd in three liundrcd bzu‘sclu of liour cm i, llour, (‘15:, being sent down by tho menus.†Later on Mr. (humble built wharf and store, liounc incur the mo of" lllC Iluinbcl‘, and ilio barges plied lictwccli the mill and the house. ii no coxrmoro.) .l_...4,.,, ._ For all allvzcliom of the Christ, Inns: 1.' 1 'l‘lirout, use llr. Carson’s Pulmonary Cor pl» erops. ’l‘hey Pptw-dly cum Coughs, Us.†lnflzionzs, llnm'slu ~~‘, Bronchitis, 1b).. »: ('ro HE) expectoixuzt the 7|in ll'cps urn '1'.ch rpnillcd, lr.>O~2Hilli{J, plil {m r91": half. 154 L£.l..>.h, :19 1.1%.