mA'THERN RAILWAY TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH. . 'NRONTO. Mail. Accom. Expr’s Guy Hull, 7.50 32.45 4,5( Uumn Statinn, 7.58 12.62 4.5% Brock b‘treeb, 8.05 1 (K) 5.05 mkdale, .......‘....8.13 1.10 5.1: Unwnpurt. ......... 8.18 ..... 5.24 'I'hornhill, ............ 8.50 1.55 5.50 lixcnxoxn HILL,....9.02 2.08 G 00 King, .................. 9.15 ..... 6.15 Aurom, 2.52 6.38 Nemmrket, ......... 9.52 3.06 6.50 GOING SOUTH. Expr’s. Accom. Mail. Sewm arket, ......... 8. 20 12.03 7.47 Aurora, ............... 8.35 12.17 8.00 Kimz. .................. 8.50 12.40 8 20 Maximum HILL,...9.02 12.55 8.32 Thorium“. ....9 15 1.08 8.45 Unwnpul‘t, . . . . . . . . . 8.18 \thou, ............... 8. 27 King. .................. 8.50 chmmun HILL,...9.O2 Thorium“, ....9 15 Weston, :.............9.25 Davunpurb, . ..... . .937 Parkllale, ........... 9.45 'rORO N T0. FRIDAY, .1543. 17, 2882. “(We 35%an Colcraine Communication received too late {or this issue. The Weather. - Has very cold this week, especially at night. fltarted to build. The ice on the skating rink has been gplemlid this week. The end. The end of the world is to come in ï¬fteen years, if Professor Proctor is correct; The News for a cent. Mrvs; TSoules has started to build her new house and shop. he. EVE]: Trench has put a new Galvan- ized iron roof on his Carriage Establish- mont. Carnival. Tbe‘ljjvlgnVin-g 61552 for sale at the “ LIBER- u,_" received every day at 3 o’clock p. m. New roof. V_'i"1;e6:;mivui on Friday evening last was not as largly attended as some at me previâ€" ous ones. Yet in time. A few 510;: of Dr. Kendall’s Treatise on the horse left. 0:111 and gut one'befora they no all gone. SubscFipv’vimm for £116 Evening Globe re- ceived at the Luann, at 250. per month_ or 38 per unnum. Evening G_lobe._ 0021’: En to notice Huqhes’ new Ad. they no having one of the greatest sales that has ever been in the citv. New Ad. The scholars of the Methodist Sunday School have commenced iug practice for the concert on Good Friday. The B:+7.a{3(onthlv and Spring (Q: Sum- mer number of the anar Fnshims now «12 distribution at the Cnncrete House, free. Mr. Vuï¬nor warns all those who go down i0 the SH: on ships to look out for a heavy storm period about the 18th and 19th County Court &_Sessions. Practice‘ The Fashions. mat. The Vbéï¬rrbris nrow in session in '1‘ornnto,Judqe McKenzie presidmg in tho Chihand Juflge Boyd in the Criminal Your Choice "Accounts. The Village Treasurer’s accounts! are com- plcm and now in circulation. Every rate- payer can see by them where every cent of his money goes. A S‘orm. Frmn a nnmbor of splendid vohnneï¬, mn- souted with every 3 lbs Tea. at Mrs. Harri- sons mw Tea Stare. Tea from 50 cts to 80 $8. per 11). Snow storm. â€".;I-’hnerng;z;swquite a heavy fall of snow on Saturday night, but not enough to make good sluig‘aingx, though a. few took advan- tage of it on Sunday. 'Papef N o. 3. Will be rpcnired by Mr. D. Smellle, Con- (mnl up lo Mnrch 25th for building an addi- tion to the I’rvslwterinn church, Tlmmhill. Plans, 9th can be seen 3A A. Gullamough’a, Thomhill. Owing to the iarge amount of provisions pavpmed by the Ladies for the anniversary of the Methodist Chm-ch, a social was held rm Tuesday evening when about Sl‘.‘ were swized. GEM-)8 . Orwing to an over press of matter this week, we cm: 01in give part of No. 3 on the Humber and its Tributaries " It. will be continued next iasue. The Stamp Act. 13-. Eckardf, Auctioneer. W111 ml? “7: public. In Minn. a Inrga amount uf (arm stwk. impiemcntï¬. (210., on Thurs- d'sy the 23“ tiny of Much. on Lot No. 13, “5 Con. Vaughn), 1h» propr‘rty M Mr. J-no. wings-boil. Sim at twmvu a'd-rsk; sharp. The Bill repealing the duty on promissory mules came into force an the 4th imt.,there- {are those drawing up notes will not. in fu- mre require to stamp them. Tenders. Social. Brook Street,...9.55 UILIUII Station 10.03 (‘ity Hall, ...10.10 AT HOME. O 500 853060m58 50122.0(1J3H 66 00 u b 9.15 Through the months of March mm Apnl be carwul no: to use Purgmiwa contamng Calume] or other i1.juxin,us nuhslmxcr. 'lho proper and safe Purguxive is the Great V« ge- table 1' mph) Minn: D1". Carson’s ï¬lumucb and Caustiyalion Bitters, the pUl‘tbt and best Blood Puriï¬er known. 1%.. E. Law, Agent. Real Estate. Mvul “an...†Mr. W. 0. Patterson has sold his farm of 110 acres, Lot 20, 3rd cuuccsnu'u thgnxul, for the sum of 8-8000. F1 om the unusuut ux money Mr. Patterson hub expended 1): 1m- improViug this hum it, ought haw at higher ï¬gure. My Public Aucuon, of hoï¬â€™sehold furniture; mun stack and implements, on Brian) 24d: day of March, on Lot No. 20, in the l'UnX‘ at 2nd Con oi Vangnnn, the property of Mr. 1:1. J. Graham. b‘ale wulw 11L rebcne. in. luck- nrdt, Aucnouecr. Impoyï¬ant Credit Sa‘xe. Sabbath School Concert. As was mumawd Lu L110 LIBERAL two wwks ago, the U. M. Subnunh bclmul in Jun village inland rebuming their Aunuai Uun- corn evening, Guud Friday, Apm 7m, When n. Tea and Concert Wul w gnen far wmcu the scholars are now prucusmg. Mr. W111. Boyd Hill, Cobourg, writes : Huviug usud Dr. Thuluaa’ Eciecwnc 011 la: some years, I have mucu pluusme 1n midy- iug to its cflicawy in ratiuvmg palms lu Sue buck and shoulders. l have mac used it m cape of croup in children, uud unve lounu u to be all um. you can ckuim ’n. to be." Where now Au euterpr in; exchange stated to its haulers hm; ween that. in mud no: room no givu any account of mu manly; m. um mo of our beloved Queen, out At could ï¬nd. mum to duVute puns ox several aomum‘s w nebâ€" su'u on m; Vllldga cohum, and swam: coiums of a beusutwnzu and largely uousuuzslcal aer- mou uy Ur. Wud. Jabesh Snow.0unuiug Cove. N. S. wrines: “ I wan completely prosu’nwd mm the um- um’ but hemmg 01 Dr. 'l‘uoumu’ lflumuuic Oil, I procured a bottle, and n. duuv um so much good that. I gov. anutusr, and ouiuw 'u. was uSud, 1 was Wall. My son was cured at a bad cold by we use 0: mm a panic. in gueu like wild-lire wherever 1: is used. The new treatment for rapidly condition- ing horses, Zack‘s .luulc Uumpuuuu uuu blood Mnxturu. Eucll yuuh’nge cunning a, good Purging 13m wmcu 1a ngeu to Luv um- Lual pruuuus 3.0 using the wrong tome paw- der. Tuls IS the oumnuuu neusu treatment nud. wxll agoumpnsu more in one wuuk Luau one old system of bgiues, Feeds mm Uuudu- mu puwuers would do in u moum, 3.5K )uur Ul‘llggiut about in. it. E. Law, Ageui. Strays. The law requires that every person who takua in a stray auxmul mum. uunfy tue Lowuship clerk of the munimpm'uy of me fact in addition w uuvertimug u, giung as miuuw deacnpuon as posslble at me mama). ‘1‘uu clerk 16 required to Keep 3 Nut uf all such animals. k’ursoms fuxlwg Lo compAy wuh me pruvisious of the mw, lay them- selves subject to u. ueavy penalty, and Du- biues cannon collect expenses of keeping, 060. Alexis Cyr, of Grant Isle, Aroostook. wriLeSLJe-‘flaï¬ug 313m; Northrup 0: by- mnu‘s valuable Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 witu HypupuosphiLus of Lune (52 Soda, mm durive great beneï¬t; from it, 1 take the uncr- Ly u! uskmg you for quotations, and also \vhumor you will be wmiug to give me the agency for tins place, an I am conï¬dent, mere Wowd be a large sale for in tins .vmm- iLy when 133 merits when: made known. The Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Church here were held on Sunday and Monday. Kev. Guorge Uouh- mn, of Toronto, preached two excellent scr- mons on Sunday to'lm-ge and appreciative congregatious‘. On Monday evening the Annivursary Tea Meeting was held, which was Very largely patronized by mcmuers of other churches as wall as their own. After the Tea, Rev. '1‘. W. Jeï¬l‘oy, of Coburg. Llo- livered his exceedingly interesting and in- structive lecture on “ How to Rise in the World " to an audience that thoroughly up~ preciated the high degree of merit which nil-(irked. the sound advice contained in the Liacture. Altogether the Anniverwry was eminently successtul, the sum of about 8116. 15 being netted. Anniversary Sexvices. 'Lhe usual quiet of our village was some~ what interrupt-ed on Sunday last. by the presence of a. religious crank, whose name we are told. is Bush. During the service in the Presbyterian church, he attempted to address the congregation, at the close of the sermon by Rev. Mr. McIntosh, bill. was pre- vented. In Lhe evening he made smother attempt in the Methodist church, at the close of a sermon by Rs)". Geo. Cochran of Toronto. He asked permission to speak but was refused, but determined to have his say, which was to contradict. what had been said, he {need all opposition, and notwithstanfling the remem- slmuces of the ofï¬cial members, he was de- termined to be heard, whereupon he had to be forcibly ejected from the church. He was served eimiliurly in Brampton 3 week pre- vious. He is lacking in the upyer story. A Religious Crank: A burning shame. On Wednesday lorenoon on Indian was seen aiaggering along this streets in our vill- ago, and being utterly unable to walk, he tumbled into the ditch, and was so dead drunk that he was unable to get up, and had he not been got up and holle to a. stable in connection with one of the hotels, he would have frozen. It is somewhat un- curtain where he got his liquor. but for any hotel keeper to have so little regard for eitherï¬he provisions of his license or .‘mws or land, is a want of principle to which should he meted cumin the severest 1n:uner.the lull pen ally of the law. If he was made sing to the tune of $100 a few hows, it would be a loason. We earnestly hope this mattor may be looked into by our Licenselnepvctnr. as we are of opinion it would not be difficult to ascertain who the guilty party is. Be it Amid, in duty to our own hotels. that he was drunk when he arrived in our villngn. though he slate; be got. liquor after he (mum. We (meet, however. this is not. curred. .‘ 3': i- lcfl then: hear he result 9.350. COUNTY GLEANINGS. A meeting nf the Refurm Association was held on fuday mghly, the Vlce-Presi- denL, Mr Thomas Hushugfl, mended in the alsuence of Ilm l’rcsmcur, Mr. Edgar. Atter me reading ux minutes and adupt- \un 01 reports IJI Unuuulï¬t-ecs, Mr Jns. Mncdulmlll, bau‘l'istur nf 'l‘ul'uluw, delivâ€" ered an able address un the. pulitical top- ics of 1he day, l‘eMeH‘ wm: facm cuucern- ing the cmmtiuulunui‘l‘istm‘y u: the coun- try. A hearty van: 0! trunks was accor- ded the lecturer at ILe- cl Mn A musical and literary entertainment was held in the Schxmi house, Eglintun, on Friday evening 1;;81, liner the auspi- ces Hf U.iiuii Smi‘ Lad: k, N-:. 266. I. O. (in '1‘. The program “as an i-xueiicnt one consisting of cliurimcs. duets, readings, vacnl, cui‘net, and pin-nu solos, cici Mr. Gcni‘ge Win-d ofl‘iciatul as chairman. and “tire was a. gu'ld utmndance. A pleas- ant evening was spentï¬vhe eiitermixiuient being highly interesting. It. is hieiiiceii- iiuii Hi the Lndge to hold :L series of such mt‘ellligs fur the purpose of supplying regains. and other articles in place "f ciiosu lust, at the late ï¬re. in York Masonic Hull. (From Our Own Correspondent.) PAIsrUL ACCIDENT. -()u Tuesday evening of last week as Mussrs EgurLI-u Wilson and W. \Vuuds of bins place were preparing to shirt for ï¬litnluflfll, where. they hnvu taken up land. Mr. Juseph Snider uf Ann-um, bruther in. law of Mr. \Vilsun, was assisting we.“ when in car- rying something along an elevated place in the siduWaik, he tail. alight,ng on top of a pickut fence which was in the hollow and received severe injuries. The Duct- oru for some days had very slight. hupe of his reenvury, but he is nnw doing pretty well. SeVeral ribs were fractured, but if he has not reacivcd any seriousintur- mil injury he will l‘cCuVel‘. The straightening u! the Dan is becom- u a burning quusmou among the ram- vantages of the scheme. Mr. W. Woods, u. former supporter of Mr. Bunitbee, has Leen elected chair- man uf Nu. 2 Dlvision (Leslieville) to pmmoté the elecnion of Hon. A. Mac- kcnzte. As Mr. Robert Lumbera of Mill-mad. waa driving houmwards about twelve o’clock on Saturday night, and on near- ing thu Kingston-mud bridge was con. fronted by Lw‘» men, wlm seized the bri- dle of his horse and demanded money. He jumped out of the vehicle and after a a struggle released his horse, recewiug, however a serious blow over the eye. . 0 )e of the Peruvian passengers, who was sent to tin samllpux hospital 135! week, dxed on Sunday evening from the disuasc. The old coImty-court-mom has been undergoing reg-organiz‘ntion, and emerges from the hands of carpenters and palmu ers luuking spice and span, and more in harmony with the uther courtâ€"room_s. A preliminary meeting of trustees, in- spectors, and teachers connected with Public, Separate, and ngh SchOulsvâ€" past and presentâ€"was held in the LhcaLre or public hull. of the education department, on Tuesday afcernoun, the 145,11 insc, at 4.30. t.) Gunslde the propo- sle to erect. a monument. or other tribute of love and. esteem no the menmry of the lube revurell founder of the educational system of Ontano. (From our own Correspondent.) Mr. Calvert, also, is contemplating his immediate removal to Mauinoba. The principal topic of conversation is the mud, which, I think, is as alfection- ate as any Manitoba mud of which we hear so much. Your correspondent of this memorable “Hollow†has been silent for some time, but. will now send yuu a few items, which may be p33de over as “hulluw†news. if they do not prove to be of interest. There has been quite an exodus from this DliWG within the past three or four mmxths.â€"no less than {our families have left us in that iime,â€"â€"~while Mr. Barrow, our enterprising citizen, is on the eve of his departure also ; and, we unicrstaud, he, like all his fellnw-emigrauts, is to assist in the increasing of the population or the Queen City. All this, you will rapidly see, must tend to lessen the uttendunce at our school, and so it does ; but still 'we have an average (af over oiglity,â€"â€"sn that; York Mills is fertile in more than mud. Miss Mzicklaiu, our new assistant teacher, is doing wxcelleut work. Our trustees have just completed planking the school-yard, which has long been needed. " The Presbyterlan congregation, on 2123 inst, held 21 social in their church, which was fairly attended. ()u the leform we noticed Rev. G. M. Milliga‘u and J. M. King, Toronto ;Rev. H. M. Mann- ing, Eglingtrm and Ruv. Mr. Gray, the Pastor. The committee of management very judiciously hit upon “me idea of securing iho services of a city choir which delighted the audience with over A dozen pieces of music, songs and read- ings. At 10:30 p. m. the) proceedings were brought to 1; close, an sécming u‘ecl pleased with the physicxl and intaflw‘nwl tram char hm} race-mm. York ville. ’l‘hornllili. Riverside. Eginlon. York NIIIIS. Toronto. ments with the publishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TBEATISE On The HORSE, we are GIVING a copy of that magniï¬cent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us $1.00, and to old subscri- bers paying arrears, if any, and $1.00 in advance. IThis is a rare chance of obtaining a book “worth twice its weight in gold.†No man having a horse should miss it. This offer in connection with the fact that the "LIBEBALâ€_ is one of the best local papers in the County of York, mak- es tS ~ A“ macadamia ‘Inducemems of which many have already availed themselves. I)epart1nent is novv very (30111p10t(3q and our prices Guaranteed as low, and in Inany cases lowver than rfor- onto prces. A call will convince. AI)DRE SEE “THE LIBERAL," Richmond Hill Om‘. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Messrs. George and Charles James are also guing w the Norah \Vest this week. Massrsa Joseph and Peter Jacksml are to leave next week for me same place, with a. number of others, too numerous to mentiuu. Miss Hut-tie Bell, the well-known and popular milliuar of Western Ontariu, from Blenheim, has favoured our town with a. VlSil},WhilB uu busmuss to Toronto. LEFT FOR MANITOBA.â€"â€"â€"Un Thursday, 9th imam, 5111'. George W. Cummer, with his wife and family of nine sous, left. here for Manitoba. Quite an m- crease to the populatnon of that country. Mr Juspp’x Halloxpecm to build an addition to his store. His business has inurmscd so, thaw ha munch ï¬nd room ta mu his mock. My. Heah, 2:259 p-xmhmdï¬be pound 4 3 r t PRESENTATION. â€"A large number of ‘ friends of Mr. George Cuminer met at his residence last Tuesday evening and gave him a. surprise and fareWell party, prior to his leaving for the Noxtn West. l‘ney also presented him and Mrs. Gum- uier with (among other things) a large Family Bible, with compliments. Mr. Glimmer replied in suit-able terms. After which‘all sat down to a. very bountiful repast and a. Very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. George Cunnner is a grand- son of one of Canada’s ï¬rst settlers, who cm ie here when 'l‘orohto was 2t wilder- ness ; and the fruits 01 his toils are still to be seen. 'Mr. Uummer is, we under- stand, to be one of the pioneer settlers of the district to which he is now going ; and will, we hope with the assistance of his amiable wile and enterprising sons, prove to be u useful citizo-n, and n. credit to his fatherland. The party broke up at eleven, after the usual farewells and wishes of success‘and happiness in their new abode. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The Oyster Supper in cunnectiou with the I. 0. G. '1‘. came off on Saturday night, attended with grand success. The Oysters were dished up in the most recherche style, and were in big demand. After the Oysters had been disposed of an entertainment was given cmmistiug of recitations, instrumental and VUOEtl music by the members of the Lodge and othtsm‘ The proceeds amounted to rhe nice little sum of $23.50. Three of our ymmg men. Messra. Joseph Forester, George Brown and Charles Lawson. left. List week for Mnni~ tuba. Their intention is tn take up rand. We wish them success in their new huuxc. Special servicea am now being carried on in the l‘. M. Church. Quite a large amount. nf good has been done, and we hope it will continue). 'I‘huy are conâ€" ducted by the Rev. Mr. Rodwell. Having made extensive arrangeâ€" Victoria Square. Willowdale. OUI€ where the old hotel sfoud, has commenc- ed tr» build a new one. It will be a. ï¬ne lnnking building when ï¬nished, and will add greatly to the appearance of the vill- age. Mr. B-Osford, 0t Newmaiket, has the contract. Mr. Colin McKenzm, sr., happened with a severe accident on Thursday of last week. He was attending a. gala down at Gcrnmn Mills when they were in the house selling: Sumo furniture the floor, nut being very strong, gave way letting them into the. cellar. Mr. McK- enzie lmppened to be near the stove when the flour give way, he full again it with his face. burning it severly. Mr. Hiram Dixon intends to sell his real estate and than gm to Manitabm. Sidewalks are nmzdud badly, YELLOW AS A GUINEAu-Tlle Complex- ion, in a case of unchecked liver cum- plnint, culminating in jaundice, is literâ€" ally “as yellow as a. guinea.†ll: has tlna appearance because the bile, which enables the bowvls in not, is directed from its proper course into the blood. In connection with this symptom there is nausea, coa ting of the tongue, headache. impurity of lhr, breath. pains through the right. side and shoulder liladc, dysâ€" pepsia and constipation. Thu-we and other cmlcomilanas of liver coniplnint are conm‘emly removed by the use of NORTH- ROI“ ii: Lymx’s VEGETABLE Disoovxnv AND UYSX‘EPTIG CURE. which is also an (-i‘mlécant of scrofula, er} sipclzw, salt rheum, ulevrs, cancers, hummus, female weakness, jaundice, and lmnbzugo. It tones the stonmch, muses the lin-i‘, nnrl nilorrvlim‘inq them. causcs the bowels thereafter to hocome regular. lliyl) pro~ ft snionnl sanction has been accordvn t01t, and its claimsto nublic conï¬dence are justified liy ample evidence. Price, $1.00. Sample bottle. 10 cenls: Ask for NURTHROI' (f) LYMAN‘S Vegetable Discovery and Dyspenlic Cure. The wrapper hears afac simile of their signa- ture. Sold by all medicine dealers. PORT MonTnM EXAMINATIONS h: ve in some instances, led to the discuvm‘y hf the gears of con‘uplofoly healed :.h.~c<:sses of sums npun tam Inn". This ul‘ itself shows tlmt. the lung tissue when diseased ii susceptible!(-11‘<,3Loruti011 lo a. mnnxl and healthy Comhtiml. Persons :LI'UIc-ted with lung (lismmo may reasonably hoye to recover health by the use (If welilmown remedies. Foremrmt among these m Northrop ((t Lvman’s Emulsion I f Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphiten (If Linn. and Soda, a. thoroughly casted and high- ly accredited speciï¬c for coughs, Culdr‘, asthma, hmnchitia, spitting of blund and other affections of the throat, cheat. and lungs. Pulmonary irritation isprmnptly arrested by the Cod Livur Oil, and the, hypophosnhitas, which are amt-mg t1!» flnuat rmmmnts used by phyrinax-u, re- vive the flagging auergwa of We dcbilihb «1 system.