Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1882, p. 5

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NORTHERN BMLWA‘.’ TSME TA3LE. "JORO‘ITO. C by Hall. Umou Snation 1;;- Eu vat. Parkfmha, .. A ‘ _ I>:-..venpmt, West-on, . 'I'homhill, . Mann/1mm LILL, . when...” ,. .. Aurora, N ewmmhct ‘owmarkct, .. Aurora, . King, ulcnmoxv HILL, ’J‘hmnhlll, ‘ . . . Westun, ...... Davenport. Parkdaie, ‘1 01(0N'i 0. J'RIDfl}, fllfllfi. £34, 1859. Hail‘ Considerable hail (ell in the storm of Tues- Oak Hall. clay. ' Notice “'11le Oak Hull’s part has to say in a new advertisement. There was quite a heavy fall of snow on Tuesday and Wednesday. Snow. at“ why i’i'ilwmi. Wlmt is the reason “Thratgo many of the dogs in our village have died lately. The New {or a cent A}! Alive. The Conclusion Of paper 3}, or the Iiumber and its Tribu- :Mies publjslmd in summer «mlumn, The Evening Globe for sale at the “ Luann- m..." received every day at, 3 u‘cluuk p. m. If you want to read something worth read- ing road the Philadelphia Musical Journal’s new ad. One of our Merchants has tor Bale what he sans “ All wive Tea,” six pounds for a. dollnl. V‘i'hut is in it? Mrs. Wm. Hmrison, agent for the LLQum 9:1 Uo‘y, is gutting a new 313:] m \Vngm's xrriuge \vvrks. New ad. New Sign. Ladies” Aid. T110 scholurs of Carrvilh Public Salmol will give :1 concert in we Schuoi House this evening (Friday) to consist. of readings, reuitutious and uruet solos. Subsciip ions for the Evening Globe rev «ived nt Lhe LIBERAL, at 250. per month, or 33 per unuum. . Concert. Mrs. O‘Heax'n, River street, Toronté, says : Dr. Thumm’ Ruben“: Oil is the bust mum. cine I sell. Itahmys; give sat 'fuction, and in case of coughs, C\)11}E,Sul'0th‘uut, Sm. im- mediate refiei by those who used it.” Will be received by Mr. D, Smelhc, 0011. 10rd up to March 25th for building an addi- tion to the I’resbvterian church. Thornhill. Plans, etch, mm be seen at A. Gnllnnough’il. Thornhiil. :w .d'mational Serm n-a, Jaw. Du Hannah, Professor of 'l‘hmology in Victoria UuiV‘vmity (Jobom'u, will preach 2m uhxmt-iulml sermon in thc O. M. (Juurch 0'1 Sm‘. 1w evening nuxf. CullCGinlls in aid m‘ we Exlumblonul Fund. The Ludws of the P. M. Church, Cnrrvillo will huld their hUUi‘dl at We restdenue u! Mr. Inos. Cook, on Wednesday evening next. The Rink. The rink was splendid last week until Sut- vu'dny night, when the rain came and flooded 7". My. Muhcmx’s strict. attention to keeping tho ice in first. class condition hue; gneatly improvmi it. Ryeningr Globe: The Assizes. I'm: Spring AéiiZOS far the County of York were rgpunwt on Tuesday at 110nm. Tin-re vrux'd awmt (30 02199.5 to ba tried ; 30‘ jury and 2;! nowjnry. Chief Justice; LLLgazrty was an: the bench. ‘Li ‘11 No. ‘3, Markham Hut-"I, Hfijin MIHS, k" «Waxing, 31% 12151:, for p1H'HH.bHSjUUL~S. A ‘q'zesied. Lamar Cards. ‘ 1 you w "n uvihing Rich}?an and Eerm~ , Au Raster unis, 3.0a WM find them M * Luzmuz. lin'pot. aL surprisineg low :4: My. 'l‘hag' xr-c: all m: 1‘93" this 8‘39" m Funeral. The Richmond Hill Lodge A. F. & A. M. N‘ a. 2:3, (fr. [2. 0. me: at the Masonic mm (m ‘dm‘uluy night last, tn make, ‘m‘uugc- w' mm 3;.th Hm fimoml of tncir 1M6 . Wm. 1’0Dock. V A}. Mar-.39, \vayhrflga, writes: I have ‘1 huge. quantities of Dr. 'l‘hmuua’ Eclec -*Oii ;it. i»,- usml for C()Ed,<,sv11'u throat, and in fill'L for gun ,mi‘m of r, 1:, work‘; like magic. It i»: u sure 1‘31- vturns, wounds and bmimm. Tenders Inpr‘taz‘thredit SaIc. 94y i’uh‘fic Auction, of hem-(hold furniturs fzz‘m. x-tuc'x and 5xx1;11r>1nf:l‘.t<;, on ,l‘ridny 21th {31:1ruh,ml Lo: No. :20, h: the mar 01 .u i 1“ m of Vaughan, the property of Mr. H. J Graham). .‘J u wi gouty remarve. b‘. Ecli- amt, Auctmneer. Brook Street, I‘uion Snwon (.1Ly}~’n.h. . l I). 10 D1v. No. ‘2, Markham. PM 3mm 1<‘.l:-u1,m':z of I'm-Hing Sub-Div- Murk am, will meet at Joyce‘s AT Hm“. GOIE Gr NORTH G.)II 9:5 . G SOUTH, Hunger Street, on Friday or uhe transaction of im- A full a: dame is re» Ace om. Exp-7L 12. £5. - «L00‘ 2. 4.56. Accom. Mail 2.011 1.00. 1.10‘ 1.05. 1.55. ZA‘S‘ 1.48. '..08, £1.15. 7 .47. 8.00. (3. 9.15» and a more pleasant remembrancer could not be given to a friend. Against the Law. ‘J'husu buys thut carry catapults must re- nmmber that it is against the law to have them on the street, and that they are Imblo to 9. line. Some of the boys have been mak- ing thumsclves to.» free with them by shoot.- iug an parsous [wing along the street. Through the months of March and April be cnmiul not to use Purgutivcs containing Unlomel or other injurious snbdances. The proper and safe l’urgative is the Great. Vege- table Preparation; Dr. Carson‘s Stomach and C(mstiputiun Bitters, the purest and best Blood Purifier known. B. E. Law, Agt'mt. Weigbfs and Measures. Mr. Kmnen, somesmucs known as “ Daniel of Babylon ” [uni been making his inspection tour this wee-k. We got a glance at his sup- reme countenance as he smilineg told us that 0111‘ scams (which have been in use near- ly 3 yams without his lordship even culling to see if they weighed " just 201 lbs") would require drilling so that they might. be filled and stamped. Consumption is a disease contracted by a neglnnted cold How necessary then that we should at 01m get me {1th cure for Coughs. Golds, Laryngitis, and all disease of the fluent. and Lungs «one of the most popular medicine for tlwse complaints is Northrop & Lyman'a Emulsion 01 Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphilvies of Lime and Soda Mr. J. F. Smith write; . “It, gziVus generalsulisv {action and sells splendidly.“ The new trenlment for rapidly oondition- ing HursPN, Zack's Tonic Compound and Blood Miituru. Enelx paclmge cuntnins a good Purging Ball which is given to the ani- mal previous an using the strong mnic pow- der. 'l‘uis is the common muse treatment and will accomplish more in one Week than the old system of Spices, Feeds and Condit- ion powders would do in a month. ask your Druggist about. it. B. E. an, Agent. On the: 19th inst. at his residence, Mr. Wm. Pollock, one of the 01 lest. residents of our village, after lnug period of Illness, die- pm-tcd thislife. Deceased was born in the Province of Nova Scotia, Ummty of Hams, about the your 1804. Ha came to Richmond Hill in 12527 and taught school for a number of years, and then went. into business in a general Dry Good and (irx'ncery store, In 1328 he joined the Frse Mason‘s in this village to) which he belonged cu the time of his death, The funeral took place from his residence on Tuesday afternoon, and was wry largolv attended. He was buried with Masonic houors. iuv. Mr. Dick preached a very uppmprinte sermon from 2 Tues. 4-14. Obituary Scientific Entertainment. l’rolussor Huntsman will give one of his scientific entertainments in the Masonic Hall on Monday evening. He cumus to us very highly r A zmumendud by thoroughly respon- siblnpzu ins, and so much faith have we in those mm)uinumdauiuns that we feel Safe in risking our in»)utation as :i prophc; i l stuti lg that the public will find this on of the must. intrresling and instructive entertuimnunts that has hem given om" village. While he treats 0f many and various subjects, two of tho leading suirjvcts are : Astrumony, which he practictu illustrates by very expensive moving diagrams, such as the revolution of thc planets and their snbelites round the sun, solar and lunar eclipses, tides (Sic ; and Phouograpliy, or writing by sound, which he a nu {each his audience in an incredibly short vime. We would heuraily comnmnd this en- tertainment tn the patronage of the public, as we are sure they will not be sorry for mending their 15 cents on Monday night at 8 o‘clock. Rapid Transit. ‘v’e are sum, and regret excuedingly, that we shouid mm: wounded that paragon of a. boy’s [colin (a, in regard to his recent trip to we Nul'llh West, and cause him to blubber ind blurn rigrh: out, though perhaps it was a fortunntc' thing for his amnnuensis, who is Ll'OuuiUd with bili. on the sioxnach, to whom it was as good ms nu emetic as anything by which he can rviiuve himselt must be bent» liciul, and nothing seems to be so efl‘ectuul us a. purgu‘uive us a drive at; THE LIBERAL, as it is sure to produce an eruption. As it. is harmless to in, however, and beneficial to the knight of slander, who would spell with out he got relief in 501110. way, we are will- ing that wo should. he regarded as the anti- uiuto for his ills. But to reiurn to the over- grown Spuipf-(kn, us il was through sympathy for his friends lhut he returin so soon, we beg; his forgiveness. and trust he will not again he so l'eciiit'SS as to leave so many wu‘mi friends. 'l‘hci‘u is no knowing what amount of damage might have happened to some 01' l‘nmn iA he. had not imnmdintcly hurried back to Llium. Slay at hmuo like u KOJd Chickadee. 'l‘a txiâ€"l'a m. Mr. Fm} Sozlrlc was in the \‘iilnge on Tuo: - day to uttvud his ('x'rzunll'nthor‘s funeral. he 1ch the) su ' uvemng for l‘owuto. '1‘henamo of Mr. Jnscph Hodge, of \Vumibrldge, was impude'myly assumed by a drunken mtm w 110 amycawd at the Tu- mm; I’niicu Cum". on Mnnday, 2110 13th mm, and wan discharged. Mr. 110115112 “111; not in Torrmtu at all that (In; and had mt been in tho M; a month before. Mr. Ed. Durham, of Toronto, formerly of “ THE LIBERAL," spent most of km week in town visiting his parents and friends. He has bat-n practising the Mystic Art in the Can/um l’rcsbyrcrirm, office, but has gone ta) the Mail 011106. A very handsome new church was op- ened mx the 9th Cuncussion of Markham on Sunday, Fuby. 26th. The services warn eminently aucessful. and qure is strum: encot mgomenb for those wlm have Contributed so n0th that their cffurts wiil be blessed of God. POL-.AOCKsâ€"Atlus reside no. Richmond Hill. on Sunday l’JLI-x inst.,\’w’nL Pulmck, 4). 10:1 75 v ' COUl‘Q"TY GLEANINGS. PERSONALS. W'oodbi‘nige. M a rkfixum. TOME. The hose reel boys and members of the heal: and ladder company are practising nightly in View of the competition for the sliver cup presented by the local M. 1’. P. Last. year it was won by the hunk and ladder company. It has to be won three times in succession before becom- ing the property of a. company. Frank Kebber, a lad aged 16 years, who livetl in the township of Vaughan, near 'l‘hornhill, hm disappeared myster- iously. He had been living with his grandmother, and on the evening of the 13th inst. left her, saying he was going to Work With Mr. S. C. Snider. Since the evening in question there have been no tidings of the lad. The Aurora Agricultural works have just been undergoing extensive improveâ€" ments. E. W. Johnson, the champion Athlete, was brought. to this place last week with a broken leg, which he got while playing before a Guelph audience. Messrs John VVeIla and J. D. Hammill have successfully passed the examination in connection with‘ the Dental College of Toronto, and have had the titles of L. D. S. affixed to their names. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The following young men of our neigh- bnrhood have caught the Manitoba fever and acted accordingly; MessrsJohn Webâ€" ster, Thomas Paul, William Fenwick, Mark \Vhiley, Albert Fenwick and Faster Kerfit. It is the intention of some of them to take np land and settle in the North West. Mr. Francis Fenwick has returned aft- er his two weeks visit. He expresses himself In complimentary terms of the country, and while there, purchased sev- eral town lots. (Bv our own Repoxter.) On Sunday morning lust the slumber of our peaceful village was disturbed by the cry of lire, when it was diecuvered that the store occupied by Mr. Alf. Ru» pert was in flames. Every effort tocheck 1ts progress proved unavailing. and the flames soon spread to the residence of his father, thence to the residence and busi' uess place of Mr. Leeds Richardson, all of which were completely destroyed, very little of even the furmture being rescued. Mr. Ruperts’ and Mr, Riclurdsen’s loss- es will be heavy. They have the sympa- thy of the community. A musical and literary entertainment was held in the Temple, Willowdaie, on Friday evening, March 17th, under the auspices of the members of Lodge’ No. 445‘ I. 0. G. T. The programnm was an excellent one, consisung of choruses, dnetts, vocal, comet and piano solos, die. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Lynch, and the attendance was very good. The entertainment was very amus- ing and interesting and consequently a. very pleasant evening Was spent. it is the soc-0nd of the season, and both have been very highly appreciated. It is their intention to hold another in the the course of a month. The Committee appointed by the Coun- ty Council tu arrange for bundng of the County industrile homu,vi31nud Newmur- keL lasL week, and visxwd the site of the Home, wuh a. vmw to 15. At the Cunser'utive Convention here last week Mr. James Anderson was nom- mated us the Cunservauvu Caudxdate fur the House of Commons, thus pracucnlly tellmg Ur. Su'auge that, “ his uxexumeus was gone.” Our respected local Member, Dr. Wid- dii’icid, was [nude the recipient of n. Maud- some Silvsr Tea Service from the Run rm members of the Legidamre 1n rucugnmou 0t hls services as (AuVerumeun me IUI? six yum‘s. Sumo )f the Uonwrvatn’a mumburs asked to bu permitted w Gun. Lnbuw also. Several tlmfts of poultry have been CllI‘UlllClULl uf lute tllruuglmub York ann- ship. One of the vwcnus, Mr. ’l‘numus Gumlerllam, literally. “laid a. trap “ for Um max-under. Hu ingmnously fixed a. steel tray Lu 1le door of his llULl‘l'UUbt in such a. way that. any inn-11;;chhandwuuld he caught in it. 1;. .nighc bu added that the teeth of the trap was Well nharpuned. Ono 11191‘1)111;>; quite l‘ucently L-u tuu hen- ruwst bunng vmwd It was seen that tlm micf 11le been around. and [mi mnen in- tn; the trap, lul‘ the door nun‘ the nput when; H. was lxxwl was bcmneumu wnh blood. It, IS needluss m any Hun the m:- Cllimnbs nf um lmn-hunsu “1011) all m Lhmr places, and leb no vislts have been nmdu tn the premises smcn. It; is not unllkuly that. tin: villagers ui’ the law may trace. \hu maraudur, who in nmluubwdly well mark ed. On the (we of the dqmrtum of Mr. Joseph Fm‘r zmd {Emily f’n‘ Manitoba, the members of the Mmhudist Church 23% Fairbank, and 01,119”, gave. them a sur- prise m1 Friday ewuing. 37th inst. The members of thu Methodist Church pre- sL-nted M" 7r'un' and wife Wi‘Jl a. band- :smnu Fan " Bible, mmmlmnied with an addrsw Ly Mr. “knew. A150 an ul- (From our own Correspondent.) (From Our Own (Iiwficspmldnnt) York 'l‘annnsinp. Riverside. “’illowdale. ’l‘hm-nhill. ‘ewmarkct. Colon-nine. MAPLE. Aurora. F. an a. .u an .i l Having made extensive arrangeâ€"~ ments with the publishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TREATISE On The HORSE, we are GIVING a copy of that magnificent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us $1.00, and to old subscria bers paying arrears,i1° any, and $1.00 in advance. This is arare chance of obtaining a book “worth twice its weight in gold.” No man having a horse should miss it. This ofi‘er in connection with the fact that the “LIBERAL” is one of the best local :papers in the County of York, makâ€" es this - An Unprecedented lnducemem. l of which many \have already availed themselves, i 1 i PRENT I)opartment is now very ooxnpleten. and our prices Gila 'avnteed as low, and in nlany cases loxvel- than 'l‘or- onto proes. A call ‘will convince. dress in Latin, by Mr. F. Gibson. HIS Sabbath School class also presented him with a handsome Pocket Bible, accom- panied by an address by Mr. McFarlanc. The children were not forgotten us they also received tokens of remembrance which will be long cherished. Mr. Farr thanked the. donms in very feeling terms. ’l‘hay leave for the Nortthest about the 28th inst. Mr. Fnrr's Grandfather was among the first; Canadian settlers. \Va wish him succch in his new home. Among the possible successors of the late Mean Grasett as Rector of St. James’ Cathedral, the namés of the Rev. W. S. Ruinsfm-d and the Rev. Canon Baldwin of Montreal, are suggested. It is also suggested frum another source that Bis. Imp Sweammn might be appointed Rec- tor in addition to his present office. ZuATma ON THY. Blur, ~81mday was abuut the first bunting (lay 0H1”) season. In Hm :Lftm‘nnnn there were a. lame nuln~ Ixui‘ of row hunts our. Severn] sail boats were rm the hay, but: none of them venâ€" ,«Lurod outside the Island. QUEEN-STREET METHODIST CHURCH. â€" The trustees of the Queen street Methn. dim Church have almost decided to build a new church the present edifice being inadequate. fur the large congregation. The. preliminary steps have been taken, and the matter is being urged hv several members nf the clmrch. It In intended to make use of the site of the present building: for the new church. Al) 1:)IERE S as “THE LIBERAL 1 Richmond Hill 0mg. Mr. Juim Gray, the enterprising car- riagc [Mulder nf fihis place, has purchased at considerable. cost, the },>:Ltunt»riuht of 2m imprmed farm and market Waggon which moms tn cmzxie n. grmd deal of at- :rme among the fanning cummunit-y ui this pluco. An enlmu‘uinment was given under the auspicus If i. (VG, T,, lo a fair audience lust Fl'llilly evening. The musical part nf the: programme was much bonclittml by the assistance of Mrs I‘Ievcl, who \vzia s-w favourably known £011.11 admirers of glued singing in this part of Can-adv. yearn nga ; and we are pleased to notice that her Voice ~«till retains that Sunni rich chm-1mm; and volume as it did when more ncuusiomzrd tn public singing. Miss Harrison 3133:.» gave a. cuuple 0} wins wilh mind cfi'gct Manama: James, Fultrm :md Vauualrand delighted the audience \villiia trimgivcn in a. vury amusing: BLyle, which brought fui'Lh penis of langhlar {rum the audience. Mussm. Gnulding and lurker- ing gxwo A number of readings with gnml effect. The Cummittec signified tlmiriu- l: min: cf Enl‘i: r :umtlu r in a month. 8. (From Our Own Correspondent.) \Viucbwdzazc. Toronto. OUIl (From on): own Conespbndcnt.) The farmafii in this neighborhuod pre well satisfied with the hppuarzmce the fall wheat presents. They think' that the prospects are favorable, but it; is some- what premature to considex". the matter, as the April frosts are what 'm'e most to be feared. V I ' Considerable surprise is expressed by the Colisel‘Vatives hum, that Dr. Strangu should refuse the nomination for N‘o'nh Yul‘k. They think ,they have a. grad mam in his place. Mr. Anderson ié‘ alxifiosit‘ a Complete stranger in this part. of the Rid- ing, and it will take Constdiimbie talking to make him as thoroughly 'ncquainied and, I was going to any, as popular as Dr. Stmnge was. i .3 i H " The measles have pitid'wkrn. visit this spring, and a great many oi the, childyeu have them. So far they hiwé been? Very mild. It. appears that a. I'gnod: mn'ny children, having had then]: ' befure; are taking them-a degree of selfishness that. cannot be approved Mf. ’l‘lm Dramatic Club of this village, pm- 11080 to give an entertaininan in the Music Hall in the beginning uf next month. “[0 are given tu understand that in will be a. grand :lllilll’. :1, week in your mvu fawn. 95 0‘.|l.f‘~ ‘ hen. Nu risk. Evurytll‘mz haw. (up 1m] nnl. mnm‘ml. ‘.\‘u will fuminhymx V5 ( vm'vthiugz. Many are Hulk .11; lnrtuum. l lies11m,lmn.sumzzh as men, and 1m ' mulginu mm m. gram 1m) . I: .. day, if vnu mun 2L lrusuncl-a m. Wlllflh you cm) make great. )m) all rho. mmw you work. “rltcior particulars tu ll. HAL :T w, (10.. l’orcluud. Maine. YELLOW AS A GUINEA.â€"â€"~'l‘1ua complex- ion, in :1 case of unchecked livur mmâ€" pluint, culminating in jaundice. in literâ€" ally “as yellow as a. guinea.” it has thin appearance Because the bile, which enables the buwuls to act, in directed from Its proper course into the Howl. In connection with this symptnm \herc ix nmwmm, cuntinu of the tongue, lx-nmlmtlm, impurity of the hr lath, pains bro-ugh the right, side and shoulder hla‘dv, dysn pepsin. and constipation. Them and other cancmnitauts of liver mmpluint um: cnnmlc-‘oly renmvwl by the use or" Elma?“- Imp & LYMAN’S 'leaTABLr-z Dmmvmu AND Ln‘smcpwc CURE. which is IL‘HO an eradicant of sarofnln, 0133:1301); ‘ ’ rheum, ulcers, cancers, Imnmum, tumaln weakness, jaundice, and lumlngn. [t mow the stmmxch, runses H10 er, and after rulioving them, causes Um hum-Ix thereaftvr tn be, wnc regwlnr. HM) pro fesssimml sanction hm: been mum-:1. u tn 1:, and its claims to nubile cunlid: me an.- justified by umplo evident-43“ '- 1%ng $1.00. Sz'unple bottle, 10 ‘cenfsz‘ Ask fur Nmz'rnmm (f: LYMAN’s V’ugotuhlu Discovery and Dysmrmic Cm" The wmppm- hears afar; mm‘le of Hmir signa- mm. “In!!! by n]! medicine de:\!..-'w. Nobleton.

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