Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1882, p. 5

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nonimmu RMLWAY TIME TALE. TORONTO. City Hall. Uumu b‘mtion Brock Stu-ct. l’nr}:(lulc, . . . . . . . Davenport, . . . . “155' ()1), . . . Thoruhill, . wamuxn HILL, King. Aurora, . Nowmmket N ewm arkct Am‘orzL‘ , King, ..... ermnxv HILL, 'l‘hurnhill, . , . Westun, Davenport. l’nmkerio, .‘ TORON ‘0. The Rmk. The skating rink has closed for this 880.5011. @3112 ifiilmai. lobins. imam 1/; $194.11 31, 2889. A number 01’ fine robins have been seen in this vicinity this spring. The News hr a cent. The Evening Globn for sale at the “ Lumn AL," r cvived every day at 3 o‘clock I). m. filiol‘hndist Sahbath School had a. re- view hi all the lessons for the past quarter on Sunday lust. Review. Found On Monday evening, a pair of ladies black wnolvn mimms. Owner may have them by calling at, this uflice. Evening G]obe._ . h , , Sn] A (trip ions for the Evomng Globe re- Ciivod at the LmERAL, at 250. per month, or $3 per ammm. F1owers The winduw$ in many of the rosideucns mo. [coking gorgeous wth the beautiful flowvrs of many varieties. To be finished. The new hotel at Victor-i1 Square is to be compietwl bv the 1m of May. It is going {0 be 2:. fine luoking building. Tm- Richmond Hill Brass Band intend having n Grand Conant in the Masonic Hell]. on Frxduy evuning, the 14th of April. Mr. Hubert, Trench, of Aurora, has sold his htuiness, etc., and intends going back to Mani’oba in about, two Weeks. 7 Mussrs Newmn & Bro.. Elgin Mills, are very busy at present and are putting in 2: good (1 -ul of over time work. Sold out Concert Business. Tm: scholurs of the Methadict Sunday Suhuul are practicing every night at fum o‘clack this week for the cencert on Good Friduv. ' Is tho young man who threatened to kili 1h mlitur of T1qu LIBERAL going to annihi- late him with n. double-banded. boot-jack, or paper-cap pistol ? Practice Accidvnt. Rumors Mvssrs Thomas vamn, Rabi. Lymbumer and As. Wilma]. uf this village, and Mr. \Hnltuwel, of Orillia, intend leaving fur Mau- itobu in n fuw days. ‘ Manitoba Ho ! Ho! On Sunday evening last Mrs Sterling siipp- ed on a, board and fell, and cut and Fpl‘ainvfl her mm. It. is sloxvly recovering and it is hoped will soon be well again. If ynu wuutm‘y'hiwg Rich,Rare and Beau- ful in Buster Cards, you will find them at THE LIBERAL Depot, at surorlsingly 10w prices. They are all the rage this season, Easter Cards. The», rvgulur Monthly Fnir will be held at thn Pulmm‘ Home, on Wednesday‘ April 53h. This is 9. grand chance for those who want. to dispose of their stock nt 2). large: price, as there is always a. number of butch- ers present. Monthly Fair F n 3121 affections of the (first, Lungs and Throw. , me Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops. 'I‘hev speedly cure Coughs, Colds, 1mi11um7.a, Homwncss, Bronchitis, &c.' As un opr-(-,tm'aut the Cough Drops are um» quallcd. loo<euing phlegm very readily. R. E. L 1w. Agent. Eclurdt’s Phonogmphy. Now i3 elm t‘x'm for our boys tn Luke up shorthand wri my. Mr. W, V. lluutrm m, n Lhurnughly practical Rum-J is going to giv 165mm 0;) this yrry impart-gut. stu-ly. 110 Fourteenth Monthly Sale will be held at :u'. L110 Palmer House, on the first Wednesday in Apyil, when there will be “flared for sale :: large number of 11011809, cattle, sheep. pigs, implements, ntc., and also a quantity of household lurnlbure. All articles to be on Um ground at 9 a. 111., sale to commence at M). Amos Hudgin, Toronto, writes 7 “ I have 1.0011 n. suffer (21' from Dysptpsiu. for the past r‘ix years. All the remmiius I tried 9 «Ned lmelew, until Northrop it Lymnn’s Vegetable Discovnry and hyspuptic ()uru was brought under my notioo. I ham usml two bottles: wiLh the best Ik‘h‘llltfi, and can with confidenâ€" 1:4:- roo‘uumend i: to those afflicted in like manner.“ Block Street ....... Uniun Station CHLY Hull. AT HUME. GOING NORTH Mail. AC GOING SOC TH. Expr'fl. H.810. I). 3 3.02. Accom. Expr's. 4.50‘ 'Xunr Accom. 12.03. 1:4,; I . 12.10. 1.10. 1.4L]. 2.1 ‘8. 2.08, Mail 7.47 Maj {mu 0.3” 9.1 will give five lessons, Will] u lnmk of exer- cises and u Iwy, Lu euch scllulu)‘, f 1' [\VO dul- lnrs. Nuw bag 5, this”; uuunm-uuly lhe best clmucu ynu wih ever gut, Applicnnuu l0 be made at 'l'HE LIBERAL Olfice. Visitors. Having noticed an unusqu number of ynuug luuie: in \his vnd er wur \‘llmgu n1) 'J‘ll<»>du_\, wu. made an invesugmi-m imu we mentor, and found that, the culnulul-iun “Ls caused by thu gUJiul teuclu 1' of Pal-term n hclmul cz.curLiug u bevy Hi I,» bluomiug pupils on nu educational Luur of ll‘Spt-tk'rllou Ll) um- Village SC‘UUUL‘. Wu “is” for [new sake let. they had wuiLed mm; our M'lloul yarn \Vus m 1]. buttvr coudiliun, 01' ulan Luey had brought a few planks \ViLh allt-m which the) ming huve 11 {L buliud 101' we menefit (21' our ’chool. Runaway 77, 0 l‘hursduy evening ()1 115‘» \stk, wnile blusmr Babb. 'l'hompsun, of Tum uniH, was mking wmu purges nlf Lne bus. in hunt. of Atkinson’s the i;ul'.~â€"" gul, frigilLL-m d and :Lm'tul nu a fearful rntc down much. 'l‘hry \vrrc stuppcd bcmw the 111.1 smuv (“BL-JIM}. lheru was no damage done, hmiwr than Kuhn”whowumm 10p of the llll.~, bring s\IIIIL%W1)&L f)‘i;§1|t('l.ell; hm. nuxwiummmling his :xwkwu'd posiliou perfomml 1h.- \erv ‘lunguruus feat ofci * hing (lmvn the b «k a 1d gutting inside, thence to LIH‘ mum a .d we reins bring on we gmuml Inul In alum out nud get them by the lieâ€"ml, A GENEROUS Acr.-â€"â€"A gentleman who was leaving the vicinity tor \N’mnipeg on \\Vcdnes<lay, called upâ€" on one oi the Trustees ot the Metho- dist Church on Tuesday and pre- sented him with $100 towards the Methodist Church building fund This was a noble and generous act, which wil doubtless be truly ap- preciated by the members of the Methodist Church in this place. It may not, however, create much surv prise when we state that the gentle- man was Mr. \Vin. C. Patterson. Sunrmsr; AND PRIESliN’I‘ATION,~â€"ln view of the very efficient services rendered as organist of the Metho- dist Church here, the members oi the Choir decided to give Miss Elec- tu Hewiscn some tangible expressâ€" ion of esteem and otherwise show their appreciation Oi those scrvrces. They accordingly proceeded to the residence of Mrs. Hewison on Mon- day eveiiiiig,tziking with them some- thing to palhate the cravings ofthe inner man, and took possession of the house. During the evening, which passetl exceedingly rapid, the small hours arriving V( ry early, the leader of the Choir. Mr, A. 3. Switzer, in behalf of the members presented Miss Hewison With a purse containing 5325 upon which, nccasion he addi'essedhcr as tollnwa DEAR ELECTA, On behalf of the members of the choir, '-.he mou: of whom are present here to night. I desire to Mutethat we are verv thankful to you for the way in \vliivh you have disalinrg- ed your duty as organist of the Methodist church 01' this p' ee,we [mow the <|ut es connected with this pnsmun are not very light. I l is a great mx nu the tune nnd paoience. and a great. deal of self denial to attend an the practises and Sunday and other Services in connection w’th the church. Sn I'ai' asl know you have done this quite satis- factory, not only to the choir, but to the whole I: in r *gahion. The best of good feeliuq has axis» a [between you Mrlxnyself,and between you and “m nthermemhers of she choir. it. is phasmit when thi. is (me case. I believe that the congre- ‘at'on are well plea. “(1 with the way you have ‘lischm‘genl the fluties of organist. As a small when of the respect in which the choir hnld' you, L rlexire to present; to you this purse and ts mutants, and hope that you “ill continue an (H. wharge the duties of Ol‘fllllllsfi so lougaF it is n your power to do so. and that We will all enter icurtily into the disheamo of our duty not, only .11 the choir, but duty in every part of the Master's blessedservice. Miss Hewison replied in leelmg,r terms, and stated that what she had lone, she hatl done with pleasure, and she would strive in the future even more earnestly to perform the :lnties of the position of responsibili- ty \Vthh she held. After an exceedingly pleasant evenlng bemg spent by all present they tool< their departure for home at an early hour. SCIENTIFIC ENTERTAINMTrâ€"PI‘Oâ€" {cssor \V. V. Huntsman gave 3 sm- entifin entertainment in the Mason- 10 Hall on Monday evening, which was fairly patronized, but not as largely as the mqrits of the entertin- mth deserved. It was, without doubt, one of the most interesting \1\Vll|}l, mug, UL LIJV u. 'uu . . . . _ . v _ V , , , O and instructive entertainments held here tor some time. Mr. Hunts- nian's practical illustrations of the fascinating art of Phonography were heyony all description, and delight ed all present with the Simplicity he threw about an art which has here- ofore been regarded as com plicaetd and to a degree, useless. He had. in fifteen minutes alter he had broached the subject, the entire audience. down to the littlechildren, reading shorthand sentences, almost as quicklv as he could write them. The gentleman showd himself com- pletely master of the art. He also gave a number of Scioptical views which were very interesting, espec- iaily his diagrams on Astronomy were exceedingly interesting,r and in- structive. Altogether we think we have fully sustained our reputation as a prophet, in the verification of all we foretold last week. Professor Huntsman proposes getting up a class on Phonograpliy or shorthand writing, provided he can get twenty or more pupils. This is a rare op- portunity which every young man ought to embrace. Terms are very reasonable. Any wishing to take advantage ofthis opportunity can applyat THE .LIBERAL. Office for full particulars, where 'I‘cstnnoniuis as to Mr. Huntsman‘s ability can be seen irom Mr‘ Thos. Bengongh, Official Reporter of Courts, Em". Ballantyne, M. P. 1)., President Canadian DairyI-min’s‘ Association, Professor Arnold ,~ President Amery can Dairymen’s Association and others. He will give a FREE ex- hibition 01 the method of teaching the art in the Masonic Hallon Mon- day evening, to which parents and children are invued to see Mr. Huntsâ€" man’s ability in Hedging the winged words of phnnography. Bonmm..â€"â€"At 161mm Mills on Inesduy ‘22 nd inst. Andrew Budell, ugod 80 years. N Messrs. W. 'l‘. Storey and W. (,‘uok purpom lcuviug (or Mmmubu in u few (hos. Their gruinl faces will be mie m1 11] our midst. Mr. James Rubixmu. nus left; this village for ELODiUI)k¢-. where m: iucvuds managing the funn his brother has been on, whi e he returns home. Mr. W. C. l’nitermn, having found Muni- tuL-u to be u huuwny clinmle, phyricully and financially, took his dvpau‘Lure fur Winnipeg on Wednesdu), where no intends milking his home for 2). Lime. Mr. i’nmvrsun Will be wary much lllihb‘id in this section. Mrs Puma-sou wiii iUHU'u Inter in llw smsun. We regret Lu hour [mu Mr. James Tully, who has. been Huplny «l fur a numl-e-r of years bv the firm (:1 l’umerson 6. Bio, Pater- son, left. on Mummy lust. for Newwulwl, \vuere he is engaged in uue of me stun-s. He will be greme missed. bring Ivfldt'l‘ of the RiChmmM Hill Band und also one of the mod povlllur young men in (ads nuigubm- hood. COUNTY GLEANINGS. (Fxfim Our Own Correspondent.) An emerbninnenb was given in the Schunl Inn-use, “'illnudale, on Thursday owning, March, 23rd, by l’ruf. W. V. Huntsumn. The pl‘lllinul pun, of his (liscunrse was on Pinningi'uphy. This he delivered in snchan :Lu-msmg and in stl'ilctive malmerus tu make it appear qulce easy There is no duuhb that, A lit- tle application, togeLhur with the in- stl'llctlml received would render a person capable of writing ir. that way with can- sntcrable rapidity. (BY our own Repozter,) On Friday night, while the unabated nuisance of being delayed at the Queen Sll‘eut, I'PHSSiIIL" here by the shunting of cars nn 0. V. R. was being patiently an- dm'ed by crowds un either side, of the muck, a shot was tired into the cab of the locomotive through thev window. The engineer and thean mEr‘ely" escaped. The man escaped in the darkness. In- tense excitement prevulled. A umn named Bruwnlee an unemployâ€" ed carpenter arrested whlle in the act: of pilfering \voud from the yard of Mr. 001- by on Eriduy night. The pilfering has been gumg on for some time. (B y our own Rep )rter.) A Public School Concern was held in the School house here on Fnduy evening 24:11 inst. The programme co xsisted of Dialogues, Recitatiuus and Singing by the school, who acquitted themselves credituhly and furnished entertainmant very satisfactory to the large audience in) attendance. A collection amonntingfio fifteen Collars and a half was tuxen up to be applied to Sabbath School purposes. A subscription list. was opened tu provide funds tn lay sidewalk to the school-house, but it did not meet with a very hearty iesponse. The subscription list is still open and the promoters hope to have the co-opemtien of all interested in the child- ren attending school. [By our own Reporter.) YORK TOWNSHIP APPEALâ€"Judge Mac» kenzie made the announcement lust Week that he with Judge Davies, of Landon, Ont, and Sherifl'Jarvis. of the County of York. wuuld form a. Court of Revision to adjudicate on the appeal of YorkTuwn- ship. The appeal is against the equal- iqzxtion of 1155531119111: {nude by a. Com-mit- tee of the County Council. The Court, will sit on the 15th af Apml. \Vlien will Nurth West Colonization Companies go out of date. They_ are springing up like mnshromnu all round us, and we fear some of them will not have a much longer existence than that. 0'? the mushruon. l‘JURSI‘S. Strange and Jacksmi of this place have gone L0 0mi- wn to take steps to organize a. fnrmcrrs colunization Company and obtain a charâ€" tar. A new BapLiab church is to be built on 8100? street, wast, for the new pustul‘, Rev. Mr. Harris, and his cmlgregatiou. A, Sleighing I’zuty an wheels paved through tht; \illngu (n-rouiu to Thumhill last week and rctul'm-d nexn morning about six u'x-lnc‘x with is broken \Vlluul. The pnmmnade «:oncer was largely patronized :xb Minor-street Methodist church lus‘. m‘m‘ing. About twenty chuima f‘m 1'3 Wow stulcn PERSONALS. York Township. illnwtlnlc. Kleinburgh. Pal-kalalc. Yorlkvillo. TOMB- Having made extensive arrange“ ments with the pulishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TREATISE On. The HORSE, we are GIVING a copy of that magnificent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us 1L0, and to old suscri‘ bers paying arrears, if any, and $1.00 in advance. This is a rare chance of obtaining abook “worth twice its weight in gold.” No man having a horse should miss it. This offer :in connection with the fact that the “LIBERAL” is one of the best local papers in the County of York, mak- es this ln threatened minimal; ‘ of which many have already availed themselves. Departnlent is llO‘V very 001np10t0, and our prices (}lil:t1’&lllt(Â¥()(l as lovv, and in Inlaxly cases lovvel- than ’I‘or- onto prces. A call \vill convince. ADDRE SS “THE LIBERAL, ~+ fromM. J. McArtnur’s premises on Rox- bnrungh-street last, night. The gang (If poultry thieves-seem to have the way up- en to them todn as they see fit. More police protection is asked for. Mr. Hamnigan, who keepa a. boot stnre on Yougeatpeet near. the Red Lion Hume] waasharsled on Saturday evening about nine o clock by a bullet crashing through his store window. He at once proceeded to look for the perpetrator, but could not find the guilty party. (From our own Correslvondcnt.) Mr. J. Gibson, uf Yurkville has sold his farm in this place no Mr. Jas. King, Lesssee of the ’l‘onmtn Market, for the handsome figure of $100 per acre. Mr. P. S. Gibson, Provinciai Land Surveyor, is now preparing a. map of the village of \Vestun. The lettering is be~ ing executed by M :‘. A. Vaxmstrami, one of Mr. Gibson’s pupils. Though under the special supervision of Messrs. Gib- son & Sanderson. it speaks well as to the ability of that; gentlemqu as a. drunghts- Mrs. and Miss \Varren of Goldwater, Mich. and Mrs. Armour, wife of Mr. \V Armour of the firm of Arumur «ft (10., BaukersfiVcw York, are vigiting liere,tlie guests of Mrs. P. S. Gibsmi. Mrs. Dr. Douglass will shortly ruburn from Florida where she has been spending the winter. Mr. P. ‘3‘. Gibson, Provincial Land Surveyor, met with n serious accident 'while surveying in King, injuring his back to such an extent as to render him unfit for business. He was therefore ‘ o- bliged t.» attend Court, togive opinions as an expert. M320. per day as the statutes allow. \Ve sympathise very much with Mr. Gibson in his severe nfl‘licbicon. (13v Our Own Reporter.) On Thursday evening a 1nd named J. Brmnlmr, a nephew of Mr. Geo. Logan, met. with n. painful accident. He was driving: up to his uncle’s huuse whm) the axle (If his waggon snapped throwing the lad fnjmn the waggnn, breaking two of the bones in his right zu‘m,:md causing; a can- tmsiun on the loft; forehead. Dr. Ross, was cailud in and set. the fructnm. Mr. W. 11. Duel, J. R, has purchased the whole lot on Josephiixc»street,exteudâ€" ing fmm the corner uf llguniltun-stroct to the Mill Road. tmsmu on the loft; foruheud. Dr. Ross, 1 .RHI‘AIRS AT '1'er COURT-How}: Thu was «filed in and set. the fructnm. i county treasurer’s and surrogate: Mark‘s; Mr. W. 11. Duel, J. R, has purchased “if-{mi ‘hufo bloc” 1.)“le Imp?" "1‘ a“ the whole lot on Josephiuvstreetmxteudâ€" l)‘ml_t““ me a ter'm‘m? _m } thu‘ “ere?” iug fmm the corner ut' llguniltun-stroct tu comblmm are “"“fl’le‘edx he mi“ I" the Min Road } the surmgatc ofhce.has been eulzuged. *‘~ and a new vault bmlt. for the county A petition to the \Vardcn My! members 5 clerk. Altogether the county sm-ma in. of H102, Coluu‘vy Council of‘ Yvork‘is in cir- dined to make the best of a bad i..,l\_ “Pillow dale. Riverside. Richmond Hill Om‘. cniatimi praying th‘afi no notice of any application be taken praying fn‘ n cen- sus of the village, with a view of its humg incorpumted. The petition has n-ceived the names of the best knnwn and largest property owners in the neighbm'h.»od. This is as in should be, and the irrepi-ess 1M9 few, who for Scifish purposes (insire incorporation, will find. themselves badly left. A laruelv attendeil and very enthusias- tic meeting was held at Mr. Wood's Hutel nn Friday evening in the, interests of the Refurm party in East Yurk. A splendid Wnrking cmnmittcec was formed, and the nimniinvus opinion seemed to be that Hm. A. Mackenzie would be- returned by an overwhelming majority“. THE BURNT COnTRACT ENQUIRY Ex- 1‘1;.\'Sl~:S.â€"Jn consequence of the City Council refusing to pay Mr. Fcnbou his fees tor conducting \hc enquiry (,n be- lmlfnf the cnty into the circnxmtmces connected with tnu 1083(th118 now famous Yonge~strecb block paving contract. Lhut gentlenmn intends luingiug an action a- aginst the city immediately. Mr. Famâ€" t,un has likuuisc been retained to net for Mr. Bengt-ugh in an uctinn for the H._ Inonnb of the lama-’3 charges for upon 112 the evidence. A well-known Torontoniun, who has a. big railway contract in the North“ «$2,11st wine to the scene of his work tuktmz Dr. Constantides with him as his medical ud- viser at a. salary of $2000 a. year. Mrs. Davidstone, who was injn: the sudden starting nf a. church htl'eth cur, while she was in the not of getting off :1 few months ugn, obtained a wrdivt. for $3000 damages against the Company lust Week at the Assizc Court. The annual inter-dcnmninntimml ex- change of pulpits took place: Sunday, 1in the denominations bun LheCliurc}; uf Ex:- glzmd participating. The spirit Hi the liberalily evinced by this pleasant fmmvm in L110 Christ-inn czilnnder 18 (my nf the steps-a. long oneâ€"«towards the Miileu»: _\Im. Toronto.

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