SALE WILL CDMMENCE DAILY AT 10 D’CLUCK A. M. \PMWEK WEE-5E3: B. B. HUGHES. the retail bï¬sinesscarried on under 1311-.“ style andï¬mf name of PETLEY & CO’Y, GOLDEN GRIFFIN. On WEENE SDAY, Marehsth we commenced to sell off the entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Carpets, House inrniehings, end'ready made clothing, amounting to over $209,009, the greater portion of which has been import- ed. for this Season’s Trade and will be sold at an immense Reduction. The stores were closed on Monday and Tuâ€" eedey, 6th and 7th inst. to mark downthe stock. . Persons inflamed to, or having accounts against the hem will please call for settlement. Goods sold for cash only (hiring the sale. This will be the largest sale ever held in the Domihion of Canada. THE GREAT ONE PRICE" CLOTHING STORE. Hm: KINGSTRT ASTJOHONTO theg 130 inform ighg Publig than}: we aye retiring from g FINEST STOCK THE CONCRETE Ever shown, in RICHMOND HILL now arriving at Bright and yellow, hard and cold ; Molten, Graven, Hammer’d and Roll'd ; Heavy to get and light to hold. Hoarded, bartercd, bought and sold ; Stolcn borrowed, squandered and (lolcd ; Spurned by the young and huggedby the ( To the verge of the Church yard mould ; Price of many a crime untold. If you want to have gold you must. Spend your money to the very best ‘ Advantageâ€" with cash mCii : .-\n(l where only one price is asked andtakin. Our prices are always rightâ€"~- But Just now we are offering special Induccmentsâ€"our winter suits And coats are marked down to Such a price they sell at sight; GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! old, Price 91 pcrhottlc, 01‘6 homes'for All rlruggists have it 01' mm get it for you, or it Wlll be Hunt to any mlrlresï¬on receipt of 'price bytlw proprwtm‘s, Dr. B. J. KENDALL A: COvEnosbur- 211 Falls, Vt. f SOLE) Bl ALL DRUGGISTND Lyman Sons fl Co.. Montreal, P. Q. 3343’ Wholesale Agents. Thousands of trials on Hum 21.11 F osl) has prov- ed beyunun doubt that Kendall’s Spm’in Cure has svfl'lcient strength to penetrate the Virtue to on re the worst cases of Rheumu. ism. cm'ns. bun- vons. frost bites or {my bruise out or lameness .VVhiK‘h are not nffected in the least by ordinary linimcut. It does not blister but on the contrary removes all soreness. Kendall’s Spawn Cure. St. Johns. l‘. 0., 001271311, 1881. Dr. JJ}. Kendall & 00., Gent I have used your Snavin euro with great succosa on spuvins. curbs and splints. know it to be aiguotlremedv for ringboiies, bone spavinscnts, gulls smul all kinds of Immennss and immv other .dimcnltics about the horse. One of my men sprained his uncle very badly. I applied Kendall’s szwin Uureund I never smvanvthing work like it, it was better in [1 few days. I know it to be good for man as well M beast. I nrncnred one of your Treaties on the Home, by mail. for 25 cents and I think it was the means of Purim: me 0110 hund- red dollars on one horse that Itruatgd according: to the direction given in yoizr book for displaced ï¬e. Send address for illub ‘ {Ltod cirmumwv‘vich we think gives posi tive pumfof its Virtues. No remeâ€" dy has ever met; With suclmmqunliï¬ed success tu our knowledge, for yeast andZ mainly The {flash smucssful remedy ever (1;SC:)\;(;AL\E as m in certain in Its effecns, and (has nut buster. Rem] Roof below. Kanalljs Spqvip Cure. About the time the {L [var . mient ï¬rst appear- ed in this paper, Mr. P. G. Scheriiierho, 1L who resides near l tolliei‘, had at spuvined horse. He read the advertisement, and concluded to test the eflicacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He Dullullt a bottle of Kendall’s szwin me and commenced usingr it on thehorse according with the directions and he informed us thisweekthut it eiieemd sin-h {L 00111» plate Pure that, {1.11 expert horseman. who exmn. inml the ï¬iln’ml recently could ï¬ 11:] no Lr Iee of the spuviu or theplace where it had been located Mr. Schermrâ€"rhom has since secured a mqu of Kendall’s Treatise on the Horse and its Diseases‘ which he prizes very highly and would be 10th to part with [it any price provided he could not obmin another copvi So much for advertising reliable articles. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. 031 HUMAN afniEsm. New Hamburg. On ., Dec. 28th, 1881. MLF. H. MchLLumJMar air: I‘he bottle of Dr. Kendall’s Spu‘m cure, bought of you lust summer, gave me the utmost butlsfmztion and performed :1. wonderful t‘ure upon a. 11mm 1!) VFS old he‘mugi p,’ my me, which was badly spuvined furteu years. She was so lame that I could hardly gel; her to move. The lunlenoss is entireâ€" ly gone after usmglmlf a bottle of the cure, and she is like a. young Jugse ngmn, ‘ L‘noonm, New York. Jam. 6th, [1681. Earlv last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & 00,, cf Enoshm‘gh Falls, Vt., made a euntrzwt with the publishers of the Press for u‘ lmlf column ml- vertiseinent for one yom‘sctiinn forth the merits of Kendal ‘34 Spuvmx (Tum. At the same time we secured from the ï¬rm a quantity ol‘ hooks, entit- led Dr. Kendall's treatise on the Hurst: and its Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press, as 1» premium, 182, Yonge Steert, Toronto, THIRD DOOR NORTH of QUEEN ST. KER mus SPAWW SURE. FROM THE, 01“ ED_N‘TA_-ERE.§SLNLY; Eï¬wam c eawn 11w PORTER 0 F STAPLE AND FANCY Attractions 1901- ï¬nis VVeek TABLE LINENSrw} Bleached all linen. 20c. ‘25: 350. 45.c 50v, Blenclml damask. 1:“ linen. 400. 50c (32c. m anhed extra quality at 750. 85: $1. 7/35. NA PKINS Damask napkins, 500 600. 750. $1. 1.25. i Damask Napkins $2. 2.25. 250, up. ' TOWELS.â€"â€"Huck Tuwels $1 50 per dnz. 24- x 36 Lorxm Damask, $2.75. Our 22 and 25 cent towels (man be bent in Tr rontr). All-Lil en Extra heavy ï¬ne [inâ€" ish Damask 'I‘mwls at 30c. 35“. and 400 . being SUPEI‘XOI‘ and large size. U I , ., W- Our stack (A white and unbleached cotton Sheetlngs and Pillow casingrï¬w must. counplele. ‘ We invite inspection of our several departments. Que Goods are First- Class, and Prices the lowest in Toro- ‘nto. EDWARD MKEOWN a Begs to 3mm.“ ce to his friends and patrons that he is now showingnew, bright rind ï¬ne NOVELTIES in all kinds of staple and {Lucy DRY GOODS. Each department is cnmp‘efe and ï¬lled to the. uti'LIHSC with clmice goods at- our popular prices. Dress Grinds, Black Goods, Silks, Sutinsï¬atin Brucades, Velvet, ‘Vi lveteens, House Furnishing Unt'ds. Linens, Cuttons, Sheetings, \Vliite Goods, Lace Curtains. Hosiery, LINEN SALES. GRAND SPRING- OPENING Yours trnlv, YVILIJï¬M J. PEARSON lKegdall‘stpr‘LYn-l Cure. Your; truly, J‘ F. ROTH Gloves ' Laces, Ribbons, Rich Trinnuilzgs, Made up Lace Gonds, Corsets, Prints, Cnmbrics, Sat- eens, Percalcsu Lawns, Ginghams. Shirtings, Uheviuts, 'l‘weeds Etc. Etc. Etc, Terms moderate; ‘ Apply to JAMES. LANGSTAFF, M. 1). Richmond Hill, May 6111, 188], A nril 26th. 1881 sirable location in the village. prices mad w01 k. RichmnndHill, " V business: nuw begun) the 1mm" You can rmle moncy fasterut \rcm‘k ', forms» than at, anything else: (bun rm) notnoeded; Wu will-mm"; , $12111 (my und npwm'ds mum; at ban 2‘, by 1b: dutitri‘o’us. M(211.woxn‘en. [min and girlmmhi everyï¬vhcre to wurk for 11.,. Nn'w th’o Tl‘im: You can work in spam tiniu rally ox’piv , "5| 14v time to the business. You mm live at hm; t MM do thcwm'k. No other business will ]. « 3’:er nearly as we“. No one cam mil to make (:chrr» mmts mayby engaging: at one - (.‘msfly outï¬t and rum free. 11 emoy mmle {1st Easy and h‘m ; «mucus 111m:- Gz Cw fl mm, 15311 e Planing, Ripping, SASHES, DOORS; HOUSE TO RENT. RICHMOND HILL PLANEMQ WWW. RUNNING ORDER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in. Factory 011 RICHMOND STREET. Door Framem Window Frames, and A new house with ï¬ve rooms, in a do He alsn manufactures The undersigned having put his mill in MANUFATURING 0N SHORTESI‘ NOTICE. IS PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS .5. MAGER. (Em