Ina: \wek we rcferred to the dnnaiion of $100 tn ttluflvthmlis‘u Church Building Fund lay Mr, \V. C. Patterson. on the eve of his: dapnrkin'e fnx' \Viunipog. We were. not than aware of the snot that on the same day he permuted mm of 4319 Truslcos of the Presby. tm-iun Church vmh a nmilnr sum. The iï¬â€˜h'un'hen here have reason to gratefully Rheum ‘r W. 0 Panama“, “341‘ “TORONTO 'I‘knmugh the months of March and Apri be careful not to use Purgmives contuining V-llmnelur other injurious: substances. The prop-gr and safe Purgative is the Great Vege- mblc l’repm‘ntium Dr, Um‘ï¬on’n Stomach and Constipation Bitters, the purest 2111‘! Lab! Blood Puriï¬er KLMWH. H. 1'}, Law, gulf. Gancrosity Multiplied Thme will be sold by Public Auction at hot 27. 3rd Con. Markham. on \Vednesday, April 12th, thu valuable farm stock, imple- ments, household furniture, ($0., the prOpPr- ty of Mr. G. Hills. S. M. Brown wxelds the lowumrkct, Aurora, . King, “was: , Thornhill, . . “'esbun, haveulu mt. Perdee, NORTHERN RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Credit Sade. H. 3130mm (leatam Home, Toronto xv: as: :' “Mv wil'e was troubled with Dy:- pep‘iin and Rheumatism for a long time! she trk‘d many different. medicines, but did not (let:myx'(~lief11ut.i1 she used Northrop & Lyman‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Hare. She has taken two bottles of it, and mm ï¬nds herself in better health them the i111! hueu for Vezxrn. Purkdule, . . . . . Davenport, . . . . Weston, . Thomnill, ..... RICHMOND HxLL, King†Aurora, .. Ii ewmurkem, For all affections of the Chum, Lungs and ‘X'hnmt, uw [)1'. Cm‘sxm's Pulmonary dough Drops. 'l‘hoy speedly cure Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Honrsencss, Bronchitis, (9:0. As an 0Xpectol'mlt the Cough Drops are mm- q'mlled, loosening phlegm very readily. 1%. E. Law, Agent. hummer. 30130 11,] {I Dfl Y; flPRIL 7,, J8 8 The Aumml meeting of the Richmond Hill Brunch U. 0. Bible Society will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening next, 12th inst. Don’t intact to attend the Tea. and Concert in aid of the Methodist Sabbath School, to. night, (Friday). A ï¬ne selection of recite" lions and singing, will be provided by the Echool. Girl wanted Not. under 16 years of age. See ad. SubscFipLiuns for the Evening Globe re- ceived at the LIBERAL, at 250. per month. or "$3 per nunum. The ï¬rst heavy thunder and lightning was last, Saturday night. It, was pretty heavy for a “(BL N.) damage occurred as far as we can learn, If you wantanything Richflare and Beau [ml in Easter Cards, you will ï¬nd them at 'L‘Jm Lnsmmt. Depot, at surprliiugly low prices. They are an the rage this season, Corring Ahead BiMc Society. Easter Cards. Thos. Myers, Brncebrxdge, writes: “Dr. 'l'homas’ Eelectric Oil is the best medicine I sell. It nlwnys gives satisfaction, and uuse of coughs, colds, sore throat. &c., imr mediate relief has been received by those who use it. ’J‘hé work on Mrs. Soules new store is mpidly going ahead. The Monthly Sale, at the Palmer House. on Wednesday was very successful. The News for a cent. Apjil fools Day. The Rev. Thos< Crosby, of British Colum- bia, will lecture in the Church at. Patterson. on Tuesday. 11th inst. A rare treat is an- ticipmed. Paper Na. ‘4, of the Humber and its Trib- utaries, will be seen on the lst page. {Monthly Sale. EYening Grlobet H gravy Thunder. Oxvmg LU haw» to go to press so early we we not able to give a report of the Reform Meeting hold in Toronto yesterday, for the selection of a Candidate. Monthly Fair. The Monthly Fair went. off pretty fair. 'There was quite an amount of fun created among some of the children on Satulday ast. 151; of April, but not. as much as other years. Lecture. Reform Meret‘mg. nger No. 4 The E vwning Globe for sale at the “ Luann- AL," n ceived every day at 3 o'clock p. m. Tea and Concert. @113 flihml. City Hall. Union Station B)’o«.k Street. Brock Street........{)ï¬5. Union Stntlon, 10‘03. (Aw Hum... 10.11) AT HOME. GOING NORTH Mail. Ac 7.50. GOING SOU I‘H, Expr’s. Aecom. Mail. 12.03. 7.47. 12.11. 8.00. 12.40. 1-3.0. 12.55. ' . 1.08. 8. “8.1.1 ~8.18. .u 8‘ Accom. Expr‘s. 12.45. 4.50. 114.52. 4.58. .52. 1.10. JAB, 1.55. ZUS. .13‘ 9.15 l (Continued fmmjii'st page) l still doing: a paul’iivubie business under the 1 name of the (h'ecnholmn M lls. About twenty ycans ago the. saw mill :llJOVt men- ‘ timile was rebuilt and has since continu- ed in running order. (he a small zit-rezmi which enters the Humber my lot 2, the 7th can. Vaughan. Mr. Jacob McKay bu It a. saw mill in the your 1835. every vessige (it which has nmv dimppeiu‘ed. The T. G & 13. {ailway Crosses the stream a. little below the site nf the mill. In 1811 Mr. James Brown erected a saw mill un the nvxt lot above. This mill with the faxxn soon became the prnpurty «if his sunâ€"in~lmv Mr. James Hamliu. Some years later the, mill was repaired, and was ï¬nally uswlus z; stahlrt. In 1825 Mr. John Bmwn 50:1 of h‘Ir.Ju;1ms Brown huiif. a. saw mill near the. present site of \‘i'allaczfs flmir mill, but them nut. beng snflicient water power the mill was mov- ed lowu‘ down. In 1848 this was alum- doned and a new will built still fnrhcr down stream. This is in running or let. and is now owned by Wallace Bro . of ~Wood bridge. Mr. Peter Vermett, Hochelaga, P. Q , writes : “Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil cured me of Rheumatism after I had tried many medicinen to no purpose. It is a. good medi~ cina.†Just think 0! itâ€"-â€"you mm reliova the twings of rheumatism, or the most. pamqu attack of neuralgiaâ€"you can check a cough, and heal bruised or broken skin, with a. but- tle of Dr. ’F‘humas’ holectric Oil, costing only 25 cents. Conservative Meeting. A private Conservati'va meetmg was held in the Masonic Hallmr Friday «at. There were a number of speakers present from Toronto. The object of the meeting was to organize a Young Men’s Conservative Club. A number 0: Reformers went, thinking it was a public meeting, but when they got there they were told it was by invitation, so they had to take the walking ticket. MLW. A. Wing, Westport, writes: “I wish to inform you oftlle wonderful resulla which followed the use of Northrop & Ly- mau's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypoâ€" pbosphites of Lime and Soda. A cough of 51x moutlis’ standing had reduced me to such an extent that I was unable to work. I tried many lemedies but Without eï¬ect ; at last I used this Emulsion, and before three bottles were used I am glad to say I was restored to perfect health. Splonclid Volumes. UROSBY.-011 Tuesday, April 4th. of iu‘ flammution of the lungsï¬am; E. LIN- 1'00'1', beloved wife of Isaac Crosby, merchant, Richmond Hill, in the 40th yeal of her age. BALDWIN.â€"At Laskay, ()nt., on Monday, April 3rd, Josmvu BALDWIN, n. native of Yorkshire, England, ngwl 75 years. The books sent out. from Mrs. Harrison’s New Tea Store, iu‘e volumes from one dollar to one dollar and ï¬fty cums. Among those which have been received by purcuasers 01 each 3 lbs. of tea am the following: “ The Animal World,“ “Golden Childhood,†f‘No- table Shipwrecks,’, Lily Tales," Old Jonathâ€" an: Daisy’s Tales,†“Gulliver's Travels." "A Miscellany of useful Tale,†“Children of the Abbey," “Snapping Hauveuward,†and Web- ster‘s Dictionaries. Band Concert. ’l he Rev‘ Mr. Crosby will lecture at Patter- son next Tuesday evening, the 11th at April. at 3 p. In. Mr. Crosby is one of the most successful Missionaries that ever laboured anug the Indians. The object of the loc- ture is to raise funds for the sustenance of an Industrial Home which Mrs. Crosby has upewd at Fort Simpson and which up to the present has been sustained by the contri~ butions of a. few friends. I‘he work of the Home is to cure for orphnn Indium girls, clot 1e, feed and educate them in industry and love of the truth and thus save them from a, life of vice more to be dreaded than a life of slavery. Those who heard Mr. Crosby when he was at Patterson before, will be glad to haar him agruu and help in the gaud work ; and we urge any one who has not heard him not. to miss this, perhaps their last opportunity. There will be a. small entrance fee of 20 cts for adultu, and 10 cts for children. H0: or to whom honor is due. The Band intend holding 8. Concert in the Musouic Hu11,on the evening of Tuesday, 14th, inst. A g1 01 program has been pre- pared and the ins; of talent has been ae- cui'ed for the occasion. The proceeds are to be applied towards Luving some new instru- ments and music which is very badlyneeded. We should like to see 21 good turn-out to this concert, and we may safely say that those who take this oppoimuity of hearing a grand treat wfll not regret it. Kc'xf. Nit. Ci:qsby‘s Lecture. We regret to hear mat. Mr. Wm. Durham, formerly an employee of this ofï¬ce, is at. home sick. The Literary and Scientiï¬c Society in connection with the University College. T0- ronto, has decided to oï¬'er a prize annually for the best essay on any subject, competi- tion opened to all graduates. 'lhe essays are handed in to u committee, who report at the annual elections, which were held on Friday night of luxl week. The subject is optional, and thvro wore a large number of competitors. When the announcement was made on Friday night that Mr. Wm. Mc- Bride,:.\1. A.. our popular High School Head Muster, was the successful candidate, the hearty applause that followed showed the entire satisfaction of the members of the society. The subject which Mr. McBride selected was “Vergil†on which he “rote over seVenty pages. Among the many cou- gi'atulutions which are tendered Mr. Mc- Bride on lllS success, and the honor of hav- ing not only oLt lllled the ï¬rst prize for the Essay, but the ï¬rst the Society has offered, we would offer those of THE LIBERAL. The new treatment er upidly condition ing Horses, Zack‘s Tonic Compound and Blood Mixturn. Each package contuius a good Purging Ball which is given to the ani- mal previous to using the strong tonic pow- der. This is the common sense treatmth and will accomplish more in one week than the old system of Spices, Feeds and Condit- ion powders would do in a mouth, ask your Druggist about it. B. E. L-Lw, Agent. PERSONAL S. To ma casrmvm. TOMB- Mr. E. Y. Gudfr-ey, who went to Mani toba the fix-3L «:95 February has returned, not reportng thecmlntry aboundng with "milk and hum-y †but havng blizzar- d: of such ï¬er mess Hut our ()utaria In our last correspondence we mentiom ed the prevalence uf measles, unfortuna- te}y it has been followed by a malignant form of Diptrlmriuv, ah'em'ly them have been LWO fatal case-J in one hounc. Charl- ua and Ethel, sun and daughter of Mr. Charles Umhmm. A third child is low with the diseasu but the doctors express hopes of hm recnverr, On account of measles and zliptlxeriu. the junior form of the school has been c-lugcd. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Some evil disposed person or persons entered the graveyard in connection will) Chalmer’s church (Presbyterian) Scarbu- r0, on Saturday night April 18:, and pulled down every Tombstone in it. Several of them were broken into pieces, There is no clue to the perpetrators. A meeting of the members of Crystal Lodge, A. O U. W. w:s held last evening at the Masonic Hall. A large attendan- ce was present, and considerable business was transacted. The members of the lodge decided to hold agrand concert shortly, the proceeds to be devoted to a charimbie object. (From our own Correspondent.) On Saturday lust Mr Walls, teacher of Norway school. took a number of his pupils to visit the Museum at the Nor- mal school. » Mr. Seal has dug his garden, consist- ing «f 1% acres, and has it. ready for plautinm Lesliéi’ille. (From Our Own Correspondent.) An entertainment.“ as given, on Mon- day evening, in the Methodist Church here. by the choir of Dundas St» Metho- dist church, Toronto. The church wan crowded so that only standing mum Wat). available. The programme consisted 0.‘ singing, readings, and recitatium, whnch were well rendered and highly applauded I‘he proceeds are to be applied tnwurds defraying a. small debt remaining on the church. COUNTY GLEANINGS. At a magistrates‘ cmu't, presided over by Mr. J. M. Wingï¬eld; J. P., on Thur;- day Jane Smith was sent. to gaul fur ten days for vagrancy, and John Cncy also got ten day for being drunk and disorder ly. On Saturday night a case of wages, was heard, W. Wyley being the plaintiff and W. \Vescott the defendant. Decis- ion was given in favour of the Partner. The lake is pretty high at present. and the water comes up to the engine-house If the site further cash which was spoken off had been selected the engine-house: would now be in the water. We had a Musical and Literary enter- tainment in the School house, on March the 23, which tar surpassed anything of the kind ever held in our Neigllbm‘huod bafore. Uonsiuering the extremely mud dy reads, it wasu dcc‘ded success. The proceeds to go to replenish the school Library. Mr. Callender has leased his hotel to Mr. Samuel Ctuthers for a yearly rental of $400. One of the ancient order of Foresters is being organized in Parkdfl’u, A meet. ing in connection with the matter will be held next week. The Ladies’ Aid social, which was held at; Mr. Thomas Cooks lust W ed-nesdai night, was well‘ 12:»:roniud, “The Tasman Brass Band came to enlivun the evening with their excellent music. ' Considering that in was a rainy night, and the roads almost impussiblu, we; had quite a nice (urn out. Quite a sensation was caused on Sun day night by the ï¬nding: of the body of a, man in Mr. Cooks bush. It s eemstlmt sume young people were out for a walk and found the man's body in a pool of water It was in an advuflced of decom- pusitionj It is the prevailing opinion that he commited suicide. The water was only twenty two inches deep the body must have been there two or three months; A meeting of the Reform Association for this division was held at Mallindine’s Hall last evening, Mr. W. H. Doe], J. 1)., in chair, Messrs. Peter Macdonald, John Gibb, Edward Mountsteghenï¬ien- ry Beasley, John Allen, Henry Norman- sell, Albert \Vhitby, Thus. \N'. Elliott, A. Gibb, Deputy Reeve York Township. and other prominent gentlemen being present. Mr. G. W. Badges-ow, M. P. P. was unavoidably absent,having to attend another meeting in the Riding. A strong sub-committee was struck for the purpose of canvassing the district in the interest of Hon. A Mackenzie. and the feeling’ of the meeting was very conï¬dent that a. large majority of the division would be assured in favour of the candidate. Mr. Peter Macdonuld made a. stirring speech in favour of the Liberal candidate. and denounced the attitude of the Dominion Government in regard to the Boundary Award. Several blue birds appeared in the village on Saturday. (From Our Own Cu-z'x'espmndent‘) (From our own Correspondent.) Riverside. Numomn. Scarboro. Parkdale. 1 'a x'r Norway. We ubserve that your town-«mam ï¬lld’ Hch Max-Later (:f Richmund UH} H131» 8332(qu we): tira‘. p' fw!‘ ()‘mdumtma Sumo interesting cases were brought up before. the Asaizlg Courts ynsicrduy. In Duflel‘in the Mulmum' tragedy wax u,â€" guin brought before public noliw, when McCormzxck was brnug‘nt I.]) fur sentence having being, previously convicted of nuanslauglltel'. lie was sentenced to twulve moulhs' imprisonment, but as the 1mm months he has nlruady pub in an: included in the sentencc he will nut have 10112, tn serve. The Smith murder case will come up fur trial in the same Court, un 'l‘uusday. In the L: mmx A i‘er‘s the Grand Jury remmsd a. [me hill against Michael LEO, the Napalmo murderer. At the Midd . ex Assizos the pluinlill' in u breach of promise 0:12..- umainecl a \‘uz'~ diet for $650. The members of the Toronto Carpent- ers’ Uniun employed in the various allops throughout the city, struck in a body on Monday morning for an increase of wag‘ us. A number of the employers have granted the workmen‘s demands. snowsborms in comparison with which appeared but as a dramatic fall of snow. Mr. Gudfrey wmildnot advise persons who are doing anything like well to re- move to that country. He states that the weather is most. unreliable, and that the temperaturu is as variable as in the master!) provinces. (BV Our Own Reporter.) Seven hundred and eighty-six immi- grants arrived in Toronto lust mnmh, the G OFFER 3 Having made extensive arrange- ments with the pu lishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TREATISE On The HORSE, ‘we are GIVING a copy of that magniï¬cent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us 1.00, and to- ( lc'v SL1 scriâ€" bers paying arrears,if any, and $1.00 in advance. This is a rare chance of obtaining a book “worth twice its weight in gold.†No man having a horse should miss it. This offer in connection with the fact that the "LIBERAL" is one of the best local papers in the County of York, mak- es this fle Unprecedented Ineueemem. Vnumher being made up as follows z» Eng lish, 362 2 Irish, 166 ; Scum-11.103 ;(:‘er- man, 154 ; and Sczmdiuuivnn. 2. Fuln‘ hundred zmil thirty-nine remained in the Province, 2'07 went to Muniwba, and 140 passed on to the States. of which many have already availed themselves. Department is novv very coulpleteq and our prices Guaranteed as low. and in Inany cases lovver than Tor- onto proes. A. call vvill convince. Schunl during the last winter to act. as substitute. Mr. C. A. Starrett formerly of the Newmarket Era but now of the Stratford Beacon pmd ‘18 a few days visit nf last week. Mr. T. H. Robinm-n of Toronto medical school has returned for the sum- mer vacation. Dr. Tom looks thin and reports the examinations of unprecedentâ€" ed difï¬culty. Mr. Spence teacher on the 9th of Vaug- han leaves this week fur the Toronto Normal. He has engaged his sister, who has been assistant 11) the Kleinburgh Our Dramatic performance has been postponed to the 24th of May. It is the intention to celebrate that, day in Noble- ;on by the usual uLIIJo is games and then [0 have the enwrtaimueut in the evenâ€" mg. ADDRE S as “THE LIBERAL, " l‘oronm. Ric/mzond H ill 0m. ()ITR Tu whmn nn lemurs unlrcmitmurrs 11552.1. SubscriznioaldnavaI'i'lkbh‘ ’ munch (Pnc Dollm'por ye: Sn; q'npiua‘ form"! yml:‘.[“ivu Dawns-ax Maggie aunties, Ten rum. WmflNunevilla;ï¬nbiifler W'ANTED~â€"Canvasserswin CV‘ Ciiy, Town and Village in th: Q nitsu itatcs and L-annda. Liberal Comm; SKA. Is well supplied with valuable and entertaining: reading umtter, rcmbiug to musu-ul toying. In M. you can sue, qt n gluncu where all the :g hmde 0pc TL singer are, what the famous human»: um “repelling. and, in :slmrt, \\'hutevcr u; inter» wt in the world of music. m, 0110 ynu mm gut [L11 the Popular Songs, \V .mgml for Ail >1 mm Transcriptions of the any w the “.3110. Each number nftho Jonr mnmimn ; twenty pagers at new mul (:hmcoMu. wlnc‘u Wuhan- d m, n 1nusio htfll'c would omnyuu '1‘“ \ DOLLâ€" THE PUBLIC WILL ALSO†NOTICE Bhiï¬ladalp’a Musicafléwmad Essay of the Toronto University this is an honor to your town. One of the public baths at the foot 0% Fredrick street; was launched on Mon- day. escaped. The Best, Cheapest, Most; Cbmbty, Most 21‘ u and Most l‘luturmuniug “It a! M m ‘ in axing-nu, um? you \ . 200 Mm glance how, fur The “ Z00 " continues to be the centre of attraction. Many prominent; men from various parts have been visiting i‘z this week. Mr. Findlay, of Muter Street had a terrible encounter with a burglar, whom he fuund in his cupboard, but, through the carelesness of the police the rascwi’ ABS AT LEAST. GLANCE AT THE MODERATE TERMS IF YOU ONCE READ T1113 gélxiluflclphiu Ewan"le glmzmnl Y3; lel Sz‘oscz‘ibz far it Immzcllr "31y. \Worfll til ï¬ï¬ulï¬wï¬husm for ï¬gmiml gamma. SOLD EVE". RY W’IHER BUY A COPY OF THE Philadelphia T306 biéébiï¬tï¬fsfl Fh’i‘lid‘i," 2‘3 .' ONLY TEN CENT 7., 10 GEN TS. $2.00 THAT ’I‘III uhl 1'0