the retail bï¬siness carried. on under the style andï¬rm name of PETLEY 8c CO’Y, GOLDEN GRIFFEN. 0n WEDNESDAY, March 8th we commenced to sell ofl’ the entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Carpets, House furnishings, and ready made clothing, amounting to over $200,000, the greater portion of which has been import- ed for this Season’s Trade and will be sold at an immense Reduction. The stores were closed on Monday and Tu- esday, 6th and 7th inst. to mark down the stock. Persons indebted. to, or having accounts against the ï¬rm will please call for settlement. Goods sold for cash only during the sale. This will be the largest sale ever held in the Dominion of Canada. THE GREAT ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. as m :2 'EQING mm EAST, Tonom PATRISK HHBHES. SALE WILL CDMMENCE DAILY AT 10 O’CLUCK A. M. We beg to inform 19h? Publig thgj: we; aye regifing from SPRING GOODS é†FINEST STOCK THE CONCRETE Ever shwn in RICHMOND HILL now arriving at lright and yellow, hard and cold ; Molten, Graven, Hamrncr'd and Roll'd ; Heavy to get and light to hold. Hoarded, bartcred, bought and sold ; Stolen borrowed, squandered and doled ; Spurned by the young and huggcdby the old, To the verge of the Church yard mould ; ir’ncc of many a crime untold. If you want to have gold you must Spend your money to the very best Advantageâ€"410 business with (23911 men ; And where only om: price is asked andtakin. Our prices are always right-â€" But JHSt now we are offering special Inducementsâ€"wur winter suits _\nd coats are marked down to Such :1 price 1110); 5011 at sight. GOLD! GOLD Y GOLD I‘GOLD X Attractions Ivor this V‘Veeh' TABLE LINENS.â€"% Bleached all linen, 200. 25c. 35c. 45.c 50¢. Bleached damask. all linen_. _4Uc. 500. 62.0: gIlls-aglledixtrgquality atu7éc. 869:. $1. 1.53‘. NAPKINS.â€"-§- Damask marking-500. 606. 750. $1: 1.25. ï¬Damask Napkins 83. 2.25. 2.50, up. _ TOWELSfâ€"Jluck Towels $1 50 per doz. 24 x 36 Lonm Damask, $2.75. 0m 22 and 25 cent towels cannot be beat in Toronto. All-Lire†Extra heavy ï¬ne ï¬n * ish Damask Towels at 39c. 35p. arnd»400.. being superior ï¬ngl‘zprge size, Our stock of white and unbleached cotton Siieetï¬lgs and Pillow casing, are we»! complete. We invite inspection of our several departments. Our Goods are First- Class, and Prices the lowest in Toro- nto. ’ EDWARD M’KEOWN Begs to announce to his friends and patrons that he is now showing new, bright 31in ï¬ne NOVELTIES in all kinds of staple and fancy DRY GOODS. Each department is complete and ï¬lled to the utmost with choice goods at- our popular prices. Dress Goods, Black Goods, Silks, Satins,Satin Brocades, Velvet, Velveteens, House Furnishing Goods. Linens, Cottons, Sheetingl, White Goods, Lace Curtains. Hosiery, Edward MoKeown, IMPORTER 0F STAPLE AND FANCY THIRD DOOR NORTH of QUEEN ST. l8 GRAND SPRING OPENING 'i‘uo most, sum-awful i‘emeuy ever discovered as It is certain In its cï¬octs, und (1.103 not blister. Read Proof below. Kendalys .Spagvigl Ogre. New Hamburg. Ont, Dec. 25th, 1881. M121“. H‘ 1\‘IcCullum,Doar Sinâ€"Jule bottle of Dr. Kendall‘s Slmvm cure, bought; of ynu last summur, gnvome the utmost. mtisfaction and performed an wonderful cure upon a man: 19 vrs. 01d belonging to me, which was badly spuvined forten years. She was so hune that I could hmdly got her to move. {L‘hemmuncss is entire- ly gone Moor usmghalf a bottle of the cure, zmd Hhu is like 2L young horse again. Yours truly, .7, F. ROTH. KENDALL‘S A ASPAVIN SURE. (,‘nermm, New York. Jun. Uth,’l£$81. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall 6; (30., cf Enusburgli Falls, Vt. made {L (:(mtruct with thc publishers of the l’ressfor 11.11qu column rid. voimisenmnt for one yem‘sebning forth the merits of Kendal 's Spavmi Cure. At the same time we secured from the ï¬rm a. quantity of books, entit- led Dr. Kendall‘s treatise, on the Horse and its Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to_t,lle liress,‘ as 9. premiumY LINEN SALES. > ) , time the advertisement ï¬rst appear- adiu this paper. Mr. 1’. Cr. Schernierhmn. who resides near Collier, had it spuvined horse. He read the advertisement, and. concluded to test the eï¬icaoy of the r011mdy, his friends: laugmid at his crednlity. He bought it hotth of Kendall's Spuvin um and crinnnenved using it on thehorse according with the directionszunllm informed us this week that it affected such 1L com- plete (sure that an expert horseman, whu exzun- ined themiinml recently could find no truce of the Rpuvin or the place where it had been located Mr. Schermerhorn has sinm- ’s‘l‘(‘lll‘l‘,d a copy (if Kendall’s’l‘retttise (in the H0 mid its Diseases which he primal-s very highly and would he 10th to part withut «Luyprico provnlod he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising mliuhla articles. Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. 0N HUMAN FLESH. . houszmds of trials on Human Flash has prov» ed beyrmd n doubt that Kendall‘s szwin Cure has sufï¬cient strungtllto pouetrmte the virtue to cure the worst cases of Rhenma ism. <‘m‘ns,l)un- yous, frost bites or {my bruisn. cut or lameness which are not affected in the least by ordinary liniment. It does not blister but on the contrary removes all soreness. Kendall’s__$payixl “Clue St. Jnhnsl 1’. Q ,00L27th,1881. Dr. J.B. Kendall & (10.. Gent I have used your SDILVill cure with great success on spavinn, I'urhs and snlints. know it, toho u good remele for ringlmncs, bane spuvinsmuts, galls and all kinds of lmnenuss nml nmuv other (liflicnlï¬ about the horse. One "I my men sprained his imch very badly. I applieJ Kendall‘s Spm‘in Cure and I newer smvunvthing work like, itime better in [L few (law. I know it to be good fur 1mm us wall as he: t. l m'ncurml one of your Treaties: an the Horse, by 1112iil,fm‘ '15 cents and I think it was the mmuls of wiring me 0119 hund- red dollars on one horse that Itrautod according to the direction given in yoar book for . placed fle. him 51 per bottle. or 6 bottles for 3-55. All druggism lmvu it or mm get it, for you. or it wfll be sent, to any mi‘lmsmm ruceipt of prim by the pmm'mtm's, Dr. 13.;1. KENDALL (kc C().Enos‘nur~ uh Falls, Vt. sou) BY A LL DRUGGISTS. Send udtlrusg for illustrated cirnulurwl ich we think givas pasi Live proof of its virlnm. Nn remo- Lly has ever met v, lth suvh unqualiflud success to our knowledge. for lymst and mm). Lyma}: Sons Ck Co . Montrcal, P. Q. agriy thlcsalc Agents. FROM TH E 0N 1:0 N‘TA'ERQSJN-Y- Keï¬dall‘sZSpaYin .Cu‘Ije. Yours truly, WYVILLIVAM J._1’EARSON 182, Yonge Steert, Toronto, Gloves Laces. Ribbons, Rich Trimmings, Made up Lace Goods, Corsets, Prints, Cnmbrics, Sat- eens, Females, Lawns, Giughams. Shirtimzx, Cheviots, Tweeds Etc. Etc. Etc, prices and won 1:. aimble location in the village. RichmondHill, April 26th. 1881 Richmond Hill, May 5th, 188]. RICHMOND HILL. HMNG WNW. Planing, Ripping, MANUFATURING CISTZERNS. SASHES, DOORS" RUNNING ORDER HOUSE TO RIJGN'J’. -‘ business now berm-u the pmd‘w You can make money {Mturut ‘Wfli’i for us than at anything also. (‘m- . ital not needed. We will man yxm, 951 day and upwards nme at home by Um n: dusm'ious. Men, women, boys and girluwuntv‘d everywhere to work {or us. Now in the ï¬rm You on,“ wm'k in spurs time only orgivu yuur time to the business. You can lim nt. hunm mm do the Work No other bushings will pay 3. nearlyusweu. No one) cam fail to make 1*... 7 none pay by engaging at once. (‘4ny own m A terms free. Moxlcymnde inst. baby umi hm. mung-4mm†Tut's; 6: Co. Au; _a Kama MOULDING, 1 sin (1 unrinfy D . .5 “1'†iw The m der bma ‘ I b A uh ‘11 1“ He also manufactures Door Frames. Window Frames, and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED he: Factory on RICHMOND STREET. Terms moderate. A new house with ï¬ve rooms. in a (h- moderate. A pply t0 J AMES. LANGSTAl-‘F, M. D 0N SHORTEST NOTICE. IS PREPARED TO DO business 110W bm’m-q the pub}? FIRST CLASS S. MAGER. 6m