FRIDAY MORNING a. mmmwg @lï¬jï¬iï¬‚ï¬ At “THE HBERAL†(PLAIN and I'BINGED BOOK, NEWSJL STATIQJLEE: DEPOT. R’D HILL. At his Printing Establishment .{ICHMOND HILL, - ~ Mm‘mmm'c CHUPCK or cANADA.â€"Servicos «in. 10:30 2mm. and ' J p.111..&m1 Sunday school. 2.50 p.11). l‘l'uvm‘ meeting every Thursday. «awning, in the watul'o Room. Ram's. Peter Addlâ€" nu and Juhu Pick :rnu, l’asuom. ROMAN CATHOLIC (“Harmanâ€"Service; in order 413 follows: Thoruhill M 9 mm†and ltinhmcmd Idillm 10:30 mm; the following: Sunday at Rich- muud Hill a“) u.1u.,a.nd Thm'uhill at 10:30 3.11)., 4.1 “mating; with Markham every third Sunduv. Societies. Rmnxnxn LODGE. A. I“. 6:: A. 151,, No. ‘23, GBI‘ ~«Meets in the Lodge Hoom.Mstonic Hall. on the "Mnnrlnv nu m~ hefm‘e full 1110011. at 8 o‘clock pm PRENBYTEI‘MAN cnmmx 01' 0 W411 a'clonk o..m.,1md 6:110 p.111. m1 Thxxrsday evening at 7:150. Paw. I. Astor. ANADA.‘SarviL‘B Prayer meeting Campbell RICHMUNR LODGE. A. I“. 6:: A. 181,, NO. 2:5, LVJLL ~«Meets in the Lodge Hoom.Mstonic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o‘clock pm mum Crosbv, WA M. lllcumxtm L. i). L., No. 778.#Moeta in the Tam “pox-11.1109 Hall, un the Friday on or before ful ‘moon, 31,8 o'clock 11.1)). (1.11. Sheppard, VV‘M‘ RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, N0, 465, I. 0. G. T.â€"~ M4055 in the Temperance H 1111‘ “very Wednesday vyveï¬ina‘ at 7.130 o‘clock. \‘v'm. Harrison. T. D. The Methodist sabbath mahmflTemperance As flociminn iasuu plelge curds ("very Sunday When- desired. 'WuLHarrison supf MECHANICS lxsTI'rU'rlé.»Library 0t over 1 00 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- .iemic Hall, from '7 co 8 o'cl :k R. E. Law. Libra.- z‘tw. Lectures and discus mm periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAML-Meets for vmctice every Tues-zany and Saturday evuniug at " z 30 o’clock. Alex. Laird. Lender. Thornhill, .VIImAuE COUNCILâ€"RelVO, \Vm. Trench; Counâ€" mllurs‘ Messrs, BeI'jAmiu Reddilt, Wm, l’ugaley, U‘ lmucmulL and J. H, Sanderson. (Mark, M. ‘1 ecfy Br. (In-r, Maple, R. B. Orr, 31.13., and lst Silver Mellallist University ofTeronto; M.O.P.S., Ont; L, S A.L.,England. (Late of London England) Surgeon, 8m. Oflice hours: 8 to 10, 1 to 2. and 6 to "$.30. 28 VOL. IV. IN OFFICE EKG H MONK) HILL 1.8L 1 0 days e‘i each man L‘n MA PLE, 13m “ H l‘hnukful for the fav Man will be consulted T‘ussion, as follows: ,Atn'oru. lst, SW, 16th, Nowumrkct. . . . ............... 21m Richmond Hill 9th and 24th (ut- tho Palmer House] touflvillo H Mm‘khmn. . . ‘Clcmrim Squm‘ l‘hurnhill... . . . . . Mulrlu. . . \Vondhn’dgo Kleinburg. )5? ubleton 18L}: Anmthetics, as Nitrous Oxide, N " ordered, and. now; but the bestmm (10. tin lo. .10. do. do. do do. do. 0 mod wnon in used. Bm‘ristm‘ Attorney, Snlicitma Notary. Lï¬tc. Money w Linn. [mom 2|). (£11101: Luau Buil’lingï¬, Nos. ‘ zmd 30, Tm‘muo unmet, Toronto. .41" Bunsitm‘s, Attorneys-nt-Lmv, Solicitors-I'm Chancery l‘rocmra m A lmimlinourts. Gonâ€" . vaymacers etc. Millichmnp'abuildings. Adelaide streetfloronbo, ommsite \‘iutoriu sweet. dwa rd Blu.1m,Q.O. 3‘15. Bl:ka (3.0 .K. Kerr,Q.C. Walter (image‘s, \VJiMulluck. U.A.Brough C.J. Holman. 1i. Cassels. K. Mnclcan. Bethune, Moss, Falconbndge & Hoylos. flarristers,etc., north of Scotlnml Chambers, 18 :d uni L50, Kin g street west, Toronto. M. B{€TIIIINE,Q.C. CHARLES Moss. w. G. luz‘coxnmncn N, \V. Hmmzs. WALTER BARWI’CK. AJï¬. AYLESVVDRTH W. J. FBAXKS. ehmond H ilhvill generally be 1 at Nine 0 clack mm (flank of the Th1 Division Court. Clerk and Treaaumr of Vaughan, Registrar 01' Births, Mund- asgea and Damlzs, Commissioner in Court of queen’s Bench, Nih'mw oxido an 6. when at Teeth ‘1 Emery I". 0.. County York, (Sucacasor 0a the lute 1" PL Devin») Inmn'um-c Agent, for tha best and most reliable Companiea doingbusiness in (Inna d2». I'm‘ Sdé’bb‘oi‘m of insuring in a ï¬rst dais w’~‘vx11;in§‘ mama-l obzain our rates M1936 manna: “sewn-re. CONVEYANCER, ETC. Datum, Yenga Richmond Hm‘ Address A. ROBINSON LBS†A: ‘(H‘B Ont BUSINESS CARDS. per annum, in advance.] Dr. BlaConnelE, Graduate of Toronto University, T9112 gamma †Bmlim Kerr, & Cassels, Svillzme Emmy. IE PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. Jéuzses Lam gs: as! James M. Lawrence, JQSEPEH A. BEVINS, “’inizun K. 333w A. Robinson, Jhurchcs. STEWART, maxim. BCRHEON DENTIST‘ gm; administer favor‘s of the past ten yanks, ted in any branch of the) proâ€" BY 337mm. flcntal. “"'~gcw'g;' L I). S- .. 211d 9th and 24th and 221“! Rest, found at V home of each. month do. tin ~99. for painless in order Ont. A lame amount of Money to Land on farm pr QCV moperay; interest. 7 per cent; no commisâ€" sum. 158 King street East, Toronto. First-clans com- Inorci n1 hogae. good. cominogmiou and every Having recently built the above House on the BUG of the 01d Stage Howl, and furnishud it throughout in {int-class style, I am prepared to give the public the bent of accommodatimua (mud stumng Lmd n. tunt-ive hostlers. Sumylc Ronma fur Coqug‘cinl Travellers. Tm ‘ ‘ g pm may. mu ï¬ahdï¬ï¬‚ill Omnibus lefwe ‘shis House at 74.30 sun. for Toronto and leaves Town to at 3:30 um. Clock and Watch Mgeer, ‘ \Vr‘llel‘y Mum.“ Imporfaergf WEtCh‘OR, c1901: m1 ï¬ne -A A meorwr m w tux/nun, mmmn mm “m, m. l “J :1 stock 0! Diamonds and precious strmes always! 6n hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. [Liz‘meufmzturing of jewellery, mul repuirinqof watches and clocks on the prmuisosï¬ specialty Thanking our patrons and friends for their libâ€" erul pun-01mm ill the past we beg to snubs that we have just received a large stock ofnew goods in latest designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and \Vulthmn wwtches kept on hand. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of York. RC.le Estate and Inï¬urche Agent. Parties having [arms 01' lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance 31) life or property will have their ordera promptly attended to by the above. Money to 1mm at 8 per cent on approved freehold security Ofï¬ceâ€"Court House, Toronto Licenï¬ed Auctioneer for tho Counties of York Ontariuxmd Peel. Goods 80M on consignment. General SIIJCS of stock, etc†mmuptly attunde toga reasonable rates. if. 0. address, U ‘IONVIIIAE. Wrangell Auctioneer fur the Cmmtv of York, re- sppacfuily solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable raten. l’. 0. Azldrew, Box 95, VICTORIA SQUARE. Lirmmed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your'putrmmgo and friendly inï¬ umme Halos attended on the slim-Lost» notice and M Tu ‘(xnabe rates. 1’_ 0. address, Kind. Limmsml Auctioneer for the (tummy of 'York Sales attended on the shortest nohvaxmd at reu- abe rates. Address Nobleton l‘. O. A. ’é’a‘fliï¬ï¬'ï¬' £95. SW, ROSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT 6; 00.. Union Lam: buildings‘ Toronto FUNERALS FURNISHED 'ggdâ€"dâ€"eglogi; \Vntches, Clocks. and Jowmlr Richmond Hill Out. Robes, Cofï¬ns. Casketsé‘cc.. constant 1y kept gm hand If so, you can have any amount on ï¬rst class pmparty, half margin 6 per cent, Over half, 6.; per cent. Business striL-tly private. For further particulars apply to J. LUSH, \‘ALUATOR 590. Richmond Hill. Sewing Machines. If you want a ï¬rst class article, one that is durable, not liable to get out of order like many others, then get the Improved. It has but one hole to pass the thread through and are selling more freely than ever, so that the company has been obliged to enlarge the factory again. 7 J. L. isvalso agent for the LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital ï¬fteen million don-am. Address, JOHN LUSH. GIRL WANTED jOHN PALMER, Proprietor. UN ! )ERTAKE RS, RICHMOND HILL, Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. Not under 16 years 0t age. Apply to The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. The Clyde Hotel, the shortest notxco and remonnble terms An Assortmeâ€œï¬ of Money to Loan. MONEY ‘? GENUiNE WILLIAMS SINGER. 3.1? Estellnusnuï¬. James (1. Stokes. Salem Eckardt. A. L. Skecle. N. J. Armstrong; George Eakin, Mrs. RUPERT, Carrville, 1?; 0. S. M. Brown. J. Walnlmss. EENRY Limox. Promoter annuity. $111215. Do you want RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1882. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." r'mr Shuhlhw. XYRIGHT‘ £1 SON cintion was held in the Temperance Hall, Toronto. An nnnsuaHy full delegation was present. Mr. John Winchester, President of the Assvvciatirm, presided. After prelipmary resolutions, nominations On Thnrsdny last the adjourned Con- vention cf the West York Reform A359- were called for, and the following gentle- men were nominated :â€"~Mesnrs. P. Pat- terson, M. P. P.. W. A. \Vallis, W'm. Mnlock. Q. 0., Thomas Hodgins, Q. C., Dr. McConnell and Dr. Bull. Mr. Patterson thanked the Convention for a renewed token of conï¬dence in him, and fur the hunor done him in nominatâ€" ing him as 2. candidate for the House of Commons, but signiï¬ed his intention of declining. Mr. W. A. Wallis, in retiring, referred l to the leading questions of the day in sentiments of golden ring. He dealt with the trade question from a farmer’s point of view in an able manner,s]10wing that it \\ asthegreatesr farce ever perpetrated,and that it actually took muney out of the farmer’s pockets. The Boundary ques- tion was ably dealt with, showmg that the Dominion Government was guilty of a gross breach (if faith, He referred to the letting of contracts, instancng the Port Moody branch, as a course unworthy any honest Government. Every honest and intelligent man, whether Reformer or Conservative. should most; nuhesitat- i :gly and pronouncelily condemn the cnnrse being: pursued ny the Dominion Government. Mr. Mulock and Dr. McConnell, after thanking the Convention for the honor done Hiem, and announcing; their hearty endorsntion of the principles of the party and their determination to advance the interests of the cause in the Riding by their help and voice, and secure the re- turn of the choico of the Convention, retired in favor of Mr, Hodgins. Mr. Hodgins nomination was then made unanimous, by a xising vote amld enthusiastic cheers. Mr Hodgins was cailed for, and on coming forward was itcvived with hind applause. He ï¬rsl‘f’cffl‘red to the un. annuity and friendliness which had char- acterized the nomination. He felt it hard to realize on the instant the responsi- bility of the position in which their voice had placed him, but to the utmost of his ability and earnestness he would work as their standard-bearer to secure \Vest York at the next election. (Applause) There would, however, he a. relative re- sponsibility resting on those who placed him in the forefront of the battle. They had an individual responsibility in the matter which should urge them on to action. Ten yours ago he had the honor of contesting the “East Riding of Elgin. [n that contest he had the honor of run- ning side by side with the lion. Alexan- der Mackeimie who was elected for \Vest Middlesex. He again found himself run- ning side by side with Mr. Mackenzie, and predicted that the Ridings of East ' and \Vcst York would be redeemed. (Cheers) With respect to the general issues of the day he was in accord with Mr. M ackonzie on the tarifl question He . had stated in regard to that question that ‘ interests had been created by the tariff which it would be unwise and unjust for any Government to disregard or sudden- ly disturb. But those hardships under the present policy which pressed sorely on the people and came home more immediâ€" ately must be removed, There were, however, other and important questions ' before the people. There was the Boundâ€" ary Award, the repudiation of which in- volved a breach of conï¬dence on the part of the Crown, for when the Order-in- Council agreeing to an arbitration and to abide by the result was passed and signed by the representative of the Queen, the faith of the Crown was distinctly pledged to fulï¬l its part of the obligation. As members of the community more particu» larly interested in that question, it was for them to consider the immense in- terests involved in the action of the D0- minion Government. The timber alone had been estimated by experts as worth $125,000,000. They who did not wish direct taxation, and who held that the wealth of the Province should be utilized for its Government, and in extending to that new territory our municipal, judicial and educational systems should make their opinions felt by the verdict at the polls. (Applause) Quite recently a holder of timber limits ztt Rat Portage, part of the new territory. had sold out for a. quarter of a milliorzofdollsrs. This showed the great value of the territory, but there was yet another and most imâ€" portant interest at stake. In the future of the l.)<‘>minion, disputes will naturally arise in regard to territory and finances. ‘What more proper way than to refer these to arbitration, the recognized national . 1 Er. Thomas Hedging, Q. 0,, the unanimous nominee for the House of Commons. West Yurk. and international method of peaceably settlian disputed questions i If, how- ever, Ontario now surrendered her rights acquired under the arbitration, a prece- dent would be established most injudic~ ions, and he had no hesitation in saying, most disastrous to the Dominion and Provinces. (Applause) This would bu one of the great questions of the election and in placing himself in their hands, he felt that they would determine whether, having been personally concerned in the arbitration as joint counsel with the At- torneyâ€"General, he had discharged his duty In establishing the rights of Onâ€" tai'io, (Cheers) ’ The Chairman urged them, now that they had a candidate, and a good one, to set to work with a. will and organize the various subdivisions, and thus be pre- pared to foil the next attempt of the present member to misrepresent the elecgors; (Applause.) Mr. D. Cardgrs' 5m elector of North Ontario, was called upon, and in reply made a vigorous speech. He expressed pleasure at the selection they had made, I and thought Mr. Hodgina wall worthy their support. The acts of the adminis- tration at Ottawa have been, he declar- ed, of such a nature as to cause their hearts to burn and stir them up to elect. a representative of that party to which they were proud to belong. There was talk of cutting off from North Ontario the townships of Rama and Mam. in which lie the balance of power. This; piece of gerrymandering would leave North Ontario with a Conservative ma- jority of forty-three. He ventured to say, however, that the power and intel- ligence of the great Reform party would be sufï¬cient to turn that majority over to the right side. He urged them not to be satisï¬ed with having had an enthusi- meeting and securing a good candidate, but to supplement these with hard work, outof which they would bring victory. (Cheers.) It was moved and carried that each member of the Convention piedge him- self to use his utmost influence to secure the elect-ion of the unanimous choice of the meeting. The deadlock in the British Columbia Legisiature is unbroken. A verdict of manslaughter was returned yesterday at the Bmutford amines iv the Frmnan Indian wile murder cam. Should Human be successful in his races with Ross and 'l‘rickett he states that he will retire from the, aquatic arena. It is expected that the Canada Temv penmce Act, appeal will not come Imfflre the [mpvrial Privy Cmunfl before the Particulars have arrived of the murder of Joseph Curran by Alphonsc Benoit in a lumber shanty (m the Kippewuu VYhiS» kuy appears tc have bemu at the bottom of the affair. 18th of’ M The case against the boy John Smith, charged with the. murder of his uncle near Shelbnrn, and that against Lee, for nmrder nt Napiuee, have been postponed till the Fan“ Asaizes. The. deadlock in the British Columbia. Legislature has been tempurm‘ily bvnken by one member of the Oppositi!)n voting against the want. of conï¬dence nmtivm, which was bv this mczms defeated. The House, however, still resists Supply. A motion to reverse the decision of the Master setting aside the notice of trial in the case of General M. Butt ermm against. Sir John Macdonnld has been granted hv Mr. Justice Armour. The case will therefore be set down for trial at the Ottawa. Assizes, which will begin on the 17th. Rev. Father Brettnrgh, of Trenton, Ont, has been smnnmued to appear he- fure. Bishop Clenry on a charge of issuing certain defamatory and seditious libeis tending to schism and the grievous sonn- dnl of the clergy and also of the laity, both Catholic and Protestant. Hanlan commenced training on the Thames Monday for his race with Trick- ett on May lst. The London Timvs supports the proâ€" poml to assiat the unemployed labourers of England to emigrate to Manitoba. It is said that BTcLean, who attempted to assusinatc the Queen, will be tried with unusual pump. from his cnnï¬nememt on Monday morn- ing on a week’s parole to permit him to visit, his sister in Pans, whose son has Just died. Sara Bonmardt’s husband will do well to keep away from England, inasmuch as a criminal prosecution awaits him in connect‘nn with :m lnfox‘nmlity in his made of obtainâ€): his marriage license. The meeting then adjourned. A revolution has broken out in Hnyti. A famine i» 1‘01“ E‘f-‘gï¬ in Zululand. The crops have fuilud, Charles Stuart Parnell was released CANADIAN. BRITISH FOYEIGN. It is intended to reduce the Russia: army by 37,000 men at the end of the present year. A letter from H. M. Stanley, received at Paris, says that the explorer is far v p the Congo River, and expects to accom- plish his object, this year. Another recard has been found of Um lest Jeanette. A bunt has been discover ed on Herald Island, with several dead bodies in it, and some loose objects mm the name Jeannette on them. The Berlin press strongly [It-noum'm the int-erferrence of President Arthur in the came of the condemned [mu-den:- Lumson., as meddlesume and uncanu for. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Things are very dull here just new on account of the terrible storms we hm v had of late. The trains have been stow» ed for some time and on the 20th uâ€; there were 800 people went west who 11:. been delayed in \Vinnipeg by the sum» blockade. People coming to the country to look for land should not start before the lst of May, as they cannot see an}: thing but snow before that time. \Vagrs are good here, but not all that the ex; gerated reportâ€. in Ontario would lead mechanics to believe. Carpenters can get from $4 to per day. Choppers: can get from $26 to $30 per month and. their l>()atd,tnking out ties. Farm lalmm - ers can get from $25 to $30 and their board. Persons who are willing to wot" ‘ can get along faster here than in Ontn and nuw is the. time to come, for the Government will not give such 30ml ter- ‘ ms to settlers long. There is a great deal at dissatisfaction here about the withdrawal of the Coven;- ment land along the railroad. It is {t - garded not only as a. breach of faith ban a base piece of trickery on the p: rt the Government. There is a big ruwis for Qn’ Appelle this spring. Stm‘clceepr‘w are the princes of the laud here. Thw‘x‘ are coining money and many more them would do well. There is town iâ€;- muny yet,:md those who come ï¬rst stand the best chance. Those that are iii'lw charge just as they like. Board is very high in \Vinnipeg. Hotelï¬i that were only charging .531 per day a. short time aim, are now charging from $4 to per dz;J . And What is the cause '2 Flour is Ln dearer ; \Vzwes are no higher ; but; the fact is there. is no rnom formal] the pay" 16 in \Vinnipeg that are coriiing in. The y are coming in an the late of 1000 p :- Land, in every available location. i."- being l'npinly taken up, and there will zm immense quantity taken up durihr the summer. For specnlutm‘a June m Hlebest month, but September is 1' most; pleasant month in the 7031' here» weak (From Our Own (,‘oxx'esipomhmm Business is brish at Lund’a carri. factory. Spring work has commenced here moug the farmers. Quite a number of our young men 11: game to Manitoba. this spring, and up. are likely to follow. A large mnnbm- 0f weddings are talked about commg 01f around here in a iew months. YELLOW as A G In): EA.v'l‘lm comle ion, in a case of nnclnsckml liver con » plaint, cnlminaLing in jaundice, is; litx 1» ally “as yellow as a guinea.†It I; . l this appearance because the bile, whz-i : } enables the bowels to act, is direclwl Hrom Its proper course into the 1)lUUu l In connection with this symptom there we , l i 4 ‘ nausea, coating of the tongue, headucl-»~ , ;ixnpnrity of the breath, pains through ‘ the right side and shoulder blade, (1.“- pepsia and constipation. These and other cmicomitants of live] complaint onâ€" emnlifletely removed by the use of Non“ HOP 6‘5 LY) \N’s VEGETABLE Dmrox‘rm AND DYSPEPTIC CURE, which is also 2.» eradicant of scrofnla, erysipelas, 3:33 ; rhenm, ulcers, cancers, hummus, fem; .u 1 weakness, jaundice, and lumbago. ll. i tones the stomach, muses the livm', an": 1 l after relieving them, causes the hove» thereafter to become regular. High pm; Y fessional sanction has been accorden to .i. i and its claims to public conï¬dence aw i justiï¬ed by ample evidence. Pria . l #3100. Sample bottle, ll) cents: Am. l for Nun‘mnoy (r: Lynn's Vegetnl‘lz‘ Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. E'lm wrapper bears afuc-simile or" their Sig-2.4.- tme. Sold by all medicine dealers. Our Northâ€"West Letter Snme of our young men have gone 'n to a new line of business this spring 5sz :; as czu'pentering, 8:0. The Cornet Band of this place in gm 511;: to lmld its annule ple-nic hch m; May the 24th. Everything will be I): n and attmcuive. D‘Ir. Carley, school teacher. and f:un,‘..‘.. have taken up quarters 11cm in Ham scrabble. There is some talk about rum‘ ing him for Mayor at thu next. eKectio’:,.. [Single copies, 3 cts. Ta 524 mu No. 42. men has . and mo