that. †“W ... . †“ne brings her White gnome with her," said the invisible speaker, “and don’t. let him know your names; or he will get you in- io trouble.†“No, no, no!†cried the Uil’CiL‘ viidly. A slight stirring Vms heard in the haiiï¬ie doors opened, and in walked the fairy god- iaiother and her white gnome. . he was a. tall, much bent 0M womau,in :1 ruffled cap, a peaked hat, and u long red cloak. lie, the gnome, wore red trousers and rcxi sleeves. The rest of his body was dressed in a white pillow-case with arm-holes cut in it. It was gathered at his belt; gath- ered also by a red ribbon tiwi around the throatï¬he corners of the pillow-Case tied with narrow ribbon formed his cars, and there was :Lwhite bandage over his (yes, and around opening for his mouth. The godmother dragged in a, large sack, and the gnome bore a stick with balls at the “\Vcll, then, how an we play it?" in . ml the little spokespeople. “I don’t know,†answered Derry, looking in a. puzzled way at the door. “All join hands and form a circle!†eximl a voice. Every one :1:'<>s(2,::nd 50011 the circle stuod expectant. “Alhnn “Let me into the ring, dean‘s,†quumked the fairy godmother. 1 -s 171 “Your dour r'x‘eutâ€"glwrut fairy godmother is coming to see you,†continued the voice. “She is slighfly dcahbut you must nut mind wuw». “Oh, no, 11 “not in the 121"“ m‘icd the laughing circlo, n "' 5V" r u . "Let me mto the mug, dam-s," the white gnome. The circle obeyed. “N ow, my dams,†squcaked the fairy god- mother, “l‘ve brought you a bagiul of love- ly things, but, you must know, I am under .nT 1,:_A»‘J._ grow] 0d But it wasn’z John mymkgpt} the parcel. try again, and therefore, in the course of the game, these who failed at ï¬rst to succeed ed after a while. When all had pm‘cels,and the bag was nearly empty, What did fhat 01d fairy do but straighten up, throw off her hat, cap, and false face, and cloak. and if it wasn’t uncle George himself, very red in the face, and very glad to be out of his prison. Instantly one and all disoovered that they had known all along that it was Mr. Reed. “\Vhat in the worm is that ‘:†asked the young folk of Don and Dorry,am,l their host and hostess candidly admitth that they hadn’t the slightest idea what it was. They never had heard of it before. . “11425:, Uuu, J\Iu “Jun. Au“... , A ‘ an enchantmcnt. All I can do is to let you each take out a gift when your turn comes, but when you send me a. "l‘hank-you,’ don’t let my white gnome know who it is, for if he guesses your name you must put the gift back without opening the paper. But if he guesses the wrong name then you may keep the gift. [So now begin, one at atimo. Keep the magic cn'cle moving until my gnome knocks three time ."’ “Help yourself, child,†she squeuked, and Harry dirL The paper parcel Wh'ul she drew from the sack was so tempting and pretty, all tied with ribbon, that she really tried very hard to disguise her “Thank you,†hut the gnome was to sharp for her. (:3 “No, no!†he growled. “That’s Dorothy Put it back! put 1t back!" “Ha. 1 1m!†they Vlaughed ; “and now,†starting in [)111'suitâ€"--â€1<2t’s see who thcwlutc gnome is!†‘ 1 I 1-", A411 . r,.Lch._ Gmxu TO ClllNA.â€"-MI‘. Arthur Nicol, who has for some four years past held a respon- sible position in the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, has been engaged to go to China to superintcnd the establishment of a large sheep ranch for Tong King Sing, a high mandarin. Around went the circle, eager with fun and expectation. Suddenly thc blind gnome pounded three times with his stiul;,aii(l then pointed it straigdt in front of him, jinglimr the little hells. Tmnmy Budd wins the 1121M): youth pointed z: . V “Help yourself, my dear," squeulmd the fairy godmother [LS she llClLl the sack toward him. 111; plunged his mm into the openinw and brought out a n :th purer parcel. b “Hey! What did you my, (l0? squeakcd. “Take hold of the Stick.†Tommy " (l the GM of the stick, and mid. in a homnc tone , “Thank you. ma’am." “ThaL’SJ UllllSt(Â¥\‘(1118,:‘g1‘<) mlulflicgnomc, JP m "l‘utit back lullâ€"t but“; V, 1 . ‘ The mole moved agruu. '1 he gnome knock- ed three times, and this time the stick nointed to Derry. She, ’rivd to be polite, - 1,1 I.M_,] .m :4 1 “1. 4L. ‘Timt is asplcndid gamo?â€dcola,z-cd some. “Grand!†cried othcrsv “Fine,†“ï¬rst- 1‘at0,â€â€œg1(‘rions,†“capital,†“as good'as Christmas;m said the rest. Then tlwyopcn- ed their parcels, and them was great )1:- joicin". ‘ ,4.-iIAA 4.4?!“ L no DVV‘A 5--...- _,_V “They caught him at the foot of the stairs and were not Very much astonished when Ed Tyler-came to light. 05“ 1 1 5 hand to iwï¬xt t1 ‘ pf that. :‘ud dn cot her neighbor’ :odmothcr would nothe "Clue girl llmt ‘ mm (m :m A n H day J12R§itlb0llfl3 l lo ('I'y (hm my: Aml H0 I mvmncs llU "in \\ .m‘ \Vlwxxtlxll);.,:1;:ot umuluad 01' :11] ;: \\'m1l(111‘t )‘(m Do it, Luu, ll‘ you had been born 03 an Jugvil (lay! and (my; 1'15 01' M: The girls of Mzm-h love no; And sweet as blossoms mm ',_‘ But 1 b15101“: 1,0 the time mill-way And so I rejoice in a sunny spray 0r" smiles; and tours and lmp-wdm', ~ W'ouldn‘i ), uu, Do it, luo. I.†you lmxl been born on April d“); 2 Height)! and hum-1111'. for an April day. lbs cloud, its sparkle, its s in and stay! 1 mum to be. lmppy \‘(llem-Ym' I may. And (try when l nmst;1‘0r that‘s my may \Voulxln’t you Do it, too, Ifyml lmd lwmx born on an April day I ’ '21 is: burn on an April du)‘ m, to he merry, lightsomu, gm“ the 1~nuson 1 dance and pk; ‘ ma mom in a sunny m3"er Wouldn‘t you 1):) it, (no, N 1mm hm] “um-n hum m: an Avril (lu‘q’l The Has an x' . And that ' And {1'in OUR YOUNG FOLKS. ‘ “The Thmlz-Ycu (name. ‘ AN APRIL. GIRL. I“ 4-Wh- coupâ€"“A ‘ 10 A man called on the dramutixt L‘Ai'i'ongz: and complained that he was SUIJJL‘CE to much annoyance and {easing because his name was identical with that of a certain cmnic ï¬gure, in L’Arronge’s comedy. “The Partner.†“Indeed!†said L’Arromgo, “\‘v‘nii, the 11mi- tci‘ can bums;in remedied. All yml have to do “ i simply c‘vmge your name." A musical composer who 12331 110 rival in his own aflbuvior ï¬rms the company with a little bit of his own COU1]1()Siti0U. 50 soon as the (guests have recoveieii their heaving, he is varnily thanke'l 311'} cOiiiplimcntmi. “Do not than}; me " he sn '8‘ modestlv _ r V V ! V W V N .) hw’x no mn‘md'ua v.'hohm1just come into {own an Kl , train, pcrccivml beforehim as he stopped ih~ to the .strce‘. :1 person whom h": (90!: Lo he an acquaénmncc and who had a ï¬ne new umbrella hoisted over his head. Running; up to him, therefor», he clapped him on thu shouhhx', saying, a: he did so, jokc- “ ’11 take that um}, - The individme thn. with , IU’JhiuZ 1 1 and disclosed in perfect a AJLU‘H', but ! fore the other could apologize hu saithhuuziedl‘ A grehflenmn a “Oh, it}: yours, is it‘.’ ' \‘i'ell. I «lizln’t kiniw lliat. .llui'u,yo.1 can have it,†zunl lli‘olif) away, Ian 9‘ the utensil in the hand»; of the lint puny to the cexxvei'::ziii011. C A .~â€"â€"-moo4.o.>oobâ€"â€"â€"r â€" Touring Royalty. .‘.\L\0Ll‘L‘.{‘ season of COTRDllH‘iCHlï¬ . and projected Visits has hugganammig European monarchs. The CAZH‘ ‘ - latcs Kaiser 'Wilhelm on his 1 birthday, and the German Eznpu or returns his thanks to the Russian. (Emmi Dulgu Vladimir and Grand Duchess 3.l:\i"e have :pu and l‘lmm‘ess. Francis J0. 13h 0: Austria contemplates a, visit; to King llumbm-t of Italy, provided he can do it without offend- ing the Pope. Queen Victoria’s visit to the, Continent is one of the current events, and during the summer the King of Portugal and his Wife will visit Madrid. 'l‘lie murâ€" riage of Prince Leopold is expected it) occur at the and of April, and altogethui‘t is a general stir in royal and imperial “A “butmthcr thunk heaven which inspires 11.6 poor mortalsâ€"a few of m poo: warm-1s, H at . . ‘ , ,, ,.. l $ ._. Si .. q E .‘s LUTHER s '1; “I, 1‘. man is nut hamlet-un- at twenty, strong at thirtyJearned at forty, and rich at ï¬fty, he will never be handsome strong, burned, or rich in this world.†Luther 1m doubt struck the bull’s-eye as far as beauty, strength, and learning are con- cerncd, but he died before an ofï¬ce-holder had acquired the art of saving ‘4‘ ,,000 a year out of a salary of $3,000; hence his re- u' ' about richer. don’t fit 110W. “DAD, were you vor :1. 1381;?†The ineli- \‘idn:LI thusaddrcsscd lowered his chin and gazed over his spuctmalcs at the boy in speech- less astonishment. “Oh. don’t get mad at 11.0, dad, forasking you,†continued his in- quisitive offspring. “Mrs. Cooly came in after you had gone, yesterday, and asked ma what she would do if you were dead,:md ma laughed and said that she guessed there was just as good 5331111071 in the sea as you 3.1-0.†01.1) GEX' wâ€"‘WVCII, my good man, 1 could never buy a. horse with leg» like that!" Gypsy Dealerâ€"“\Yot! Leggs! \\’_\'.I thought yor wanted a fast one, and you’ll never :m: ’is legs when ’U (nib: u»t1"0ttiul" LET a. southern negro dream for three suc- u m nights that a pot of gold is buried in certaingroundï¬ndall the politicians,preach- ers, and circuses in the land can't make, him unhappy until his bank gives out. \Villiam Siudmm, a \' "\V York munici‘cr, who is to be hanged this month, is at walk in his or.“ inventing a ti: -escapc. Hem such 1:, hardened criminal tiuw it is safe to say that all the ï¬re-escapes Lever invented will avail him nothixlg,vvm if he (‘m‘iili Lulu: them along. Tim (.‘uut‘t (aus‘vcrciy): “i’rf; m", how did you have the audacity to break into this man‘s hgnse at midnight and rob him?†Pris- oncr (piteously): “But your honor,1ust time I was before you you wanted to know how I could have the. audacity to rob a man (:1: the highway at high noon. \‘\'hon do you want me to get inimy woi’h A few evening‘s ago a little buy W: busily engaged at his lessons. His father, (Inc of the leading citizens ofAustin, had gone to the lodge, and his mother was busy sewing. The little boy looked up and asked: “Mum- ma. what dues the word ‘pi'ctext’ mean.†“Vth: your father says he has to go to the lodge two or three times a week, Limb i3 a pretext to (get away from his f;m‘.i1;.'. ‘ 'J'he boy did not say anything, but nut day \x'h‘n lienmduut to the whole Et‘iXUL)". his dcï¬nilion ()i» prctcxt, Le created :1 Emmi- tion, :31 of {genius an: imdgud about. by privi- . to which the, coarser clay of immunity pays an involuntary I'C‘JpCL‘t £21147. honing" Mr. L. was a man of genius. Um» day friend called to see him and was inim med by the girl who answered the door ball that her master was not receiving ' “\Vhat’s tlicnmttor with hi: 1†“He’s got an attack of the in “\Vhat’s tlicnmttor with hi1 ‘ he asked. “He’s got an attack of the liver mmnpmin’c ’ “is that it‘; ‘3 Then I gums he'll we, “I. gucm not,†said the girl, quickly, ï¬rmiy, “when his bile ain’t a workiu’ 1 ' he wants particle; to he let 31.3120) :29. ha 11‘ wrftcs pareh‘y.†A tule'on‘aph mull “12:11: to :1 conuon. The \‘iolimst played very nicelmeldmg his undi- ence spellbound, until suddenly a string is a go}; C10". A while "3'0 :1. party of Kym-hers, down south,pry-$1M;an the hanging Kim mi :utos to allow UH} \‘iï¬im time to ï¬lzirsh smoking a Cigar. 'lwhik; proves that the um: of tobacco prolongs hi0. snapped. The telegraph man shouted, “\Vires down, by George!†APPLES IN ENGLAND A lot of “Ru: from the Annapolis Valley were sold in Lon- «lon lately a an average of twenty ght shillings a barrel, giving tlw shipper live dollars and a half clear of all charges. Th“ highest sale. was some “ Roxl}: tat tlxi l't shilliu 1:. :13 lusse" chessity its UK: mother of invention. NA:- cassity has very many useless cldldx-un. “Young Inuufsuixl tle landlord, “I al- waysmttile Chem:- rind. And the new boarder rcplzud: "Just (su, I am leaving this l'm'yuu.†RATEER L FAUGHABL‘E. NO «wwo. “Dc world culls it progress. “'e must shot our hearts against our naybur, sacriï¬ce all fur fashnn, conceal our limbs an’ pains, appear what we am not, an’ when we go to do grave f 111‘ rest we am forgotten in a. week. W'har’ one woman looks to Heaben a dozen look to fashun. \Vhar’ one man helps do poo’ from kindness of heart a dozen Chip in because do list of names will be published in depaper. \leen 1 sob down of an cvenin’ mx’ fink dese ï¬ngs ober it makes me sad. I «loan’ know jist how wicked Sodom was, 1101' what Lleviltrv dey was up to 111 Gomor< rah, but if either town had mo’ wanity, wickedness, frivolity an’ deceit (lull Deâ€" troit, Chicago, Builth or any adder city in dis kmtx-y, routs man: have hem awful high.†ilu: (102nm? neuuce ‘ their 10?. 1dr monthly icport, and leave being gh en the Chairman mated that the advent of wiring would bring m‘my new changes. All kitchen ceilings will be given a, sky-blue east, with faint streaks of old gold around the edg The popular shade for walls and fences Will he an aristocratic purple, toned down round the lmotdwles with a 110.1 pink. Outside blinds will be painted a dove UOlOX‘ and trimmed with second mouming. Lag. carpets can he bordered with Strips of blue horse-blanket where the family desire to combine a. light ahnosphere V; ith :L dreamy effect. 01d hats have long hmn consideréd en reglc lm‘lilling the place bmken winâ€" dow panes, but decorative g .113 has found something new Cardboard (tits, printm In colors and made all sizes, are pinned to the sash :30 neatly that he passer-by is struck with udniimtion. VVhel‘e six 01' eight panes are brka in the same window, and six or eight eat-1 are pinned fo the sash, theqeneml efl'ect is decidedly piewi‘cmlnc. DC l'lpf. Al. [)0 'luzen, Sucrcta‘ry of the Lilac Scientiï¬c Club. of Jackson, Mich, forwarded :1 cmnmunication in which he stated the heart-felt desire of that organizaâ€" tion to he absorbed by the Lime-Kiln Club. I: 11ml been orgfuximd to spnmd the doc- trime of higher science among the colored people of the. .‘ ‘V , but has discovered that it, was lmlmsulhlu to con ‘incc more than "'ip'ï¬c colored men out of ten that the world was round, 01- tl at the moon was hung in the, slay for any other abject than to light up the haul; yards. “ Dar' was goodness in de land in dem good ole days. Um" was prayin’ to God, au’ ile hearts meant; it. De woman who wore a No. 6 shoe was as good as the wo- man wid a foot; nll pinched out of shape aii’ kivered wid co’m. You didn’t lm’i‘much ’bout breach 0’ promise cases an’ odder ilm'ilti'y. Dcmau who parts his ha’r in de middle 3.11’ lx’licvcs he mashes his Wictims Ly do score wasn’t bo’n do: . l’cdple didn’t let deir naybui‘s the under deir noses with- out eben lmowiii' (lat sickness had come to do family. Men worked hard an’ put in full time, an’ women foun’ suthm’ to do be- sides gaddin’ (le streets to show offa, small foot or a new bonnet. Brother Gardner announced the receipt of personal letter from the Secretary of the In- quiration Club, of Portsmouth, '\7a., asking him to deliver the annual address before the club on the illst of March. As it would be impossible for him to leave Detroit at that time, he suggested that the Rev. Penstock seize the opportunity. The Reverend hopped up and seized it like 9. shark snapping at a. fly, and it was settled that he should leave here on the 27111, walk to Toledo and take freight train from there to Portsmouth. He will reach his destination at noon on the illst, and will expect to he met at the depot by a string band and escorted to a hotel fronting the sea. His addreSs is entitled: " What is existence ‘2†It is the same one he delivered at funerals, celebrations and dedications. He begins seeaking promptly at 8 o’clock, and will ï¬nish sometime be- tween 2 and 3 in the morning. The Rever- end is a tall, thin inan,mther (lm‘l:,cnrly hair, iiimortant hearing, prominent month, and walk.) with his hands crossed under his coat- tzzils. lle h: " It tin tobacco-box with his name engraved thereon, and the Ports- month people need not welcome an imp 'or if they preserve this description. A†:1- inrther means of identiï¬cation it mu, he stated that the lien l’enstock chews a brand of ï¬ne-cut eonnnonly culled “shorts.†and in addre . ng nn mnlienee he stands with his right leg thrown well hm-h and th 3 left: eye partly closed. “ W'hu‘i; ' am longing arter," said Brother Gardner as Trustee Fullback ceased cough- ing and "‘ niuul Shin ï¬nally got a, rest for his feetâ€" 'whnt ' Hm longin’ arter am a eight of a. good, old-fashioned man and “'0' manâ€"sich as we could ï¬nd in ebcry house thirty y‘ars ago, but sich as cannot be found now in a week's hunt. It- mnkes me lone- Esonie when I realize (lat our old-fashioned men nu’ Wimin an) no ino’. Ir. (le days gone by if i fell sick one woman would run in WiLl :utnip, minder with horseradish leaves, anodcr wid n box-.1 u’ gruel, an’ tears would he shod, an’ kind words spoken, un’ one couldn't stay sick to save him. In close good ole days do hahkcr dress an’ white apron aboumled. An honest woman wasn’t ufeared to wash her face on account of (le powder. Ebery woman wore her own lm’r, 1111’ she wore it to please herself instead of fashun. Thick shoes kept de feet drv, thick clothes kept (19 body warm, an (lar was no winkiu’ nu’ wobblin’ an“ talking frow (.lc teef. Pickles Smith objected to receiving the club. He said he knew some of them perâ€" scnally, and that any one of them used 101'e perfumc‘ry in a. week than the whole Li:anth Club (lid in a month. They 0111'in rml silk hzmdkerchiefs, walkell with canes, and parted theirhzm‘ in the cen- ter. Brother Gardner replied that no applicant of good moral character could be rejected because his hair wouldn’t part over his left ear, and the following lilacs were then voted in : Prof. De Hazel), Dick Stafford, Bob Jarvis, Ben Jones, Lorenzo Thompson, Brother York and Deacon VVehstcr. THE LIME-KEN CLUB- m, ( i;IC “Him-dug new members wel'c m".ch ‘ '1 flu: Ei‘xt- Elder Davis, Rev. Medvalf, Col. rof. \Vhite, Uncle Barlow, Abe Madison. AX OTHER THE ELDER \\'ILL (10. AJ'IZHUZ' "2105' AKEN IN READY TO \YUHK. -~'i'h<: bulimia from the vicinity of Lihooct, the Fountain of the Lakes, 1m: reported as ready to work on the railway this season. Three hundred are promised from Nmas Ilivunnnd a large num- berare expected, and will no doubt come from the Stickecn and other points on the ous‘ ‘ The keeper of the Museum reported flmta glass eye supposed to belong to De Soto was missing from his department He was or- dercd to ofï¬tr a row;er of ï¬fty cents and ask no questions. The Librarian reported the receipt of sixty-four ahnnacs and one work on the liver during the week, and the meeting was then closed according to Black stonegâ€"‘Ush'oit FIW [’1' - “Now, you will not mind telling us the seâ€" cret of your King-Fix ‘2†But Rosen did mind. The next day he quarrelod with his servant, who, beingr dismissed, betrayed his former master, and he told a dreadful story of a young man who was concealed within King-1‘11, and who suffered horrible ngonies during each perfornmuee. The police inth vened, and found that there certainly was a. boy (’ Losen‘s own nephew) 0 King-1M, hut that was all, all things m» Jdered, pret- ty comfortable, and -<:erminlf,r suffered no agony. The papers got Wind of the zdlhir ; and Down announced his do, :n‘ture from Vienna. But justice, in the shape of the police, stopped him, and uetuullyput him in prison on the charge that he had cheated the public out of 20,000 florins. After ï¬ve days detention M. liosen was liberated, there be- ing no real charge against him. The public although duped, was entirely on M. Rosen’s side Those who believed that 1!. machine, on - ‘ wound up, could answer nniltibudinous quellons must, 11-, \‘e believed in a miracle ; and those who did nor see it must of course have t itlyacknowledgedthatthey werebe- ing deeeivedin some manner. “When Mf Lumen complained of having)r spent 1; week in pris- on, he was answered that lit» certainly de- served some punishn‘ient for having ehc ted the “ very highest court in 1-71‘ “ope†in he- lievingAwhzit‘.’ lle packed li . D and le ' VIennzL with his 20,000 llorins‘, his: nephew, and his automaton. (r-l’n ‘6 1\ mum. WA now 5 built at Yale. Ibis inien boat as f: :13 Lillooch, an ranchers m thxn‘. SUCHCH} an good Ina] The janitor reported {L bill of seventeen cents for repairs to stools and benches, and the same was out down to eleven cents and ordered paid. Also, a bill of fortyene cents for glass broken by designing persons during the week. The bill was laid on the table until the Secretary could consult the mmLe‘u quotations on the price of window panes. .1, , \Vun: qhe latest news from _ says H is I;';I]ll(lL‘.11tly expected that the rail“. ‘y grade will be ï¬nished up to tunnel No. 12, opposite the nineteen-mile post, Within two months; thehti‘ack is laid to the eight-mile hill, where a bridge that was washed away is being replaced with some difï¬cultv. The timbers for Spuzzum bridge are alrehdyl'ramed; from there to Suspen- sion bridge there is one small gang working putting in ti‘cstling, and between the bridge and the big tunnel there is another small gang: tunnelsNo. 6 and 7 are ï¬nished; in No. 8 there 18 about twenty feet of bottom 4-. It is tyranny to arrest a. citizen uniess he is EL taxpayer. 5. One of the bulwarks of liberty is free speech. Tell the other fellowjust what you think of him. recent news letter from Vienna says : Two months ago an automaton culled Kingâ€" Fu was exhibited in Vienna for the first time, and caused a great commotion. The out: marten, us also the stool upon which he was seated, were too small to admit of the possibility of any pers’on being)r concealed in them. Besides, the stool was of glass, and disclosed most complicated mi iincry, con- sisting of Wheels of all kinds and dimensions, and springs and chains. The machine was wound up at the beginning of each perform- ance, and was then able to answer any quesâ€" tion in arithmetic put to it by the specta- tors. The exhibitor, Herr Rosen, was ofâ€" fered money by members of the aristocracy to disclose his secret, but he refused point- blank. \Vhen the whole town had gone to see Kingâ€"F11, the court’s curiosity was aroused, and :the Emperor had M. Rosen called to perform one evening before him- self, the Empress, and littie Princess . Brother Gardner statcd in reply that he would endeavor to be on hand, having a personal acquaintance with several of the gentlemen named. He has prepared :L pat- riotic address for such occasxons which measures exactly fourteen fact in lungth and b'ings down. any house not; built on a brick wall. It is. divided into several wat- erâ€"tiglxt compartments, and can be delivered either end ï¬rst. The main points considered are: 3. American liberty never contemplated so much home 111 beefstcak. Valerie. The autonmlon solved all the pro- blems put to it, and, when the performance was over, the Empress said to Boson 2 1. In isablow at liberty to cullcct fare 021 the street cars. '2. The rich must repair them sidewalks as well as people who haven’t any. to take up; in NO. 9 the heading is through ; in No. 10 there is about ï¬fteen feet of bot- tom to take up; in No. 11 about twenty-ï¬ve feet to run; and in N0. 1‘2 and 13 about one hundred and fifty feet to run: these two last, it is thought, will he finished about the time of high water. The Socretai‘y announced a communica- tion from tho “ Ann Arbor Buiwai'ks of Lib- erty,†inviting Brother Gardner to deliver an address before them on the ()CC' 1011 of their annual banquet, April 1. The invitav tion was signed by John Long, George Go! Dr. James Simona, Mar on Johnson, Levi Johnson, John Brown, Joe Henderson, Jeff. G. Davis, and Prof. Schr'ocmit, all of whom are Well-known in Michigan or. defend- ers of the Ih'sï¬ principles of American liber- ty. " ~â€"-nflbe «my 04 THE Latest Automaton. BRZTISEI CGLUBXBIA. INVITED TO A IHAQUET. ._~_‘g¢c<-®r>m 1:. WA now steamer is Inning; Ibis intended to run the Lillooch, and so aflbwl the THE CLOSE out] ‘ in {I ostrich feather in 1:01: bonnet, and bird. of paradise on or near hur muff, and she ('3':- riml an ivory-handled umbrella. Conse- quently the distinguished man of Science ro- pliotl as follows : “ Madame, charity begins at home; when you have given up wearing os- trich feathers, which are plucked from the living bird, causing the most exquisite pain. and birds of paradise. which, in m‘dci‘ to thancr} their humility and lustre, :ii‘c Shin- nerl alive~whon you have :thured the we of ivory, beoausu you know that the tllElIS are cutout of thét Ci ying elephant‘sjawvthcn, and then only, come and upln-aiil me with the cruelty of my operational The (liflb1“ ence between us ’ï¬, madam, that i inflict pain in the pursuit of knowledge and for the ultimate benefit of ID)‘ fellow creatures; you cause cruelty to he inflicted merely for your personal adornment.†â€"â€".â€"â€"-u<>o4‘o~>o+Bâ€"â€"â€" 5:113 \‘Vas Not without Roproa '21. Some little time ago Miss F 1111093 Power (Tubbo. who has so identiï¬ed herself with the cause of :miiâ€"vivisectiou, called on a. dis- tingmshczl man of science in London to enâ€" deavor by persuasive speech and Viva. VOCG argument to gain him over to her cause. Three points were obser ’:Lb1e in Miss Cobbe’s outward presentment, namely, she had an works of ‘Mcssm. Q‘dmulshxy, Hum, $3 the contractors; luv the u 1 bath meta is, one invl: sq 1:1 (s, “mu placed. on supports twelve incl apart, and ï¬rst ,' ,cth to {L 5 1m: applied in the mnhllc offlw hm :r, and zzI'Lm'wards to impact by a weight of ï¬fty }><n:' "4 w v.1 I: 141:; ..\ll from n height of rivcvfoot. th ly p u we the gun metal 1)“ s thpgï¬. lmuvum Mn: up» ports or broke with a nimnn of 1353 cu whilc the manganese l)1‘(....c 1mm 3' J“. l’(’.<‘l 54- (min, to break them. 1'05,†1 by impacr. the. gnnfl metal bars broke -,n fxom seven to eight blows, while it torzl; l'rcm thn‘tmn to seventeen blows to break H2", n :gan bronze bars. The ultinmtc ‘mml of the lat- ‘Lm' was (L180 in burl: earns mun: than that 0! the gun n] 1 thus slumi. fully <§01“~l<3 the .sfrungm “nth superior ’(oughn . . '1“ , advantages claiz (ad for nmnganm Home m'ot' gm: metal arch - , a consnlurable 3m" U of : .Ll weight 01’ machinery ; and, second, that It enables a thinner and conâ€" sequently a, Letter blade to L-c made, (ï¬lming less I‘ESlutlLllCC tn the Watcx‘und equalling: in ain'cxlgtll the gun metal |>lu<lu of" 5;)" 'utm' diâ€" mension“ J" If people are deaf their eyesight is gener- ally good; if they are blind their hearing is good, or their touch sensitive. Nature is. very apt to compensate them for some evils by conferring upon them great beneï¬ts. Re- cently in Paris, the bride, bridegroom, best man, and the two bridesmaids were all deaf and dumb, and the marriage service was; performed by signs only. ~-r~~-â€"â€"â€"aurfl~w -4.®»p o; Mâ€" The New British Ironclad. The Colossus', when completed. will one of the most improved and most lormiil- able ironclads in tthritish Navy. She has been in the pmcoss of construction for some eight years past, but the work on her ha: bccn seriously pressed since 1879. She is :1 twiu~scrcw turret ship, with at central armored citadel, 'hcr principal dimension:- bcing :â€"Total length hetwccnrahc pcrpen~ (liculars, 3‘25 feet, and extra/n0 breadth, C3 fcct, with a displacement of 9,146 tom. Considerable delay has been experienced with respect to the turrets, which cannot he proceeded with until the nature of their armament is dclcrinincnl. .lt ia, however. probable that each turret will be armed with two of the new till-ton 15. L. R. guns. A novel {cutnrc in the armament of the s will he the mounting of four (3-inch guns on the top of the cl'tci' superstructure and conplc of gum on Lho forward eupcrstr tin'c, with a rim, 13mm wv 111g hoards for tho proteciion 02' L. . illlL‘l'H. The vessel is to be fitted with n, inangrmcw bronze pro- pc lcr, in place of the (mo of gun metal ori- ginally Ordcl'i'Ll. This (lo - ion was arrived at nitcr a SCl‘ll mmpn‘ iw, \:‘{‘J(')‘l‘.iiCilts mania with the rum mot:21;-‘in ihc 1m .cnco of Mr. liarqnharamz, of thc Admiralty, at the works of Mossr Mills“. , é; Field. the contractors; 131L114 of l0l' lizc . both metals, one int nm'c placed. A Louisville boy stole. his mother’s mock- ing bird and sold it to a man who had just lost one, taking the dead bird In exchangeThe good lady was overwhelmed at the death of her pet, and gave him a tearful burial, at which her son, the money jing- ling in his pocket, assisted with great solo- mnity. A Colorado miner had a piece of inch gas pipe driven through him and yet lived three days, or until the man who read the metch came along and x “as going to charge him up 900 feet. A Nebraska. woman mismd her husband for three weeks before she raised any row about it, and she might not have said any- thing theu if his boots had not been drawn up in the well bucket. The New York Sun is agitating the guil- lotine question. It believes it better to chop a man’s; head off than to pull his neck out of joint, and as long as the victim doesn’t complain what‘s the use of u change? Itvxs only forty-four yea; :5 since the ï¬rst message was sent; over the telegraph wires, to the unbounded astonishment of men who Supposed the world had ceased revolving and that nothing now could be brought up by men. A Methodist clergyman who had been as- signed to a congregation that began to criti- cise his preaching, said that they only ridi- culed themselves. “Because, Lhcloved friends, if I could preach well do you think I would have been sent out here to minister to a lot of luhkheaded ignm'anmses like you ?†wolvc boxes of young monkeys arrived at I\CW York last week. They were sen- sick all the way over ; howled and coughed like babies. Among them wore two “holy monkeys,†worshiped by certain African tribes. Tln:y»~»tho monkeys, not the tribes â€"â€"are covered with long, soft, white hair The importer mid thure Weren’t; monkey enough in ih’s country to supply the dc- nand. They (liu of consumption at ilie mtc of 500 annually. A Troy man left. an estate of $9,000 to his wife, and other ml. ivcs contested and there is just $600 to 4‘1; Mic up among seven persons. The 13'. '3'01‘5 take the rest. A poet sends us this modern prayer :~« “ Teach me to Scan anuther’s faults, To hide the good .1 so i : To put upon sumo, other back The blumz‘ 11m due to me.†SOME QUEER THINGfl.