Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1882, p. 4

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At the Easter Vestries in connection with All Saints Church. Toronto, a reso- lution was passed requesting the Rector and Church-Wardens to petition the On- i'ario Legislature to extend the provisions of the Act respecting the observance of ‘the Inrd’s Day so that the same will ap- ply to Good Friday. A peculiar phase of the matter was the statement that " There was not so much harm in the theatrical entertainments on that day,but when the churches and individuals calling themselves christian: choose Good Friâ€" day to have their entertainments it was simply disgusting.” There are doubtless many who will look at such a resolution “somewhat peculiar. It is something unheard of,t0 petition the Legislature to restrain the churches from holding enter- tainments on Good Friday, and to com- pel ohristiuns generally t:~ observe the r[he Reformch of West York are now in a position to go to work for the com- ingelection. The delegates to the Convenâ€" tion held in Toronto on Thursday, by their unanimous and hearty choice of Mr Thomas Hodgins, Q. C., have placed be- for the censtitucncy a man whom \Vest York will delight to honor by returning him at the comng election by a large majority. The wisdom of the choice at that Convention is already manifest, as Mr. Hodgins has already made a tour of the riding,visiting Kleiuburg, Richmond Hill, and other places. It is scarcely necessary for us to say a word in favour of a man who is so well known. not only m West York, but throughout the Prov» iuce. In Mr. Hodgins we have not only a man of large amount of ability, and who in this respect would do credit to West Yorlr in the House of Commons, but in him we have also a man of sterling worth, of Christian integrity,of undaunt- ed courage,ready to give strong and hear~ 'ty support to every measure which is for the weal of the country and in the inter- ests of the masses. In him every tem- perance man will have a true represen- tative to whom he can conscientiously give his hearty support, knowing that in him the grand and noble cause has a true friend who will stick by it through storm and shadow, and be relieved from the disgrace the cause in \Vest York has had brought upon it by the present (nus):rep- rcsentetive, whom every true temperance man must blush and. hang his head in shame to acknowledge as his representa- tive. In him every lover of truth and honesty will have a representative of whom he need entertain no fear of dese- crating those principles which every chrisâ€" tian holds dear, an element which every honest man in the riding h as many times has had to regret the entire absence of,in the records of the acts of our present M. P. In Mr. Hodgin's every true and patriotic Canadian in \Vcst York who loves his country first and party after- wards, and is unwilling to see an un- just Government so thoroughly forget its high calling, that, because one prov- ince shows a determination to think for itself, it is to disemmbered and half its "territory taken from it, in order that party ends may be accomplished, and gratify another that is willing to be wound around the Government thumb, will find a man after his own heart. On that most important subject of the Bonn- dary Award, than which a subject more fraught with interestito the people of Ontario, and in fact to every province an the Federation, has {never engrossed the public mind and on which the entire election in,0ntario will turn, Mr. Hod- gius above all other men, is capable of oulightning the public mind, from the fact that he was chosen associate counsel with the Attorney-General to defend and work up the interests of Ontario before the Boundary Commsssion. He is therefore the proper man to represent ‘West York instead of one who, in his doubly blind party predjudices, would vote away the interests of our province, as N. Clark \Vallace did. \Ve have therefore no hesitancy in saying that every voter in West York who has the interests of our province at heart, and who is desirous of having an able, hono- ra.ble representative in the House of I Commons, will, irrespective of party l feelings, give their hearty support to Mr. v \ Hodgins. J .li’JilDt/lY. APRIL 14, 1882. is authorize-3:1 Vto lbcz‘nie ud- vercisemaum for this Pamela RUTH}; In: fiiheritl. SAINT A ND SINNER. E. c ,N029h1ug 51,. west M4. 3mm. WEDT YORK. banadu Advert-wing Ageu cy, N029, was); Mat. ’l‘orvmo lull, E'MANAGER. The Neatest and Cheapest in the County, Promptly Executed at the The undersigned has a. large supply of 5 year old apple trees. of the choicest kinds which will be a. splendid chance for the farmers to fill up orchards. All parties callingzmd giving their 0rd ers to R. Breckuu, or B. Reddith, Richmond Hill, without canvassing on or before the 25th inst, will receive a. dis- count of 10 per cent from Catalogue prices. killer, and avoid all similw r‘nlmeli armies as they are worthless. NORTH/WP d LYMA/V, Tororito. The British Governmentis consider- ing the advisability of giving a constitut- on to the island of Cyprus. It is probab- le that its Government will consist of a Commission composed of Christist and Moelems, the former element predomi- nating. Scotland is also beginning to agitate for home rule. Ireland has long been fighting fur it. We do not ex- actly see why Ireland and Scotland could not have home rule as well as Canada, lndia. Australia. and other parts of the British Empire. Of cuurse there are difficulties in the way, but such has al- ways been the case, but they have been overcome before, and why not now. Moved by Mr. Pugsley, seconded by Mr. Duncumb, that the Reeve be auth0~ rized to attend the meeting on the 17th inst, as appointed by the County Judge for the purpose mentioned in the County Clerk’s notice.â€"Carried. Mr. Redditt introduced By-Law No. 88, authorizing that a survey and plan be made of the cuntinuatiun of Church Street to hTarkham Street, and a street from Arnold on the east side of Yonge to intersect the proposed Church Street. The By-law was read a third time and passed. V The Council then adjourned until Tuesday. May 2nd, 1882. It is stated that the marriage of Prince Leopold with Princess Helena of Waldeck has once more baun posn~pun- ed on account of the Royal Highneu hav- ing sprained his ankle. As this is the second time the marriage has been post- poned for frivolous (u! apparently sn) ex- cuses, we would not be at all surprised to learn that there was sm‘nelhing more than sprained ankles &c.. at the ~bottom of tha afl'air causing the postponements. The Council met in the Council Chamber, on Tuesday evening, April 4th. It is stated on good authority that the General Elections will take place at an early date, probably in June, almost immediately at the class of the present session. One thing is certain, the supporters of the Gov- ernment are working with might and mum, and it behoves Reformors to lake the advice given by Sir John Macdounld a few days ago to some of his followers, “Make your calling and your Emacme sure." Awake l Awake ! A communication was read from the County Clerk, notifying the Council that a court will be held for hearing an appeal against the equalization of the County Assesmeub of 1882, at the Court House. Toronto on the 17th inst. HORSE BILLS, RICHMONISMHIEEVCOUNCI L. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. day as they would Sunday, but to let. the sinners attend the theatre and dancing parties, and conduct themselves as they please. There is certainly something peculiar about Bllls view. Tic up the saint, and let the sinner go free ! Members present, Messrs. Redditt. Duncumb and Pugsley. The Reeve in the chair. Gold Medal Nursery Stock. LIBERAL UFFlCE.” THE GENERAL ELECTIONS. G. LESLIE & SONS, Proprietor: for Canada. Toronto Nurseries. M. TEEFY, clerk. _“c”0"R E's RH EU MAT I SM, Lumbago, Lame B a c k, N euralgia, Diphtheria, Group, Co u gh s 8: Colds, Sore Throat, Piles, Frost-bites, Bums, Asthma, Catarrh, Chilblains, Corns, Tooth, Eat and H eadache, Bruises, Wounds & Sprains of eve ry descrip- ti o n o n man 0 r beast. Actually the best External and Internal Reme- dy known . CAUTION.-This Cut represent& our New Wrapper ; take no A CALL SULICITED. Wm. Harrison Richmond Hill, In Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. A permanent cure for Lumo Bank, I’lles. dia- enses of she Kidneys Bladder and Urinary or- gans or attendant, complaints. 2 From. Doctura, Drugv’ists, Merchants, Fun» ers. Gwmg entire saf faction. Pinion, Arpil 20th, 1881. Gentlemen: I find Limb your Pads are giving ennim atmiafuctiunmnd wish you increased Rules torso valuable a. remedy fordisaases of the kid- neys Signed, Dr. J. B. Mordcn. Pricesâ€"«Child's Pad, $1.50; Rogular Pad, 82; Special Pad for CbronicDiseases, .53. As}; your druggxst far Pamphlets and Testi- mowing-free. H. SANDERSBN & SW8, SINGLE & DOUBLE 33-tf Wlliam Harrison’s Sole agents for flichmond Hill 8. ll. ASHTON, - - Aurora, KELM AN. - Newmarket ltafi not required. We will furnish you :vel’ytluug, Many are making: Iortunes. mules m Lke anmuch as men. and buys and girls 11 5‘19 1m Lt pay. Reader, if vou wrm: I busmeus m which you can 11m k6 great: [my all the tuna -ou won, wrin- for ramicvm-ra no I]. HALLS-I &' 06., Puslwd. min-'1, >2 \VtGk in your own 130wa S5 Outfl BBfree, Na risk. Eve-vythingnew. Cap 1.1”ng ym mu Ava. l’umtues. per bag, Apples per brl. Cabbage per (102. H(:1L11<;,bu.... Chickens perpuir Ducks bruca . Fowm per 1) Pmm‘juge, bran Guam Turkeys Dunner Ib.rolla. pet: INDUBITABLE EVIDENCE do dairy do.. Eggsjrchh, par (10' ’l‘ullowmer lb, Lard Del-11)“ Dried, apyles, . Wool per 11).. Sheep skins Hay, ..... Straw, Con]. best, 81 son“... “"0001. hut ,per cord (16 soft do Flour, extrubbl ......... Flour. superior oxtm. Wham, mu, ...... Wheum, spring Hurley. ....... Outs, er bu: l’eus, do Rye, (in . .. 'l‘mmthy seed, per bush Clover do ‘ Beef, hind quarters.. Bent, fore quarters, Mufit011,,. Lamb ...... Hogs‘ per 1013ka New!» Tea Stare, RICHMOND HILL, 0N HAND do --Spr1ug ................ Wheat, fall, per bush . Wham, sprmg, per bush Outs, per bushel Poms, per bushe . l‘urnips per bush. Curruts,per doz ‘ Chickens. per pail . Ducks, per hmue Geese, Bach Turkeys. each was, per ha ' :1 ‘Lpplus, pm It: Buttermm 1'01!s,1xer1b do Hiarge rolls, per 1b Eggs, per dozen fresh ....... do (10 parked . Apples, per burzm, Hay vex" non WJUAL â€"hu,rd do â€"suft 3W WUR TEA I @113 markets. mcnmoxn Hum Thursdav April FluurAFull ..................... V ‘ ‘ ‘ , . . , . . A PURE TEA PURE LITERATURE Harness Establishment, MRS. HARRISON’S a. gooa assortment of CARDS, WHIPS, COMBS, LASHES, BELTS, GIRTHS, SURCINGLES, &c. Mrs. Wm. Harrison, RICHMOND HILL. given with every 3 Tb of tea. TORONTO Tnursdny, April 13 th, 1582. oppnsitc the Masonic Hall $1 VOLUME KiflNEY. mumx‘l A W :n m 560$ rJUUrJ 211A. .011 5 70 l 18 1 20 76 44 78 80 30 50 “~34: B 00 9 50 9 00 “ 7 50 E) 00 “ 10 00 9 50 “ 10 00 13 10 60 70 (it) 5‘) (50 75 23 13 , 1852 to (3 5|) to 6 50 to J. 12 to 1 14 to 50 to 150 to 3‘ to 15 to 40 to 50 to 70 to 1 00 "825 “1 25 to ‘13 21 1-1 1'5 2 7C- 10 (J1) 3 00 l 00 2 35 an 7.3 75 75 1 25 25 Zn 30.1.13 "IUZIJNV 5011 34L] 45 Both Light and Heavy, all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is a} under my own supervision. I am also prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing dc repairing the moat workmaulike manner, on the shortest notice,and 011 the most reasonable tel-mg In returning Hunks to my numerous friends for their 1ibernl patronage durin patch Lwenty-ono years, I beg to remind them and the genera] pub]i¢,tlmt having erected unkind? new and commodious premises, I am enabled to supply A. WRIGHT 8t: SON manufacture and keep constantly on hand the finest carriages. We took THE HIGHE ST MEDAL. awarded for the best collection of light carriage work at the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, 1881, from all Carla- diam and American Competitors and also We are now filling extensive orders #for rigs for the best horsemen and are compelled to enlarge our premises to meet lahe demand of our Work. Toronto. June 18 1881. @EDAL- EGEE ST We aim at Durability, Usefulness, Style and Finish. Call and see them. GARREAGE W0 RES, THE M33? FIRST PRIZES, $UETES. PRRLBR 3mm, The cheapest Dress Goods, Chachemeres, (131k. and C01. VVinceys, Shirtings, \Vorsteds, Tweeds, Full Cloth, Blankets, Cottons Carpets &c. &c., to be had in town. T. A. LOCKINGTON, 14-9 YUNGE STREET. TURNTD. A large Stock of new Fall and 'vVinter Goods now on Exhi- bition. Save money by pnrchasing your Fall supplies for cash at the FIRE PROOF. ESAAC CRGSBY. THE FIRE PROOF. A large and splendid assortment of Groceries. Hardware :rockery, &c., constantly on hand. Wfi’flfifiagm km “@1584 THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, and Quality and Cheapness Unsurpassed. Call and Inspect before purchasing. EVERY EPflRWENT SEWER. DIJV'IW'G-ROOJI and OFFICE F UIL’AT T URE- 1&9 YONGE STREET, Has 311L116 LATES'I‘ AMERICAN and CANADIAN designs in RICIKRIOND I'IILIA. HORSE-SHOEING paid special attention to. Platform Spring Waggons. TRENCH’S A: Emu! & m WM TRENCII

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