Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1882, p. 5

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TORONTO Au mum, . Nuwmzu‘k Xewmurkot, H Aurora, King, .. HU‘HMUND HILL, ’l‘hornhill, . . . Weston. . 1 Duvenpnrt. P‘Arkdule 'I'OJ {Oh NORTHERN RMLWM TIME TABLE. ."Ihrkdulo, .. . . . . Dnvenpm‘t, . Weston. . ’l‘hunlhil], ,. RICHMOND Hrm £13111]in .JI’I-ZIIC 14;, 1889. New Ad. Look out for Crosby‘s new Ad. next week. Remember the Band (‘oncert to-night (Friday) In the Masonic Hull. Concert. Hot; 3k Duns were delivered through the will“.ng on (Mad Fliday murniug. The News for a cent. - The Evening Globe for sale at the " LIBEn n." received every day at 3 o‘clock p. m. Hot X Buns. ~i%axai } / may MW, %9 i Cricket It is about time for our cricket. club to or- ganize if it intends to do any playing this year. Maple Syrup. Maple éyrfip smrce. Any person having it for Sal" um dispose of several gallons at this Office. Come. A number of our village boys had a lively game of base ball on Good Friday. This 1mg the first game of the 730816011. Come along to the Band Concert to-night in me Aimsomc Hull. Professor Walmsley and an array of local talent. Snbscfipfiions for the Evening Globe re- Mivcd nt thu LIBERAL, at 250. per month, or 53 per ummm. .E 3:21ng Globe: Base Ball. , Them will be a, Grand, Concert held at 'fiixerwood this evening, (Friday) in comme- tiou wiLh the M. E. Church. 1116 program will be interesting. Two new streets have been surveyed. One By ’l‘rench's, opposites Arnold SL, to most Church St, and a. continuation of Church kiln, through to Markham St. A Meptiflg Of the Y3nge Street Agricultural Society wiil be held in the Court Room this (Friday) waning for the election of Officers. The Town Bell has been kicking over the traces aguiu. Itjumped ten minutes some fima bewuen Monday night and Tuesday morning. What’s the matter? Can’t the hell ringer tell time S 0r. Robinson, of Aurora, has; returned from Manitoba very much benefitted in health, and likes the country. He will be at the Palmer House, here, on the 24th inst, ‘k: attend his patients. Grand Concert. 'ew Streets. That Bell. Jolly Hays, Credit P. 0., says : “ His flzuulder was so sore for nine months that ‘lae could not miss his hand to his head, but by the use of Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil the pdn and lameness disappeared. and a1â€" lhough three mnnths has elapsed, he has not had an attack of it since. Returned from Manitoba. 690d Friday. (bud Friday was observed in our village :1 a public holiday. There was a. good deal oldriving about, and the public seemerl to realize a good deal of enjoyment, The fire- men gave a law exhibilious of their skill, which were v ry creditable. Mr. Parpntus Boilcau, Ottawa, says : “I was radically cured of piles, from which I had been suffering for over two months, by (he use of Dr. Thomasa’ Eulectric Oil. I used is internally and externally, taking in in small doses before meals and 011 retiring to bed. In one week I was eurml, and have no :rouble since. I believe it saved my life. A Large Extra Edition. Naxt week“1‘HE LIBERAL" will issue an edition of one thousand extras, which A cough or cold contracted in the month 0! April if not speedily arrested is liable to or:in to one during the Whole, of the summer. Dr. Carson's Pwnonary Cough Drops speed- i 3' cute Coughs, Golds. B1‘on6hitis,l’aén and 4§ppruszion of :he 01105:, and all Tamar, wiil be sent over the commv. This is a Mllandid opportunity far special advertise- ments. Our rarer-s for the entire edition W111 bu exceedingly law» Ada. receivgd to Wed- neaclay 19th. é rcditable. ‘ We are pleased to notice by the Hum- iltum Times mat \Villiam T. Ness, form- u’ly of Patterson, has been sucoegsful in «trying off the First Prize for business pcnmauship in the Canadian Business College. The prize was a handsome large album. The Times says the specimens were the best ever exhibited. Randy. splendid. Guy Mail. Union Station Brock 51 web. ],§1"»‘:Ji Street.“ I‘llion SEMIUII, L'Jw lhfl'm 4 >103: .1030 QT HUME. Gle (1 NORTH GOING SOUTH, Mail. 7330. $.50. Accmzi. Expr's‘ 4‘50, 452% Accmn 12.01}. 12.17. 1'2 ‘ 1 1.08. 1.40‘ 5.50 9:25» Chest and Lung Affcclimm. “.1: im; at 50 cems. 1'». E. thw, Aga'né. f‘ mo'xd Hi1}. British C olumbia. liyv. Timmnn‘ (bushy, ‘ Bl'iiifii; Columbia, deliwmd m: acct-Hem 1m: 1.; Hm Church at, Patterson on Tuesday uven' , what: was highly appreciated by Hm nmiiunm, which W15 not Jam“. The {vrooetzds of the lecture warm to be a;}‘xpr0;.ll'imtcd to the Girls Home, at Fort Simpwn, which is do- iug a good work. Mr George Toien. hruggist, |.7‘rr..wuhurst, wrm-s . "My customers who have used Northrop & Lynmu'g Vegebuble Dinoovery and Dyspepiic Cure my that it has done “mm more guod mum unymnug the) have ever med.” It has indeed 2; wonderful in- flmzucs in purifying: the. blood and curmg (th'eusas or the Digesmvu Organs. the Liver, Kidneys, and all disorders of the system. A (-‘u'.v.nd Tub nml Concert in connection with the, Mutholis‘. Uhurclx Sabbath School was give-.1 hem on Goml Friday evening, to a very good :uldiwcu. The rucimtiuns and dialogues \Vx re grand, usprciully the Twelve Gums and The Angels Hi the. Sunday School. The, singing \Vlld guud, nspecinlly the solo, "\Ye'm‘ guine; Home 'l‘o-morrow.” The 1'er- couds Were over $52. Tea and Concert The fo‘xlowmg is the. common sense treat- mi'nc for 2). home out of Unndiniou (in fact. .Lil humus require like trenmmut this time of 56mg) a, good Purging Bull followed by a, strung dose or Lnnic puwder. There are both to be had in Zuk‘s l‘nuic Cnmpuund and iiioud Mixluru, ll?! much package contains a timrnghly good purgmg ball and over a. pound of wrong Tunic Powder. ARk your druugmt about it. B. 15. Law, Agent for iiichmond Hill. About jam or five weeks ago Mr. John .Tgt‘t’i‘nymf Vaughan, wiLh Mimi's, left for Mauimbu. Information has just manned us than he wax found dead on Hm prairie about nweck ago. He wurau promising young r11mi,su:1nfthelate \Vm. Jeffrey, of the 6th Uun. of Vaughan. A few years ago his mini \vm-i slightly affected, hm. hm! apparent- ly entirely regained its natural atrength. The family ni'e highly esteemed by all who know Lin-m. And have our heart let sym- uzmiy. us no doubt, that. of the entire cumin uni Ly . In the month of April almost everyone requires a good and reliable Blood Purifier. We know of none so safe: HUll effectual us Dr. lursuu’s Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They act directly on all the secre- tions, their purgulive action carrying off all impurities train the system, they invigorate the Liver and Kidneys. purify the Stomach, cleans}: the Bowels. and give strength and tone to the whole system. Try a course of this valuable, snfe, and reliable vegetable propm‘adou, Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Constipnuon Bitters. In large bottles at 50 cents. R. E. Law, Agent for Richmond Hill. A Sad Affalr. There is a wonderfully striking similarity between 3. Correspondence from Fuirbnnk which appeared in THE memL of lwo weeks ago and one which appeared in the illegal sheet across the Way last week, under the same caption and “from our own cm'espunâ€" dent." The greater part of the wording is exactly verliation. This is all the more po- culinr from the fact that we had to em. down and remodel and transpose the entire com- munication in our own Sanctum. As Mark Twaiusuys, “there is a. screw 100% some- where.” Of course we would not dare to insinuate. No I No ! No ! their past rec- ord for honesty is so unsullied (?) A peculiar Coincidence. Dr. Corlis, St. Thomas, writes: “During ten years‘ active practice I have had occas- ion to prescribe Cod Liver Oil and Hypo- plmspllites. Since Northrop & Lymnn‘s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos- pllites of Lime and Soda came under my notice, I have tried it, and take great. plea:- ure in saying that 1t. has given gréat satis- faction. and is to be preferred to any I have ever used or recommended. Ihave used it. in my own family ulmnst as a beverage dur- ing heavy colds, and in every instance a happy result has followed. I cheerfully recommend its use in all cases of debility nrisiug from weakness of the muscular or nervous system. This year Good Friday and therefore Easter Sunday, fell upon the very same day of the month on which they fell at the time of the Lord’s Passion and Re surrection in A. D. 30. On that day the full moon was on Thursday, April 6, on which day the Pass- over xneal was eaten. Christ, therefore, suffered the next day (in our reckoning, the snme day the Jewish), on which other ob- servances connected with the Passover were still to be kept. The first Easter Day, there- fore, was, as on last Sunday, April 9. In 1871, the day of the Crucifixion and that of the Resurrection fell as this year. This coincidence will not happen again till 104.4. In 1866 Easter Day will fall on April 25, its latcs possible (luteâ€"the first time it has so fallen since the introduction of thr new style in 1752. Fifty-seven years willthen elszSU befiore it will fall on that (lay, namely, April 25, 1943 ; alter whicn that will not he the date for one hundred and sixt-y~th1-ee years. The first Good Friday: The annual meeting of the Rich mond Hi1] branch, U. U. B. S., was held in the Presby- terian church on Wednesday evening, the Rev. James: Dick. lst vice-pregident in the chair. Rev. J. G. Mania}. permanent agent. 9f the society was present and delivered an interesting aédrvsn, during: which he exhibit- ed a number of charts and dingmms of the scripture in the orginal Iunguag es in which they were Written. The following ofilieers were elect-ed for the ensuing year : “Pros R. Marsh, 18!; Vice-Pres. Ruv. J. Dickflnd Vice- Presidant Rev. 1‘. Addison. 3rd Vienâ€"i’rea. Rev. I. Campbell. 4th Vice-Pres. Rev. J. Pickering, Sec-Trans. J. H. Smidarson, Com- mittee of management. A. Marsh. H. San- derson, Dr. Laugsmff. I. Cranhy, P. Patter- son. M. i’.i‘.. J. Nags. J. Duncan, J. Freak, F. Gibson. 1]. Newbcrry, J. Brawn, D. Gmy, W. Powoii, Sear. Collectors,“ South District, M'issns Marsh and Helmkay. Northâ€"Misses Benard and llmiiiltonflcmtw Misses Sanderson and Coultcr. West.»â€" Missan Hewison and Brown. Patterson“ Miss Laird. and Mrs. SSreot. Annual Bible Society VMeetKng. We €24}; ggfilifiisa 033d with authnrity to give the ooi‘wdors for ma year a “ send 03" a 1' Monies [lich- for not doing their duty, but as they threat- ened to attack as for a $5 subscription if we did, we will not say anything about last year, but simply hnpu they will do better this. COUNTY GLEANINGS. A farmer named Hem-y Angus, of the township of Scarboro’, was stopped by two men near Mr. Frank Boston’s gro- cery store and robbed of $11, between nine and 10 u’cIuck on Saturday night last. He is unable to identify his assail- ants. A sax-inns accident occurred on Mon- day Mternoon at the works of the Toron- to Bridge Company,whereby Mr. Cramp- sey, of this village. had one of his legs badly fractured at the thigh. Acting on the advice of a doctor, the injured mam was removed to the Toronto haspital. There is no truth in the current report that three additional catcle byms will be erected in the southâ€"eastern suburbs this Benson. It is said that Mess“. Peter Macdon- aid and George Leslie, jr., have been re- cently appointed to the Commission of the Peace: for this district. Mr. A. Robinson, L. D. 8., who has for some time been In Manitoba for the benefit of his health has returned look- iug much better than when he left. He reports fnvurably If that country. Mr. and Mm. Henry Peterman, of Vaughan, have pm‘clmseda residence here and have this week, taken up their abode with us. (From our own Correspondent.) Mr. 11. Marsh is doing a. large trade In the lumber business this season. Mr. James Kirby amid a. fine matched span of heavy draught. horses the other day. The price he got for them was something in the neighborhood of $375 Our Schuol Teacher has gone over to live at Hardscrabble. “'e miss him aâ€" round here very much, although we see his sweet smiles once a day when he comes over to teach school. The “ Dandv ” still continues to visit our neighborhood. On Thursday morning last, Mrs. For- nytli slipped upon the ice and fell upon her arm, breaking it between the wrist and the elbow. Dr. Richardson was speedily called in and set the fractured limb which is now doing as well as can be expected. tors {vas v‘egy good; smug, twentyâ€"five or thirty pers‘bns beinfij present. At the conclusion of the classes. addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. 0318!”, Mr. Flynn and Mr. Turner. The public examination of the school in this place was held on Thursday after- noon, 7th inst. 'l‘_he attendance of visi~ Strikes are very frequent now, and are becoming more so. There have been a number in the city during the last week, and some are yet unsettled. Three hundred herdsmen from England Ireland and Scotland arrived in the city on Monday. Most '35 them will remain in Ontario. Two Toronto Clerks walked to Hamil- ton on Good Friday in nine hours. What otherwise would have proved to bea big fire was only prevented by the utmost exertions of the firemen nu Satur- day night, at Fiskon’s Oil Works. The flames were merely prevented from reachâ€" ing the storehouse where there were 3000 barrels of Oil. (From an Occasional Correspondent.) A Public School Entertainment was held in the Kleinburg School House on Friday the 24th ult., and was in every way a great success. The programme consisted ot dialogues, reciLations, chor- uses (ice, and though lengthy, was so well arranged and of such a. Variety as to keep the large audience interested and amused. \Vhen Mr. Spence, the chair- man, announCed that he had reached the end of the programme, we heard the first; murmer of disapproval. Where all is good it is hard to make selections. A- mong the dialogues, \Vm. llollingshead’s acting); as a “Country l’odagogne” with a. class of boys, was perfect ; “The Critics" a. burlesque by six boys in which J. Mc- Douough, l“. Blanchard and P. \‘v’atson distinguished themselves. “The Rival ()mtors,” by M. East and Nelson Hol- lingshead was also good ; “Examining the Bumps” by J. McDonough and M. VVurster 1n negro costume, brought down the house. Annie l‘v'IcDonough’s reci- tation of "Eliza." was well rendered. “The clever old man" to the tune of One more River to Cross and the “Little Nigqem " sung by Division were very amusing. A duett, “Three Bells” by Milly Zailinski and Dilli Bond was well sung. The 50108 of Miss Bond and Miss b‘chlagei’ were very acceptable. The suc- cess of this entertainment is due to Mr. Beaten and Miss Spence the teachers of the school who must have gone to a great deal of trouble in the preparation and rehersal of so many piacea. A collection of fourteen dollars in behalf of the Sum Cranberry Maushvillc. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ben Lamond. (Bv Our Own Reporter.) (By our own Imp arter.) Riverside. l'arkdalc. York Mills. Kleinhurg. A Ila-urn. Toronto. Having made extensive arrange- ments with the pulishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TREATIS‘E On The HORSE, we are GIVING a copy of that magnificent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us 1.00, and to old suscriâ€" bers paying arrears, if any, and $1.00 in advance. This is a rare chance of obtaining abook “worth twice its weight in gold.” No man having a horse should miss it. This offer in connection with the fact that the “LIBERAL” is one of the best local papers in the County of York, mak- es this ' ' An Unprecedented lndueemem. of which many have already availed themselves. A 36 OFFER! l)epartlnent is now very complete. and our prices Guaranteed as low; and in many cases lower than Tor- onto prces. A. call VVill convincv. ADDRESS “THE LIBERAL," Richmond Hill Om‘. day School funds was taken up, also a. subscription towards the construction of a. sidewalk from the main streat to the school house. ONE WHO WAS THERE. Kleinburg, April 15b, 1882. 0n the same morning a team of horses attached to a. waggon loaded with barley, and tied in front of Bale’s hotel, took fright, and breaking loose. ran across the corner of the veranda. and upset the load and box off the Waggon. The horses then run around the house, and Colliding with another team standing on the weigh scales, drew it off, pulled 011‘ one corner of the building covering the scales, and upset the load. Mr. Betta, the weigh- master, barely escaped being smothered under the load. No damage was done to the horses. The reach and seat of one waggon, and a. holster of the other were broken. (Bv our own Reporter.) On Tuesday morning, April 4th, up- wards of 100 loads of hay and straw were weighed on Mr. Bate’s weigh scales. The average attendance of pupils at Norway School for the quarter ending March 318i; was 49§.-~Resident3 29-2, Non-residents 1941,. The Easter Examination in connection with the school was held on Thursday, April 6th, when, notwithstanding the in- clemency of the weather, a goodly numb- er of visitors were present and expressed tkeii‘ satisfaction with the manner in which the schnoi is being conducted by Mr. \Valis. Mr. Crew, one of the trus- tees. kindly provided candies and nuts for a scramble at the close of the Examin- ution. Mr. Jan. Dilworth, druggist, Toronto, is giving two annual prizes :11 each of the schools of South York, to the best anâ€" swers to a. set of questions on Antidotes for poisons and rules for restoring drownâ€" ing or suffocating persons. Six of the pupils of this school competed for these prizes. The first was Won by Miss M. McCul'loch, aged 1‘2 years, who obtained the full number of marks. Three of the others, Edith Cobley, Minnie Dates and Fred Labor, aged respectively, 12, 13 and 14 years, lost only one mark, and were rewarded by each receiving a second prize. “'9 understand that. Mr. Dilâ€" worth said the papers sent, from this school were the meanest and best he has thus far received. A dctectivais working up the grave- yard case in Scarboro’. $100 has been granted by the Council, and $100 by the Society, for the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. It is thought film. than Were two persons, as footprints of two have been traced from the graveyard to the towuline. N0 1-way. OUR The Best, Cheapest. Most Chatty, Most Rosdnhln und_Most Entertaining Musical Monthly m existence, and you will see Mn glance how, for you can got all the Popular Songs, Waltzes. Opera Airs and Transcriptions of the any arranged iv: the Piano. Each number of the Journal containinrz twamy pages of new and choice Music,which if purchas- ed at a music store would cost you TWO DOLL~ ARS AT LEAST. Phfladelp’a Musical Jamaal Is well supplied with valuable and entertaining reading mutter, relating to musical topics. In it you can see Mn, glance Whare all the celebratud opera. singers are, what the famous com mum‘s are propm ing, and, in short, whatever is o hams» est in the world of music. THE PUBLIC WILL ALSO NOTICE Snbscriptiondnvariably fin tub vnnco, One Dollarprr year. Sin copies for one yam-.Five lacuna-s: single copies, Ten cents. WANTEDâ€"Canvassers in Every City, Town and Village in the United Staxcs and Canada. Liberal Commission. Wm. Nuneviller, Publisher 1300 Chestnut St.,Phi1ad’a, I’a. addressed A good stvlish buggy, Conboy top. Also one set single Harness, silver mounted. They will be sold Chea'p as the proprietor is goirg to Manitoba. Apply to DAVID JUHNSUN. To whnm all letters and remittances should ‘lve “'orth oi fip'ul'arWluslc for 3113mm flfiumal. SOLD E VB RYVVIIERB. . GLANCE AT THE MODERATE TERMS IF YOU ONCE READ THE ghuudclphizx magi:sz gaurnal Yen will Subscribe for it Immeiiately. BUY A COPY OF THE Philadelphia FOR SALE. ONLY TEN CbNTS, 10 CENTS. $2.00 THAT THE Thorn hill.

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