the re-fa'ilvbï¬sinesscarried on under the style andï¬rm name of PETLEY & CO’Y, GOLDEN GRIFFIN. Un- â€"â€"â€" 0n WEDNESDAY,March 8th we commenced to sell all the entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Carpets, House furnishings, and ready made clothing, amounting to over $200,000, the greater portion of which has been import- ed for this Season’s Trade and will be sold at an immense Reduction. The stores were closed on Monday and Tu- esday, 6th and 7th inst. to mark down the stock. ~ 111‘ VIII-l. W‘l-VI I v...- â€"â€"-~-- Persons indebted to, voruiiasiï¬Ã© accounts against the ï¬rm will please call for settlement. Goods sold for cash only during the sale. This will be the largest sale ever held in the Dominion of Canada. WWW HWHES. THE GREAT ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. m m "g2? ma STEERT EAST, Toaom SALE WILL CDMMENCE DAILY AT 10 U’CLDCK A. M. W9 beg to inform 13119 Publig thgjt we; are retiring from i=3 FINEST STOCK THE CQNCRETE Ever shwn in RICHMOND HILL now arriving at Bright and yellow, hard and cold ; Molten, Graven, Hammer’d and Roll'd ; Heavy to get and light to hold. Hoarded, bartered, bought and sold ; Stolen borrowed, squandered and doled ; Spurned by the young and hugged by the old, To the verge of the Church yard mould ; Price 0t many a crime untold. If you want to have gold you must Snend your money to the very best Advantageâ€"«lo business with cash men ; And where only one price is asked andtakin. Our prices are always rightâ€"â€" But Just now we are offering special lnducementsâ€"our winter suits And coats are marked down to Such a price they sell at sight. GOLD! GOLD I GOLD I ‘ GOLD I EDWARD M’KEOWN NAPKINS ~55,- Damask napkillsf500 000. 750. 31. 1.25. fDamask Napkins 8!, 2.25. 250 up‘ '1‘O\VELS.â€"â€"Huck Tuweh $1 50 per doz. 24 x 36 Loom Damask, $2.75. Our 22 and 25 cent towels cannot he beat in Toronto. AILLinen Extra heavy ï¬ns ï¬r i811 Damask vaels at 30C. 35in and 400.. being superior and large size. Our th-‘xk 01 white and unbfcncimd cotton Sheetings and Pillth casing, are moat complete. We invite inspection of our several depamment-s. Our Goods are First- Class, and; Prices the lowest in Toro- nto. Begs to announce to his friends and patrons that he is now showing new, bright and ï¬rm NOVEL'I‘IES in all kinds of staple mad fancy DRY GOODS. Each department is complete and ï¬lled to the utmost with choice goods at our popular prices. Dress Goods, Black Goods, Silks, Satinnï¬s‘utin Brucades. Velvet, Velveteens, House: Furnishing Gomls, Linens, Cottons, Slieetings, \Vhite Goods, Lace Curtains. Hosiery, TABLE LINENSâ€" %Bleuc1ledan linen. 200. 250. 350. 45.0 500. 3 131930th (laxityasfkggiljman: _4()c. 62f: “Iva/shed extm quality at 750. 853. $1. 1.25. .A- \ M I3 GRAND SPRING OPENING MWng ea ~' LENEN SALES. 182, Yonge Steert, Toronm, THERE) DOOR NORTH of QUEEN ST. ‘ful mule-.1}! ever discovered M; it: Is certain in its 0110015, xynd dues nut blister. Road Prom" bdow. Kenda, 1:3 _Spgpvig Cure KENEELL“$_ ï¬MVEN QURE, New Hamburg. 0m Dec. 28th, 1881. Mn)“. H. D'lcCu.1]um,Dum‘ :51 The bottle of Dr. Kendall‘s Spwviu cum, bought of you Inst Hummer, gave me thu utmost satisfaction und performed 1). wonderful cure upon a mare 1!) yrs. 01d belonging to me, which was badly $1sz fined fortonyeurs. She was so lame that I could hardly get her to move. Tholumenessis entire- ]y gone after “3111:1112fo {L bottle of the cure, and she is like u younghorse again. Yours Vtruly, J. ROTH‘ Cnoonm, New York, Jun. Gun/1&1. EILer last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendal] & (30., (.f Enusburgh Falls, Vt, made a. contract; with the publishurs of the Press fur a [mlfcolumn m1- Vm'tismm-nt for one yam setting fox-5h the merits of KenduL‘s Spawn) Cure. At. the Name time we secured from the ï¬rm u. qumntiby of books, entit- led Dr. Kendall's treatise on the Homo and its Diseases, whu-h Wu are giving to ILqu-nce paying subscrlhm'sto‘blle lir 'RS,‘ as a. premium, About he time the mlvornismnonf. ï¬rst appear- edin this vapor, Mr. 1’. Ur. Scherinei'hozn. who resides: near Collier, had a spiLvinod horse. Ho read the. advertisement, and Concluded no test the efficacy of the remedy, although hi:: friends laughed at his crcdnlity. He bought a. bottle of Kendall‘s Spuvin i 11m and connm‘nccd using it, on thchorso according with the directions and he informed 11% this week chat itoï¬'ocmd such {LCOIU- pleto onto that mi export horseman, who exam. ined themnmul recently could find no trace of the szn‘in or the plucowhcro it had been locuted Mr. Schormcrhorn 11st since. summed 2L copy of Kcudall’sl‘routise on the Hnrw and its Diseases which he prizes very highly and would be 101311 to part. with at {my price pun/“led he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN [>ngst FROM THE ONEDN,TA,‘1?RE§SLN:.Y- Thousands of trials on Hmmm Flesh has prov- od beyond a doubt that Kendall’s h‘ptwin Cure has sufl‘lcient Htl‘engthtn penetrate the virtue to cure the worst cases uf Rhuunm‘ism. coma, bunâ€" yons, frost bites or any bruise. cut or lmnonesa which are not affected in the least by ordinary liniment. It doesnot blister bubonbhccontrm-y removes all soreness. , . Kendall s Spawn Cure. St Johns. l’. (3., Ocil‘l’TLll, 1881. Dr. .T.B. Kendall & (10., (lent: «I have used your Snuvin cure with great success on sptu‘ins, nurbs and splints. know it to be a gomlrcmodv for ringbones, buno spm’ins, nuts, gulls and all kinds of lameness and man nthcr (liflmultius ubout the horse. 0110 of my men sprained his uncle very badly. I uppliml Kendall's prwin Cure (and I never snwnuvthin: \wn‘k like in. it \w as better in R; few dz 1 know it tn he {zoml for 1mm as well as heat . I m‘oL-m'ml one of your Treaties on the Horse. by mail, for ‘25 cents and I think it was the manna of saving mm mm hum‘u rod dollars on one horse that I treated 9.210011an ;; to the direction given in your book for displach fle. Yours truly, \VILLI-AM J. PEARSON VKenda‘ll’sN-Spavn; Cure. PM a >6) per bottle. or 6 bottles for 35. AH druggists hm‘e it or can get it. for yuu, or it W1“ be sent to [my mldresaou receipt of price by tho prom'xctnrs, Dr. BA J. KENDALL A; (10. Euoxburv (1)) Falls, Vt. 'OILl) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Send nddrcss for illustmtcd cirmflnr which we think gives pnqitivu prnof of its virums, No 1mm:- dy' has over mat with such [Inqunlmcd success to our knowledge, .for beast rand mun. Sons a Ca. Montreal, P. Q. 33'1)’ Wholesale Agents. STAPLE AND FANCY Glover; Laces. Ribbons, Rich Trimmings, Made up Lace Goods, Corsets, Prints, Cumbrics, Satâ€" eens, Females, Lawns, Ginghama. Shirtings, Chevints, ’l‘weeds Etc. Etc. Etc, E 351 1) 0 1&7]? IE 1% ()1? .Lkixn-actionsé Ivor this “Veal: prices and work. RichmondHiH, A mil 26th. 1831 RICHMOND HILL RUNNING ORDER Planing, Ripping; SASHES, DOORS, 1’ ST Momma EXAMINATIOXS‘lJâ€"aVe in some instances, led to the discovm" of the scum of completely healed. aim. . , of sores upon the lung. This of itself shows that. the lung tissue when diaeuxml is susceptilfle 0t restoration to a suunil and healthy condition. Persons afflicted with lung disease may reasonably hopv to rccm'er health by the us“ of \‘vellkuuwn remedies. Foremont among these is N(_u-tlix'u,;) zl- Lyman’s Emulsion of (Jud Liver Oil and I'Iypoplmsphites of Limo :mrl Soda, a thoroughly tested and high- ly at‘credited speciï¬c fur coughs, culils, asthma, bronchitis, spitting of blmd and other allectiuns of the tln'nut. chest and lungsi. Pulmonary i1'i‘itutim; is promptly arrested by the Cod Liver Oil, and tho hypnphosphitea‘ which are among lllu, ï¬nest renovasz used by physicimaa. re- vive the flagging energies of {he dehiliim' ed iayï¬tism. MOULDENG, The unaersigned having put his mil] in: He also manufactures SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in Duor Frames. Window F mums, and Factory on RICHMOND STREET. M ANUFATURING 0N SHORTEST HOTICE. IS PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS S. MAG-ER. (3m