Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1882, p. 5

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TORONTO. City Hall. Union Station Brock Street. Pmrkdule, ‘ . . . . . _ Duvenport, . . . . Weston, 'l‘hornhill, RICHMOND HILL, King. .. Aurora, NORTHERN RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Newmmrkei \nmm, ‘ King, .. “ RICHMOND HILL Zl‘horuhill, ..r ..... \Vestnn, 71 Nu'unpnr , Paul mm, .. ‘l‘OhON'J'O. The bmd were out on Tuemlay eveningY lamb, on the balcony of the Grand Central uni played some very nice pieces. They will practice twice a week to prepare for the 34:14, as they are to play at the Exhibitian. ’J. 0. Jacobs, Buffalo, N, Y., says: Dr. Thomas” Eclectric Oil cured him or a bad ume of piles of 8 years‘ standing. having tried almost every known remedy, "besides fiwo Buffalo Physicians," without relief ; but the Oil cured him ; he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly. Tc nrevent Fevers, Bilious Colds and Ague -, to tone up the svswm and purify the Mood, try a course of Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Constipation Bitters. In large bottles .nt 50 cents. R. E. Law, Agent. Race. House to Let. Apply to A. L. Skeeie. For cheap and stylish printing try this Of- aA‘ Mr. John Palmer of the Palmer House 11nd a race in Brampton last Friday and got beat- en. It. was on account of another person driving who did not understand his horse. 'l‘lwre is a splendid manâ€"trapin Itont of flu: High nnd l‘uhlic Schools, beautifully a.- mmed for «lrmw ‘1va two or three of the bright little (:lnllrnn that are continually llm‘vriug nbont it. The tunk at the school yard gate is without a cover and has been so Tuesday was the best growing day of the smon thus far. Take a look at l’etley & Co's new ad this week. Let meddlcr mind his own shop, sud not meddle with ours, and oblige. :H'I‘he News for a cent. The Evening Globe for sale at the “ LIBER- AL,” received every day at 3 o‘clock p. m. Egsy. Mr. John H. Sanderson has removed to his new house, just north of the Methodist The 24th will be a pretty Iimly time here. If you want amusement go to the exhibition, and if you Want a good square meal go to the Presbyterian or Metbndist church. ml in connection with the musical part of the mnertnimnent spnkm of. AH Mrs A. was vne of the largest and most appreciated cou- em 11mm to 1119 ulceess of the occasion, we “(<1 bound to apologise not only to our car- nspondcnf. but to Mrs. Armour for the over- aight on our part. Bdth of our Carrirge builders are so busy MM. they Will not «send any rigs to the Exhi- bition. Remember the Ladies‘ Aid dinner and Tea in the C. M. Church on the 24th of May. Also the concert in the evening. Egeping Globe. thscFipaions for the Evening Globe re- ceived at the LIBERAL, at 25c. per month, or $3 per annum. New Ad. The LicrOSq club 19 getting along exceed- hme well. Those who go there must re» member that it, is not shinny they are play- ing but Lacross. An Omlssion. 'l‘umugh E01118 oversight on the part ofour compositor, a serious omission occurred fix our Willmvdule correspondence. ' ‘he nan of Mrs. Armour waa not mention- Mellicinog taken into the Stomach in com- wmtmmd form, such “:8 Pills and Powders, Me most injurious. The great- substitute for muse nauseous little Cnlumel pills is Dr. Carson's Stomach mid Constipation Bitters; 'Umy cleanse. the bowels, stimulate the, Liver «ml Kidneys, and cure nll stomach disorders, Ah ns l)_\-xpopsia and Indigestion. 1n largo lJU'UlL'H at 50 cents. R. E. Law, Agent. MUM 1/, MN ‘12; 1889'} Re moval. Lacross. Q‘igenjs Birthday. We Eigilwml. flce. Practice. The Fire Brigade ' Friday evening last. Meddling. Dinner and Concert Church. Exccrdingly dangerous. Band. Gardner: scarce. Manitoba fever dying out. Work has commenced on the new Brook Street ....... 9,55. Uninn Station, ,1n‘m. bev 118.11.... .1010 Brigade were out. far prac‘ioe on AT HOME. GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH, Accnm. 12.46. 12.52. 1.00. 1.10. Expr’s 4.50. 4.58. $.05. (1.13. Accom. Mail 12.03. 7.47 12.17. 8.00 12.40. 8.20 12.55. 8132 2.52 100‘ 1.48‘ streets. 5.13, 5.2“ 5.50 (3,04). (3.15 5.50 for some time, and children six seven and eight years old are, adozeu times a. day pull- ing the board off the top and looking down and thmwing things down. Remember Mr. Corporation. it is too late to km; the stable when the horse has been stolen. H. F. Mnchrthy, VVholesan and Retail Druggisb, Ottawm writes: “I was afflicted with Chronic Bronchitis for some years, but have been completely cured by the use of Dr Thomas’ Eclectric Oil in doses of five drops on sugar. I have also pleasure in recom- mending it as an embrocaiiou for external use. Phll. Musipal Jouynal. The Mom number of the Philadelphia Musical Journal is to hand, and in glancing over it we find it to be all that its advertise- ment. claims for it. The munic alone in it, if purchased at a music store, wnuhl cost. more than the Whole year‘s subscription to the journal. But its value 'con'sists not alone in the music it contains, but its literary depart- ment is admirably adapted to household reading, and its editnriuls am terse and pointed. No person will regret having sub- scribed for it. The Quarterly Oflicial meeting of the C. M. Church was held here on Monday, almoet every member of the boaril being present. Messrs. Wm. Lawson and J. P. Rupert were appointed to represent the circuit at the Dis- trict meeting. A resolution of appreciation of the energetic labors on the circuit for the past three years of the Rev. John Pickering was unanimously passed. Instructions were given to the delegates that in the opinion of the Board the three years plan of n. Ministers probation is preferable to five years. It was also the opinion of the members that the attendance at class meeeting should continue to be a teat of membership in the C. M. Church. I hive been troubled with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. for ovvr 20 years. and have tried many remedies, Lut never found an ar- ticle that has done me as much good as Northrop and Lymnn‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cme. CLARA E. PORTER. A meeting of the ratepayers of Verk township was held at nrmn on Monday. at Brnnskill's hotel, for the pnrpusc of nomnmting :1 duly qualified elector lu till the office of third deputy rcuvm rick) Mr. J nhn Hamilton, J. l’.. deceased. Mr. J. A. Blacdnnald (iccnpinrl the chair, and the following candidates were duly pm- pnsed and secnuded zâ€"lllussrs. W. W. Hodgsun. Jos. H. Shepard, Thos. \V. Elliott, Frank Turner, J. A. Macdnnahl, and John Watson. Messrs. hiacdonald, Turner and Wutsnn having expmssed their intention of retiring, a poll was de- manded on behalf of the three remaining candidates, who addressed llm electors very briefly upon their respective claims What Toronto‘s well-known Good ba~ maritan says: Methodistxc. Children and persons with weak consti- tutions have nlways found great difficulty in taking Cod Liver Oil, and from this fact it has not been universally used, but with Nor- thr0p& Lymnu’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and liypophosphites of Lime and Soda, this prejudice ls removed. It is so thorough- ly disguised that you cannot detect the Cod Liver Oil. One physician writes us that it is used almost as a beverage in his family ; another person that he had tn hide the bot»- tle tram his children. For Coughs and Colds broken down constitutions and all lung diseases, it has no equal. Pleasant to the Taste. Our old friends Revs. Thomas Cnmpbnll, and Richard Duke‘ of Bradford, were in town on Tuesday, and called upon us. ‘Wo are glad to see them apparently enjoying life so well. Dr. Robinson. of Aurora, who has just re- turned from Manitoba, was in town on Tues- day and gave us a. cull. Hi3 trip improved his heatth considerably. On Friday afternoon Mr. W. H. Doe], J. 1)., slipped on Toronto street and dis. located his ankle. WOODBMDGE, May {Ivâ€"EMU this merning the body of a woman was found in a dreadfully mutilated condition on the Toronto, Grey K7 Bruce Railway truck, about a mile South of the station. It proved to be a. Mrs. Gardener, who lived near where the corpse was found, and who had been from home since early yesterday morning Ibis evident that she had been run over by a passing train duringr the night, but at what time is not knuwn. An inquest will be held this evening and further facts elicited. STOCKDALE.â€"At Richmond Hill, on the 9th inst“, Mr. Thomas Stockdale, in the 71 year of hls age. COUNTY GLEANINGS. At Mr. Andrews’ rooms, a store and dwelling house on Yonge street. Egling- ton, with half an acre, were sold to Mr. James Sutherland. for $1,600, subject to a. mortgage of $600, and two acres in Eglingcou were sold to Mr. Middleton for $810. Rev. Mr. Hart, 21 Chinese missionary, will deliver a lecture on “Women in China,”on\Vednesday evening in the Methodish church. He will appear in Chinese costume. The Parkdale Cricket Club was vic- torious in their match on Saturday with the Toronto warehousemen. The score was 80 for the Parkdalers and 50 for their opponents. PERSONALS. Woodhridge. Davisvallo. Riverside. Pal-lulalc. Eglintou. TOMB- QUEEN v HvaTT.--â€"’Fhis was an ap- plication at ngnod Hall to quash a. con- \‘Citinn made against» the defendant, for the sale of liqunn contrary to the provis- inns of the Liquor License Act. Mr. Hewitt is a drnggist doing business at the village at Thornhill, in the county of York, and czu'ries on a branch store at the Village of Angus in the county of Simone. During Christmas time his clerk in Alw- ns sold liqnm‘ to certain of his tricndfi, (h quantlties in excess of the statntnryl a1â€" lowunce to be sold by :1 dx‘uggist. and for other than medical purposes. It would seen) from the facts cliched on the appli- Quite a number have died arnund here of late. Old age seems to be the must of cases. for the position as deputy reeve. Elect. ions on the 15th inst. (From our own Correspondent.) Nearly all the farmers in this vicinity are done seeding. Our Mayor is having his house repair- ed. The ex-Maynr is the contractor. Tim 0. Day, of \Voodbridge, lately paid Hurdscmbble a visit. He says things are Humming in \Vnodbridge. Our Band boys are getting things ready for their Grand Pic-mic, which comes utf on the 24th met. A big time is expected. The funeral of Mr. John Hamilton, J. P., deputy reeve of York township, who died on the 28th ult., took place at 4 p. m., Sunday, from his late residence. Don and Danforth road, to the Necropolis. The hearse was preceded by the Orient andVVilson lodges of A. F. «K; A. M., of which order deceased was a member, and followed by the Riverside fire brigade and upwards of one hundred vehicles, containing the members of the Township Council, relatives and friends of the de- ceased, conspicuous among whom were Messrs. G. W. Budgerow, M. P. P., W. H. D061 and Hugh Miller. J. P’s, '1'. H.‘ Bull and Arthur L. \Vilson. The de- ceased was universally respected by all who knew him, and his demise at the early age of forty-four years is much re- gretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He leaves a widow and six children to mourn the loss of a, kind husband and father.~-Sun. Mr. Taggart, Hotel keeper, is building a, large addition to his hotel. The City Councils of Toronto and Montreal on Monday adopted resolntinns expressing horror at the bloody deed in Phoenix park, and extending the symâ€" pachy of the citizens to the relatives of the two distinguished victims. A num- ber of branches of the Land nengueboth in this country and in the United States, have passed similar resolutions. A. PRODIGAL FOUNDâ€"The girl Caro- line Adams, reported missing. has turned up safe and sound. It appears that when she left home she proceeded on foot to Thornhill returning to the city yester- day. Whilst purchasing a ticket for London, about three o’clock in the after- noon, she was accosted by Detective teburn, who with her mother was on the lookout for the wanderer. After mntnul explanations the young woman was hand- ed over to the custody of her parents. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Mrs. M. boards with Mrs 8. On Thursday morning last Mrs. S. left home for the day _ha‘v_ingAto_ld Mrs: M., who is a very timid Vlady, that if any person knocked at the door, she had bett- er not obeu it, as it would likely be a tramp or pedlai‘. About 1 o’clock a. man knocked at the door, and not receiving an answer, proceeded to try the windows. Finding one that was not fastened down, he raised it and got into the house,friglit- ening Mrs. M., whom he did not see, as she fled through the back door, and rushed to a house close by. \Vhen Mrs. W. opened her door, Mrs. M., who had never seen her befme, fell into her arms terribly frightened. After Mrs. M. re- covered from her fright sufficiently, she and Mrs. W. went back to the house, when the man turned out to be a relative of Mrs. 8.. who, thinking his friend was from home, thought he would 'get into the house, hue something to eat and wait her arrival. Mr. John Francis, whose fence and shade trees were damaged some time ago by miscreants, has discovered the guilty parties, He has promised not, to prose- cute, on couditiuns that they repair the fence and replace the trees. A whole- some lesson fur mischievous boys. The people in this neighborhood are considerably excited about; politics just now. One gentlenmn, a prominent Con- servative, livingr on the 2nd, east from here, has been dung quite 1-1 bit of priv- vate canvassing for Mr. Boultbee, after having loudly declared that lie would have no mnre to do with politics. Prob- ably Mr. Bnnltbee has called on Mr. L., and tickled his vanity be tellingliim what a nice wife he has. and then induced him to swallow his femne 'zmcq principles and go to work. But we think he will have his labor for his pains. (From our own Correspondent.) The new store and post office. at this place, in being pushed rapidly forward. Mr. W. W. Cummer, the pmprietor, will be able to congratulate himself on having one of the finest, stores on the street. York Township. Newton Brook. 'H‘Ewrnhiu. N orw ay. Toronto. ’l‘eslon. YOU SHOULD CERTAINLY see what we are doing in dress materials. If you buy With ready cash you will save money by dealing with us. WE SHOW Nun’s vailing cloth in various shades ; also, Buntings, Lustres, De Baiges,Fancy Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Grenadines,Delaines,Piquessâ€"plain and printedâ€"&c., &c., ranging in price frome IO cts upward. WE ARE SHOWING special value in Ladies’ and child- rens Lisle Gloves,â€"2, 3 & 4 Buttons-Ladies Taffeta Glovesâ€"~Buttoned and Jerseyâ€"Ladies lace Glovesâ€"Colored and Blackâ€"Ladies kid glovesâ€"Elk. and coloredâ€"2 & 4 Buttonsâ€"Ladies and Misses Hosi- ery a very full range. A MAGFIFICIENT STOCK of Prints and Cretonnes. OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE Dept. replete with all the latest novelties of the seasonHOi‘naments, Gimps, &c., GENTS Ties, Scarfs, & Handkerchiefs. GENTS Dress shirts. in Fancy Regetta, &c., &c. ALL THE LATEST STYLES in Gents Hatsâ€"Felt and Straw. WE OFFER Splendid value in Tweedsâ€"â€"~Scotch and Cam dian. (Fram Our 0 mniCon‘cwm‘Meh(A The members seem determined more tlum eve-v 0f givnrg the utmost satisfact- ion to all wlm nltcntl. l‘ursides havng Something worth eating, they intend to have Eva‘xetlliug wm’tll hearing. so all who Can, should attend tn see, eat and hour, The Ketlvlcby division, Sans Hf Tempâ€" The Kettvlcby divisim), Suns: Hf Temp- erance, haw decided (u hold their rm» EXTRA VALUE in stylish ready made suits of English Scotch and Canadian TWeeds and VVorsteds. FULL LINES of Hardwareâ€"Spades, Shovels &c. EXTRA VALUE in Groceries. 7 lbs of Tea for I Dollar. cation, that these so-called friends had been induced to purchase the liquor, by rivals in business of the defendant. and that forthwith after having enLrapped the clerk in this way, they laid an inform- ation on which the conviction was based. Another information was preferred by friends whom the defendant had treated. Mr. Wm. Meek has got moved into his new hotel and we may say that he has one «)5 the finest hotels, for a country house, in the township. )t. is far ahead of the old one both in looks and con» vonience. The people here may boast of having a good and decent hotel-keeper, who does not intend to let it run down as it has been CGNCRETE HOUSE RICHMON D HILL. LOOK HERE, You Show. The defendantx’s councfl took objection) to the conviction on several grounds. First that. the summons, though issued in Simcoe, was served in the County of York, that it. was a question of criminal law over which the Local Legislature has no power, etc. His Lordship, Mr Jus- tice Armour, did not. go into all the ob- jections urged, but quashed the convict ion on technical parts. The defendant is one of the most prominent men in the village of Thornhill, and the information appears to have been laid out of spite and with a desire to injure his reputation and business. Mr. H. P. Sheppard, of Morphy, Sheppard & Miller, for the defendant. Some of our farmers are plowing up their fall wheat on account or it havmg been killed. Mr. J. Rohbnttnm. carriage builder, and Mr. C. McKenzie. hiackmnitthve been rushing out some fine work lately. Last Friday evening the young men of this vicinity met in the Temperance Ha)! for the purpose of Organizing a. cricket club and we are glad to learn ihat they have succeeded. They intend to pract- ice up and try their metal on some other club before long, and we would not 11mi- mte in saying that they will cmne out Vlctorinns :15 (hey have done before. Mr. A. Eyer has been chosen as cnprain and Ir. S. M. Brown as Sec. & Trans. Our merchant, Mr. Hall has built a fine stable. ~ The lodge intends having a. picâ€"nic or entertmnment soon. (From Our Own Correspondent) Victoria Square. at lOo’clock in the forenomx, at \\'l]1u,l Court all cmnplzlints, duly lodged nf any errm‘ or omission in the. snid Assessment Hull's will be lmml and (late! mined, and all parties interested are “questle to govern themselves accordingls. Dated this lst day nf May, 188:}. J. M. LZUYI‘OHCH, Clerk of the Mnnicipnlily. On Sunday another large bush fire oc- curred between the 5th and 6th c0113., (m the farm of Thos. Hill. It burned with the utmost fury, and ran at rues-horse, speed. Almost twenty men turned out, but their efforts were almost futile in checkng its speed. 000. That pursuant to file statute in Hm be- half. A Court for the l'ueviBiKNI Hf Um Assessment Hulls, for the Mnnivipulity of Vaughan, will be held at the Tme Hall, on TUESDAY MAY, 30TH 1382, Imal tea-party on the 10th of June. The popularity and extensive patronage of which this party can boast, render it m)- necessary foryour correspondent to say anything further. Much amusement is caused in anlish moiety by a. rumour that a prominent Irish M. l’., is to be involved in a breach of promise case. The letters in the case are said to be most amusing. The United States authoritit‘s have dis« covered an organized gang of cmmtwâ€" feimrs at St. Louis, Mom, who have been issuing counterfeit land scrip. The city of Racine, \Vis., has bevu visited with a terrible fire, which has dw strayed buildings covering about fiftvcu acres. "T‘he damage is estimated at $350,» Schomberg show came Ofl‘a few (lnyx ago and was a complete success. The stock shown was on the whole very good and the number of animals exhibitâ€" ed reflects credit on the farmers uf north King. During the allow a man named Hill received a severe kick fmm :1 young stallion. He will soon be around again. Epping Forest was dedicated to the free use of the public by Her Majesty in person on Saturday. About half a uni.- lion people were present. The other Sunday, the sermon in the Presbyterian church, at Temperancevillu, was cut short by a. man by the name of Mark Ferguson taking a fit. The h0wl~ of the poor man were terrible ; the minister, after having the collection tak- en up, sent the congregation homo. COURT OF REVISION. TAKE NGTEGE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. W. ATKINSUN.

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