L A 's Erxamaivu. cmmcnrServicn at 1} 5h.in l‘ mu, who third 5 unluy of (wary mmwh when t w sorx‘ix-t: and Huwruuntun are lmld at. [1 3mm Sunday SLJUH’I at 1:250 1x111 Emu 1i» Slmuk» 'u‘ L! ‘tmz .slurunmxr ru ‘Rz‘u m“ ( NAPLâ€"Scl'vir-os n: 1u::smuu_,mul ( 1 “111,414le Sunday whom. ‘IJJU )LHL l‘myor numbing evmy 'l‘hm'sziuv m'vuiug. in Hm lmvtl‘u'u Rum“. Hus. l'.lur Augiâ€" nm- and J ‘th I‘inmcqu. I’m; urn. Punsnvnnuw mntm'u (m CAVADLmSm'ViCR will o‘cluvl; n..m.,aud L) 1mm. Prayer mvntiuu cm 'l'nursdwq, evening ..n 7;.'.(). llrilY. I. Humpbull Pet-mun HH‘VAV CATHunm ('In'nrm-»S<\rvi(~vs in order as fuJuWï¬Z 'I'hmuhill m 'J u.m.. mul li' :hmuml .H in at. 10:30 mm: the following Sunday :1. Mon. mun-l Nillnt‘laun mud ’l'hm'nhH] 29L 14,!sz 11.1w, :Ltim." \nth Mu khsz awrv third Sundwn‘. I‘iiCNMONl) H 1 LL. 1mm MONT) Tammi. A. F. & .M.. No. 23‘ G.R.(‘ V Mex-is in the landng Room†Lusouic lmlL n11 the Monday on or before full moon, at, 8 o‘ulnuk p.111 muw (’Lx’oslw, \V'. M. Hrt'nmwn {1.0). '71..th TVR‘IMaats In the Tom we :00 Hull, on the Friday on (:1 before 1'le tum)â€. at h: u'clnck p.11). (T. It Shupmgrd‘ “KM, Ru-mmxn Him. '1'mnnn:,Nn I. O. G, 'I‘.ï¬ .“flr-ut in (he, ’I'vmpehmce Hull' 01) Woj ‘asn‘luy «Awning. a: 7.1“; o‘clock. Wm. Hurrlsou '1'. R), 'l‘ho Mvthodist sabbath sch-ml'l'cmporzmro As Mwi mm, issue weigh curds; mery Sunday when- wu'cul. “’111‘Hlll‘l‘i54mHI)†Hm IIANIHS' JNS'I‘II’ li'l'V "Library 01 over 1 00 )‘nlinuuampun m'ur)‘ Tm ‘ ‘ ' ea cning. in Hm Mu- 1»;er H:!l],|‘1'mn 7 W h‘ 0 R.lJ.1uLw. Libra- m-u. Lautums and diï¬lru nuts pm'mlhcally. v I'IHJ. CORNET BAND. ~~NIUU£S [m- ury Tuesday and Saharduy evening at, Ahsx. quird, lam-(km Yum/wk, U1. NHLâ€"NA: w, WnL Trench: (1mm will nan, 310.431 b- j min Ruddlll, \n m, In gale}, C Uzmuunh, and J. H udcrsom Ulcrk. M. Juuf m c H MOXD HILL 221 A mu“ Witl'nns 03M" {51), twaiun 01' ’J'veth FRIDAY NEQRNING 'i‘hornhili, $31.. and '7 1L {luxukful fur Lhn favors 0.1 In y will Eu» wusuitod in an; #‘xwuun. :L: fullnwm :\ 1m 1L M. NH], 122m, and i .\t WHUH'KUL , . . . _ . . . . , . . }_(i<‘hn.<yml Hiii .. .9le mad umthe1‘:lem‘llonsc) toxm'villu .. lfl, ymmum... ‘0. 1. Moria Squaw m». ,l‘hnruhill" d“. Mug-‘10.... do \anlhridgo (in. Kluiuhui'g (in Noblctun , n Amwthctivys. us Nitrmw ()(ideOMH “cod wmm \1L‘!l01‘x’(i,ZL)ILlHUN?) hubtlw hestnmu‘rin! used. Axhlra q A. HODESSVIN LII) ,.\m‘om Hut. 0'1an of Um 'I'hl Div inn Cmn‘t. (‘lm‘k and 'i'rnu'»'\1mr nl Van-“11m.livghzm'u“ of Bivthx. Marriâ€" n,"1'\w Mm Luzmhr“, (imnmiwiouï¬r in (fuurl, 01 Quuon's Hum-11. hi. 1;. Orr, M. 13.. and 15b Hih‘or Mclhfllist Uni- vurm'ty Hf Turnnm ; 514).)" (um: I; S. :\.L., Enihmd‘ (Lute of London Linghund} Surgeon «c, ()flim hours: H to 10, 1 um. mm 4; to 74:0. l‘wL‘rH w. ‘\ttm‘nr\;~;inL-Luw, ï¬nlh-i“ lfhzmum’y - rumors m shihxm'un)‘ ULHH'LS‘ Vt acorâ€" 2L0, m Wiï¬ï¬‚? v ï¬dï¬ï¬‚g (PLAIN and FRINGED) At “THE LIBERAL†800K, NEWS & STATEONERY DEPOT, R’D HILL. IBER‘AL Ehnustm‘ Lo Lo; )1. iâ€™ï¬ mu] :SU Unvrl‘istn 2 Mm. north of Huuunm u ml '10, h 11-151mm “LII-.1, 'I'm'umn 5-H.†.xt‘nlzw..Q.1'. L‘HM‘.‘ \'\. H. 193.1.mwmnmu‘. khllir') “Minnie, Moss, Falconlirndgv d2; Hoylcs. 31.0w†north of H-uuhnul (Thmnlmrs, 18 m, 'st N\I_1".if'.:ur1tu)1 M. 1;†(T. Mâ€)! (3. g), S. 0. Lute f 'I‘m‘mztu I; )v 'ul Hospital. l’ln'sicia}; Surgeon (Hï¬uu hm, - ' ‘J to 11, ‘A to 4, and (3 Ln 7.30. {.U'I'JL'E. Yun RKCHMONI) HILL $1 per annum, in advance.) VOL. iV. W W .\L’1'| W. J mm WW ’7 BUSINESS CARDS. Rankin Kerr, & fawn-ls, Br. Jinu'lton. “’csgour .an‘slnnlumuaA 41:1)(mi1uVil (I-th- L) L7. S‘H. \VJL L Humnm. H, (' Dr. N] canine". '1 méluate of Toronto University, :H. hix’ Priming Haï¬zthlishmuut Dr. Janna-s Langstufl Axx» .i ;: mm. N. La vim-nor, (IONVEYANCER. ETC. Rfmagt flirtrtnry. Fluu'rhc‘s. JE'v; PUBLWHIH) EVERY A L‘m Wm}. H'nli.’ Hmnn flu 22m.) 'l'm'mdn “11' ‘Y “’illium In; 0m, Mamie, la. F. La ngszafl'. A. $1 (‘ux‘Rz‘u m“ (L\N.\Iu.â€"Scrvivos \zl ( I p. muunl Sumlu whom. l‘myor numbing evmy 'l‘hm's-mv Imphzru Rum“. Hus. l'.lur Augi- Dr. A? 1thng Mun. Lhn favors of Hm pmt ten year? usuitm‘n in any branch of the pun Mounties. flucflirlfl. BL‘HGEON DENTIST u: orncx J) lst10 duvyn 0‘; each month 1.8M) “ “ ‘ red for: mauloas Mm‘iuis {'1‘ r: w A 1‘. T, Emul. Richmond Hi1] ilmtifl. BY 31C guws . 11‘ .7). AS‘ 0mm hours 9 5L. 11L, 2 p mt“:Nut:|1'y,&v. Mano) m Imun hm] hugs, Nu: 'j UTH].1U. (1 221111 271.1 mi 24m Ailteimdv MH-M .Torunto myrlu Mr is:qu Q.(‘..J.}L rm-mgc Misilucli. (inklirough ‘umols. K‘ )llu'luun. ’0 PS“ of 63"“ month do. \V'. Hux’mm, AY],1.H\\ {1151 H ()N'l‘ Money Ont. Emery P. (1., County York, (Hucceqqur us the late 11‘ h. Havimsl insurance Agent, mr Lhu best and must mluwle L‘umpmuun xmlugbllsiuuss m Cum), u :. A’nu‘ :desnuun of msv‘. mg in It ï¬rst cm»: m mpmlv murum ubuuu our 1 am: harm a xnmn'xug n A Mme amount of Money to Lend nu farm or (MIN ump 'l‘by ;iutcroa: 1 per cent; nu (:unuuid» sion. 158 Kim; Htruet East, Tut-unto, First-class mm~ murcml )mugm GoodAcauuuumlnbnou and every :zfceutiun aho'wn G uestn. Superior rambling. HENRY LEMON. l’mnrinmr, Having recently built the above House on the aim) uf the old Stage Hotel, and fun 'slmd it throughuut in ï¬rst-c “SK “319,1 mu ]n'0)m‘rc:l to give the public theg‘nest of mmmmunlutimm Guml sml'liu; and attentive hostlurs. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. ’l‘crms, :51 per (My. "he Richmond Hill Omnibus 1mm , zhis Hume at 713') mm. 101‘ Toronto and louver, Tux-onto ME :30 um. A. L. Skeclo. Clock 2mg Watch M2; er, Issuer of Marriage Licenses foi‘ the (sonnty of Yor . Raul Estate and Insurmme Agent. Parties huvjmg {arms or lots for sale, or wishing incur {mt-v 31] life or property will have. ï¬lmir nu prqxzqmly attended to by the above. Mmmy 1,1) ".mm at: 8 per cent on approved froehglnhemn'it) Oiï¬ceâ€"Cnurt House. Toronto ‘ Importer of Watches, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery 2L Stork of Dimmmds and prvoioussmncs nhvuv on lulqu THIRD U001: SQU’J H ()F QITEL. STREET, TORONTO. IJ'meufucmrmu n jewellery, and repairinzzof watches and clocks on tho n-egnisw;,u specialtv James (3. Makes, Liconscd .‘dxntionom' for the County of York, ro- Spectfull) solicits yourpatronage and friendly influence. levs attended on the shm‘tu ‘ notice and at reusmmbe 'ntes. 1’. 0.1uhh'0" lung Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘mmny of York Sula-u attended on the shortest nutioexmd fLLl’L‘u- (UM: rates. Addr 3 h‘nbletuu l“ 0‘ Thanking onr patrons and frinndHfor their lib- ornJ wmrmmgt‘ i]. the past we buy to state. that we have just received a. large stock ofnowgzmds in Jutr'st designs. A lame stm‘k 01 Elgin and Wmumm watches her): on hand. Licensed Auctioneer for the Cnunh‘o, of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold nu cm: mnont. General mule“ (If ECUCli. emu. promptly attended to “a reasonable rates. 1’. 0. uddrosw, Licmmvd Auctimmor for the (101mm of York. re. spm‘nfully soliv‘its your putroymxz gum i’git'xmly inflneua‘. Sales :3thng on the shortest nocicc and at z'easouablerutes. P. 0. AHIITBKS, ' Box 96. YIC’J'ORXA SQUARE. MINERALS FURNISHED A. WRIGHT & SQN‘, AS near as can be at present, nm‘vyhtinâ€" ed it “as nbuul’. the your 18-10 that- the Mn: .Iuhn limwn built :L blacksmith 5110]) rinse to where \Vullnce [in-09. tinny mill nuw stands. The wm-kmcn in ‘his shop were prinmpnlly engaged in the, 111mm- l:l('tlll'c oi cow bells and lugging rhnins. A f0“ yours Mtcr, hwwcvel‘. Mr. Brawn engaged in the repairing uf mncnines but USN] hnmu-lunver only In dIngb his hmchinhry, until in 1349. uhcn he erect- wl :\ lurgur shop and «:r mmoncul ‘0 mi hm the \vnwr-puu‘er at his mmmund.‘ In making :L ï¬-w threshing and mlmr mw c-hinw. In 1854- he “in; jmm‘d by Mr. John .UmH, :mf] the new mm anhhglu-d n fuumu'y. T11? pul‘mcnhip, hmvp‘guj, THE IIUlWBER MD ETS TRIEUTAREEï¬. Robes. Cofï¬ns. Caskets&c.. constant 13’ cht°P._h,‘{’?9_. “imam-Mgr. Past. mm! Pro,ka Him, “anon-ï¬es. «in: The following is one of a series 0{ paprrs read beforc the York Pioncexs by ML William Watson, of Wtston, one uf the most prominent and respected members oflhe ASSOCIallon, and is a minute history cf ihc Clo. umy onork, especially the Western portion. And dealm' in W'utches,(llocks,nnd chmL Richmond Hill ()ntv U N DE RTAKE RS~ ROSE, MACDONALD, MERRIT'I‘ & (30., The Palmer House. RICHMOND KILL. IOHN PALMER. Proprietor. n the ma‘test notice and L'oymmmble terms An Anam‘m'mnt of JOSE P.“ A. D E V I NS, The Clyde Howl. Money to Loan. N. J. Arnwlrmmg aiilï¬ccllzmrmm. Salem Eckardt. George Eakin. S. NI. Brown RICHMOND HIT.“ Uniov Loam buildingx‘ Townm .1. W anluss. (PAPER No. 5 ) aklnmt. fluttlï¬. “In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in (IN things, C/zrzrify.†RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1882. \\'1{ [G HT «Q Hi}; UNIONVIIJE existed only two years, but the place was rented to Mr. Abell for live years lunger. The upper part. of the large shop was occupied by Mr. Brigham Wilkinson(son- nl-law of Mr. Brown) as a carriage and wngguu shop, unml auout the year 1868, when John Brown, jr., Neil 62: Cu., rent;- the whole shop. This ï¬rm, however, lasted only one year. For two years lunger Mr. Brown occupied the place himself, using it as a nmchlug shop and at the expiruniouof that time he was juined by Mr. Muir. In 1877 Mr. Muir JeLired from the business and in the fol- lowing year the Wallace Bros. bought out the whule premises. turned the shop into a sture house and built a flour null adjoining it. The flourishing village of \Voodbridge was formerly culled Bnrwick, after the late M 1-. Rowland Burr, who may be said to have been its founder, He settled in the neighborhood in 1837, having ex- changed a. wechleared and fertile 100 acre 1am: on Yonge street, fur an un- cleni‘ed, rough tract on the Humber, owned by Mr. Washington Peek, at Coup» er by trnde. A number of labouring nien moved in with Mr. Burr. ‘ninst of whom managed to secure ‘bullding lots in the village, then only in" embryo. It is said that these lots were measured by Mr. Burr, whose mode of measurement consisted in taking so many Stays in one direction and so many in unutli’pl’, stakes being driven into the ground to inark the corners. This will probably explain the irregular shape of the village lots. It has been said that if everyone in the village had exactly what his deed covers, some or them would be taking possession of their neighbor’s houses. Many of the old inhabitants of VVuudln'idgu retain an all‘ectinnate and grateful remeinberance of “ ltuwlund Burr.†It. seems to have been a. practice almost invariably followed by those building mills or tactories on the Humber to ï¬rst erect a. suw mill, with which to cut lum- bar for other buildings. This plan, howâ€" ever, was departed from by Mr. Burr, who, in 1837, ï¬rst erected n. flour mill. 1n the following spring he built a saw mill and in the autumn a distillery and Woollen factory. Of these buildings, the only one now remaining, as it originally stood, is the factory. it is only a. small building,.zind iu the early times did litile but custom work. It now ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬llpléid by .5112 Abell as a. shoddy factory. The (lis- tillery has been removed to a. distance and converted into two dwelling houses. Two years subsequent to the dale last mentioned, Mr. ï¬nrr built another and much larger woollen factory it little lar- ther down the stream. This factory has been operated at different times by a number of firms. First, Hoit & Burr, then by Self & Burr, and later by lllitch~ ell 6’6 McNally. Afterlyingitlle for some time the whole property fell into the hands of the late John \V Gamble, when the factory was again put into operation by Mr. \V. McNelly, then by Mr. Duncan Mclntush, and afterwards by the line Bros. After Mr. Ginnhle’s death, which occurred in 1874, the property was pnr» CllllSltd by Mr. John Abell, who leased the factory to Mr. J. \V. McIntosh (zi brother of D. McIntosh). Hls son still occupies it,~ and is doing a gout-l business. The llour mill and saw mill premises, re- ferred to, were ‘orn down soon after passing into Mr. Uiiinble’s possession. Mr. Julin Ahell, to whose energy and enterprise \Vuegllwidge in its present state of advancement and prosperity may he said to nwe its existence, eettled in the village in the year 1845. At. llTSl he went into partnership with Messrs. \Vend & l‘ltheridge, in the nninulacture of waggens and unriziges. This lirm built. the ï¬rst. mnnihus that made regular bl‘lPS between \Ypodbridge (then BLrwiclg) and Toronto. Two years later Mr. A hell put uptinether small shopnvhere he did a, small business in nuniufucturingj mill iron, 6110. It was here he made his ï¬rst lathe, by the aid nf which he constructed fgn himself. the tirst. steam engine used in the township of Vaughan. Jt is still in Mr. Abell’s pus. ' ., and is viewed by unmy with interest. In Jzinu:â€"iry. 1802, Mr. Ahell Cullllllmlccd \veik in his new ztgrieulturul Implement factory, (erected on the sight WlHCl] it imw occupies) with 3 force uf :Lhnut twenty men. As the hmnness enn- tinued tn increase additional buildings ware erected and a. larger number of men empluyed. In 1874, when the establish- ment was entirely destroyed by lire, Mr. Abell had 100 men engaged. The burn- in;r was the. work of burglars, whe enterâ€" ed the ol‘liee, then in the same building; with the works, blew open the safe, set lire tn the place and curried Off $93,000 worth of papers, $560,000 of this was eul- lecled, the remaining (“333,000 heinq enâ€" tirel}Y lost. There being no insurance on either the buildings of machinery, the entire loss to Mr. Ahell by this etniï¬a- urutiun has been estimated at $220,000. In lbwu nmnths time the ninnufuetory was l'ulfllllh and in running order, einplqyiug :l. larger number at men then Deï¬ne. a: r '-‘ :uxuxmn.) In the course of his speech on Wednesday nf» tenmou, May the luau .m- szn (Mmuu max) pro- llusuu'tu 5m Juuu Mumlumuu nu imlulllilblVU Ulll tor mu um; Introduced by him cnutlml, “ Au Act nu Bunuuzo mu lumen»! L‘m‘by at Ottawa) and for other purposes," ms it truly reprcmmts me real purpon m 511' John’s um. Tue 15111 15 :Lb' 1m- IUW A clever and Apt batlre.â€"~Thc Measure Proposes whan Sir. John‘s Bill _¢Aims at. “ An Act to Bulldoze the Liberal Party and for other purposes. " VVJUJREAS. by the census 01' the year of our Lord 15:51, lI-Ild 1111wcuruu1u'0 mm we Jh‘lmsh Non-11 Amazon. AUL ul‘ 1607. L110 L‘rnvnmu of (Mr farm is uuplbluu to luurl iMUhMUIMM nmmbcns m the House 01 Commons ; and " \Vuumms ibis dcsn'uble 120 secure ifpusrsible, the ucmmu of L110 Jchm‘l Party 01 Cum.an and the runurn to power 101‘ mu new livu yams of we present. «3‘ UV u-unmm; and “ \NHMHEAH puhhc opinion has; lynx-n senuus‘ly ntfacwu by um mrgu mum: uf mu pumic 62s- peudjmu‘a, the runway and uamuumuu umuupo» nus crowned mu‘nugh Lilo POIle m we Unusurvn- Ln‘u party, mm exuuus Irmu (Zunmlu, LU Lnuusunds other best sons, and mu mmnemucu wmu l‘ru- vmclul J‘lgutm, yam mollmrly w1L11 mm Hgan 01 Due Pruviucu or (Juan-m : mm “ \‘Vmamus it is desirable that tho Cunscrvmy- ivo party Huallld not bu bound by thmwummbmns HI 1L5 leader In 157;: that. tne municipal cmumy Imus shuum bomnpoctcd in mu tumuual‘meuu or emcbm-uu “mm " ’i‘mamaromc SlrJom1Mmammld,byand with the lmvme 01 party \\'11‘(:-plmum and L‘ury LlupumL- nuns ll'oux Lhri’rovnnm 91 0aner, uuuwu-u Lhu coumvamce 0: 101165 1mm mumer l'rmmvcs (much as follows " l» The House of commons mun consist of 211 members, 01 whom u, unmmty belong to hue CUursmW amvo 11am . “ 4. ’lhut‘suvunfl aluminum-Mm Liberal party represent cunenituenmcstmu cannon bul‘e-uu1\15u~ ml; tlmnm (uve 5 cases by aggregating the ].|IWI'» 11.15 01 bwumr three culmmbuuuuws bu miner, num- the process recently presuubuu Known 13.5 ‘llivnm‘. vermin 3leng,ce_Im galumurm LusuxL-Ls ill) be render» (3d mm‘u sccllru _101‘ HR: \Lul‘JScA'yz‘LLn (a part ; Lima in severm uleumu'ul (HSt-I'lulm, no wm, him (100101114 mstrxuts 01 Norm humux, Aluskonn, Aoruh Hu- tzu'w, buum Unmnu, mmtu n mmwm‘m. Plum \om, harm \ m’k, Suntan Penn, Norm Bruce, ï¬ouuu Brunn. What Miudlowa, 1mm“ C11. South Nunolk, chore can bu made such :1. rcmlJusuuenu 01 mm lemnl vow (Ls Lu wcukeu £an when“ mm- (lnmbus 111 but!†UUlthitllL‘lu'lUH: 111mb nu hth would uccurc w tho (lonservnuvu mm from Ems. ubsvuce m we nwmbel's represent/111;: .,.n«1 mm- 5013110110103 from Lhu HuuSunl Commons ; lb 1n lelL‘dJC/nt/ thercun'e, Lorcmmh‘b the woman“ tlls» twat-5; aturcsnnl 111 such 1n\\IL)'llS to 1mm 0m; m0 viecciou 01 we Liberle mummers m mun LLJUI :LJ L11 the mud em I‘Ul‘lLl tilSU'it “ 2.1‘1mc save m1 members of ’m‘liumont dur» 1ng me last lum- youâ€; have loywuy sumrunud Luv present. Lxm'ormuum. an, a 3mm: Ham-mun to them nun cunm'lenmuus CUHVJCMUIJ m uuty uud d'u mewerli 01 than puntlczu llvus. “ 3.3mm: it is alleged by the members foresmd to W16, the lllUUAL‘UJb ltw‘ebcnmng lue wuuwnLl umbrwbs of buum luLAHLI n, k nmwull, bnum Urn), Norm Huron, hum: Aluulmwx, hush hhudmwx. Monumhmcum, bmwu IVnrJo.u,(,ent1‘c “011111;,- wu. l\ul Lu W enmgton, hush \orlu, harm Yum, Now“ Slumoe, but.le 1.))“quth highland Rena, 1,1qu men CUUbMt/uulltb‘ m u wry mum uissmzmricu \Vlbll many or LJJC vows glven by one members m’orcsmu during bhb sum perimt of Limo ; mam Luo vunuus gifts nenwweu on the maid constmmncwn, to wit, the post ofliuu 111 5b. L'uumum', and,wa ; pubb uxï¬uu, sm'am'om, »28,500; (10., (-luulmlu, :SMEMN; (10., m. ()Mhm‘mes, $51,500; (10.,Unx'nwuu, bzwlw, have not why appearing“ the clumour Immunm mm luwlubumulmes:ud, Lllm‘eluru 1L 1:; 0x}quwa 50 Lo re-mjusb the LmlltyuxtuculsyI the mud mum- mers us wlu'uvclm mum pomp, drn'en Iwm pm)GC 1116, and ï¬nely V036 and luliuuuuu lUbb to mm (Lon- uervumve party - ' " (3 That tlm nulrn’utmont of rutur11inuâ€"01ucnm 1511, polltlcm gut: Emu, ml M1911 uppnzlnuants rhnuul bu 111mm m the inturvsks 0| 1110])1U'L); mm more 1): gram dangm' H‘st the mall mum“ sumul humanly, m' réln'l'xfl :Iml rua‘jrttmrs summl llchl'lt’l‘C mm Lin: lllmrw I im‘bulll whmu )mlxbi- uni o:u;,unc1us wmctxmcsmqunu; n, xr.(‘,,‘\)1c\ln?]11r thel'uful‘c, Lu 1'upL-2Llwcbmlix (\I the Dunlmmn J‘Lâ€" naminn buf L3H, Lhus Imwm: Mm (‘rm‘mmnvut I'ruo 1,0 5010(1) Hliih relurnmgvmncm‘s us In Luuu'uâ€" pinion WUlllll bum MJH'U pawn: IJIEIII'UFLb. “ 7. The \‘iu‘imw schedules In11m;uvtmnumlml murkud respuchvmy 1mm J to :31, mumsz I‘In' true bounumius «)1 L110, clcnuurul (llsLl'li‘Lh uI' (m, tum; mun): Lhu prm'lsiou 01 Luis Am." Boultbce wals hold at, 'l‘hornhill, on Tues» dny evening, May 9th., a nmjwriiy ml illuSe present, however, being llefunners. Mr. Lnngsmlf presided. Mr. loultlmc ï¬rst spoke. giving his campaign speech of 187801) the, Nazionul l,’nlicy. Mr. 'l‘lms. Hndgins, (9,. (1., followed with an ex- haustive and eloquent spevch upon the Natiunal Policy, the Boundary Aux-1rd and the She-runs and liedisti‘ilmpiun Jiills. Mr. ,Boulilice them slmku fm‘ the Tory csusn, and in the luxury: of his l'L’lllfll'l{B, spcnking of the Boundary Award, Sulll if, “as inwm for ()u‘ulrin to want to I‘Ul) the uthui' l’i'nvingrvs ul their tux-ritm‘y. ,Wim‘ Mr. . (muph 'l‘uib hml replied, Mr. Bunkâ€" liee withdrew Mr. llndgsnn, HUB of his speakers, to allow Mix A. 1“. Jury tn speak, who then made an excellent ml- (lress, showing how the Natimnj Pulin discriminated against, Lhu “lurking clauses. Mr. Bonlilmc than culled \tpnn Mr, spmkcrs, to allow Mu A. .L“. Jury in speak, who then made an excellent ml- (lress, showing how the Natimml Pulin discriminated a< linst, Lhu “lurking clauses. Mr. Bonlilmc than culled \tpam Mr, Hodgsmi, whum he hml previously willy drum) fi'um his list, hf speakers, in rcpl". Mr. “(Julthw then spake, and in iho (:nui'sae (if his remarks was (f'H'l'PCtt‘Ll sevm‘ul limus by My. Bmlgm'mv in mut- tem relating to the pnpulntiun of the counties, and hy Mr. llmlqins upun inniâ€" ters relating 14: Il:(; Boundary Award. Min liunlthcu lust lilH temper upon thus heiug sec anally. and said that if he had lumwu he was guinea to get; into such ll hut, plilCU liq \meJ up: have l’.‘fl his pay- An Act; to Bulldoze the Liberal Party 01 Canâ€" a a. A meeting; called in the interest of 3H Mr. Rnss’ Biil. (TO 1;}: (?\)I\"I‘lN17i-3l).) liamentnry duties, In his ï¬rst speech also he lost hm temper upuu bemg pron» ed by one of ms own supporters Lu give. u. reason why the (x‘ruvemment did nUL pm- tecL ï¬ne wools. The “muting than Game to a close. Sir Alex. '1‘. Cult arrived at New Yurk on Saturday from England. Mr. J. A. Kilroy, of \Vindsor, “as Monday nomumwa Reform cmmidmu 101' North Essex. umu uuuusm m me rlsnez'y Award cane, Supplementary cstixnatus,to the amount of elgnty Lhuusand dollars, for the IiScaA year ending June 30th, 1885, \mm brought down in the House of Commons on Monday. 'l‘nc principal portion of the, village uf Duuvlhe, 1’. (2., was destruycd by mm on Monday morning. The distribution of the Ontario statutes of the late sesswn was commenced at Um un‘ice of the Queen’s Printer on Monday. The Pery Council have awarded $20, 000 to Mr. Donne to): services as (Jana Luau counsel 1n the Fishery Award cane The Nurquay Government ï¬nding that defeat, was luevimblu If they persiaLcu mm Lhe. Kalhmy U111m elm lv1u.nmm.s Local lmglsléxt'u-c, ulthdrew un Mommy. The l’reuuur will, It Is mud, reimrodnuu the um 1.1 a. greatly maimed form, but. nothing shun 01‘ absulum control ol ruli- way matters in the Province wul szmrszy M.n111t<.1l);um. Fifty-seven of the crew of the Turkish tranflpdrt recently lost In the Busphmun perished by the disaster. The Bolivian ]<‘uruigu Ofï¬ce in :1. mm;- ifcsw (jun-mugs that, UUllVla. “1151 new: accede to Me cessiou of Lerntory L0 Chm, Smallpox is epidemic in Panama. A large number of employees on the canal are reported smk. Numerous dean» have ucum'wd. Paxmum is again threatened “ith revulutiun. Frightle barbarities have been per- pecmwd up)†the Jews at Odessa by Cossacks. who munmmd them and than puured petroleum in their wounds. Enthusiastic meetings were held on Sabin-day in various cunstibnencms. in Norah Uiiiau'iu MI. Cockbui'u \vus iiiizini» inuusiy nominated amid great enthusiasm. i‘vLi‘. \V'. Keir, Q. 0., was tundei‘ml :inu accepted the nomination in “'th NUI'Hr iiiiibci'iaind. Mr. J. H. Ciiiu'lesun H lH cunLesi Llie united counties of Richinumi and Wolfe in the Return: interesti Tim Liberals of Mammal are also inuvnig mm a meeting wnl shortly be held no nunnn» aim candidates. Agranzm disturbances in D unubcrg, Ruasm. have ucccsaltuted the prqaeucu u. troops. MiliLaz'y conflict, in Egypt is imminent. Five mbumf-vur have been sighted m. Alexandria, and instructions have ham; sent to prevent†by {mun if Mom-nun) their entrance into the halbom'. For the moment the thdivu of Egjp? appears to be master ut' the situnan, mummgh Ambi Beytstill remains in pmvâ€" or. '1 116 English and French Urovczn mums have agreed on a plum of acnmh and have urdcx'ed thcu‘ squzuhmnu :- ‘aluxmulrm. The United Slums Senate Cummitlu «>11 Woman’s 51111 ‘9 has reported Au ., favour of its adumiuu. IL is reported that u. valuable nil smikr has been made In (Huron county, Pd. Mason. in is understood, will be :1: leased innmullately ufwr (itlitteau ;« hanged, if not butoro. A new claimant, V» the 'I'ichbm‘nc 43*- Hue, living in Unlifnrnm, has been ru- anmul, n m szud, by tin-ma nld sum of the 'l‘lnmbome I’aumly, us the \‘orizni .v 511' Roger. ' .1~ \anlimn Richards, arrested 21‘. \var» bury, UUHIL, fur Hm murder uf Just: 1 .lauusnn, n Dmther immlgumt, utSuu 7A,, (Qua, last July, has unnamed. 11L- m“; [m textrmlimd for trml. Dyumuiic nuLngus are becoming irr- qucnt. in the Ifnitcd Status. All why“ A mus minim was blown up at l‘uh’hnm lud., on t‘mtm‘duy, and a, bomb Lazinlmh, m the streets uf i‘wcuegmr, N. \1 ., w Sunday. The kmerican Cuunsul at I’m-wâ€: rucmnmumls to the (‘niwd Status a} crunmnt an import duty of (we (-9qu j '1 damn ml eggs 1;“de per Inn (:11 sh‘ and hay, tuguthex' \ch dutivs m: in push), milmzul tics ((“U. ::\\‘('L'k 1133011 I' v‘. N0 rwk {MIL l‘cqmr Mllmrg, M “, .,.k. . » .r ., @fl ï¬stiuwmw mm ‘1. \\ u wni Jum " m 31‘» thing, Many arc minimum in huzlmu mnknuamm'h :|~‘ Inc 11, and 1m} h 1. make grunt pm. Math-111i “Uh wum. x n! whivh yum ‘ .11) make gum-nu pay :Llliht _\uu\\n1‘k writ xnr particular}; to 11.11"“ (:0. l‘guuun} Liam». ' UNITED [Single copies, 3 CANADIAN. \vvuk FOREIGN. Ii 3 0111' (AV) 740* nun him-g no“ wili {um cts. yrduu