Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1882, p. 2

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\Vnun sim’ ’ all‘x- Lilwn duwn, and hcfi'ui'c hw ' '0. sturui u‘.\‘:1_yfm-tl.e sninmur, the his: paint shuv'il 3w, to nmkn them really to gun up 4‘)‘ no not 10:10 this until the wml 1! Jr. n‘l' :mtnnm, whz‘n they may he non.- lml in a hurry, but nmlw :hll needed re- 4 /I(/-“. 'l'hum are. m many kinds that ‘1') make but gunvriil my,ng tions. The Hawk ‘mizit in all stow»: . thn lining, and, ,L ' lly whore hzml (-«ml is 1.110 fuel, this ;i\' Imml i'ophin'ing, [)0 not put the stove ry until 1:! Hpilll’s m'u niarle. All of the nling patio. ns ham: :1 name 01' Ilunihcr,:uid the pzzi‘tim frum whom a stove was bought can furnish m‘ procure the proper lining. Nome stoves have air-passages and double linings; (lliStflIHl light ashes may accumu- late in them, and where Such exist they Would be thoroughly (3' waned. Then terror to all lmmls of families when stoves are to be put up. Carefully mark with L-lmlk rluml-pcnml will answer well will“), pin-ts that up tog tlwi‘. A lililc an"? now will save much trouble in autumn. In 0111' 1101150 cleaning talk, \"0. lIIIVO run away to 1m ‘vhether in the floor, 01' between that and the base board, where insects may harbor, as well as larger ones in closets through which mice may enter. For cracks, common ham soap, which is usually soft enough for the purpose, may be usml to fill them. It is usually soft enough to he pressed with the lingers into crevices, and no inseeu will ven- f a I'Cgulux' “scrubber 7' be employed, she m:.y have the painted work looking bright and f1 0511, but it will have been (lone with soap and mud, .‘luutl should nmwr be used upon painted or varnished work. Strong soft soup and sand vigoroust applied, will take of? 11‘ large share of the paint, 'l‘o alum paint, libst‘umlf‘ :1 moderately strong ‘1 I The chief soilingr of wall paper, mlmumlly those, kinds in which 801110 part of the pat- tvrn is slightly raised above the guncral surface, is (1110 to (lust. In many (: s all that can liK: (lone is. to 1‘01110‘.‘ 3 the (lust; this is hast ilCUUlllPll-Nllekl by taking :1 now broom. wrapping; a. cluth m'mlml it, and swooping with it 1mm the top lev11\\'ai*(l, \\‘lil1 longr straight stl'olit â€"not up and down. This will remove tho (lust, mnl greatly improve hc appearance of the paper. Sometimes the paper will he soiled in spota, as where persons haw,- aliowcd th ' heads to rest against it. In such 021 it is: well to try a piece of stale bi' ‘:ul,, from which the or st has been removed, using it upon the spots as if it were a piece of India. Ruhhei'. At house cleaning time it is Will to have an eye “on, and setup siuls, and also have at hand anothei‘ pail of warm waternvith a soft flannel cloth {or enchfind 31340 :L plate (-ontaining “\Vhit- ing,” 01' “Spanish \Yhitc "mto be had at all paint or drug stores One flannel being Wet with the soap-suds, (lip it in the \Vhiting to take up a small quantity, and gently rub the painted work. The surface coating of smoke and other matter will soon he re- moved, then wipe the surface carefully with the other flannel wrung out from the warm water, and the painted work will look “as good as new." Outside of cities, the majority of houses are heated by stoves, and one of the points in most house cleaning is to take down these stoves, and not put them up again. Not only a large share of discomfort, but much sickness, if not consequent death, comes from the too early taking down of stoves. In every house in the Northern States, and the same appliOS farther south also, there should always be ample provision for mak- ing a. fire in the li\'ing room, at (my Um!) during the year. Cold storms may come un- cxpectedly, and a fire is sometimes as neces- may in August as in any other month. If stoves are used for heating, the health and comfort of a family require that there should always be at least one stoveiin which LL Iire can be mmle at once, at any time durâ€" ing the your. no NOT ’1 J‘0\'l2,\ DOW) T00 N'NL'K. l’I-ohahly th-Lu'c is nothing in the whole routine of house, keeping that is more of a, buglmur than the “spring cleaning.” 11“, as is smnctinms the case, the housc is set in an uproar, the furniture mole out of doors, and all the rooms male nninhahitahlo at once, the operation may well he dreaded. Fortunate are those house-keepers who c011- tiuue in the old-fashioned method, if colds and sickness among the children do not fol- low house cleaning. ()fcom'sc, “hero lliI‘ULl help is especially employed forthe occasion, it; is necessary to keep them occupiml and to ¢lo in a dayas much {LS possible. )Hlt, as a general thing, there is no need of the (liS‘ comfort that usually accompanies House- Clezming. Of course (‘noh house-keeper will have her views about the matter, and we can only hope to make a few helpful sug‘ gestions. fiBUUT SPRING HOUSE GLEANING. Those who olmxrve Um \VC-l‘vllcl' are aware ,, in the Amrthcm Stat , we do 110% u what is onllml “settled \voutllcx'” much (we the middlc of June, and that, each , lerv I.» likely tn be it cold storm of w, '11 nlmxs’ 1lll‘1Lll011 luths‘ccn the first 51]]Il (~ lniddln‘ uf that mouth. “'0 haye oh- mutlcr LEM-(mgh 50 many yours mi, .1: fuel unwrmmwl in saying to Hum: .10, m 1319 Nu!“ m Ntutcs, (lclrcml upon w w fur VJJ'IILH}; Hmix‘ lxom ‘ (10 hot Still bun-ml thy doors! The fair cast lows, The morning winds blow fresh an free. Should not the hour that Wakoa the rose Awaken also thccl a All 100k for thee, Love, Light, and Song, Light in the sky deep red above, Song in tlm lurk of pinions strong, And in my heart true Love. Apart we miss our nature‘s goal, W 11y strive to cheat our destinies! V’Vna not my love made for thy soul? Thy beauLy for mine eyes? No longer sloop. 0h, listt'n now! I wait, and wool), But, wlmro art thou .’ ",E Ul’ ALI. {THAI A ‘V‘JHHY :\1‘,01,"1'(le§} , and do part; of the operation 1'3 of importance. But we would say CLEAN} WALL l’A I’EXI. (I 'l'IHC SI‘OYE l’II'lC, MIN". '1')”. END} \x:.\.'mtn the stu‘.‘ ABOUT I»4o»> om Waning. [.l‘. 01‘ (HTS I) (,‘IIEYH The marriage of the Pope’s niece, Signor- ina, Anna I’ecci, to the Marquis Canali, (.f Rlcti, took place last week. The religious ceremony was performed by the Pontiff him- self in the Vatican. \thit form of oath is binding on the“hca- then Chinee”has been a debatable matter frm‘lnentlyin this country. Mr. \\'illimns, in his "Middle Kingdom,” a work of authori- ty concerning Chinese life, declares that in judicial proceedings in China. an oath is as unknown an institution as a, jury. “Nothing like an oath,” he says, “is required of wit- nesses” there. A clerk of it \Yestern Terri- torial court advises us, howeve., that in his experience he has known Chinamen to he re- quired as it preliminary of testifying in jud- ieial proceedings, to make a promise to tell the truth accompanied by breaking adinner- plate or by cutting of)" the head of a cock. Notwithstanding the positive assertion of Mr. “'illiams above quoted, the latter cereâ€" 'nonial certainly is practised in China. For example, Dobell, a. well known Oriental traveller fifty years ago, wrote:â€" In Cuntoxfiwhen they wish to swear I). wit- ness, u live cock and a knife are presented to him and he is obliged to cut offthe cook’s head at the moment he takes the oath. 1n- tlced, the cutting 011' the cook’s head is con- sidered in the same light as we do kissing the Bible; though I doubt much if it be real- ly hold equally sacred in a country where mortals are so dcbased. The subject is not a ni-ivial one nor deser- ving of only joeose consideration in this city, where the Chineso are increasing in numbers and in the intricacy of their dealings with the rest of the population. and where the price of poultry is so high that it might be a very substantial item of pul‘lic expenses in criminal proceedings. In civilsnits we pre- sume that some ray could he contrived to require the party calling.r a Chinese witness to furnish the knife and the cock at his own ~ Aim/I York 110mm. English tea parties, and made toetotzil speeches of much animation. hit l‘cpplc fell from the faith, and died as he had lived finiuch addicted to rum and homicide. And so it will he with (Jetowayo, whose curiosity it is unnecessary to gratify with any vague hopes of his future reform. Still loss is his visit desirath for the sake of affording a fresh sensation for the sympathetic people iuconsoluhlo since the departure ofJuth.” Thom is doubtless some. strength in this po- sition, :Lud yot LL good many people will think that England might hccomingly grati. fy, without grumbling, the ardent wish of an unlor‘r‘unuto monarch whom she had do- thronod without the faintest scmhlunce of right or justice, because ho was inconvan ontly brave and strong. mu «w>«-~â€"â€"-~ some grumbling. The Stinu/ard can see no good reason for entertaining the royal cap- tix'e. “it is, of course, supposed,” it says, "that the king will return impressed with the might. of Britain, and anxious to devote the rest of his life to cultivating the friend- ship of such powerful neighbours If so,it is more than doubtful whether the theory will be borne out by the result. Again and again has this experiment been tried, and again and again has it failed. Savages are hard to impress. Their brains are not sen- s:itive, and their powers of ratioeination lamentath feeble. They look at all we have to Show and take all we oll'er them, and return neither better nor wiser than when they set out. Indeed, the most ruthâ€" less of the native wars in North America and New Zealanxl have been instigated and led by pet chiefs who were perfectly fumiL iar with the pale-faces, and their might. liepplle, king of Benny, used to be a lion at Swearing a Heathen Chinee. Mr. Bradlangh's case in England has causâ€" ed general attention to be given there to the ceremonial 0t oaths and has inspired officers having charge of their administration with unwontedexactness in the execution of their duty. It was the same when a Parsee ap- peared as a. witness before a court in Lon- don a. few years ago. The magistrate delibe- rated whether he should not require him to be sworn holding the tail of a cow, but as thie would have involved hoisting a cow into the courtroom or an adjournment to a barn- yard he was persuaded to abandonthat more solemn form and suffer the witness to make a declaration that he would tell the‘ truth holding in the palm of his open hand “ a sa- cred relie which he was accustomed to carry about his person as 11 charm.” V"â€".â€"<-aoo<®>wgpâ€".â€".__ Cotewnyo. \x‘ayo’s projected visit to England at pause of the taxpayers has caused This fortunately exists in but few locali- ties. N0 better remedy than that we ave a your or two ago has been ofl'ered.â€"â€"\\ et a folded sheet 01‘ other cloth, lay it over the place near the edge of the carpet, and use several hot flatâ€"irons, movng them about from time to time so as to send the steam down through the carpet and into all the cracks oi the (1001‘. and it will kill the moths. \Vherc this has been properly tried it has been effecti\'(‘.â€"A mm‘imn Agricullzlriwl. ture to make its Way through it. For larg- er holes, through which mice may come, Plaster of Paris, mixed with water to the thickness of butter, and quickly applied, will soon set, and stop the opeuin . Thin sheet-tin, from old fruit cans, may )6 tack- e<l over the larger holes. In the spring cleaning we must consider The common Clothes Moth was formerly the only one that troubled housekeepers,th of late years the “Buffalo ” or “Carpet Moth,"hus in many localities come to plague them. To keep woollens and furs from moths, two things are to be observedâ€"4%, to see that none arein theartieleq when they are put away, and 2nd, to put them where the parent moth cannot enter. Tin cases, soldered tight, whiskey barrels headed so that not even a liquid can get in or out, have been used to keep out moths. A piece of strong brown paper, with not a hole through which even a large pin can enter, is just as good. Put the articles in a close box, and cover every joint with paper, or resort to whatever will he a complete cover- ing. A wrapper of common cotton Clotli,so put around and secured, is often used. \Vherever a knitting needle will pass, the parent moth can enter; carefully exclude the insert, and the articles will be safe. As to the A L0 (Hi (YA lif'l TH. THY. QU l'IOX OF MOTH-Q. Laid on the Shelf. Mr Thes. Claydon. Shelburne, Ont, writes : “ I have been suffering with a. lame back for the past thirtyyears,a.nd tried every- thing I heard of without success. Not long ago 1 was persuaded to use St. Jacobs Oil, I purchased a bottle, and, strange to say; before I had used it all, I was perfectly cured. I can confidently recommend it to any on cafllicted. No (“110 can speak too highly of its merits.” Mr. \V. 1‘}. \Veeek- ley, also of Shelburne, thus mentions a. matter of his experience : ” I have been & sufferer with rheumatism for years. I was laid up with a severe attack a short time ago, and I can truly say that St. Jacobs Oil produced the quickest relief that I over ex- perienced. I cheerfully recommend it to every sufferer.” “I understand that you toll 1n a, store that I wasn’t a man to be depended on,” said Hickcnloopur to Wigglcswm‘th, as they met the other morning. “ Tuint’ so,” promptly denied \Vigglcsworth ; “what I said was that you were a ’cergivcz‘sationist.’7 “Oh, well, that's quite another thing.” ro~ spomlc-d llickcnloopor -, “I’m much obliged to you for your {food opinion,” and he shook \Yigglcswm'th Warmly hv thehund and went awn V. ll‘zirmors‘, Louh to Your Floulm,~rl’lunim‘s Tick and Vermin l’mwlcr will destroy tick and vermin on sheep, outth and horses. Safe and easy to use, and guaranteed to do all that is claimed for it. Sold by (lruggi ‘15:. AN Inrmrmxr OMJHSIUNpM Sir L. Tille in his return in J‘J‘EUY'UIICO to tall chimneys omitted to niuntion a Very important; in- dustry, and one which has not only given employment to many hrunls, but has through the influence of the N. l’. rclim’cd thousands from physical suffering. “'0 refer to that great remedy for corns, “ l‘u'rNAM‘a PAINâ€" LE K Com Exrulc’ron.” Sure, safe, and painless. Sir Leonard may cxcluim, “ Cm» ada for Canadians,” but we most emphati- cally excluim, “ Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex. tractor for corms.” Sold everywhere. It will be seen fromuthe above that farm- ing operations have commenced quite as early, if not earlier, in the Nortlv‘Ves’t than in Ontario, and certainly earlier than in Quebec. Back setting is the turning back of the sod broken during the preceding summer. After back setting it is ready for sowing. The Springfield ditch was it eonâ€" sidemble undertaking, being ten miles long. It extends from Snnnyside through the township of Springfield and pet of the parish of Kildonan to Red River. It was (lug principally at the expense of the Muni- cipal Council, with the assistance of the (iOvernment.â€"Zl[onlroal ll’ihwsx. The markets this week have been fairly supplied, but yet entirely inadequate to the demand. It is estimated that 101‘ the last two weeks $50,000w0rth of provisions were used on an average daily. Cattle cannot be had at any price and their importatlon from the east means something, owing to the ex- orbitant freight charges between St. Paul and here. It is feared unless the railways make some special concession that a panic will ensue, owing to the rate at which the necessaries of life are increasing. Meat is now retailed at 25 to 30 cents a pound. “’ood too, is not to be had at any price, and $12 per cord is asked for loads that can be consumed in ten davs. “SUNNYSIDE, April 19th, lSS‘J.â€"Snow is nearly all gone. Beautiful weather. Back setting is the order of the day. Here sow- ing will lie commenced next week. The Springfield ditch is doing good work now. The forty thousand dollars were well spent. ” “"8 have heard a great deal lately of the floods in the Northâ€"\Vcst, and 0f the conse- quent damage to bridges and property, and detention of trains and other trouble. \Vc have received no news by telegraph of how farm operations are going 0n,which is, after all, the important matter, but we have had from a subscriber, who lives about sixteen miles east of \Vinnipeg, a good deal of news in a concise shape on this subject. The fol- lowing is his letter: Not a Nice Place to Live in, by any Meansâ€"Manitoba. and the North- Westâ€"Early Farm Operations. The W'iunipeq Times says it is impossiMe to secure a Waggon in the city. Dealers who have several curloads on the way here have already received orders. The \Vinnipe:r Sun says: “ The old joke about the steamboat that could run over the prairie after every heavy shower has al- most become a stern reality just lacross the border. Two miles of steamboat navigation overa railway track is an oddity in its way; but the water-stayed passengers were glad of the opportunity of making the transfer, which, under happier circumstances, might have been regarded as a nuisance. The fare for ferrying across Red River, at \Vinnipeg, which was 500. per head each way has dropped to ten cents, owing to com- petition. There was recently three feet of water over the track between Emerson and St. Vincent, and no trains can move until the water sanides. Several locomotives are off the track. Nearly one thousand tents were required some time ago to shelter the floating popu- lation of \Vinnipeg. This number has latc- ly been reduced to three hundred, and there is a probability of the occupiers of even these being compelled to seek a more cle- vatnd situation out of danger from floods. A feeling of indignation prevails through- out “linnipeg at the carelessness of water- men in dipping up slush out of the Red Liver and dealing it out to their custom- ei's. The washouts and floods on the ~:Lilway track have caused great delay in the for- warding of emigrants’ baggage. Emigrants who reached Winnipeg three weeks ago are still unable to obtain certain intelligence about the whereabouts of their baggage. “'innipeg ladies, m making their usual calla lately, have been compelled to take to the fences when crossing some of the Wetter portions of the cxty. They held on to the topboards while stepping sideways along the lower boards of the fences. THAT FLOODED COUNTRY. qutc Another Thing. NO 4<-n>.o O. <0'>O§I and .grew no bl-tim- but rather worse. Mr. I). H. Howard, of Geneva, N. Y.. after dismissing his PhVSiUial‘lS, trim] nearly half a gross of the various blood and liver reme- dies advertised, with no benefit ; who“ one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him of Paralysis and General Nobility. At the advanced age of 60, he says he feels young again, and is overjoyed at his wonder- fuli‘ccm‘cry. (21’) V The fo 1 - lowingr suggesâ€" tions are not, designâ€" 7 ed toindncc the public to attempt. tho (lu- tios of tho roguâ€" li lnr surgeon, hut. " merely to place the i i“ Q H 11‘ readers of those pages in possession of nmenns of treatment of the minor accidents occurringdailyin the household, and which. whilo nottlnngorous in liilt‘dllSOiVOS, are oxcoodingly annoying. Burns. bruises, ,11ds. sprains. (2th., nro prin- cipal among thnso troublesome and annoying: ooouroncos. and dom and immcdiuto treatment. with the host means at hand In the k :hon, the (liningâ€"hall. the nursery and the littiug» room they are liuhlo to hnmmn. and. instead of four and alarm ntvtho siu‘ht of the Hit ormnshod finger. or hriiisod or hurnod arm. or si'nlilod surface, 3,000] and quit-t manner should he as- sumed, and after washingr away the blood, (if required), the iujurwl parts should he drosle with that most, \‘tlilliliiit rmumlyâ€"S’r. .iM'mis 011.. It, surprisinglyqui (*k rnlivf.its Cleansing properties. its tondonuy to quickly remove all influuuuntion, and its wonderful efficacy in the above as well as in all in usoulm‘mnl otht‘r pains. such as rhmunzitism. noumliziu, toothache, homlnoh ,, stillness of the joints. 010..“ these render Hr. JM‘ons OI n pmâ€"mninontly the 1mm, (External remedy now hufon‘ the people: which claim is fully silhstnntiutr‘d hy the strongest kindof testimony from all CitlSSC‘S of people. The rnhu‘, of human life is so suin‘mnoly imporâ€" tant that anything: that tends 10 115' W'Hlonfln- tion is (entitled to the highest (*onsitlvrution. Charles Nelson. Esq. prom'ivtor TV' ‘01! HUIISP. Port Huron. Mich. says: “i guilvrwl so with rheumatism that my arm withered. and physiâ€" oians (‘Olliti not help nw. [ was in (1(‘i‘llflil‘ 0f mylifo. when somn one advisz nm N) Try ST. JACmis ()Ilu .1 did so. and, as if by mngio. I was instantly ruliovnd‘ zmd by the oontinuod use of the Oil entirely PUI‘Cd. I thank hmn'f-n for having: usred'this wonderful remedy, fm-i/ smrml my [if rod m ' wife." I'nfld-LS FDR HA’N‘IHNG from my (-hmnpinn r J \Vhitmmd Brown llogr‘nm‘ns (host layers), winners ut host showx nf Amm‘icn. Sand for il'cuhu'. \V. SI‘AHLSCHMUC’I‘, Preston. Ont. Lumlmgo, Kidney cmnplainl, Nmu‘algiu, Rheumatism, and all pain aml inllamnmtion are specdilycurod with llzlgym'd’s Yellow Oil. Group, sore thrnat, colds, l)111‘llS,Scal(lS, bruises, frost bites, cllilblains and all wounds of the flesh are quickly healed by Yellow ()il. 28 I" (DI'TLDENGS. I’N‘TITIH') I’MAHIJH. Mill- 7 ROE! PLATES. (‘IHHHHIK Jr. l’fifl‘ List to the trade on application. H. J. MA'J THE'VVS & BBQ, 93 Yongc St” Toronto. mmnfir:iir. .5. in. aim-mi i‘mnfibéu‘; _ Burl-isle‘r. Solicitor. (‘11-. Eb Viricrizl-sl, u' the Punt (“firm SHEEP The new German consul in Tunis applied for an quuatm', on Sunday, through the French Minister resident, and proceeded to present his credentials to the Bey,heing escorted by the French troops. This re» cognition of the French protectorate caused a sensation. “Don't; GLVO up the Shlp“ were the memorable words of Commmlorc Perry. We repeat. “ Don't (live up the Ship,” poor, despairing invalid, but try Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It cures others, Why not you? It rcnovates. regulates and tones all the organs of accretion, and restores lost} Vitality. L’T Now is the season for sudden colds and distressing coughs, treat them with Hag,â€" ym‘d’s l’cctoml Balsam, it cur influenza, asthma, il‘OllD, whooping cough, bronchitis, and all pulmonary complaints leading to consumption. 26 'llalw-it-l‘lasy and Live-Long um lrruthcrr. and are related to Ayvr's \‘nrxaparilln. which has lengthened many a lilo. How to Cure 3 Cold. Upon the ili':ztlu‘,1111g or cnill or shivering remain indoors if possible, bathe the feet in tepid \VLLtnr, 'mlually increasing the heat as 1011;; in )E can he comfortably homo, rlrink frccly of warm ginger ‘Iezi or mgr ten, to induce pm‘spil‘fltiun, nml talu: llle-ryard‘s l’nctnml llalmun according to (limctions on the bottle. Hagyarxl's Bali, in euros 'nughs, asthma, and l.)'.‘011(,:hii'is. ('30) Had Suficred many Physicians HOUSEHOLD ACCIDENTS. ADDRESS WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS, BBANTFORD, CANADA, Timely Warning. Marks Inunm'uumrod by M, H. Young & (‘n.. 13 \VeHinumn»3t East, Toronto. ugonm wanted. \Vo guarantee V chain to work won and to be far superior to any halt made. Lam : Ba. 31. Sole Manufacturers and Owners of Canadian Patent.‘ 1’. The only Linc running: PULLMA N COACHES wiflmm change between Suspension Budge. 1411111110. New York and Philadelphia. New York, Lake ERIE 8L- Western RR” All Expr ,. Trains make (-1030 (‘onnvction a: Elmier \ViLh lmhigh Vullvy and Northern (‘r'nlml H. Ra, for l'hilzulolphiu. Iiullimuru and \Vushimzmn. FAST TIME ( Ill: um I An HAW. manufactured by Hm 5H! \‘DS I'AITI’VTED PROCFfis. liming givt‘n such ummml Hi ,isfat'tion,owing zlttlmil' l‘NIFOflMITY 0|” TEMPE! we have to n gromcxnunsn applied the Pl“ (‘ll'lild to the TIINIPIZIKINI£ of CRUSS-(‘ITT SAVYS.11HV- ing: frequently lmvn asked in do so ; and hereâ€" after our (Trossllut 8mm will he E'l‘l‘lllil) and KNOWN us mwli. Thom who like 11 nicely tom- purod Saw will (10 well to give them a. trial. V Ank your Hardware Merl-hunts for um Mnmnds Haw. and so!) that, His etched as such. Solr' Jinnn/hr'hu“ ' for Ilmm'm'on of (Jamal New York and Eastern Points. R. H, sMITIm (10., Rheumatic Remedy. There is no better cure for Rheumatism than Ilagyard’s Yellow Oil used according to directions on the bottle. It also cures. Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Bruises, lame- ness, and all wounds of the flesh. All dual- cx's sell it, Price 25 cents. '25 Sand for DMrA’lpIivo (‘in-n‘mr, Price “SI. and Testimonials of BRICK MAUHINES, BRIUK PRESSES, AND TILE MACHINES. We also make Veneer Machines roH‘hcvsc‘ box sLqus, or performed 1"urnimre. Vim‘a‘hmmo l0 and 1'2 King-st linslwlToronio. AMY Write for Price List. ()SHAVVA CABINET (30., 97 Yonge Street , , , , _7 ?°*‘°““?:OBEV _ BRICK MAKERS. IN“ EVERY IDESE'RHI’TNIN. The largest and only complete stock in the Domzmon 89098 BlL/OUS/VESS, D YSPEPSIA, IND/GESTION, JA UND/CE. El? YSIPELAS, SALT RHE UM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arising from‘: disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMW‘L,‘ BOWELS DR BLOODl 1’. HELBURN 8: (50., WILL CURE OR RELIEVE :50 «31120.15: 6 inch b‘nlt, ‘ .â€" . n K 222;?) It g H H H It I: St. Catherines, Ont. J. R. BAR"!'LIC'1"1‘. (lon. Nurthm‘n Pa Agent. Bufl‘ulo, A. II. \VEBS'I‘EH. 'l‘l'nvclling: Passenger Agent, Mullah). J. ("LOWE J .403) W’omlsil.0k. 0!”. .IN(). N. ABBO’I‘, (hm. Pussengt‘r Agent, New York. mail ’93, A O v» Fmg'rmm Q) 'J‘ THE aroma/1,. 0/: YNESS , OF THE SKIMI D/ZZ/NESS, mops y, FL UTTER/NG OF THE HEART. ACID/TY 0F 1 Proprigtors, 250 pgr roof. 300 300 330 37a 1: s: u u t: (s TORONTO.

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