The Canada Advertising: Agen 03', No 201611;: St. \\"e.~'t, Toronto W. W. BUTCHER is authorized to receive ad- ‘ vertiscniuuts for this Paper. , \ , . , "r ' "lit "ti U ' ' .8 « o 0*) .I'Itljhll“, .M'Jl Y 7!), 18,8 o /J ' .llESbRN. lichENZlE :1 ND HOD- CINE. Among the distinguished visitors who willfavoi‘ our village with their presence on the Queen‘s Birthday will be Hon. Alexander Mackenzie and Mr, Thomas llodgins, Q. C. _\5 their visit has a twofold object, ‘. iz : to attend the far~famcd Rich- mond Hill Fair, and also to get ac- quainted With the electors who con- ;gregatc in such numbers from both liast and \Vest York. \Ve trust and doubt not, that the Reform , iriends in this \'1(‘.lllitV Will accord l these worthy gentlemen a hearty welcome. _._....._â€"â€"â€"â€"- 155] R J 0 HA ’S MIS ['11 RE IN CO UNT- ING 1116 (.‘Hlt’Ix’li‘NS. The Gerrymandering Bill is a grand piece of statesmanship on the pint of Sir John Macdonald and the Tory Govâ€" iueiitl So say the York Herald; so says all conscienceless and unpriIICipled Tory Journals ;so say all the peerless ; 'l'ory Leader’s scrvile followcxs, though we are glad to see many of the more iii- iclligent and conscientious of the Gov- ernment supporters unhesitatinuly pro- upon the Johnâ€"A-ll’iaudering lill as well as the diuallowance of the Boundary Award in condeinimtory terms. There is the fact, however, that in count- Redistribution serious 110111100 ing his chickens for the Bill. Sir John has made a very mistakeâ€"r one which will almost a .suredly prose fatal to his cherished plans on the day of the election. \Vo find that the untire calculation has been based on the , vote polled atlthe elections of 1875. It I was forgotten that in 1878 above oneâ€" i’ourth, nearly one-third of the entirei vote of the Province was nnpolled. For instance, in West York there was 1500 impelled votes in 1878. ft is 3 Well known fact that almost every szscrva. tire vote, notonly in \Yeat York, but in the l’rovinee was polled on that occasion, as well as securing: a large number of lieâ€" furni votes, who were gnlled by the Nd’. ’l'lien if we allow, for votes that Would not in any case be polled and a margin for dissenting Conservatives one‘third of the number, we have still about 1000 remaining, which we must assume to be almost exclusive Reform. In 183%, Mr. “'allace had a majority of 268, with the help of the many 'teforuicrs who voted , for the N. 1",, but in 1882, with not only their Ihese lteformers returned to first l we, and their number increased by in» Iclligent Conservatives who have openly avowed their intention of discountenanc- ing the course pursued by the Govern- ment, bath on the Boundary Award and the (lerrymanriering llill, where will Mr. \‘i'allace's majority come from. We sub- mit these few facts for that gentleman’s supreme ctuisolation. But \Vest York is only an instance of what will be the case throughout the , l‘rovince. There is, at present, every l prospect that Sir John’s wonderful scheme by which he expects to retain power another term, will prove his own «icatlrhlow, not only because of its un- paralleled nionstrosity, but because of its being founded on a wrong basis. lie~ formers never had better prospects, and the course of the Government has only served to thoroughly arouse the latent lrll)t'l‘t1l in recrgy of the great party ('anada, with whom right isniight. WW I arr-:1. 1.1 a MA" r 1 co m; 1: V1 1 rows rucn' or Tour .41). swirls/‘11,; ’l'!() .v. .1 .‘i The following letter, which appeared in the Port Hope Tinnw a few days rpcaks for itself, and is but an instance ‘ ago oi the course that will be pursued by many of the most intelligent Conserva» tires of the Country. From personal acquaintance with Mr. Powers, the odiâ€" tor of tho LIBERAL knows him to man of unusual ability and sound judg- ment, and his influence will carry many l: o a other Conservatives with him “here he is known. ‘ Sin. -Wi11v0ii hinll ' allow inn spa -e . to announce tlmi 1 Ii. 0 resimie 1 my in on n†President of the Hope L'on 1‘\iLLl\ u < till! I placed my rowigiiutioii in the hand : of {hi- smut» tary ot thi- above club two months ago, “Nil 1 - quested him to intorin the Central (‘ln‘n of the li‘t‘L. \YlldtlltT‘rljU/llltï¬ done no or not 1 uni ltll< able to say. 1, an: still. however n, \variii lifllllli‘~ (‘l' of tho i 11"ll abused X. 1’. liiit not ‘Jslai llltf that ii ininion Hoi rnincnt in their unjust cfl Iii-npoil Ontario other equitable rights, nor aid ‘Ontai'io. In short,1 cannot conceive how any , strength of the Libeials, or render the I v r .v . . oouring ctmstituezicwsï¬onscrvatives and such a pernicious scheme. or n'eet iii thuirizzi initousniousure to legi~i- I lute themselves into power by gerrymandering free people can tuinely submit to si .11 an outr: without, at least, entering a Vigorous prot through the ballot box against such a monstrous deviation from political rectitude. Yours, &’c.. A. E. POWERS. Hope, Mav (l. 1882. M if Mayor McMuri-ich takes the field in \Vest Toronto against Mr. James Beaty, in, and Mr. lilake takes the ï¬eld in Cen- tre Toronto, the Reformers will have two pretty strong candidates. Mr. Hay is not particularly anxious to run again,but will do so at Sir John's express desire. Ontario is the province where the battle will have to he fought â€"â€" ’l'clcqrum. ._._â€"â€"-â€"-uuâ€" Mr \Ym. Mulock has received the nomination for t‘heHouse of Commons in North York, Dr. \Viddilield having with~ drawn, as he (lid consider it wise, in View of future interests, to necessitate a by e- lection for the Local legislature, which his acceptance of the candidature would have done. \Ve"congratelate North York upon the choice of so able and popular a man as Mr. Mulock, and have no hesiâ€" tancy in stating that we believe he will be returned by a sweepingr majority. Dr. \Viddilield could easily have carried the riding, but the Dr. was considering futu- re interests in his withdrawal. W The (lrangeville ({iizr'tte nieanly reiter- ates the statement that was made in the House that Mr. Blake read a telegram belonging; to a. member of the Covermnent and made capital out of it, notwithstandâ€" ing the fact that. when the charge was made it was promptly and emphatically denied, and the party who made it was Compellth to withdraw the statement on the floor of the House. But it shows to what a depth of nicaness the Tory press will stoop to injure an opponent and serve. party ends. The public knows too well the sterlingr honesty of the leader of the Opposition to be thus easily deceived by an unprincipled journal. The 31ml is very anxious that Sir llichurd Cartwright should be sent to' “ South Australia, New Guinea North Pole.†we are not Surprised at the i’lTuz/‘s anxiety on this point, because, a and will quail before the utterances of this power- or the like Nineveh, the Tories have fnl Jonah, But this is not the only anxi- ety of tho 'l'oi'ies, as it is evident by the Gerrymantlcriin; Bill that they find their [Milli noir in several other members of the in that bill the slate Messrs. lieforni party. Tories ; have done their best to La Mills, Patterson, Charlton, Cameron, and other prominent tlrits out of the House , as well as on ltichard. rmrms Meafoi'd rlIonitnr (independent) :sllut when one comes to consider the political effect of all these changes, the matter asâ€" sumes a truly sinister and dangerous as- pect. in nearly every instance in which the bounds of a constituency have been changed the change will either add to the strength of the Conservatives, lessen the majority in a. strong Liberal c'mstituen- 3y still greater while weakening the Lib~ which the town or township is taken away. 1i,theu, the evidence of the Bill itself establishes that the population erals in the riding from overwhelming internal of constituencies has not been equalized, and that one party is strengthened in al- , most every instance in which a change o~ ccurs,what man claiming to possess a par- ticle of common sense can doubt that the llill was concocted solely for party ends '1 l} \YC do press our opinion that the man who delih- i not hesitate to ex~ eraiely sustains such a measure as this is a. botrayer olihe llosli interest of this Province or Colifi‘ilei'alloii,and we appeal to the honest electors of this and neigh- Liberals, to show that. they will not sup- port any lll'lll who gives countenance to idllï¬lilli. i Boat‘res ol l till" it'll" bill-i. liftdtldl‘iil. The Fflll l> purl loam and ll'll‘l. siill‘elay, suitable for making brick and Convenient to schools and clinches, l Milli; 1311031 l'thGli l‘hnpiire of S'l‘lllCl‘lT. l TlMO'lTBY l‘iii'Plll‘IRSth, . A, ()n tho promises. MWâ€, , , . .. i ,ltl’ltl APRIL, 1:532. Jos. A. lli'vixs l‘lso, \Voonznnnuii. Agrnt lloral Insurance Company of England. 1)] ‘ ‘ Tr luv“, l have much in ack- nowledging receipt of the min t, "tvc hundr- ed and lirtv dollurr‘, being in full of my loss on saw mill laloljy'dynsttoyed l»y flit‘. lhai'e much pleasure to state to th: pub- ie the prompt manner in wl "it your (‘orn- patty adjusts losH‘S and pi) me ii'iLhont i ever v; llill)‘,{ for the time ullowcd by eondif. pleasure IV 11 ' Snider, late of the 1 ownship of Vaughan, in the SINGLE & DOUBLE i arm’s Viion'riiimc Discovrui' AND : I’lll’Tli‘ UUKE, a medic-one which only , use to cure dyspepsia and the ens the bowls like a violent purgatire. 3 1t lllVlgUl‘dit‘S the system throuin thel EEC our am an ' trcnnoxn HILL Thursduv May 113, 188 Floura Fall (3 00 to (3 5†do vâ€"bprin; is 25 to 0 5r, \Vheat,iall,pcrbush 1 10 to 1 1-3 \Vheat,spring, porhush 1 It) to 1 1.4 ()ats,porlnisho1 .. 45 to 50 Ports. per bushel . to so 'l'urnips per bush. 35 to 38 Carrots, per doz 1!) Lo 15 Chickens, por mi: . :2") to .10 Ducloype-r In a . in m 5!) Geese, each an 71) l ’I‘urlicys, each on to 1 no 1’otatoes,por , 1 00 to 1 15 Dried apples, per 1h. ti to 7 Butter râ€"lh rolls, porl .. 16 to 17 do »»â€"largc rolls, pori i 15 to 16 Eggs, per dozen fresh . . 12 to On do do packed lil to 1: Apples, perba ‘o 1 25 to 2 75 Hay per ton, 8 (Kl to 10 or] . Wood-~hard, (i All to 4 00 do â€"soft caurnirjirami TAKE norms That pursuant to the statute in that be- half. A Court for the Revision of the Assessment Rolls, for the Municipality of Vaughan, will be held at the Town Hall, on TUESDAY MAY, 30TH 1882, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which Court all complaints, duly lodged of any error or omission in the said Assesmuent Roll’s will be heard and determined, and all parties interested are requested to govern themselves accordingly, Dated this 1st day of May, 1882. J. M. Lawrence, 7 r Clerk of theMunicipality. N OTICE . VOTT'JT‘I, that the Creditors of Samuel T A K 17 County of York, who died in or about the man 11 of April, 18,513, moon or before the First; (lav of July next tosend by post prepaid to J. (3. smith 7 filag'll t 'l‘orontn, the' ~ christian and 8111‘», names dernsses and (10 pt on. The full par- ticuhu‘sof their claims, a statement ol‘th-i‘r n"â€" i countsund the value of the securities; {if any) hold by them ; or in default thereof thov will be excluded from participutiiu,r in the estate. Dated this lath day of May, A. 1).,135‘2. .1333 J. (1. SMITH, C. HJCISE: man lliaii llailaai’s Harness Establishment, Richmond Hill, a good assortment of CARDS, WHIPS, COMES, LAsnes, lghzm‘s, Gin'rus, SURCINGLIZS, 81C. -â€"-oâ€"~ E l 4&1K1VYEQC SIS in Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. A CALL SULHHTED. “Wm. Harrison A l’aoiarro Sooner: on [)1315A3Euwrl i trifling indiscretiou in diet may lay the [ foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and ' there is no fact in medical science more , positively ascertained or more authorita- I tivtely asserted than that dyspepsia is the parent of a host of bodily ills not the l least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Noii’riiiior & Irv- Di’s- re- , its ills in many that arise from it. No deleterious min- eral ingredient is contained in it, and I though its action is thorough in case of costiveness, it. never produces gi'iping‘» pains in the abdominal region, or weak quires regularity and persistence medium of the increased digestion and assiniilativeactivity which it promotes, and is also a most efficient remedy for kidney complaints. scrofulous, and all diseases of the blood. female weakness, do, do Price, 551.00. Sample bottle ll) cents. Ask for Noirrniioi' <0 Li'- M \N‘s‘ Vegetable Discovery and Dyspcptic Cure. The wrapper bears a far-mu of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. (lt’téitb chancu to in- l‘~ lll-‘)ll\.‘ Those who always Lak |thillli(l‘,,|‘ 3 EB oftho good chances for lildlx‘ll 1. Ennan that are och-rcil generally ‘uliilotlimsa who do not in rrovo 111111 in poverty". “X†\i ant l and :jii'ls to Work for ch t'llilll’ THU“. \\'UI)1(‘1L in their own ltn (lV properly from the first ' more than 191) tljiiv s. lit 1) 'veoutiits flll‘liltilit‘llll' ) one who on» -lll:- to make 1110110} rapidly. You can (11» or i'xlzoletsiini to lln: wo { or only your noiin ts. li‘uil fiiforniiifion and allthat decl sontt‘rec. Address S'l‘lNN)N &(‘0.,l‘rt- hurt Maine. ‘1.l.\ill(“ii§ now before the puolir. You can make mom _v fastvrat work form; than at, ainthiup else. Cup- itnl not needed. “'o “lll start \on. Fil‘la «lay and upwards made at home by tho in i\teri.woim.-n. boys and girlswantcd or duitrioiis. eve _ "hero to You 1 \\(lll\ ll time ‘L ‘ do the ' nearly L for us. Now is the tinio ro lililot‘uil)’ or give your You can live at home and No other business will pa)" you No onecan fail to make: cnoiv lulsiuo. . . (ms of l‘olici'. quis lit qu p .lll.\._ % ioim. , ablycrl limits} 1, - :inua‘oonco. (justlyoutfitanzl made fast. .1‘ _\ and hon t‘. id ‘tia no ~â€"'~-râ€"â€" THE it'llle PBOO SEBtill on the move. THE PRINTS audition, 'i GlSlllilERES, BLACK AND COL. MENS WAREEiiirtings, Ducks, Tweedsâ€"â€"-Cariadian and Scotch. The eheapestEctories north of Toronto. A full assortment of fancy and stnole IE8. l. 0R0 it 66 me iiï¬nnrtii Mtg YGNGE STREET, Has all the LATEST AMERICAN and CANADIAN designs in SilllES, SilllES. 1)];7V‘UV l-JL’OOJlI (and 0.1"]le (IE 13171.11 "1T1 URE- Quality and Cheapncss Unsurpassed. Call and Inspect before purchasingï¬ a}. T. A. LOCKING-TON, . . l lET lURNTU 149 YUNGE STRE . . Toronto, June 18 1881. TRENCH’S , 1% I. jlllN'Efl) Bil) III]; I i. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage din-in perofr twenty-one years, I beg to remind them and the general public,that having erected entirely 110 ' and continodious premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, and Platform Spring Waggons. Both Liirbt and llcav ' all of which are rvuarrintcod to rrivo satisfaction as the work is Al 0 y o s t , ynder my own supervision. I am also prepared to do all kinds of blucltsiniihing t‘: r'cpaiiin; the most workmunlike manner, on the shortest notice, and up the inostrcasonablc tt‘thh HORSE-SHOth (i paid special attention to. WM TR EEC ll h. WREGHT SQN manufacture and keep constantly on hand. the ï¬nest carriages. We tools: TEE HlGHEST llllfllldll. awarded for the best collection of light carriage 1 J *anr n- We‘ll; (LL t the industrialExhibition, Toronto, 1881, from all Canaâ€" dian and American Competitors and also * “l $333 3 ‘ 6"" Ell-2E trifle? ‘4 T E3 333% ‘We are new ï¬lling exten orders ’fer rig for the best horsemen and are compelled to enlarge our prerrises to meet the demand of our work. We aim at Durability, Usefulness, Style and Finish. Gall. and see them. (‘1;*‘7r .31 v v; C i) A. ‘il’l‘th’llal'f & SW Richmondfflill .ilillt‘ 7111,1881