Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1882, p. 8

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We commenced on Monday May 29th one of the. great- est clearance sates ever held; in Canada. We aim to please the people and. from past experience we find. the only way to do this is to give them clothing cheaper than they can procure it e1sWhere, and this time we have hit the mark and are doing a bigger business then ever. GRQFHN, King Street, East, Toronto Julius 111:1 mime gm w 1111" 1» ,1. \\'h1-}1 V1111 (' 111:1 v n vm'k. \n' ‘ ~‘1'm' 1 CO._ For 111.1111 M .iun: .w'r is? m mam. 'he ml 1.5, part IOIUH and part; stiff clay, suitable fur making brick and convenient. to Schools :mul chuches. Ehe 3 AND 01mm flfimsww }-hiqui1‘e(>f CAUTICN.‘*T}11.S Cut represents our New 7 Wl’apper; take no film, and avoid all sir/217‘” named articles, 23 M93] are worthless. NORTH/WP & [.YMAN, Toronto, Proer for CM MILE FROM YOXGE STREET. m M1153 DIRECTXDNB c.- \\'u:~i< in yum' nwn fawn. $7. Outfit I‘mr: Nu 1‘x.\l{. i‘lvvrything’ new," UILUV Aunt required. “'1: will Im‘ni:~h yan 2 (mm: Lllzmy are making mriunw. mun; )1st mom and bu) undgirls 2')“ 1m" iimuim', 1'!" “:11 “um: \msim-sr vuu ('..n 1: .110 gran pay “th0 time . \w ‘ ~1m‘ 1m Mculm's Lo LLx’iALLET $5 GREAT CLEARIN ____SALE $3.» LIO'E‘HY MuPIIERSON, On the pron-)ises. 20 acres 01 Look at your intere§t§ b3: puxfhafiing 115 to 121 King Street East Toronto. 'CURES RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Croup, Coughs & Colds, Sore Throat, Piles, Frost-bites, Burns, Asthma, Catarrh, Chilblains, Corns, Tooth, Bar and Headachefiruises, X'chnds &Sprains of every descrip- tion on man or beast. Actually the best External and Internal Reme- dy known. Plain Colored Silks, Plain Blabk Silks, Plain Colbred Silks, Blakarés-Grain. Silks, 505 Y'afrdé Remnants of Silks. INSPECTION INVITED NEW GOING ON AT THE iny 35<_3_p_er ygrdlflngfih 750. iny 350 _per_ yard vyogflyfic. Only @00 per yardAWortlg $1 Only 6_O_c_ p61; yagg,worth $1 O_O. Only 350 per, yard, Worbh from 750 to $1 50 AT MRS. H ARRISONS Nevv Tea. Store, RICHMOND HILL, BEES? YGUR TEA And steam for Yourself a Library of splendid IJUBITNC} ’I‘HE Your choice out of vohxme-a worm from $51 to #52 mm every 2511') of Ten, compusing Books of BOOKS FQR IL‘TOTHING. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, SCIENCE, UO()K'I".HY. AGRICULTURE, CUMBITIRCI‘}, MAGAZINES, SCR :\1’ And PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, And \Vebstvrs Dictionaries. Tea Equal in Quality and ,, price 11} riIOan' Sold in hern1mrit-ally sealed puckngns in 11qu pounds or otherwise in suit purchasers. Cull and see for y me“ ‘elvus QE’E’QSEYE‘E NBAEfiUFz’RC SHALL, RICI'IMUND HiLL. TAKE? NC? ., ,flmt the, Creditors: of Emma In 1» 0 13¢: '1 mumhip U1" V: ’ LIL (‘muxr ‘vvrk. ahumml in 0’1:th H Um mnn‘u‘n uf.\]=; ,111(*.un (\1‘ lutui‘m‘a flu: “use day if J117y~1v tut - at by yr tlzx'm‘witl tr .1, (‘. Smiflt, Jfiumnlx M“ ‘ulmziu, 11m: (muwm ml 3113'» mun ‘ 'm'. um; riybmn. ' 25111 pau- Lh'm. ' utmncnt 0? MO}? (H'- cm‘n’m 11ml 1 he, :mm mm (in mm) Innd 113' than ; 01' int {harem they \\ if; to ~izni mun {main ‘1 1:: 11mm: mime. rmc‘l this left; day ( :\1:\;~', A. 1).. 1882. ‘31» i 1 uf.\] mun: Jlfly V:<‘ ‘. tor-mail J?B[n,:xlx ht“ Tun»): mun * ‘ {Arm comma 11ml 1 ,v \tl Innd 113' than ; 01' ii For Oats or good Fine or other Tune Sth,-4gâ€"3m. wood delivered at 0111‘ works. {L‘ASH FAKE fivflfl 3:31!“ 'mvfi- fl P-figq JAM». “01-..; mum”, Patterson & Bro. J. (‘.SF\HTH (1.1“ )2; Ifso, you can have any amount on first class proparty, half margin (5 per cent, over half, 6.; per cent. Business strivtly private. For further particulars apply to J. LUSH, VALUATQR (to. Richmond Hill. Improved. in has but one hole to pass the thread through and are selling 11mm freely than over, so that the company has been obliged to enlarge the facwry again. J. L. is also agent for the Sewing Machines. If you want nfix‘st class article, one that is durubie, not liable to get out 0f order like many OH; N then vet the YELLOW AS A GUINEA.~â€"â€"’l‘lxe complex- ion, in {L case of liver complaint, culminâ€" ating in jaundice, is literally "as yellow as a guinea.” It has thia appearance be- cause the bile, which enablcs the bowels 1'0 flux, is d' acted from its proper course into the blood. In connectiun with this symptom there is nausea, muting (if the tongue, sick headache, impurily of the breath. pains through the right side and shoulder blade, dyspepsia and constipa» tiou. These and ocher (:nnmnnt-unts of liver crunplzzint are compluhely removed by the use of Northrop if: Lvnmn’s Vege- mbio Discuvery and Dvsycptic Cure, which is also an eradicnnt of scrofulu, erysipclas, salt rheum, CHIN‘OI‘S, hmnnurs, female weakness, jaundice nndi luxnbugo. lb tones the stomach, muses the liver, and after relieving them, causes tho bowels hereafter to become regular. High professional sahction has been ac~ corded it, and its claims to public con- fidence are justified by ample evidence. Price $11K). Sample bottlcs 10 cents, LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital fifteen million dollars. Address, JOHN LUSH. Aekjor Northrop (I: Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears afac-similrs at then signa- ture. Sold by all medicine dealers. Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. GENUINE WILLIAMS SINGER. MONEY ‘? Do you want EDWARD M’KEGWN Begs to annn.mce to his friends and patrons that he is now showing new, bright and fine NOVELTIES in all kinds of staple and fancy DRY GOODS” Each department is complete and filled to the utmost. with choice gegds at- onr popular prices. Dress Goods, Black Goods. Silks, Satirisfiutin Brucades. Velvet, Velveteens, House Furnishing Gouda, Linens, Cuttons, Sheetings, White Goods, Lace ' Curtains. Hosiery, 38 GRAND SPRING OPENING ()ur stuck oi white and m'xbleuclmd cotton Sheetings and Piliuw casing, are most complete. We invite insiiectian of am: swam}, departments. 0w Cioods are iiimtâ€" Glass, and Prices the lowest iii Taro-v 11m. TABLE LINENS.â€"-g1£le:mhml all linen, 200. 25c. 350. 4543 500. Blanche damask. n11 linen, 400. 500. (72¢. g} Rh‘ached exh'aqnality at 75c. 852'. .335}. 1.25. NAPKINS.â€"-§ Damask napkins, 503. (300. 750. $1. 1.25. fbamask Napkins $2, 2 25. 2.50, up. TOWELS.â€"â€"ank Towels $1 50 per (107.. 24 x 36 anm Damask, $12.75. Our 22 and 25 cent towels cannot, be beat in Tarmxto. .AILLimm Cxtm heav fine '1:â€" V H ‘ 0- . . ‘ 3’ Ish Damask lmvels at .300. 000. and 400.. being snpermr ‘1 ad 1:»:‘518 BIZQ. LINEN SALES. dwmeflé l mwm A bout the time [he mivmusoluum111M; f:p';)f'll]‘~ 011111 L: s ])(Lp01‘,.\h‘.1’. (}. Sulumncrhmn. who l'L‘.t:i<h‘S 11011111011“ :1", [tad :1. squu'inml hm'm, He read the :Mvm‘lj umunf, 111m (:01: {mirfl my test 1.2m chewy m" tho, remedy. ulthn 1341» hjw friends 17L\1§fJ!E'.i 2113 his (-roxlnhty. He bought :1 hmtlo uf Kem‘mll's Spuvin Cum and comlllcncca) 11g it (in Lhe‘xm‘sc according: V111 wm‘wtiuns mm lm im‘m'mud Us this “xx-,1“: 1:12 it l'uclml .xnt'h :thnm» plvm cure (hut- mx oxlwr' huerqu, “110 cxu-mâ€" imd thuzmimal recently ,0111 l lhul no tr ('0 01 thu Hinu'in 01‘ the plucexwicro it ‘ 1d hucnh tori M)“ Srhc‘rmiyhoru has siw-o normed 4L (-npy of Kmxflflll's'l'n x‘uisu an {hn ,uwl its jiip-‘ungrw‘. whichhcy . very hi In) 1 mmld 1m 10L}: 1:) part '.\ uh at mxypricn prm Mud he («mid not obtain :muthvr copy. So much fur udym’tisiug Mimi: do, unifies. . . V . Kendall q Spawn Cur . (3W HE]M.&Y& 9141:7192“. s unkind {mm 3110 firm a, quantiby of books, Habit» 1w] Dr. Kendall’s treatise on the Home and its Dim: 15s, \th'h we:ch gt 'im: tn mlmncc paying; subsurmm's tn‘uhr 1’1‘0745, m: upmmium. ’T‘himmnrlsuf km s‘ on Humml Flowhhas prov ml hvymm H «mm UHIL Iivmlnll’s Inns : mi'mivnt, mrmrflflxm 114' ,(n a: <'11:‘<‘.‘\'.n'-'~m of J'Ihmmzu A‘II]"‘(‘LII-\',1)‘1ll' )'(\1)S.f1‘LW$-‘5 3111‘, (u‘ “my Innirtu (-111, m' lumvnvg ‘\‘,}1Ԥ<'11n‘1'cImtznim-hu: in HM: (I: 1. by “Nina Iinimunt. H; 0005:1101, Dhah‘l‘ LXEL L-UUJOCUHLTILI rum". it“ \(vrmxesx. Yen (bull’s Spa‘qin $011 re: st. Jfllnxz, l‘. (f; 0m -_j L1,, 1&41‘ Mlall N (‘().V (1m)? 71 he)“; “W11 llr. JJ'L R my .91 4'1: m4 21ml splints. know ittolm :1 {:0 11:erle m' rms'lumm. lmna fivm'intnvu‘ls, g:n,ll« and all 11; a uf lmnelmss :Lml 111:1le othyr (lllllulilhlefi :Llruutil‘nlam'w. 01:00} my 1mm >1 inml his mw‘c Very lnm I uppliml ){Iflflhlll s S}‘.‘l\‘lll (Ewe 41ml i' nm by smvunvtlli" \"m‘k like it, it mu; lmrlm‘ in :1 («W lluys. I know It to be. {10011 for 1:):x‘11'xv‘w0ll us lwmt I mocm'ml mm 01‘ vour 'l‘m o m1 the 1101‘ by mail fur ‘ 3 cents and I ’J'finl: 5 {he 1m nus of Saving: mm 0110 1mm]â€" roll dull rm one horse that Itreufml )wmn'llimz to the direction given in your bowl; for displaced llc. u n ware with plant Numerh rm swu'ins. Sand 'Hldl‘e‘fls fm' illustrated oironlmwfl ioh we think - 1umith'0'pro<vf(>f its virtues. Nonme- (ly an” m 1' met, \\i1.h such unqualified success to our knuw‘ 1,30, for 1) “wt and man. 1 p {mitt}; 51:6 bottles for 35. All 5 have it 01' can get it; far you. or it “an 1w m‘nt to any mldrr 2‘02: mmipt of prime by the prop (5190211, Dr. B. .T. KENDALL & CO.EHOSbU1‘- ;:]1 17a)“. Vt. S53 L 2) BY A IL L BREW} (a ISTH. Lyman Sens C": C0,. Montreal, P. Q. 33~ly Wholesalc Agznts. One 1mm mxwosbful rmneuy ever (libCUVtfil'Olt as 1b 18 cumin in 11.5 oflocls, and (lacs not bllétcl‘. Load Prom below. Kendall}; Spawn lete New Hamburg. Ont, Dec. 28th, 1581. MLF. U. McUuhum, Dear 5i “I‘ho buttle of Dr. 1(a) Ann's Sp win cum, bought of 1mm last summer, gawe me the mgme satisfaction and Periormed (L wonderful rum upon XL mare 19'- yrs. old hclunuin to mm, which was bzully spuv'med fortcn yum”. Sim was so 12mm films I could hardly get her to move. The lameness it: cntirw 1y 3.1mm after 11mm: half a but. ie of the cure, and 5110 is 1111c a young horse again. ‘ v w n hrrVY'r Cneomu‘, Iivw York, Jun. [Bull/1381. FAIHY Inst Hummer Mossrw B. J, Kcmlml (Y (;n., (f lvlnusburg‘u Falls, V‘L, made :7, oonmm-t with Mm publishk‘l‘s of the Press for a, half culumn m1- \'(‘)~Lismucnb for one yearsctting forth the merits of Kendulfls Spuvmn Cum. Ah the 51mm Elmo we THERE) D0013 NORTH of QUEEN ST RENAMES SWWIN WEE. FROM TH. E 0NE‘UN.IAVV1?RE.§SLN2.Y- Yours truly, VVILLI'AM J. PEARSOK Kendall‘s Spawn Cure. STAPL 182, Yonge Street, Terenm, Gloves Laces, Ribbons, Bieh Trimmmgs, fvbtdc up Lace Goods, Corsets, Prints, Cambrics, Sat- oens, Females, Lawns, Ginghams. Shirtings, Cheviots, Tweuds Etc. Etc; Etc, IMPORTER, @1551» APLE AND FANCY Attractions £901“ this; VVeel-c 1‘. (3” 0cm 2': L11, mu m):- rl have 11k (1 >Il("'C.“:; m; swu'ins. mm :1 {Jon rcmcdv A CALL SULIClTED” "Wm. Harrison. LOWEST REVIUNERATIVE PRICES. Richmond H11}, SINGLE &: DOUBLE; Wifiéiam fiamsm ON HAND Harness Establishment, Jn Stock, and made to (m‘s’r, gt the- COMES, BELTS, Suxcmcws EEJKE/TVIE AF’DS, a good assortment of \VHIPS LASI-IES GIRTHS

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