Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jun 1882, p. 2

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A Virginia negro found 21 loaded l’m‘mt- Siwll and wanted to see how it looked inside. His wife found the ax, but lior husband is mysteriously missing. 'l‘lw l’hilmlclphia Reward wants to sue the, Public eat losshcef and more fish, and thus gut (lmvu their doctor's bills. lt has all longr known that hut-f was unhealthy, but ha; kvpt still for four of hurtng some butchw's feelings. 'l'he burglar, being the natural enemy of his kind, any adverse fate whieh belalls him will excite approval. The other night two of them entered a house in Erie, Pennsylvania, whose residents had gone out for the evening. A passer-by. deterting them, 'alled out the neighbors, who surâ€" rounded the house, After leadingr them- selves with plunder, one of them happened to look out of the window, saw that the house was surrounded and determined to break through the line. He rushed into the street, and met by a man with a M‘ythe. \Vith an oath the burglar bid hiin stand out of the way and threatened todraw his pistol. Before he eouhl do so the scythe fellnpon his noel: inllieting a horrible 2;, ml] fmniwhieh the blood spurted. He fell, butin spite of his wounds rose to his feet and he. gan to fight for his liberty. llewaq secured, 115 was the other man, who had hid betwmn two bed-ticks; in the house, and both Were taken to the station. Had the scythe had full swing, it. would probably have behead- ed him. It , to be regretted that it did not have full swmg. Th» missionary tallied EL long time, and thun they sang " (ireenlund’s Icy Moun- tiiii x,” and then they wont ‘i‘ound with the cm‘i‘mtion hows. I‘luthm‘ takes one of them, and they‘re on long sticks like a, col'n'pop- per, and deep, so ’t’othcr folks can’t see what you put in. I had to drop in my five cents, and than mother and Em put in their mnncy, and lust of all Johnny put in his lnittv'n. ch huld his hand close to the box when he did it, and than he looked at me lu \invi the othm's, and nodded, so I’d know 123 had his Ii\'c cunts all safe. This morning; we bought live Iovuly mnzu‘cs of tally. \Vc didn’t have time to out it before school, and when we were go- ing home, Johnny said: “Let us wait; till after dinner, and then give everybody a piece ; and then I‘ll tell father whth the niissinnm'y said, an 1 inube after this he’ll give buttons, and it ’ill save him a great deal of money.” .a nun-«in... . ‘.rl\v m, ,, talk “mu V. .ANMV‘, . ‘ K>v "v YVI-l'v<‘7 and attex diluxcx, ‘J u5u um "‘1 took out the candy to divide it, father pulled something bright out of his pocket, and rolled it: across the table to mother. She thought it was money, and said, “Just what I wanted I” But: it wasn’t moro ; it was 211 “ button. “How did you c'nnc by this she. “I found it in the correction box, yester- day afternoon,” said father. “Some little rascal put it in, I suppose, and spent his money 101‘ candy, and whoever he is, he ought to have a wholesome lesson. If he was my son ' And then mother said, “\Vhy, it is just like Johnny’s buttons !’y And sister Em mid, “Well, there's one gone off his Sunday jacket. I notile it this morning, and meant to speak about it.” ‘ . n .‘ ‘ 1 lilvcrybody looked at us. Father asked what we had in that paper, and “ John, is that your button?” And what could we say but; yes? They culled us unhappy child- ren, and sent us up stairs. \Yc’ve both had a wholesome lesson. I had one ’causc they said 1 put it into Johnny‘s head. For two weeks, father is gsing to put our pennies away for the heath- un, to make us remember. Johnny 5:) s he wishes ho, was a heathen. ~57. A'Zv‘lrolx afln' Jul/V. I thought it was a lovely plan, for Johnny's buttons are just beauties. J hoard mother tell sister Em that they Cost two dollars a. dozen. They look like gol'l. But when we got to church, they made me go into the pew first. and father put Johnny bcs'ule him next the door, H0 we couldn’t Then] said : “ If I only had my button- string, we could give a button, and spend the five ccntses for candy, and so we’d be pleased all ’i‘ound.” Johnny said that was a goodidea ; and “there’s a button loose on my jacket this minute ; and if I can twist Off another before the correction box comes ’round, I’ll give it to you, Kitty." Down in‘tlm mcadmv-hmd, far and fair. [mot Hus morning, swnm, Sllvcrhail'. “\Vhat do you hm‘v’!" I asked tho, small rover. .va “ Oh. I um sucking a four-lcuvcd clown . “ VVhal will that do for you. litllo one?“ " Give 1110 all good things undvr the, 3‘1",“ ~ Notnw, only, lml,1\101hvr, IIlUl‘CDVPX‘Z ’l‘lmt's why 1 look for a four-lean ud clover! All about us thn lurks were singing, Roses their swch wzu‘m breath VVUN‘ flinging Headless of duty. and pleasure, moreover, Silvcrhair looked for a four-leuvcd clover. Ah, 01110,]: seekers, the broad land ovm‘, Are 1001mm, 10-day. for A fourJom‘od clover! WHIYTH HALL. in SI. A'ivholasfor .lmm In the afternoon, when we were ready for church, mother gave me a five-cont piece, “Thatis to put in theZcorrcction box," says she. “ The missionary is going to preach, and your father and I want you to give him something for the heathen.” 0n the way to church, Johnny said: “It isn’t the least use to Sclnl live ccntscs to the heathen. Thele rather have a bright; but ton than a gold dollar, and of course they wouldn’t care for five cents. And there’s no candy in heathenland, so what dothcy want of money, anyhow 2’" “ Would not your service, Hymn mm‘ning‘hmn .~ Do Iwr more good than a mst ()1 flowers!" All. she buL murmured (we. and 0_\'Qr : The Correction Box. Yesterday morning a missionary man came to our Sunday-school, and told us all about the little heathen. They don’t have to be dressed up, nor learn the catechism, nor sew patchwork, nor behave, nor do any- th'ng disagreeable. And they don’t know the value of money; thele a great deal rather have a bright button than a gold dollar. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. must find 1101' :1 Ion Ivzu'cd clover 1 They Were Stopped. flamvs <‘wv, 01 Silvcrhair's Quest boo <Gv> ow the correction box, yester- szud father. “Some little I suppose, and spent his y, and whoever he is, he 11010801110 lesson. If he was said «~44-.>«-â€"â€"~_. Young ladies with artiliuiull) clear com- ploxions should not permit the young men to kiss them on the check if they would lie- comc married. To go 011" quickly, they should kccp their powder dry. Fermi in>tunt the girl (lid not speak. (:eorue heard the whisking of the brindle cow '5 tail break in rudely upon the solemn stillness of the night, and ever and anon emne the dull thud of the luilllrog as he jumped inte :1 neighhoring pond. Present- ly Myrtle planed her arms about his neeky mid,\\'itl1a \xistfnl, lialJy’S-gotthe~eramp look in her sweet face, she said to him ; “ 1 love you, George, with :1 deatlilessdm‘otmii lhnt will eventually keep you liroke.” And with these fateful words she adjusted her rumpled hang and fearlessly led the way to an ice-cream lair. “Can you doubt me, darling?" he whisper- ed. "You sun-1y must know that 1 love you with :7, Wild, passionate, WhonJCmma love that can never die. Do you not love me a little in return ?” George drew her more closely to him. If a mosquito had tried to 1mm between them it would have lu‘cn lxzulrwfor Lhu mosqui~ to. “\Vlmt are your amusements this spring?" asked a country cousin of her citv cousin whom she had come up to visit for a. few days. “ Showing my house to idle people who pretend they want to buy it,” replied the city cousin, sweetly. ~â€"â€"â€"q»r‘ "book 7777 The Measure of her Love. “Myrtle, dear 1’” “Yes, George, what is it?" replied the girl, glancing siliyly upward: V The radiant glory of a summer moon shone down upen the earth this June night, ltathing in all its mellow splendor the leafy branches of the sturdy old oaks that had for centuries shaded the entrance to Castle MeMurty and laughed defiance to the fierce gales that every winter came howling down in all their cruel force and fury from the moorlands lying to the westward of the easâ€" tle. ()u the edge of the broad demense that stretched away to the south stood a large brindle cow, and as the moonlight flecked with silvery lustre her starboard ribs she seemed to Myrtle a perfect picture of sweet content and almost holy «talln. Myrtlo’s head was drooping now, and the 1‘0 1)]11>]ms of Unlunwt m1:me innocence Wt chasing cavh other across ixul‘ peachy cheek It is all very well for health journals to tell people who are restless and unable to sleep at night to place the head of their bed toward the northY but it does no good unless you take the baby to the other end of the house and placu its heml against the south. "ls it not a beautiful night, dearest?” mur- mured the girl. "See how the nieonliezuns llutter down through the trees, making strange lights and shadows that flit among the shrubs and flowers in such 1L weird, ghost-like fashion. The dell is indeed clothed with loveliness to-nigllt, sweet- heart." “Yes,” said George, \V. Simpson, “this is the, boss ;” and then, looking down into the pure, innocent deC that was lifted to his, he tnok in his own ln'uwl, third-huge palm the little hand that erstwhile hold up Myi‘tlc’s polonziisc. As they stood them silently in the hoslgy glmlc George passed his arm sil- ently hut firmly around Myrtlc’s waist. The noble girl (lid not shy. “Do you love mu, swuuthcm‘ti’” he uskml in accents that were tI‘L‘illlllOHS with ti‘unnb lmmu “Father! \Vlicn a. lien sets on an egg three weeks and it don’t hatch, is the egg spoiled?” “ As an article of diet the egg is thenccfor- wle a failure ; but as a species 01 testi- monial it is strikingly aromatic and express- i\ e." Proprietors of scar-shore resorts are grow]. ing at the backwardncss of the season. They like weather that will enable them to charge a man $1.50 for a lifteen‘cent meal. Some scientist now observes that even the clam has parawitcs. He would have observed as much before if he had ever noticed the crowd around a free chow- (101‘. An Ohio man unpinncd a, tidy from a chair an! wiped his nose upon it. It takes an Ohio man to solve mysteries. Now we know what in thunder a tidy is for. other what them tionsl A writ of attaclnnent-A10v0 letter. \Vomcn’s temper and the stock market are very uncertain. Ambi Boy‘s temperis truly awful. Egypt has seen no such display of unseemly pas- sion since Mrs. Potiplmr tore off Joseph’s coat~tail. An exchange has an article headed. “Get Hold of aBoy’s Heart.” Bah ! The place to get hold of a boy is the scuff of the neck. “Ana11ias’Jx‘.’ How can you learn to be a first-class liar? 101; engaged to two girls and the faculty will sort 0’ come to you. I Peeing waiters is now regarded lry good society as the height of vulgarity. The waiters themselves consider it the highest evidence of good breeding. “ 1 make my living by walking and talk- ing,” said the book canvasser. “ If that is so,” said the victim, “ please do your wall;- ing now and your talking to some other fol- low. it is easy enough for a vocalist to sing a waltz ; to waltz 11 Sing is another thin". Sensible t0 the last, the dying cobbler fold- ed his hands and murmured : “ It’s awl up! I’m pogging out i” I’m pogging out i” A kiss is called tctenamequiliztli iu Mexi- co. (100d long kiss,that.~Now Harm Regis- tm'. But thrilling as peaches and cream. The most sensible people of the country live at Lansing, Mich. A lmtchemhop in that place bears the Sign, “ Closed till meat gets cheaper." Saratoga trunks are way 01 young lady can possibly visit a sort and he fashionable witlm‘ trunk. That is the latest size. I)0ar me I" said Mr. l’arting’con the ‘1‘ day, “young girls nowadays are not t their mothers used to be. Half of u are sufferers from nervous perspira- ALL SORTS. wayon now. No visit a summer re- without a Jumbo All the legends connected with Southern blood hounds have to give way when tramp throws the animal over a fcncc as fast as they come up to hinL A New Yorker will make a dimple in your check for thirty cents and warrant it stand in any climate for S1); weeks. Sir Charles Hall, being seized with par alvsis, has resigned the office of Vice-Chan ccllor. Pitfallshzu‘c the opposite cfl‘nsct : they cw their prisoners; the darkness and mystery of the predicmnent and the uncertainty of the result seem to paralyze their energies. In Ahya inia, where all our principal men- agcric-men have an agent or two, sand-fox- eé, jmzkals, and even hymns, are often caught in pits and taken alive by a very simple process : the hunter goes down, luri- ats his quailng captives, and, while his rartncr draws the rope tight, he ties their four legs, gags them with a thong of a raw- hide, and the dire “fiv‘rv” are dragged out like butcher-calves. Monkeys caught in stool-traps are wildly ohstreperous and can hardly ever be tamed; their first experience of man’s inhumanity to man seems to have left an indelible im- pression. Steelâ€"traps make their captivu ferocious. Thom is. something in the ar- rangement and mom/us npm‘umli of the trea- cherous implement that appears to aggra- vate the horrors of the result and excite the wrath of a naturally savage animal to the maxing pitch; the struggles of a captured wild~cat sometimes liberate her at the cost of {L limlv, and, if the iron has not collared her at thevei'y mirldlcof the neck, she will tciu'hei‘solfnutut the risk of loavillg hCi' scalp behind. The party at the other end crowded around the entrance and grinned at each other with excitement. The trampa had been baited with 1lch(1(I(1.s.‘l‘i})e corn-ears buried in treaele; the corn alone would have been enticing enough, but the syrup maxdeit so neaer irresistible that every now and then one of the tempted capuchins had to ease his nerves by a rush to the rear or it spring against the picket-fence. The re- turn of the sachem saved them from great- er indiscretions, for some of them had al- ready begun to measure the depth of the box with their outstretched arms. Befoe long, however, their impatience revived; the junior members of the conference seem- ed to advocate an attack en mas-ice, but be- foreniatters came to a crisis a new-comer appeared on the stageua lank and hungry- looking stranger, who seemed to have em- erged from an elder-coppice behind the fence. For a minute or two he watched the proceedings in silence, and then marched straight upon the box, evidently resolved to astonish the natives. He squeezed him- self through the trap-hole with the success that often attends a hold enterprise, and easdy obtained possession of ten select NEW/(MIMSAEL monopoly, in fact, for in the next moment his preemption was ratified by the fall ofthe tail-board. The sachem turn- ed round with a coughing grunt,â€"“I told you so,”â€"â€"then took to his heels, :‘n-l, seized with a sudden panic, the whole troop fled, shrielzringjry in the direction of the high timâ€" her, I once watched such a field for a whole afternoon before we caught one of the pil- ferersâ€"fiprobably an outsider who had stroll- ed in on the chance of getting a free lunch. The trapper had taken us to the loft oi a corn-bin, where we could survey the garden and a portion of the adjacent woodlands: but our visitors gave the lramoa a wide berth, though their sidelong glances showed that they had not forgotten the place. They nos- ed about in the stubble, but the gleancrs had been beforehand with them, and, after an apparently aimless ramble among the fur- rows, one gray-headed old hrigand happen~ ed to fetch up right in front of the box, per- haps much to his own surprise, though, by a strange coincidence, five of his relatives reached there at about the same time. The gray-head raised himself on his hind-legs, surveyed the field in every direction, and then began to (arr/svâ€"i. 9., approached the box in a roundabout way, lowering his head with every step, till he reached the trap- hole, where he settled down on his haunches but with one hand in position for a sudden back-spring. With the other he explored the sand for maize-kernelsiin trumque pam- tus. His mancevros seemed to have reacted on the imagination of his companions, for two youngsters took to their heels, but pre- sently returned, and with a bravado-flour- ish of their tails, advanced to within a few inches of the trampa. Turning half round, to let the bystanders witness the proofs of his heroism, one of them stretched out his hand till it all but touched the suspicious apâ€" paratus, but then, as if struck wit-h a sud- den horror at the thought of possible con- sequences, they both fled more precipitater than before, and rushed into the arms ofa motliel'ly old capuchiua, whose caresses at last composed their overwrought feel- ings. ‘ ll‘heir comrades in the meantime encroach- c<l upon the old man’s claim till he got up to rcconnoitre the rear of the Irampn. Not 11 crumb was in sight, but his sense of smell seemed to reveal the riches within, ior, aft- er a. careful examination of the bottom- hoanl, he raised his head with an impatient jerk and a glance in the direction of the farm-house: " A s «1 comment 011 mod- crn hospitality and Christian civiliza- tion In Mexico, monkeys are generally caught in box-traps. The Mexican farmer rarely kills a eapuchin-monkey. Man can aflord to bear with his poor relatives where nature has been so kind to all, and in some district of Oaxaca the 7210715103 are as petulant as the sacred apes of Benares. Still, it is possible that this Hindoo-like forbearance of our nxt neighbors has something to do with their indolenco,forl suspect that north of the Rio lrande the propensities of the lonLHingered four-handers would “severely strin our tele~ rance,” as Mr. Evarts said of the peculiar ethics of the Salt Lake Saints. Nor does the monkeyâ€"ridden ranchero object to their extermination by proxy : wherever maize is cultivated in the neighborhood of the river forests the trapper is generally welcome. The box-trap method can be successfully employed 0111 where the haunts of the game are wel known, for the capuehins won’t go out of their way without very special inducements, and in a field Where monkeys have been caught before, their re- lativesbecome as circumspect as pick-pock- ets in a metropolitan opera-house. Interesting; Traits in Monkevs. LLKIXIL ()h‘ (30 TON AN!) \VUUIJIJLN rugs. wastcpapcr. books ,ngging, mm. 010., bought athighostmul‘km prim. TAYLOR BROTHERS, Market sqmu'c, Toronto. 1‘ )l'lJHNGfl, I‘N ‘HTHE FILL" fl, MIR- V ROI: PLATE“. (JIHEOMl)§, .H'. I'l‘it'U List, to the trade on application. II. J. MATâ€" ’l‘ll IC\VS 8:, EPA)” 93Ynn1z0 St, ’l‘m‘mm). V ‘0R0N'l‘0.71‘ . .l. M. ":lfi'llt‘ (Trullplwfll. ll:1r1-lslm*,. )l I-ciior, ole. 9 Viviana-5!. Near Ihc ['1 1*1Qll SALE. ‘illugcof M ‘ mm, :L 7 Store and Dwol 111;: with OIIHH gs. A good stand forbusincss. Apply 1,0 El. fi‘w Wag- nemwnn P. Q. I‘DA R ’I‘ ll (3 L0 SETS. ~‘l'lIlh‘ (‘UAI I ’.\ i» 135‘ J automatic closets mmxslcr to Maui), mm- fOl‘L and cleanhness ; send for «:ircuhu'. Earth Closet (Joul3 Jzu‘vis strcu f. To THE G E; .AI, ELEU'rIoX.“The general election is now on the tupis. It may per- haps be a useful hint to intimate that an absolute lead at the polls may he obtained by the judicious distribution to the electors of I’L‘TXAM’S Com Exrluoron, the great remedy for corns. Every sufferer would be made happy, and would certainly vote for the person affording them relief. Sufefiure, painless. Beware of dangerous substitutes. “ Yet I shall temper so Justice with mercy. as mny illustrate Most, them fully satisfied.” Both justice and mercy are alnn a: unâ€" known virtues to the common class 03' Photographers. Always get the host and you will get the cheapest. Wait until you visit Toronto and then be sure and go to Bruce’s Photographic Studio, HS King st, “lest where you will get justice and mercy artisti- cally blended and belfully satisfied. Substitute for Fresh Air and Exorcism 77 Persons of sedentary habits, or who are em‘ ployed in factories, etc., require something to assist nature, as confinement and want of exercise is sure, sooner or later, to impair the digestive powers. Then it is that nature requires a stimulant such as Briggs’ Botanic or Stomach Bitters. It creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs, overcomes biliousness and tones the whole system. It is brought within the reach of all, as it sells at 25 cents a peckage, and makes one-half agalion of {L splendid mix- ture, equal to what is sold in bottles at $2 for three-fourths of a pint. Directions ac- companying each package. Simple as steeping tea or coffee. All of the axioms intoxicating beverages are sold in the Maine drug stores under the generic name ofnose paint, and thus the trade in pigments becomes an immortante item in the druggist‘s business. “I thought 1 \Vmiid {:0 under the hatches this fimv,” ('nniinned Dcnniston. “I never Sllflbrod snnmoh in my life. I had the rhmnnutio gout sin bud that I could 110'“ngon the bml 01' put my fme 101110, i’imn‘, nnu \Vnnid have been tht-rc va ii'n friend had not ruminmvndcd ST. JAmm OIL 10 inn. 1 hvxituiod Smne time before getting a. immuihinking iLwnsnnoihcr one, 01' Lhnscudvcn lis‘ml nmh'ums, but wus' finally induced to give it a trial, mid u lnokydny it was for me. Wh , Divas my Mum! 11ft“? bathing the limb thormighfi' with thouil ,1 felti‘nliof,mn1 my fuithwns pinned {OH'IXJM‘UIHUH} his Oilat'lorthxit. I freely an that ifibhmi 11% been iln‘b‘i'.JA('oI;s OIL I shth , 1112111 prohnhihy, be still huns‘cd. My fnut pains me hutlitilomnd thosncihng husontiroly passed mx'ny. 1L bOnH :myl] '11: of the kind 1 have over hoiml 0f,:md any pormn who doubts it soml them to mp 1! 1 South’l‘cnth thal‘fiiluzlclpllla ’ ' N E. S” Mr. tohert \Vilsen, of the City Sileoyor“s ollice, and Street Commissioner of the East- ern Division for the Board of l’uhlie “'orks, Toronto, Ont, who is very fond of shooting, says: “To lose a duck hunt is a loss for which there is no adequate reeomlwnse. This misfortune lately overtook me. The boys got together recently and made ar- rangements for a good hunt. At the time the arrangements were entered into .1 was in good health generally; but,just as the shoot- ing was to take place, my old enemy, the rheumatism, came back to stay with me awhile again, and I had to forego the pleas- ure. The rheumatism has been a source of great bother to me, and I have clone a great deal of doctorng for it, without much good. \thn this last attaclficame on me and crip- pled my hands so that they were drawn up, a friend of mine recommended St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy. I tried it, I am happy to say, and the result is that I am now cured and as well as ever. St. J11: eobs Oil succeeded Where more than a score of other liniments and medicines had failed. ” Prince Bismarck is somewhat better, but continues to suffer much from gout, a van- ing appetite and indigestion. Acute pain has of late kept him from sleepinr'. If he is able to do so he will stay a. few weeks in Berlin, in order to be present at the second reading of the Tobacco Monopoly bill. If he cannot do this, he will immediately pl‘OCCCll to a watering place. In spite of his illness the Chancellor continues (1:1in to work as much as possible with his second son. Count “'illiain. ALWAYS KEEP COOL. Just at the onng Time. LO, nfiO» 09 To stick to your subject and the truth is an excel- lent. plan, and whether it be in questions of Plinum-e or fishing. or any toin what- ever,(‘ivi or om- it'nl, always 00p 0me and tell the truth. However, there is 11 cer- tain murgin al- lowed for lying, when it comes to fishing, that is per- mitted in in) other subject. and no doubt our friends 11 the pietureare indulging in that special employ- ment, as well, per- haps, us in n hltlc svientific sweer- ‘ing. Their bodies and ten) )et‘s are hot and the air is (3001[astheyshmild he,buturehominid they are apparent- ‘Iy in Lheeonditimi when it is Inueh easier l001L1t‘h vumutism than Ish, in which wise L \x‘nuhi be well ‘1?)rt‘nmnthntth be provided wit) :1 bottle of ST. JACOBS On, the (trout German ARK... 33‘1EDEMT’S5 All (-‘msscs «11' 1‘03] \n'oporty in the Province of Manitoba and Nor -\\’cst 'I‘el‘l'itOI‘ios bought and sold on comm: Lwim). Mmmy illYPblCd in land or Mortgage, and valuations 111111le at moderate 01121131 To pay your’ricket there and back Two wholesale stocks of Dry Goods now selling, ll yuu would have a clear oomylcan, a freedom from Blotches, l’jmples, Bails, and foul lxumors, purify 'uul regulate the blood, Farm Lands :1 Specialty You can sm 0 enough mmmy on u zen flolhm parcel 01 31% MAIN 3-12, REFERENCES BY PERMISSION All Colors Velveteens S 40c. Black Silk Velve’rs - - 75c. Silks at 95C. Worth - I 25. Ten per cent discount of? all goods. Close at 2 p. m. Saturâ€" days. AH goods ('hfl!1‘.;'()d or cash returned il‘ l‘i‘ifllil‘cd 'l'h<- uniy gummm whnlusulu Dry Goods scllmg to consume N Iiilettm'ns sent, orders by post pl‘omley filled. A FAULTLI FIT. Liver, Kidneys; anvd BoweTs with Bunioéll Blood Bitters. Trial bottles 10 cents. T. w. FISHER &”c0’.;’ AN]! TILE MACHINES. “‘0 also make Veneer Machines for Cheese box stuffs, or perforated Furniture. 05!) :t SHIV. “'ondstock. om. SHIRTS Cooper’s, Bought at Auetion, Send for Desg'iplive Circular, Price List. :Iud Testimonials of BRICK MAGEINESLMKPRESSES, lgA NI) I NS'I‘R U M EN ’I‘SwC‘IIEAP FOR _ , ( 1. Good second handinstruments(ukcn in exchange. (Tutalognus of band music and piano music from. ’1‘. CLAX’I‘ON, 197 Yongwst, Toronto. DRY GOODS ! l’l’lJCATlflNS PREPARED AND PAT- f’, ENTS secured in (Ynnadzi, United States. and foreign uountrit‘s. DONALD (7. IUDUU'I‘ & (10.. Engincrrs. Mcclianivs Institute, Build- ings, Toronto. Mention this Paper. HENGOI'GH'S BIIKEAE’, ll Ring-m, IV. D Toronto. Tuition personally and by mail. Books, n11 svstems. Situations secured. ’l'hos, Ilengough, (Oilirial Reporter. York (‘0. court 5). Manager. ME" Mention this paper. BRICK MAKERS. VV healthy g‘ orfvlii > 5 , h‘ainnd am a 54 ‘ Hun. Icfurences :‘equu‘ed. Address, Box ‘25 i, Toronto. The high prize of life, the crowning for- tune of a man, is to be born to some pursuit which finds him in (nnploymont and hap- pinessvwhcther it; be to make baskets 01' bromlswords, or canals 01' statutes, 0r songs. “'hen Dr. l’iorco, Cf BufllilO, N. Y., a11- nounccd that his “ Favorite l’rccription” would positively cure the many diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women, some doubted and continued to employ the harsh and caustic local treatment. But the mighty truth gradually became acknowledged. Thousands of ladies CmplO) ed the “ Favorite, Prescription ” and were speedily cured. By Llruggists. In the cure of severe coughs, weak lungs, spitting of blood, and the early stages of ('mIszmuleon, Dr. l’iel‘ee’s “ Holden Medical Discovery " has astonished the medical fac- ulty. “'hile it Clll‘CS the severest coughs, it strengthens the system and purifies [/10 Howl. Bydruggists. There are a variety of little circumstances in life which, like pinsin a lady’s dress, are necessary for keeping it together and giv- ing it neutncss and elegance. Somebod‘y Child. Somebody"); child is dying~dyinsz with the flush of hope on his yo mg face, and sonicbody’s mother thinking of the time when that dear face will he hidden where no my of hope can brighten it~â€"because there was no cure for consumption. Reader, if the child be your neighbor's take this com- forting word to the mother's Lexrt hefureit is too late. Tell her that consumption iscumhlo; that men are living to-day whom the pliysi~ eizns pronuuced incurable, because one lung had been almost destroyed by the disease. Dr. l’ieree’s “Holden Medical Discovery ” has cured hundreds; surpasses cod liver oil, Jiypophosphites, and other medicines in cur- ing the disease. Sold by druggists. $3 » W- DENNIS; No one will ever shine in conversation who thinks of saying fine thin: ‘ ; to please, one must say many things imhhercnt, and many very bad. sir. W. l’. ilmvlnnll. 1‘. l2. Toronto. Han. 1-1. W'. Allan, Svnmor. 'l‘uronlo. "on. Alex. Morris. M l'.l’., anonlo. fl '. Mayor Mcfllum' l, T011 I110. “.11. St'arlln Ii 11.. lm‘onln. ILR. “'ilkio. (‘ashit-r, Imperial Halal; ufl‘ Canada. ’I'ol'onlo. J. “Jul. \1 u’tm'y. EHlHl‘l‘ AS0119. 'l‘nrontu Alloway .1 Champion. Mania-rs. Winnipeg: Ron] I?! ‘lli‘ Brokers & lnvrslors‘ A gents, oronto 8; Back for Nothing. ORDERED AT WINNIPEG, MANITOA. InSLS Sent on application Mannheim-er. Yongolsi . Toronlok AyTEn 7A_ {JURISTIAN HOME FOR A 35 COLBORNE-ST. Truth is Mighty. [HH' ti"; (‘olbol'no 741.. 'X‘m‘onto‘ IKE-101 'I'T.\. FIAAN N El... MANITOBA l09 YONGE ST ’J‘ORON’I‘O. “'IIIT “I '5, FRENCH II E “055le “'ASII: Suionce' [Ffdm1)lxs 0v~ er 1:Lbox‘.wAgcnts wanted in every town in Canada. Price 831. Send for circular to g l N“ MAI‘HINEJ ‘AMIERICS,

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