Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1882, p. 8

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Children than ca PEN 13â€"1351) th'ag an be‘ébtained every Department---25 per cent. posing of all our summer goods. Some plus they may have, to another year. '1 style goods will be found with us. ,7_ "I_ -__A UVJ-g-d- wv ULUUJ. w;;. u ZI VV .LLLLD 5 PENDED than can be obtained at any other clothing duction‘ from our already Low figures. svery Department---25 per cent. re house, we are just now offering 5; eeial inducements in the way of MARK-DOWN i'fl'iiLLb m U v- v â€"â€"â€"â€"'v seasons advance, irrespective of sacrifice or loss, so that succeeding seasons ma; seeking toâ€"day to Clear out broken lots or odds and ends of stock. We have nor the MARK-DOVVN then applied. The goods we are now exhibiting are regul: color of fabric. _ Cotton Goods, Linen Goops, Pongees, Mohairs, and the Lightest fabrics in erators, yet they are cool to look at, and cooler still to wear. THE TIDE 18 TURNING! ED; M‘KEDWN’S ANNUM. SUMMEB'SLEARING AN LSENG MONEY SALE. SILKS, SATINS, Dress Silks; All Colours, 39 cents, The Biggest Bargains ever offered any- where in DRESS FABRICS. Fashionable Eress Goods Clearing out at 80, 100, 150, 160, 17350, 18%13. Such choice desirable goods were never before offered at so great a. sacrifice, Fina Ji'; figlish Cashmeres 2220. 25c, 27:50, 30c. 330, 35c, 400. ALL -WDOL FRENCH CASHMERES, 450, 506, 550, 600.6211”, 656. 8' ill furflmr reductions in Prices of Grena- dines and Nun‘s Veilings. We are closing out 'Wash Fabrics at cost. Prints M cost, Camhrics at cost. Females at (10st. If vnu want anything; in these f‘:1bric<,‘vebnv0 them, and you can have them at cost' as fresh aSythe day they were made. BARGAINS, BARGAINS I Yes, exceedingly big bargains in Shoetiugs, nil wide and “minds; Pillow Cottons. all widths and brands ; White Cottons, in Eng- lish, Scotch and American brands, which we ficr you at will prices. ) .uuuuur, umvue, human», um; vuuVi um... made" 1 Do you know “'0 are closing them out at _ "t' lcss than half. We never had so fine a stock B‘ARGAINS’ ' as now, and mean to make things active for Yes, exceedingly big bargains in Shoetiugs, a. month to come, “‘0 hope you‘ll help us. it“ widths and grands; Pillow Cations. all We’ll (lo our part. Now Goods, Right styles, widths and brands ; White Cottons, in Eng- Polite Attention, and the lowest prices that lish, Scotch! anal American brands, which we you have ever seen, are in our bid for public gar you at will prices. favour. oKsovm, mm}? :82, “flange Street, Toronto, 33mm) @0011 NORTH of QUEEN ST. Sweeping LOW Prices mmvaE ORDERS Receive Promgt Attention. Yonge-‘St. Store the Centre of ' Attraction. Simply because The Tory-mo Slaughter. BROCADES, VELVETS, We exhibit a larger and .flp‘er .11 bun. While guaranfiljeeilpg at all times 1 , 11-1.4“ - ‘1r LIV +uuuu 1Ivn n v .11 be'found with us. policy we have outlined and. adopted calls for a general clearing out of goods as the succeeding seasons may find us exhibiting nothing but new fabrics and new designs. ‘Ne are no: . . 1 1 I‘ 1 n _ ‘(7A anyn nrxnn C11I‘I’1 \'\/F* l l ’ I [Q tr V ‘ , / f , (\V n 0 » :‘LD‘O. LU (.41 1N THE LARGEST RETNL @LQTHENG EN OANADfi: r 77~_.â€"____â€"â€"MWV be found elsewhere injfhc City, VELVETEENS. Powlar Prices Prove Persuading. VV U 1:14. UJâ€"Uâ€"L uv um“.-- v- __V 7,. U . Some houses content themselves with sticking to regular rates all through the season year. They count that a twelve months hence this sufplus will show up as new stock 1 7-4 Bleached Damask, n11 Linen, 586, Worth 750. 7-4 Bleached Damask, all Linen, 9B0 worth 900. 8-4 Bleached Damask, all Linen, 75c, worth 31. 66-inch Huom Dice Damask, all linen, 37350 and 500, Worth 500 and 700. 3-8 Glass Doyleys, aOC per dnz. 5-8 Damask Nztfikins, 606, 75c, 85c, and $31. 16x28 Huck Towels, $1 per (107:. 18x36 Twilled Towels, $1.35 per (102. 15x30 Loom Damask Towels, $1.32 per (107:. 20x36 Loom Damask Towels, 20c each. Red and White Check, all linen, 200, a big bargain. Our 220 and 25c: Towels cannot be beat, all linen. Eme Heavv Fine Damask Finish at 300, 350, 400. very superier and extra large sizes. Bleached and Half-bleached Hucknbacks. Roller Towellings, 50, Go, 70, Sc, 90, 100 Whitu Goods, Lace Curtains. FANCY GOODS GLOVES. HOSIERL UNDER'WEAR. \Ve shall ofi'er extraordinary bargains in Blankets. Qullts, Shoe-tings, Damask Tubi- ings, Napkins, Cloths and Piece Goods. Have you seen our wonderful displav of Laces, Lace Neckwem‘, Embrnidmiew R11» bans, Sashes. Yancy (goods. Linen Hankerâ€" chiefs, Uorsets,1)1'nss and Mantle Trimmings, Buttons, Gloves, Hosiery, and Underwear. NAPKIN S. ’E()VVEL§. IJIN EENg. TO HOTEL-KEEPERS. prefer to take advantage of the prevailing warm weather fer dis nmm‘m‘ nnnfnnf’ thpmqelves with sticking to regular rates all through the season, and carrying over whatever su] Muslims. Lawns, Quilts . our stock being fresh and 523 King 3%. flash OPPOSITE ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL. The most successful runway ever discovered [LS it. is certain in its oflecm, and does not blister. Read Proof bulow. Ken dall’s Spavin Cure. KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE HAMLLTON, Mu, Juno 14th, 1191. B. J Kendall «S: ()0..~ Gounsiâ€"lehis is to (:0) y that I have used Kendall’s Bpnvin Cure :md have found it to bo all it is recommended no he. and in fact more, too; I have rmuuvcd by 1 sing the above ,Callous, Bone Spavins,Ringâ€"bones, Splints and can cheerfully tostil’v and recommend it no he the best thing for ur 'bony substance I have. ever used and I have L) ed manv us I have made that. my study for your «\ 17 n .van FROM THE 0N EONTA PRESSNXY. Cneonm, New York, Jaw. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall at 004, Cf Enuslrurgll Falls, Vt , made a contmmt with the publishers of the l‘msbiur in half column mlâ€" Vertisement fur one yenl'sotbing forth the merits of Kendall’s Spuvmx (Jurol At the smnc time we secured from the firm a, quantity of books, emit» led Dr. Kendall’s tl‘elLUMl 011 the Horse and its Diseases, \V‘hWh wome giving to advance paying subscribers to the limes, as u pyeminm, About the time the advert ,cmcut in t appear» ed in this paper, Mr. 1“. G. Schermcrlmm. who residesnczu'Collh 312ml u Spaviiicd homo. He read the imiVOl‘tiHchUllt, and concluded to test the eflicucy of the reinmly,fl.lthu11gli 1113 friends lzLilg;110J:1tliis crednlit‘. v {c bought a lmttlo of Kendall’s spawiii Cure and commenced using; it on the horse according with lhe directions; mull”: informed. us thisweokthm it effected such immu- plate cure that an export horseman, who ex m- ined the animal recently could fillli 110 t 'chc of the spm’in or the place \~ here it hiul been located Mr. SCIICI‘lrlGThI‘l‘Il has shine secured u (-opy of Kmulnll’s'lrcnm e on the Home and its Diseases which he prizes very highly and would ho 10th to part with up auypi'ice provided he could not obmm lull-flint colw. So much fo’ advertising rolmhio article; Patton’s Mills, N. Y Ju‘. J4 Kendall & 00., (innt_ cmee on V\ [I used your Kendall's Smwin (lure was a maligwub unklc sprain of .s town numths standing. I had trim] many thing“; but in vmn. Your spawn rum put the foot to the {ground '1 far the firstrilm Film: hurt in a mnhr‘ul pus ion. For a family linunent in ex. cls anything; we ever used. Yours trul ‘ REV. M. P. PM L, Pastor of 11.14). C‘ m’ch, Patten’s Ming. Ix.Y. :eb. 21%, 1879. .7’1‘110 pmbiculwr 75 sure in its effects, mild in actions as. 1t does not; blister,th it is penetrating and powerful to reach every (1001) sezlhvd pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such {LS SUM/ins, S))1ints,curlm ringhones, callous, s“ 011‘ ings and m1y~121meno and all inhL‘ch-ments of the joints or limbs, or for rheunlutiml in man or for any purpose for which a linnnent for man ever used. acting mild and yet curt-win in its ef- fects. Send address for illlmtmtod circular wl ich we think givns positive proof of its virme Tia tome» dy has: ever met with such unqualified success to ourknowledgc. fox “cast; and man. 01' bottle, 01' 0 bottles {01's. All druggists have it or can go: it for you. or it “'111 be sent 130 anv mldl‘esson receipt of price bythe proprietors, Dr. B. J. KENDALL 6; CO. Enoslmrâ€" gh Falls. Vt. SOLD BY ALL BRKIGGESTS. Lyman Sous Q Ca. Montrezfl, P, Q. ggâ€"ly _’ _> W‘holesal: AgEMS. assortment of Summer Clothing for Men, 30376:; 21,116: Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN FLESH. Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1 “FOR MONEY. EX“ A" A! 1\/T/\ 173R" NHEKVNT T.)T?TF17Q -:n ctfiills' yours, P. V. GRIT have none are regular new, and cut in latest style. may find us exhibiting nothing but new fabrics and new designs. ‘Ne are not none such. \Ve had a few months ago, but they rapidly disappeared under ,qulur in Slzes, full as to assortment, and complete in the matter of design and Cloth await your inspection. W'e do not keep them on ice, nor in refrig. trifling is {Hum-M foxmdnt'un nf ‘ them is w» f: 'E pusié A’e‘ly :x-‘Cm‘: ativcly Hssertw‘i parent of n Hush Keazr‘fif \vrh’x‘u: A Ftp» i. ii ‘10 SOURCE OF DISEASEâ€"A trifling in .uoi-wiion in diet an lay the foneului'un wf ('mvlirim-«l ill i'l, and there is in» f: ., in. medical (u, when more pnsiiively -'('vr.‘uiuml nr mm: “wilwirit- ativcly HSSt’i‘lwi :Emn ill:Li(-l_1rt~', _ m the parent of n Ems, M; lmdily ills. imi} the leafl‘fif \i’h’i‘i-n i3 Culltilllilfiziiill’H-‘i (if the bland and the maladies of which ill'At is the direct Ci|Y.NL’l[xIel)Ce. T air uriqinnl cause is, lilHi'f'VRl‘, tliiirringg‘rly ermm-amd from the slam-l igv Nurmmitl.’ i‘b LYâ€" Mix’s 'Vizsmrigmi ivmuwmav .wi) DYS- PEI'TIC 0mm, a medicine which only re- quiresregularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia. and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious min- eml ingredient is contained in if, and ihmigh its action is thermiin in cases of cosiivenesa, it nEVer produces grinng pains in the abdominle region, or weaken the limvles like a violent purgntive. If ins Vigor-Lites the system throngh the» med- ium of the increased digestive and assim- ilzitive activity which it prnmnies, and is also a most ancient remedy for kidney (:nmplmims, SCTOleulifl find all diseases of Hie blood. female weakness, 1.90.. (in). Price, $1.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for NORTHRHY Sn LYMAN’S Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The- wrapper hear a facmimilc of their signat- ln'ui Snld hv all medicine dealers. >82; rjnAuLvi‘nn, HAGGAKD VICTIMS of a cough recover health, spirit and flesh, if they are but sensible enough to mlopt a. remedy which the popular voice backed by the professional opinion, pronounces rclizzblu. Tranquility in inflamed and bummed lungs, vigor to depleted and em- aciated frames, quietude and strength to nnreatfnl and debilitated nervous system, are among the physical benefits conferred by that supremo nulmonic invigornnt Northrop £5 Lyman’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, a chemieal combination of the finest lung: specific known to the phurm: acopmix with lonics and blood depiu‘ents of the first order. :l'hosphorus, lime and soda co~opmate with and render the .Cod Liver Oil of this preparation lrebly rifvctv 1 ive. Sold by all ilrnggimmpmpnred only l‘y NORTHKOP (fi' LYMAN’ Toronto. Mr Yam hunmm. of Sou 1 Nor sateen yours I snifo from 15111011311035, never had zmv 111mm ' me to do any permanent gnod 11n- fii‘. Tuommm‘n 1 by our (h'lxrzgisbfi. (J V/cvlev Fish 6‘: On, Obferviliufiy to try DrCzu'bon’s Stomut‘h and Constipation Bitto V, \VhiCh have done mo nwm yon-(1 than any mc‘hu'nc I have ever taken, I xvoutd, with the utmoat confidence. rmommend them tn all sulfa-hm 1mm Billiousncss, 6w. Sold b :,J1Dm1 Visa»; 11150 cts, a bottle. Splendid Farm of165 acres â€"â€"I5o Cleared and in a good state of cultiX‘a’ti01L~â€"Lots 28 8: 29, 3rd concession Vaugh- an, will be leased on favor- able conditions, for :1 term 01 years. " Apply to Wm. SLINEY, 7~~4~in RICHMOND HILL, TQ ":0 SOURCE OF DIS}: mlwrwiion in diet may I: .vf ('mvfirmm‘. ,p .. fuwt, in (Medical 99an- :wwr. Hard nr H‘Hfl‘. a sorted Hum HHLH-iysguuy 'ursh of budily ins. ,and carrying over \VhfltCVEl‘ sun Noyear-uld, shelf-“Hm, or old Th5 safest best and chem-test men néin the worm is Dr Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents by ail. Druggists. BUY YOUR TEA AT MRS. HARRISONS New Store RICHMOND HILL, And secure for vourse‘zf u. L hrnry of splendid BOOKS FOR ‘3?QT%§IETG. Your choige out of vohunr-s worth from $1 to 3-2 with every 311) uf Tor-1, comprxsing Bowls; of V HISTORY. , PIOGRAPHY, HISTORY. ) PIOGRAPHY, SCIENCE, (100K111 KY. AGRICULTURE, COMMI’IHCE, MAGAZIV ES, SCRAP And TH GEOGRAPE ALBEM‘S, And Webflm‘s lgiutionm'ios. ‘1 V ‘ ‘3 * â€" ‘u’ H pz‘ice tea any in Town. Sold in Iml'mntricnlly smiod pnckngrs in half pounds or nthorw :e to suit purchasers ‘raH and sue {01' ans Mvos Tea Equal in Qfi'fliity and. A. WW 33 v, OPPOSITE Hmsfimm Emu,“ R}CHM(>ND HILL. 33-tf FUR ERALS FURN SHEB Robes. Coflms. Cas v I a getsK‘c‘. 2‘) UN DE HFAKE RS, n the shortest noth and reascnallle Mrs. Wm. 1y kept o:n__h_. RICHMEJND HI [4 1;, An Assortmuat of terms 'I‘lSOZ-l, {ya v uuwi

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