Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Sep 1882, p. 1

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PumsnyvmamAX Cmmmr mflAx‘AmLâ€"Snrvivos [1'1110'c1uc‘u mm.,:L1u1<)..() p.111. Prayer meeting; rm Thursday evening at 7510. Rev. 1. Campbell , wives in order m fullmv A il‘lmnzhill 11f {D mm and Riuhmnnd 1U}? M10313 mm; the follvnving hundauy [LC- Rich- znnnd}1j}l:2..t'.ln.1n..:md 'J'lmmhill at; 10:50 :L.m., v1" ‘nutiugwith11mm um oVerV Lhird Suudm’. FRIDAY MORNING The B'Icthomst suhhzht‘i Jim)er'l‘empomm \s e-umutivu issue plcduu (an havery Sunday when- Liusn‘ud, \\'1u,]lur r usupf hhmlmxn: " warn‘w'r. {library otown‘ 1000 Vuhlm'vsswlwn (wury ’l‘uvmm) evening. in the Mn- ' )11101I:L11.f1‘01117 w H n'xth ':k. 1L1‘1,I{3L\V,LH)HLâ€" hcctnr v.4 xii' 0. «115011:- smns punmhcully. MIC mow) HILL ('onxw'r lelwraim'ts for In‘zu'm ‘: ’1“ (witty and Sufinurdm uvcumg mt Mfume]; .I. ‘I‘owull 1.1::Ldm'. _\‘I14L».\r..v, ( II‘NCEL.â€"R0;-\W-‘ \Vm. Tram: ; (‘n~m. inn“: Mu ,\ limjvmiu ’J euldut, \VmJJK {:slcy, 3. 1n ... 1n, RICHMOND HILL. 'M‘. MARS" Ems’mlnxn (EIKURICIT.#'SU\'V“'0 at 3 .Hl.,0.\'Cu1\L 131105111de Snnduy 0f (wary )mmth, \‘i‘nrn the 'scrvin‘u :md Stu-1111110111: are held an .11 w .m. Sunday School at 1:30 11.111 ’mv. 1L Shun];- x . .1. Ream-2'. M . MOMST P'T‘mm'u OF CANADA»#SCYViCUS 'l‘u 111110 mm” mm S0 1L HL,£L1}d Sunday school, .t 2.30 1|. m. (i ml l’mycr Meeting ' 'I'hm‘mluy evening; and Young people‘s Electing en'ury 'I<‘1‘ida:_\' mommy: in the 1.1 linnm. Rm . I’Ltcr A.1<‘|i,~uvx1,and\V.H.Burlnvell, 11..v\.,1m>1<:r ' Ilwnnmrn Lnnmt. A. '15. A: :L KL N0. ‘33, G.R.(‘ â€"â€"T-th:~' in Um budge :t‘:d1]l.:\liLSulLlU Bullpu the Monday (In or before full 1110011, at 8 o’clock 17.111 (mac (‘1'o.~bv,\V, )1. Incnmox‘n L. U. LAM. 778:7N06ts in the Tumâ€" fmrmsco )hll, nu the Friday on on before full 11.1)hli,LLttiL'chH'li 1mm (1.15. Shumjurd, “KM. JIM‘HAmxr- HILL 3‘ 11:"; L No A103,. 1. 0. (Sr. '12! floats in the ’l'umpt nru Haull' UVCX \Vm‘xncmluy evening, at 7.300'c1m Wm. Hartman '1‘. 1)‘ The B'Icthomst suhhzht‘i school'l‘eumm‘nm'u As e-«umltivu issue pied” I \ awry Sunday when- Liufl L1, \\'1u,]lur1 Apf i‘hornhili, IN OFFICE 'x’. LOP; M'OND HILL 15b 10 days of each man th MAPLE, 13th “ “ " x; oxide gas administered for painlets (:11 03' Teeth. Thankful fur the favors of Mm may stlll be consulted in zmy hr: ‘mswun, foHnws: \ 'murln Riduunxfi 1 . mt the, l’z'.‘ i110. Mum .m1.. \‘ivmriu Sq K‘hm'uhill. . . . Maple. . . \meli>1‘id;gv .‘(Ieiuburg Noblucm {‘hm'uhil :10. Maple. . . e30 \Vnnnlin‘idge , (:0. .‘(Ieiul>1u‘g. fix L‘m‘ Noblummu L11 () .XIIILSHIDHI'RRC‘, A trons 0 «lack... used when orderml. xmd none but the bestmmterial used. Addr .1. RUB}. 'SON LVI).S.. Auror' Ont. HIU‘H‘Et .1; Attm‘ucy, Sulinifiqr. Notary, (117:, Money "w Luau. Room :50. Union Loan Builfiiugs, NUS. J3 and, 30, Toronto strum-L, Toronto. Bunsitors, ALtornoys»:Lt-]Amv, Sniioitorxinâ€" (‘huncel'yl'xoatm's in AdmiraltyCourts. Conâ€" voyuzxcws one. Milliehamp‘sbuildiup \delumeHt)'(:cty,'1?<)1‘011t(), 0121)}? Ln\1clm'm "vevt. In 1.10, NO. 111, 35:30:91 in the “(2 Cum” w .00, Room of the Maaoyxic HM] mu alternative 1"ri<hLyntS C‘ulnck 1h 11), Bunc- L‘JLVX r'm‘ri Eu fliwn for $2,000 in must: of (1011.131). . A. E. Hwi or. Master \Vm‘lznnux. 1:. ’1‘. m' 'l‘vznpm‘nnm, lichnmml Hill Council, in 'l‘muptn'nucc IlaL!1,0uch (ulter- \ m'uniug ntb‘u’cldck 1! 111. Dune» ’ «11ml tn male or 10211310 owe of death 921w, (mo (‘1 dim-flyilib". J. 11.5'mlnrv .A. .‘L' mu S‘vms' u‘L. Mm. L in nu he Lmu or air unyublc in (ww- m Sulvct (i -\ -il! A. Robinson, (1.. )uunty Yorln wuncexmr h) the late .1151 Imxm‘mu-D Mumt. for tho 110,3th 11110, (10'.;1;»211;1L < doinghuainuw in (hunt mu \ of 11mm in It first, Mus» 1?? rims! 1’. Ln n gnaw, HGHMOND HILL. (1mm hours: 9 a.m., ‘2 p 1. and 7 n. m. Dr. Charlton, ‘Voston. \Y. 3. Charlton M. {EMF}! Office 1101' rm I130 a. m., and l t: 5mm ‘x‘mx. my. 1%1:11<c(),40.J‘I§. Ii‘m‘1‘.Q.(,‘ cl-z, \\"J(..‘.1111]<»c‘li. (‘,.A.]%rongh ‘ ‘ s K. Mun-Jean. dwfu'nl mm; Vill‘hm‘ (‘ (X ' ' $1 per annum, in advance] VOL. V. EVERYBODY’S NEWSPAPER. 3. Charlton M. 13., C. M.,}\T. (3. P.S. 0. Late :mnm) General H‘s pita], Pln'sicim 811 "mm 0 ice hum: L) to £1, 2 to 4‘ and ('1 t "‘ @119 ggihml ” J z - , umly. :led k ‘H. Sanderson. BUSINESS CARDS. 21mm. Blake, Kern at Cassette. Dr. M cCoanll, Graduate of Toronto University, Dr. Janxes Lang's“!!! LSD A5111.,1’rintingEstublishment 1<L, 8th VEOSEPH A. DEVIR‘S, EJ111131}: @irtrinty. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. 0 rr, Mu p b: , \l’illi A. STEWART, 1‘“ I'm-Chas. Sucimies. will, and Q‘lml _ 2nd ...)1JI um um' Iillllh , mnl. A! :1 In K. I 399111211. ~'Lj\(‘ gQY S, g L1). 8- BY mv 19th 2f} H 1 )mst ten years mch Hi the pro- of aux-h month do. (in ONT 10‘ E10 do :10 Ont. Bethune, Moss. Falcunln'ldgc J: Hflylos‘. Barristers,etcn 1mth of Smbluud Chambers, 18 o.m120,1iiug street \wst, Toronto. AS.BIC'I‘IIUNE,Q,C. CHARLES Moss. W. (L FALCONHRIDGE N. W. Haynes. \VALTH]! DARWICK. AJJ. Ayuzswon'ru \Y. J. FRANK . 0191K of the Th! Divisiun Court, Clerk and ’I‘reasurm‘of Vaughan, 1:054" Lmrof Bil‘tlls,]\hn'l'i- ugus and Deaths, (Jumm iunoi‘ in Court of (gueun'slicnch, 158 King strect East, Toronto. First-class com- mercial house. G and AcconunodMinn and every uftention shuwn Guents. Superior Stamina. HENRY LEMON. Proprietor. N! onney to Lloa‘ha E‘ere amnunt MAM/1103' to Lend on farm 01‘ 01h m‘uperty; inburesc 7 nur COHL; no conmns- siou. Having recently built the above House on the site of the 01d Stu!H Hotel, and funiished it throughout- in first-c style, I um prepared to give the public the bash of accommodations Good stabling :md LttufilVO hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commentile Travellers. 'l‘ert'ds, :51 par day. The Riclf‘noml llill Omnibus ‘lczwes the House at 7:30 am). for Toronto and lezu'cs ’l-aronto at 3:301).m. Builii‘fib, TORON’L‘O. v. Mmmmcnufing of jowellery, uml rulmirinaof watches and clocks on t] )l'ezlfibCSJL- Spelt? My Issuer of Marriage Lictnses fur the. haunty of York, {uullef/Mumxd Insurance A’ at. Panties havim:farms-31‘ lots fur MUG. m‘ \\'154hi11fl Insurâ€" mmc 311 Mm (r; property \x’iil lmvu their orders promptly :thc'xtlcd to by the, :LM:\'& Money in 1mm :x( 5 per cunt on anqn'nvud f1‘\!L!11L‘1'1 security ()lfivor (Tum't llnusc. Tammi-0 Importer of \Yntrxhps. clocks and film ficwvllory 2;. stock of Diamonds nnfl 1m“ ‘ tugus; {L1 " ‘ )pn‘sg‘uu'H "013' QUEER: Uhxnhmh our patrmxs 11nd h‘icndsfm‘ their lib- (‘1‘ulyc1mmmgc 1']. the past we 1m; to state that we have jmt. revived :1 large sTuck ohmwgmum in Iniwst (IL'>ilf}lS. .\ largo, smvk of 1. gm and \VrL‘ )mlr \vuh' » kept on 1m" ". 21m Auctiunorr for flu: (W Hmrl I'Lfl‘l‘ (imn‘n: sold m Gcm‘rul MLILH of mtnwk, 0L0“ mun to ut; reamunublc rates. 1" 0 LI’] Licansml Auctimmer for tho, (‘mmtv of York. ro- sllmttfllll)‘ solicits yourputrmluyo n1 friend] influence. Sales attended (m the 51K mt notice xmd at rousouuhlurutcx. 1’. 0. [\dlll'fi' Clock James; hfimtmg, Licensml hut-Manner fur the Tummy MY wk, ro- Spec! hlly maliuitm ymn‘pum -g«a and friemd‘ly mm: .1 21' rifle; attended «11".?‘0 shorugst'noticc and m: l'( {smmhe Mk“ FALL Iuhh‘c ‘. é-Iivcg Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Ym'kT Sales attended nu the, slmrtvst noticenud at rem aha rutcs. Address Noblutuu 1’. O. HAMMOND THE HATTER 129 Yonge St. 129, Toronto, LATEST STYLES: BEST AT BOTTOM PRICES- Sirtf. A Gold Diamond l’in was lost between Richmond Hill and Tlmrnliill on Tues- day evening the 15th inst. Any person finding the same and returning it to the undersigned or leaving it at this oflice will receive $4.00 reward. FURS A SPgfiifliTY. DIAMOND PIN LUST. Furs Cleaned. Dyed and Altered. \Vnttthes. (Tim-ks. and Dcwmlf’ ' hmmulHii‘l 0111. And llcnl] er R OE, MACDONALD, MERRITT & (10., nglish, American, and Canadian Hats in great variety. The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Hammond? the Hatter. .l amos M. Lawrence, I). CONVEYANCE‘R, ETC. $4.00 BERNARD. The James; (3. 24mm. N. J. Armsu'oug, Hizisrrllumtmm A. L. Skeole. and Vfatch Maker, George Ea kin, S. M. Brown .E. V‘s/:lnhss. Uniol‘ Loan buildings, Toronto §%i‘fllttԤ. flintclfi. lticllmon’l Hi1 Clyde Hotel, {ICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1882. J. C‘ n. JOHNS, In Esscizté‘z'als, U7’Fity; in Non-Essentials, Libm’fy; in all filings, Clam/fly.” VICTO] {IA Si. TAKE BEST GOODS; ‘uLMdOSof Ym‘k mv mnmmnmcnt‘. xmmfl" :Lttvndcd Irlm ' ’1(),\'\'U1TJ‘ "‘ummuxu. SATURDAY, Aug. 26.w«1‘he suspicions of the past few days, that Russia and Turkey are wpglroaching an understand- ing, have beenconti'rmed, though what the precise nature of the agreement which has been arrived at between them may he is not known. The 'l‘u’irkish delegates to the Conference yesterday presented the draft of a new Military Convention to Lord Dutferin and imme- diately afterwards the Russian ambassa- dor signified that his Governn‘ient was desirous of signing a Military Convention in regard to the occupation of Egypt up- on certain conditions. Lord Dilfl‘erni has communicated with the Home Gov- ernment the nature of these demands. Turkey insists upon her troops being allowed to land, and that her officers be given independence of action, and has appointed an Ultra-Moslcm to the po- sition of commander of the Turkish forces in Egypt. This apppintinent could hard- ly be satisfactory to England 'l‘he‘oper- ations of the British troops on Thursday and yesterday were marked by an unin- terrupted series of brilliant successsss. Sir Garnet \Volseley’s oltieizil report of the battle of Magfar, where with 2,000 British troops he he!!! 10,000 rebels at buy on Thursday, is characteristic. He modestly remarks that although opposed by these overwhelming odds he thought it inconsistent with the traditions of the Queen’s army to retire before any numb- er of Egyptians, and so decided to hold his ground till reinforcements arrived. Although the Egyptian artilieiy lire was precise and the small force was flanked. they gallantly held their position till re- inforeex-nonts arrived. In a later engage- ment a number of Krupp guns and a train of 75 car-loads of provisions were captured. The advance gnarl is rapidly moving in the direction of jairo, and Arabi will probably be forcegg to retire upon. Caiio, contesting e‘gfl‘l foot of mind until hiflflhti‘fiaw’filn'hfhhb new ihe ,. grunud him} his chum: Erna-J; lit/nu ihe city are reached. The request of Prince Ibrahim, son of the ex-Khedive, and nephew of .the present Khudive. to be allowed to n ,' c with the British army, has been roused, in order that his pres- ence in Egypt may not loud to compli- cations and unpleusantnuss. .4 <1 MoVnAY, Aug. 28,â€"‘1‘118 latest news from the seat of war is of a rather on- satisfactory nature. Flushed by his re- cent successes, obtained with little loss, General \Voleeley attacked the Egyptian position at Maliutah again on Saturday. He, however, met with unexpected up- position. Train after train load of Egypt- ians arrived from Tel-el-Kebir, and the Egyptian cavalry, which was In very strong force, swept around the British flanks. The troops 11d 'anced gallantly to the attack, but were driven back by the tremendous tire of the Egyptian er tiller-y and mnskett‘y. The troops, after a battle lasting all day, were repulsed with considerable loss. Sir Garnet \Volseley, recognizing the gravity of the occasion, has summoned all his reserves to the front. He has also demanded more troops from the Home Government. Locomotives have arrived at Suez from lndia, and a rapid forward movement of the Indian contingent in the direction of Cairo may be looked for. "he Porto has signified its intention to proclaim Arabi a rebel and sign the Military Convention oll'ered by England. A small force of Turkish troops has arrived at Port Said, but their plea that they are only the annual relief for the garrison \'as not accepted. Their movements are watched and any attempt to disembark will be reâ€" sisted by force. Lord Dullcrin has in- sisted that if a Turkish contingent be allowed to land at all they must not land at Alexandria. l’ort Seid. or Suez. 111 order to disarm the cry that the present is a war against Islam, Lord Duflerin has given a promise that Mahonnnedan pilgrims may use the canal on route to Mecca. British success in Egypt. ENGLISH SOLDIERS SUSTAIN THEIR REPU‘ TATION. TUESDAY, Aug. 20,â€"The results of the engagements on Thursday and Friday followed by the severe fighting on Saturâ€" day appear to have been more important than \‘215 at first anticipated. If our men were roughly used the Egyptians were badly cut up and their route Was complete. The enemy fled in disorder, thrmving away their arms and accoutreâ€" lncnts. The immense value of the In- dian contingent in Eastern warfare has been demonstrated by the 'upid march of an escort of Bengal Lancers from $1162 to lsnmilizi in two days. Now that luconm- tivos huvo arrived from India the work of relaying the old railway to Cairo is being pushed forward, and the Indian contin- gent. will then advance upon the, capital, Sir. Garnet \Vulsoloy is determined to give thu ('ncmy in») firm: to recover from BRILLIANT SUGGESS. rovers 5. He vii} divide his force, Not all Sunshine. \ViihN ISDAY, Aug. 30.â€"â€"Another bril- liant achievement has been by British arms in the East. General Graham with a. small force found himself surrounded near Kussassin by a forte of Egyptians vastly superior in point 'of numbers. The enemy advanced bravely and in the face of a Very heavy fire from the British lines was “i pidly gaining ground. The caval- ry, who were several miles away, were signalled to for relief7 and by :1 skillful march succeeded in reachingr the lines of the Euyptians unobserved. At the crit- ical moment the cavalry made a brilliant charge upon the enemy, riding up to the guns and sabreing the gunners. This gallant exploit turned the fortune of the day, and the Egyptians fled in the wildâ€" est disorder, many jumping into the canal to escape the snbres of the cavalry. All the enemy’s ammunition was captur- ed. The new Ministry which has been formed‘at AlexaudfiadowanMU-JL much favor, and is generally relCâ€"{zirded as weak. The terms upon which England oiiered to sign a Military Convention have been accepted by the ForteJ and it announced that the formal documents will be signed in a few days. \Vhether Turkish troops will be sent to Egypt in force is however still :1. matter of con- jecture. The trouble which has been brewing for some time past between Greece and Turkey appears to have brok- en out. Reports from the frontier state that two engagements have taken place, in each of which the G reeks were worsted and the result of a. third conflict is not yet known. Both parties accuse the other of being the aggressor, and Greece has resevred the right of demanding com- persation. leaving a brigade under General Graham to invest Arabi’s stronghold at Tel-el- Kebir, and will himself advance with the main body of the army upon Cairo. This movement will probably be sup- ported by the Indian contingent, which will approach the city from another di- rection, and cut off retreat to the Upper Nile. Advices from Cairo represent the populace quiet, but the military are very much excnted. The citadel is held by a loyal Turkish and Gircassian Pashas. as- sisfied by Europeans, who will probably succeed in holding out until. \Volseley’s arrival. Arabi is very tenacious of Katr- el-‘Dwar, and has sent the flower of ’his army there. He is strengthening his mr trenchments, and appears determined to fight the battle of the campaign there problein hoping in ease of defeat to make good his retreat to Tripoli. The moveâ€" ments of the British troops yesterday in- cluded the occupation without resistance of Sim, three miles from Kassassin. The vigilance of the outposts and officers has been rewarded by the interception of many despatches t0 Arrahi. llis chief en- gineer and military adviser has been cap- tured and is held a prisoner. At Con- stantinople there is a cessation of activity in diplomatic circles neticable for several days past. Austria has given her sup- port to Russia in the demand that Eng- land pledges herself not to seek any ex- clusive advantage in Egypt Sunday Steamboat! I Capt. Twitcheél of the steamer Annie Craig was in the police court- :lgnin‘ on Saw turdny charged with running his boat on Sunday. The case was sent down for further hearing on Sept. 5. Cheap I’mlclacs. NEW YORK. Aug. 26.~7Thure is a. great glut in the peach market here. One hundred and sixty-four czu‘ loads arrived yesterday and good fruit; sold at twenty- five cents a basket. Return of Mr. John Joseph. The return of Mr. John Joseph Haw- kins as member of Parliament for Both- well has been px'utested in the High Court of Justice, the malfeasance of the Leturning-Olliccr being clearly set forth. Eicmiou 01: Premier Mousse MQXTREAI.,Ax1g. 2(SvPremier Mous- scan has been rutnrned in Jacques Car- tier county by 400 majority as fzu‘ as heard from. Further returns are Ii};er to increase rather than diminish the majority. Faun 1 Dead with Strycllnine. ALV‘INSTON, Ont, Aug. 26. A young man named John Burke was found dead lying on the Canada Southern railway track here this morning. A parcel con- taining sirychniuc was found in his pus- session. Mr. Mackenzie and the N. P. B'IUNTREAL, 311g. 26.â€"‘~III consultation toâ€"day with a local reporter Hon. Alex. Mackenzie stated that he still adhered to the principles of free trade and said the 7 r . national policy was not necessary, but he willingly admitted its popularity. 1‘? awmsuma, D chden (Cnlol‘bd) ‘ The. Exircme Penn" 3'. was hanged (1 girl :| Hm: murm- ’ thirteen. (“116$ ‘11“. II sh Afl‘ni Lt is thought in well informed Circles? 314M the Rt 1‘: l vl: me'ncy will be extended n.~"”""::“.c _ ‘kz‘my a5} 50611713“ ' isothanghc a lesson has been knight the Irish nation» 31 press. The condition of affairs in Ireâ€" land is improving under the Land Court“, and Crimes Act Commission. Mr. Tre- vellvanls temperate and judicious speeches in Ulster last week have increased his popularity, and encouraged the people to respect the law. Trouble again appears among the Irish constabulury in conse» quence of the orders to several ring- leaders in the recent dimflhctinn t0 re~ muve to another county. They have resigned, and the Limerick men appear to support them. mnumeeu 11.5 nu as Begum, me newcapl- tle of the. North-\Vest Territory. A Liarge: party 'on Thursday assemble-:61 on the cite of the new city, which was named amid 11111311 enthusiasm. Judge Johnson toasted the new city and Lieut-Govenor Dewdney replied. Insurrection: in the ’Corefl. Further particulars of the insurrection in the Goren have been received. The Royal Palace was attacked, and all the residents except the King assassinatER. The Japanese Envoy was also assaultud and a number of his retiniie killed. Jn.» pan has demanded the fullest reparation and is preparing; for war in the event of nut receiving satisfacnion. An Englishmen Monday surrendered himself t0 the Brockvillc police and cow fess‘cd to having murdered three main in England five years ago, He related the circumstances of the crimes with great minuteness, and appear to be perfectly sane. Whether his étory is authentic cannot be ascertained until the authori- ties in London are cmnm'finicatcd with. :siJietic management. It is useless ta repeat the adage about those living in glass holiscsfior in the houses of the gen» tfemen who affect to criticize 311'. Blake there is no glass left to be broken by stone thrnwors. Canadian journalism has not iwen disgraced by anthing more. contemptihlu and mean than the M'a'iz‘s attacks ulmn Mr. Blake, both in his pub- lic and private capacity. The Canada Pacific Railway has; been completed as far as I’xvegnina,‘ the'newi‘capi- (From ths. Winnipeg Sun (0211.) The JIaZl has taken to attacking Mr. BLLkO as a primate citizen. an impertiâ€" mmce which we had not expected even from the gentleman’s jollrnzlL nndbr im The Mail’s Attack on Mr. make: A Smnnambuli a Long). IIAMILTON, Aug. 26.â€"At an early honr this morning some of the residenté in the neighborhuod of the corner of John and Main streets were awakened by the sounrl ()f a crash of earthenware and a heavy thud on the sidewalk and a policeman appearing on the scene found a man lying in an insensiblc state. It appears that the man whose name is \Vni. Bachring, was a boarder in the Gerniania hotehand while asleep stepped out of the open window of his sleeping room and fell a distance of over {10 feet to the street, carrying several flower pots with him. \Vheu aroused he did not seem badly in jured and was alzle, with assistance7 to walk back to his room. DI‘. Stark was called to make an examination. He re- ports nu serious injuries. The escape. from instant death was almost miraCuloxze The eigecution w as witnessed only by a few persons, including a woman who manifested a strong desire to see a. man hanged. The Press Excurclon. The correspondent of the W’orld with the press excursion to \Vinnipeg writes : “ We left Toronto at noon Tuesday lust and reached St. Thomas at 5, where we had lunch. Two Pullinnn cars were fill~ by the exeursionists, so that it was nec» essary that two should sleep in a. birth. Eight French-Canadian editors are with the party. Mr. Higging of the “’hitby 1' 'ltwuiulr: tried to pass himself off as 3 French journalist, but the, Chicagoana did not see it. On Wednesday morning the party reached Chicago and put my 211‘ the l‘ahner house. The forenoon was spent in viewing the city and the com exchange. The afternoon and evening was spent about the shops and at the, theatre.- Thursday mornng was spent. in set-in" more of the sights of Chicago. AL 1] n. ni.. the train started for St. Paul. In the afternoon the train passul through a severe thunder-storm. The scenery along the line was tine and the, fields of ludian corn nizirvellom. Grout herds of cattle are seen from the window 3. \Ve do not expect to reach “linnipeg be- fore Saturday forenoon. \Ve are just coming to the Mississippi and the Scener'.’ on the bank is lovely. lilvervthing: in con amt bright.” [The excu.'.~.ion "ched \Vinnipcg on F‘ ‘rui‘dzly Inorniim anadu Pacific Bailwa Murdered three men. [Single copifis, 3 ct‘s. , any . . $1 per annum IN ADVANCE.

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