Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1882, p. 1

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“minimum: .1 . . E _ « 33; wmmws N W 8 13A 121;; I}. maymuumzm-anu -> . nmmu' Thornhill, RIQEMONDHISJL 151210 days ofehchmonth MAPLE, 18th “ “ vulnan w. w WW tr 1!: 4,, V, 7w , , h hyablc in case of (hhflbllity. J. H. Ssnderâ€" WWW1!ms,â€"*J:A..3SW SW12. Nitrous oxide gas administeredfor painless extraction of Teeth. l‘hanktul for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- Iessinu, as follows: Aurora, 1st, 8611, 16th, and 22nd of aarh month. anmurkot . 211d (10. Richmond H . m1 24th fin (mt‘the Pa 11161 'House) touffville . .. . . ...18th 10. Mark 1mm ..... . .20th 10 . Victoria Square" (10. I‘hornhill... . . . . do. Mama. . . . . .. do \Vomlbridge . do. Kleiuburg do. Nobletom. 0th 0 Nlh'nus Oxide,c17u, used when ordered, and none but the bestmuteriul used. W. J. Charlton M. D.. C. M.,M. C. P. S. 0. Late 1Tm~onto General Hospital, l’hvsicia Surgeon 65c. Office hours: 9 to 11, 2 to 4, and (3_t 7.30. Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary, 6m. Money tn Loan. Room 20, Union me Buildings, Nos. ‘28 and 30, Toronto sin-Jet, Toronto. Biociefies. I‘Jcnm‘oxn LODGE, A. F. & A. M..)Ir}. 251. G.R.(‘ -â€"i\I(>,(=f.>7 in L110 Lodge imnmjiusnmc HaJhm the Mondmr (11) or 110mm full moon, at 8 o’clock p.11) lezmc (imnhv, \V. M. INCHMGND L. O. L.,No. Witâ€"Meets "m the Tem- pcrzumu Hall, on the Friday on 01' before full moon, at 8 o‘clock p.111. C. E. Sheppard. VVAI. RICHMOND Hum ' 'EMPLE. No 4I=:‘.,I. 0. G. T.â€"- Moots in the Penummnce Hull' ovei'y Wuzhmuduy cveninu. M 7.30 o’clnck~ \Vm. Harrison '1‘. _D. \ietiiodist sabbath soboulTempermwe Ac ism-nu pleilge curds swery Sunday when. fleshed. “.VmJInrrison sup’r ME \" ‘ lNSTITUTE.A'LihYflJ‘y 01 over 1000 V0111; q 11 every Tuesday evening, in the Mn,â€" t, mic i i i. from '7 to bf o‘clock. 1L ljl. 11.31%} Libra- 1111111. Lcwucs and discussions penmhvally. lacuna-nu) HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Mee§s for pinata: awry Tuesday and Saturday evening at 1:31) o'clock. J. Powefl Lender. Vtrmum Commaâ€"Re vv. Wm. Trench; Cann- ci‘im‘s j-Iqsm‘s. iiewj min Redai 1, Wu; P. gsley, C Duucum‘n, and J. H. Sanderson. (316k, Al. A ecfv A. 0. U. W.,Ivy L‘}ill;0, Nu. 111, Meets in the in the (Jmnmichee Room o‘fi' the )I'LSOUK‘: Hail «:awh aliemative Friday at 80'01()(3k1').1fl. Bone- 1il-my certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. b‘mtzer, Muster \Vol‘lunun. R. T. of 'l‘cmpemuce, Richmond Hill Council, in). 4:5, Meet in 'l‘emperenve Hall,em:h alter» native Tuesday evening utBu‘clnck 1) 1n. Bene- ‘1‘n‘iary (a xiii-ates isvued to mnlu or female Jflemlers for o of death $2,000, mm ‘ ‘- v mm“ 1 n Qm-Jmu ROMA); CATHGLTC CHURCH.â€"SOYV’iGQS in orfler n9 fn!‘ ’l‘imrnhill M 5) mm, and Richn’lomi Hill a m: the toll 11,5: Sunday mt Rich- mond Bill 211, .I 11:111., and '3‘1’mruhi‘d _‘&b l 1:0 mm” 22.] hernia/511;: with Mm‘khmn third Sundaw. .1 Emery P, 0., County York. (successor to the late I)‘ H. Dnvins) Insurance Agent, for the best and most reliable Companies doingbus‘iness in 0mm. (713.. Pm- ides‘irous of insuring in n, first class cwnpmuv would ubiaiu uurmtes Lefm I: ins ring elsewhere ___.-_ . ___._ Ernest F. Langslafl‘, RICHMOND HILL. Office hours: 9 “.11).,2-1)‘ m. and? n. m. Recording Serfréfii‘ir. Bnnsitern. Attorneys-utvLuW, Solicitors-in- Qhwnceryl‘toctors in Admiralty Courts. Cou- " vaynncers etc. @Iichamp's buildings, Adelaide street,Toronto, ‘ opposite Victoria street. award Blake,Q.C. S.H. B1akeQ.C.J.K. Ker1‘,Q.C. VleterCassels, W.R.Mullock. C.A.‘Bmugh C. J. Holman. H. Cmssels. K. Maclean. ST. va r: Errmvn, CHL‘mmrSéxvice at 3 9.117., emcpt Um: ihia‘d Sunday of every month, “hen he, '00 and 5ch Llncnb m‘o hold at 11 tum S‘mfl‘zy 1-; :11001- “st 1:30 11,111 Rev. 1L Sham);- liu. I? vs (‘nmwcxx OF CANADA.â€"EO\:Y1(‘OS and «$130 p.111.,ml(1 Sunday school Geno,an Pmyer Meeting Over} , uvcmng and Young people’s Pr (:1 u; avm'y Friday wvunufi in the 14K m‘c I: ts. P.1cr Adm a:,uml W. II. Barkncll‘ M1: .Rmnu. I: xx ]$.A., yar'to] . RICH M (1ND HILL, Dr. Orrfiflaple, Office hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m., and 1 to 2.30 17. m Address A. ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurora. Ont V O I :31 per ammm, BUSINESS CARDS. Blake, Kerr, a: Cnssels, {m éfiifibm'fi Dr. VlcConnell, Graduate of Toronto University, Br. Cllarnon. “’eslvon. Dr. James Langstafl JOSEPH A. DEVINS. At his Prin' J. A. ST E Aim;ng ifiirstimfy. William K. Best, IS T‘UBLIEHED EVERY Dr. A. Robinson, (inmch 0F (13m ADQ.â€"SO“\ mos SURGEON DENTISW‘ J'lmu'cfims. Wefliml. IN OFFICE 33mm. 53mm. ting Etc-guts . sta‘blishment WARE”, in, advancqj Sunday school, Meeting (wary people’s P)"Lycr in the Lo 0 NT Ont. in latest days,” ‘. A large stool * Rhea ken’m 11:71.99. James C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer’for the County onork, re- Spoctful 1y solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at ren‘smmbc rates. P. 0. addreSs, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York? Sales attended on the shortest not-ice‘aud at ren- ube rates. Address Nobleton PA 0. Sâ€"tf. HAMMOND THE BATTER 129 Yonge St. 129, r, Toronto, English, American, and Canadian Hats in great variety. For good and cheap Watch- ‘as, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verWare, and Spectacles for every sight. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the (wunty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties havimz farms 01' lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance 3n life or property will have their ordgrs promptly attended to by the above. Money "to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security 0ffico-»â€"Cmu‘t House. Toronto Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of YYn'k Ontario and Feel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. ctc.. promptly attended to at. reasonable rates. I’. 0. m]_d iceneed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully salinits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable mtes. P. 0. Address, LATEST STYLES, BEST AT BOTTOM PRICES- 1%1Yonge Street, Toronto 4/)A 1‘! â€"a III I Importer of Watches, c'lbclis a] a fine jewellery u. stock of Diamonds and previous gnomes nlwuys 1111121) 'ppRflsoy'H "()Ij‘ QUE - Thankingour patrons and friends for their libâ€" emlvnm‘mmgo iL the past we beg to state that we hens jqet rer'eived a large stock ofnewgomls Ln>lvlv§est (is: ' A large_ stock 01 Elgin and FURS A SPEQIMETY. TREET, V TORONTO. [it‘ManumCtufilia‘ 7 of jewellery, and repairinqofwutches und clocks on {:1 )1‘e§n_ises, a Specialtv Having r outly built; the above House on the site of t 6 old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in first-class style, I am prepmefl to :ive the public the best; of accommodation:3 Good summing and attentive 119M} :9. Sample Rooms for (for 1116mm] ’l‘rrwellno. Terms. 351 per «lay. The Mahmoud Hill Omnibus lelwes shin House at 7:30 mm. for Toronto and leaves Torofifliut 3? mm. Ming ‘atreet East, Toronto. First-class com- me izzbgmusa. ‘G'uod Accommmmtiun undevery :14 _ tum shows. Guests. Superior Summing. ‘ ,,._ ‘ HENRY LEMON. Prom'ietnr. Furs Cleaned, Dyed. and Altered. _ A. L. Skecic. Clock and Watch Maker EM. MORPHY Clem of the ‘ln Division Chum, Clerk and Tron ~3urer of Vaughan, Registrar of Jiirths, Mau'ri» “3U3‘th Deming. Cmnmissiunor in Court; of 5,: ‘Queun’e b’ eucb . Money (0 Loan. Alwtce mount of Money to Lend on farm pr (qty vropuray; intergast 7 per calm; nu commis- 5101]. ‘ '0?me Wis-um :iohmonfl Hi1 “ethane, filams, ‘7:lficcliln'lqlge (‘3: Hayley. Bari-iv «313,950.. Luujth of Scotland Chmnbm’s, 18 m: A 2.x). King SLTCGL west, Toronto. A§.BE'FHY!.\’T§,Q.C. GHA 1: 5 Moss. -\V. (“n FALUONIXRI‘DGE N. ,W. HoYLEs. \‘a’Alrnm RAmeL. A. 13. AyLigswonTH W. J. FRANKEK ' Am] demlnr in Watches. Clon]<s,un<1 Jemey Richmond Hill 011$. 3... WlRRANTFD AS REPSESEM ED. A M. Liorphy. 3G 0E, MACDONALD, MERRITT & 00., Uuior Loan buildings, Toronto (40 Years Established) t'l‘he Palnlcr House. RICHMOND HILL. jOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Hammond, the Hatter. :QDNVEYANCER. ETC. James M. Lawrence, The N. J. Armstrong. ‘alem Eckarilt. Efiiisrcltnucmza George Eakin, S. M. Brown. .3. VA/flnhss. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. HCHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1882 "17%! may. 31mm. Clyde Hotel, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberly ; in all things, Chm/fly.» BEST GOODS. UNIONVILLE (The next and last paper will be some account of the early settlement and in- dustries on “fast Brunch. together with {brief zummary of the whole). RETURNING TO VAUGHAN.â€"On an eastern tributary culled “ Cold Stream,” which flows into the Little Humber on the old Graham estate, at lot 20, Con. 7, were three saw mills. The first, as to location, was erected by Mr. John Mc- Bride, in 1837, on lot 22,0011. 7. ScVen years afterwards the mill and farm of 100 acres were sold to Mr. Peter Snider, who some years later removed the old mill and built a. new one which is still stand- ing, but quite out of repair. The next was built by Squire McDougalI, father of Hon. Wm. McDougall, on lot 24, 10m). 7. This mill is now owned by Mr. David Murray and has but recently ceased running. The last mill on the stream, and near its source, was built at an early date by Mr. George Peterman, on lot 30, Con. 5, every vestige of which long since disappeared. On a. creek which flows from the north into Cold Stream, were two saw mills, one built by Mr. Jccuh Stump on lot 24. the other by a Mrs. Cameron, on lot 25. both in the 7th Gen. As the land became cleared the creek failed, thus rendering Stump’s mill use- less. Mrs. Cameron’s (a- steam mill) was destroyed by fire about .«ixtcen years ago. On another creek, also flowing mto Cold Stveam, Mr. J. Dickuut built a saw mill, which ceased to run about 1845, the creek having nearly dried up. Should the projected Toronto and Georgian Bay ship canal ever be constructed. it will pass down the valley of the Little Humb- er from near the centre of the Township of King to VVoodbridge. and thence along the valley of the main Humber to Lake Ontario. ’l'owxsmr or KING.â€"On Lot 3, 7th C(.ll., a Mr. Asaluel Edmonds built a saw mill in 1838, which was afterwards own- ed and run by the Boynton Bros. Years ago this mill became a thing of the past. On a small stream which flows into the ‘ Little Humbur near here. a Mr. Jeffrey had a saw mill, probably erected about 1855, no trace of which now remains. In the year 1840 Mr. Christopher Stokes erected a flour mill on lot 4, Con. 7, which some years afterwards was burned down, but rebuilt almost immediately. His son, Mr. \Villimn Stokes, now owns the mill and does a profitabie business. About two miles eastward, a Mr. Thomas Armstrong, an Englishman, started a saw mill and also a plaster mill, but the ma- terial for the latter proving worthless he soon left the place. A short distance further up stream Mr. Joseph Baldwm purchased lot 3.’Con. 5 from a Mr. \Vm. llaines. in the year 1832, on which a saw mill was in courss of erection, which he at once completed. About ten years ago l the mill having become useless was torn 1 down. In the year 1849 Mr. 'Baldwin erected a flour mill, five storeys high, with three run of stones, which, in 1867, he sold to his son, 0. F. BaldWin, who worked it until 1878. The mill then passed into other hands, and is now own- ed. by Mr. A. B. Lehman, a .German. In 18-15 Mr. Baldwin sold a portion of his property, a little below the flou r mill, to a Mr. Isaac Dennis, who erected there- on a woollen factory. Sei‘efiul years afterwards Mr. Dennis sold out to Mr. Henry Baldwin, a son of Mmz‘Josoph ,Balslwiiuhlgn j l a rim“ 335th will rim-creamy. fligy‘afigmtfiifiiefe ’ among the hills nestles the little Village of Laskay. Though owing its -exisr- ence in a great measure to the mills, it is chiefly on the opposite side of the road from them Some disiance northeast of Laskay Mr. Edward Peas built a tann- ery in 1848, which is now owned and successfully conducted by Andrew Davis & Son. Near a place called nghorn Mr. James Burns built asaw mill in the year 1845, which is no longer in working order. Still nearer the ronrce of the stream, on lot 10, 0011.3, 3 saw mill was erected in 1846 by Mr. Gabriel Howk, which is still in running order, and is now owned by Mr. John Ferguson. On a small tributary to the west of this a Mr. Ross built a saw mill, which after some years was burned down, but was soon rebuilt by his son, Henry Ross, who introduced steam power. The mill is now owned by the Munroe Bros. A part of the building is occupied as a shingle manufactory. This mill is on lot 1],Con. 6 and is just south of a. small lake. Early sealemnnl and Industnes on the Links Number, or Easaern Branch. THE HUMBER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES. The following is one ofa series papers read befure the York Pioheers by Mr. WiHiam vvatson, of v’eston, xst Vice President of the A ’50c1at- ion, and is a‘minute historyd of the County of York, especially the \Nest- em portion. PAPER No. VIII CONTINUED. Mr. Henry Harding, of Toronto, writes : My little daughterfl years of age, has been a teriible suflerer this winter from rheu- matism. being for weeks confined to her bed, with limbs drawn up, which could not be stratghtened, and suflering great pain in every joint of limbs. arms and shoulders. The best of physicians could not help her, and we were advised to try Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, which We did, and the benefit was at once apparent; after using two bottles the pain left, her limbs assumed their natur- al shape, and in two Wr‘e'ks she was as wen as ever. It has not returned. The Khedive made his triumphal entry into Cairo Monday, and received a friend- lv welcome from his subjects. General Wnlseley. the Duke of Connanght, and Sir Edward Malet enjoyed the unpreced- ented distinction of riding in the Khe- dive‘s carriage. Colonel Valentine Baker, late of the 10th Hussars, has been en- trusted with the reorganization of the Egyptian army. For their successful conduct of the campaign General Sir Garnet \Vulsnley and Admiral Seymour have been raised to the peerage. The Khedive has issued a manifesto declaring that England has been com- pulled to interfi re in the nff’ulrs of Egypt, owing to the gr‘ at stake she has in the 611w Canal and me finances of the coun- try, but that she has no intentions in the direction of annexation. He also an- nouncrns that he has authorized General Wolseley to restore order and to punish the rebels, and that all persons -re'using to assist Sir Garnet when called upon to do so will be regarded as rebels. Egyptian Matters. The chief l'eatnre in the news from Egypt and the East is the concession by the l’orte, which yields to the Grecian terms upon the frontier qnestior. The Khedive’s march through Cairo promises to be an imposing pageant. The natives are decorating their houses, and outward manifestations of joy are everywhere ob- served. The comments by the Times upon the possible construction of another canal by England has alarmed the Suez Canal Company, and it is said several of the directors propose to concede almost any terms England may desire in order to prevent the construction of a compet- ing water-way. ' â€"v â€"-â€" â€"; his birthday. It was Continued for two years, when the plaintiff became preg- nant. a child being born in June, 1879. Evidence of the seductiun, under promise (If marriage was given by the girl and also evidence by the girl and her mother uf an interview “ith the Rev. Mr. Laird and his sun, in which a promise of nutriâ€" age was umde,â€"â€"w:is tendered, and 0b- jected to by the counsel for the defence. M r. Ritchie made a forcible appeal to the jury and succeeded in getting a. ver- dict of $1,000 damages. Mr. Ross, Q. 0., for the defendant. A {mod deal of feeling was created in \Vhltby on Friday by the seduction case 0f Meek VS. Laird. The action was brought by Mrs. Meek, of Oshawa, again- st Fred Laird, sun of Rev. Mr. Laird, Methodist Illimsfer, fur (hlumgvs {or the seduction of her daughmr May. Miss Meek and young Lain} became acquaint- ed some eight years ago while hath were children of thirteux, the defendant. being only a few months older than the plain- tit}: They went, to School together at Oshawa and the immoral conduct coma The General Confi‘emmwc. The General Conference of the Methoâ€" dis}: Church of Canada continued the dc~ bate upon the Methudisb UIIIUU on Sutur- day. An amendment setting furth that “ while this Gamma] Conic-mime is nut aware of any general (Ii-sire among the members of the Methodist Church of Canada for lay representation in the Annual Cunfelencv, yet agrees in order to promote uniun to concede the princi- ple pruviding no change is made in re- gard to the exznninatmn of ministerial character 01' the position of the station‘ ing committee ” was adopted. A Clnancnige. \Vlmt purported to be an authorized denial having been published by the Quev bee Chronicle and (Juatidlcn, L’ n’lcutcm' dares Messrs. Vallee, Landry, Bulduc, and Amyot, M. P’s, to deny over their own signatures the charge of selling :1 St. Charles Branch cont-mot. to a cuntractor for $4,000. L’Eletieur kindly offers to refresh their memories by documsntm‘y evidence if uecvsszn‘v. The Reform picnic at; Huntingdou, Qua, on Saturday Was a great success. Upwuvrds of two thousand people were present and the Hon. E. Blake received an‘enthnsiasfic ovation. Addresses Were presented to the hun. gentleman from the counties of Olmteangnay and Hunt- ingdun. . The \Vrcci: affine Picton. RONDEAU, Sept. 23,â€"The steamer Picton has gone to pieces. Most; of the cargo has been reenvered. 13' £223 lam: alclcm'e. Beioavm Pic-NM. Rev. J. McLauJ-ln, Canudinn Baptist- Missionary to India, writeq : During our stay in Canada, we have used Dr. 1110mm“ Eclectric Oil with very great smisfaclimn. We are now returning to India. and wuuH llke Very much to take some with us, for our own use and to give to the diseased heathen- Trouble has broken out between the English and French speaking pupnlaiinn of Quebtc over the appointment of u cix i-r ufliuial; The French members of the City Council are charged with Vinlatim: an understanding regulating the distri- bution of offices, and actions to unseat Several French members are threatened. An informer has made revelations to the police regarding a wide-spread Con- spiracy which exists in Ireland. Eight persons. fnur of them rvlexsed suspects. have been arrested at Armngh in come- quence, charged with treason and felony. A lawyer named Phileas Lanctut caus- ed a scene in a Montreal Court Friday. He fought the crier, who was ordered to eject hlm from the Circuit 01 um, and several times branded the justice upon the bench as a. “ liar." The Dominion Govarnment have de- cided to rescind the charters of all Culn- nizutiun Companies which have not strict- ly fulfilled the. conditions of the Do- minion Land Regulations by the ]5rl1 October. A train conveying Amtrinn troops ft” tlu-uugh a. bridge over the River Dmvc, at Eamk, on Saturday, drowning fifteen and seriously injuring thirty Imssms. High water caused due disaster. The Rev. A. A. Cameron relates same interesting experience 011 board the Man- toba during a hurricane un fhe Georgian Bay, in which the steamer’s crew and 'passengets narrowly escaped a. water grave The president of a. New York ave-me railroad has been expelled from his church (Hanson Place, Baptist) for hav- ing commenced the construction of his railway on Sunday. The Prime Minister will be asked by the workingmen to use his inflllcnce witn the Chinese Government to stop the ex- portation of Coolie labour to England. AL Mlllbmok, Friday nmrnihg, daringr a lmavy t1]umlet'stunu,the new Methodist. 'ghurch, now ahput cumplened, was spruck fin.tm6fir1m‘fiy‘}§gmflifigfi”r" ‘4 “ The current number of the Canada! Gazette announces that the Canada, Tenn perouce Act will be in force _ upon and after the (my upon which the semi-annual license expires. The Customs bnnded warehouse at; Chatham, N. 13., was bxoken into the oLher night, and three casks of whiskey and a. keg of tobacco stolen. A mam named John Herman has been arrested in Buffalo on suspicion of being the burglar who recently robbed stores in Beavertun and Allistun, Ont. General Selby Srnyth, who was formâ€" ly in command of the Canadian militia, has been ufl‘ervd the posit‘mu of Governor of Newfoundland. Saturday was the biggest day ever known in Lhe Pittsburg 011 Exchange. Newly seven xnilllon burl‘eis exchanged hands. The General Cnnfereuce of the Canad-v Methodist Church discussed the mum-t of the committee upon union. No vote was tukend An unfounded rumour that the Queen had been shot at, in Buhnorul was spread in Lundou on Saturday. Nothing is known at Moscow yet re- garding the preparations fur the com- nation of the Czar. Charles Bradlaugh in his last address expro'sses his determination to yet Sit. in the present; Parliament. Mr. F. Dwyer Gmy advocates the formation of an association to push Irish manufactures. The Canada Gazette of Saturday an- nounces that Dr. Schultz has been called to the Senate. The first sod of the Ehrflerson J;- N \Vestel'u railway was Lurde at Emnu on 'i‘hursdn‘y. Mr. Holyoke had an interview with Sir John Metcdonuld 011 Friday. Hun. J. C. Aikins has been appointul Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba. Dr. Schultz 13 to be called to the Sen- ate as a representative of Manitoba. The Order in Council disallmxiug the Rivers and Stremns Bill has been gazett- ed. [Single‘COpieg 3 cts. 01‘? LY $1 per annum IN . ADVANCE. BRE VITIE S. E\m‘-erson di- North- Lurned at Emmersmx No. 13,

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