It is now being mooted that the Do- m'uiun Government is changing its North- VVcst pnlicy in several respects, the Cause assigned being the pressure at public opinion. They will reversé“ their policy of disallowing charters to local railways and also their land policy in 'regard to coloniZat-inn cxvymp-amiei;~ 'l‘hé- Govern- ment is beginning to wake up to the fact that it cannot make a. tool of the Prairie Province and Sir John is béiiag shown that “we cannot check Maui 055..†...... Jnhn Lnnsdnle, a, farmer in the neighborhood of Chester, had his leg hrakeu below the knee Saturday! morning by a kick from a young horse which he was harnessing. ...... Mr. \V. B. Paultan, of Riverside, and Mr. R. Hamilton of Leslievillu, have each lust _ a Valuable pony frum their premises last week. It is thought that the aninmls have been stolen. ‘ “ Humor to whom honor is due †is a maxim in which England believes. Gen- eral Sir, Gdrnet \Volaeley and Admiral Seymonrhave, as a token of 'the gratiï¬- cation bf the imperial Government at the successful issue of the Egyptian campaign Conducted by them, been raised to the peerage. It was stated that VVulseley would not accept a. buronetcy. but few men will refuse tokens of honor, and certainly none are more worthy than the ":illzint general. D . .Mr. James French, of Yorkviile, is having a petition circulated for signatures requesting the Reeve to call a meeting of the ratepayers at the Town Hall to-night tn discuss the question of annexation to Tux-unto. ...... The Licenéc Commissioners of West Yul-k met at, the Court House Friday afternoun. Messrs. Newton and Duncan and luspectm- McConnell were present. A shup license was granted to Nnmncl Greenï¬etd, of Parkdale, and the license of Mrs. ancrnfc. of Sexton village, was tlamferred to Charias Brenner. Gleaned by our own Corregpoï¬ydént's, from our Exchanges and Other sour- The Mimitobans are not entirely dis- posed to yield to the ruling of the D0- niinion Government. They are now squealing about the appnintmenh of Senâ€" :itur Aikins as Lieut-Gnvernor of Mani- tnba. The Winnipeg Free Press regards the appointment as an insult to Manitoba. inzisnmc‘n as there are many men in their own province mnre thoroughly qUallï¬ed to hold the position than Mr. Aikins. (From our own Correspondent) .....On Tuesday evening, 19th inst... 9. Fruit Festival wag given under the ans- skins of the C. M. Church, Nubleton. Notwithstanding a very unfavorable day, the music hull was well ï¬lled. The pro- needs were not, what was desired, fruit being tun expensive t.) handle to advant- age. Several recilatinns were well rend- eren by Mise A. E. VVatsnn. Rev. 8. O. \Vriglnt and Mr. Baal. Music was furn- ished by the band and a choir. A pleas- unt eveninu was spent. is aqthorizéc‘litt‘)’ rbceiye' ml‘ Vertisements for this Paper . . ...On Saturday, 23rd, was the Union Schnoi pic-Hie bvtween Nobletun 'and the 10th of King. The day was everything that could be desired. The ynum and the, old seemed 1'0 enjoy themselveséwiy. Barge ball being the principal attrac ‘on far the young men, whike the ladies 1'e-, muted to the gentler sport of swinging, cmqizet and flirting. NflTiSE ffRIDfl Y, SEPZ. 25), 1889. From Our Own Correspondent) . . A snriuus accident uccured here on Sunday last, A ymmg man and two young ladies, driving at a. furious rate. Were Llnuwn out of their buggy while turning oï¬ the tnwnline on to the Kings- tnu road. They weru all injured some, but; only one, seriously. Her head had a deep CHE on the tap, caused by falling on a, sharp stone. Fortunately Dr. Labor was in- the next/ buggy. He had the xouugkwuman carrigq in!» Rosg‘ Hotel! Me (flï¬heml. W3 MPH FMS FBWE. ï¬gvvgn‘iEEeoï¬ Newsmvxn ADVERTISING BUREAU (10 Spruce hyper). where adver- hsmg' contracts may be made for it in West York License Commissioners. CBS. BOUNTY LUOALS. WJWIBUTBHEB The Cmmda. Advertlsiug Agen- . cy,N072UVKi}jgz t, West, Toronto Nobleton. Norway. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE Pam Advertising Contract; for it and all other newspapers in the world can be {nude on the most fnvgmble terms at the International Newspaper Agency. H. P, HUBBARD. Plum-ho: of tie Newspn r ml Bank Directory oflhe \ 'orld. Proprietor, m mus, com, 11. EL 1. gay be found ill-ll MAï¬AGEn. Very successful Harvest Home Festival was held last. Wednesday M the village of Llnydtown, in eunnectiun With the U. M. Church. After enjoying the good things so bunntifully provided and so tastefully served up the " feasters †feasted intellectually on thorough dis- courses by several gifted reverend gentle- men, to wit, Messrs. J. W. Stewart, Mc- CLIllocl1,and VVaJls. Those who attended seemed very much pleased. ......Mr. Isaac. \Vebb, merchant, of Ketth - by, has gone to the Lmd of so many promises, -namely, Manitoba, there to build upon the land he purchased last spring. It will be too bad for Kettleby and vicinity if he resolves to remove per- manently to the prairie province, as he has gained the good will and favor of a. very large number. of Toronto stmet to a gentleman who had stepped aside from the plank for a pedes- trian, and stood Watching the wm‘kman’s operations. The gentleman smiled grim- ly., and remarked that he fancied he had a right to louk at tho wmk; he was inter- ested in itH “ \Vlnt do you know about stone-masonry ? †enquired the workman. contemptuously. “ A grant deal more than you, my man,†was the gentleman’s reply. “ \Vell, I should smile,†exclaim- ed the fellow with a course langh, and then he ordered, with an oath, the gentle- man to walk on and mind his own busi- ness. which he presently did. " Do you know' who that gentlenmn is l †asked a reporter who had overheard the conver- sation. “ Naw'! †was the grnll' reply’. " \Vell, I’ll tell youâ€"that is Hon. Aiux. Mackenzie, the ex-premier of Canada. The interest he {00k in your job was a. real one, for, though he' quit his trade years ago, he was, it 13 said, one of the best stoneâ€"masons in Canada, and, [ guess, could give ynu a puint or two in musmuy.†The surly rack-wrestler 109k- ed ï¬rst incredulous. and then, as he be- came convinced, thunder-struck. Very 111(er he put in the rest of the day on the ragged edge of suspense, waiting for his boss to came around and» lecture him for his iucivility; ‘ ......An old and respected inhabitant of K‘ng died very suddenly of Cholera Morbns on the 9th inst._. in the person of Jonathan Beynon. He had lived in the settlement from boyhood and Was in his 73rd year when he died. He was respect- ed by all A vacant. place will now be felt in the church as well as in the family. Requiescat in pace. . .Some twenty two years ago a you: 3; man in King went courting a fair damSei in the same township; and, as so often happens, they were soon bound together by matrimonial ties. All went well for some time until one cl'mdy «lay the has- band discovered that his spouse resmnhled almost too faithluily Fran Van \Vinklc, and he, by no means 3-: submissive to Women’s rule as the celebrated Rip, left her to try his fortune in Uncle gznn’s D nnains, taking with him the two oldest children, a boy and a girl and leaving three small girls with their mother. He succeeded in taking the children by a strutngem which is needless here to recount. This was about eight years 8.10. The poor woman was almost frantic from the loss of her children, neither of whom she ever expected to see again. She and her three children have been living with her father since then. Last Saturday, Sept. 23rd, a. handsome young lady knocked at the door of the house where the grass widow lives and, there the enraptured mother beheld her long. 1031; child. . Your corresnondent called upon them during the afternoon and reall‘yit appeared taboo. most happy» reunion. _ . . It is reported that Dr. Geo. Lang- staï¬iutends leaving Springhill for some more paying vicinity. The people around are too healthy for Drs. to becume rich on in a few short. weeks. It has been said Dr. G uld, who has an enviable repu- tation, is to succeed him. ......“ Get off thuse flags, will you 2†lilouted om: of the men engriged 1n pull- ing dawn the pavement on the east side ......Aiu0ng some of the changes taking place here I ought to mention extensive repairs [0 the interior of the school house and. the erection of a. brick duelhng by Mr. Thomas \Vhite, which bids fair tn be a, model of nentuess and snug comfort. Fruit Festival on the European plan is that which occupies the minds of a number of our town folks most promin- ent at present. There is a. novelty about. this plan that, as many as pOssible would do well tolget, a knowledge of by nersonal experience An excellent literary and musicle entertainment will be provided in Connection with the testival, which will be held in the U. M. Church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 4th. ....,The Arbitrators named to invesii- gum and decide upon the ~new log case, in dispute between Miss Allen and Mr. J. Train have given their award. in faiiox‘ of Miss Allen, the amount awarded being some twenty one dollars. where he dressed the wound. The buggy was considerably broken. but it was ï¬xed up so that it: Would carry them home. The yunng woman was well wrapped up and taken home in the evening. This is the second accident of the kind that has happened at. this corner, and it is a wonder that. many others have not occur- ed. as the turn is very short, and buggies are frequently slid around on the hind wheels when rapidly driven. (From Our Own Correspondent.) (From our own Currespondent.) Mlstook his Man. Kleinburg. ng. N. York & Whibchurch Newmaxket Oct. 4 (g : Central Guelph Oct. 3 4 West Durham Bowmanville Oct. 3- & 4 Peel ' Brampton Oct 6 & ( Markham Markham Oct. 5 62 ( Cmdwell Beeton ' Oct. 12 & 1" W. York & Vaughan Woodbridge ' Oct 24 & 3 Name of Fair. Miss Campbell begs to announce to hm- muny friends the recommencement of her classes in Vocal and Instrumental Music on Sept. 1813, 12-2in. FUNERALS FUBNSHED Music Lessons. MISS NICHOLLS begs to intimate to her friends and_pUpils that she has gcsumed her classes ,m musw. Richmond Hm, Sept. 25th. 12â€"21:). Music Glasses. A. MIGHT & LSN, UNDERTAKERS, n théï¬ï¬â€˜orwsï¬ notlceand’flnmam "‘ “ ' " ‘ terms An Assortment of Robes. ,Coflms. Caskets&c.. constant 1y kept (in hand ' 8â€"tf SERVANTE WANTED, For all those Painful Complaint: and Weaknesses so oommonto our best funnle population. A Medicine flu: Woman. Invented by aWomun. Prepared by a Woman. The Greatest Haiku) Disenrery SEnco (he I)an of “159017. m1; revives the drooping spirits, invigoratcs and harbonjzes the organic functions, gives elasticity and ï¬rmness to the step, restoijas the natural lustre to me eye, and plants on the pale cheek ofwomam the fresh roses of Life's spring and early summer time. WPhysim‘ans Use It and Prescribe It Freely We beg to inform the public that we have sold our Retail Businessearried on by us, on King street, Toronto and known as the Golden (grifï¬n, to Mr. Joseph W. Petley. Manchester, Eng, and Mr, Wm. Petley, Toronto, who will in future carry on the busi- ness under the name and style of PETLEY 86 PETLE'X. and for Whom we solicit a continuance ofthat patronage so largely extended to us during the past thirty years. As we can with conï¬de nce recommend them to our old and valued friends throughout the Dominion, knowing they have every ability and ample means for conducting this oldâ€"established business, which we feel conï¬dent will succeed in the future as it has in the past, we therefore bespeak lor these gentlemen a brlght future. Again thanking you} our old and valued friends, Who have stood by us in sun shine and storm, 11'7"- - _- - LYDIA E. PINKH‘AM’S VEGETABLLGOMPOUND. 7 It rembves faintness, flatulgncy, destroys all craving- !ar stimulant, and relieve: weaknesï¬pf the stomach. That. feeling of beumg dawn, cauéing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the cure of Kidney’Complzalnts of either hex thls Compound is unsurpassed. will eradicate evely vestige Blood,a-1d give tone and strength _to the system, of man woman or child. Insist. an ham-mg 1t. Both the Compound and Blood Puriï¬er are prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Muss. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail inthe form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of. inquiry. Enclose 301:. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No fzunil 9116th be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM‘S LIVER. 1’ LS. The cure constipation, blnousness, andborpmty at the vet: A 85 cents per box. LYDIA E. PINKnAï¬ Rm ' A good general servant wanted in a small family. The Highest wages will be paid toa suitable person. Apply to l‘ll's. JOHNS. A'QRIQULTUHAL FAIRS. alsmd ny allmuggistsrfl (I) RICHMOND HILL. Is a Positive Cure Where held. “VILIGHT &. SON ’l‘lloru‘hill Dute‘ ’ . . LOCKINGTONj 4494/YUNGE' STREET5*T0%RNTQ v I Toronto. {June 18 1881. FAME SUITES, EWMM SERIES; CARIAGE WORKS, Both Light and Heavy, all of which 'are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is a} f nder my own supeï¬ision. I am also-prepared to‘do all kinds of blacksmithing repailim 9 most workmuuï¬ke manner, on the shortést notice, apd on the ï¬lostieasonablg terms HOBE-SHOEING paid special attentio‘n to. ' > In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage- duri'n paroh? ‘wenty-ona years, I beg to remind them and thegeneralpublic, that having erected untimelï¬ new and commodious premises, I am enabled to supply MG PATRICK &: B. B. HUGHES. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages,,_Cutters, Sleighs, and Platform Spring Waggons. Quality‘and Choapness Ungg‘rpassed. Call and Inspect before purchasing. 1 DINING-ROOMMCZ OFFICE FURJVITURE- 149 VONGE STREET, Has all the LATEST AMERICAN and CANADIAN designs in RIOIâ€"IlVION D ' I'IILIJ- are, very gratefully yours, TRENCH’S THE MERRILL’S MUSIC for EVERYBODY; For starting Children and others in the culture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of learning the elements of Music. by' pleasant amusemem. This new method teaches you all 3.110111:th Musical Stuff, D tees of tho Emilâ€, Clflfï¬, Notes; and Rests. Scale, linei'vmis ot the Scale. Location of Lenters on the Snuff, and the) _reiu.Lion to the Keys 01‘ the instrume‘nt. (This is very important; with children.) Finns and sharps and their ' use. All the different Keys, how to form Chords or musical words. It teachesihe syllables. D0,Re,. Mi. etc.,in singing. It contains a. complete mu- sical catechism. It is MULTUM m PAIWo. All this is learned while the learner is mnuaing himself by playing familiar tunes. Pei-so a “ï¬ll no Mm, SICAL TALENT may play the tunes, as the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full directions and four pieces of music accompany the Method. Sent. bv mail for $1.00. Address, for us than at anything else. Caps“- itnl not needed. We will start you 12 a day and upwards made at; home by the in duatrious. Men, women, boys and girls wante<L everywhere to work for us. Now is the time, You can work, in spare time only or ive your time to the business. You can live at; ome and , do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to .make emit» menu pay by engaging at on ,e. Costly outï¬t arm ' terms free. M ouey made ash. mm}! and hdï¬g' abiyAd h-eeg Tnvng Cq. Agustau Ma n‘ej ' business now before the pubï¬: B 8 You can make money fasterut W M ETHDL 13â€"] y. Baggage puma hum, [COPYRIGHT SE CUREDJ 7s & so Van ‘Buren sm, Chicagé, 111.. WM TRENCIâ€"I