Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1882, p. 5

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.v- v unumuip, u] bin: acute- tury on Fridxy host. The, watch . is a. very' handsome one, and one of which the winner may well feel proud. The competition was «pm to all hzdy ri Jere, from whom Miss fi< NVright carried off the hmrels. She earned w two gold watches, as 8110 rode for a special prize of a gold watch against the same ladies whom she defeated previously, and there was a. rlispuie between the Judges, who ap- parently have witheld the prize from both Miss Stoddmt and Miss 'Wright. The only 1. rim; that T0431}: stood in the way of Miss Wright gemng mu soup-ml Witch, which was rick ly ezu-nM, Wis the rgpmerousncss 01 Miss fiwmlut’s frths. Miss Wright was presented with the gold Watch, won as first. 'pri u at the Industrial Exhibition for equeslrimxshin, by the Secre- Alexis Uyr, of Grunt Isle, Aroostook 00., Hail-u, writes: “ Having used Northrop & Lvnmn‘s vnhmblc Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil w1th Hypnp'xmsphims of Lime and Soda, and derived great benefit from it, I take thu liberty of asking you for quotations, and also Whether you wouid be wilfing to give me the agency for this p1a‘cu,ns I am confident there would be a large sale for it 111 this Vlciuily when its meribs were made known.” A Grand lie-Union will be held in the Masonic Hull on Tuesday evening, Oct. 3rd, under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Meohuuics' Institute. A good program has been prepared and it is almost supu‘flous for us to state what everybody knows, viz : that the enviable reputation of the management for getting up first-class entertainmean will ensure its success. The Elia Draws Band will give a grand EX- cursiun over the Northern Railway to Barrie on Saturday, Oct. 7th. leturn tickets can he had at all stations from Parkdule to King. Fare only $1 ; Children 50 cents, from all stations. No doubt many from Richmond Hill and vicinity will take this opportunity of visiting Burma. For particulars see posters. Mr. D. S. Reztman, a member of the Snid- nr Relief Committee, referred to in another column, was in to flu on Tuesday. He in- forms THE LIBERAL that his solicitations meet with a hearty rospzmce, and the canvas so far is decidedly successful. appointbd to assist in repairing this loss should receive a hearty response to then solicitations. It is estimated that the loss sustained by Mr. Eli Snider, by the bumng of his barns and crops. will be $700. The committee The coucluiiou 6f Paper No. VIII‘ of the Humlwr and its Tributaries. which was crowded out of last'issue, will be found on first page. We would call attention to Oak Hall’s and the G016 n Griffin's mn’ announeemen‘ts in their new ads. this week. A co nmou cry now is, “ Where can we get Wood.” Crowded out. Naw Ads. Page: No. VIII. A communication concerning Weston High School is c 'ow-Jeu out of this issue. Minutesof Village Council will appear next issue. IRIZM I, ,s'EPI' 2!), " 1882. Until further uofiir-o. MILIIS win he olused at the Richmond Hill Pm: 03100 as foiluw Monxlx -:â€"Gnin=xNorthsoulh, East and “’0 inclu'lin; '.lhuruhi11, Mamie, Tm'oul‘n, ]‘,Irw1;hfw1.t‘l't'. 7 EVENING :â€"»Groin,gI southl‘mst and West (its above) 6 01) in an licr than the above N. 3.791111 .mentionud hours for closimt Commeis with :11] trains, leaving the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, as follows: M uil Sr T‘lxuress, North A! South. . . . ...... 8.00, a. m. Aemmmunlmtiml‘ “ “ , 11.40, “ Fun v , North 5.0041111. Mini, £301 11‘ (2.20. “ P4131 dam, . . . . . .. Davmlporb, . \VesLmL .. Thurnhill, Jiwv’mmn HILL ‘Vcs‘uuu, I) New wt Tx)fi"§{'£‘0 Nevin: :erct Auroral, Kin", lunxnmxn HI} ’J‘immhil], . H @333 licml. MMHERE Fax 3?. TEMEMELE. Wmmmm Now_bring in your ho‘nse plants Boy wanted at THE LIBERAL Office Wrist; October afte: to-morrow Stoves are now in order. (30111 \Natch for Equestnaushlp, :tc ' BANE '5'" :4. i333 SHE. mm “7 ’5‘). F). n J m. I { Frost is here once more EEG-8T GFFQG‘E METRE n‘x: Whm‘f (tiny Hail, l'uLnu SLuténn Brock Sweat. Queen‘s Wharf n: Smtion Hull . Successful Canvas; Mr. Snider‘s Loss Gljand Excursion. ET HEW‘E. Uri): Re-Umnn. G OIN G NORTH KG SOUTH, Eqw’n 8.00 ‘JJU‘ .UL Sula M. TE EFY, Postmaster Expr’r: [7.00 5 . A {mum 121/7 2:» il" 1 .li' LU? Nail 8.10 8,18. ,2’ S. 20 37 M Sil m M Section N0. 2.â€"North of Patterson side road. 2;- miles and from R. R. west :15 far as puisible. Messrs. Jacob Snider and Leeds Richardson were appointed Section Nu. 3.â€"â€"C¢1‘rville the centre. Li mlles each way. Messm, D. S. Sectitm N0:1.â€"â€"Cu1-.sists of the coun- try north of Pattersnn’s side road, from Yonge Street to Maple. Messrs. P. Bassingthwaighte, and Jacob Graham kindly offered to take that. - Mr. P. Pattérson was elected chairman and Rev. J. 0. Curtis, Sec. It was de- cided to lay the Township out into sec- tions and to appoint men to personally solicit, subscriptmnu. A Relief Committee. Special to the LIBERAL. Un \Vedncsday evening of last week a meeting was held at Paxttersun to form 9. Relief Commnttee in behalf of Mr. Eli Snider, who unfortunately lost: his pro- perty by fire. The funeral services, which consisted of ashort service in the house, prior to the interment, and the beautiful burial service at the grave, were conducted by tee Rev. T. S. K'eough, of the C. M. Church. The poll bearers were all of the medical profession, viz: DI‘S. Strange, Toronto; Savage, St.Andrews; Orr, Maple; Laiigstafl', Richmond Hill; Nelles, Thorn- hill; and Fulton, Toronto. Several others of the profession followed in the hing procession, while the different churches were represented by ReVs. Campbell, Presbyterian; Sininklin. Epis- copal; Egan. Roman Catholic; Totten mid Thom, Methodist, and others, whose names we did not learn. Friends were there from all parts of the country, and the heartfelt expressions of regret, at the untimely death which brought them toâ€" gether, were heard on all sides. \Ve think we may safely say that‘the place of Dr. Reid will never be filled, as he filled it. He has grown up in the hearts of ‘ the people of Thornhill and Vicinity, who have known and loved him from his/wheyâ€" hood; but such was the will of Providence, that in the midst of his usefulness and with fair prospects of a happy old age in the bosom of his loving family, he has been called by the most dreaded of all diseases to obey the mandate, “ Dust thou art, and unto dust shell tlion re- 1 turn.” That the bereaved family have 3 the deep sympathy of their friends and l of the entire public. we are sure was ‘ evinced plainly on Saturday. To these we would add our mite, hoping that as the beloved husband, father and brother, in his lifetime was the human instrument of relieving the sufferings and saving the lives of many of his fellow creatures, so i ln his death he may call to our minds the words or the Master, " \Vntcli ye there- fore, for ye know not when the time is.’ u.» rwvAVAll‘a) wuu vv “An”, added t0 his superiority as a physician, whxi‘fur him a‘pupn‘larizy, ’seldum, per? haps nevar, attained by another medical man in this part of the Province. Special to the LIBERAL; On Saturday last, a. vast assemblage of friends met to cnuvey the remains of the late Dr. John N. Reid to their last resting place in 'I‘hni-uhill Cemetery, when: in the family plot. already occupi- ed by father, mother, sister, two bruthers and four children, they were laid to rest in " sure and certain hope of a jnyful resurrection in Christ.” His brother Henry, of Memphis, Tenn., wish Harry. attended as chiefumnmers, but mourners were there by huudreds,â€"mouruers, who felt that they had lost their faithful medical advises, and also the kind, tender, genial friend, whose pleasant smile and hopeful words, tended much to win for him the-Jove of his patients, and which, Little grains of wisdom, LiLLlé gems of wit, May make your life more useful Alul cheer ynv up a bit. So says the DETROIT COMMERCIAL ADVER- i‘lsnic: and looking over tue pages of the copy before us, we find 1th editor bus I done his bust to “ cheer yuu up a. bit.” You can judge for yourself, if you: will send your name and address on postal card, for a munple copy. At presauta. story complete in each number is published every week, but the announcement is made that in a tow wwks the opening chapters will uppmr of a C‘Hllbllllled stury which in is said. will be the must mun-eating ever published in a weakly paper. There are several spe‘cial depart- ments in the paper, all worthy of commen- dation, and a very full and correct market and live stock report is furnished every week. Both wouliLbe agents or subscribers may hear of something to their advantage by addressing \V.‘ H. BURK, publisher, 44 Imrued. streut west, Detroit, Mich. Mr. A. Nelson, Brunthrd, writes : " I was :1 sufferer from Chronic Dyspepsia. l'm' eleven years. Always after eating, an intense burn- iug sensation in the stmnuch, at tunes very dxstvressing, causlug n drooping and languid feeling, which \vuuld Inst. for several hours after eating. I was recommended by Mr. l‘upplewell, Chenlifit, of our city, to try N ' r- thrup & Lymiul'u Vegetable Discovery and Dye-peptic Cure, and I am thankful to say that I have not hue-n lawyer for years; that burning sensutiuu and languid feeling has all gonv, and fowl < s not lie heavy on mv stuumch. Otln‘m o! my f‘unily have 11st it with best. resuhs.” Ruth Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound und Bluod Purifier are prepared at 2331:1111 235 western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Prim,» 0t eitller‘é‘bl. Six hontl s forfi-‘J. Sent by mail in lhe form of pl“s,01‘ of Inzenges, on N'cvipb of price, 31 per box for either. Mrs. Piuan freely answers all 1‘ Lters 01 inquiry. Enclose 3c. stump. Send fur pamphlet. Mention this paper. The First Anniversary of the dedication of the Methodist, Church will be held an Sun- day and Monday next. On Sunday sermons will be preached morning and evening by ‘wv. Wm. Bliggs, of Toronto. On Monday :\ tea will be servml by the ladies from 4 to 7:31) o’clock. mter wrxi -‘u PM. Dr. Hunter will deliver his celebrated lecture on “ The Marriage Question." A Wide Awake journal. Dedication Anniversary The Last Sad Rites By»Law No. 43S, appointing Township Collectors was passed. Byâ€"Lmv 4159, Assessing the several School Sections in the Township was passed. 4 The Council then adjournel until Tuesday, Oct. 1Q, '82., â€"â€"Cau‘ried. Dist. No. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the Treasurer he and IS hereby authorized to pay the following accmu‘its as; certified by the Commission- 955 in their respective districts: To 11. Frank, cleaning Town ~Carricd Hal]: To J. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. \Vebster, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts for printing and cleaning Town Moved by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Malloy, that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following a- mount for charitable purposes: To Mrs. Middleton, for board, lodging, attendance, nursing and medicine for late Eliza. Brown $28.40 â€"-C-‘U'[‘ied. Moved by M 1'. Cook, seconded bv Mr. Webster, that the penicion of Henry Peters and 12 others, be referred to the the Commissioners of Dist. No. 2, the Clerk to notify the parties namedm‘ Carried. A petition from Henry Peters and [2 others, calling the attention of the Coun- cil tn the state of the road between lots 1 and 5 in the 8511 Can. The minutes of last meeting read on motion confirmed. BROTHERSQNâ€"At Norwaw. on Saturday, Serf: 23rd, Emily, beloved wife of Wm. Brothersou aged 24 years. . .The above Council met on Tuesday, 12le inst. Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs. Cook, VVeba’rer and Mguoy. V LANGSTAFFâ€"PALMERâ€"At the resid ence cf the bride’s fubhm‘, on 'l‘humhw, 25111 inst, by the Rev. Rob-art Rogers, Presbyterian minisâ€" ter. Collingwood, thmus Imugsmfr', M. 1)., of Richmond Hill, to Miss E. F. Louisa. Palmer, of Whitby. TOMB- PROCTORâ€"SHEPPARD-aOn the 27th irst., at -1139 residenaa‘JWxidpls Jtioh- mend Hill,by the Rev. W. J. Baskwell, B. A', Mr, Hermus Proctor, of King, to NIISS MM 3,, third daughter of the late Edward Sheppard, 1.‘ m. Rev. P. Addison has been zttending the General Conference m Hamilton during" the past three weeks. He returned home on ‘Nednesday. Mr. Artie Mason, of Toronto, has been In town last week and this. He represent-z tlm well known Piano firm of Mason. Rische 62 Mr. R. 11. Lymburner returned last week from Manitobw. Helooks as if the prairie breezes and North-West air agreed with him. Rev. J. W. Stewart. of Schomberg, and wife were in town part of this week. D1213. E. McKenzie, formerly of this plnco, has left Aurora. and gone to practice in Riverside. Mr. Walton, of Toronto, preached in the Methodist Church munday, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Musson, of Aurora, was in. Itown 0n \Vednesday. Dr. Widdifield. M. PR, for North York, was in towu on Saturday. Dear such a loss. Few young men jast starting out in life have suiiicicnt moral Couran to face life with its stern duties to rise superior to them. and fewer have sufficient, power to begin life afresh after So severe as loss. \Ve trust the more fortunate ones of us will at once help so worthy a. neighbor, and show by our practical help that we so sympathize and value those who possess that material to be somethizmr and somebody in life. Mr. P. Patterson was appointed Treasâ€" urer, to whom all money will be paid and subscription papers returned with the amount subscribed before Dec. 15Lh. _ V w. unou who are unworthy, 1n order to reach :huse who are deserving our aid. This is not u case of charity, we are called upon tn help a neighbnr who has been very 1m- fox-Luuute, . under circumshmces over which he could have nu conn'ol,'a1)d un- furtuuately to one who was not able to bear such a loss. Few young men jast starting out 111 life have sufficient mural Courage to face life with im Man) (Infipa man and John Lahmer. Section No. 4-â€"â€"Tn j-Iin south of Sec- tion 2, running south 2% miles, then from IL. R. wast. Messrst Julm Gillis and Thmnas Jackson. Section Nor 51~From Yunge street to the, 3rd 001).. and fi'nm the tuwnline north to Daniel Remnau’s side line.â€" Messrs. Lewis Page and Isaac Reamun. Section Nu. 6.â€"Cummencing zit Edgely and running nurth liâ€" miles, south 1% miles and west from the 3rd Con, as far as possible.â€"Messrs. Daniel and Samuel Snider. » Many of these gentlemen have been appointed without their permission. but its this is an exceptional case, and worthy of evarylwuy’s hearty sympathy and aid, they Will consider it a pleasure to perâ€" form such a worthy duty. Calls upon our charity are frequent, and v in mavy cases we are compelled to give to many .1 .-- r ‘ ' ' (I . Stewart fgt: )00 circulars $1.75 PERSONALS. J. Watson. gravel '1‘. Playter for stone J. Train for plank Mrs. Dick for plank J. \Vutsun for gravel Vaughan Council ALTAR. 20-0 vutcrs’ list 100.00 Advt’g “ 4. 00 Trans. rch. hook 5.00 1600 Col]. rats. 7. 50 $118.25 ; um ’ 19 30 9.93 23.40 $12.40 an d BIG DRIVE IN LADIES’PARAS‘OLSE And everything necessary for the Fruit Season at Lowest ' Prices. A Large Stock of HarKIest Tools of every description at Lowest Prices. @LOTH DRESS GOODS for 25 cents a yard. PARIS Mrfififimx SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERYDEPARTMENT WMA, HARVESTTUULSI HARVEST TOOLS-I FEE NOE-1 and (4}EERJRIAN’ FRUIT JARS, to clear out for Fall and \Vinter Stock. 33 3 34 King St. GOLBORNE 33. RICHMOND HILL. OIL CLOTH and LTNOLEUMS SUGARS, '1‘ THE (>19 SPICES, TORONTO.

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