Twenty Meriden men and their wives have gone ona. trip to California together. They have chartered two hotel cars for a month, and are privileged to stop as often as they ch008e. The Yosemite valley will he visited, and other places of interest on the route. The cost of the trip is estimated at from $500 to $800 a couple. A great change has just been decided upon in the Russian army. \Vith the exception of the Cuirassiers, Life Guards and Cossacks, the whole force of regular cavalry is to be transformed into Dragoons carrying small bayonet rifles for the performance of in- iantry service The existing regiments of Hussars, Lancers, Mounted Grenadiers, and others will retain their present titles, but as regiments of Dragoons. The reasons for this change are chiefly economical and seem to be directed towards lessening the enor- mous expense which is entailed in a na- tional army like that of Russia by too great avariety of uniform and equipment. This economical simpliï¬cation is at the same time to be accompanied by a considerable increase of numbers, the completement of each regiment being raised from four [to six squadrons of 150 horses strong. The reserve batteries of horse artillery are to be put on an active footing, and each brigade of ï¬eld artillery is to be reinforced by a division of two guns. During the mampnvros of the German ironclad squadron in the Baltic last June, a torpedo got mis‘aid. As soon as the Cap- tain of the ironclad Kronprinz, to which it belonged, missed it, he offered a reward for its discovery. it is ï¬fteen feet long, weighty in proportion, and at present a terror to navigators. gfl‘amler witha wooden spoon, and after- \'3ard [put back into the pot and stirred over the ï¬re, to make it hot {or dinner. GREEN PEA SOURâ€"Take some young turnips, carrots, onions, celery, cabbage, lettuces ; cut them in slices, and put them in a stew-pan, with a little butter and some lean ham cut in pieces. Cover them closely, and let them stew for a. short time. Fill up with stock sufï¬cient for the soup required, and let it boil until the vegetables are quite soft, adding a. few leaves of mint and the crust of a. roll; pound all, and having boiled a quart of peas as green as you can, strain them off and pound them also. Mix them with the rest of the ingredients, and pass through asieve. Heat it, and season it with salt,'pepper, and sugar ; add a. few young boiled peas, and use spinach to restere it. VEGETABLE SOURâ€"Time: Four hours and a. half. Three onions, six potatoes, six carrots, four turnips, half a. pound of butter, one head of celery, a. spoonful of catsup, a bunch of sweet herbs. Peel, slice, and fry the vegetables, etc., in half a pound of butter, and pour over them two quarts of boiling water. Let them stew slowly for four hours, then strain through a coarse cloth or sieve. Put the soup into a stew-pan, with a head of celery. Stew bill tender. VEGETABLE 1’0RRIDGE.â€"â€"Scrape and peel the following vegetables: Six carrots, six turnips, six onions, three heads of celery, and three parsnips. Slice up all these very thin. and put them in a. two~gallon pot, with four ounces of butter. a:nandf11l of parsley, and a good‘sprig of thyme, and ï¬ll up with water or pot liquorâ€"if you happen to have any ; season with pepper and salt, and put the whole to boil very gently on the ï¬re for two hours. At the end of this time the vegetables will be done to a. pulp, and the whole must be rubbed through a. PARSNIPS SOMTES.â€"Parsnlps are put on the ï¬re in water, and they are done at the ï¬rst boil. Skin them and slice them across, and set on the ï¬re with a little butter and salt till brown. Add a little parsley chop- ped ï¬ne, turn into the dish and serve. CARROTS AND CuEAM.â€"Trim a. quantity of the Smallest new carrots that can be obtained, and boxl them in salted water. When done, drain off the water. Melt an ounce of butio: in a. saucepan; add to it a dessert-spoonful of flour, pepper, salt, grated nutmeg, 9. pinch of powdered sugar, and a. small quantity of cream. Put in the carrots, simmer gently a. few minutes, and serve. PEAS AU Emmaâ€"Boil the peas and throw into cold water; then put them in a. an with a little butter, 3. teaspoonful uni) a half of sugar, :1. tablespoonful of broth, one yolk of egg ; stir fast, and they are done. FORCED TOMATOESâ€"TWO ounces of mush~ rooms, minced small ; a small quantity of parsley, a. slice of lean ham chopped small, with afew savory herbs, 8. little cayenne pepper and salt. Put all the ingredients of this stufï¬ng into a. saucepan with a lump of ‘buttcr, stirring all together until quite tender. Then set; away to cool. Have ready some bread-crumbs. and the yolks of two eggs well beaten. Choose large toma- toes, as near the same size as possible, and cut a slice from the stalk end of each. Take out carefully the seeds and juice, and ï¬ll with the mixture. Stew them over with bread-crumbs and some melted butter, and bake in an oven until they have a rich color. Serve with baked ca'l’s head or cold veal. BAKED TURSIPS.-â€"Pal‘e and cook until nearly tender in salted boiling water ; drain and lay in a baking dish, and pour over them a sauce made as follows: Two large tablespoonsful of butter, and two heaping tablespoonsful of flour, stirred together in a skillet; when thoroughly heated and mixed, add a teacupnt of milk, stirring it in gradually, with a little pepper and salt. Add little bits of broken butter over the top of the turnips. “’hen you have poured on the sauce, bake in a brisk oven twenty minutes. BAKED Em; 1’LANT.â€"\Vash the plants and bake a.“ you would potatoes. VVnen baked tender, r°m0ve the skins. and while hot, mash to a. paste, and season with butter, pcpner, and salt. A raw onion chopped fine may be added. ASI‘ARAGE‘S (‘MELL’Lâ€"Boil two pounds of tender, freslrcut; asparagus in a very little sa't ; better still, steam the asparagus till tender. Chop it very fine; mix it with the yolks of ï¬ve and whites of three well-beaten eggs; add two tabluspoonsful of sweet cream ; fry, and serve quite hot. Changes in the Russian Army. HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS. LADIES ! BEWARE Ségfï¬â€˜l‘tl‘o‘fï¬lï¬g’r‘ corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear ggrsets made by Crompton Corset Co. Toronto. not design- aâ€" cd to induce the public to __ atteinm, the du- ties of the regu- i lar surgeon, bu t. merely to 1112100 the read ( f these pages in p: mn ot‘ameans i l f, of treatmentoitheminor l aeeidents occurrlngr dailyin the household, and whieh. while notdangerous in themselves, are exceedingly annoying. turns. bruises. sralds, sprains. etc., are prin- cipal among these troublesome and annoying oeeurences, and demand immediate treatment with the best means at hand. In the kitchen, the dining‘hall. the nursery and the sitting- 1‘oom the. ' are liable to happen, and, instead of fear and alarm at the sightof the cut or mashed ï¬nger, or hri ed or burned arm. or sealded Surf; 0, a cool :uulquiet manner should he as- sumE , and after washinu: away the blood, (if required), the injured parts should be dressed with that. most. valuable remedy ST. JACOBS 0.11.. ]ts. slirpt‘isin'rly(11:10]; relic its cleansing! properties, its tendeney to quiekly remove all inflammation. and its wonderful efï¬cacy in the above as well asin all muscularand other pains, such as rheumatism. neuralgia, toothache, h vadache, stiitl‘ness of the joints, ete..~these render ST. JACO BS 0m pro-eminently the best external remedy now before the people; which claim is fully substantiated by the strongest kind of testimony from all classes of people. The value of human life is so supremely impor- tant that anything that tends. to its prolonga- t.ion is entitled to the highest consideration. Charles Nelson. Esq, proprietor Nelsen House, Port Huron, Mielr, say: . ‘I suil‘ered so with rheumatism that, my arm withered, and physi- cians could not help me. 1 was in despair of mylife, when some one advised me to try ST. JAt‘oiis OIL. I did so. and. asif by magic. [was instantly relieved, and by the continued use of the Oil entirely eured. I thank heaven for having used this wonderful remedy, for it sated my life. It also cured my wife.†A Paris thief, in opening the carriage dLOI‘S for ladies, invariably managed to take their purses, smm‘sunies even their brace- lets and then made for the nearest police station, where he deposited them with his name, strictly according to the rczulations. He lived on the momentary gratitude gen- erated in the owners recovering their pro- perty ; but at last a lady caught him, and he was given into custody. Davy 8L Clark, Drnggists, Rank-w. writes us June 3rd. †\Ve have sold Fowler’s Extracts of Wild Strawberry for v number of years, and ï¬nd nothing equal w it, for the purpase for which it is designed.†Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawoeri'y cures all forms 0t Bowe complaints lIlClilChu to Summer and Fall. HARASSING DREAMS.~â€"-An unnatural ex. citement of the brain and nervous s) stem is the direct cause of sleeplessuess, as also of harassing nocturnal dreams. VEGETle has a peculiarly soothing effact in all such cases, when juat taken before going to bed. Sick and bilious headache, and alldc- rangemenl’as of stomach and bowels, cured by DL Plerce’s " Pellets"â€"â€"0r mltl-bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. Aver's Ague Cure should be in every household in regions where Fever and. Ague prevai'. It should be taken as a. prevennve by every resident and traveller in malarial districts. Philadelphia has an exceptlonal opium den. It is a ï¬ne house, luxuriously furnish- ed, and the resora of fashionable women, WJO lay roundly. At No. 80 King Street East, Toronto, Ont., are the editorial rooms 'ot the Sunday School Illanual, edited by Mr. VVithrow, of 240 Jarvis street, in the same city. Conversng recently with several gentlemen,â€"one of them the representative of the largest ad- vertisers in the world,â€"Mr. \Vithrow re- marked ; “ As to advertising, 1 consider St. Jacobs Oil the best advertized article by far. It is a. splendid remedy too. Besides the many cases of rheumatism it has cured right amongst us, it has rendered me most efï¬- cient service in curing a severe soreness of the chest and an obstinate headache. It does its work satisfactorily.†W e beg to intimate that every well regu- lated household should have a bottle of Mar Cement. as it meuds everything as good as new. Bmuus’ BOTANIC BITTERS are the cheap est, and we believe the best, tonic in use. Sold in packages at 25 cents and makes onc- half gallon of the ï¬nest mixturu. AH simple as making tea. or cofl‘ee. -â€"â€"â€"4â€4‘O’>OO-â€"â€"~â€"‘â€" Who Should Suffer ‘2 The many who daily sutfer agony from corns, bunions, callous lumps, when the means of remedy can be so easily procured. Putnam’s great remedy for_corns is the new article, but it commands the conï¬dence of every druggist in Canada, as all can testify that Putnam’s Corn Extractor is a sure thing. The man who neglects this sugges~ tion to try Putnam‘s Extractor ought to suf- fer. Use not “ the article just as good.†Flesh-destroying and dangerous substitutes are offered as a. substitute tor l’utuam’s. Of such beware. 'i'lu-oac, Bronchial, and Lung Diseases a specialty. Send two stamps for large chaise gwing self treatment. Address WORLD'S DISPEXSARY Mmm‘AL Assucxm 7105', Buifulo, N. Y. Two-Thirds ola Bottle Cures. DR. R. \ . PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Draw Sirwl have bven taking your “Favorlte l‘rescripnon†for “xumalc weakness.†Be- forel had taken it; two days I began to feel stronger. l have taken but two-thirds of a botulc and believe I am cured. Gratefully, MRS. H. U. LOVETT, \Vatscka, 111. “A. 1’.†90 HOUSEHOLD ACCLDENTS. A Well “ Cured †Editor. surely restores its color, when faded or rray. lt stimulates the nutritive organs to iealtliy activity, and reserves both the hair and its beauty. ’1‘ ms brashy, weak or sickly hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows with lively expression, falling hair is checked and stablished; thin hair thick- ens" and faded or gray hairs resume their orig- ina. color. its operation is sure and harmless. It cures dandruff, heals all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and softâ€"under which con» ditions,‘diseeses 9f the _sca.l_p_ar‘e impossible. Aï¬adressing for ladles hair, the VIGOR is pm1scd for its grateful and agreeable perfm'nv. and valued for the soft lustre and richness (21‘ tone it imparts. Is a sure, Prompt and Efl’eetunl Remedy for Nervousness in ALL its stages. Weak .Memor . Loss of Brair Power, I’rostration, 1Wth Sweats, IVcaknes-s, and General Loss or Power. It re )ziirs Nervous Waste. Reju venates the mind Intellect. Stre thens Enfcebled Brain, and Restores ‘urprising Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Organs. $2!†With each order for TWELVE packages. accompanied with ï¬ve dollars, we send our GUARANTEE to refund the money if the treat- ment does not eflect a. cure. It is the Cheapest and nest Medicine in the market. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold by all druggists. one package 500.; G for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE (70.. For Restoring Gray Hair To its Natural Vitality and Color. PREPARED BY 3 DR. J. G. AYER 8o 80., Lowell. Mm, Practical'and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL- ERS IN MEDICINE. AYER’S HAIR YIGOR; SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Buy All Ynur Dry Goods. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. Vegetinrelg 801d by All Druggists- Asï¬smnt of the Apothecarics’ Company of London, Member of the Pharmaceutical Socivty of Great Britain, Licentiate in Pharmacy of the College otfiPhy'siciaqg and Su‘rgeon Dem Sinâ€"I do not like to write testimonials for advertised medicines, but the great beneï¬t that so many of my customers have obtained from the use pf Vegetine, compels me to say that with an experience of over twenty-ï¬ve years, both in Great Britain and this country, I have never known such a useful remedy placed before the public. J. I). L. AMBROSSE, AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE _[x_ TORONTO MR. H. R. STEVENS: Bad Blood. The blood is the true essence of vitality, without pure blood there can be no healthy action in the system. Boils, blotches, pim~ ples and the various humors and blemishes of the skin are only symptomatic of bad bloodâ€"that needs purifying at its fountain head, to renderits tributaries pure. Bur- dock Blood Bitteis effectually cleanse the blood from all humors, obtainsa healthy action of the liver, bowels, kidneys, skin, etc, and strengthening while it regulates Vegetine Gomplaints cffliueYcans’$tauding®uch sinâ€"Having taken eight bottles of Vegetine, I must state that I have derived great beneï¬t. My complaint, is of ï¬ve years‘ standing, and nothing that I have taken gives me such speedy relief as your Vegqtine. Yours respectfully, I hereby certify that the above certiï¬cate was given me una=ked for, and the medicine pun chased at my stores. JOSHUA GREEN. ll. R. STEVENS, ESQ. : Sir,-I take much pleasure in testifying to the ï¬nd effects of your Vegetine on my system. nving been troubled with Dyspepsm for some time. and havin r tried several remedies with- out any avail, concluded to try your Blood Puriï¬er, and after using two bottles am entirely cured. Hmic also used it for lihcumaiism with Very good street. I consider it an execl.eut, remedy for all diseases of the blood. MRS. l_. TINDILL. H. R. S'rn'uw, ESQ. : and puriï¬es. l) I Have Never Known Such :2 Use- fufl Remedy Placed Before the Public. l‘iONTRE \L, J 2m. 1880. A,. B. ITLTNT’S 5&1?an TRADE IT VVILL PAY. CURES DYSPEPSIA.‘ UL MM (,‘br Kbtré Dame amllMcGill Streets. IBRMNMERVE Foon. Immuox, Omn, Jun 27, 15-80. T‘ Con '. King and \Nem’worth Sts. “'hulsor, 0nI.. Canaan lermacehii'cdlijhaï¬ist. T O AYER’S HAIR VIG OR, by long and ex- tensive use, has proven that it stops the falling of the hair immediately; often renew»; thl! growth Land always Advancing yean, sickness, carc,(1isu1)- pointment, and her- dimry predisposit- ion, all turn the hair gray, and either of them incline it. to shnd peymvzvzturely. CHAS. HALL. Wth grartrigs. Largely used by therlgiéiflï¬ciï¬allvfay Coinpany and all the large 00161 nization and Ranche Companies. '1'11333'ctiond1’safety’boiler is mEnh'faHEEEexpressly for the , “ North W'est†trade. Th’a boiler is so arranged that it is readily taken apart in sections enabling purchasers to clean thoroughly every part of it and prevent burning out. "We kmw from Wm? 71 €87¢§solqgtgly mggaryï¬withfltlw alkaline waters ofrtbgqgrg‘at [I]! CIRCULAR SAWS, manufactured by the SIMONDS PATENTEID Pnovms, having given such general satisfaction, owing to their [INIFORMITY 0F TERI I’Enl. we have at a. great expense applied the PRINCIPLE to the TERII’EIHNG of CROSS-(SHE SAWS, having frequently been asked to do so ; and hereafter our Cross-Cut Saws will be ETCIIED and KNOWN as such. Those who like a. nicely ternnered Sa“_r_wil_l do well_ ya give them a trial Ask your [lard ware Mel-731ml“ lor the almonds Saw, and see that it is etched as such Represents No. 5 20-Horse Power mun AGENT, Valuator, Arbitrator, &c., Money Loancd on city or Farm property. Propaties bought am! 30ch on commission. 25 TORONTO ST-. TORONTO RI HI & 60-, ï¬t. Sale Manufacturers for Dom i'ninn of Cam: rm J. W. G. WHITNEY Also a 11111 line of extra heavy American mm Tanned Leather Bolling. and Pages l’ulcnl Lace Leather. Fire Hose, Fire Department Supplies 7 T. MCILROY, Jr. Wm-ohoune 10 and I2 King-st East,'T0ronm. 1%? White for Price List. The largest and most varied stock ever im~ ported into the Dominion. from the highest to the lowest grades, consisting in part as de- scribed below :â€" 30 different kinds of Winchester Repeating Rifles, from $18 up. 20 different kinds and makes of Single and Magazine Rifles, from $8 up. 40 different kinds 1nd makes of Double Bar- rel Breech-Loading Guns, f om $15 to $175 up. . . 25 different kinds and makes of Genuine wast Double Muzzle Guns, from $9 to $25. '0 different kinds and makes of Single Barrel Breech-Loading Guns, from $4 to $20. In different kinds and makes of Single Barrel Muzzle-Loading Guns, from $3 to $10. 50 difl‘erent styles and makes of Revolvers, from $1 to $820. Parties desiring to inspect these goods before purehasingcen do so by sending us $1. “’0 will express ehe gun 0.0.1). If not satisfactory. you have the privileze of returning it. If the $1 more than covers express charges we will re- mit you the difference; and this rule applies to all goods in our catalogue. Send 6 cents for our 96-page catalogue, containing over 600 illustra- tions of Fire-Arms, Watches, Jewellery, Silver- ware. 8w. CHARLES STARK, 52 Chiggltgitro 33. Toronto, 20 25 l0d lï¬d 50 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The largest and only complete stock in the Dominion WE HAVE NQW IN STOCK INDIA RUBBER [18008 3:? Special attention given to burners. BlL/OUSNESS‘, D YSPEPS/A. lND/GESTION, JA UND/OE. ER YSIPELAS, SALT RHE UM, HEARTBURN, HEADAGHE, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS 0R BLOOD, T. MILBURN 8: (50., ADDRESS WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFGRD. CANADA. WILL CURE OP. RELKEVE S‘ï¬monds 0W1]: TH-E STD/MACH, DRY/V588 OF THE SKIN, D/ZZ/N BS, DROPS y, FLUTTE/i’lh' OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F PI oprietors, TORONTO, 4 QUEEN STREET EAST. T0R03‘IT0. 0N'l‘. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Rheumatism, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Paralysis and all Liver and Chest Complaints immediately relieved and permanently cured by 113mg these BELTS, BANDS AND INSOLES. A’orman's Electric Belt Institution (Est'b 18(4) A most thoro‘agh, complete, and practical course. Fees very reasonable. for amateurs: I " Send for quouhons. NE‘V PREMISES : 10. In. In lhv Street. I‘M-onto. Ontario COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, WOO’QSTOCK: ONT- OR SALE, BAKING AND CONFEC'EION- ER}: businqss _in Chathmx}; gstalplishgd 3p 1‘ w Ei‘ï¬ï¬Ã©in‘e’s’s‘ih’dhaiï¬ï¬n ;’ éétziblishéd 30 years; best stand; largest trade in city; busi- ness over $17,000 per annum. Address BOX 462. Chathum, Ont. M. ASIIALL. VVATUHMAKEII AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St.. I‘oronto, has enlarged his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry. plated ware, cutlery, clocks. watches, etc. Fine stock of jet and garnej; jewelry. Goods imported direct. Every kind ofjcwelry repaired promptâ€" ly. neatl and cheap) Lyon & ï¬lexander. PHOTGGBAPHIB MODS! D saleâ€"in western city; most prominent stand in place and ï¬tted in elegant style; doing handsome business; price $2,400; owner going abroad. MACKINTOSH & PETERS. Toronto. r v Buildilfgs? E§cgllé3f lbéullty ;'_proprici61: will continue to manufacture his celebrated smutters needing castings. Apply to WILLIAM ELLIOT. Chcsley, Ont. NESS in Toronto for sale, yielding income of about $4.000 per unnum; stock and plant aboglt $6,000. MACKINTOSH & I‘ETERS, '1‘0- ron o. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING BUSI- {'iilzfgé 1’5} galé fétoék ana hktxirés about 1,000; terms to suit. MACKINTOSH & PETERS, Toronto. RUE“ l O Wfll‘ l [U to sell the best Fannin Knitting: Machine ever invented. \Vill knit a. pair of stockinu‘s with HEEL and T0]? complete in 20 minutes‘ It will also knit agreat variety offancy-work for which there is always a. ready market. Send for circulars and terms to the Twomlvly Knitting Machine 00.. 163 Tremont Street. Boston, Mass. '1‘ Mill forrshlcv:rsitéuirï¬i: Splélldidi VVllézii Vsiec: tion; best situation in live town. BOX 66, Aylmer. '0 ACRES F01! $6,000. THERE]; MILES from Trenton, and eight from Belleville. on front of Sidney, bordering on Bay Quinta; terms 039v. Apply, F. M. VAN LLARICOM, Box 168, Trenton. AGENTS WANTED {3; Principal. 3 VVoodsLock College. Woodstock, 27th July, 1882 _ Mill. with patent rollers and all modern improvements; gristin will average 60,000 bush or annum, and large can] trade. Price, $7,000. ACKINTOSH 8!. PE'IIERS, Toronto. IIREE RUN GRISTING AND FLOURING Mill for sale: steam: splendid wheaï¬tï¬sec- 0R. SALE IN OXFORD~50 ACRES GOOD » » land ;_40 cleared ;_ good frqu house and Ciréï¬itifi aBd’Cdxisxjiimion FREE. WGREIZ Are 3;! m: 5: 1‘ Mi: 0. 13 I‘m Mair -.- of m Send for circular to JUST TO HAND: S. 51 M. ALBUMEN PAPER. MARION'S ALBUMEN PAPER. “ D R Y PLATES, S\VAN'S DRY PLATES. FERROTYPE PLATES 1t reduced prices for a short time only. SCQVILL‘S PHOTO DRY PLATE OUTFITS ALQON, BUSINESSâ€"FIRSTâ€"JJ‘LASS VFOR IOUNVDVRY FOR SALE 7011 RENTâ€"BRICK DURRUN STEAM GRIST ANDVFLQUR RUG BUSINESS IN A WESTERN PpM BUSINESS CHANCES. N. VVOLV ERTON. B.A., fa i. Am. Cuntuhz “heir own ‘ , and liberal.“ $14 u 0): Adults. fx 7W" E RYW HE RE