Yes, exceedingly big bargains in Sheetimzs, nll widths and brands; Pillnw Cottous. all widths and brands ; White Cottons, in Eng- lish, Scotch, and American brands, which we Her you at mill prices. 1:3, tAucculllgly mg unrgams 1n Sheetinqs, l a. month to come. W6 hopéï¬idï¬zllwlyzlx: 115.. all] widths and brands; Pillnw Cottous. all We’ll dd) our part. New Goods, Right styles, widths and brands ; White Cottons, in Eng- Polite Attention, and the lowest. prices that lish, Scotch, and American brands, which we you have ever seen, are in our bi [her you at mill prices. Edyag made. We are closing out Wash Fabrics at cost. Prints at cost. Cambrics at cost. Percales at cost. If vou want anything in these fabrics, we have them, and you can have them at cost. as fresh as the day they were Fine English Cashmeres 22km 25c, 27gc, 80c. 33c, 350, 400. ALL -WO0L FRENCH CASHMERES, 450, 500, 55c, 60c, 623m, 650. Still further reductions in Prices of Grena- dines and Nuu's Veiliugs. E82, Yonge Street, Toronto, 3mm) DOOR NORTH Of QUEEN ST Clearing out at 80, 100, 150, 160, 17156, 18am. Such choice desirable goods were never before offered at so great a. sacriï¬ce. DRESS FABRICS. Fashionable Dress Goods All Colours, 39 cents. The Biggest Bargains ever offered any- where in SILKS, SATINS, Pronounced by the people of Canada to bethe. leading and most reliable Clothing nous â€"â€"also to give better value and better goods less money. ' ' SPLENDIDand very extensive preparations for the Fall‘and “Winter. Over $575.00: xvvorth of Clothing for you to select from, all made for this season’s business. ANNUAL SUMMER BLEflRING AND LSENG MONEY SALE. BARGAINS, BARGAINS I THE TIDE IS TURNING! We ShOW splexldid value in Tweeds, Miltons, Beavers for men and boys, lat prices that are sure to suit. W1 What we are doing. STRICTLY ONE ’4mPLE ORDERS R eceive NOTE THE FQLLGWING QUOTATEQNS: Men’s heavy Tweed suits fer SS6, 6.50, '7, 7.50, 8, 8.50, 9, 9.50, 10, up t0$18.00, made from the best Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, out from latest English and American plates,guaranteed to ï¬t equal to What you get made, at a great deal lessveost, and put toge- ther so that no fears need be as to the sewing coming apart. M16 Great 0m Price Motilng Hmmg EM, BREW; ' 121 King St. East, ' Sweeping Low Prices â€â€™ Terriï¬c Slaughter. tifLiJile Uiuana very extenswe preparations for the Fall anol NEVinter. orth of Clothing for you to select from, all made for this season’s bnsmess. No old and antiquated garments allowed to remain in OAK HALL. Over iii-575.00 - VELVETEENS. Dress Silks Yonge-St. Store the Centre of Attraction. BROCADE s, VELVETS, IN QUE OVERCOAT STQGK S “EXTREMELY LRGE ‘KEQWN’S Do yovu know 'we aI'Véâ€"évlbsVï¬-IE out at less than-half. We never had so ï¬ne a stock as now, and mean to make things active for Have you seen our wonderful display of Laces, Luce Neckwear, Embroideriefl. Rib- bons, Sashes. Fancy Gnodi, Linen Hanker- chiefs, UOI‘SEtï¬, Dress and Mantle Trimmings, Buttons, Gloves, Hosiery, and Underwear. FANCY GOODS GLOVES. HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR. We aha" offer extraordinary bargains in Blankets. Qullfï¬, Sheetings, Damale Tabl- ings, Napkins, Cloths and Piece Goods. White Goods, Muslius, Lawns, Quilts Lace Curtains. 16x28 Huck Towels, $1 per rloz. 18x36 Twilled Towels. $1.35 per dnz. 15x30 Loom Damask Towels, $1.32 per doz. 20x36 Loom Damask Towels, 200 ea<h. Red and Whlte Check. all linen, 200, a big bargain. Our 220 and 250 Towels cannot be bPat, all line: . Extr Heavy Fine Damask Finish at 308, 354:, he, vcry superier and extra large sizes. Bleached and Half-bleached Huckabncks. Roller Towellings, 5c, 60, 76, 8c, 9c, 100 3-8 Glass Doyleys, 50c per doz. 5-8 Damask Napkins, 600, 750. 850, and $1. 7-4 Bleached Damask, all Linen, 580; worth 750. 7-4 Bleached Damask, all Linen. 973% worth 900. 8-4 Bleached Damask, all Linen, 75c, worth $1. 66-inch Hoom Dice Damask, all linen, 37150 and 50c, worth 50c and 700. NAPKINS. Prompt Attention. ‘ IAINICNS- TO‘VVI-CLS. TO HOTEL-KEEPERS. druggists lnwo it or can get it for you, or it wxll be sent to any address on receipt of price by the prophetan, Dr. B. J. KENDALL dz 00.15110511111- gh Falls, Vt. 50L?) BY ALL DRFGGISTS. Lyman :Sons a C0,. Ncmreal, P. C‘. 33-1)’ Wholesale Agents. Send address for illustrated circular wl-ich we think gives positive pr 00f of its virLues. No reme- dy has ever met with such unqualiï¬ed success to aux lgnowledgeufoxf yeast and man. fects. Is sure in its effects, mild in actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlm'gements, such as swwins, splints, curbs, ringbones, callous, swell- ings and any lameness and all inlm-gemeuts of ï¬le joints or limbs. or for rheumatism in man or for any purpose for which a limment for man ever used. acting mild and. yet certain in its ef- gill. Putten’s Mills, N. Y., Feb. 2151:, 1878. B. J. Kendall & 00., Gents .â€"'l‘he particular case on whichI used your Kendall’s Smwin Cure was a nmlig'mnt ankle sprain ot sixte 11 months standing:. I hm] tried many things but in vain. Your spawn cure put the foot to the ground, and for the ï¬rst time since hurt in a nuturul position. For a. family liiumeuc it excels anything we ever used. Yours truly, REV. M. P. BELL, Pastor of M. E. Church, Patten’s Mills. N. Y e - WW, Marimmum, he time the udvertisementï¬xst appear- ed in this paper, Mr. P. G. Schermerhmni who resides near Collier, had a. spavined horsv. He read the advertisement, and concluded 10 test the efï¬cacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credhlity. He bought a. bottle of Kendall's spnvin Cure and commenced using it on the horse according with the directions and he informed us thiswcek that it eflected such u cem- pletc cure that an expeit horseman, who examâ€" ined the animal recently could ï¬nd no truce of the spavin or the place where it had been located Mr. Schermc-rhoru has since secured a. Copy of Kendall’s Treatise on the Horse and its Diseuses which he prizes very highly and wonld be 10th to pnrt with at any price prowded he could not obtain {mother copv. So much for advertising relmblc articles. Kendall’s (Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN FLESH. Cueonm, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & 00., cf Enosbui'gh Falls, Vt., made a. contrast with the publishers of the Press for :1 half column ud- vertisement for one yearsetting forth the merits of Kendalï¬s Spin/2w Cure. At the same time we secured from the lirm [L quantity of books, entit- led Dr. Kendall‘s treatise on the Horse and its Diseases, “luck we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Pres remiunl, .1 hm“ um ‘ The most succéssful remedy ever discovered as it 15 certain in its effects, and does not blister. Read Proof below. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. HAMILTON, Mo., June 14th, 1881. B. J. Kendall & Co..â€"Geuts :â€"'.l‘1u's is to cerbify that I have used Kendall's Spuvin Cure and have found it to be nil in is recommended to he and in fact more too; I have removed by using the above , Callous, Bone Spavins,Ring-bonea, Splints and can cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the best thing for any bony substance I have ever used mudI have tried many ma I have made that my stqu for yep.r§. FROM TH E DNEONTA PRESS.N.Y. KEN DALL’S SPAVIN CURE KendaJl‘s Spavin Cure. Miltons, Beavers, Pilots, Chinchillas, Frizes, both re to suit. When you are in the city call and see STRICTLY ONE PRICE. ‘ , 5&5 to EZE Mayhem, Respe’étfufly yours, 1". V. cunt Splendid Farm of 165 acres â€"I5o cleared and in a good state of cultivation,â€"â€"-Lots 28 & 29, 3rd concession Vaughâ€" an, will be leased on favor- able conditions, for a term 01 years. ; Applyto \Vm. SLINEY, 7--4--in RICHMOND HILL. Tim l‘socness or A Conanâ€"JIM folâ€" lowing may be indicated as the progress of a Cough in the absence of an eflicient check of the lung-destroying malady: First, a cold is contracted, the thrnat be- comes inflamed and the irritation causes a spasmodic contraction and dilation of the lungs,accompanied with a dull or rat- tling sound in the throat. This daily in- creases in violence, and as it does. a2- gmvates the bronchial irritation until the lungs become seriously affected. Then abcesses or incipient sores form upon their tissue, which rapidly develop into the fatal tubercles of consumption which eat into and destroy the lungs. \Vho Would knowingly incur such peril as the? The surest means of averting it is Nor- throp (£- Lyman’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda a. pulmonic which at the same time the progress of throat and lung irritation, and gives strength to those debilitated by by a. cough. Sold by all druggists. Mr Wm Ransom. of South Norwick, says: For sixteen years Isuï¬ered Irnm Biliouaness, never had unv medicine to do any permanent gnod un- til recommended by our druggists. (J Weslcv Fibh & Co, Otterviile.) to try D1 Carson s Stomach and Constipation Bitters, which have done mo more good than any medicine I have ever tukon. I would, with the utmost conï¬dence. recommend them to all suifering from Billiousness, 650. Sold by all Druggists ut50 cts. u. bottle. yellow as n'gnilun.†l: hm lll'ré appear- ance became the hill), “hich mmhlm the bowels tn art, is dire-cred fmm its Finger ‘ course int†[he him-d. In c-umwtwn with this syn:me there is nausea, Guat- ing of the tn .5110, sick headache, impur- ity of the breath. pains thrnugh the right side and shoulder blade, dyspepsia and constipation. These and whet cnncmn- itants of liver cmnpluiut are completely removed by the use of NORTJIRUP (l5 LY- MAN’S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY AND Dys- PEPTIC CURE. which is also an erudicant of scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulcers, cancers. humours, female Weakness.jaim- Ice.and lumbagn. It tone: stmnach,10us- es the liver, and after relieving them, causes the bowels thereafter to become ‘ regular. High professional sanction has been accnrded to it; and its claims to pub- lic conï¬dence are justiï¬ed by ample ev- ; idence. Price, $1.00. Sample BottleJO cents. Ask for NORTHROP 55 LYMAN’S Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-aimile of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. l YELLOW As A GUINEA.â€"The complex- ion in :- (ank‘ M unchecked liver complaint, culminating in jaundicv, is Humlly “ as T0 RENT The prescr‘ption ofa skillful} physician, and composed of vegetable mum: ofgreat. remedial power, Dr. Cmsun‘s Stonmch nml Constipation Bitters purify the blood, give tone and vigor to the system, cures Dyspepsia 11nd Imiigesmvm when all (when-medicines mil. Huve ymt tried 1‘1? Sold by Druggists, 500. a bubble. Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on first-class property» ԠThen apply to John Lush he can sup- ply you with a ï¬rst-class article, the best; is the cheapest, for it is not liable to gt: out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twenty- ï¬ve years. During this time they have been constantlv growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely to-day than ever. Terms eaFy, SEWENï¬ MASHEMR DR. E. C. VVEST'ï¬ NERVE AND mum TREAT‘ MENT, u. gimmnteed speciï¬cs for Hysteria, Diz~ zinoss, lonvulsiuns, Fits. Nervous Neuralgia; Heuducho.i’ervousi Frustration caused bV the use of alcohol m-tolmcc‘o, Wuliefulness, Mental Depression, Softeningnf the Brain, resulting in. Insanity and lending to misery, decay and death, Premature 0111 Age, Pnrrencss, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spernm- trrrhmn,ca.uscdby oven-«exertion of the brain, selflabusa or over-indulgence. One bnx will rum repent cases. Eur'h box cumming one mcnth‘s treatment. One dollru'a. box, or six boxes for ï¬ve dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of rice. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case, Vith each order received b) us for six boxes, accrmipuniefl with ï¬ve dollnirr, we will send the purchaser our written guuruniee to refund the moneyift‘he treatment does not affect a, cure. Gunmnteesissuedonlyby T. A. Hewitt, & 00., 9016 authorized agentsfor Thornhilland Angus, Ont John C West dz C0 5010 proprietors Toronto Ont; 4-7-82-1 yr LOOK! LOOKY “"9 will pay the nbnvc reward for any case of Liver Complaint) DWI-01mm, sin-1: Headache, Inâ€" digestion, Cuxmtipntuu m- (tuur-tiunms “e Dun- not cure With W951 'H Te: vtnfm Ln ur 301.3, when. the directions are Q!i'1<;i,y (-mnp 'uzl with. T ey n‘re purely VegetathY M 1m never 1:le 1.!) give Filtifl“ motion. Suger Cr. wted. La ge Boxes. Contath 111g 30 Pills, £45 ‘ For sale by all Druygists. Beware of count ails and imitations. ’1'1mu,n~ uinemnnumcnumrl only by JOHN C. WEST d: 00.,“ The Pill .\I -J:<;1‘3"61 & 83 King St. East Toronto, Ont. Erna mm package sent bv mail prepaid on recelpt of at. .J cent smmp. 4-7,-8-J-iy. Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. The safest best and cheapest medicine in the: WCrld is Dr Carson’s Stcnmch and Constipam'on Bitters. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents by all Druggists, AND O S ‘9 HEALTH i3 WEALTH! MONEY! $560 BEWARE Apply to J. ‘LUVSH, DO YOU WANT $th EA Richmo‘nd Hill