Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1882, p. 4

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FRJZDAY MORNING _ BY J. A. STEWART: ST. MARY s EPISGOPAL CHURCE.â€"Sel‘vice at 8 p.m., except the third Sunday of every month when the service and sacrament are held at If mm. Sunday School at 1:30 p.1n Rev. B. Shank- liu, Rector. , n._v.«. finvuinn: RICHMOND HILL, METHODIST CHURCH or (lANADArâ€"berkua 83:10:30 3.111., and (3:30 p.111.,nnd Sunday school, at 2.30 p.111. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday ovenmg and Young people's Prayer Meeting every Friday evening in the Lecture Room. Revs. Peter Addison,and W. H. Burkwell, B.A., pastors. PRESBYTERIAN CEUR M11 o‘clock 3.111., and 6: on Thursday evening at 7: Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC as follows: Thornhill at Hill at 10:30 mm; the follo mond Hill at; 9 furry, and '1‘ CH OFCANADA.â€"Services 30 p.m. Prayer meeting 30. Rev. 1. Camybell CHURCH.â€"S01‘Vices in order 0 (mm, and Richmond Wing Sunday at Rich- hornhill at: 10:30 u..m., mm Hfiwl Rundav. alternut'mfl. RICHMOND LODGE. A. F. oz A. â€"â€"Meets in the Lodge Room,Mm Monday on or before full moon Xsuac Crosbv, W. M. MECHANXCS' INSTITUTE.-L V01u1nes,0pen every Tuesday mnic Ha]1,fmm '7 to 8 o’clock l‘ian. Lectures and disc“ siu) lav-mu Ulvbu y , n . A.-. RICHMOND L. O. L.,N0. pernnce HullY 0n the F moon, at 8 o‘clock p.111. 778.lMeets in the Tem- J‘idzLy on or before full 0. E. Sheppard, “KM. “N‘rnrtm, LICHMOND mum “mu,” m, ,, Meets in the ’J,‘en1perzmce Hall' every \Vednesday evening. at 7.30 o’clock. Wm. Harrison T, D. The Methodist sabpntb school’l‘empemnce As bouiatzivn issue plelg0 cards every Sunday whenâ€" desired. \‘S'mJ-Izm'nson supf »; -vm. 1nnn ueauuu. u “hum a? A MECHANms' 1NSTITUTE.- Library 01 over 1000 V01u1nes,0pen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.â€" snnic Ha]1,fron1 '7 to 8 o‘cloek. R. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectures and dis . 5310115 periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Burnâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Smturday eyening at 7:30 o‘clock. J. Powell Leader. VILLAGE Colxx‘cxILâ€"Rervr)y W'm. Trench; Conn. i'fllurs, Mossm. Bev‘j "min Rednlilt, \Vm, 1’1 gsley, C, Dun numb. aaul J. H. Sanderson. (flak, M. ’1 eefy A. 0. U. VV.,Ivy Lndge, No. 111, Meets in the in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Friday at 8 n’elock p. m. BOUO‘ ficaw‘y certificate given for 952,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Master Workman. R. T. of Teumemnce, Richmond Hill Council, {\‘0. 4:3, Mam;me Temperance Emmerich alterâ€" AA n.\!n1.-\n]1 n 111 Ram!» R. 'L‘.OI 'l'eluuemuuu, um“ ,, IV 0. 4:}, Meet» in Temperance a ,ench alterâ€" native Tuesdzuy evening ntBo’clock p 111. Bone» ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in (Billie of (lea/ch $2,000, 0119 halt mwablc in case of disability. J. H. Ssnder- hull Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Sbewzu't. Recording S ecretarv. ‘ BUSLN‘E’éé EARDS. “’émxmm. "m “ Thomhill, 1. and ’7 D. m LEG. Oifice hours RICHMOND HIE MAPLE, Nitrous oxide gas extraction of Teeth. may stxll De consumuu m a“, w fession, as follows: Alwyn.Y 1st, 8th, 161311, and 22nd of enmh month. Newmarkeb ' . . ............ and do. Richmond Hill“ 9th and 24th (in (at the Palmer House) trmfiville . ,18th 10‘ \Iurkba.m,... .20th .10. Victoria. Square" . 2151: do, fhomhill... 3.3111 (10, 1%me . . . . .‘Zfith do .ZSHI do. \Vnmlbri (1;;0 . Kleinburg.. .29th (10‘ Nobleton .30th 0 Anusthetncs, as Nitrous Oxide, etc., used when ordered, and none but the bestmaterml used. 1‘ hankfulr \‘Villiam K. Best, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notnry, &c. M to Loan. 30011120,};‘11i911mL0 11‘ Buildings; m) uuuxn. .. 28 and 30, T01 onto striget, Toronto. Bansiters, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors-inâ€" Chancery Proctors in Admiralty Courts. Con- veyancers etc. Millichamp'sbuildings, Adelaide streeLTorontn, oyposibe Victoria street. (1 ward Blake,Q.C. S. H. Blake Q.C.J.K. Kerr,Q.C. \Vrflter Cassels, W.R. Mullock. G.A Brough T7 mr um.“ Ernest, F- RICHMOND HILL. W. J. Charlton M. D. C. M., Tnmntofieneml Hospital, A,“ 0;“ Emery P. (3., County York, (successor to the late I)‘ H. Dex/ins) Insurance Agent, for .the best and most- reliablepqmpunifleg d ' busmesa in 0mm ,. z“ n nun; n1nce 1110M.- I‘Uunuu: uuuu.wu.w: u _ ~ , , (in. Far sdesxrous of msmmg 1n a. first class company snould obtain our rates before insuring elsewhere Dr. Orr, Maple, Office hours : 8 to 930 a. 111., and 1 to 2.30 p.131 Bethune, Moss, Falconbndge 4k Hoyles. Burristers,etc., north of Scotland Chambers, 18 and 20, King street west, Toronto. AB.BETEUNE,Q.C. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE N. W. HOYLES. WALTER BARWICK. A.B. AYLESWORTE W. J. FRANKS. Clem of the Tb! Division Court, Cler and Treasurer 01’ Vaughan, Registrar of Births, arriâ€" ages and Deaths, Commissioner in Court of Queen’s Bench, OFFICE Alame amounp of Money to Lend on farm 01' cltv property ;mterest 7 per cent; no commis- sion. _ ___-.... In an Address A. ROBINSON ‘nuuux Vacuum, C,J. Holman. CasselefK. Maclean; & @ suns.on DESTIS‘T‘, 1kful for the favors of the past ten years, still bg: 99119u1tod in any branch of the p10» @112 gmm ” Dr. 1“ «Council, Graduate of Toronto University, At his Printing Establishment Blake, Kerr. & Cassels, Dr. Charlton. Weston. Dr. James Langstafl AND 53mm): @ircttum. LOE‘, MACDONALD, MERRITT 5: 09., Union Loan buiidings, Toronto 1s PUBLISHED EVERY T0513?“ A. DEvms. James M. Lawrence, \THOLIG CHURCH.â€"S01‘Vices in order Thornhill at 0 (mm, and Richmond mm; the following Sunday at Rich- Lt9 n.m.,n.m1 'J‘hornhill at: 10:30 u..m., with Markham everv third Sundav. CONVEYANCER, ETC. Von qe Richmpnd Hil Dr. Money to Loan. Churches. Societies. 1.. A. Robinson, LL 1st 10 days ofeach month 18th “ H bn ux un :30 p. 111., and Sund'ay'échool, aml Prayer Meeting every and Young people's Prayer L k 1 ,mhw-n u u m), 9t011 IN OFFICE 33an DA.(‘,.M.,M.C.P.S.O. Late Hospital, thsicia Surgeon 331mm. Qfflflzfir Re EZQX$~ administered for painless Lamgstafl, Office hours: 9 a.m., 2 p A. M., No. 23, G.R.C Masonic Hallxm the 3011, at. 8 o’clock p.111 L.D.S.. Aurora. Ont ;ANADA.â€"Se!’_ViCES 650. Money dings, Nos. ONT Ont; The Clyde Home], 158 King street East, Toronto. - First-class comm merciul house. Good Accommodthion and every a1bention shown Guests. Superior Staining. HENRY LEMON. Promietor. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER. Proprietor. Having recently built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in first-class style,1 am prepared to ive the public the best of accommodations Good stabliug and attentive hostilersi Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, 51 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this House at 7:50 mm. for Tofouto and leaves Toronto at 3:30 1g. __.._.â€"-â€"â€"â€"-‘ J. “'anlpss,‘ Importer of \Vatclies, clocks and fine jewellery 1» stock of Diamonds and preoiousstoues always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN TREET, TORONTO. lzsflllmmufacturlng of jewellery, and repairinfl of watches and clocks on the premises,a specimlw Thanking our patrons and friends for their lib- ernlpatroimgc ii. the past we beg to state that We have just received a. large stock ofuewgoods in lu-test designs. A large stock 0! Elgin and \antham watches kth on hand. Clock Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the bounty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Patties having farms 01' lots for saie, 01‘ wishing Insult unce )n life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehvlrl security Ollice-Cuurt House. Toronto Llcensefl Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Pee]. Goods sold on (-Imsigmnent. General sales of stock, at promptly attended to at reasonable rates. 1’. O. uddro Licensed Auctioneer for the (Tmm’cv of York, 1‘0- spectfully solir'iua ymu‘ hutronn‘ge and friendly influence. Sales :th0 1(16‘C1 on the shortest notice and at reasonach l‘iL‘ P. 0. Address, Licensed Auctlon e; for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice anfl My mnsmmbe rut ‘ P. 0. address, King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice,tm(1 at 1'02].- mbc rates. Addro Nobleianr P 0. A11 sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KLSSNER'S Celebratâ€" ed Consumption Powders. These powders are the oan preparation known mm will Cure Conâ€" sumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungsâ€"indeed‘ so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no hum- bug', we will 101‘wu1‘r1 tn evvl'y suit’erod. by mud, post} 'd, a. Free Trial 15< wwywn” w ‘ AW Wu (In nor, wunfi yuur money until you are per- fectly summed of their muutive powers. If your life is woth saving, don't uuluy in giving these Powd( a, trim], {Ls‘thcy will surely cure you. .4 1.- L unuKuQ (u .“m, m. ., v , d Prme, for {L large box, $.K.‘-(),senb to {my part Lf the United : times or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price Address, AGENTS WANTED WAN I I1!“ By J. \v. BUELL. Embracing the lives and qudm‘ful adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe. And other celebrated Indian Fighters, Szouts. Hunters and Guides. A true historical work of thrilling adventur on the plains, and in Western prom ess and civilization. Fights with Indians! (imnd Bumble Hunts! Desperate adventures! an‘l‘UWESCILpeSi Won- derml Shooting and Riding ! Wild Life in the Far West! Id? 100 Illustrations! 1(5 Fullqmge Colored Plates! A gmnd book for agents. 011L- sells everything. 548 pages, price $2.00. Agent’s complete oatfit150 cts. Outfit and copy for $2.00‘ Lafiwfite at once for agency, or ter ' and illus- Kn'dHBEJer in \Vatcl’lea.010cks, Richmond Hill Ont trntedcirculars to NJD THOMPSON a con Publishers, N. W. Cor. 81:11 and ]§1“0{leway, New York PERMANENTLY CUREDâ€"NO HUMBUGâ€"by one month‘s umge of DR. GOULARD’S Celebratâ€" ed Iiifallible Fin Powders. To convince suffere! s that these powders will do all we claim for them we Will send them by mail, 1) stpuid, a Free trial box. Dr. Goulzmrd is the only ph'ysicinmfihat h s male this disease especial study, and a» to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these powders. We will guarantee a permanent cure in every case or re- fund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and be convinced of their cum. ive powe ‘ . UUIIVJUVUu \l1 IJJLULA v V»-V Price, for large box, .300, or 4 boxes for $10.k‘0, sent by mail to anv part of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, 0. O. 1). Address, @510 for EVERYBODY. [COPYRIGHT SECUREDJ For starting Children and others in the culture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of leurning the elements of Music by pleusupt amusement. This new method teaches you all about the Musical Staff, Degrees of the Stuff, Clefs, Notes and Rests. Scale, Intervals or the Scale, Location of Letters on the Stuff, and their relation to the Keys of the instrument. (This is very important with children.) Flats and sharps and their use. All the different Keys, how to foim Chords or musical words. It teaches the syllables, D0, En, Mi, etc.,in singing. It contains a. complete mu- sicul catechism. It is MULTUM IN I‘ARVO. All th‘s is learned while the learner is amusing himself by playing familiar tunes. l’erso' s with no MU- SICAL TALENT may play the tunes. as the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full directions and four pieces of music accompany the Method. Sent by mail for $1.00. Address, METHOD. Oct. 2: Oct. 211d, ’82,â€"1y, FITS EPILEPSY. 13-4 y. ENGENIOUS FALLING SICKNESS Â¥he Palmer Blouse. CONSUMPTKUN POSITIVELY CURED. ASH a ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. nd., ’82â€"1y. Eflistclluumnfi. ASH a ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St.. Brooklyn, N. MERRILL’S A. L. Skecle. and Watch Maker, .ianle‘s (1. Stokes, N. J. Ariansn'mlg, Salem Eckardt. George Eakin. CHICAGO PIANO 60., S. M. Brawn. 78 a; so Van Baron s_r., Chicug6.11h_ Box 9‘1 VICTORIA SQUARE Heroes 05 The Plains Eflntslfi. 'Uiim’NVILL and Jewedq; 14â€"4111‘ We beg to inform the public that we have sold our Retail busmess on King street, Toronto and known as the Golden Griffin, to Mr. J( Manchester, Eng, and Mr, Wm. Petley. Toronto. Who Will in future ness under the name and style of PETLEY dc PETLE'I. and for WI continuance of that patronage so largely extended to us during the ‘ As we can With confidence recommend them to our old and valued f: the Dominion, knowing they have every ability and ample means f< old-established business, Which we feel confident Will succeed in the the past, we therefore bespeak lor these gentlemen a brlght future. West Durham Peel Markham Cm‘dwell W. York & Vaughan Name of Fair Again thanking you, our 01 and storm, Music Classes. HHSS Campbell begs to announce to hex- mnny friends the recommencement of her classes in Vocal and Instrumental Music on Sept. 1st, 12-2in. Music Lessons. MISS NICHOLLs begs to intimate to .her friends and pnplls that she has resumed her classes in muslc. Richmond Hill, Sept. 25th. 12fl21n. fl. WRIGHT & 3W, UNDERTAKERS- FURERALS FURNSHED n the shortest Rotlce and reasonable terms An Assortment of Rbbés. “Col-His. Casketsb’cc.. co nstant 1y kept ogwhand SERVANTE WANTED. 8~ff 'I‘il0l'll In IA NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN; [From the Boston Globe.] Hasnrs. Editors :â€" The above 15 a good likeness of Mrs. Lydia E. Pink- hum, of Lynn, Mesa, who above all other human beings may be truthfully called the “Dear Friend of Woman," as some of her correspondents love to call her. She is zealously devoted to her work, which is the outcome of a. lifeâ€"study, and is obliged to keep six lady assistants, to help her answer the large correspondence which daily pours in upon her, each bem‘lng its special burden of suffering, or joy at release from it. Her Vegetable Compound is a. medicine for good and not evil purposel. I have personally investigated 11: and am satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits. it is recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. One says: “It works like a charm and saves much pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucon‘hqea, irregular and painful Menstruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con- sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life.” uu min... “w -___,._ fir , All must respect her as an Xnéel of Mercy whose sole ambition is to do good to others. " Philadelphia. Pa. (2) Mrs. A. M. D. Factory at Stunstend, P. O.â€"â€"Northrop & Ly- mqn, Toxjonto, queml Agents for Qatariw It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak- ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostmtion, Gench Debility, Sleepiessness, Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. "my by It costs only $1. per bottle or six for $5., and is sold by druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect; health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be obtained by addressing Mrs. P., with stamp for reply, at her home inLynn, Mass. For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound is unsurpassed as abundant testimoniala show. uuzuu pmwu an muuumuu wng “ Mrs. Pinkham’s Liver Pills," says one writer, "are the best in the world far the cure of Constipation, Bmousnese and Turpidity of the liver. Ber Blood Purifier works wonders in its special line and bids fin.“ to equal the Compound in its p01)th AGRICULTURM FAERS. good general servant wanted in a amallfamily. The Highest wages will be paid to a. suitable person. Apply to RICHMOND HILL, fins. JOHNS. Where hold. Date. Bowmmwllle Oct.3 &~.’ Brampton Oct 6 (K: t Markham Oct. 5 & f Beetou Out. 12 8' 1‘ Woodbridge Out £46 I WRIGHT A: SON Thorn hill Oct.3 & 4 Oct 6 (K: 6 Oct. 5 & 6 Out. 1‘2 8'7" \f» IuDilC 'Ullbbb Wb‘ .LLGIVC ouna. uvu. d-vvaA-J. “enunemn __,-,, , v and known as the Golden Griffin, to Mr. Joseph W. Petley. Cr, Wm. Petley. Toronto, Who will in future carry on the busi- . style of PETLEY (Sc PETLE'I. and for Whom we solicit a, mage so largely extended to us during the pasn thirty years. oe recommend them to our old and valued friends throughout qmw 1mm: mmrv 2.1011le and ample means for ocnduuping thig mm 3mm, 3mm SEEBTES. Toronto, June 18 1881. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their Hberal patronage durin parofir wenty-one years, I beg to remind them and the general pubhc. that having erected entirely new and commodious premises, I am enabled to supply Both Light and Heavy, all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is al nder my own supervision. I am also prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing & repairing 6 most Workmaulike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the mostreasomble terms HORE-SHOEING pnicl special attention to. CARRIAGE WORKS, '1'. A. msmmmn, 149 YUNGE STREET. TURNTU. The local election in Muskokahas been pustponed until the 30Lh of October. Aamiral Seymour is personally unwill- ing to accept an elevation to the peerage. Indications of the existence of oil at Gladstona. Man., has led to the formation of a. company to operate that field. Oil of an excellent brand for machinery has been discovered at Belle River, Essex County. . Sir J 01111 M acdonald has taken Earn- cliflje, Major Holbech’s resxdence at; Otâ€" tawa, for two months. Major Holbeoh is with his regiment in Egypt. The brother of V‘Valah, who was hanged recently at Galway, has been found guil- ty as accessory to the murder of Constable Kavanagh. and sentenced to be hanged. Wm. D. Starmont, formerly a Metho- dist minister in Canada, is in jail at Bay City as a common druukard. It is reported that the new mica. wire in the Nipissing distrlct produces speci- mens equal to the celebrated North Car- olina. productions. In the suit to recover possession of the Island of Anticpsti by the heirs of Juilette Judge Routhier has ordered the lslaud to be sold by the Sheriff. PATRICK & B. B. HUGHES: By an accidental explosion in the tor- pedo magazine of a Russian num-ofâ€"war two ofiicqgs and thixty seaman have been killed. ' and valued Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, and Platform Spring VVaggons. Qummy and Cheapness Unsurpassed. DLY’VLN'Gâ€"R 0 OJ! and 0F [1']. CE F URN] 1’ URE- BREVITIE S. )3 EG BEBEAE "’ 1149 YONGE 8TREET, Has all Lhe LATES 1‘ AMERICAN and have sold our Rg’pafl B'gsiinegs 0311:1861 on by 11”- -v‘\ A A.‘ RICHMONI) IIILIJ- friends, who have stood by us in sunshine are, Very gratefully yours, TRENCH’S Call and Inspect before purchasing. j Hum CANADIAN designs in future as it Has in WM TRENCH

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