Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1882, p. 5

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View H. Gladden, \Vest Shefi'ord, P. (9., writes : ;. For a. number of years I have been afiiicted with rheumatism. Two years ago I was nmt’acked very severely. I suffered a. meat dml or pain. fmm which I was not free for s. . day, until last spring when I began tn use Dr'. Thnmas‘ Erclectrl‘c Oil. and II rejoice to ' saj it has clued me, fox whichl am thankful‘ Parkmuc, Davenport, _Wesmn, . . Thornhill, . JUCHMUND HILL, King... Aurora, . l\ ewmarket,. “TORONTO. City Hall. Union Station Bror‘k Street. ‘ Queen’s \thrf fNewm mrket, ....... Jkurora,‘ King, ....... RICHMOND HILL, Thornhill, VVoston,.N ljavenporh Pmfififlmuu TORONTO Until fuvth er notice \Tmls will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows :â€" MoRXING 2â€"Gniuz North. south, Ernst 51.1141 \Vesb, incluxliu‘ 'l'lml‘nhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham, 6‘12. 7.45. EVE XG :â€"â€"qung southEust and West (as The North York and Wnitchurch Agri- cultural Fnir. held in Newmmket on Tues- day and Wednesday, was an unprpcedented success, both as to exhibits and attendance. Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer Hons-3, Richmond Hill, as follows: M Lil 3: Express, North & South Azcmmnmlatian‘ “ “ Expmsq, North Mail. South 11:40, 5.00, p, m. 6.20, “ above) ‘ 6 m N. B.â€"â€"Re:istm‘wl'Lettera must he h'L‘Jdaxl in at 10. A; Fifteen Minutes e'u‘lier than the above mentioned hours for clo m IBIDflY, OCT. 6', 1889. boy. New Ad. A permanent cure for Fits Epllepsy, or falling sickness. See Ad. Editqrial page. The r'qgulnr half-yearly meeting of the North York Teachers’ Association will be held in the Newxnm'ket Model School, on Fridayand Saturday, Oct. 13th! and 14th., commencing at 10 a. m. on Friday. MRTHERN R‘ R. TIMETABLE. Consumption positively cured by Dr. Kissner’s consumptive powders. See Ad. Wiorodbrridger Fair. The nbové fair will he held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Oct. 24th and 25th. Over $3,000 is offered in prizes. On the first day there will be a grand Lacrosse match and speeding in the ring. Owing t6 press of advertisement our edi- toriul matter will be found on first page. Wresto'n High School. Teachers' Association. A Good order. Mr. Kelly, of Winnipeg, has left an order with Mr. Wm Trench for forty cutters to be shipped up this full. Mr. Wm. Trelich,3wing to his business increasing, has foundin necessary to intro- duce steam into his ‘shop. At the Provincial Exhibition held at Kings- ton Patterson & Bra, of Patterson, took prizes for gang plow. straw cutter and for best collection of implements. A positive cute. Sea record‘nnd results of work done in the worm: school during the years 1881-82 in another column. Business increasgng. York Tawnihip Sunday ochool Convention was held in Willowdnle on Tuesday, a. re- port of which will appear next issue. In this issue we give it few facts of the history of 9. Waterloo soldier, who lives in our midst, which may not be uninteresting to our readers. Provincial Exhibition. S. 8. Convention. North York Show. A Water'oo veteran. Wm: Eéfigiheml. The Coml t. Coal in demand. “7110 stole the pears The boys are known. Reunion postponed. “ Mn rmion ” still in use. See Atkinson‘s new Ad. Agents wanted. See Ad; Business is “ picking up." Wood is now a. necessity. Second crop beans nro- plentiful. THE LIBERAL to Jan. lst for 200. Greetings to the Dr. and his bride. Boy wanted at THE LIBERAL Office. Village Council minutes this week. Tm: LIBERAL to Jan. 15', ’84, fur $1. “ Htrs’est Homes ” are now in nizlur. The health committee is on the move. Buy an Institute ticket at THE LIBERAL. Early closing movement should bejmade. The boy that was shooting the nut shells. Potato digging is now engaging the small PEQQTOR’S STAQE LE Queen’;< \th‘f Tweak Street Union Station. City Hall ” WEST OFT-362E EJGTEQE. RT HBFfiE. GOING NORTH. Mail. Ac 7.4.3. Ltion 7.53. eat. 8.00. GOING SOUTH, .8.0& .‘J .38. M. TEEFY, Postmasteu .950 .9 53 10.03 .10.10 Acuom Expr’s 11.45. 5.00 11.53. 5.08 12.00. 5.15. Accam. 11.58. 12.17. 12.50. 1.‘ I5 . 1.20. Mail 0.37. 6.48. 7118. 7.20 7.31- 12.U7 1.0% 1 .17. 1. 9.05 622‘ 6:18. R 10 8.18. 0.53‘ 5 .30. 5.37. 5.58. 7.45. The we I] hydra mny It: used to I‘Ppresent any mmxifnid evil. lfyou Would battle suc- cexsfully with this many-headed monstor 0! disease you willflnd it expedient to keep Mrs. Piuklmm‘s Vegetnble Compound always on haud.â€"â€"Dr. Banning- The Rte-union in connection with the Meclmnics’ Institute, which it. was proposed to mm (311 Tuesday evening last, Oct.’ 3rd, has been postponed until Oct. 24th, when the commith expect to have a. good pro- gramme prepared. The Council adjourhed to meet in the Council Qhambars on Tuesday evening, 313: Oak M. Tnm‘y, Clerk, A beautiful comet can now be seen in the south eastern skv frnm about. 4:30 to 5230111 the morning. The tail is nine degrees, or about. eighteen diameters of the moon. IL is said to be unusually near the sun. It fades away in the brightness of the risth sun. The committee appointed on the 20th Sept. to inspect certain premises, reported that. they duly inspected the premises referred to and found nothing, objectionable ther -on. Serunaded. The lmml svrevim‘led Dr. James Lnngstaff and his ln'i'ie on Tuesday night, they having just returned from their wedding trip. The Dr. being: a very buzhful man, as every body knows, did not put in an uppvnrance, but dfl the honorable thing by sendqu out a ln'un “kW 255 bill, which was thankfully ac- cnpced by the band. Consumption is a disease contracted by a ncglvcned oold~how liepessary then that, we should ut mice get the best. cure for Coughs, Colds, L u-yngilis and all (lisenses of the Lung“ and l‘llroatâ€"one of the moat popular medicines for these complaints is Northrop & Lymnu’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil ai‘ml Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Mr. F. J, Smith. Druggist, Dunm'ille, writes: ” It givos general satisfaction and sells splendid- 1y.“ The Council went into a committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Sanderson in the chair. The committee rose and reported the By- Law with tlm blanks filled. '“he Reeve in the chair. The report re- ceived and the By-Law was read a. third tugs and passed. Meswc. Mitchell 55 I’ll“, druggists, London Om, write Dem, 1891 : \Ve have sold Dr. Thomns’ Eclectnc Oil since its first intro- duction, and we can safely say, no medicine on our shelves has had a larger sale or gives better satisfaction. We always feel safe in recommendng it to our customers. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly offer ten valuable rewards in their Monthly for October, among which is the following: We will give $20.06) in gold to the person telling us which verse in the Old Testament Scriptures contains the greatest number of words by October 10th, 1882. Should two or more correct answers he received. the re. ward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the “inner October 15th, 1882. Persons trying for the reward must sand 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will re- ceive the November Monthly. in which the name and address of the winner of the reâ€" ward will be published. This may be worth $20.00 to you; cut it out. Address Rutledge Publishing Company. Easton, Penna. The above council met on the 26th Sept. pursuant to adjournment. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present, Messrs. Pugsley and Sandereon. Mr. Pugsley introduced By-Law No. 9i to authorize the levying and collecting of As- sessments for County Village, High School, Public School, (330.. for the current, year, which was read a first and second time. The members of No Surredner Division, S. (J L, ‘l vszou, will hold 21 Fruit Fesuval this evening. After the Festival agmud Eulertninmr‘nt comisting (if speeches. songs and inslrumeutnl music will be given. Te“- tcn bl'zlf-‘s and string bands will be on hand. Dom-P opt-n at {i p. m. Tickcti 20 cents, Cnildreu 1” cents. Miss Mary Campbell, Elm, writes: “ Aftex taking fmzr bottles of Northrop d’: Lymxm’s Vigetnhlo Dixcovery and. Dyspepiic Cure, I feel as if I Were n, new person. I had been troubled with Dyspepsia. for a number of years, mni tried many remedies but. of nu avail. until I used this celebrated Dyspeptic 0an For all impurities of the Blood, Sick [1"Hliil0llf, Liw-r and Kidney Complaints, CusLivenebs, 653., it is the best medicine known. ' One Oflhe travelling fraternity of nrliats put in an appearance in Richmond Hill on Friday lust. nnu tool: the photo of the high school building with the teachers and pupils arrayed in from. He also took some of the boys who paid him for the pictures. saying another man would be along to-morrow to finish the pecturos. To-morrow has never come and probably never will. The man that was to finish the pictures, likewxse. Moral : Always pay for a thing when you get it. The Elia brass band will give u grand ex~ cursi m to Barrie and return, by the North- ern Railwnv, on Saturday, Oct. 7th. Retum tickets \nll Le issut d £40m Parkdale and all stations umth to King. Fare for the round trip 31, children 50 cents. The excursion will arrive in Barrie at 11:10 21. 111., and then proceed to n beautiful grove where games and nmusemt'nts will be held. A Quadrille blind will enliven the proceedings. Successful Anniversary. The Anniversary services held last Sunday and Monday in connection with the Metho- dist Church were Very successful. On Sun- day Rev, Wm. Briggs discoursed two most eloquent and impressh e sermons. On Mon- day tea was served in the lecture room of the church, the excellent qualities of which were best known w those who purtook and reflect great credit on the ladies. A lecture on “ The Marriage Question,” was delivered in the church by Rev. Dr. Hunter, which was highly appreciated. The attendance throughout was large. Net proceeds 398. Thehinutesomle 20:11, 23rd and 25th Sewn-{end Vandr apprpved: 5 Migratory Photographer. Richmond Hill Council. A $20.00 Bible Reward. G rand Excursion. M. I. Re-umon. Frmt Festival. The Comet. Mr. Alf. Proctor, who has spent the mer in the North-West, is in town He likes the prairie province very well ALTAR. BRAITHWAITE~DEVLIN~-A15 Hmniltou. on Sept. 27th, by the Rev. A. Langford, Metho- dist minister, George J. BraitLrwmtepf Union- ville, t9 1\[ryry,_third daughter of Hugh Dth'n, â€"Mr. E. Holden, nenr Stoufl'ville,sllot a white crow a few weeks ago. It will be stutfcd and on exhibition at Markham Fair. He has refused a. high figure for It. H. Queth St. George was in town on Wednesday. ~Cl1icken thieves are at work in the neighborhood of Yorkville. â€"Mr.VVm. Mulock, M.P., contributed $25 toward the Ahrom Show. â€"The new Town Hall for York Town- ship, nuw being built at Eglincun, will cost. $4 500. â€"A Cmnamon bear has been prcsent- ed to the Zoo by His Honor Judge Jones, of Brautford. . - â€"The Annual Convention of the North York Sunday School Association will be held in Aurora on the 19 and 20 inst. A Big Fraud. â€"Some agricultural societies try to make a big spread by publishing an en- ormous sum as being the correct amount of prizes offered. North York Exhibition posters announce over $0.500 in prizes, and the actual amount, which may be seen by adding up the prize $1,565. King Township Society, which holds its show at Schombera this year, adVertises the same amount of prizes while the trim List only shows $643.25. The Bradford Society, which make no pretensions in this direction, offer nearly $150 more than King Society, their List showing $791.75. The Agricultural Society which holds its show at Beeton, Cardwell 00., advertises $2,000 in prizes and we have every reason to believe that there is not $l ,000 actually uflered. The Markham Society advertises $4,500 in prizes, but on running up their Prize List we find that the sum total of premiums to he gin-n is $2,786.30, or not quite two thirds of the. amount athrtised on large posters. We have just received the Prize List of South Simone and Essa branch Ag. So- cieties, and to our astonishment we find no lesser amount than $3,000 standing boldly out on the cover of said pamphlet to be donated in prizes, but on adding it up we find that it tells short over one balkâ€"there only being $1,269.50. There must be a screw louse market Ema. > Drs. Wilson and Cuulzer were in town this week. ‘ Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., of Aurora, re turned from Europe last week. â€"Aumm Methodist Church is to have a Harvest Home and Bazaar on the 11th inst. â€"~A young man named Brown had his leg sawed 011‘ at, the thigh in Muttuu d’: Co’s. , saw mill at Todmurdon on ‘ Satur- Not Drowned. â€"â€"1thas been reported that the wife and four children of Mr. James Morley of \Vhrirtchurch, were druwnefi“ in Alhe “ Asia,” while on their way to Wmuipeg tu juil) their husband. and father, who want no Manitoba last spring. Mrs. Morley and her children were non on thu “ Asia,” owing to the boat not touching at the point where they were to embark. Mrs. Morley’s parents reéide on Lot .No. 3, 4Lh Gun. Whitchurch. Mr, Marley’s brubmr Benjamm was a. ,victim of £119; disaster. .- (From Our Own Correspondent) â€"â€"A few evenings ago a. lad, about 16 years of age, named Beatty. threw an egg at. a. youngr man named Stile“, who was standing near him, and struck him on the shoulder. Stiles thereupon under- took to chastise Beauty. when the latter immediately drew a ku1fe from his pucket and raised it to strike Stiles, but. was fortunately prevented from doing so by another party who took the knife fmm him. Nothing further was done in the number, but it. will be well for Beutty. who is a. very bad boy, to be more cauc- ions in mun-e. ' (From our own Corraspondent.) â€"A child of Mr. S. Wellar died on Saturday last from the effects of some fly poison drunk a day or two previous. Dr. Stevenson was called in, but; was too late, as the child was past. recovery. Mothers should be careful and place such things out; of the reach of children. -An efi'ort is being made to secure an extension of the telegraph line from Kleinburg to this village. A subscript,- iun list has been placed before the peo- ple. The sum required ($100) is being rapidly subscribed. ‘yVe hope soon to see it an accomplished fact. â€"One of our butchers met more than his match ,this week in the shape of a fat beast. Evidently it was not accustomed to village life and poai- tively refused to “ move on.” The re- sult was that, it had to be killed on the street and the body carted to the slaught- er house. â€"â€"Gibney’s foundry in Scoufl'ville was burned last, week. â€"The new Baptist Church in Aurora will be dedicated [Sunday next. ~â€"Charles \Vincers of Yorkvilla was fined :31 and cost for pulling a fneud’s [1080. â€"Mr. Nelson VVellar showed us some very large pntatoes a few days ago, one of them weighing thirty one ounces. Rather hard to beamâ€"Next '1 ay. Esq; of Griniéby‘ GOUNTY MEALS. PERSONALS. Nobleton. Norway. sum- DOW. for 25 cents a. yard. PARIS MILLINERY, IVRE N011 and GEREIAN FALL SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERYDAPARIMENI‘ Millinery, ' Mamies, etc. SPLENDID Style and Vaiue. FALL 6% WINTER MAGNEFIOENT 33 8a 34 King St. 3.». GOLBORNE St. OIL CLOTH and LTNOLEUMS. STOCK GOODS CLOTH DRESS GOODS AT TEIE 0 F TORONTO. MN

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