Irritated by the women’s taunts. the men caught up the cry, “To the rescue!†and bore down savagely upon the soldiurs, two of whom bravely kept the leaders of the mob at bay fora few moments by charging with their bayonets. But muskets and bayonets were soon wresth from them ; they new struck down and brutally kicked and trampled‘upon, and their uniforms torn in- to shreds. The third soldier, ho wever, (lis- regarding the perilous position of his com- rades, had retained the grasp of the prison- er, and, unnoticed by the mob, who were Iully occupied in wreaking vengoance: upon their natural foes, the military, had dragged the unfortunate youth into a by-strent, and “Why do you arrest me? Vtht crime have I commit-tec ?†whined the young man, as he trembled in every limb. “ I have but this day arrived in Paris. I am a. stranger in the city, and am innocent of wrongde~ ing.†“ That is doubtless true,†cried a. stout burly Virago, whirling a. broomstick over her head, to the imminent peril of her com- panions. “ Poltroons â€â€"â€"ad.dressing the male portion of the crowdâ€""‘ cowards that ye are 1 Have ye no spirit, that ye would let a poor lad be dragged to prison, and be shot on the ramparts :o-morrow, when half- a-dozen women might set him free ‘2†Hearing his praphctic doom thus pro- nounced, the poor lad wept aloud, as be en- treated the crowd to release him. Perceiving that the crowd took his part, the young fellow said : “Believe me, citog/(anrs and ('itoy/cmws, I am innocent. I have but this day arrived in Paris. My father is an honest farmer of Clermon'. ’Tis the ï¬rst time [have beenin the city. I have come to see my brother, who is an honest artisan, and works somewhere in this quarter of Paris.†There was apparent truth in the young man’s looks and voice as he pleaded with the crowd. " Innbceut 1 Of course thou art innocent, man brave,†smeared the curpoml. “ Harm- less;s a lamb. Nobody is ever guil.y, ac- cording to his own accountâ€"Take the fel- low ulong, comrades ‘.â€â€"â€"-addressing the soldiersâ€"“ the 11101) is already closing up behind us.†Tms was t 110. V’heuee they came, it would hwe been hard to say; but. in less than half a minute, the hitherto almost deserted s root was througng with trueu- len‘, ill-looking men, and dirty, fowsy, hard-featured females, clad in every variety of ragged costume, who appeared like so many hideous scorecrows ; While 3 ill 0 hers came forthfreln every doorway in the nar- row street. All took common cause against the soldiers, two of whom levelled their muskets, and prepared to defend themselves from the threatened attack, while the third took charge of the prisoner. Many of the “ Fi done, ï¬ 1†they cried. “ Let the lad gof cc, mozzc/Lanld, minusâ€"spies xhut ye are men weregarmcd with short, stout. cudgels, and some of 1119 women grasped broom- handles in their sinewy hands. The wumon were loud in their clamonr. For a few moments the youth seemed to be stupiï¬ed ; then he struggled to release himself, but was instantly seized by another of the soldiers, while the third whose arm bore a corporal‘s stripe. told him that he had better come quietly to jail. Antoine was passing through one of the longest, erookedest, and narmwest streets of this disreputable dis‘rict, when he saw, a few paces in advance of him, a young lad of eighteen, who was apparently a. stranger in Paris, and who seemed to be wandering about without having any particular object in View. That the young fellow was a peas- ant, WES manifested, not only in his garb, but likewise in his gait, manner and whole appearrznee. He wore a blue linen blouse, belted round the waist, and a pair of clumsy sabo‘ s, which, together with his leathern gaiters, were incrusted with the dried yel- low mud of the country lanes; and as he slouched along, as if he were traversing a. newly ploughed field. he stared about him with a look of stupid wonder and curiosity. Suddenly, three of the small, boyish-looking soldiers of which the infantry of France seems mainly to be composed, bearing mus- kcts and fixed bayonets that to a casual observer would appear too heavy for them to carry, pounced upon him from beneath a, covered gateway, one of the party seizing him by the collar of his blouse and declaring him to be under arrest. On quitting the bureau of the amount, the young ï¬sherman inadvertently wandered in- to the twentieth arrondissement, formerly a detached village, called Belleville, but now one of the most turbulent districts of Paris, and at that period the headquarters of Communism. lie soon discovered he had strolled away from those pars of the city he wished to see ; but as he wandered along, seeking to ges clear of the dirty, narrow streets which opened in every direction, whichever way he turned he found himself becoming more and more involved amidst the intricacies of the poverty-stricken quar- ters ; and slill, unknown to himself, he was followed by Lucien Pierrot. It would have been difficult, p obably, for Lucien to say with What special object he thus followed the young ï¬sherman in his rambles through the city. It was perhaps chiefly that he sought to discover Antoine’s motive for com~ ing to Paris so soon after his retu'n from sea; while at the same time he may have thought that something might occur that would enable him to gratify his long-cher- ished craving for vengeance. If the latter notion occupied his thoughts, the opportun- ity occurred sooner than he could have an ticipated. THE FISHERWOMAN 0F HONFLEUR. A TALE OF THE FRENCH COMMUB I heard a dull preacher One summer day, And I wished the poor teacher A furlong away. And I sat with the others, Held in by the gloom; While the trees were my brothers And earth had more room. And I heard the leaves rustle And lisp in the air- And I shunned the man’s bustle, I shrank from the prayer. Alas for the preacher ! Alas for the throng I U ntaught was the teacher, And so he went wrong ! Pulpit and Pew. CHAPTER III. SAMUEL W. DUFFIELD. “ You must hasten immediately to Paris,†he said. “I know not what else to advise. I am acquainted with the sousâ€"prflfct of police Monsieur le Maire was himself the owner of numerous ï¬shing-luggers. Antoine was known to him, and was a. favorite with him; and Madeleine knew that he would do all in his power to help her in her sore trouble. He read the letter, and heard from Madel- eine the story of Lucien Pierrot’s base con- duct towards her. That Antoine had no connection with Communism, he was well aware ; but he read the journa‘s constantly, and he knew that the government, having been terribly frightened, were now proceedâ€" ing with ruthless severity against all per- sons even suspected of 'tomplieity with Com- muni In. That the young fisherman was guiltless of any such complicity, he could prove, if it were not already too late ; but then he knew nothing of Antoine‘s having assaulted a soldier and released a man under arrest. Nothing of this was mentioned in the letter. The letter was despatched ; and was re- ceived by Madeleine at the moment when she was settingfm'th to meet her husband at the Ilonfleur railroad depot, fully expecting him to return that day. The young wife was dreadfully alarmed on reading the letter. “It is my fault,†she thought. “ I am to blame. I ought motto have concealed from my husband the base conluet of the villain Lucien Pierrot. He threatened me with vengeance, and now he has accomplished his purpose. If I had told Antoine, he would have been on his guard against the wretch, and this trouble would not have occurred. But I acted as I thought, for the best.†She sank into a chair, and for afew minutes felt perfectly helpless ; but recollecting that it wesneces sary to exert herself immediately in her husband’s behalf, she determined to proceed instantly to the mayor of Honfleur and seek his advice and assistance. The jailer shook his head gravely, but made no remark , and probably Antoine him- st did not feel the conï¬dence in his speedy release that; he sought to impart to his wife; though, being ignorant of the dreadful seventy with which those who were sus- pected of Communism were punished, he doubted not that he would be set at; liberty in the course of afew days at the furthest. Antoine dictateda few lines, informing Madeliene that he was in prison in Paris, having been denounced as a Communist by a government spy named Lucien Pierrot; but, anxious not to alarm his wife, he 0);- 1n‘essed the hope that he would speedily be relo sad, and that he would be able, when taken before the court, to prove his inno- canoe. “Monsieur, I cannot write,†replied An- toine. “Then tell me what thou would’zt say, and Iwill write for thee.†“ It grieves me sorely, Monsieur,†he add- ed, “ that I have no means of acquainting my poor Madeleine with the misfortunethat has befallen me. She will not know what to think, and will fear that some serious accident has happengd to me.†“ Thou canstuwritc to thy wife, man (17725,†said the jailer. “1 will post the let- tor.†Antoine, who declared that he was not a. Communist, and that he knew not the mean- ing of the word, did not attempt to deny that he had struck down a. soldier, and re- leased apoor young peasant whom he be- lieved to be innocent. This was enough ; he was ordered to be confined and closely guarded until he could be brought betore the military authorities the next day. The jailer, however, who was a native of Brit- tany, and had heard the young ï¬ herman’s simple story, belioved in his innocence. He knew Lucien Pierrot as a paid government spy, and believed him capable of any false- hood or iniquity whereby he might gratify his malice against any individual who had offended him, or might pocket areward for his vigilance in behalf of the government. He pilied the unfortunate prisoner; and Antoine, who felt the need of sympathy, spoke of his young wife, who would now be impatiently waiting for his return from Paris. In an instant, Antoine was surrounded, seized, and pitiiessly dragged off to prison. There was a brief examination before a sergeant of police, in which Lucien Pierrot, who appeared as Lrosecutor, denounced the prisoner, Antoine Duroc. as a Communist leader of the lowest and vilest class, and swore that he had seen the prisoner strike a soldier down with his own hand and brutal- ly maltreat him, thus effecting the Ielease of a man under arrrst. The mob disappeared as rapidly as they had gathered, leaving the unfortunate soldiers stretched on the ground bleeding, bruised, and sen~ eless. In half a minute the front rank of atroop of soldiers appeared at the entrance of the street. Antoine was stooping over the soldier whom he had struck down, striving to restore him to consciousness. He knew not of the approach of the troop until the men were close upon him, when, suddenly becoming aware of his om: danger, he took to flight. Some of the soldiers started in pursuit of the fugitive, while the main body hastened to the suoeour of their hapless comrades. Antoine, how- ever, gained upon his pursuers, and would have escaped, but that on turning the corâ€" ner of a street, he found himself confronted by another party of soldiers who were hastening to the scene of the disturbance. He stopped short and was about to take refuge in a narrow court, where he might have concealed himself till the soldiers had passed by, when Lucien Pierrot, who had never lost sight of the youngï¬sherman, and had witnessed all that had occurred, shout- ed : “ Seize that young man ! lie is a Communist, and was the leader of the mob. †The peasant, who for a few moments seemed to have become paralysed with ter- rnr, made off as fast as his legs could carry him. “Scatter! Scatter and fly!†shouted a hoarse voice in the rear of the crowd. “Do ye not hear? The soldiers are ap- proachinz.†would speedily have disappeared with him, had not Antoine, who had hitherto looked on as if bewildered, but whose sympathies were wi h the peasant, hastened to the rescue of the young lad. “Touching the musket and bayonet from the grasp of the soldier he struck him senseless to the ground with one blow of his ï¬st. “Ru , lad run 1“ he cried. “ Dost not see that thou art fr 0‘? Away ,away 1†The beat of a. drum and the steady tmmp of .f‘cgt were hegrd near by: “ This is a serious matter, young woman,†said the prefet to Madeleine ; “ much more serious. than my friend’s letter lead me to anticipate. It is out of my power to inter- fere in the matter, even if I had the wish to do so; and I have no sympathy with the Communists, nor with individuals who in- cite others to offend against the laws†“ Oh, believe me, Monsieur I†interrupted Madeleine, wringing her hands in an agony of distress ; “it is false that my husband is what you call a Communis‘. He knows not the meaning of the word. I have heard nothing of his having assaulted a soldier and released a prisoner. He said nothing of that in his letter to me; and I do not believe it is true that he has done such a thing. But, Monsieur, this man, Lucien Pie z‘rot, isa vile wretch, who swears the lives of innocent men away for gain, and is unworthy of credence. He has vowed vengeance against my husband and me because I refused to listen to his base importunities ; †and then blushing With shame amidst her distress, she related to the preiet the story of Lu- eien’s conduct to her previous to her mar- riage. \Vhile she was speaking, the daug!‘ er of the prefet, a young and pretty g rl of f- teon years, entered the room, and approach- ing her father, said : “ Dear pap :, I am come to wish you good-v ight.†Then per- ce.ving Madeleine for the ï¬rst time, she became silent, and stood gazing pitifully up n the young fisherwoman behind her father's chair. “ It is sadâ€"very sad, my poor woman,†said the prefet, when Madeleine had ended her story, “ but. as I have told you. I have no power to in’erfere in the prikoner’s behalf. Your husband is marng with a, military ofleuce. He will be tried by a court-martial to-morrow morning. I dare not bid you “No; my husband knows nothing of the matter, Monsieur,†said Madeleine ; and then she briefly told how it happened that he had visited Paris at this time. “ Then he arrived but three days ago, young woman ?†said the prefet. “ His name? All?â€â€"aigain glancmg over the mayor’s letter~“ I see; Antoine Duroc. It strikes me,†he went on, “that I have some recollectiOn of th.t name.†He rose, went to a writing table. and returned and i‘eseated himself, glancing over the pages of a. reugh ledger or memorandum-book. As he did so, he read, as if to himself. yet loud enough lor Madeleine to hear: “ Antoine Duroe, fisherman, aged twenty-three years, charged with inciting a mob to attack the military, and with having h’mself violently assaulted a. soldier and released a prisoner who was under arrest. Denounced as a dim- gerous Communist by Lucien L'ierrot.†“Enter, Madame,†said the prefct, who appeared to be surprisea at the extreme youth and remarkable appearance of the young woman in her ï¬sherwoman’s garb. “Pray, be seated, Madame,†he continued ina gentler tone of voice; “and please to tell me briefly and clearly the object of your visit to Paris. I learn from my friend the mayor’s letter that your husband is in pris- on, charged with complicity with Uommun~ ism. My friend writes to assure me that he can certiiy that your husband cannot possib- ly be connected with the infamous Cenr munists.†“ She is wry young, Monsieur, and seems to be in sore trouble. She told me she had travelled a. long distance.†“ Well, well; show her upstairs.†The servant again withdrew; and in a few moments returned, accompanied by Madel- eine, frightened, even amidst her sorrow, at the grandeurâ€"to her eyes â€"â€"by which she was surrounded. The sousprefet was seated at a table reading an evening journal, when the ser- vant entered and informed his master that 9; young woman wished to see him on business of importance. “Monsieur,†replied the servant. “the young woman will not go away. She says she must see you on a matter of hfe and death, and she bade me hand you this let- ter.†With an exclamation ofangry annoyance, the prefet glanced over the contents of the letter. “ \Vho is this woman? What does she look like?†he asked. “At this hour 1†exclaimed the prefet angrily. “I cannot be disturbed. You should have told her so. Tell her to call at my bureau to-morrow.†_ The servant withdrew, but presently reap- poured. - “ \Vhat now, sirrah ?†demanded the pre- fet. Monsieur 10 Prefet had just dined, she was informed by a servant), and would see no person on business that evening ; she must attend at the police court the next morning. But; on her producing the letter from the mayor of Honfleur, the servant said that he would acquaint Monsieur with her pres- ence. The young wife needed no urging. An- ticipating the result of her interview with the mayor, she had left her babe in charge of a kind neighbor ;and proceeding instantly to the railway station, she,after ï¬ve tedious hours, reached Paris. A stranger, unac- customed to the noise, hustle, and confusion of a great city, she felt for the moment bewildered and lost. But theerrand she had come upon quiekened her faculties and inspired her with 'a desperate courage. Her first idei was to visit her husband and gladden him with her presence ; and inquir- ing her way of different persons whom she met, she soon found the prison in which An- toine was conï¬ned. But, on requesting ad- mission, she was informed that, without a special order lroni a magistrate, no person was permitted, under any circumstances, to Visit or have any communication whatever with a prisoner. It was terrible for her tc gaze upon the stone walls of the prison, and knowing that her husband was conï¬ned within those walls, to be refused permission to see hnn. But waiting no time in useless lamentation, she hired a- conveyance, and was driven to the abode of the sous-prefet, some little distance beyond the City. It was already late when she reached the house; but she rang the bell, and gained admit tanee. â€"a worthy man, who will do all in his pow- er to help you, if satisfied that your husband is innocent. But you must lose no time. 1 will give you a. letter to Monsieur le Sous paefet.â€"Shall you need money?†Not wishing to alarm Madeleine, the mayor said nothing to her of his own fear that it might already be too late to save her husband. He wrote the letter, and handed it to her, and having been assured that she needed no help in money, advised her to set forth immedi- ate_1y. \Vheu M. 10 Sous-prefet entered the break- fast room early the next; morning, he found his daughter and Madeleine awaiting himâ€" the latter trembling with doubt and fear, yet kept from utter despair by the young lady’s encouraging words. “ Now, Ma.(Tame, tell papa everything,†said Pauline. “Do notbe afraid. Papa 1S kind and good, though he is sometimes severe with wicked people.†Thus encouraged, Madeleine told every- thing ; and the prelet was convinced that her husband was no C mmunist, but was the innocent victim of a vile, unprincipled per~ son seeking to gratify his desire for ven- gencc. Still, he knew not how he could interfere with any good result in behalf of the unfortunate young ï¬sherman. The court- martial was to open at seven o’clock that morning. He had ordered a police sergeant to bring him a report of the results of the court- mairtxal, the moment it was closed. It was now past eight o’clock, and Madeleine was just ï¬nishing her story when a se! vaut announced the arrival of the sergeant. “ Papa, you must do something,†persisted the young girl. “ There is always time till the last moment. You will restore the poor woman’s husband to her. Think over what I have said, papa; and now, g'HHl-nlght ;†and kissing her father, Paullnu hastened from the room before the prefct could make any reply. ‘ Inï¬ll probabillty,†he thought, “the POOP man is already condemned and sentenced. A few minutes would sufï¬ce for all.†“ ny darling,†answered the sonsâ€"prefab, “ no matter how strongly I may believe in the poor man’s innocence, I can do nothing for him. He will be tried by courtqnartial in the morning, and in a few minutes Will be either acquitted or condemned. They waste no time in these cases. If he be found guilty, as is most probable, he will be shot before noon.†“Pauline, darling, you have done very wrong ; you have encouraged the poor W0- nmn to hope for assistance that I cannot render. lam powerless in the matter, as I hava told her alreadyâ€"even if I were sure of the man’s innocence. †“Sure, papa. !‘ exclaimed Pauline. “Can you doubt? You willnot doubt to-morrow thl‘yolg have heard all.†At the end of half an llOllI‘ his daugllhol' re-entered the room. “Ah, Pauline, my darling, where hast thou been?" he cried “Thou wern here awhile since. Why didst thou go away, my child '3†"Papa," replied the young girl, drawing near to her father, and placing her arm round his neck, “I went after that poor young ï¬sherwoman. †“ But the servants will take good care of her, my pet.†“ Yes, dear papa; but I took her to my own apartment and made her tell me all her story. She dared not tell you all. She was frightened, poor thing. 0 papa ! it; is so sadâ€"so sad! I am sure, quite sure that the poor man is innocent of the palitical crimes imputed tPo him; and I have made the poor ynï¬ng wife promise to come here earlyr t0- morrow. I told her you would try to do something for her. And you willkwill you not, dear },asz_ for my sake?†The sous-prefet did not resume the per- usal of his journal. He was a man of kind- ly feelings, despite the hardening influences to which he was constantly subjected through his ofï¬cial position ; and though he had his doubts, as men in his position al- ways have in such cases, he was inclined to believe that Antoine had been falsely and maliciously accused. Yet he felt that he could not interfere in the prisoner’s behalf. “ Poor woman ! so young and so pretty !†he soliloquised, when the servants had with- drawn with the agonised wife. “ I pity her sincerely ; but I cannot assist her. Any interference on my part would be worse than uselessâ€"Pauline my love,†he .went on, looking round for his daughter, whom he 110w recollected had entered the room while the 3 oung woman was kneeling before him. But Pauline had disappeared; she had quitted the room with the servants and their helpless, sorrowing kingdom. The prefet rang the bell, and when the servant appeared, bade him send some of the female domestics to the assistance of the poor woman. The women came;and Madeleine, having partially recovered con- sciousness, was tenderly assisted from the room “ Take care of her, poor creature,†said theprefet. “Let her rest a while be- fore she goes away : and if she will partake of it, give her some refreshment.†“I pity you Willi all my heart,†replied the prefet, in a tone of deep sympathy; “ but again I assure you I can do nothing for you ; I am powerless to help you. Paris is under martial law. The civil authorities are superseded for the time beng by the military. I cannot interfere with the trial or sentence of a. court-martial.†He ad- vanced towards the suppliant young wife, anti held forth his hand to assist her to rise; but Madeleine, overcome by the intensity of her affliction, fainted, and sank down on the floor. Madeleine, weeping bitterly, threw her- self on her knees before the prefet. “Mon- sieur, Monsieur ! †she cried, “it is terrible. Men are wolves. They have no pity. But can heaven permit such injustice? Mon- sieur, as you hope for mercy on the last great day, intercede for my innocent husband I Save him, Monsieur, and I will pray for you, and will teach my innocent babe to pray for you and yours so long as we may live." â€" " At seven o’clock. It will likely I): over at nine o’clock ; and at noon the sentence of the court will be carried out. A great num- ber of prisoners await their trial by court- martial to-mox‘row.†Pierrot are necessary to the government in such times as this. His oath will be taken by the members of the courtâ€"martial in preference to that of the accused, even though they regard the accuser with con- tempt. The trial will be brief, and the sentence of the c lift-martial will be im- mediately carried into effect. It is quite impossible for me to say or do anything in behalf of your husband that will be of the least service to him.†“Ah, Monsieur,’ sighed Madel ine, “ at what hour to-morrow will the trial take place‘?†hope for his acquittal. Such wretches as CHAPTER JV a. mi’lionaire. A few days since he balanced up his affairs in Montama, and ï¬nding him- self posseszed of the desired million, return- ed to Kentucky, looked up his old sweet- helart, and the twain were made one. He is 63, she 1s 64. \Vhen John Saunders went from Ken- tucky to the West some forty years ago Le swore that his betrothed, whom he lelt be- hind, should not see him until he became The sympathies of the prefet were now fully aroused. He ordered the horses to be put to his carriage, and bade Madeleine fol- low him into the courtyard. As she was leaving, she threw her arms round l’auline’s neck and embraced her. “ Mademoiselle, thou art an angel of goodness!†she mur- mured. “ If 1 succeedâ€"and my heart tells me that the good God will grant me success it will be to thee. under heaven, that my Antoine will owe his life. Thou wilt restore an innocent man to his wife and babe, and wilt swe his judges from imbruinq their hands in innocent blood.†Then she has- tened after the prefet, and entered the cir- riageâ€"which was already waiting in the courtyardâ€"with him. (To BE CONTINUED.) «904-.vpupâ€"M..- -, Truthful Men. M r. Beecher thinks that ninety-ï¬ve men in every hundred will lie. He has the right idea, but his proportion is not exactly correct. Now, there’s Mr. Beecher won’t lie for one ; and there’s “ us,†that makes two. And you’ll have to advertise to ï¬nd the other three, and they will probably lie to get the reward.-â€"Hmvke_1/e. “ Is convicted and sentenced to death; but he may yet be saved,†said the prefet. “ Be calm, Madame. Do not give way to despair. Bear up bravely. Much now de- pen 3 upon yourself. Have you strength and courage to accompany me immediately to Monsieur 16 General Beaumont, the Presi- dent of the court-martial that sat this morn- ing?†“Monsieur, I have strength and courage to go anywhereâ€"t0 do anymng to save my poor innocent husbam .†“Then come with me~come at once, just as you are. You shall plead your husband’s cause with the General. Do not hope too much ; but do not despair of obtaining your husband’s pardon. “ Monsieur, you have heard bad news,†she faintly gasped. “My husbandâ€"my below-d Antoine isâ€â€"â€"â€" She could not give utterance to the dread word that was on her lips. -It was necessary to acquaint 1.01“ with what; had occurred. The prefet and his daughter re-entered the room in which Madeleine, in a dreadful state of suspense, was awaiting their return. She had feared that some ill news had ar- rived, and a glance at the faces of the prefet and his daughter convinced her that her {ears were not groundless. “1 will go, Pauline,†replied the prefet, after a. few moments thought. “I will do my best ; but 1 have faint hope of success. Monsieur 1e General is, as you say. a friend of mine, and a just man. But he is stern and uncompromising in the performance of what he believes to be his duty ; and he is justly and terribly severe in his dealings with the Communists’ A 2‘ I’erhaps‘not ; but the General believes him to be one of those guilty, blood-stained WletClICS. If the General were to learn the nature of my eri-anl, I do not believe he would see me. Nevertheless, I will g), and will do my utmost; to save the poor man.†“ But the poor man is not a Communist papa l†interposed Paullne. The favorable notice of the younger ofï¬- cers availed Antoine nothing. As we have already stated, he was condemned and sentenced to death ; and the report~ of the result of the court-martial was already in the hands of the sous-prefet, whose daugh- ter had followed him from the apart- ment, and now met him re~ascemling the stairs. “ Papa, you have board bad news,†she said, looking into her father’s troubled face. “No, papa, no!†exclaimed the young girl, arresting her father’s further progress. “How can you tell that to his poor young wife? Papa, it must notâ€"â€"shall not be I There is yet time. You are acquainted with Monsieur le General Beaumont, the Presi- dent of the court-martial. Hasteu to him, papa. Take the poor woman with you. Show Monsieur 10 General the mayor’s let- ter ; lot the young wife tell her own story. Meanwhile, dear papa, I will pray earnestly for your success. But go at once ;lose not a moment of time.†“ It has happened as I told you it would, Pauline,†replied the prefet. “ A few hours hence he will be shot I†“ Who and what are you ‘2†he asked. “Can you deny the fact that you are a miso erable spy, gaining your livihood by denoun- cing and swearing away the lives of your fellow-men ‘3†“ I am in the pay of the government,†re- plied Lucien. “ 1 have done my employers good service.†“Silence I†said the President of the court- martial to the ofï¬cer. “The man speaks the truthâ€"such wretehes, however we may despise them,†he added sotto row, “are necessary evils in such times as these.†Antoine’s generous impulse which had led him to release from arrest a youth whom he believed to be innocent, brought his doom upon him. He did not attempt to deny the fact ; and all he could say in extenuation of his guilt was that he believed the poor lad was innocent. The young ï¬sherman’s bold, manly appearance in marked contrast with the aspect of the miserable, ragged, dirty, and generally ill-looking prisoners who were tried at the same time, interested some of the younger ofï¬cers of the court-martial in his favor. One of these young ofl‘icers severely cross-questioned the witness Lucien Pierrot. The prc fet quittcd the room and Went to the sergeant, who presented him “ith the report. In one hour, sixteen prisoners had been found guilty and sentenced to death ! One had been acquitted; but third in the list appeared the mme of Antoine Duroc, a ï¬sherman, of Honflcur: a rabid Communist, guilty of inciting and leading a. mob to at‘ tack a. military ,guard, and rescuing a pris- oner under arrest. The condemned to be shot, at noonday, in a fosse in the rear of La. Roquette, a prison war the Place Voltaire. we 4‘-v>h;