Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1882, p. 7

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Speaking recently at Norwich, Cardinal Manning said that last year he had the plea- sure of sitting next Gen. Sir G. Wolseiey at a public dinner in London, and obServed that the General was astrict total abstainer. Is a. city under obligation to protect its citizens {in m damage by fire ? That question is involved in a suit brought against Mon- treal by Mr. Dion, a sculptor, who lost an eye in consequence ofa fire in a. house where the law as to fire escapes had not been on- forced. on“ ........ _..._, catching Tyne whale nineteen feet long. The PaTis Figaro says that the ex-Khe- dive’s abode in Paris is that very Chateau de la Terrasse described by Alphonse Dau- det in his “ Kings in Exile.” Ismail is 52, not tall, but stout. He wears his beard, .and has a way of observing everything while apparently looking at nothing. He knows French well, having been partly educated Does the weather change with the moon? Sir \Villiam Thomson tells the British Science Association that there is no connection be- tween the two things as far as he can dis- cover, and he has studied them. '4 During service in the cathedral at Ragusa, some days ago the officiating priest, a. mem- ber of the Socxety of the Jesuits, was stabbed to death bye girl whom he had betrayed. She inflicted rive wounds. The congrega~ tion poured amid wild excitement into the streets, and the girl was taken into custody. The Rev. Mr. Lansdell an English clergy- man, who started severfil weeks ago from St. l’etersburg on a missionary tour in Si- beria, was arrested and brought back, the police having taken the Bibles he distribu- ted as Nihilist literature. After some con- siderable dilficulty, however, the reverend gentleman freed himself. . .u v 1” News Notes and Interesting Gossip from all over the world. As an act of grace, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of his accession to the throne, the Sultan of Turkey pardoned six- ty-nine persons suffering imprisonment for various offences. The fat men of Connecticut are perturbed. The President of their association chose a. place which they do not like for their an- nual Clambake, and they threaten to sue him, unless he yields, for a return of the gold-headed cane which he carries as their chief officer. An insurance company to indemnify pub- lic singers against the loss of their voices is proposed in Paris, the idea being to con- tract to support the insured in a manner ap- propriate to their position and the amount of premiums paid by them before their voices deserted them. The best tricyle exploit reported thus far is the recent ride of Mr. A. Nixon, the hon- oral-y secretary of the London Tricyle Club, from John 0’ Groat’s to Land’s End, a. dis- tance of 1,007 miles,in a little less than afort- night, making an average ride of Over seven- ty»0ne miles per day. ~1.n DH, Recently large shoals of whales have been frequenting the creeks and bays in the Ork- ney Islands, on the Scottish coast, but; it has been found difiicult to capture any of them. Finally. however, in Scapa Bay, while there were over two hundred whales swimming aboutz the boats succeeded in .M :--L Lune At this season of the year one sees at Paris railroad stations groups of boys who have returned from excursions. They be. 10ng to technical and other schools and in the summer are sent, under the care (f teachers, to study industrial arts at their chief points. The city of Paris pays their expenses, but to make this as light as possi- ble, the Mmister of Public Instruction ex- tends hospitality to the boys at the Govern- ment schools or colleges on their route. The opinion expressed by the Foreign offi- cers who witnessed the recent extensive rc~ views and manmuvres of the Russian troops at St. I’etcrsburg is according to the Vor- sisv/m Zitung/ of Berlin, that the infantry has great powers of endurance, but it is not well disciplined, and that the calvamy, While possessing excellent horses, does not ride so well as it should. In large bodies the troops made afair showing, but In detatched battalions they did poorly. In slavery days, the chimes of St. Mi- cheal’s Church, Charlestown, were rung at 7 p. m. in winter and 8 in summer as a sig- nal to negrocs that their bedtime was nigh, and again an hour later to warn them to dis- appear “30m the streets, after which ail blacks tound abroad were arrested. The custom was cantinued until a few days ago, th( ugh nobody has obeyed the bell since the war. The Mayor has now out off the salary of the ringer, and the act is ex- citing considerable discussion among the 01d residents. in Paris. unaan “my. I v by. distinctions have been icbilferred by the Brit- ish Government, Chicago police justices are accused of pro- tecting criminals by changing the charges against them from something serious to something comparatively trivial, so as to in- fiict light sentences and thereby save them from jury trials. In one day, three men were arraigned before as many justices, one for horse stealing, one for highway robbery, and one for forgery, and in each case the accusation was changed to disorderly con- duct, involving merely a fine of $5 to $50. *flalcutl‘a gentleman, Balm Lok Nath @3856, has conceived the idea of compiling a €1’eerageand Landed Gentry” for India. He proposes to give the genealogy and fa.- mily history of all the native chiefs, great and small ; and also some account of the many native gentlemen upon whom honorific U - - - i r A».\L‘n..<...,1 I“. LLn PM”, Polish journals call attention to a memo- rial tablet in 3. Warsaw church which con- tains the record of the age and death of the oldest man concerning whom there is an au- thentic account in existence. The priest Cybulski is shown by this tablet to have been born in 1,500, and to have died in 1,667. There is said to be unquestionable evidence of the correctness of these dates. In W’ales there are some very little par- ishes. A few days since the Bishop of St, David’s re-opened the parish church of Llahdawake, a Norman building of great antiquity, which for years has been in a. most ruinous and dangerous condition. The parish is only 620 acres in extent, and all the land except the glebe is owned by a single Nonconformist, while the population all told is only 21. FACTS AND INGIDENTS. Some one has said that short speeches are most improsswe, and simple, sweet music the most touching. If there be anything in the idea, certainly the following from C. C. D; Zonehe, of lle Zouche & C0., Piano and Organ Dealers, 233 St. James street, Mout- real, is to the point and convincing: “St. Jacobs Oil has proved of incalulable value to me in acase of rheumatism. having given me almost instant relief.” In the same strain of expressive brevity writes Mr. John Fleming. editor in chief of the Montreal Post: “ I have much pleasure in stating that, from the use of St. Jacobs Oil, I find it excellent and I think it a good medi- cine.” “It's growing in right rapidly, My ead can now be seen Like other heads in silken locks, Thanks to my C umOLINE. “ I know a pretty black-eyed maid. A royal little queen. VVho‘ll be as much rejoiced as I To see this CARBOLXNE. “ She’ll throw away her switches, False curls and borrowed sheen. And shake upon her shoulders plump The wealth of CARBOLINE. "And when our heads are covered o'er, As once thev were, 1 ween, \Ve’ll noise abroad the praises Of wondrous CARBOLINE. “ As now improved and perfected, No oil was ere so clean. Diseases of the skin and scalp, Are cured by CARBOLIN'E. ” \Vliile kneeling at the altar, With Father Good between, VVe‘ll call the world to witness A match from CARBOLINE. “And in the happ aftertime. \Vhen comes a. c an e of scene. \Vith a little dear our iearts to cheer, We‘ll call it CARBOLINE. â€"‘â€"â€"‘~<4.>>»â€"__â€" Black Chantilly lace flounees that have been out of Fashion for veins are being re- vived for trimmings of full dress toilets of elderly ladies. Forty-seven new cases of yellow fever were reported 011 Tuesday, in Brownsville, Texas, and one deatlyfillat of Customs Inspector C. Malley. ~â€"â€"-«<-oa»«nâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Substitute for Fresh Air and Exercise. Persons of sedentary habits, or who are employee in factories, etc., require some- thing to assist nature, as confinement and want of exercise is sure, sooner or later, to impair the digestive powers. Then it is that nature requires a. stimulant such as Briggs’ Botanic or Stomach Bitters. It creates an appetite, strengthens the diges- tive organs, overcomes biliousness, and tones the \\ hole system. It is brought Within the reach of all, as it sells at 25 centsa package, andmalcs one-half a. gallon of a. splendid mixture, equal to what is sold in bottles at $1 for three-fourths of a pint. Directiors accompanying each package. Simple as steeping tea or coffee. Advice to Consumptlves. ()n the appearance of thefirst symptomsâ€"â€" as general debi':ity, loss of appetite, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by night sweats and c ughâ€"prompt measures for relief should be taken. Consumption is scrofulous disease of the lungs :â€"â€"theref0re use the great anti-serofuln, or blood-purifier and strength-restonr,-â€"Di‘. Pierce‘s “ Golden Medical Discovery.” Superior to Cod hver oil as a. nutritive, and unsurpassed as a. pec- toral. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, and kindred affections, it has no eq ‘al. Sold by druggists the world over. For Dr. Pierce’s pamphlet on Consumption, send two stamps to VVORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDI- CAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y. Respectfully Dedicated to the Bald< Headed of Both Sexes. “ My worthy friend and neighbor, \Vhence comes that smile serene ’2‘ " “ O, I am now thrice happyâ€"- I've found itâ€"CARBOLINE. “It’sjust what- I've been looking for, Since I've been seventeenâ€" And getting balder every day Till I got CARBOLINE. Brcvlty in Speech~5weetncss in Muéic. n7 Is'o] 1m IZO J06} Ibl 80 50‘ 2°" 20 3m A CARBOLINE ROMANCE. ‘ ; .H -Vuu....e,u. menu“. district, b ghtaletter of introduc- tion to the United States Signal Ofli- cor, and by the latter gentleman was shown the beautiful scientific instru- ments for measuring and determining the various changes and conditions of the weather. Pointing to the stand- ard thermometer he explained to Mr. T. the usesof the heat gauge, where- ugwn Mr. T. anxiously inqmred if he “liadn’t nuther un to spareâ€"sieha nice moi-chine to set the weather in lmyin’ and harvest time" His inspec. tion ofthe neronieterorwindmettsurer evoked the ex ressien: "Wouldn’t she be the rueiot to run the wind null with." The barometer wns one too many for '1‘0advine,and,look- mg queerly at the ofifieiul, as if he were utterly nonplussed and bank- rupt of words, said: “ Friend, did you ever have he reunnttis?” The abruptness of the uestion surprised the ollieer, who retgied, “Noâ€"never." “ \\'liztt”â€"~ Evidently reeolleetin" himself, Mr. '1‘. stop ed on the ragged edge of the threudrhure remark, and said: “I only wanted to know, forit this trnp (pointing to the barometer) shows the good (121’ bad weather ufore It‘s time, it would be a bully trap for People with reumutis; they could lnnk it, every time. Up my country when folks has it they use ST. JAcons 011,,1111’ it :1 powerful argyinent ugin ‘reuinutisâ€"it‘s the [taper dorg in the tight every time." ‘ith thanks for the unexpeeted information, the ofli- eial politely turned Mr. Toatlvine ‘over to the usher to show him to the streetcar. while he, looking overhis paper. rend: “Mrs. ’J‘. A. Gist, No. 1201 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa, writes: I had inllanimntory rheumat- tism very budly. In one footnnd ankle it seemed to have taken hold with the determination to stay. and the morn- ing I ohtnined the Sr. JM'GBS 011.1 could not put my foot down to the floor. even for on instant. I used it ‘thnt evening: for the first timeand the next morning for the second time, and that afternoon put my foot down ‘i'or several minutes. 0n the Sunday following I could stand up and walk a few steps. 0“ ’l‘uesdny ('ould walk about my room and went down stgtnjs by holding on to the banisters. how I can walk quite well and there is very little pain left. Just think! one bottle and a half. nud I am almostfree from pain! It is a wonderful medicine. Weather Signal OIflce. ‘ fr. Jen "A. P.” 91 IHE CUUNTRYMAN 'Smiah Toqdvine, o_f_the rural 1N THE CORSETS unequalledfor health, comfort and ‘ ‘ A lgnufaptu red by the CROMPTON M. ASHALL. \VATCIIHAKEIE AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St.. Toronto, has enlarged his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver Jewelry, plated were, cutlery, clocks, Watches, etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Geode imported direct. Every kind ofJewelry repaired prompt- 1y, neatly, and cheaply. HUI“ I a "H" I I” to sell the best Family Knitting Machine.ever invented. \Vill knita pair of stockings with HEEL and T0!) complete in 20 minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancy-work for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terma to the Twom‘aly Knitting Machine Cm. 163’1‘1‘0montStreet, Boston. Mass. Norman’s Electric Belt I nslilution (Est’b 1874 4 (“IBEX STREET EAST. TORONTO. 0NT NERVOUS DEBILITY, Rheumatism. Lame Back, Neuralgia, Paralysis and all Liver and Chest Complaints immediately relieved and flcmmnently cured bv using these BELTS, ANDS AND INSOLES. Uirvu‘m‘s and Consultation FREE. successfully treated by \Vorltl’s Dis; ensary Medical Association. Address, with stamp for pa nphlct, Buffalo, N. X. â€"<oo<0>oo’â€"â€"~â€" The liver is the organ most speedily dlS- ordered by malarial poisons. Ayer’s Ague Cure expcls these poisons from the system, and is a most (xcellent remedy for liver complaints. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. C6fiSETCOu Toronto. AGENTS WANTED i’a‘ A Clergyman‘a Testimony. \V. E. Gifford, Pastor M. E. Church Bothwell, wan for two years a sufferer with Dyspepsia in its worst form, until as he states “life bemme an actual burden.” Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him, and he tells us in a recent letter that he considers it the best family medi- cine now before the country for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ' Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel. Complaints, they‘may lu1_1_thg pain angl chgclf Diarrhfm. etc., but are liable. to produce inflammation, Dr. Fowler’s Extract of \Vild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- fants. and is a specifice for Cholera. Morbus, Dysentcry, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- liwa and Summer Complaints generally. Harassmg Dyeums. An unnatural excitement of the brain and nervous system is the direct cause of sleep- lessness, as also of harassing nocturnal dreams. VEGETIXH has a peculiarly sooth- ing effect in all such cases, when ta‘.en just below going to bed. Cancers and Other Tumors are treated with unusual success 1)) \Vorld’s Dispensary Medical Assnciution, Buffalo, N.Y. Sand stamp for pamphlet. . lobert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist. Brockville, says, under date of June 5th,’82, “l have not the slighest llesitationtin saying that; Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given my customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store for the cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc.” GENERAL BEBILITY (HIRED OTTAWA. Once, Mar. 8, 1880. Dear Sirâ€"I have much pleasure in addin my quota to the already immense volume 0 certificates so deservedly euloszizing Vegetine. It is as stated a purely vegetable compound, and as an invi orator. purifier of the blood, and regulator of t e action of the liver, has no equal. As yet I have never known it to fail in curing any of the many diseases for which it is recommended. It is rapidly becoming a popu- lar medicine. Those who use it once, when necessity requires, cell for it again. W. A. JAMIESON. VI-IGETINE thoroughly eradiqates every kind of humor, and restores the em,er system to a healthy condmon. A Reward of $10 is offered in good faith for a hard case of corns that has stubbornly refused to be relieved by the use of Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor, the great corn extractor. Thousands in England, Canada, and the Mates, testify to the efficiency of this cele- brated corn cure, and the proprietors are anxious to hear if there is a. sin 1e case of failure. Address N. C. Polson& 0., Kings- t 11. Use Putnam’s Corn Extractor, sure, safe and painless. Sirâ€"~I have much pleasure in testifying to the virtue of your Vegetine. For years past I have sxxffercdexeeedingly from chronic headache and general debility, from which I obtained no per- manent relief until I was induced, aboutamonth since. to try the Vegetine. 1 am now better in health than I have been for the last four years ; enjoy my food better am much stronger. are quite free from my old enemy, the headache. Hoping that my testimony may induce others to try the same remedy, I am r Respectfully your H. R. STEVENS, ESQ, Boston: 100 Lifipincbttiéti'eet. I have very great pleasure in endorsing the above stetement of the benefit to my wife’s health, smce she commenced the use of the Vegetine. . D. A. JOHNSTON. Late Minister of the C. M. Church. Dear Sirâ€"I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine. I consider it an excellent medicine, and most cheerfully recommend it to those suf- fering from General. chility. MR. H. R. STEVENS : UHEERFULLY REGUMMENDS IT. JAMES MILLER, {1246 Jacob Street, \Vheeling, W. Va. CORALINE I Vegetine. A Word of Caution. Chronic Headache. BEOCKVILLE, ONE, Mar. 24, 1880. I remain yqqx: "L'ruIy, Fits, I-‘lts, Fits. TORONTO, 0x1, Nov. 25, 1879. MR3? ‘D'.’ KYLI‘OHNSTQQI, MRS. M? 'A. SMITH. VERY WHER E on and Salt Rheum. “’onns, Gout, Neural- gin, as a Dinner Pin, and Purifying the Blood, are the most congenial ur utive yet per- fected. Their effects abun ant y show how much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disorded organs into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the everyday complaints of every boggy but formidable and dangerous diseases. 0st skilful physielans, most eminent clergymen, and our best citizens send certificates of cures performed, and of: great benefits derived from these Pills. They are the safest and best physio for children. be- cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated, they are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS. Sold'u/ all D/‘MJJL'L'N (ml 0leer in DD:le Is a sure, prompt and effectual Remedy for Nervousnms in ALL its stages, U’ealc M'cm- ory. Loss of Brain Power. Frustration, Night Sweats. lVealmess and General Loss of Power. It‘re airchrvous Waste,quuvenates tlz-cJaded nun led, Sirengthens the En/eeblcd Brain, and Restores burprising Tone and Vigor to the [ch oysted‘Orgqns. _ ESTATE AGENT, Valuator, Arbitrator, 650., All the purposes of a Family Physic, i9 CURING (It? With each order for TWELVE acknges. accompanied with five dollars, we wil send our GUARANTEE to refund ~the money it" the treat- ment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Full par- tieulars in amphlet, which we mail free to any address. old by all druggists, one package 500.; 6 for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing ‘ MACK! MAGNET“) MEDICINE d} Money Loamcd on city 01' Farm property. Properties bought and sold on commission. Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, after much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- tion of ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers 'should. Without dela , communicate with the business manager, 1‘. A. H. Dixon, 307 King St. West, Toronto. and get treatise free by enclosing stamp. Ask your J. W. G. WHIT NEY 25 TORONTO ST., TORONTO. Dr. J. C. Ayer&CO., Ayer’sG at hartic Pills, OIIB CIRCULAR SAW, manufactured by the 51310an PATENTED PROCESS, having given such general satisfaction, owing attheir UNIFORMITY 0F TEMPER, we have to a. groatexpense applied the PRINCIPLE to the TEMI’EBING of CROSS-CUT SA‘VS. hav- ing frequently been asked to do so ; and here- after our Cross-Cut Saws will be E'l‘CllED and KM)le as such. Those who like anicely tem- pegcg Saw will_ do_well to give them a. tgiul. __ SOLD BY ALL DRUGéiSi‘s; - Ask your Hardware Riel-chants for the Simonds Saw, and see that ibis etched as such To éffect‘ a cure thbpinziéitormixsiiic réinoVed or destroyed, hence mhalants and snlltl’s are worthless. Catarrh is a muco-purulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amoeba. in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are: morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis. mercury, toxosmea, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These oisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of t ie nose in a constant state of irritation, ever read for the deposit of the seeds of these germs,w ich spread up the nostrils and down the fauccs or back part of the mouth causing ulccration of the throat; up the euâ€" stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes engingmin pulmonary consumption and death. _ R. H. SMITH & 00., “13:32:35”! Manufacturers for Duniaion o/ I‘wwda film: ‘5 My” Mic, Medicine, ,l'uggist for it E? Special attention given to farmers. BIL/008N583, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, an (IND/OE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEU/b', HEAPTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, {)‘TOMACHI BOWELS VF: BLOOD, T. fllLBURN & (50.. WHAT IS CATARRH ? «w x carom: '1 1nADéVMA'RK, ( AP“|‘LH.) a WILL CURE OR RELIEVE LOWELL, MASS., \_.v., v, . x. r PREPARED BY S’imbnd ‘FOR‘ V‘Vlndsor. 0m" Canadi- . Cosl lvencss, J a II n - (Hm, Dyspepsia. 1n- digestion, Dyaentery. Foul S t oma oh and Breath, Hem] ach e, Eryslpclns, Piles, Rheumatism, Erup- tions and Skin Dis- eases, B 11 lousness , Liver Complaint, Dropsy, TonerJ Tum- DIZZINESS, DROPS '/, FLUTTERII‘.’G OF THE HEAR", ACID/TY OF THE 870.25.4CH, DRYNESb 0F ’1‘er- .-‘;KI/1_. Proprietors. féfibm’o. I I stock about 3 . . sales over $40,000 annually; owner retiring. MACKINTOSII 85 PETERS, Toronto. N OLD ESTABLISHED HARIHVARE business for sale; in Western town of 5,000 population; stock heuvv and shelf goods about $6,000. MACKINTOSH & PETERS, Toronto. "(in F'ECTIONER? AND FRUIT BUSINESS in eastern city, for saleâ€"the lending store; doing largo trade; furniture and stock, $1.100. IllquINfi‘pfiH & PE’i‘ERSK’llorronto. I ARGE MERCH‘ANT AND GRI’STIFI’“ , 0,, . ~. vh€ll Fru- nuIA V, .- Au.“ uLLlOllLVU h mill for sale in large western city; splen- did water-power; partly fitted with roller machinery; building of stone, part of which could be convertm into malt-house: rice $20,000, or would take partner. MACKIN'IOSH PETERS, Toronto. 4 0R SA LE~NINE SEC l‘I JNS 0F CHOICE , farmin lands in the Birtle district, near the line of t 10 Portage W. & N.-W. railwaf', These are the pick of over 80 sections personal y examined and selected; all are class 1 ; beauti‘ fully undulating prairie ; soil, clay loam. Apply 1;) C. MAGEE, Jttawa. oK’SA’LE. 'BAKING'KN’TGWFEU MUN- ERY business in Chathum: established 30 years; best stand; largest trade in cjtv; busi- ness over $17,000 per zumum. Address BOX 462, Uhutham, Ont. ‘UR SALE 15 UXFUHD~W AC} land; 40 cleared; good l‘mmo stable; good waters and fences; thz‘i orchard ; supply small fruits; C( situated. Apply ED vs IN SNELGRO wood 1’. 0. ,v , WV _.. "you... uxv‘y , muau pI‘UIlllnCIlL stand in place and fitted in elegant style; doing handsome business; price $2,400: owner going abroad. MACKINTOSl-I 8: PETERS, Toronto. 4 OUR RUN STEAM GRIST AND FLOUR Mill. with patent rollers and all modern improvements ; g1“ ting will avgragngfiOO bush. hnhn‘unu‘m ____‘v, ,,, 0 â€"Water powerfrtrflicé __c}1;§e;s:"p'{é1}3; duster, grinder. 8:0. ; allcomplete ; price $3,000. BIACKINTOSHVSL PETERS, Toronto. ONE SET WATER - POWER WOOLLEN mill for sale, on G. W. Ry. ; power first,- class; machinery nearly new ; price $4,000; half cash. MAOKINTOSH 8c PETERS, Toronto. ,__V_-.__-- H -u. -uu u .LAAL vuwvvâ€"LU r take place of retiring partner in a prosper- ous foundry and machine works. MACKIN- TQSII Sc PETERS. ’J oronto. nnprovements ; gristing will ax'erag060,0603)“\fé '1 per annum, and large local trade. Price, $7,0 0. MJECKINTUSH Sc PETERS, Toronto. direct. from places of growth. Q'ualitie the same as used by the natives of Chi na and Japan. This TEA has never be fore been Imported into Canada; and in order to give our friends and customers, living atudistance, achance to procure a Caddy of this Delighted Beverage, we will send to an; ad- dress in Canada, express naid, 3, 51h Cad y of this TEA $3.56, just one -half the cost. of impor- tation. ARTNERWWE‘I‘ED â€" Win 355306â€"110 A takq place of retiring partner in a nrnsner- 1- mum; at) cleared; good l‘mmo hicks; flavnfid stable; good waters and fences; thriving young; orchard; supply small fruits; conveniently situated. Apply ED vs IN SNELGRO v E, Maple- wood l’. 0. llllEE RUN (llilS'L‘INb‘r AND FLOURING Mill for sale: steam: sulendid wheat sec- tion; best situation in live town. BOX 66. Aylmer. ‘ALOON‘iiU'SIN csS~fimw CLASS-10R asalcj’l western city; most pronnnent on". :h» _A, ~,... .. - [FARM FOR $2,400, HALF CASH, 2 MILES . from Bccton Station. Tecumseth ;20 acres cleared; 30more half cleared; excellent grass land: 69d”, 88h, pine; excellent water. Dr. “7UY'“W\‘YT\IN h . ... , ,, , _ , pAAAU , c.\\./UJ.IL'H VVHITEbIDIL, Baotou, Simcoc ()0 l'fl’fl’Aans F01! $6,000. T'umm MILES from 'l‘renwn, and eight from Belleville ; on front of Sidney, bordering on Bay Quinta; 3’. terms easy. App F. M. VAN BLARICOM, Box 168. Trenton. OlfsAL’E 01: TO RENTâ€"THAT VALU- AIJLE hotel property known as the Paxsly HOUSE 'n the cognty powr‘l offlOrsingeyillg, 8:“ h. fir. Ann." A EXTRA CHOICE Y. HYSON __- e...” UV n uuuxguvnuc, an in firétlclass evrdexu nevayu furnished, bath rooms, hot air furnace, and all modern con- venience; large, extensive brick stable and sheds, and the best. position for business in the town; pwo railways centre here; immediate possesswn. For full )3 articulars, apply to JOHN PAISLY. Urungeville. JAMES LAUT Buy all Youf Dry Goods. I'I' WIâ€"Lâ€"L PAY. The Best in the Dominion. Send for Our Price List. 1". E. luxox «1170., 81 Calhoun: Street, Toronio JAMES LAUT, I23 YONGE ST.. TORONTO AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE TORONTO A. B. FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. SHIRTS N B.â€"Fat%rns sent. orders by post promptly filled. A FAULTLESS FIT. LEATHER BELTING QQOPBF’S’ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, . WOODSTOCK, ONT. A most thorough, complete, and pmctiw course. Fees very reasonable. W'J )1 ah :‘i College. \Voodatock, A. 1:5- F.1-.;1”N'JT’S Send for Circular to Has 3' ust received a consignman of Sam- Dles of IIODDY AND EXTRACT MILL FOR SALE ORDERED AT AND JAPANMTLEASJ f BUSINESS CHANCES. Pure Bark Tanned, Sim- Rivet JUST RECEIVED. IIJL PN â€" wmv a ca? N, VVOLVE lTON, B.A., WHITE DRESS, FRENCH REGATTA, ELAN NEE. MANITOBA I09 YONGE ST TORONTO. r CAMBRICS, Principal.

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