Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1882, p. 8

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TORONTO, - The only thorough Clothing House So far this season we have done a terrific business, our low price for such superior goods as we showhas created quite an excitement. Our large store is crowded continually from the time we open on Monday until we close on Saturday night. This excitement we are determined to keep up throughout the seasons Never in the history of this coun- try has clothing been offered at such extremely low prices for such well made and fashionable cut garments. Our house is becoming famous for the excellency of fit Which We ahlvvays glve. ‘ bum free for the balance of this year THE \VEEKLY MAIL will be bent to new subscri for 15 months forONE DOLLAR. Subscribe now and get the best weekly newspaper in America BALANCE OF YEAR FREE. IOTED FOR ITS RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS I NOTED FOR CABLE NEWS I NOTED FOR SPORTING NEWSI NOTED FOR ITS LEGAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I Toronto. Questions involvi :0” gm explained by Contains more Cable an i Telegraphic Nawsithim {Llly other Weekly ih the Dominion. Contains during the year 200 Col-nuns (if New and Interesting Stories, Contains over 200 Columns of Agricultural matter by the best. writers on Dairying and Cheeseâ€" nnking, the cure of Horses and Cattle, Fruit Raising, General Agriculture, etc‘ 10 extra charge for sending THE MAIL to any Post-office address in Great Britain or the United States. rum mums NJ RNSHED lERVANTS: WANTED. Very Subscriber to THE WEEKLY MAIL “ CHART 0F 'l‘llE AG] L WRfiHT 8!. SEN» humming 42 Engraviugs of the Phe Daily Mail, The Leading Canadian Newspaper, Price $7 aYear. FIFTEEN MONTHS FOR $1. A good rgl UNIJEMAKERS, t! 00 00 00 000 000 000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 000 000 0000 AAA AAAA A AAA A AAA A AAA AAAAAAAAA A AAA A AAA A AA‘ good general servant wanted in a smallfmnily. The Highest wages will be paid ton suitable person. Apply to Mrs. JOHNS, Address all oommunications to tho nhonut notme and rouonablo 1.; Ana: mutant of .imu‘ Ciskcts&c.. constant M to)" all, hand involving Points of Law and of Interest to the Agricultural Community are replied led by ably qualified practitioners, and the replies pubhshed by THE WEEKLY RICHMOND HILL, 00 terms “MG HT 3 IO)! AAAA ONE DOLLAR A YEAR_ GREA'F ONE, PJRICE CIJOTHING IIOUSE. N0_ 115,117,119, 121 King St. East, All- ’l‘horullill By A. LIAUTARD, M. AqV'. 8., le Mouth and Teeth of Domestic Animus At various ammwit Descriptive Letter P1 asst *‘fl ? ‘ fifivcfialn @flml “ THE MAIL,’ Toronto E AGE 01“ DiDMESTIC ANIRIALS." for 1883 \A AAA AAA AAA AAAAA KKKKKK KKKKKK KKKK KK KKK K KKK K KKK KKK KKK K KKK KKKK KKK KKK KKK KKKK KKK KKKKKK KKKKKK English, American, and Canadian ,Hams in great variety. HAMMOND THE HATTER 129 Yonge St. 129, Toronto. LATEST STYLES BEST AT BOTIUM PRICES. Furs Cleaned, 1 Dyed and Altered. Sâ€"tf. The experience of thousands has shown that the Stomach, Liver and Bowels may be kept in a perfectly healthy conditionwthe attacks of disease warded off and a vigorous state of health maintained by the use of Dr. Carson‘s Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Are you troubled with Dyspepsia Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, or Constipnion 2 If so. try this rrmedy and be cured. For sale by all llmggiata in lugs bottle: It 50 m. F1188 A SBEOIALITY. will receives. valuable Supplemont entitled Hammond, the Hatter. BEST GOODS 1883. )use in Canada. The place where you can be suite-d Without any trouble. For the season we show the tollowing: ifh‘e moat; successful remedy ever (llscmjereu as It xs certain 1:: its efl‘ecns, and does not bhster. Read Proof below. KENDALL’s mem (LURE HAMILTON,BIO., Juno 14th, 1881. B. J. Kendall & Co..~(lenm:#'1‘hisis to certify that I have used Kendall‘s Spuvln Gum and have found it tobe all it, is recommended to Do and in fact more too; I have rumoved by using the above . Callous, lloue szwins, Ring<bones, Splints and can cheerfully testlfv (uni recommend it to be the best- thing for any bully substance I have ever used a: (11 have tried many as I have made that my study for y ears. FROM TH E ONEONTA PRESS.N.Y. Cneonm, New York. Jun. 6th, 1881. Em‘lv last summer Messrs. 13. J. licmlule 00., Cf Enosburgh Falls, Vt., made a. concmct with the publishers of the Press for n, half column. ml- vel'msemeut. for one yem‘seming forth the merits of Kendal '5 Splwan cure. At. the sumo time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entit- led Dr. Kendall’s treatise on the Home and its Diseases, wlnch we are giving to advance paying subscribers to_t.l1e P; as 11. premium, About the time the advertisement first appeaiu ed in this paper, Mr. P. G. Schermcrhmn. who resides near Uollier, had I]. spuvincd horse. He rcutl the advertisement, and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's spnvin Cure and commenced using it on the horse according with the directions and he infomied 115 this week that it effected such u com- lcta cure than. lLll expert horseman, who exam» med the unlmul recently could find no truce of the spuvin or the place where it had been located Mr. Scliermcâ€"i‘horu has since secured a. copy of Klindall's’fi'catise on the Horse and its Diseases which he prizes vcry highly and would be 10th to part with at any price pruv1ded he could not obtain auuther copv. So much for advertising ruhahle articles. Patton's Mills, N. Y.. Feb. 21st, 1878. B, J. Kendall & (10., Gents .~The particuler case on which I used your Kendall'a Smwin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixtovn months stmxdin :. 1 lmd tried many things but in valn. Your spuvgn cure put the foot to the ground, and for the first time since hurt in a natural nositiun. For a. family lilumeut it axcols anything we ever used. Yours truly, REV. M. P, BELL, Pnator of M. E. Church, Patten's Mills. N. Y. Lyman :Sons 61 Ce. Montreal, P. Q. 33-1y Wholesale Agents. IE sure in its effects, mild in actions as it. does not. blister, yet. it in penetrating and powerful to much every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as smwins, splints, curbs, ringbones. callous, swall» ings mud any lameness and all inlzu‘gemnnts of the joints or limbs. or for rheumatism in man or for any purpose for which a limnient for man ever used. acting mild and yet certain in its efâ€" fects. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 5. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it “'111 be sent to any nddx'esson receipt of price by the proprleturs, Dr. B. J‘ KENDALL 6.1 CO.Enosbur- gh Falls, Vt. SOL!) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . and address for illi‘fl’nrnted circular which we think gives: positive proof of its virtues. No reme~ dy has ever met with such unqualified success to on ' knowledge, for beast and 5mm. Ken dall‘s Spavin Cure. Kendall's Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN FLESH. K enda‘ll‘s Spavin Cure. Ow HHHHHH HHHHHH HHHHH HHHHH H HH HHH HHH HHH HHHHHIIHHHH A HHH HHH A HHH HHH A HHH HHH A HHHHTâ€"I HHHHH A HHHHHH HHHHHH AAAA Vlieisifio'timny yours, I’. V. GRIT Our assortment of Men’s Pants and Pants and Vests is very large and well stocked with all the new- est nobbyest patterns. To the people of Richmond Hill and vicinity; when you visit the city don’t neglect to call at OAK HALL and see the tremendous stock of made up garments which we display; also hear our prices, and if it is not just as we say don’t buy. AAA LLLLLLL A AA A LLLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL A AAAAAAAA LLL A AAA LLL L AAA LLL LL AAA LLL LLL A AAAAA LLLLLLLLLLLLL L @Verafls fmm 350 up ADVICES FROM ALL QUARTERS assure usl'ihut n successful warfare against lung and throat disease in being waged with Nor limp d: Lyinau’s Emulsion of Cod L var Oil and Hy]mplmspliit‘es of Lime and Sl‘d‘d. By this ronovant of strength 3 id pulmonary health, premature lung demy is arrested, asthmatic breathing is rendered clear and doep, bronchial irri- tation is subdued and the lJluud enriched and freed from n, scrofnlnus mint. Rar- ely have the people had more l‘t‘zismi to congratulate themselves on the developv mth of a remedy fur that class uf disâ€" eases which in a rigm‘uua climate are peculiarly rife, and nu'er has a. medicine inure clearly vindicated its claims to be c msidered a geuu ne specific than this sterling preparation. To escape imposiâ€" tion, purchasers should be errele \0 notice that the wrappers and glass of the bottles bear the lirui’s name, Sold by all diuggiats. Prepared only by Nor~ throp (ix Lyman, lomnl-o. MUSIC for EVERYBODY. [COPYRIGHT SECUREDJ For starting Children and others in the culture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of learning the elements of Music by pleasant amusement. ’1 his new method teaches you all about the Musical Staff. Degrees of the staff, Clcfs, Notes and Rests. Scale, intervals 01 the Scale. Location of Letters on the Staff, and their relation to the Keys of the instrument. (This is very important with children.) Flats and sharps and their use, All the (liflcrent Keys, how to furm Chords or musical words. It teaches the syllables, Do, Re, Mi. etc.,in singing. It contains a complete imiâ€" sical catechism. It is MULTUM IN PARVU. All this is learned while the learner is amusing himself by playing familiar tunes. Perm a with nonu- siCAI, TALENT may play the tunes, as the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full diri-thions and four pieces of music accompany the Method. Sent by mail f<ii':i~'l.00. Address 5000 Agents Wanted to sell our methods or charts to every family. Ten nollurs perday can be made by not ve agents, 111:qu or female; one month's usage of DR. (iOULARD'S Celebrat- m‘: liifullible Fin Powders. To convince sufferers that those puwders will do all we claim for them we \Vlll send them by mail, 1) st paid, a. Free trial box. Dr. Goulm‘d is the (nin Dhysi(:imi:tlim has 1118.18 this diseases. speciul xtudy, and IV to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of those powders. We will guarantee a. permanent cure in every case or re- fund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these Pow 61ers an early trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. v friéefim‘ large box,$3.00, 6r 4 boxes for $10.00, sent by mail to unv part of tha Unit-ed States or Canada. on receipt of price, or bycxpress, C. 0. 1') Address, ASH C! ROBBINS, 36o Fqlton St" Brooklyn, N.Y. METHOD. PJ‘IRMANENTLY 'Mlauww 13â€"1} INGENIOUS («tiidflt‘zâ€"ly. FITS EPILEPSY. FALLING SICKNESS MERRILL’S v mm H: Itnrllun, umzu \u ActuwAL'. CHICAGO PIANO 00., 78 A; 80 Van Buren Sb ,Chicngo, ll 61’. We willpuy the above rewnm for any one 0 Liver Complaint Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, In digestian. Constipation or Cunstiveness we can not cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They u re purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satin“ motion. Sugar Coated. Lu ge ches, contaiw 111g 30 Pills, 25 cts: For sale by all Druggista. Beware of counterfeit}; and inlitutions. The gun uine mnnufitctured only by JOHN C. WE ST (E1 00., “ The Pill Mnkers"81 6: 83 King St. East! Toronto,0nb Free trial package Slâ€"‘llt bv mai‘: ‘ )" f n :3 can: 5mm 4'7 -821- 1m. EA}. er’s NM H AND mun: 'l‘nrrn. MENT, a guaranteed specifics for Hysteria, Din- . zinesh‘, (loavulsions, Fits. Nervous Neurnlgin. Headache. Nervous Frustration caused by tho use of alcohol or'Iolmcco, “’akefulness, Mental Depression"Softening of the Brain, resulting in. Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prenmture @ld Age, Burreness. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Speran ‘ torrhinamuusedby over-exertion of the bum, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Ono bnx will our. recenn cases. lat-h box confining one month'- treutment. One dollarn. box, or six boxes ior five (1:0)]an ;.sent by mail prepaid on I‘eceip‘ of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any one With each order received [)3 us for six box“. accompanied with. five dollars, we will send (h. purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the trent‘mentdoes not oiTect a. cmm, Guarantees issued only by '1‘. A. Hewitt, 6: Co- nole authorized agents for Thornhill and Angus. Ont John C West 6; Cu sole proprietors Toronto K Then apply to John Lush he can lap-- ply you with a first-class article, the Best. is the cheapest, for it is not liable to get out of order. The ‘Villiams Singer lcal now been in use for upwards of Twenty. five years. During this time they luv. been constantlv growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely tu~day than ever. Tex-ms easy. SEWING MAGHINES Any amount can be had'of J. Lush nt reasonable terms, on first-class property LOOKI LOOK! 141Youge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, J ewellry, Silâ€" verware and Spectacles for every sight. WAFRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. E. M. Morphy. LLLLLLL , LLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL _ LLL L LLL LL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLL E. M. MORPHY H399. Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. HEALTH ES WEALTH ORGANS ? $500 REWARD ! MONEY! DO YOU WANT Apply to J. _LUSH, ONT. AND Richmdnd Hill.

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