Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1882, p. 7

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0n the Ohm 'a and in Northern Ontario, too, this policy of supervismn and re-eon- struetion has, we find been pursued, notably at Kingston, Lindsay, and other important towns where a large number of Wires eon: verge, or zit repeating Itio'an at; \ihieh prompt service is a prime requisite. In the cities, increased aeeoniodnsion, both with respect to elliecs anti wires, have been found necessary, and successful efforts have been made to furnish it. Not only in Toronto, whom the remodelling of the head oiliee of the Company has given increased room to the stzilf and much greater convenience to the publie, but at Montreal, London and Ottawa improvements have been HULL]! Plan 3 are being iii-awn, we lawn, for enlargingnnd improving the oiiiee in Quebec, and various alterations are in progress at other points. Theiinportant subject of insulation has received, much attention at the hands of \he Company’s electricians The Pond composite insulators so largely urtraduced (I. few years ago on portions of the lines, not proving satisfactory are being replacml by glass 01' porcelain. large co tracts for the newest and most perfect English pattuzi having been given out. The old cable boxes prov- ing faultyand productive of waste of current, have 156011 in many cases replaced. Aerial cab} mrc being introduced where a large net} ork of wires is build unwieldy or i. ipracticahle, and various contrivances having for their object the perfection of connoetiona and the economy (f battery power are being gradually but steadily adopted. In a. word, modern ideas appeflr to rule in the Company’s administration, and the newest and most serviceable ap- pliances are sought for the placing of its system in the most complete state of cfli‘ oiency. The quieting. rest-procuring; qualities, as well as the far-reaching and powerful cur‘ ative effects of Ayer’s Cherry Pectch- 1‘ender It the very best remedy known for ung dlseases. It is stited that the Great North-“lostern has now direct. wires constantlv working, between Montreal, Halifax, St. John, Port- land, Boston and New York, 2717a intermediate ports,2md also Chicago. It has duplex wires working betwe n Mont cal and St. John, N. B. ; Montreal and Quebec ; Quebec and St. John; Montreal and New York; Montreal and Ottawa ; Toronto an<lOttawa ; Toronto and London ; Toronto and Toledo ; Toronto and Hamilton ; Torontoand Bufialo. Then there are quadruplex instruments in use between Montreal and Toronto, and Chicago and Toronto. The erection of new lines between Brandon, Rapid City, Minne- (1033, M 311., and the rebuilding of those connecting St. Vincent and Portage la. Prai- rie with \Yinnipoe, and the other wo;k done and projected in the North-\Vost are im- portant items in the year’s operations. The business of the company, upon the whole, appears to be well maintni ed, and the manner in wh‘ch telegraphic corres- pondence is conducted, while satisfactoryto the business public, reflects credit upon the cncâ€"rgetic gentlemen who are responsible for its direction.â€"leonctar1/ Times. The Bugler of the 15th Royal Irish Regiment at Telâ€"eI-Keoier. This youngster, a mere lad, was breast to breast with Major Hart at the head _ of the attacking forces at Tel-CLKebir. Turning as he scrambled up the face of the works to sound his call, a hostile lilie hutt struck his head and he tumb edlnck into the ditch. 'l‘le staggered to his feet, 1) clied up his bu- gle, and followed the red wave which had swept onward during his disaster. He got to the front while ,he rank and file we- 0 at- tacking the enemy with the bayonet. Here he raised a brazen note, but in the midst of it he was bayoneted in the sh ‘nlder by a. Nubian. The lad had lost his sword in his iall, but he had his hngle and his list ; and with these hejoined butth with theArabist, whom he put down in no time with what is called in Ireland “ a hand and a foot.” Then, standing over the prostrate captive, he blew a triumphant blast. The drollery of the performance set the soldiers laughing even amid the carnage. ABIG LOAD.â€"â€"â€"A man named l’aquotte. who lives seven miles on the other side of Qtter Lake, the other (lay canicd with a. 1 :ypline the following excewlingly heavy load from the lakes to his own home :â€"100 lbs. of flour 50 lbs. of codfish, 2 lbs. of tea, and ‘2 lbs. of tobacco, making in all 154 lbs. â€"I’ontiac Advance. In this connection the information given at a recent meeting of the Great North Western Telegraph Company has an im- portant significance. Canada has been well served in the matter of telegraphs, and it is agreeable to find that we are moving with the times in all that relates to modern electrical discovery and invention. The operations during the year of the company named evince a determination to be up to the requirements of the growing traihe. The lines of wire leased from the Montreal and Dominion Companies have, it appears, received what repairers term a “thorough overhauling.” As an instance of this, the report made by the General Manager at the meeting describes a journey made, by one of the telegraph inspectors, of 1,400 miles on a buck-board, through Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scritia, in the course of which some 200 cil‘icers were visited, hundreds of poles re-set or renewed, insula- tors replaced, the lines remodelled, the instruments, batte'ies and connections at each place rearranged, especial attention having been given to the through wires over which the business of the Eastern prov- inces, and thecable business of the D ininion is transmitted. All this has resulted in the placing of the lines of that district in a con- dition of eiiiciency to which they had for some years been strangers. The growth of the country and the ex- tension of its business make constantly in- creasing demands upon the facilities of communication, by rail and water, by post and telegraph, and we should now add by telephone. No other of these systems, it is safe to say, is of greater importance to the business man than the telegraph, which now reached so great a. development as to be indispensable to commerce; and the perfecting of means by which telegrams can be promptly sent and answered is a. matter of constant concern to the manufacturer, the merchant and the shipper. ‘Ne lool; with interest therefore, upon any move made which has for its object the enlargement of the facilitiea for rapid inter-eomnmnicm- tion. The Telegraph System. CXTEHHLISING The St."1‘iiies\'l0n- eral and Marine Hospital is out of debt, and has $0111 thing of a surplus. A hzml strug- gle 11st been the experience l f the past # The trustees of St. Andrew’s church, W1 «l- 501‘, have (lCJix’lffkl l0 erect (L new edifice to cost not more than $0,000, emx'xmeneingworl; in the spring.7â€"-â€"l}elle\‘llle stands in a fair way to he pmmcsaed shortly of an exx-ellent museum. The Murchison (Jlul) has (leeidenl t0 taKe the maHm' in hmml, anrl the Albert lulleqe authmities, already owning quite a, valuablecollection, have ofl‘erel 10 pruVide the re mired rooms. Davy & Cla. k, Druggists, llcnfrew, dale of J ne 3rd, write,” llunlook Blond Bitters though compzu‘atively a new preparation, ha»; taken the lczul in thii locality M a. blood purifier, our sales of it being equal to that of all other medicines used for the purpose during the last your.” 18. DRY BOT is damaging potat ws, especial- ly “Early Rose” varicty, in the neighbor- hood of Coaticook. INDISPENSABLE.4Therc are some simple remedies indispensable in evch family, Among tlll'SO, the cxpericnccof years assures us, should be rcmrdcd Briggs’ Electric Oil. For both internal and external application we have found it of great value; especially can we reconmusnd it for colds. rheumatism or nervous complaints. A CHESS CLrB is talked of at \Vatcrloo. “ A. P.” 102 No one would suppose that the introduction into a. family of a bottle of Putnam‘s I’m’nlvss Corn Ifla‘lractm‘ would be the means of restoring peace and prosperity. Corns are painful, and the constant consciousness of this upon even the best natured produces nervous (1e ressiou, ill tempela recklessnessJemling to a esire to spend their time away fro n the bosom to their family. In order to avoid the evils above Ineli- tioncd always keep a bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor on hand. Sold everywhere. ALMer SAW-MILL has been built by Messrs. Buck ((3 Stevens at Bolton Contra. Effifificfimfl Fm‘rzlexmuqn SHAD were caught the other day by threw gentlemen 01 Philips- bum Toneglcsh :1, (Hugh m" (: lil, l'§ but to in- vite consumpiow, that (lustroycr of the human race. Hagy :nl’s l'mtoml Balsam will cure the cough and allay all irritation of the bronchial tubm and lungs, and vff'ectually remedy all pulmonary complaints, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, \Vhooping Cough, &c. 17. Lum ago, Back'ache, Headac‘fie, (Toothache, Sore Th ronl. Swellingnzslwnins, Bruises, Burns. Scnlds. l‘rost Bite-3.77mi BURNEI) IN Sam S<m12i0ne day last week Mr. R. Little’s boy, a elnl<l of three summer. acciden ly fell into a tub of soft soap. The little fellow fell in head first, and would soonlmve - een smothered had he not twisted himself into a sitting posture. As it washis eyes were lzaélly l)â€"â€"lel. Forest Atlromtv. Asn XIHIO'I'IiEI: nomn “ms AND ACRES. Soid by Druggisls nnd Dealers cverivwherc. Fifty Cmtaa bottle. Directions in 11 Inngunges. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER 00. (Eumuan to A. vouan a co ) Bxllllmcre, Md.. [5. s. A. VVI‘Iâ€"v Rheumatism, Neural ia, Sciatica, luv-\hann Rznlzarhn Mandarin, Tnnthache. HEAVY Hoas.â€"At Barnston. Mr. Peter (looley killed a seven months pig a few dzin ago which weighed (dressed) 335 115., and Mr. Silas Hill killed a months one which turnel the scales (dressed) at 346 lbs. “ A Drop of Joy 1:: Every Word. ” Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Bufl’ulo, N. Y. : Three months ago I was broken out with large ulcers and sores on my body, limbs and face. I procured Vour'“G olden Medical Discovery” ant “ Purgutive Pellets ” and have taken s'x bottles, and 10-day I am in good health, all those ugly ulcers having healed and left my skin in a rutuml. healthy rmidition. I thought at one time thatI Could not be cured. Although I can but poorly express my gratitude to you, yet there is a drop of joy in every word I ' "to. \Vlmt is beautiful? Why, (Tarboline, a. deodoriz-“(l extract of petroleum, as now improved and pt-rfcctcd. Clear as sprmg water, delightfully perfumed and will not soiltne {inch linen faliric~a perfect toilet preparation and absolutely makes lhe hair grow on bald hcads. 'Yom‘s trilly, JAMES 0. BELTJS, Flem- ington, N. J. “ Discovery ” sold by drug- gists. LTGH'I'LY TAxmnâ€"The total rate this year in Shelbournc for municipal purposes is only ten mills in the dollar, notwithstanding the additional expenditure incurred by the building of the town hall. \Veak lungs, spitting of blood, consumpâ€" tion, and kindred affections, cured without physician. Address for treatisu, with two stamps. \VORLD’S DISI’EXSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Butfalo, N Y. CATTLE SHIPMENTS.â€"The Hon. M. H. Cochrane recently shipped 11 cars of cattle from Compton to Chicago fair. One enor- mous fat 0x was shipped weighing nearly 3,000 pounds. Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “ Goiden Medxcal Dis- covery ” cures every kind of humor, from the common pimple or eruption to the worst scrofula. Four to sixbottles cure salt-rheum or tetler One to five bottles cure the worst kind of pix_1_1_ples onhthe face: Five to eight bottl s cure corrupt or run- ning ulcers and the worst scrofuIzL. By druggistu, and in half-dozen and dozen lots at great discount. A TWO to four bottles clear the system of boils, carbuncles, zmd sores. FOR PAIN. A Blessing in Disguise. An Admonition. C}! R ES_ Elu-trtcily foul? the brain and. muscles; ina word, u 18 A'ahtra’sjuod. The Electric Oil possesses all the qualities; that it is possible to com vine in u illl‘dlciIlC, thereby giv n: ithde rameol‘ application asth internal and external remedy for mun and beast The happiest. results follow its llsl'fiuld in NEEVQHH DISEASE-Io, Such as rheumatism. Neuralgiu and kindred diseases. i has no equal. mm 'I‘IIIHDA’I‘ AND LITNG Il-lbiliifills. INHVEL I (DRIPLAINTS. ETC/2. it is truly a. marvel, The Oil, besides exciting appetite, promoting di- gestion, and checking fermentation on 1110 stomachY antidotes 01' eounleructs the cllect of the acid, which produces rheumatism by de- stroying the oxolaite and phosphate of lime in the bones. and the membmnes enclosing the joints. Price 25 cents pe'l' bottle. Sold by all druggists, G. G. BRIGGS’ .t SONS, llmnll- Ion. amt. Am] I). ll. BRIGGS it 31:0. Buf- falo, NJ. Proprietors. (Eclectric is not Electric.) ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLELIIQ. 'l‘O {ON'DL Student-i mule for from Outo her until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S- Edin. Principal. FeesJié‘ivvdnll HIP\VRI(}H'1‘S.:â€"\VAN'l‘ICI) FURTYiAT A» the Owen Sound drv (lock. Stead" 0m- pluyment until spring. \Vagos‘t 01‘ in my knee and hiu joints for nearly a your. 1 ti-ir-d a number of medicines to effect, a cure, butnonc gave me any relief. A friend recom- mended 111010 try your Var/Wine. which 1 did, and after taking two homes of it I found relief. 1 Look four more buttica, and the pains com- pletely left me. I feel satisfied it is a cure for Rheumatism. Yours rosnectfnlly, M. ALLEN. \‘ogetine. For cmdlcutinq n11 impurities of he blood from the system, it has no equal. If. has never sziiml to cfi'ectu cur . giving: tone and strength to the system debilitated by dis- ease. & (10.. l’rinteré T'o’rurito‘ M r. I}. R. Wovens: . Dual‘ SirfiJ w. s Tl‘Quh10d with Rhmmmhsm in_m)j knee mHK hm jpmtgfqr nearlyft year. CHQOL DESKSâ€"THE LATEST. k EST, and best; trustees should my catalogue and price list. \V. SCHMIDT, I’roston, Unt. Dear Simâ€"1 hereby certify that I have been sick for three years. unable to get any relief whatever. Iliuvo been under the cafe of five of the best physicians, each one giving my ill- ness a dillbrentmnne. The first said Gmmral Drln'z’z'lrl ; the second, anale IlrlnTli/I/ and im- l‘OVCl‘iSlK‘d blood; the third. Liwr Complaint and D/wyn'psz'rz; the fourih said I was in (Jan- smnphon ; the fifth said, Neuralg‘ia on the lungs. and was vermin I would never enjoy good heallli, so [concluded to give up doctors and commenced taking I’m/ant Mrdicinm. At this time I was very weak. I had pain in my side. 1mm; and chest, slept, very liLLle. and the food I ate (‘znlsml me pain. 1 was a burden to myself and friends, I was persuaded to try ‘ imn A friend gave moa bottle to try, not thinkingil would do me {my good, as 111ml no hope of overgetting any better. After using the first boIIle my head was better. and T could sleep better. The next two my QDDOLlLC came. and I was able to enjoy my food. I have now taken live bottles. 1 have a good appetite and sloop well, have no 1min. and am able to do mom of my own work. I pronounce your ,1 Im‘i- rain/1 far ahead of our ot‘hm‘, odd can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours resooetfizllv. MRS. E. ALLE '. our Family Bibles mm popular lion books. Send for cu’culars. 0. IL & 00., Toronto. H; R. STEVENS, Toronto. Ont. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. T1308. 13%»ii'5uâ€"gé 3E1 30h. 'l‘oi'bntn. W Rifles and Ammunition. Fail pi‘ic listi'czldyt sent free on application. \V MGDQW ALL. 001‘. King and George sts. Toronto E AVID STANII'S. SEALS. ETC” of every description and foruli‘ uses. K ‘NYON, TINGLEY &, S'l‘EVVART Mf‘g 00., Toronto. ljmoi‘; 'I‘ICKE'I‘STSIIOWW V1ARI)SIWWIN- DOW SHADES. Nuwcsi designs. Send for price H‘s}. F. “fixings 4 King 119.71 Toronto _Cifi;istnms. Nei‘focrii‘. Bithd RB and other Cards. at H. J. MAT- Tlucws «z BROS. art, depot. 'l‘oronto "I’VERNDAY 762m be n'isifvirdrbrv :Lqrém’sjrmale oLfgmflle. U. \V. DFXV'I ‘ k [WEBER iT,th’s\.«-AI)1)RESS R. H. COX 4 King St.VEusLCl‘oronto. Agents wanted‘ I “IROVI‘O. w “r. J. H. lllnrrluler. Salient": VIH‘ I‘vmnmwll, . 9 Victim-nus: =3! WWWHESE Mr. H. R. Stm’onS Five Doctor-s Did Not Cure. A MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY has been formcrl an Coaticook. nghniy con- ducted it may become a power for good. Vegaâ€">131? The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health, without the one the other is impossible. Burdock Blood Bittcm is the grand key that unlocks all the sacrctirms, opens the avenue to health by purifying and regulating all the organs to a proper action. It curesall Sorofulous Diseosm‘ acts on the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Slim zuul Bowels. and brings the bloom of health to the pallid heck. 14 SCALIWJI) TO DEADLâ€"Mr. John Cousins, of Bolton Glen, had a child two and a half \ cars of age, so badly scalded the otherday, by sitting down in a bucket of boiling water, that it; lived only about thirty-six hours 21f erwax‘d. A FAST RnxiiA fast run was made over the Great \Vcstcrn Railan divisxon from Hamilton to Suspension Bridge by No. 502 specialâ€"the second section of N0. 3 express ~last Tuesday week. The distance of 43:1; miles was accomplished in 55 minutes, in- cluding one stop. Undoubtedly the best medicine to luep ouhand for Colds, Coughs, Asthma Bron- cllitis and Pulmonary troubles generally, is Hagyzml’s Pcctoral Balsam. It will not cure Consumption, but it will cure those troublesome conditions leading them- to. 16. G. M. Everest, of Forest, states that Hagyard’s Pastoral Balsam still holds its own amongst the many cough medicines in the market. He says that he has sold it: for nearly sixteen years, and the sales are steadiâ€" ly increasing. One family has purchased over 50Jbotbles for various members and friends. 13 H 1118. SHEPPARD, Manuf’r of ‘ATusnnic {Ln (1 other Society Jen ES, 1:11 Kim: 19., Toronto. 'GEK'J IN!) Etta! BRIGGS" Gl‘ 1‘}. w ark a :pecmf g km ; St. 14].. Toronto C? TS \V A N T E I ) E V E R Y\\' HE EFLâ€"1917]: Rhenmmtism Cured. Toronto, March ‘20, 1879. f6hto,7{)1‘1t. 6 Rossin House Biock 7' Taxman eyélct snith sillfuce, hem‘yand very tough. Semi for new__pricelist. J. G. WOODLAND Vegetine A Big Investment. Clinton Street. )_ Toronto, Ont, Sept 18, 1879. J PREPARED BY Said {1371:0511} nétrugzd Eam- __l()g110l01iYRIl<l. Lth welcr, subsm'i p- PARISH CHEA 1’- sonrl for S l‘AlllJ- rS lé-knmt, 3-st0ne,genuine Diamond Rings $7 50Y and upwards. (III B. STARK, 5'3 Clmrch‘ssrcm, Tot-unto LzldLCS' solid English Gold Guards, $12, and umvards. Gents‘ solid English Gold Vests, $7 50, and llp~ wards. Solid English 15-lm1‘ut Gem sets $12 50, and upwfirdfiz . .-. . h. ,,,,17\. , , , , , Genta' solid (70.11 Silver \Valch, with genuine American movementq, $13.:1m1 11])\‘Vifl‘ds. Laniies' solid Gold ‘vVuLclles, $15, and 11p- wards. u. .v r._._, In 0111‘ new catalogue W111 be found sgmethmg to suit every mtcnmug purchaser, stumble [‘01- XI 4 5 presents). e r. e . We guarantee all our goods to be of the quality represented. Send six cents for our catalogue, it is worth ten Limes its cost. and it; will help you to make aj udiei us selection und give you its actual value and save your money. Annexed are a few selected amides :â€" Gems’ solid Gold \Vmches, with genuine Amen-lean mpg-me , $30 and upwa‘rds. Our New Catalogue for 1883 is now ready IL contains over (ZOO illusnrmxons of Ladies‘ and Gentlemen’s Gold xznd Silvcr- \VaLches. Gold Guards, and Vest Chains, Plain. Band. En- graved, Gem. and Diamond Gold Rings. An Meg‘unt suioction of l‘lnghsh and American Solid Gold Lots. 0\ ' and beautiful designs of triple-pimcd S‘ilv Semi five cents for copy in full size shéet musw form. 8. FRANK WILSON, Full size sheet, best print and gnofl paper. Send 5 cents for sample copy and catalogue of 600 pieces oflumsz instrumental and vocal music. S. 1‘. IEHGFGRD, 23 King Street “'osl. 'l‘uronflo Dealer in picture fl‘li 1793 aiiil fgmcy goods In asmrtcd lots. specially selected. for 250. 500. 750, $1 and upwards. Frey» by mail on receipt of DI‘lCC, The News“ Myles in Birthday Cards. XMAS PRESENTS. ’ fineruhmrs’liart. E. E. 48 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, A11 kindsof real estate sold or exchang- edon commission Money loaned on all kinds of real estate aL lowest rates of interest. Applica- tions for money from fa. 31‘s 3 sper‘mity. limits collected and estates mumssz in town or ( oun- try, N.B.â€"~Bes ot'i'efcronc«1ss on appiicution. UHPTM’ESTâ€"EEUEIETN‘THE'ETG RED". In the Dominion. Assorted lots sent free by mail on receipt of. $1 or upwards. Lyon & Alexander, TORQN'EO. GEEK” CHRISTMAS ‘& NEW YEAR’S Mums XEEFEN eW Year CARDS. LADHESTBE‘WARE corsets will no]; break, 01' 1059 theiyflshapc. “Lear ESE-sets rhEEléwlis; 7 Cl-bnmton CorSct Co. Toronto. Booksellers & Stationers, 3H Yongc-st.’1‘m‘ontd. Largest and Choicest Selection / M. VW Jeweler, 2h: ' K 'tl. Toronto, has on- ]erng his premises. and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, waichca, etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. mods imported direct. Every kind ofjcwelry repaired promptly, neat- ly, and Chen y. V‘EVMiKSHAlfil, W'A‘n 11!va KER A571) _ _ j e\\'elcr,.2€‘;2 Yo;ng Stql'j'oyomo, hu‘s pp- gm:me .8; 00-5 ANTED PARTIES ()\VNII\ (1 A PORT- ABLVC Saw 14111 to tender for sawing the lumber off 200 am‘os 0f bush land. For partiâ€" enlars address. AUTHORS I: COX, Manufact- ui'ei‘s of Artificial Limbs, 91 Church street. Tor- onto. GOOD INVESTMEB ’1‘ IN ’l‘HE CITY 0F 1" Brandon~new store and dwelling above, for sale ; excellent business stand : central be- tween freight and new passenger depot, two blocks from either; also four lots in block: most desirable spot in citV for residences. Address Box 218A Brandon Manitoba. CHOICE FARMâ€"194 ACRESâ€"48 (“LEAKED 20 more could be ready for spring: (Top and summed; clay loam; no stone: nearly lm 1; well watered: large frame barn with granary. 102 stable; lost house; all in first-Class condition: bout cattle and grain farm in the district: school store. post~ofllce about one mile: immediate possession; also 212 acres: 17.1; cleared. large frame house with outbuildingastone cellar and foundations: new born with loft and shed; all above built 18812. situated on lake shore, hard- wood bush. The two l).ll‘c(‘lS will he sold as one gum or the former only. Box 3, Port Sydney, nt. H A in flourishing: town of 4,000 population; Buildings of stone; machinery and tools very complete. Present lessee would take halfin- terest if desired. Price STfiOOmonveniont terms. MACKINTOSH & PETERS, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE~ BEING LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining town of Holland Landing 212 acres. Northern R. 11. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot. the land is high rolling clay loam Brick lmnso frame Bank Barn. J. W. G \VlII’l‘NEY. mute Agent- ‘25 Toronto-stMI‘oronto. D in Manufacturing Company established four years, to extend the business; have been unable to supply the demand: big profit on goods. Address MANUFACTURER, 35 Adol- aide Street: West, Toronto. 7’ " 7 7" WOPL’I‘H 6F FARMI‘NG' and other proper in Out- aria forsalc by the CANADA \VEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 11 Adelaide-st East, oronto. Send for list fillrchase a Bliéifiesé fefiéxhy tiersiérifitioniirn the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- g‘ulajrs 10 J. RALLY 53 and 55 King-street East Businéés Agéfi :1an Vilma}? HOSE \VISHING T0 DISPOSE OF OR purchase a business eifr any? description in QUBSCRIBERS VVANTEJ) FOR STOCK l'nmism‘ “:3 Adflnide Si. “’cst, ’l‘ormno Wait Till the [Hands R011 By.’ The latest New York sensationf 'GRICULTURAL FOUNDRY P‘ORSALE Everybody is Singing It. 110, 112,31“! “4 Bay Street, BUSINESS CHANCES. humors in the system, that undelmine hea th and settle into troublesome disorders. Erup- tions of the skin are the upnezu‘ance on the sur face of humors that should be expelled from the blood. Internal derangemean are made- termination of these same humors to some in- ternalorgun, or organs, whose (Le-Lion they de- r:mge,und whose substance they disease and destroy. Aymc‘s SARSAPARILLA cxpels these humors from the b]ood. \Vhen they megâ€"one, the disorders they produce disappear; 51.1011 as Ulcm‘atz‘ons of the Liver. S/omuch ’2? neg/s, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruplz'vc Dis . g ofth skin, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or [9' J/Sijmlab‘, })’I:7)L]IZCS, Purslulcs. Blolches, Roi/'8, Tumors Tcltcr and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring- worm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheunwtésm, Neur- alaia, Pain in the Bones, Side mul‘ Head. Fe» male IVcakncss. Sterility, Lcucorrhwa arising from internal ulceration and uterine diseases, Dropsy, Dyspc )Sifb. Emaciation and General chilitry. Wit} their departure health returns PREPARED BY ‘ 2 DR. J. U. AYER 86 00., Lowell. Mass., SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSAND DEAL: ERS IN MEDICINE. Ayer’s Sarsafiéfil’lé; Remember, we send ’l‘ca to your own home without extra charge. Sand for Price List and then order Ten to be shipped to your Express oflice. LAWSON’S VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUbE Nothing is more appropriate For a (hn‘istmas presan than a five lb. Unddv .l’urc 1‘ 2:; from Lawaon S 4-1 qufilling‘ Street. Manama]. \Vcstcrn Depotâ€"11 Front, Street East, Toronto. CHRISTMAS BOXES I \Ve are now manufactlring four kinds of these 'l‘ics, the Duck Bill. the ‘ross llrad.tho Adjustable and the Double '1‘,fr01n the best stcclwire specially impoxtcd for the purpose. We can also supply the wire in coils, or cut to length if dcrired. (if? Send for circulars. NOW READY. Our three Mammoth Gator logucs and Price Lists, with full description of the largest Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards, AL bums. Xmas Tree Ornmnents, Sump Pictures. 650.. &0. Sent free to (my address by applying to BEINE'I‘ 8:, 00., Wholesale Stationers, and direct importers of Novelties. All goods sent. same day by mail. 453 St. Paul-street. Montreal. BILACE {Yrâ€"Your system for work. Zorna-s, the new Dvspepsia. and Livtr Remedy, at- tends strictly to business in [correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bot- tles 10 cents ; large bottles 75 cents. HAY BALE TIES I COOPER, FAIRMQN‘ &_ 00., SPECIAL HULIDAY NOTICE ! Am plorwztn‘; f0 tnko. (Toniai'x their on Puguth c. Is a min. 51‘ ‘3, 5:210. (-17ch delirium 01 wozmwx in CdelCl} orAdultn. Weezxzm PGWXEERS.‘ BIL/OUSNESS, DYSPEPSM, INDIGEST/OH, JA UND/OE. ER YSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species; of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS GR BLOOD, T. MILBURN 8; (30.. n Old and young should use “TEABERRY, Then your laugh may be quite merry Fragrant Breath shall pass your lips, And your Teeth shall pearls eclipse. Practical and Analylirnl (‘lmmlsl s. For Purifying the Biood. 93 King Street. amt. Tau-onto. WlLL CURE OR RELIEVE THE STU/MACH, DR VNESS Diff/MISS, maps Y, H. UTTERIIJG’ OF THE HEflHT, ACID/TY 0F This compound of the vegetabl e alterâ€" atives, Sursaparillu Dock. Stillingia, and Mandrake with the Iodides of Potash and Iron. makes a most cfi’cctuul cure of a. swim; of cumpluints which are very pre- valent and nflimting. It purifies the blood, purges‘out t_hcll‘1rki‘n‘g 0,: 71-15 SKI/V, TORONTO

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