The experience of Lhousands has shown ‘that the Stomach. Liver and Bowels may be ‘kr‘pnin a perfectly healthy conditionâ€"â€"the attacks of Jisease \vax'ded off and at Vigorous state of hnnlth maintained by the use of Dr. 'Uursou’s Stomach :md Constipation Bitters. Areyou 1r :1 led with Dyspepsia Indigestion, Sour Stomach, P Fonsness, or Constipnion ? If so. try this Per ,v and be cured. For sale by all Druggists in large bottlu at 50 cts. Owing to the mild weather in the former part of the season we .ï¬nd our stock of overcoats rather heavy consequemle we here resolved to hold a Pectoria! Factorial Pectoria! The great :mrl trun remedy for Coughs, Colds, Brun- cliitis, Catarrh and Consumption. Have ynu tried “Pectrn‘in 1†in is sold in 25 cent bottles. It never fails. It you cant procure it frnm your dealer enclose $1 to Smith kt MeGiashzui, Toronto. and we will send ynn free. by express 5 bottles. lt may save your life. L mam £5 SN, OA~K .HAL L, OPmEE ST. JAMES mmmmt gamma, -.m-_u;-wm. “IW mam "a u biz-mam EURNSHED UN DE K'i‘AleRS~ ()0 00 00 000 0C ()00 0‘ (x >00 (M 0000 DU 01 )0 O( 000 ()0 m-tcst nonce and re rmon able 35m "l‘llE GREA'I‘ ONE PRICE CIJOTHING 11¢)ETE3E31E. M5, 117, 119 AND 121, KING STREET EAST, TORONTG? QNT I.“ mum mun-113.0 anâ€.-. Casketsckc‘. constant m ‘vF‘Un hand 00 00 00 'AAAA RICHMOND HXL L1, terms AAA 00 A AAA 000 A AAA 000 A AAA 0000 A AAA 0000 AAAAAAAAA 000 A AAA 000 A AAA W MIGHT & SON Until the stock is brought down to proper dimensions. Every Overcoat Within our store has been marked down to Net Whole: Sale Prices, as we are bound to clear out the entire stock. Every one requiring an @vercoat should certainly come and. hear the prices which we are oflering the goods at. We have upwards ofSQOO to Dispose of, which We consider will not take long, considering the ï¬gures we are oï¬ering them at. To those visiting the city from Jiichmond Hill and vicinity you ard com- islly invited to call and hear the prices and see the gooris re- gardless Whether you intend purchasing or not. EFurs Cleaned, Dyed and \. Altered. HAMMOND THE BATTER 129 Yonge St.129, Toronto. English: American and Canadian Hats in great variety. Bâ€"tf. AA AA AAA AAA AAA AAAAA KKKKKK KKKKKK KKKK KK KKK K KKK K KKK KKK KKK K KKK KKKK KKK KKK KKK KKKK KKK KKKKKK KKKKKK LATEST STYLES BEST AT BOTTOM PRICES. WES A SPéBiï¬-UW. with revives the drooping spirits, “in‘vigomtes and. harmonizss the organic functions, gives elasticity and ï¬rmness to the stop, restores the natural lustre to the eye, a: lplxucs on the pale check of woman the fresh roses of Life's spring and early summer time. Wf’hysicians Use It and Prescn‘ibe It Freely ‘Zau lb l‘embves faintncsi, flatulency, destroys a!) craving :Ior stimulant, and relieves weakness‘of the stomach. For all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population. .A Medicine for Woman. Invnnted by a. Woman. Prepared by a Woman. “3 Grenteat Medical Discnrsry Sincoitho Dawn of History. / LYDEA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLï¬ï¬QMEQUlID; That feeling of bearing down, caus‘ingpain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the cure of Kidney Complaints «if-either sex his (1031301133 is unsurpassed; “Inâ€. .1. . “a-..†V y y , , will crmhcace every vestige- or Hummus (mm m.- Dluod. and :rive gone and}:er 1 fl) (be Lyman, of 1mm \\ oman or amid. 11) 1% on Having 11‘. Both the Com cum! and Blood Puriï¬er are prepared at 233 and 235 W 11 Avenue, Lynn, Mam. Price of either, 31. Six battles for 85. Sent by mail inthe form of ' ws‘, on receipt of price, $1 per box' mm freely answers all letters of inqum ‘ - A. stamp. Send for pamphlet. Kn fnmilv when†he Without LYDI-A E. PYN'KIIAM'S LIVER, " \I S. Thev cure congcipution, biliousuuss, ' 3, 0;" the liver. 25; cents per box. jinn-’1 Pram n11} 131,19'991:qu1§3 Hammond, the Hatter. 334501;} by van Druggists.‘€£3 (I) Is a Positive Cure BEST EUDDS Until the end of the Year. "like most qucessful mmer ever (llscoyercd m 1t 15 certain in its efl'ects, and dses not buster. Read I’m-0f below. Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. HAMILTOX,M:0., June 14th, 1881. B. J. Kendall & U0..~Gmits:â€"'J'his is to certify that I have ubed Kendall‘s Spnvin Gum and huVo found it to be all it. is recommended to be and in fact more too; I have removed by using the above , Callous, Bone Spavins,Ring-bones, Splints and can cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the best thing 1‘01- miy bony substancel have ever used unldl have tried manv as I have made that my study for y ' 7; 1 mum's; or 6 bottles forï¬. All druggbe heme. in m‘ can get it fwr yon, or it vull be sent to " hp “ ip't‘ Qt prim»: by: the KEN UALL’b St’AVm CURE 13 sure in its effects, mild in actions as it does not blth Vet it is; penetrating and powerful to much every deep seated pain or w remove any buny growth or other enlurgelmznts, such as snuvins, splints. mu'ba, xingbuncs. callous. swell- ings 1d any lameneas and all inlurgemeuts of chewints ur limbs. or for rheun’lutism inmqu or for my pmpom far which a, linmmnt for man murmursod. acting mild and yet Curtain in its ef- fects. K ut-address for 11h Muted cirmxhrw) ich W6 thmx gives positive proof of its mes. N0 remeâ€" dy has evei mm; with such unquuliflud success to ‘ knowlcugc, far 1* at and 3mm. ' About the time the advertisement ï¬rst appear- ed in this paper, Mr. 1’. G. Selmlmerhoni. who resides near Collier, had a spavlned horse. He read the advertisement, unu cencluded to test the efï¬cacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall’s spavin L'ure and commenced using it; an thehorae according With the directions and he informed us this \\ eehtham it efl'emed b11811 n cemâ€" plete cure them an expert ho; 56111311, who exani~ med the animal recently could ï¬nd no trace ef the spuvin or the placuwhore 1L lllLLl been located Mr. Schennerhuru has since beenred n, copy of Kendall’s Treatise on the Home and its Dmewsm which he prizes Very highly and \\ 01ml b0 lot-h t-o part; with at any price provuied he could not obtain (Lumber cupv. So much for advertising retl‘xuble 2L1 Licies. FROM TH E ONEONTA PRESS.N.Y. Cneonm, New Yurk, Jan. Uth,-1681. last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall (5: 00., cf Enusburgh Falls, V , mmlo acoutnwt with 1.110 publishers of the Pr sfm‘ a half column ad- vertisement for one yam setting forth the merits ol' Kendal ’s Spavun Cure. Ah the same time we secured from the ï¬rm :3. quantity of books, entitâ€" led Dr. Kendall’s treatise on the Horse and its Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribera to Llic Press, as 11. premium, I’atten’s Mills, N. Y. Feb. ‘21“, 1878. B. J. Kendall AZ (20.. Gents .â€"’l he particular case on which 1 used your Kendall’s Smwin Cure was a. malignant ankle sprain 01 sixie 21 months sturnuin . L lmd tried many things but in vain. Your 0111 0 put. the fact to the ground, any! for the ï¬rst time since huit in a. Datum] position. For a. fun:in linuneut it ex.:e15 anything we ever used. Yours truly, REY. M. P. BELL, Pastor of 1.1.16. ChurchY Patten’s Mills. IV. ‘x'. Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN FLESH. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. HHHHHIâ€"I H H L-IHHH HHHIâ€"IH HHHHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHHHHHHHHH . HHH _HHH A HHH HHH A HHH HHH A HHHHH HH BHH A HHHHHH HHHHHH AAAA Re’s'pe'cm‘uuy yours, P. V. cun‘ MUSIC for EVERYBODY. [COPYRIGHT SECURED] For starting Children and others in the culture of Musin. lt uvei‘comes the drudgery of learning the elements of Music by pleasant amusement. 'l his new method teaches you all about the Musical Stall, Degreesnf the 5mm 0161's, Notes and Rests, Scale, intervals 01 the Scale,‘ Locutmn of Letters on the Staff, und their relation to the Keys of the instrument. This: is very impoxtxuit with children.) Flats and ‘u'ps and their use. All the diflerent Keys, how to form Chords or musical words. It Lem-hos the M'llnbles. D0, Re, Ml. 0 min singing. It cuntim :1 complete mm siunl catechism. It is MULTI' 1N PA rtx'o. All th‘s; is learned while the learner is amusing himself by playing fmnilizu tunes. Pt'l‘su a “it'll no MU- HICAL TALENT may liluy the tunes, us the guide is Such that he cannot strike tin: wrmig Hey. I all directions and four pieces 01' music ur‘cunipmuy the Method. Sent bv mail forleX). Axldresa 5000 Agents \N'unted to H011 our methods 01' charts to every family. Tel} no]; 8 per day can bemude b} t iagentsm ' ’ PERMANENTLY (HIREDâ€"NO HUM‘EUGâ€"by one month‘s “wage of DR. COULABD’S Uele1)mt~ ed Inmllible Fit Powders. To convince suffer than mesa powders will do all we claim for 11) m we w111 send them bymail, p humid, a Free trial box. Dr. Goumrd is the only vhy ':Ln:;hat has. moxie this disease“ special study, and {In to our knowledge Lhuusauds have been pormnncn 1y cured by the use of these powders. We \\ 111 uuumntee a permuncntcum in every case or re.- fnml you nil money expended. All sufler Hhuulrl give those Powders :Lu 0' fly trial, and bu convinced of their curative puwe ‘ . 1.’rim,1'm‘ large box,:z~';s.0(\, (n 4 lmxos for 910.00 Rent by muil to :mv part 01' L110 United Status or Canada (:1: receipt ofpn've,m‘l:y(x1ueEs, C. 0‘ I) Addruss, METHUD. AAA LL LLLLL. A AAA . LIJLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL AAAAAAAAA LLL AAA LLL L AAA LLL LL AAA LLL LLL A A A A A A LLLLLLLLLLLLL L Asu'a ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St. Brwklyn, N 091.1ud,‘8‘2,~â€"1y. ENGENQUS FITS EPILEPSY. FALLING SICKNESS MERRILL’S BHIGEGG PM 6., 78 & 80 Van Burun til; , Cl 11 u u We wiH pay the ubuve reward fun any case 0 Liver Cumymint Dysymmiu. bin ( HAwaclw. 1n (iï¬ggebLion, Uun. lipamun or Uonsï¬ivee ks we Lam not cure WiLh \\ ‘ L‘s Vouetablc Liv 4115;, win .1 the direc’cum are strictly compiwd 1‘11. Tm nxe purclv Vegetable, and never ï¬ail‘luggn'e sa'. mctxon. might mama. Lu g0 chuԠceumm 1m: 30 Pills, 2:7» uts: For Lalo by all 7“ Beware- 01' uulmterfu and imitations. ‘ ~ JOHN ' 06.)“?er Pill Mnheï¬f'b‘f (“4 as King 5:. 1mm ’l‘uronto,0nt. Free that package sent In’ ' ' 01" I -‘ Ultth. \‘fï¬ï¬‚’h Nmn‘}; AND mum ‘I‘mwrt 1er ‘T, n: guaranteed speciï¬er-c for Hysteria. Din rincss, Convxï¬siuns, Flts. Nervous Nemalpm. Headache. Nervous Frustration enuaed hv thw 11% of alcohol or tobacco, W' kefulnoss, “Mt-112"» 'lmprem‘inu, Sn‘ltening of the Bruin, rcsmhing in Immunity and leading to misery, decay and (mm: Premature Old Age. Baum s. Lass uf Z’nvrer ‘ either sax, lnvnlunm I L as . ad Spam :1, to 'hmamnusedby nvol-exmucn of H19 lmu'n, seltlubnso 01' over-indulgence“ Ont: bnx will rm :3 rerentwses. 38.013 box'containg’ one month‘s trentmvnt. One/(,or Ed); boxes 1m ï¬ve (10111115; sent; by mail prepaid on receipt or mice. \Ve guarantee \ boxes to care any car-«- With each ordermcclved in us for six I>oxm:, 0,0001] manied with ï¬ve dollars, W0 will end Ntn' purcfu rom’writtenguarantee to refund tho mime,» thutremmentdoos 11on ofleca a. cure. Gnnmnmesissued onlyby ’I‘. A. Hewitt, &' (‘u.. 9013‘ in mixed n'gsnmfm‘ 'l‘hornhill and Auww. Ont .. >111) C West 62 Cu sole proprietors Toronto Ont: 4-Tu 1 yr Then apply to Julm Lush he can sup- plv you with a ï¬rst class article, the bum; is the cheapest, 101' it is not Nubia to "‘r'fr out uf order. The \V’iHiams Sinynr L‘le Imw been in use for upwm'ds (‘f Twouh â€" is the cheapest, 101' it is not Nubia to Lift- out uf order. The \V’iHiams Sinynr L‘le Imw been in use for upwm'ds (‘f Twouh â€" ï¬ve years. During this time they i-nnr. been umsmutly growing: in fnYux‘ W111; the public, and are selï¬ng mum {musty 10-day than ever. Tu:an may. App1y to J. LUSH, Richmond Hiâ€. Any amount can be had of J. Lush at rcnsmmblu terms, on first class property _ {ichmond I'i'mJnly 28, ’80. 3mm WWW G0 190 E†M. MQREflg’iY 14-1 Yonge Street, Tbrénto (40 Years Establislwfl‘) For good and cheap ‘Natch-~ es, (Hooks, Jewelh‘y, 811-» ve-rvmre and Spectacles; for every sight; WARRANTED AS REPRFSENI ED. E. M. liorphy~ LQQKI LQQKY 5â€"6-92. LLLL 1 ,LL LL 1, L LLL ] A 11 Ll LLL L LL _ LL‘u _ L LLL LL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLL HEMTH E8 WERLWE E 0 ‘P MONEY $5330 KEWERBE DO YOU WANT AND