0.0. Jacwbs, B-szmlo, N.Y., says: "‘ Dr. 'l‘lmnms' Eclectllc Oil cured him of u. bad case of piles of 8 yezn's’ shmdmu, luwe lx‘lcd almost every known remedy. “oe- sides lwu Buffalo Physmizms,†mtlmut relief; but (1m Oil cured him ; lle thinks that it cmqu be recommended too lllgllr ’lv. ‘ The Christmas number of the IVIaz-kbmn ,Iicmmmisi is to hand, is 11 very neutlv goLton mp sheet, being twelve pugns. Its advertis- ing patronage 18 large and very creditable to the ofï¬ce of publication. Annual School Meetmg. The anmmlnmxling fur the election of Trustees will be held in Lorne Hall on We"- nesdny next, the 27th inst., at 12 01210011, 1mm). J. H. SiUl'lcl'SflU has; bmn nppnmted Returning Ofï¬cer. Tue retiring Trnslws :n‘c‘Messrs. Buylc and Duncan, who will probably 1m 11:»ulectr‘d. Carnival ‘The Christmrs Number. The Weekly Hmnh Bulletin. The Weekly Health B111.;.ti11 for the veg}; ending Dec. 9, is to hand and may be Feen posted in tip-v 1 hm Post. Glace. Tue dist- Tict 0f wLich qu‘k forms u put thaws the, fulluviug 11-: CL'LK‘ i \fdisuus ironshitiss 12:1nfluunzy 9~ hvmmi'h h 1 Mii'Ll!g1U.; 5. i}onsumption, 5 ; R‘;cumati:m, L The ï¬rst Baud Carnivai 0f the season will be held 011 Friday evening, Bee. 220d. Ad- mission, 15 cts. Ticket holdurs Mid skaters in cost mm 10 eta. Proceeds in aid of the Band n‘und. Annual Tea-Mecflng. The ladies of the C. M. Church, Temps“ - mweville, will hold tixLir annual (Fuel-Mem- 'jug on Christmas night, at, which an excell- ent ten will be Served. in 14115 Tempemnm: Jul 11nd aixu'essus uftcrwuws dnliyered in in 4.0burch. The ladies mummy to tha M , . 4 . )llluflc an kmdly mum their patrnuage. To see the beautiful assortment of pressed flower, moss and fem cards, mauufaciured especially for us. The best assortment ever seen north uf Tm‘ontn. Gentlemen requiring ï¬ne clothing should not fail tu inspect the spleud‘d assortment of new full suitiugs now on exhibimiou at the stores of Peiley & Petley, King street east, Torome. “ Engaged‘ Thu services of Mr. J. S. Smith, B. A., 1 We of Fun Dove-r High SJhool as Assistant High School Master, and those of Miss Busnn, of Uxbridge, as First Assiutuut Public School Teacher. A Beautiful bight Thosq who have a taste for the beautiful in mum‘s had that taste gratiï¬ml to Home “(tent on Tuesday and Wednesday, by the beautiful time which 0 we:er the trees, xhrubs and everythxug else on which it could alight. .Fine (Nothing. A meeting of the R.»f0rm Aasocialion for the Municipality of Richmond Hillwill be held in the ofï¬ce of the President, J, 11. Lawrence, ESQ, this (Friday) evening, at 730, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the Liberal Conventinu to be held in “I‘m-onto, 011 the 3rd and 4L1; days of January next. The members will please attend with- out further notice. A full meeting is ex~ pected. vâ€"Merry Christmas. â€"S: ' hing is splendid, xteen inches of snow. Eret your Xmas Cards at THE LIBERAL, ' Ifï¬ou want your choice of the greatest variety of Christmas and New Years Cun- iectlouery go to Mrs. Harrisons. Until further Im’oiae “mils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" MonNmG Iâ€"‘G'Oill '1 North. south, East and \Ve:;t, incluliu' 'l‘hnrnhili, Maple, I‘m-unto, Mfll‘khn. 11,603,. 7.45. EVENIXG :â€"»Gaing snuthEusb and West (as above} 6.00 N. Bxâ€"Rczzisterml L when: much he 11 mulled in at. least Elite-3,“ Minutes eariier ï¬h J41 the above mentiouai hours for closing; None Should Fall Newmmrkeb, . Aurora, . Kinz, †,. RICHM ND HILL. T‘mru‘lill, .. ‘-Ve§bm1. 5' Lvemvn‘h. 1* wk M‘s ‘1‘0 RONTO " Counewts with Ml trains» leaving the Palmer House, Riahmonrl Hill, as follows: ‘M Lil & Exnress, North 65 Ssu’fn. . Avscom‘nwmtion‘ “ “ }"*11' 35,3? 'bh Nail. SJut-h , Parkdu. haven't 11': “’3; am ‘ Thornhfii. H . ‘ flax-1M w r) HILL, King. . . ‘ . . . . . miifihmï¬, noa?s {ILHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, Dec. 22, 1882 awmï¬rket. . . . . JR 0 "x' PHMTGB'S STMEE LENE POST BFHGE Nanci. Quixeu‘s \th’f B mk Sï¬x'eet , . Uni m S Minn. City Hall ['1 ~ an n Winn 8.0'. B "k hxreck. 8.10. man’s \Vh‘u'f ‘ 9 immanme l+ W: R. B. TIME TABLE. AT HBME. J. A. STURGEON STEWART, Soc. B. H R. GOING SOU I‘H, GOING NORTH. Ma' . Accom Expr’s . 11.45. 4.55 abion 8.03. 11.52. 50:) 30!}. 8.10. 12.00. 5.10. ï¬OTGE. 8.17. M. TEEFY, Postmaster 9.45‘ .9 55 10 03 V1010 9.53 12.10 12.47. 112.57 H)â€" Enu- yo 1.50‘ 8 rd 1 n4. 2 2 1.18. , 8.00, a. m 1,00, “ 000, p. m 7.30, “ (5.413. 311% Aï¬nJ 8899 9320‘ 9.2% Merry F'hristmas A Grand Cnueért and Literary Enfvv-rtain. ment to ‘ne given in the Tmï¬hvmn Church. on tlw 4H) 0 momsion 0f Vauzzlmn, 2 mile S( 11H) of-Muple, Christmas owning, Dec. 25th 188?. No pains have been apnrszd to make this the best entm'tniul'neut ever given by Hm Lufllernn Sabbath School. In mldirinn to the 1 «m. talent in the school they 1mm (“may ‘i the svrviï¬cs of the most cvlobrntod mm? 1‘. 'inthe county, Hmong “1mm we would mention Hm name of the mnct rp. nownml 1111 mm ist of Tornnto‘ (.110 WollJmown Mr. J. Fax, who never fails to please and under \vhnsu voice an audience never tires. Eve Vloay ought 10 came and, 1:031" 1111:. 11" alrl please quy *The great. Value of Mrs Lvdia E. Pinkham’s Vegemb‘ie Compound far all diseases of women is demonstarted by every dnv experienne. The writer of this had occasion to stun info principal Phar- umcy of a city of 14 ), 000 inhabitants, and (m inquiry as to which is the must popular proprietary modiciim (if the time, was answered, that Dim. Pinkhmn’s Vegetable Cmnpnnnd occupies a. moat. annspicunns place in the front rank of an the remedies of this class now before the public»â€" Juuruul, Missxonary Services. The annual Missionary Sermons in arm- noc inn with l{he Methodist Church were, pranchi‘d on Sundayâ€"in the morning by RM. John Pickpring. of Eulintnn and in the evening by Rev. J. WA Totten. of Yonge S'rnet Centre. The sprmons were able and of unusual interest. On Monday evening elm Misaionm-v Moeting was largely attended and Revs. J.VV. Tntten and I. Tove‘le de- livered advlrmses tn the interested audience. The ï¬nancial success was good, over $100 hvingmisud at the meeting, which will he lnrswly augmented when the lady collectors make their calls. Excelsior. The embers of True Love Division, No. 542 S. 0 TJ‘, Purpleville. will hold their aunâ€" ual demonstrmion on Friday. Dec. 22,. at which win he starved Oysters, Ruant Goose, Turkey and Plum Pudding. After tea a Grand Dramatic Concern will be given by the Purpleville Amateur Dramatic Troupe. con- sisï¬ng of a. laughable. side-sphtting farce onliflnd “ Irish Assurance and Yankie Mndmty," in two acts. Tickets per couple, for supper and concert. '15 cents ; for gentle- man, 45 cents; for ladies, 80‘ A General Stampede Never was such a rush made for unv Dru‘l Store asis now at R. E. Law's Richmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt 10‘ 01).. ’l'hurnhill. for a Trial Bottle of Dr. ‘King’s New discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Culds. All persons affected with Asfhma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe, Coughs or any affection of the Thrnat and Lungs. can get a Trial Bottle of this qreatvâ€"e-medy free, by calling at above Drug Stores. Christmas Activity. Oar village these days hears a. thorough go ahead and business like appearance. Evpybody Seems: to he on the jump and run. The shop windows all present their beï¬t npâ€" ppuranc a. and the. cnunter-hoppers inside have to hon around at a pretty liveiv rate. The large Christmas stocks laid in by our merchants me being heavin raider]. The merchants all wear smiling faces and have a pleasant “How-d‘y-do"" for all. In fact Christmas week makes everything bum in Richmond Hill. ‘ Alexis Uyr, of Grant Isle, Aroostnnk 00., Maine, Wl‘ltPSZ " Having used Northrop & Lvman’s valuable Emulsion 0f Curl Liver Oil with Hypnphnsphites of Lime and Suda, and derived beneï¬t frum it. I take the liberty of asking you for qnotnLlons, and also whether you would he willin to give me the agency for this place as I am conï¬dent there would be a large Gale ful‘ it in fhis vicinity when its merits were made known. Mr. George Tole", Drnggisf, Graven- h'wst, writes: ‘f' My customers who have med Northrop & Lvmau’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure says it has done them more good than anything they have ever used/i it has indeed a. wow derful influence in purifying the blood and curing diseases of the Digestive Organs, the Liver, Kidneys and all dis- orders of the system. There is no Doubt about It. The large number of persons who daiiy visit the city of anonto, and call at the establishment of Pealey & Petley. can uestify to the very low prices at which they are sell- ing hosiery,glews, lace-sf ribbons, corsets, frillings, etc“, will have n‘b hesitation in any. ing: that. it is without doubt the cheapest house in the city. They have the nobbiest lot otnwreonts and suitiugs you can see anywhere. See new adv. Chnstmas Choral Service. A Christmas Choral Service will be held in tle Methodist. Church on Sunday Waning nnxr Dec. 24th. Rev. \V. J. Burkwell, B. A., will prench an appropriate sermon. The choir. which is so widely known and de- servedly popular, will render several Christ- mas anthems in their interesting and artistic style. The entire program of the Service could not be arranged in time for publicat- lun' The experience of thousands has shown that the Stomach, Liver and Bowels may he kept. in a perfectly healthy conditionâ€"the attacks 0! disease warded off and a vigorous state of hunlth maintained by the use of Dr. Carson‘s Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Ara ymi troubled with Dyspepsia Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Bxlinusness, or Constiuaion ? If so. try this remedy and be cured. For sale by all Druggists in large hottlos at 50 cts. By drinking Li-Qunr Tea. the causumer imcnmes u participator in the advantages which the Company possesses over all com- petitors, for he gets better tea at a lower price than can be proeured elsewhere. and he shares in the innetimalle beneï¬ts of a gigantic, choice and select Library of 71‘,000 volumes cut of which he can form a Library of his- own free of expense. Mrs. Harrison, Agent for Richmond Hill. Mr. ’I‘eefy, seconded by Mr. Trench. moved that two weeks time be allowed be “Unwed the pupils to pay their fee. and if no? [mid m that time the Head Muster suspend all dchnquents uuul the pleasure of the Bomd is kngwn.~-Curl‘ied. éx‘ †i,lst.e:t& of “ Munulon," for the 10ml examinations fwr women and asking that the Board sign It. Mr. Teefy;sec<3ndvd by B’Ir. Brown, mwwd thatvlhe members of the Buand sign the lmï¬itiun»â€"Carried. “The mémbcrs then signed it individu- ally. Mr. Ttaefy, secunded by Mr. Trench, moved than Mr. Futlleriugham, P. S. 1., having: made an ofï¬cial repurt which was read at the last meeting of the Board, the Secretary be instructed to communi- cme. with Mr. Futllerlngham asking him to attend the next. meeting of the Board to make whatever explanation he may think necessary-Cmried. Mr. 'J‘eefy, seconded by 311'. Buyie, moved that. the Chdirmau and Secretary bu instructed lo draw up and sign a Testi- monial for Mr. Elliom‘. v.»CurriuL Mr‘ Boyle, seconded by Mr. Brown, l'llUVud that, the Secretary be instructed to publish the School accounts fur 1881 «\i ’83.â€"_sz'ied. A packing to the Senate of Toronto UninlSitV was laid before the Bo:er by Mr, McBride, praying the Senate to grant the option of using “ The Travell- Mr. Cros‘wy, secwlded by Mr. Teefy, moved.in amendmen ttllat the application ufflliss Keefley be accepted». 'he mnendment “as lost and the original motion earned. Mr. Cmsby. secuuded by Mr. Trench, movud that the application of Miss Bus‘ tin for Flrst Ass’t; Public Schonl Teacher, be accepted.â€"Ca.rriud. Mr. TIeuch, seconded by Mr. Brown, moved that; Mr. Elliott be re-eugaged at $550, $25 of which Would be raised by private contribution.eCam-ied. Mr. Teefy, secondéd by Mr. Boyle, moved that the agplicatiun of Mr. J. S. Sngiyh lie aqceptea â€";pzt}‘{ied. _ Mr. Teefy, seconded by Mr. Boyle, moved that the previung motion be rev cumidered.-â€"Carried. Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. Teefy.~ moved that in the event of. Mr. Smith not accepting, Mr. VVatsou‘a application he accepted.â€"Carried. Mr. Elliott was invited in and the action of the Buard laid before him by the Chairman. He declined the offer, believing he could command a. higher salary elsewhere. Mr. Teefy, aecnnded by Mn Trench, moved that the positiun of Ass’t H. S. Master be again uï¬ered to Mr. Elliott at. the salary advertised, viz: $5UO.â€"Carried. The School Buard met on the 14th inst. Rev. I. Czwlpbell in the chair. Memb- ers present, Messrs Boyle, Trench, Brown, Switzer, Crosby and Teefy. The Secretary proceeded to read, applications with testimonials fur the position of Asslt High “clwul, and First Ass’t. Public School Teachers, of which there were eight for the former and two for the latter phaltiou. ~ w‘he case was that of Joseph Snider, of Aurora, who received serious injury by a fall from an ele mted and unguarded sidewalk in Thornhill, last spring. was suing for 23000 damages. Had the (mar: gone on the Town: ship Would prqbnbly have had to pay the claim and expenses, therefore they have acted with dispretinn in meetinng, Snidm's claim nearly half way. Amicably Settled. We are glad to learn that the case of Snider against. the County Council, which was really against the Markham Township Council, they being responsible to the Coun- ty Council, was amicab!y settled on Monday. Entrance Examination. The Examination {or entrance to High Schools was held in Richmond Hill High School on W‘dnesday and Thursday of this week. The examination was .uonducted by the Head Master and Mr. Marsh, Chairman of the Board. Candidates were examined in reading and writing during the days of ex- amination. Messrs. Marsh and Elliott as- sisting in the marking. The result of the whole will be published as soon as it is de- termiued. Richmond Hill sends up 18 can- didates; Concord, 5; Willowdnle, a; King- hom and Newton Brook, 2 each. and Oak Ridges, Patterson, Temperanceville, Garm- ley, Currvilie, King and No. 5, Vaughan, 1 each. Tota137. True To Her Trust Too much cannot be said of the ever fainhful wife and mother, constantly watching and caring for her dear ones. never neglectingasingle duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disâ€" ease, and the system ahuuld have a thorough cleansing, the stomach and bowel: regulated, blood puriï¬ed, and malarial paison exterminated. Ihe must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest remedy in the world and only cast ï¬fty cents. Sold by R. E. Law, Rich- mond Hill. and '1‘. A. Hewitt & 00., Tliornhill. No reasonable offer Refused. Although the business we have done in Xmas Cards far exceeded that of any prev- ious year, yet our stock is unusually heavy for so late in the season, and we sire de- termined to clear it out at any price, and therefore no reasonable 0591' will be refused. Our stnnk consists of plhiu, fringed and pressed flower ca.sz - H. F. MmeOarthy, Wholesale and Re- tail Drugglst. Ottawa, writes: “I was afliicted with Clmmic Bronchitis for some years, but have been completely cured by the use of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil in doses of ï¬ve drops on sugar. I have also plasma in recommending it as an embrocation for external use.†School Board 2U. Buc‘ina‘n’s Armin; Salvo. Best Salvein Hm wm-hl in: (ms, L’mises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum, Fever bores, Tettm‘. Chaplh'd Ham x3 Chilblnim, (,mm and all Skin Iii-11112101154. and J’oStlvlly cm‘m Piles. It. is minimum-ll logi\-‘v1m‘fr(:l, H: is» faction, ar money wlnnlod. Prim ‘35 u-nh. pm‘ box. For sale by ll. ' L:-w. III ' mum! Hill. and T. A. llexv-‘llht' 130.. Thumlul “5‘ l {us-tum )wle .1011, women. boy» mp} girls wanted won \vhm‘v in Wm" fur YH Nuw is. the time. YUM cu,“ wm‘k in e' r; Umw. w mu: yum'whule timv in L‘xlu Inning, A . Nu o w bush 1.93:4 will puy m ncm‘ly m; u 9.1] Nu z uo an fuil to make 0110‘ umm Fwy, by engaa‘ mat (wry Costly outï¬t :mxal terms frmn Mm; " rsmzlt mm. mu.in and ham-ml} A ‘61:.5 KI; & (Lu. Attgr ta, Maine - ' A quantity of First-Class Shh Wand Cash paid. Dec. 13, ’82~3m. MRS. HAR HSON. (HHLDREWS TOYS Xmas Cards. FANCY GOODS A Card given with 1b. of Tea. A Book with every pnuml. A Handsume Volume, yuur uwn choice or a beautiful Album. win: every 3 lbs. The Girls’ Annual or Gaud Words with 6 Hm. Leading Article. Sunday at Home, or Leisum Hours, 11:11 9 lbs. MRS. HARRISON, RICHMOND HILL. LIQUOR TEA; Reaï¬y Maï¬a Cloth- ing away ahead 0f am. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE Those who. wish to procure nic Teas Glass Sets, China. Tea. Sets, Lamps, Motboe Cups, &c a. very ï¬ne assornmentv. Every Department at THE CONCRE'I‘] OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, ‘ RICHMOIID HILL Selling at Prices that cannot be ' Excelled. THE CONCRETE HOUSE T A MERRY XMAS TO ALL \ Tina}; n we M i now. A; bush ic. C mi 1m: Groceries, Men’s Youth's and ans’ overeaats 7 . IE CONCRETE is the best place to get everything you want at the correct A good nsmnrtment of , Coffees, Sugars, Raisins. Currants, Peels Essences fresh and 10Wer than ever. BELOW TORONTO PRICES Al ways on hum] And the best IS THE PATTERSON & 11m). , RICHMOND HILL. 8 lbs. 01 the best: [Bio Coffee for $1.00. THE CONCRETE fully stocked for the holiday seascn with the best goods in the market, AGENT. iftel'k’nn nine n‘veuents for their friunds will ï¬nd THE CON- CRETE just, the place. Nu flak Em‘rx‘thiuu 3w, not l‘é-U‘Jil‘U-l. “a ] furnish ynu (- I Many {I‘m mflkinu Jltll‘flv (_ Ladies 1‘ "mail it": nwntmul buvs rum "wk: mm ,1,‘ 1mm 1 )‘lm wmb lmn'nem :21. v Inn- IsLxJ-c .mzl p w the g'ruogvr 36:1;01“ : (MUN. 1r: u the gzx'eut rmthle journal of £1! Him. Immian Grounds, Free Sm n-i unit-us, :m original paper fl'um Hing t0 and. The best \winen vmdd. Send f-a' frets spccxmuu smd jndw! fur yum‘sdvus, or (IL-X w’mx know. life its suoupim: ‘T,', 1 , you die, someihil}: nu lawn be‘xind low r. weal; Y"n x ' uwr WISH 1‘4) DE SUCCESSFUL with ynur farm m‘ gardpn» will) fruits. fln'nurs. farm animals, hees‘ puni'ry»~~ if ynn “ish to make you! home: happy, uubscribc for the RURAL NEW‘YUREQER TIMBER Taken In EXCHANGE. SAMUEL MAGER, THOROUGHLY Cheaper Rates CUSTOM SAWING, To all who will favor us with their Men’s, Youth’s and Boys’ suits Dec. 8th. ’82â€"-3m WE ARE IN A POSITION TO Thzm can be done elsewhere. 52%: YQU HAVING BEEN E’AHEK. E30 11’- ()er 1-.†REPAIRED, Al: (if Rural “in-rump «1 Di Magi I x - cup“ 3 Hun-6‘ duh: m» ml