Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1882, p. 7

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Ht no ostentation. At Rideau Hal’, her \ .madian official abode, she affects more state. Once a week, when the legislature is in session, she gives a formal banquet; A day or two after there is an informal dinner, which Canadians term the “scrap feast.” To be asked to it is thought a marked favor. A piper dressed in Campbell plaid is in at- tendance, and performs at dessert on his noisy instrument. On Sundays English visi. tors to Ottawa are asked in quite an uncere- monious way to partake of a family dinner, which is snug and well served, and enlivened hy the cheery humor and rattle of Lady Sophia McNamara, who is more reserved when Canadians are present. The Marquis sticks to the kirk. It was a disadvantage to him to arrive at Ottawa immediately after Lord Dufrerin had gone away. His predeces- sor was geniality itself. The Marquis is high- ly cultivated, but the product of a poor soil. He is at once too much and too little of the prince consort. Truly, this is an age of Puspicion. Never- theless, Capt. F. M. Howes of the steamer William Crane, Merchants’ & Miners’ Trans- portation Line between Boston and Balti- more, who suffered severely from rheumatism, caused by the exposure Incident to his pro- fession, was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. This is no suspicion.-Boston Globe, â€"â€"â€"â€"1»4®>»â€"â€"â€"â€" Prof. E. D. Archibald advocates the use of kitesfor n‘ieteorological observation. They can, as he shows, be not mere toys but philo- sophical instrumentsâ€"capable oi ascending to great heights, remaining steady in cur‘ rents of varying velocityfind of being manip- ulat- d by the obSCI‘VCL‘ with ease and rapid- ity. No poisonous drugs enter into the com- position cf Carboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum, the natural hair restorer and dressing: as now improved and perfected. It is the perfection of the Chemist's art, and will, beyond a pcradventure restore the hair on bald heads. When your husband comes home in bad humor, jerks off his boots, and appears to be generally miserable, do not attribute it to business cares or hard times, but to its real causeâ€"those terrible corns which are constantly annoying him. Aword to the wise will be suflicientâ€"buy a. bottle of PUTNAM’S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR. His coms will be quickly and painlessly re- moved, and his gratitude will be unbounded. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor sold every- where. A Princess‘ Domestic Life. Princess Louise started in married life, says the London THIN], with the determina- tion not to be therival, on their own ground, of plutocrats’ wives. There was to. be com- fort-1; as well as elegance in her establishment, SCROFULOUSHUMORS, The VEGETIXE has cured many casm of Scrofula. of five, ten, and twenty years’ standing, where the pa- tient has had many physicians, tried many of the known remedies ; and. after trying the VEGETINE, the common remark is, “ It acts differently, works differently. from any medicine I have ever taken.” VEGETan will cleanse scrofuia from the system. Try it. Though not much of a conversationulist, a mute might get; along very nicely in .2» spoke factory. The earliest money struck in Ireland was in the tter part of the tenth century. in the rggn of the Hiberno-DanishSitric 111., King; of Dublin,a.contemporarvof Aflthelred, sole monarch of Saxon England, whose coins were'imitated bv the Dublin King. Each bottle of BRIGGS’ ELECTRIC OIL wilI hereafter be accompanied by a corkscrew, as it is important that the cork should be preserved and the bottle well corked when not in use to retain the strength of the medicine. It cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney complaints or of the Uri- nary Organs; cures complaints arising from colds, such as Sore Throat, Brmichitis.Diph» theria, Cough, Asthma, and Difficult Breath- mg. Mother (shipton s prophecy is supposed to be about four hundred years old, and every prophecy has been fulfilled except the last â€"the end of the world in 1881. Buy your Carboline, a. deodorized extract; of petroleum, the great natural halr restorer, before the world comes to an end. Flour is selling at Calgarry at $17.50 per 100 pounds. Daughters, Wives, Mothers, look to your health ! The many painful and weakening diseases from which you suffer, despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailin regulator and purifying tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist for proof. 20. ACuI‘e for Group. There is no better remedy for Group than Hagyard’s Yellow Oil taken internally and applied according to the special directions. this is the great household panacea. for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. Pain Inflammation &c, 23. “You see, my child, 1111s turtlemone of the wonders of creationâ€"he furnishes the best combs that are made, and yet he cannot use one, as he hasn’t a single hair to comb.” Said a miserable little Cincinnati boy who had just received a scolding from his father : “Ma, 1 wish I’d never been born.” “Why, Charley?” “Well, I think I’d beena better boy.” .l‘goy lately attempted to tie a. knot in a, as tail. He was a good boy, but he has gone to meet his grandmother. A Sure Thing. In the treatment of Chronic disease with that great system renovator and restorative. Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncer- tainty as in its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. Every dose performng its work in a per- ceptibicmzxnnsr. 24. 'Kcep it in your family. The be st remedy for :L'cidents and emergencies, forBurns, Sca‘lds, Bruises. Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Rheumatism, Cllillalains, and Pain or Sormiess of all kinds, is that marvellous healing remedy, Hngyard’s Yellow Oil. 19. A cable dispatch that “a mine was di5< covered in a street in Moscow, Russia,” was headed by an innocent journalist head- writer as “A bonanza in Moscow.” The owl has become an ornament to socie- ty, and the vulture may bid his time. The Source of Much m Temper. An Age of suspicion. Notice. is a. bad thing, but Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription” deserves its name. It: is a certain cure for those pamful maladies and weaknesses which emblttex‘ the lives of so many women. of druggists. If bilious, or suffering from impurity of blood. or weak lungs and fear consumption (scrofulous disease of the lungs). take Dr. Pierce’s “ Golden Medical Discovery” and it will cure you. By druggists. It is a wise bank cashier who takes no va.- cation. When a. Russian is too lazy to scratch for a living he has himself arrested for a Nihi‘l- ist. B€i11g entirely vegrtable, no particular care is required while using Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant l’urgative Pellets.” They oper- ate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation. For sick headache, constipation impure blood, dizziness, sour eructations from the stomach, bad taste in mouth, bilious attacks, pain in rcgion of kidney, internal fever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, take Dr. I’ierce‘s “pellets.” By druggists. Mince-pie season is here. and those who can afford it will now dream of elephants with four trunks and mules with illuminated heads. A Wise Maxim. “A stitch in time saves nine,3 not only in making garments,but also inmending health. If Hagyard’s I’ectorial Balsam were used in the earlier stages of Colds and Coughs,many a “stitch in the side” and many a case of torn lungs might be avoided, that neglectei, rapidly develope into irreparable Consum- ution. ‘21. 3 Robert A. \Vilaon, Dispensing Chemist, Brockviiie, says, under date of June 5th,'82, “l have not the slighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given my customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store for the cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea, Sick- ness‘ Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc.” $5 o WORTH OF FARMING - I and other property in Ont- tario for sale by the CANADA WEST LAND AGENCYNCQMPANY, 14 Adelaide-st. East, The Captain-General of the Philippines reports that, after a revere hurricane, the cholera, which was of ubad type, nearly dis- appeared from Manila. Tidriofitti): Send for list" A iAIDlAN‘ MIJ‘I‘IIAL All. 1135001A‘l‘111h. Co-operatwe Life Assurance. Great in- ducement to rovide for families in case of death. at smal cost. W. PEMBERTON PAGE, 800.. 87 King St. West. Toronto. Agents wanted. r TION given by mail; good situations pro- cured all pupils when competent. Address W. G. CHAFFEE, Oswego. N. Y. 8c 00‘; Printers, Toronto. M. ASHALL, VVATCHMAKER AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St, Toronto, has en- largrd his premises. and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry. plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watches. etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Every kind of jewelry repaired promptly,ne&tâ€" ly, and cheaply. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that'whosoever believeth in Him should not. perish but have everlasting life.“ John 3â€"16. Young Men’s Christian Association,Toronlo. We extend to you a hearty invitation. Read- ing Rooms open free from 8 a. m. to 10 p. In. every week day. Don‘t forget when you are in Toronto. You will be welcome. “For the Lord is a, great God, and a great King above all gods. 1n His hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills is His also ; the sea is His and He made it,and His hand formed the dry land. 0 ! come let us worship and bow down. let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” $ {'7 PE R: WD'AY "bid figmndé By zlgéfiiiHfialé J or femulo. (3. W. DENNIS, ’l‘oronm. mu or femulo. (3. W. DENNIS, ’l‘oron'm. 10IUIN'I‘0. â€"â€"Mr. J. H. Kayne, Hamphei Bun-later. S‘nlicmor. Etc 9 Victoria-st W I] IPWRIG [l’l‘s.~\\'1\:\’1‘l<ll) FUM’I‘YAAt ; / the Owen Sound dry dock. Steady 0m- ploymcm until spring, \Vagcs two dollars. ' A“) WE‘ANIPJ, SEALS. (icon, of overv do scrimion and for all uses. KIGXYON 'I‘LNKHJEY it STEWART Mix: (10.. ’l‘ormxln. TAGS. Psalm ‘ to (i. WATEHESf Gthb VVAN'J‘ED â€" EITHER SEX light. honourable and steady employment : no book; for circular and particulars address Box 70, Sharon. Ont. 113 X1)sz Street. 'I (“mum Christmas, NOW Year. Jin‘thtlay GARHSMM other Cards. at H. J. MAT- rnlcws BROS. art depot, Toronto: sf} HINTS WANTED EVERYW’HERE FOIL f; 0111‘ Family Bibles and popular subscrip- Lionbooks. Send {01' circulars. C.I{.1’ARISH & (10., Toronto. uh’m Janum‘v. PROF. SMITH, s.,V. mm. Principali 7 Fees. figs; @1113me W » W _ RICE TICKETS, SHOW’ CARDS, WIN DOW SHADES. Newest desig Send for price list. ELVIIJJMIS. 4 King}? rug "Vll'cfli‘fs'rEpan‘a: Tradé wofk a ébecxal- ' ty. A. BALLABER 8 King: H. E.. Toronto. . L. 2 0‘ fl ’ -. mmunitinn, Fishmh ache and all kinds 01” Sporting Goods. W MCDONALD, cor. Km: 25 (icnmre sis” Toronto [I [{IS. SHEPPARD. Manuf’r of Masonicand other Socxety Jewels. 154 King; 11, Toronto. PTLS IN PHONGGRAPHYâ€"INSTRUC- Ii mm: ST.AV|I“S.â€"ADDRESS R. H. COX. ‘ 4 KingSL. East, Toronto. Agents wanted. NTARIO VETE {[NARY COLLEGE, TO- UN’I‘O. Studenm can enter from October Patent evelct. smooth surface, heavy and very tough. Sand for new‘pricc list. J. G. WOODLAND Favoritism Send for 1’ ,x 1711 (shade?! resig- Jogue to RYRKE, the J ewoler. Sold by all Druggists and Demers. Directions in 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (Succesmrs to A, VOGELBR a co.) lluhinmro, mm, L‘. s. A. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACIIE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS. SPRAINS. @ Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCALDS, And all other bodilymches and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. THE GREAT GERMAN RE M EDY FOB PAIN. RHEUMATISM, Believes and cures A.P. 103 W. T. Bray, Pharmacist, \Vingham, Ont, writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has Very largely incremed in that loc- ality, and adds that he hears very favorable opinions expressed regarding it, and, 1f time permitcd, could send many names of benefit- ed parties, 22. Among the recent arrivals in Philadelphi L is a gorilla preserved in alcohol. Although dead, the animal is in excellent spirits. A Word of Caution. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the pain and check Diarrhoea. etc., but are liable to produce inflammation, Dr. Fowler’s Extract of \Vild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- fants. and is a. specifice for Cholera. Morbus, Dyscntery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hoea. and Summer Complaints generally. If your hair is coming out, do not murmur overamisfor’cune you can so easily avert. Ayer’s Hair Vigor W111 remOve the cause of your grief by restoring your hair to its natural color, and therewith your good looks and good nature. “Why did you hide, Johnny 1’” said one boy to another. “I hide to save my hide,” replied the other, as he hied away to a se- cure spot. Veget Vegotine is made exclusively from the juices of carefully selected barks, roots and herbs.and so stroneg concentrated that it will effectually eradicate from the system (very taint of Scro- fulu, Scrofulous Ilumors, Tumors. Cancer. Can- cerous Humor, Erysipelas, Snult Rheum,Syphi- litic Diseases. Canker, Faintness at the Stom- ach, and all diseases that arise from impnl‘c blood. Sciatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Com- plaints, can only be elfectunlly cured through the blood. Purifies the Blood, Renovates and lnvigorates the whole system. ITS MEDICINAL PROPERTiES ARE Alterative, Tunic, 801173111386 Diuretic: For Ulcers and Eruptive Diseasesof the Skin, Pustules, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, fetter. Scaldhcad and Ringworm,Vm KTINE has never [aged _t_0 ptfept upergaqenggpre. For Pains in the Back, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy, Female \Veakness,Leucorrheewarising from internal ulceration, and uterine diseases and General Debility, Vegctine acts directly upon the causes of these romplaints. It in- vigorates and strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays inflamâ€" mation, cuies ulceration and regulates the bowels. GOOD INVESTMENT IN THE CITY UF , Brandonfinew store and dwelling above, for sale; excellent business stand; central be- tween freight and new passenger depot,tw0 blocks from either; also four lots in block; most desirable snob in city for residences. Address Box 218, Brandon, Manitoba. L. CHEYNE. Agent Mutual Aid Association, Brampton : I acknowledge receipt of claim' a§ainst company, caused by the death of Wm. C ark, who held certificate No. 1178. and I must thank the association and its officers for the prompt and liberal settlement and the courte- ous mode they have in dealing with beneficiar- ies, having raised no quibble. the certificate on- ly being issued on July 11, 1882, and death oe- curx‘ed on July 20, 1882, or 9 days afterwards, must ee tainly be {1. guarantee that its benefits are certain and should be taken advantage of by all classes. ANN CLARK. For Gamrrh, Dvspcpsm, Hamtual Costive- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Piles. Nervousness, and General Prostmtion of the Nervous System, no medicine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as t he Vegetine. 1f, purifies the blood, cleanses all of the organs and possesses a controlling power over the nquous system: ‘ H. R. STEVENS, Toronto, Ont. Vegetine is Sold by AllBruggists. VV ABLE Saw"’1ifili fa; téxid'ér 'fo?‘ sfixivifié thclumber off 200 acres of bush land. For parti- culars address, AUTHORS 8; COX, Llanufactâ€" urcrs of Artificial Limbs, 91 Church street, Tor- onto. NOW READY. Our three Mammoth Cata- logues and Price Lists. with full description of the largest Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards, Al- bums, Xmas Tree Ornaments. Scrap Pictures &c.. 8L0. Sent free to any address by applyin to BENNET 85 00.. Wholesale Stationers, an direct importers of Novelties. All goods sent; same day by mail. 453 St. Paul-street. Montreal. The remarkable cures effected by Vegetinc have induced many physicians andapothecm‘ies whom we know, to prescribe and use it in their own families. HOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE OF OR purchase a business of. {my description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. 1’ALIN,51 and 55 King-street Ea B ‘nesa Ag, nt and Valuer. \VNERS 0F FARM LANDS, CITY AND Town Properties. desiring to realize. will find purchasers bV sending me fulldescriptions, lowest m‘iees, mid terms of payment. J. \V. G. VVlIl'l‘NEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto street, Toronto. HOlUE FAliMiâ€"llll Attl is UllEAluuU j 20 more C011ldl)ereadyfor Spying crop and stumped ; clay loam: no stone; nearly level; well watered; large frame barn with granary; log stable; 10;: house; all in first class condition: best cattle and gmin farm in the district; school, store. post ofliee about one mile; immediate possession; also 212 acres: 171.- eleared, large frame house with outbuildings,stone cellar and foundations; new barn with loft and shed: all above built 1881-2. situated on lake shore; hard- wood bush. The two parcels will be sold as one fill‘ln_01‘ the former only. Box 3 Port Sydney, In fact, vegetine is the best remedy yet dis- covered for the above diseases, and is the only rellig'ble Blood Purifier yet placed before the pu 1e. Booksellers & Stationers. 311 Yonggfitflprontd Ont. In msorted lots, specially selected, for 250, 500, 750, $1 and upwards. Free by mail on receipt of price. The Newest Styles in lzlrthday Cards. SP EGIAL " HOLIDAY Viâ€"NOTI’C‘E“! 118 King street “’cst, and secure an artistic and. lifelike portrait of yoursglfi,‘t11‘%}n whip-I} you can offer no more CHRISTMASVXD’NEWWYEAR’S GARDS 51:11.3? 8:: 00., If visiting Toronto during the holidays, don‘t leave the city witho“t visltmg héérebtable Xmas Gift. BRUOE’S ART STUDIO, XMA§77GWT CKRD 3 OF THANKS. Brmnptofi', Nov. 23, 1882‘ BUSINESS CHANCES. ANTED PARTIES OVVNING A PORT Vegetine Prepared by Watehmakers and Jewelers, Fancy [lends Dealers, Tehaeeenists, Drugglsts, Hardware Merchants, General Sterekeepers and Others, w111 find our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS unrivalled in the Dnnnnlon. In all Departments we have SPECIALTIES FDR XMAS PRES- ENTS. Note the fellewmg: WATCHES AND CLOCKSâ€"Fine Gold Watches, Ladies’ and Gent’s VValtham “latches, Fancy \Vood, Gilt and Marble Clocks. JEWELRY DE PARTMENT.â€"Diamon(l Lockets and Sets, Neck Chains, Guards and Vest Chains, Diamond Rings and Sundries ELECTED PLA I'llâ€"Table \Vare, including Tea Sets, I‘lpergnes, Fruit Stands, Des- sert Sets, Toilet Sets and Fancy Goods. FANCY GO0D‘3.â€"Card Cases, Opera. Glasses, Albums, including new Upright Album, Richly Embossed Covers, Meerschaum and Fancy Pipes. Vases, Toilet Sets and Cases. CABINET GO0D3,â€"â€"W’oorl and Leather Work Boxes, Desks, Jewel Cases, Secretaries, Stationery Cabinets, Best Lrndon Goods. MUbICAL GOODS.~Vi:ylins, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicas, Musical Boxes, TO THE TRADE : ACME AN ARNY & BERRY’S SKATES, & EXTRA PARTS, SMITH & FUDGE R. PEN , POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY, Christmas (Successors to the late R. Wilkes) Corner Yonge & Wellington Sta, Toronto. GANADA’SQ GREAT SKATE: I Manufactured by The llawlmuc Gun and Manufacturing Company (Limited). Offices and Warehouse, S_l Ijonge street, _Ij‘uct_0ry, Youge street Court. Thousands Selling. Pullou- {a}; ahd Illustfivtord sirenâ€"lam on ap‘nlicatip ~ CORSETS unequalledfor health. (nmfm‘t and drability. Manufaetu red by the CROMPTON CORSETCO.. Toronto. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL- ERS IN MEDICINE. THE SILVER LINE, Wait Till the Clouds Roll By. Partly Little Darling I Love You. PREPARED BY 3 DR. J. U. AYER 86 00., Lowell, Mass., The latest popular songs in full size sheet musm form. l’rlce rznly two cents per copy, or the three for ten Gems. S. FBAN K WILSON Nothing: is more appropriate for a Christmas present than 2L 5 lb. Caddy Pure Text from Remember. we send Tonto your own home without, extra, charge. Send for Price List, and than order Ten to be shiDped to your express office. V' LAWSflN”S VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE Asadressing for ladies hair, the VIGOR is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. hair becomes glossy. pliable and strengthened; lost hair re rows with lively expression, falling hair is chec ed and stablished; thin hair thiqk- 0115' and faded or gray hairs resume their orig- ina. color. Its o eration is sure and harmless. It cures dandr , heals all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and softâ€"under which con- ditionakdiseascs of the §palp_ar_e ilxiposgible. CHRISTMAS BOXES I ROE LEWIS 8930M Lawson’a For Restoring Gray Hair To its Natural Vitality and Color. surely restores its color, when faded or my. It stlmulates the nutritive organs to ealthy pctivity, and reserves both the hair_and _1ts_ lgeauty. '.[_‘ us bypghy, “zeal; oruswkl‘y AYER’S HAIR YIGOB, Orders by Mail or Wire Promptly Executed. Catalogues on Application. 3 85 35 Adeiaide street West- JOS. ROGERS & SONS, GEO. VVOSTENHOLM 82 SONS. LOCKVVOOD BROS’. HOLLY & DEMAS’ SCROLL SA\V AND LATHE, SA\VS, BOOK. OF PAT- TERNS, DRILLS, ETC. Pmctical'uml Analytical Chemist GORALENE 1 1):; King Street East, Ton-mun “ The Ladies’ lutlery Sets, Razors and Scissors in Cases, Musical Albums Hardware and Iron Merchants, Toronto. 1qu PUBLISHER VAwwuuAvAv . “v” r AYER’S HAIR V16- OR, by long and ex- tensive use, has proven that it stops the falling of the hair immediate} ; often renews t 43 growth ;_ and alwaxg Advancing years, sickness, care,disap- ointment, and her- itary predisposit- ion, all turn the hair my, and either of t 1cm incline it. to 23th peyngqturely. C] HON. ED. BLAKE, Q.C., M.P., - Presidenl. E. A. MEREDITH, ESQ, LL.D., Vice President. J. \V. LANGMUIR, - - - JIIanager This Company, which has been approved of by the High Court of Justice and the Lion- tenant Governor in Council, accepts trust/s of every description. and acts as executor, ad- ministrator, 820., and also as agent of existing trustees, executors, &0. $300,000 of Trust Funds to loan upon real estate and mortgages. F0 further information apjgly to Catarrh is a mucoâ€"puruient discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- tab parasite amoeba in the internal lining me brane o the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped un er favorable circumstances, and these are: morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscie of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis. mercury, toxoemca, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever read for the deposit of the seeds of these germs,w ich 5 read up the nostrils and down the fauces or bae part of the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes engingMin pulmonary consumption and death. _ Some time since a well known physician'ot 40 years standing, after much experimenting, sut- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina~ tion of ingredients, which never fails in absc- lutely an permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standin for one year or forty years. Sufferers shoul , without delay communicate with the business manager, Mr. A. H. Dixon, 307 King St. West, Toronto, and get treatise free by enclosing: stamp. Ask your drngmst for it BRM‘E ITI’Ar‘foDul‘ system for w. 1-1;. Zo- PESA, the new Dyspepsia and Liver remedy Atends strictly to business in eor‘ecting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bottles, 0 cents ; large bottles, 75 cents. The Toronto Gehéral ‘I‘rus’tiGoq 7 To éfi‘ecf a. cure thâ€"e parasité must be midi/Ed or destroyed, hence inhalants and snuffs are worthless. Old and young should use “ TEABERRY, Then your laugh may be quite merry I Fragrant breath shall pass your lips, And your Teeth shall pearls eclipse. WHAT IS’C’ATARRH ? ‘ 7 and ‘29 “’clllngmn St., Toronto. .maX.” Goods 1 ion ap 1y to J. W. A flIUIR. Managng

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