The trav'ellcr in England always notices asingular anomalyâ€"the weather is always wet and the people are always dry. TheEVery Latest News. _“Have on heard the latest: news said one city swel to another. “No. do tell me what it is.†“Well, I have at last 3101; rid of my Corns by one trial of Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor, and I know yours were even worse I . ,- than mine were, I couldn‘t pass without telling ‘2. rflagu to get a bottle at your druggists. I’ll it will flx’em completely." It is sure, prcmpL and painless, taking the corns out at once. Sold everywhere. Beware of substitutes and imitations. The entire country was thrilled by a gun eral feeling of horror when the papers at Copenhagen recently brought the details of the execution of a criminal in a provincial place the previous day. According to the Danish law, criminals condemned to death suffer the last penalty of the law by decapi- tation by means of an axe, the block being placed at seine conspicuous point as near as possible to the place where the murder was committed. A man condemned to de1th was to l e executed yesterday morning, and, as usual, a. large croW'd of people from the surrounding districts had assembled round the spot, only one constable being present to keep order. When the usual formulitites were gone through, the criminal laid his head on the block; but the eye and the hand of the executioner, who had been drinking heavily the previous day, were uncertain, andthe stroke fell over both shoulders, the criminal uttering a smothered cry of pain. .n Horrible Scene at a Danish Execution. quuumu. uv.v....c _. e . , The executioner wrenched the axe out of the wound, wielded it again, and struck the criminal high up on the hack of the head; again he wrenched the axe out of the wound, and succeeded at; last in cutting the head off. The crowd rushed to the headless trunk, some to try to catch some drops of blood, which the peasants think has some kind of magical effect to cure certain diseases, others to satisfy their morbid curiosity: in fact, uhorrible and disgusting scene took place, several men and women fainting. Every one mrees that such a. disgraceful spectacle must never more take place in Denmark;an(l the Miniser of Justice has already, with praiscwcrtlxy speed, declared his intention to bring in a. short bill provid- A. High Opinion. Capt John J. Dawson, late of the British Army, residing on Love street, between Maul- deville and Spain, this city. says he used St. Jacobs Oil with the greatest possible advant- age when afllictcd with rhoumutbm.â€"Nuu Orleans Times Democrat. HUIIETqâ€"XEECASKE’E A'ND {KIWI} ,- ’_ TAKERS’ sup ly business and premises farjgle ; stock ab‘o‘ut 292,200 ; pri nises and plant, ‘3 AA†__A_‘_-_ ing fcr ex'.‘ and within u _ , n _ . cution by means of tlxcguxllotmc, the precincts oi the prison. Why are the top bunches in a box of rais- ins like hens in u. hay-loft? "l‘hey are the upper layer. Natural petralcum, deprived of its color and disagreeabfc odor without distillation and the aid of acids or alkalies, is what the Carbolinc is made from. As now improved and perfected it is a. beautiful preparation, and performs all that is claimed for it as a hair restomr. Testimonial from Mr. W. S. \Visner. of J. 0. Wisner 8:. Son, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements :â€" antiord, Ont. July 28th, 1882. J. N. Sutherland, Esq.: Dear Sirâ€"I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the eflicacy of vour Rheumatine. Last spring I was complete- ly disabled with Rheumatism. and tried various remedies. baths, etq., and ï¬nally heard of your cure. I purchased and used three bottles of it and it etfected a. complete cure. for I have not had a. return of the disease since. Yours truly. W. S. \VISNER. VEGETIXE has never failed to eff 001; a cure, giving tone and strength to the system de- bilitated by disease. Electric 01 not Eclectric Oil. The twofwords have very different Signiï¬cacions, as will be seen by references to “Webster. ’l‘he Eclectric Oil has no claim th Electric properties only by the picture on the wrapper. which looks like begging the question, The popularity of Briggs‘ Electric Oil issuch as to induce un- prinei led persons to appropriates.“ the law Willal ow them to do. The proprietors of the original Electric Oil have no claim to the Words Eclectric or Thomas; but to the words Brizgs’ Elcciric they do lay claim. by right, as they have made them of value to themselves. Some people object to' the practice of fee- iug the waiter, but does not the smiling morn tip the hills with gold ? Take Ayer’s Cherry I’ectoml to. stop our Colds. Coughs and Bronchial Aï¬ectionsbe- fore they run into Consumption that you can not stop. Calino is in deep mourning, “ Have you lost someone '3†a friend asks. “ Alas, no; it is my lease which has just expired 1 ’ EXCURSION STEAMER FOR SALE-â€" fastmmnin â€"bui1t last year in the strong- est manner for t 10 roughest water ; 92 feet long, 19 feet 5 inches beam, 6 feet 3 inches hold; low ressure engine 23 h. p., 22 inch cylinder and 6 eel: stroke; feathering puddles; easy on fuel; burns wood or coal. MACKINTOSH a? PET- ERS, Toronto. 5 9,000 cénvcnient terms, or would take m-rncr with not; less than $2,030, MACK[NT SH 8:, PETERS, Toronto. $W000 cï¬pvcnignt terms, ( .m Ann , “HANâ€-.. _ M.“ -_v-._ _, - 7 , , havin purchased patents of Telephones, which can 6 rented at reduced rates for private line purposes. parties desiring to obtain same will be furnished on application to the Company at its Head Ofï¬ce. Montreal, or to agents. or Manager of Ontario Department Bell Telephone 00.. Hamilton. '. 01“: R E S . . I Rheumatxsm, eural 1a, Solatlca, Lumbago, Backache, Headac e, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swelling» Sprain-.Brukel, Burns. Scnlds, from Intel, AND ALL OTHER BODILY muss AND AGNES. Sntdbv Druzzma and Denlenevnghen. me Canaan bottle. (Successor- lo stag}; brugghba and Deniers eve where. me Cents Direction! in 1), anguages. THE on itiE'BELL TE’ITEPHONE (:0. 911‘ CTNbe Io.<.o~>u Bulllnore. U. S. A. “ A. P.†104 Young men or middle aged ones, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weak- nesses should send three stamps for Part VII of \Vorld’s Dispensary Dime Series of books. Address WORLD’S MEDICAL Asso- ()IATION, Buffalo N. Y. 7 Mcix VIVhO have money to loan take the greatest possible interest in their business. "W omen and her Diseases" is the title of an interesting treatise (96 pages) sent, post-paid, for three stamps. Address WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo N. Y. “Blood will tell,†so be careful how yo u make conï¬dants of your relations. A Dead Shot may be taken at liver and bilious disorders with Dr. R. V. Pierco’s “Pleasant Pnrga’civc Pellets.†Mild yet certain in operation; and there is none of the reaction consequent upon taking severe anrl drastic cathartics. By druggists. You can hold a. onion more firmly than you can clutsh a hornet. Davy & Clank, Druggists, Renfrew, (late of June 3rd, write,†lurdock Blood Bitters though comparatively a new preparation, has taken the load in this locality as a. blood puriï¬er, our sales of it being equal to that of all other medicines used for the purpose during the last vear.†18. Vegetine Acadian Mines, N. S. June 11, 1880. H. R. Stevens. Esqâ€"Dear Sir: I consider it a duty I owe to invalids in general to testify to the great good Vegetine has done for me. had sufl‘ered for years irom various diseases; in fact, my whole system appeared to be affect- ed; was unable to stand erect, and scarcely able to walk. I tried almost everything I saw recommended without receiving any beneï¬t. I had several doctors and used their medicines, but they gave me up, saying that there was no cure for me. About this time my sister-in-law recommend- ed Vc etine to me (two bottles of which had cured er of Du. cpsia). I tried it, and, before 1 had ï¬nished ta ing the ï¬rst bottle. was able to do my housework, which I had not been able to do for several months. I have taken Vegetiue for Kidney 00m laint, General Dcâ€" bility and A‘er’vous Hea ache with equally good results. Have recommended it to neigh- bors,and know it to have efl’ected some wonder ful cures My husband has taken it for Faintâ€" ncss at the Stomach or Dyspe Sid, and he says “there is nothing as good gs V egetine.†u-r onnmm Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, General Debility,Nervousness, Headache, Faintness at the Stomach. Cincinnati. 0., April 9, 1877. Mr. H. R. Stevens-Dear Sir: I have used saveral bottles of Ve ctine for Dyspc sia, Ner- WON/371088 and Genera. chility, and can truly say I never had a remedy so sure in its effects, therefore I may recommend it to all sufferers. W. L. BELL, Walnut Hills, 41 Court-st. Mr. H. inpbevens, nuawu, Juana†Dear Sirâ€"I have been greatly troubled for a number of years with General chilitg and Ncrrousmsy, and after using two bottles ï¬nd myself very much relieved and I most cheer- fullv rrqcomimend Vegctinc to all who are m c‘vvvrtw‘171\n1 Luv“; m “mu-“.5 van) buy“. ._.. Yours truly, MrsiiVWISCOTT. Dyspepsia, Nervousness and General Debility. General Debility and Ner- vousness. Mr. H. 1;..Stweyé‘xms, x‘aoéï¬ixi. Ma‘ss - Vegetine 13 Sold by All-Druggists. I ‘ 1;; Va lelvlv vv Lnâ€. .V v-.__rv _‘ ï¬,, 1 livlace to get W'iro Cloth for Fanning Mills, etc. Window Guards and every description of wire work. PARTRIDGE & SABISTON. 116 Bay Street. Toronto. Just opened, the Â¥urgcst and ï¬nest assow N.B.~ 1211‘“ g l‘ ifdiibléd'zié I was. [VENUE]. UUVV‘V r Etc. \“v ‘ Send names of Instruments required 8“ and wewillgive price by 're- turn mail. City Pharmacy, 274 Yongc St, Toronto. E. A. SMITH, Proprietor. Rubber Belting, Rubber Packing, Rubber Hose, Rubber Boots and Shoes, Ru Rubber Goods of Every Description. The largest and only complete stock i _ ___A___ Aâ€"‘flr. ““ 1“?“ More than Two Million Feet Sold since 1870. This Hose can he Relied on for Long and Eï¬icient‘ Service. STEAM FIRE he hose is made of the ï¬nest quality of Rubber, and Cotton Duck of the grez rved from rot and decay by being charged with Cm‘bolic Acid. Thirdâ€"' Fourthâ€"The ends are hermetically capped, thus excluding all air and Ir elongating about 30 inches to 50 feet Section. ,_. __ __ n l 7â€. SPECIAL Amnxxmans. â€"â€"1<'irstâ€"â€"T Company. Secondâ€"It is effectually prese fully resist the force they are exposed to. or twist, but under pressure has the quality of or twist, but under pressure new um (luwuuy m “WWWâ€-.. “W.†- V We have the Largest and Best Equipped Rubber Factory in the World for tha Manufacture of Vulcanizedlndia Rubber Goods for Mechanical Purposes. LA__~ n-..L_A11:..~1\TAm1I-u nun‘rnf’n Iâ€"Tnnp. Pines. Cnmflinp‘a. Axes. Also Dealers and J obbers in all kinds of Fire Dc‘partmeut Supplies, viz. :-I‘rumpcts, Belts, Siamese Connections, Wrenches, Badges, Hats, Caps, etc. In fact everything appertaining to to submit Prices, Samples, etc. Just Arrived, ex S. S. Celtic from England and S, S. Neckar from Germany, a large and We also, a very handsome assortment of Wool-lined Rubber Lay Robes and Carriage Aprons, Spor WAREHOUSE-10 & 12 King-St. East, Toronto. m; ONTARIO W'IQEHVYQI} _s_ THE Secured to Manufacturers under Letters P Brockville. 91m. Mar. 24, 1880. 71‘. “SHERWOOD. The Gutta Percha and OBYN’S SURE CURE IS THE BEST remedy known for Catarrh. One dollar for single box, or three boxes for $2. C. PO M- EROY 8c 00., ' King~st, West. Toronto. M. ASHALL, WA’ ‘CIIMAKER AND Jeweler, 262 Yonge St... Toronto, has en- larged his premises. and greatly increased his stock of old and silver jewelry, plated wai‘e, cutlery, c ocks, watches. etc. Fine stock of Jet and garnet jewelry. Goods imported direct. Every kind ofjewelry repaired promptly, neat- ly, and cheaply. Sold 13):a11 druggists. The Rheumatine Man‘ ufacturing 00., St. Catherincs, Ont, Messrs- NorLlu-oprsarLyngan, W'holesa‘ Agts.‘y Toronto- In :ETéEone) rnAnevaAnn. (AFTER-)0. Positively cures Nervousness inlall its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Night Sweats, Barrenness, Weakness and General Loss of Power. It re airs Nervous Waste, re- juvenates the Jaded. ntellect. strengthens the Enfeebled Brain and restores surprising tone and vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex. m With each order for Twelve packages, accompanied with ï¬ve dollars. we will send our written Guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Pamphlet sent free by mail to any address. A- , .. _- “47A .1- -u: 1... Amuur uuuxc a Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by drug- gists at 50 cents per box. or I; boxes for $2.50, or will be mailed free of postage. on receipt of money, by addressing. Mack's Magnetic Medl- clnc 00.. Windsor. on!†Canada. Sold by all druggista in Canada, TORONTO! GO TO A. B. FLINT’S “A Merciful Man is Merciful to his Beast. compliamg’s ofï¬heumzltié nature, A +11 complaints of a Rheumatic nature, RHEUMATKNE is not a sovereign remedy for “all Hie ills that flesh is heir to," but for NEU- RALGIA, sgA'rxcg, RHEUMATISM, and A.B. Flint, 35 Culborne St. ’Mar‘éli‘s Magnetic ï¬ledicine. IT IS A SURE CURE: As soon as you arrive in Toronto THE GREAT GURE FSR Y GOODS. And buy all your MALTESE CROES BRAND. atent, Nos. 66, 5|8,99,936,|5l,4|8,|5|,5|9,|59,345- Ré-issue Nos. 3,842, 4,|48- ,agaiiis Wzï¬itcd: Belts, Coats, Boots, LanternS, Controlling Nozzles, Buckets, Hose Pipes, Couplings, Axes, cs, viz.:-I‘rumpcts, . > of Flre Departments. \Ve invite correspondence, and shall be pleased everything appertaining to the equipment n Germany, a large and Well-selected Stock of Rubber (tweed ï¬nish) Gontlemen‘s and Ladies’ Coats and Mantles- and Carriage Aprons. Sporismen’s Outï¬ts, etc. Hose, iï¬bbber Boots and Shoes, Rubber Clothing, Rubber Gloves, India, lamest and nnlv comnlete stock in the Dominion. Patent Garbolized 18118 Rubber Manufacturing Company, leLABQ [8â€"16 LADIES ! BEWAR 33;.“3‘3253339' corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets made by Crompton Corset Co. Toronto. TWELXE‘R LINE. Wait Till the Clouds Roll By. Pretty Little DarlingJ Love You. The latest popular songs in full size sheet music form. Price only ï¬ve cents per copy, or the three for ten cents. S. FRANK WILSON 33 wk 35 Adelaide street West. Jewellers & Silvel'smiflas, IMPORTERS OF FINE wATcHEs, DIAMONBS, cum & SILVEE JEWELLERY, FRENCH cLocKs, STERLING SILVEEWAEE, SILVERPLATED WARE, PRESENTATION PLATE. $531388! 60. Au Goods Guaranteed. Prices lower than any house in the trade. 0rders by mail promptly attend- ed to. J. E. ELLIS 8500. JOHN MAGDONALD & 00. They buy all their goods for Cash, therebv being enabled to purchase from manufacturers direct, and not from dealers. _ They buy at the very lowest prices, and get the cash discount. They buy in very large quantities. getting the additional allowance given to large New York and Chicago buyers in European markets, and also In manufacturers in this country. They buy all their goods by expert departmental uyors. who, buying for their special rooms only, bring to bear on, all lines bought, great attention, knowledge and exgertnes u. 4.. A.“ -L“ .A mud... nâ€. ....4.. A: Awhmmm 1n... .n ‘ ".1. u. .141 LA «manna The Reasons Why They are Enabled to Sell Cheaply: \VHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS, WOOLLENS, CARPETS AND FANCY GOODS, only, Dung u: L)an uu a... “um; guy-Bu" anâ€... "yummy", ...... Doing a. large trade, they are able to make thg: rate of expense low, w 1011 would be impossi- ble in a smaller trade, and selling largely, are satlsfled with a small proï¬t. vumv V"... n. the largely "creased volume of new business. ' ' ' h 'll‘éie proï¬t results for the past quinquennium have given the greatest satisfaction to our policy 0 ors. These proï¬t results have created some jealousy on the part of interested parties, who have adopted the quesllonnblc means of attacking this Association through the columns of TM I70- surancc Times of New Yer and by the circulation of that neriodicu and reprints and other anonymous communicatlons, at evidently considerable cost to the persons claiming to be (".8- lntercstcd friendsot 9111: poligy holders. ‘ W , ,1 A_A‘,L ‘~_ ‘:.‘.I n‘ _.. _........ n-5,. Lu} ‘1". n:"nfl"fl'ï¬- llllel'cslcu u-ncuua m. Uul yuuu uunnnn. These self-consumth publlc benefactors no doubt fancied they were safe, but the Directors know them‘ and to-day a writ for libel has been issued against the ï¬rst batch of three, who will be afforded ample opportunity to prove their slanderous statements or take the consequences. The; others wjll have attg'ntign a course. W,“ A; u,‘ a nuA nus (“unnku hm hrn- 1118 Quiet» wui nuvu awcuuvu u. uuo vvulov. This Association can afford to submit to the fullest investigation, and the directors are pre- pared to give good reason for any act of theirs which may be called in question. As the statements made against the Association will be dealt with before a Court of Law the Directors, for the present. simpi state that in every essential particular the charges made by The Insurance Times and circu ated in this countr , are untrue. . J. K. MA DONALD, Managing Director C. 1.. A. Goo. King 85 Yongo Sto. Toronto, The Directgors have greaj pleasqre in gocqgnizing the growing popularity of the Association in Toronto; December 11th. 1882. King and Yonge sts., Toronto. Confederation Life Association. Manson“! (The oldest house in the Trade) MAN UFACTURING g ENGNE HOSE. ï¬e ’nsmb ’shea 1836. Presidentâ€"SIR W. P, HOVVLAND, 0.13., K.C.M.G. Vch’resz'dcnls-HON. \VM. MCMASTER AND WM. ELLIOT. ESQS. PUBLISHER, llluâ€"LIAV yum- -. - ___ and moisture from “$6an Ducku.’ FifthHThe hose W111 not contract Departments in Canada, and universally acknowledged to be the Most; Economical Fire Hose Made. eatcst possible tensile strength, woven for the exclusive use of this â€"The ends are made extm geayy, aggygtreggthened so as to success- This brand is now in use in all the principal Fire TORONTO. BRACE UPâ€"Your system ’for work. ZOPESA, the new Dvspepsia and Liver Remedy, at- tends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bot- tles 10 cents ; large bottles 75 cents. Offer the largest and ï¬nest assortment of Mir- rors in the Dominion, in WALNUI.‘ 86 GOLD 85 EBUNYKL GOLD 40 X 24 x 30 x 36 x 36 x EWING 81 00., MIRRORS I Old and young should use “TEABERRY, Then your laugh may be quite merry Fragrant Breath shall pass your lips, And your Teeth shall pearls eclipse. ï¬nely carved. Fitted with best British Plate E) x 40 - - - $25 10 $40 9 X 50 - - - - 35 to 56 I) x 48 - - - 45 to 85 l x 72 - - » - - 80 lo 120 1 x 72 - - - 35 to 65 0 72 - - - - 45 to 75 x 6 x 81 - - - 60 to 100 EWING- & GO- 68 KING ST» WEST- ‘, J1°., Manager. 60 to 100 70 lo 120