TORONTO. Mail. Ciny 5m“. 7. Union Station vs. a. Brock Street. 8.10. I Quedn‘a Wharf anmmrket \m‘om, Kinrz, .. chmrwo HILL. T‘mvnhul, H Weston. MRTHER? TORONTO “Wston, .'.. ï¬â€˜wnnnnrh, va‘mhla. .. P"Cmmmï¬s with 11.11 trains, leaving, the Palmer House. Riahmond Hill, as: follows: Mn“ 62 Express. North & South. 8.00, 9.. m. Acuommnr‘lmtion‘ " “ 2.00, “ Exnrqss, North 5.00, p. m. Mail. South .. 7.30, “ Until further notina ‘Jails will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post 011190 as follows:â€" MORNING :anin'! North. south, East anal W'aa‘v, in'flunlin: 'I'hornhfl], M fle,’I‘n-‘nnto, Bflflihfl'lLvSZ". 7&5. Emmxe zâ€"G-xin'z souflLEust and West (st above) - (3.00 ’91. B.--Reziste"~,d Imtfors must be handed in at least ï¬fteen MHon Pmrlier than the above mensimwd hours fur 01¢ {Km-numb HILL, FRIDAY, Jan. 5, 1883 nichmmnl Hill cmy brunt a gnarl Tory Council. solid throughout, while Markham and Vuughnn have'to put up w1th clear Grit; tickets.‘ The Sunday School in connection with St. Maxy‘s Episcopal Church here, wentfor their annual Sleigh drive on Wednesday ,last. Their destination was: Auabm. A very pleas- awt time was spent by t-‘ue young people and. some of the old ones. The Councils. -â€"1883. â€"-Jmm:ary. â€"Carmvnl on Friday night. Christmas trade. '1 he, Christmas trav‘le done thin year by our Richmond Hill merchants has been largely in excess of any previous year. ‘ u’ The ’l‘hornhill Melhndist Sunday School, headed by Rev. J. \V. ‘l‘otten, passed through this village on m ir nmuml drive, on Tuesâ€" day. The} were n juilv creW, apparently. -as they mmle the air resonant with music and cheering. SIESMPJ Patty Sugday: Schoo} siexgh drive. O. Bnrtle, of {\‘Ianchester. Ontario 00; N. Y; writes: “I uhminud immediate re lief from the use of Dr, Thnnms’ Eclectric Oil. I have had asthma. for eleven years. Have boat] obliged to sit up all night for ten or twelve nights in succession. I can now sleep soundly all night on a feather bed, which I lmd not been able to (10 previously to usng the Oil. Mrs. D. Morrison, Fnrnhum Centre, P. Q writing almnt Dr. Thomns’ Eclec- tric Oil, says: Gam'ue Bell used it on his son, and it cured him of rheumatism with only a applicatiuns. The balance of the bottle was used by an 01d gentleman for Asthma, with the best results. It acts Ilka a charm. ‘ (“asme ....V homhm. LICHMOXD HILL, Ling. .. .. . m. H ewmurkon Tammy, \Vickie and willie Trench, sons of Dir. \Vm. Trench, were out driving on Tnésday, when by same means the two former were thrown from the cutter just smzth of the village and the horse tat-arth off at a lively p'wce with little \Villie in it alnne. Mrl Trench havpen- ed to be on the street and hv n. daring efl'ort managed to get hold of the horse which he stopped in front of the LIBERAL ofï¬ce. Nnnn nf them were seriously in- jured, we bellPVG. Millons Given Away Millons of bnffles of Dr. King’s Newv‘Dis- cnvery for Cwnsumptiun' Coughs and Colds, have been given away as Trial Bottles of the large size. This enormous outlay would be disastrous tn the prop- rietors,were it not fur the rare merits possessed by the wonderful medicine. Call at R. E Law’s, Richmrmd Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & Cn’s, 'l‘hnrnhill. W Entrance Examinations. The fullowing M‘s the names of those who were successful at the recent En- franca Exmninntviou held in Richmond Hill High Schvul. Maximum marks, 560 Minimum required for passing, 280: Name. ]. Forester, C. Pï¬â€˜BaTflï¬â€˜S $335355 M? E m; Queeri's \Vth B 'owk Street Un'mn S"a.ti<m.. City Hall WEST P ï¬t A’ - ,wav‘f G01NG NORTH. GOING SOUTH, A nplll out. EV‘W'S. “8. am. .R.l7. 10,03 10,10 FY, Poatmnï¬tm‘. $0110.01. w Ma Gonnley, No I King, 2 years 9w 3: was; {*5 Accom Expr's 11.45. 4.55 11.52. 5.0:} 12.00. 5.10. 12.10 . 47. $3.57. 1440. 1 .55. 2.25 Marks. 329 Consumption is a. disease contracted by a. neglected mildâ€"how Imcassau‘y then that we should at once got the be»: cure for Coughs, Culds, Lm'ynzihis, ‘md all diseases 0f the Throat and megs,â€"-nue of the most. popular medicines for thcsa cumpluints "is Northrup &, Lynmns’ Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hym- hwphites of L‘me snd Soda. Mr. 1“. J Snnch, Druggist, Dunm‘ille, writes : “I gives general satisfacuun and sells splen- didly.†Annual Mceting. The annual meetng of the Richmond Hill Refurm Assaciation which, HCCOX‘dHH-J, to constitutitm‘ï¬hnuid have .bcun held this (Friday) evening, has been puslpun» ed until next. Friday evening, 12m list... to be held in the ofï¬ce vi the President, J. M. Lawrence. We trust there will be u fuii attendance, as it. is not. unly elect- ion of ofï¬cers but deil‘gateu t0 Hm Reform Cunventiou on the 16m will the“ be ap- pointed. The old year was played out; and the new one p[uyed in by our band. which not only chimed in its hurmauy with the town anM church hells. but after doing so visitnd the residences of die newly elez-tod Reeve and Councillors whom they serenaded. together with the retiring Reeve. From before twulvu o'clock on New Years eve until almost any» linhc New Years morning the village was resowned with the music of our excellem band. A vary pleasant intruducuon to the Nev? Year to those who were not troubled )viLh an over dose of Bleepiness. Christmas in Richmond Hiii. This day of festive days passed off very quietlv in our usually stirring: Viiiugf‘, owing to the weather being unusually mild and the rapid disappearance of snow for several days before. Skating. which is one of the popu- 141‘ amusements ( four town, was at 9. d1.» count and about ail the amusement of the day was picking the turkey and goose bones and scraping the plates after plum pudding. In the evening there appeared to ho sorm attraction in the direction of the Melhmlist Church. "here itwvus that Santa Clam proposed making: his visit of the sensun, ii having been announced tlnt the teachers and scholars of the C. M. Sunday School Would have a. social gnthm‘ing, and that San‘n would, on that (mansion, distribute his Christmas gifts from a “ Jucohs Ladder," instead of the old timed Christmas Trev. The “ Murry Day " Was made all the merritr to the young foil: by, the anticipation and wondering what lhe ancivnt olrl gentleman. Father Christmas, Kriss Kringle, Saint." Chins, or \VllllM‘Vl'l' he i; (called, had pruviil» ed for them. The olheers of the school hun‘ requvstetl that a few nf tho purents and friends woumi put in an appenmnce, so that a contribution of ten cents would defray the expenses incin'reil, but lung before the. tinn- the doors wore hesivgel by young expectnnts and nonâ€"expectanta, who. of churse, did not expect to get uny,yet_wouhl have had elm]- gnted faces if noyoxua lmd made an agent at Santa Claus and sent them a token of re. memhrnnce. 0n -ulrnis.~i<m the great curing- ity was Jacob’s Ladder. Two 10m: ladders. bracing each other, forming a gothic over the platform, and reaching almost to the loftv ceiling of the School Room, lmautifully decorated with evergrwvna, on which Wns artistically urmnued mores 0‘ things cm:- fortuble and hundreds of thinga beautiful, gifts for the rich and gifts for the puor m gifts for granupa, uncle and aunnyâ€"â€"gifts for grandma, nuuliv and sissyâ€"gins cestly null in such rich prof'udon that we dare not enunmmte lest we pranke the envy of thosv who Were not there to gaze and admire. Proceedings were opelml by singing " TheI Royal Proclamation and prayer by Rev. P. Addison, succezderl by other Christmas Hymns smd n recvutiuu by a. little g1rl,--- “ Krip‘s Kingle’s Vi>it." One of the interest- ing events of the evmiag was the plesentll- ion made by the sclmlms of the Bitle Clms to th! ir teacher, Mrs. AJJison, c~nsi¢ting of a bcnuliful, hand pnintvd set of china. zw- compnnied by tho following addrnss, read on bnhnif 01; the class by Helena. Wi!ey : â€" DEAR MRS. ADDISON.-â€"The members of your Bible Class have taken ad Vantage of this auspiciom senuon to convoy to you our heart-fell; “ashes for your health and happi- nesq, and also to give expression to our love and appreeinlion uf your untiring efforts. to lead us in that. path in which alone true happiness is town]. We feel sure that, the " Bread Ilms oust upon the waters†will he fnuud, It may be after many (luvs. but it. will surely sum» 1; gain in our Father’s gum] time. and We hope the good dorm by you in this class max; add to the brightness of that imperis‘nuhle crown prepared for all who love His nppezsr- mg. In cnnclusi-‘m, we offer for your acceptance this slight. tokm of remembrance, hoping: that when the loving ties which unite us here Hl'r, brnken, we may continue to hold :1 place in your prayers and your love. Mr. Addison Repliud for Mrs. Adzlison, rxpressiun lur uppwcialion and thanks for so vulunb’e u tvnkr‘n of regard and ester. 4 Anothur of the interesting events of the of the evoningwns the presenintion to M15; me Hawimn, through the aggncy of Santa, of {malpgantpxlt'se com mining nhnut 335, dcnated by Illa memhers of the congregation in recognition of her ser\'i0.PR as organist of the chum-,1]. Whileilm attention of the children was otherwise engaged, Santa Ohms tried: to slip behind the scenes, but sharp eyr-s caught sight of him ‘and the wiioli- audience W18 convulscd with laughter at the comical ap- pczumice of this benm'ulnnt old gentleman. well ï¬tted up with all the lrmli'iomil char- ncmrislic . Santa, now theobserved of all nbscrvers, with jukes amt witticiams began at the foot of the ladder to distrihnte the contents of his budget, not forgetting even the forgotten, and as he ascended higher and yet higher, he dropped welcome memevtos of his visit to y ~mg and old. 'A gpiiem] distribution of “ swéet vur1eties †concluded thc entertainment and the large :zrtlhei'ing of our citizens and their younger bi'inches returned home hoping that thcv might live mm: enough t ~ no‘ain Witness Santa Uluns' liberality from “ Jacob‘s Ladder.†New Yearsâ€"Rlchmond Hm. ' [Mm-y my; Miss The ï¬rst day of 1883 was spent by Rich- The Board adj mend Hillinns in a very fxstive mam-23‘ 019'}??- the‘chililï¬ Old and New Year. The weather was bright and beautiful. all that could be desired. the slu‘ghing was good and everything went off chiming. During the day dies of sleighing parties glided to and fro and many made our village their destination. Tho Skating Rink was 9. great centre of attraction, During the afternoon and evening it qu crowded to its utmost capacitymnd all scorned to enjoy the “ Merry Glide " with the utmost zest. To- wards evening the village Seemed all alive with bustle and preparations are bving mode for the grand event. of the day, the Firemens’ Grand Torchlight I’rocession and display of ï¬rs: works, which was to he succeeded by a grand Firemens‘ Concert. The procession was ono of the ï¬nest displays that has been witnessnd in our village for a long: time. The lichmond Hill Fire Brigdo and the River- side Fire Brigndu assembled at the Fire Hail nt 6 p. 1n._ and at. 6.30 a gmnd procqssion of the two Brigith was got into line. before the engine and reel, which were. gqiiy decormt-d with evergrvens, Chitwne hump,quL 620. The procession «as a long one and each man in uniform, the Bivvrside Brigade wear- ing red jackets and hamlets and Richmond Hill Brigade wenrnn: dark jackets and hol- Inezs, ani each hvaring a torch. the whole headed by the Richmmid hill Brass Band. In this form the procemiun marched through the viilnue, and was wit-nomad by hundreds ‘ of pmple, who unanimously pronounced it l the ï¬nest ni>play ever seon in Richmond Hill. The splendor was incronsed by a bean- tiful display of ï¬re works; during the pro- cession. After the. yrocessinn they repain-d to the Masonic Hall whom the Riverside Brigade furnished a splendid concert pro- prummo. the only home talent being a read- ingz by Mrs. Amos J. Wright. The. concert was prmiounoed a decided success, evm-y- body being plansnd. and the ï¬remen roalizing about $75. The Itiversida Brigmlp lire de- serving of much c~redt rw t‘nsw p'lid all their (:Wn vxiwn‘ws, and gave the conuert in aid of tho funds of the Richmond Hill Brigade. They nrv an Pnthusiuslic lot of ml 11 and one of the ï¬nest Brigades in the County. School Board. The Board met on the 2‘2ud of Dec, at 9:30 a. m. President in the chair. Members present, Messrs. SwixZur, Bnylu, Trench, Brown, Te-efy, Duncan and Cruabx'. Minutes of previous meeting; were read and conï¬rmed. The President stated the object Hf call- ing the meeting on such short nutice 'l‘hc Sen-remry sum-d that Mr. Smith hml nccvpfwl Che [unitinn n1" Ass’t High Schm») Twaclmr and that, Miss Bustin had “ecline‘i to accept. as First Ass’t. Public buhnnl Teacher. : Mr. Brown, secnnded by Mr. Teef , un-vud that. Miss Keefler'a nppIICHEIQn negopterll . mm'm xnvafmlnzlmen!- tl..c t ’9 Secretary be instructed to advertise, two insertions in Giobe and A1111, fur a. teacher, ex- x‘erimucu preferred, applications to ha in by the 29:11 inst. Tim muendment was carried. The Cmuumtwu appointed to atmnge for mlvumslng Hugh Schme reported and temlux's were laid before 1he Board, for a prnrpectus and advenising as f-Illuws: frum M 1-1 Kcr'flt’l', proprietor of Herald, 315W; frnm J A Stewart, proprietor of LIBERAL, $4.75 The Burll‘d then adjourned until 29th of Dcc. , 1882. The Board met on the 29th of Dec., at 2:30 p. In. Mr. Marsh in the chair. icmbel's present, Rev. I. Campbell. News. Switzer, Savage, Teefy and James. ' The "mum! reports of the ‘High and Public Suhnols were signed. The Secretary read the minutes of previpus meetings, whlch wel'ï¬prunuuucâ€" ed cnrxect. CInmunnicatimm were received from D. Fobheriugham, his inability to attend the meeting (If the Board; frmn J. S. Smith, Ass’t. ,High School Master, saving his inabilitv to do the work re- quired uf him, and oifnring to resign 0n canditinn of him receiving one month’s salary, be having bee thran out nf a. siiimliun fur the ensuin-gyenr; an accnnnb from C. Mason fur $8 (15; from the Head Master an account for incidensz for $314. Mr 'I‘eefv‘ seconded by Mr. Boyle, mgyml 9le the ahuvg acs’ls be paid. The Sx-crctary reml applications with tvstimuuinls for the posiliun of Assistant Public Suhuul Teacher frum Nellie Arnold, [Izu‘ris'mn Mzu'i‘vu Huniltmm, ’I‘urnntu; Marion Dickey, Brighton; Annie Pllking- um, Oak Ridges; S. E Barrinatnn, To- runtu; and Mary J. McFue, of Whitevnle. M r. lenpbcll, secuud MI by Mn. 'l‘eefy, moved that; the apphcution (of Miss Dickey bu nucepied. Mr. Switzer. seconded by Mr. Marsh, innvexl in mnendment that thwapplication of E‘y‘liis AI‘Inmilmu be ucpepted. The Sicrctary was asked to again read applications of the above two applicants with testimonials. ’l‘he Secrotuty read the applications. ' ()1: putting the amendment; the vote was a. tie. > The chairman having a. casting vote de- cir‘ed in favor of Miss Hamilton. The coimmmicnlion from Mr. Smith was then taken up. “ Mr. Crosby, se-conded by Mr. Savage, moved that Mr. McBride be heard on the matter. Mr. McBride then gave the an accoun an intuniew with Mr. Smith. Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Marsh, mowed that we accept the resignation of Mr. Smith and allow him one month’s salary, and re~engnge Mr. Ellimt‘ at the salary nf $550, and the offer uf the Head Master to contribute $25 towards main- taining; the efï¬ciency of the school be ac» cepred. Yeasâ€"Messrs. Marsh: Savage, James, ani Crosby. ‘Iâ€"iï¬ay;;iï¬Ã©s§r3. Boyle, Campbell and TaffyijAnrriieid. Moved by Mr. Crosby, seennded by Mr. Savage, that the Chairman and Sec- retary give Miss Marsh a. testimeï¬ial. The Board adjourned to meet; Aat the Mr. 1m socnnded ll eef , A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Ready Made Cloth- mg away ahead 0f afl. ‘ Leading Article. MRS. HARRISON, RICHMOND HILL. A Card given with § 1b. of Tea. A Book with everyponnd. _ A Handsome Volume. your own choice or a beautiful Album, wnh every 3 lbs. The Girls’ Annual or Good Words with 6 lbs. U-QUOR TEA Sunday at Home, or Leisure Hours, with 9 lbs. CHILDREN’S TOYS, Xmas Cards. MRS. HARRISON, F AN CY GOODS, Dec. 13, ’82~3m. Buckleu’s Arnicn ï¬zllve. Best Salve in the World fut Outs, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum, Fever Sores, Tether, leapped Hands, Cliilblnins, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and Positivily cures Piles. In is guarantevd to givv perfect satis- faction, at money refunded. Price 25 cents p9! box. For sale by R. E. Law, Richmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & (70., 'l'lwrnhill. A week made at home by the indw- urious. Best business before the pub- , lic. Crmital not “cede '. We will « warn you Men, women, boys, anal girls want-e 1 everywhere to work for us. New is L110 time. You can work in spare time, ur gn'e yourwhole time to the business‘. Ixo other hnsi~ nest; will pay vou nearly as well. No one can 1:111 to make enormous pay. by engaging at on' ' Costly outï¬t and lax-ms free. Money made fast. easily and honorably. Address len 62 Co. Augusta, Maine. *[3 you are a. woman and want health a.‘ (1 hot utv, remember that all snps-rï¬oiul o ort- to increase your personal charms a.e \‘ain. Freshness and bumty accom- pa y health. and to secure this Mrs. Lydia. E. Pinklmm’s remedies for all fem-Ila wealmmsos ()fl’er the surest means of renovation. The highest intelligence loses its lustre when it; must ï¬nd 9xpress- 1'4 n through a. b‘llinus couxluexiun. G001 for either sex. ' ' Every Department at THE CONCRETE fully stocked for the holiday season with the best goods in the market, Those who wish to procure nice presents for their friends will ï¬nd THE CON- CRETE just the place. T E CONCRETE is the best place to get everything you want at the correct price. Glass Sets, China Tea. Sets, Lamps. Mottoe Cups, &c., a. very ï¬ne assornment. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Peels Essences fresh and lower than ever. THE CONCRETE HOUSE, ï¬ï¬Pé§E8§i@%%§ï¬Y Selling at Prices that cannot be Excelled. A- MERRY XMAS TO ALL: OPPOSITE MASONIG HALL, RICHMOND HILL. Men’s, Yonth’s and Boys’ o}vercnats. Men’s, Youth‘s and Boys’ suits Grocaries, BELOW TORONTO PRICES. A good assortment of Always on hand. And the best RGHMOND HLL. IS THE 8 lbs. of the hem. [Rio Coffee for $1.09; AGENT. THOROUGHLY . REM. SAW MILL Cheap er Rates TIMBER Taken In EXCHANGE. SAMUEL MAGER. CUSTOM , SAWWG, 5n t, life is uweepmgï¬v, go and dare | 4’3 , mfoye you die, something mighty and g? amvlnne leave behind to ccuquertime. ~‘(JU a week in vnur own tom). 35 cumin rev No risk. Evel ding new. Capital not: ruquiwd. W0 will furnish you evrn'miug. Many am n‘mking fortunes. Ladies make at; much as menmud boys and girls In ake grunt pay. Reade) if you want business at which you can make .\ 'out pay all the time,write for pmticulmu to H. HALLETT & C0.. Portland. Maine. I people are always on the lookout for a *hances to increase their m,rnin;.s, it’mml in time become Wealthy ; these who do not imprm'a their 0 ‘nortunh ties rezmmx m poverty. We offer a great Nuance to mulm money. We want munv mom “omen. Do '9 and girls to work for us rizzht in the-1r Ju- vali'oies. Any one am) do the work properkv {run the ï¬t st mm; The business wil pnyhn tin on nrrlium-y warms I‘IXIMHMVO I‘m nisl, ï¬ll free. No mm who engugrs falls to makt monev mpufly. You can devote your “11010 tn wt) to tho wo‘k. 01‘ only vm'r ware moments, I‘u'J imor- muLiox. nnvl 21.11 that is needed Bent free. Address Stimson & Co. Pnr‘ulzmd. Maine. Mr R. U. Wiulnw, Toronto. writes: "N ) mhmp S; Lym'rm’s Vegetabln Dis- cove y is 2; valuable medicine to all who r trunth wiuh Indigestion. I tried a botcle of it after suffering for some ten w am, and the results are certainlv beyond my expectatiuns. It; assists ditrestlon wonderfully. I digest my fend with no apparent. effort, and am now enï¬w lyfree frnm that sensation. which every dy =p¢=ptic well knows, of unpleasant fuluen “th1. ach meal. ' To all who will favor us with their WE ARE IN A POSITION TO Dec 8th, ’82--3m. Than can be done elsewhere. HAVING BEEN AT BEPAIRED. Proprietor.