9 Owen Away . )«We cannnlihelp yï¬icing the liberal off- . nu... v“... . “nu nu \uL' F} made to all insâ€"alids mid sufl'erers by mx'Kinq's New Discovery for Consump- tion. You are requested to call at R. E. 'lmw’s, lichmond Hill, and T. A. Hewibt & Co’s, Thornhill, Drug Stores, and get. a. Trial Bottlmfree of custjf ymn are snif- nring with C- wsumptinn. Severe Cnnghs, Colds, Asthma, Rnnchists, Hay Fever, Lass of Vuiua, Huarsuuess. nr any affect- ?éuu nf the Thrown: Lungs. I‘. wiinnxit- ij'BEyJ cpl-e yuu, ' Aurora “Old Guard" The Kews says that about one hundred 'Ieformers of Aurora and vicinity known as the “Aurora Old Guard†headed by an excellent band vislmd Bradford one eveninglast week, when a very pleasant, social evening was snent with a large number nf their brethren there, in Hie Town Hall. The Anniversary Services in connection with the G. M. Church. Victoria. Square, will he held on Jan. 14th and 15111 as mllows :- Sermons on Sabbath, Jan. 14th at 10:80 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., by the Rev. I. Tovelle. of Toronto, and at 2.30 p. m., by. Rex. Mr. James, of Tomntn. On Monday. Jam, [5“), dinner will be served from 410 7 p. 131. Ad- misuion, adults. 30cm, children, 20ets. Anniversary Services wxll be held in ï¬le U. M. Church. Teston, on Sabbath, Jan‘ 1.10.11, by Rev. M. B. Comon. On the follow- ing Monday a grand ovster supper will he served from 5 to 7 p. 11)., after whiv-h ad- dresses will be delivered. Tickets, 25 cents. children. 15 cents. Send pasta] card. with name and address plainly written, to H. F. McNtu, Genera] Travelling Agent, St. Paul, Minneapolis .3: Manitoha R. 11., 28 E. FrontStreet. Toronto- Ont., fnr full partlcnlars and oectiounl map of North Dakota Country. See advertise, smeut. On Wednesday of last week the children in connecton with Aurom C. M. Sunday Schnol had their annual sleigh drive, when they visited our Village and had tea in the lecture room of the ' Methodist church here. Grip Iamems Que change in the managing odxtorship of the Globe, for the reason that the face of the presrmt managing editor is not nearly so pretty {mm a caricaturists point. of view as was that of the late man- aging editor. ‘ The County Cuuncil will meet on the 23ml inst. when the Warden will be elect.- kzd fnr the ensuing year. Reave Mm‘ritt 70f Norm GwiliimBury is spoken of as the yrobable 1mm. -â€"A barn on the 4th Con of Whitchurch was totally Wrecked by the weight of snow on the met a short. time since â€"â€"Tiave Anmm'l Convention of the Markham T<waygjljp S. S. Aasociatin will. MWWehhlflï¬t church Markham var.“ “Village on the ViSLVl-lgr-I‘ti Elé‘t-l-lvinst‘ â€"Mr. Ellis. foreman 70f drip oflice gave a supper to his employes on Satur- day evening. â€"-Lnskn,y Division Sons of Temperance Laid a very successful entertainment on New years day â€"â€"Ar.rnrn. has had 30 births, 10 Marr- iages and 12 deaths during the year. â€"â€"'l‘he \nmml dinner of Lhe 1Jark‘lmm farmers†Club will be held in Markham on the 16th inst. _ pntfl further notice Mails will be closed at the Rmhmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Monumezâ€"Going North.sou1h, East and West, including 'I'hornhill. Maple, Toronto, Markham , 850. 7.45., EVEXING:â€"»Going south. East and West (as " above) 6.00 N. B.â€"Rezintered Letters must be handed in Flftee Minutes earlier than the above ....I 2.. Newmarket, Ant-om, King, lawman» MLL‘ Thomhill, Weston, Dmvenport, ‘ Pwrkria‘e. TO‘RONTO Connects with all trains, leaving the Emma, Richmond Hill, as follows: TM ail dc Express, North & South. . . Acmmumdatioax‘ “ ‘ " Express, North M'nil. South GIVING) me imai. YORONTO. Mail. Givy Hall. ~ 7.55. fluiou Statxcn 8.03. Brock Street. 8.10. Queen’s Wharf ...... Parkdale. .. . Davenport, . \Vestnn, .1. . "8.30. ’l‘homhill, ......... . . .u “8.52 RICHMOND HILL, King ...... m. RICHMOND HILL. FRIDAY, Jéï¬r‘n. 12, 1883 NORTHERN B‘ B. TIME TABLE. PROBTOR’S STAE’J‘E LINE Queen's Wharf Brock Street ‘ 9 55 Union Station 1003 City Hall 10.10 POST OFFGE NBTIGE. Anmversary. §ervices Anniversary Servxces A Lamentation. ET MIME. County Council ‘. Sleigh Dnve GOING SOU I‘H, GOIN G NORTH Mail. A( 7.55. #8335. ,..1%.55. “9.07, M. 'IfEEFY, Poatmnster. Accom Expr's 11.45. 4.55 11.52. 5.03 12.00. 5.10. Accom‘ Mnil 12.05. 5146. 12.17; 12.47; 1157. 1.50. 2.10 2.18 1.40 ‘zmu. run- Palmer 9.12, 5.184 School Opening The High and Public Schmls in this piacP- opened on Monday. Two new Teachers are on the Staff, viz;. Mr. A. H. Watson B. A., Assistant Master in the High School and Miss Hamilton, First Assistant in the Public School. Miss Hamilton, however has found a substitute in the pnrsmi of Miss Owens, for four week. while she prepares for a higher grade) certificate than she now holds. The attendance is large. In the High Schnoi. through the lmtiring efforts of the head Master, the Mtendmwo is greatly incrrmsethem being eighteen new pupin this term. In the Puhhc Schools the utter:- dance is also larger than {More hulidng's. As a rule we do not recommend P’atent Medicines, but when we know ol one that. really is a. public benefactor, and does lmsxtively cure. then we consider it, our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bin-era are truly a, most valuable medicine'aud will surely cure Biliousness, Fever,1mdTAgue,Scom:tch,Liver and Kid- ney Complaints. even when all other rem- edies fail. We know whereof we speak, and caurecnmmend them tn all.â€"-Exch., â€"~Suld m. 5,0 cts a. bottle by RA E' Law, Richmovd Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & Cm, Thornllill. The Carnival held on the Skating Rink on Friday of last week was not very largel) attended. though the weather was favurahle and the ice in good condition. The coil.- umes were good‘ though few in number. The characters were as follows: Miss J. Wileyâ€"Guam Two Suoes; Miss Libkie Scalesâ€"Winter ; Miss H. leeyâ€"Dame Tron; Miss Fanny Brownâ€"A Nun; Miss (in, Dunieisâ€"Glpsy; Miss S. J. Gabyâ€"A Witch; Geo. Derryâ€"Attila“ 0. Stureyâ€"Brig'nnd; O. Wihyâ€"i Match Girl; John Nagyâ€"Red Headed Wood-pecker; B. Savageâ€"Uncle Tom. ALmeeting of the Reform Association of the Township of Vaughan is cafled, by the Pxesident, to be held at the Town Hall, on buturday, Jun. 13H), '83, at 1:30 p. 111., to cnoose delegates to attend a. (Jonvuntion to be held in Parkdale on the 16th inst., for the purpose of selecting a candidate to cont.th the riding at the coming elections of the Local Legislature. Time of notice was too short for the Secretary to issue posters, but he sent a large number of pasta“ curds Io various parts of the Township. Blbeical Prize Essays. Mrs. Addison, Lenaher of the Bible Class in the Methodist Sunday School in this village, has oflercd {our prizes for competit. ion by any of the scuuluru iu the school, for the best Essay on the life of our Saviour Item the Iusaitutian of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper until the Ascension. A ï¬rst and second for the girls and a ï¬rst and wand for the boys. The Essays are to be placed in the humus of the Superlutendeut L0 be forwarded to the judges by the ï¬rst. day of April next}. *lf Mrs. Lydia E. Piukham has not really dlsCOVtH‘bd the; Elixir Vitae. wliiuli Lhe ancient Alohcmiots sought by so much patient, research and pesistam ex- periment, her medicine seems, at last, Likely Lo cuiuumud an immense sale and univursal popularisy in the future. 7 1f rapid program and eminent success film 1311 basis tor a correct judgineiic,Mi's.Pmk ham is a. most. promising competitor for such honorable distinction as the alchem- ist failed to achieve. We have been favorel with trial, packages of Lands fumnus l’riza Teas, by Mrs. Soules, who is agent for Richmond Hill and viuiu- ity, anu masL pronounce them of unsurpass- ed flavox'aud quality, and can recommend them to any wishing good teas. One of the leading beauties of Luut's lens is that with every half pnuud and over there is a. hand- some prize given, your own choice of a. very ï¬ne selecumx. Mrs. Soules will be most. lmppy to give you full particulars if you call. Mr. B E. Ruggiua, Beamsville, writes' “ A customer who tried abottle of Nort- rup d:1_.yman’s Vegetetable Discnvery says ins the best thing he ever used; tn, quote his own words, ‘ in just seemud to much the spot afl'ucted.’ About, a year ago he had an acme: of billious fever and was in fur another when I recummedea this valuuble. medicine with such happy results.†‘ Au inexplicable postal mystery occured in Vuughuu a short time since. The Secretary of the Vaughan 'l‘p. Reform Association sent out notices for a. meeting, prepnying them with a. half cent mtqu each, winch, we be- lieve, was the postage required. Some of them reached their destination, and thu day beford the meeting about forty of them re- turned m m tue Dead Letter ofï¬ce. It looks as if mischief was at the bottom of the aï¬air, and it should be looked into. ‘ The Richmond Hill Band is inaugurating somethmg new in the line of Carnivals, in this viciuily, wmch it is hoped will prove a. Success. They intend holding 3 Prize Car- nival on Tuesday evening next, 16th lost, at which theyï¬ill give 810 in prizes to the best acted characters represented by costume â€"â€"a 85 t’how Album to the best lady char- acter, and 83 and $2, in cash, to the best gentlemen characters. With every bottle of Dr. Carson’s Pul- monary Cough Drops. 3. sample bottle is give free of charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you are not satisï¬ed with its elfect,you can return the large bottle. to your dealer who will refund themulmy. Thousands can testify to its prompt, act.- luu cuiiug Coughs, Uolds, Broucluts ect. If you suï¬er. try them. Price 500% a bottle. Sold by all Uruggists. In made me feel like a “Band of Music, ’ was the rather forcible express- ion of an individual who was praising “ Pecturin" the great remedy for Coughs and Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma. Brmz- chists. It is safe, pleasant and effectual. If you sulfur, try it. For sale dy all Drug- gists and general dealers. at 25 cents a bottle. Worthy OfPraise A Postal Mystery. Prize Carnival. Laut’s Tea. Carnival. Notlce. I Mr. J. Elliott, formerly Ansiatnnt I Suhnnl Mnemr here, in now engaged "a . lish Maatm- in Caledonia High ,Schoul I salary; 0; $560 pm anaum. Mr. A. H. W'ntson. B'. A., of Fee]. is now engaged as Amman: Master in Richmond Hill High School, Mr. J. J. Pearson, Regisfral' of North York. was in town last Wednesday and gave us a cull. Miss Bella Graham has been visiting her friends here for the past week. York Winter Civil Assizcs. The York Winter Civil Assizss opened at the Court. House at one o’clock on \Vednesdny, 3rd inst... Mr. Justice Cam- eron presiding. There is a large number of cases to come up for hearing. The ï¬rst. case called was that of Ellis V. \Nhite This was a case brouzzht by \Vm. Ellis, of the Township of Vaughan, 3- gaiust Joel White. who resides near that place to recover $5,000 damages for the seduction of his daughter, Nancy Jane Ellis. The defendant did not appear, and Miss Ellis was the only witness called. She is about seventeen years of 8128. She testiï¬ed that she had known the de- fendant Joel White since she was it little girl, and he had been keeping company § with her for years. A short time before the seduction took place the defendant gave her a. promise of marriage, and suc- ceeded in ruining her. He afterwards kept company with her for about four months, when he left the neighborhood and has not since returned. A child was born last April, and after futile efforts to get the defendant to fulfil his promise of marriage an action was commenced. White, the defendant, in a farmer about 25 years of age, and Works with his father on the farm. After the evidence was completed Mr. Fullerton addressed the jury and claimed substantial daumges for his client: Mr. Justice Cameron then briefly summed up, and warned the jury to make'no allowance for the alleged ‘ breach of promise of marriage, as the girl i could bring such an action on her own 3 account, and although the defendant was a wrongdoer it would not be right to wrong' him. The jury then retired, and after it brief absence returned with a verdict ior $2,500. “We are very sorry to have to say that Mr. Joseph Devlin has removed to Ricnmml Hill, where he will carry on the. harness making business. He will lie much missed by the village, as he was nne of our most respected young citizens. We Wish him success, however. No more the merrv talking crowd; Meets in the harness shop; But nnwuprm that few acloud Of pitch-dark seems to drop." We wish Mr. Devlin success. as we believe “there’s l'nom enough for all.†The Poetic Uniunville_ C<u‘rempomlkent‘l of the Markham Econonwst thus wri'tesJ concerning the removal of Mr. J08. Dev- ' lin, who has opened aharneas shop in Palmer's Black in this village. Beware of Imitations. Since Dr. Thmnns’ Eclectric Oil has be- cnma celebrated, a. number of unprin- cipled rmrsnns have been endeavnring to pill“ off Eluctron and Electric Oil for the genuine DR ’I‘HoMAs’ Ecmcrmc OIL. Be- ware of these similar named articles. If lheir uriginalur had any faith in the heal- ing properties of their own,and not trv to sell them on the reputation of another; but as they knnw their preparation have no merit, they resort to the moist. unprin- cipled means :nf selling them l y getting: a name as near as possible to E atria. \Ve therefnre ask the public when purchasing to see that the name Dr.Thnmas’ Eclabric Oil is (m lhe wrapper and the signature of NORTHRUP & LYMAN, the proprietors for Canada, on the back. ’ The regular monthly meeting of the York Piuneei-s was held on Tuesday, at the Canadian Instit'ite. Dr. Scaddingmhe President, in the chair. Messrs. E. Arni- strnng, 0f ankvilie, and G. W. White, of Mimicu. who were pmpnaed at 1; prev- ious meeting, were elected members of the Society. and Mr. James Cnulterr'af Weston, was prnpnaed for election. Mr.g \Vatsun was expected to read an histor- ical paper, but. being unwell was unable to attend. After arrniigihent of some minor matter the meeting adjourned. Dr Curlis, Sh'l‘homas, wntes; During ten years, active practicu I have had 09 cusiun to prescribe Cod Liver Oil and Hypophuspsnlnites, Since Northrop d: Lyumn’s Emulsion uf Cod Liver Oil and Hypuplmsphites of Lima and Soda came under my notice. I have tried it and take great. pleasure in saying tnat it has given great salisfation and is to be: prefered to any I have ever matador rel:- unnnemled. I have used it in my own {unnly almost. as a beverage dunng heavy uuldn and in every instance a. happy result has followed I cheerfullyifrecum- mend its use in all cases of debility aris- ing frum weakness of the mnsculnr or nervous syslem.†ot the School Board as the respective amounts asked by the Herald and LIBERAL ofï¬ces for priming High Sshonl Prospectus corr(‘ct?â€"1fsu, how so vast a' difference? In answer to the former part of the question we have only to say that the ï¬gures are correct The [utter part is more of a puzzler to which we must. say with the dutkie."w« gnbim up". Amer doing the jub, and in a style fnli) satsfnctory to the committee and the board. otherwise we are willing to forfeit. the job, we are satisï¬ed with the price asked. We can pomt to other instances quiae as glairing as to prices char- ged. Quesuon and Answer The following question has been repeat- edly asked us during the past few days, and a Subscriber asks us to answer through our commaâ€"Are the ï¬gures 0L0 and 84.75. reported in the minutes of a. late meating PERSONALS. A New Harness Shopy Yark Pioneers. High Eng- HK', ll Mrs. Barnhurh Plattsville, says “ I have been a. sufferer for twelve years th- through rheumatism and have tried every remedy she could hear of, but receive-n 1m beneï¬t, until she tried Dr. Thomas’ Ecleclric Oi}: ‘he says she cannot exp- press the satisfaction aha feels at. having her pain‘ entirely reumvud and Emmy,th maxi-cm cure'L†lic. Capital not needed. We will start you, Men, women, boys. and girls wanted evervwhere to work for us. New is the time. You can work in spare time. or mve yourwhole time to the business. No other busi- ness will pay vou nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay. by enqngingat omw Costly outï¬t and terms free. Money made fast easily and honorably. Address TRUE a Go. Augusta, Maine. A week made at home by the indust- .725rious. East business before the pub- Bucklen’5 Arnicn Salvo. Best Salve in the wm‘ld for (inns, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tenor, Chapmd Hands, Chubhins, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and Positivily cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction, ar money refnnrled. Price 25 cents pnr box. For sale by R. E. an, Richmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt dz 00., Thornhill. Dec. 13, ’82â€"3m. MRS. HARRISON. A Card given with é 1b. of Tea. A Book with every pound. A Handsome Volume, your uwn choice or a. beautiful Album, thh every 3 lbs. The Girls’ Annual or Good Words with 6 lbs. CHILDREN’S TOYS, . Xmas Cards. Leading Article. Snnday at Home, or Leisure Hours. with 9 lbs. FAN CY GOODS, MRS. HARRISON; RICHMOND HILL. LI-QUOR TEA A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Ready Made Cloth-+- ing away aheaoï¬ of all. ' * BUNFEGWNERY THE THE Teas Glass Sets, China. Tea. Sets, Lamps. Mottoe Cups, &c.‘, a. very ï¬ne assortment. Those who wish to procure nice Every Department at THE CONCRETE fully stocked for the holiday semen with the best goods in the market, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL. Selling at Prices that cannot be Excelled. A MERRY XMAS TO ALL Men’s, Yonth’s and Boys’ overcnats. Men’s, Youth’s and Boys’ Groceries, IE CONCRETE is the best place to get everything you want at the correct price. I. AT KIN e A good assortment of , Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Peels Essences fresh and lower than ever. BELOW TORONTO PRICES. Always on hand. And the best IS THE RICHMOND HILL. 8 lbs. of the best Rio Coffee for $1.00. 01V bum 4.33 AGENT. nice presents for their friends will ï¬nd THE CONâ€"- CRETE just the place. The cause 0i death. It) is known al- mnst to a certainty that in fatal dieouvn the individual dies either by 'he bind“, hr. art or lungs. How wise than is U'muefl'nrt tn maintain a perfect state of heahh? Dr. Carson’sSmmac‘l and Cnnstipatibn Bit.- Qors are a writable “ Health Giver.†They free the pysfcm from n?! im- purivios;‘cure Bflimwnnss, Pmpepdn and MI disaam-a hf Hue Stursmh Livur ur Raw- 613‘ In lam? bottles M. 70 31,111}. ‘ Sum hy aâ€, Druggiata. I people are always on the lookout for nhmnces to increase their earnings, wml in time become wealthy ; them who do not improve their op nonuni- ties remain 1n poverty. We offer a. gram chance to make money. We want many men, Women, boys and girls to work for us right in éheir lo- calities. Anyone can do) the work proyerlv from the ï¬rst Mars The business wi'l pay ten timés ordinary wages. Expensive outï¬t furnished free‘ No one who engagus fails to make monev mpxdlsy. You can devote your wnole time to tho work. or only vour spin-e moments. Full infor- nmLiOu and all that is needed sent: free. Addrell Stimson 6: Co. Portland. Maine. 11 t, life is sweeping by, go and time before you dig», something mimty and sublime leave behind no conquer time. $66 a week in ynur own town. 66 outï¬t; free. No risk. Everything new. Capital nub required. We will furnish you evervtning. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men,u.nd boys and girls make great pay. Reader. ifynu wmnt business at which you can make greth pay all the time, write forpmm‘culm to H. HALLE’I‘T 62 00., Portland. Maine. TIMBER Taken In EXCHANGE. SAMUEL MAGER, Cheaper Rates THOROUGHLY Eive Satisfaction CUSTOM SAWING, XRIEHMHN HILL SAW MILL To all who will favor us with their Dec. 8th, ’82â€"â€"3m. WE ARE IN A POSITION T0 Than can be done elsewhere. HAVING BEEN REPAIRED. Proprietor. suits