Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jan 1883, p. 7

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Rents in Scotland still continue to fall. A large farm in llcrwickshirc was recently re- let at $3,000, afte, having for many years commanded 34,0403 ‘his is a reduction of about 35 per cent. The couditionsof the " new lease are said, in addition, to be very liberal. The prompt condemnation of Mr. Tenny- son‘s new play by a London audience leads an English newspaper to remark that Eng- lish audiences are gradually “assuming something of a ferocity of the French first- night public.” A man who has written a bao play is treated, it says, “with more vindictiveness than a pickpocket or a bur- glar.” Previous good character as a draâ€" matist is not allowed totcll in his favor. During the royal review in London rc- eently the warmest outward welcome was extended to Sir l‘lvelyn \VOod. Sir Garnet ‘.\ Olselcy is said to have appeared too early in the proccsion to be generally recognized. lie was missed in the crowd or surrounding cocked hats. Sir l‘lvelyn at one point stop- ped to shake hands with an Essex man whom he recognized in tne trowd, and was nearly pulled off his horse by tho enthu- siastic crowd. At the l’emlnokc dockâ€"yard in “files was ! launched, a. fortnight ago, the new iron- clad. barbettc ship “ Collingwcod " in the presence of many thousands of spectators. ‘l‘liis iron-clad is 3 ’5 feet longr and (38 wide ; her armor has a thickness varying from If} to 18 inches, and “Highs 1,407 tons; engines are 7,000 liorse-pcm'er, and she h: . a total displarement of l,‘.l.'50 tons. The law has interfered with one of )l r. Richard Horne Slicpuard’s enterprise Mr. Shepherd recently declared himsc ' to issue a life of Thackeray, with some of 'l‘hackcray’s unpublished writings, and it will be remembered that the Ti} glish publi- shers of 'l‘hackcray’s works therefore an- nounced an authorized edition of the unpub~ lishcd works as a matter of selfdcfence. News now comes that the publishers have ‘ applied for and have obtained an injunction restraining Mr. Shepherd from carrying out ' his purposes. i W'honthe Queen U003 to llalnioral she. goes by spa-rial train, (")lllillflllticil by spc- ‘ r al servants. The trip there and be *k is said to have cost the snug sum of £23,500. Other members of the royal fam‘ly, how- “a 3. ever, travel in saloon-carri ’ by an ordinary train at firstâ€"class fans. During the (,luccn's residence a special train, known her train, is run from Aberdeen to Bob later for the use of (Queen’s messengers and Cabinet ministers on duty. From llalla’ter to llalmoral they travel in carriagss, as the railway track, by sp .. 'll desire, does not go as fir as llalmoral itself. Mr. Joyncs, the undermaster of Eton School, who was arrested in Ireland summer with Mr. Henry George, having caused to he published in London a long ac- count, written by himself, of his experi- Haces. one which isdescribcd as “ a harm- liitlc volume," the head master of Hon l .5 called upon him to suppress the book. The head run to afterward admitted tlict‘ he had not read the book when he made this demand. " it is surely absurd,” says Pol/7 .5111?! (lac/M, in a note on this nge prmrceding, “ that the master of a ‘ ,‘tl- scliOol like Eton should be tied down to one set of opinions, and that those must be opinions to which the head master hap~ , pens not to object.” Mr, Preston, anther of “ Unclaimed Money,” has startled Londoners by announc- ing that the new Palace of Justice has been mainly raised with the surplus interest of suitors’ money, the Court of Justice Build- ing Act, 1805, givingr p’iwcr to apply 351,» 000,000 of the surplus interest fund for this purpose. Mr. l’rcston asserts that £75,- 000,000 :- re in the Chancery funds, the number of accounts being 34,545. A hun- dred years ago it was £7,500,000 and 2,- 355 accounts. This employment of the money in buildings the courts llelil not alarm the numerous families in this country who claim these funds, inasmuch as there is an understanding that the government will make good all the money thus appro- priated to all claims which shall be substan- tiated. It is recorded in a London paper as if it were a matter of some wonder, thi- an ling» lish gentleman possessing an income of $30,- 000 a year has been sent to penal servitude for shooting; :t l‘olice cfliccr His name is Thomas A. ll. iobinson. Several cflieers attempt d to ari st Mr. Robinson and he i’lischargcd a rm olvci' at them, without, however, doing any of them serious harm. The court at Liverpool, before which the case was taken, appears to have made speedy work of it, in entire disregard of the gen- tleman's income of £5,000 a year. Ben Nevis is in a fair way to have erected upon its summit a national observatory. A son of Prof. Hildcrbrand, who is the direc- tor of the observatory at Upsala, and whose researches in atmospheric phenonema are de- clared to be the most advanced and accurate that have been made known, has written to London scientific persons strongly urging that this work be undertaken. He says the atmospheric observations published from .Puy-de-Domc, in the South of Francedrave been of great importance, but unfortunate- ly this mountain has a bad situation in re. gard to storm tracks, being almost placed on the north-westerly or south-westerly slope of a high pressure. “Ben Nevis, on the contrary,” he says, “is situated almost in the middle track of the depressions or storms of North-western Europe, and hence observations made there must be of far greater importance in their relation to the theory of cyclones than the mountain observations in the South of France.” It is bchcvcd in London that the necessary funds for the observatory will shortly have been raised. i Moo<<0>oopâ€"â€"in« A Hotel Man‘s Luck. Mr. J. (1. Tyler, chief clerk at the Union Depot Hotel, Ogden, had rheumatism in the muscles of the chest and left shoulder. By applying thcflrcat German Remedy three days he realized complete restoration, and he is of the opinion that there is nothing equal to the St». Jacobs Oil for pain. The Great German Remedy is also a specific for burns and sprainsâ€"hull .lnlld'f’ (lilo/1) Tri- Ziune. H1. Ann, __ King Alfonso speaks Eiglish, but not so about ‘ About $225,000will is needed. ‘ l Viiuiiriun is composed of the best vegeâ€" ltable ingredients the dispensarV of Nature furnishes. Their juices are extracted in a way which preserves their undiminished medical prcperties, making it one of the greatest cleansers of the blood that can be put together. The dresses of Lollia l’aulina. the rival of Agrippina, were valued at $2,864,480, not including her jewels, which cost as much more. It has slipped our memory whether Mics Pauline was the daughter ofa plumber or an editor, but our impression is that she was. Solid men admire the beautiful, and this accounts in some measure for the thousaudss upon thousands of bottles of Carbolirie, the deodorizccd petroleum hair rcnewer and dressing, which have been sold yearly since its invention by Messrs. K cnnedy & Co , of Pittsburgh, Pa. Alarriavcs make men tlicnwlitfiil. About U (3 half their time is spent in forming ex- 011.803. The Source of Much m Temper. When your husband comes home in bad hum- or, jerks ofl'liisboots, and appears to be gener ally miserable, do not attribute it to business cares or hard times, but to its real causeâ€"those terrible eorns constantly annoying him. A word to the wise will be sufficientâ€"buy a bottle of l’ut- nam‘s Painless (Torn Extractor. llis eorns will be quickly and painlessly removed, and his gratitude will he unbounded. Putnam’s l’ainâ€" less Corn Extractor sold everywhere. All good clothes come high except ball dresses. The people of this country have spoken. Tney declare by their patronage Dr. Thomas’ liclcctric Oil, that they believe it to be an ' article of genuine merit, adapted to the cure (f (“cllllléltlSllL as well as relieves the pains of fr :turcs and dislocations. external in , corns. bumons, piles, and other mala- ‘ln the Journal (10 ’1'1'""rn/wzltirzm the state- ment is made by l’rcf. Nocard, that pilocarp- iitq, a drug upon which the medical faculty had built their hopes as a cure for liydrophobia, exerts no he iciieial influence upon that malady. D. Sullivan, Malcolm, Ontario, writes : “ I have been selling Dr. Thomas’ l‘lclcctric Oil for some years, and have no hesitation in saying that it has given better satis- faction than any other medicine I have ever sold. I consider it the only patent medicine that ciircs more than it is rcconnnendml to cure. in fishing fur krabs use yur fingers fur bait ; yu kun feel then when they fust bite. llAvii Yoi‘ Turin) lT?â€"~lf so, you can tcst‘ y to its marvellous powers of healing, and recommend it to your friends. \YC rc- for to llriggs’ Manic Relief, the grand spe- cific for all summer complaints, diarrhoea, 'clrolcra morbus, dysentery, cramps, colic, sickness of the stomach, and bowel coni- plaints. In building the St. (lothard Railway, 3l0 workmen were killed and (S31 injured. Of the latter a number afterward (lied. “'l'wcnly-four year‘s experience," says an eminent Physician," convinccsgne that the only ., re for “ Nei yous Exhaustion" and weakness or the gene tivc organs is to repair the waste by giving: l)l'£L]ll and Nerve Foods. and 01 all the remedies l have used Mack's Magnetic Medicine is flicbost. This remedy is now sold by all our Dru sis at 50 ('13. per box, or G for 5.59.50, andon 1 2. . u of an order for 12 boxes ‘ companicd With 555.00, addressed labial...» higiqiiei Medicine (10,. \‘Vindsor, 0111., they will forward the goods free by mail, and send their " written guarantee" to refund the money, Ill]lli‘dl‘f‘ullllt‘llt does not effect a cure. lice auv l in another column. At Leicester, l‘lnqlanil, three weeks ago, the anc‘ ion of goods seized for nonvpay- ment of fines for neglect of vaccination oc- casioned almost a riot, and forty police could scarcely keep order. “3. T. Dray, l‘harmacist, \Vingham, Ont, writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has very largely increased in that loc- ality, and adds that he hears very favorable opinions expressed regarding it, and, if time pcrinited, could send many names of benefit- ed parties, ‘22. An old man named Daniel Cane was found dead on Friday morning week, in a dilapi- dated log house in which he lived alone, near Aberfoylc. He was said to be between seventy-five and eighty years of age, and was unmarried. It is suppose: death was the result of old age. 'l‘csfiinonlal from Mr. \V “Timer, 01" .l. (l. \‘x'isncr a: ‘on, l‘.l2‘.nufacfurcrs oi .\§;‘l‘1('lllllll‘lll Implements llranfford. Oni.. July ‘th, 1580. .l. \. Sutherland. Esqd Near .521, l take pleasure in bearing testimony to the chicacy of your lllicuinntinc. Last spring: l was com- pletcly disabled with Rheumatism, and tried various remedies, baths, A12. and finally heard of your-cure. I purchased and used three bullies of it. and it effected a conniletc cure, for l have not had a return of the disease since. Yours truly, \\ S. \VJSN Ell. An impression prevails in London that nearly all the members of the Quccnsbury family are more ( r less cracked; consequent- ly, Lady (icrtudc's nuptials with her young baker did not so very much surprise people. A Sure Thing In the frcatment of Chronic discus; with that great system renovator and restorative. llurdoek Blood Bitters, there 15 no uncer- tainty as t) its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the kidneys. Every dose performing its work in a per~ ceptiblc manner. 24. A.P. 105 THE GREAT GERMAN R E M E DY FUR PAIN. Relieves and cures RH EUMATISM, [Ill] llllllllllllllllllllllllll- Infill hiIiuiluunlllllllllnl illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli [lininljwumnll llhiflll" "mu" _ Neuralgia, ‘ .illlllllllllllllllllla Sc'::"°(‘,';‘:“£lb§9°i ‘ HEADACHE,TO0THAGHE, SURE THROAT. QUINSY, SWELLINGS, sl‘nAINs. (2’3) Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITEs, BURNS, SCALDS, And all other hodin aches and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BUTTLE. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Directions in 11 languages. . The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (sumssm to A. YOGELEI'. in no.) Baltimore, MIL, U. 5. A. (til! ‘ulllllllll‘ lluuflllllllliiumm lllllllllllllll“‘"l’ . iii“ lll h. H“ III alliii" ' _ lI-P. ....... "Ill mm..."- Elnunummmilllll“ I fllllllllllllillllllllll' i llllliiin "mull!" i dilillllllllillllllllli lllllllllimimiimllllli fluently as his wiie do<s, naturally. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on the face or body, frequent head- ache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, in» ternal heat or chills alternated with hot blushes, low spirits and gloomy foreb odings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from “ torpid liver, ” or “ bili- ousness.” In many cases of “liver com- plaint” only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases Dr. l’icrcc’s “ Golden Medicsl Dis- covery” has no equal, as it effects perfect and radical cures. At all drug stores. One of \Velliiigton’s soldiers, Mr. Geo. Taylor, (lied at Morrisbm‘g, last week, aged 95 years. Bad temper often proceeds from those paih- ful disorders to which women are subject. In female complaints Dr. R. V. Pieree’s “Fav- orite Prescription” is a certain cure. By all druggists. 'l‘hirty~thrce thousand sheep crossed to the season just closed. Young or middle aged incn sufl‘cring from old age, as the result of bad habits, should send three stamps for part VII of Dime Series pamphlets, Address \Viiiiim‘s Dis- rnNsAnv Miiiinixii Assoi'ixriox, Buffalo, N. Y. Messrs. James Allan and John Dennison, of Perth, shipped ssvcn carloads of provi- sions for \Vinnipcg lately, incluliitg .‘llS head of dressed cattle. Purge out the morbid humors of the blood by adosc or two of Aycr’s Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as healthier bodies. , Mr. Stewait Harrisqliondon township, weighed on Monday at the city scales a fat hcifcr which tipped the beam at 3 ,490 A “7250 Maxim. “A stitch in time saves nine,” not only in unilain'v 9':Ll‘lll(‘lll}8,llllt also inmending health. If 1L, rd’s l’eetm'ial llidsam were used in the ca rlirr stages of Colds and Coughsanany a “stitch i ] the side” and many a case of torn lungs might be avoided, that neglected, rapidly (levelope into irreparabl 3 Consum~ ution. 2]. Diphtheria of a terribly malignant form has atto cked a family in Sydney township and carried 011' four members within a week. Another member is: in a critical con- ditleu. PROF l.‘ l’ ‘Olllifi’l‘fl. r. .1. El. Campbell liarrlsler. lalc., 9 Vi arm-st" Toronto from l‘luropc and opened a Studio, 81 Kinwsf. Exist. Portraits in oil life size. llRlltllillbll‘.lMl'S.â€"ADDRESS n. n. 00 x. 1 l Klnqh‘t. East, Termite. Agents wanted. ' A’ll‘fllilfircpair d. 7 7 St. E.. Torgnto: lllllr SlIEl’l’AItl).I\Iam other clociety Jewels, 1.31 King E., Toronto. $ or l‘Dllli’llO.7 (1.7 \V.7l)ENNIS, Toronto. RICE TICKE 1‘s. SIIOW‘ CARDS, \\ IN DO\V SHADES. Newest designs. Send and other Cards, at lf. .I. lVlAT~ rniiws 8; Boos. art depot, 'l‘oronto. 7 our Family Bibles and popular subscrip- tionbooks. Send foreirculars. 0.1!.1’AltlSII and other proper-tr in Ont- turio for sale by the (ZANAJ )A \VEST LAND Toronto. 7Sendfo7r717ist. 7 7777 Patent eyelet ,v touch. Send for . new prieclisf'. J.G. \VOODLANI) n E "nurrrsn AlriEIlICAN ‘ "iiiiSixriss _ College, Toronto. isflie most reliable and (1a., Send forcircular. 7 7 NTA RIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. TO- ]l. EORS'I‘E l. All'l‘lSTJIAS RETURNED » _'77 Trade work a special: ty. A. BALLAnuv. 8 Ki 7 7 ofMasonicand PER DAY can be made by ae‘ents. inalc for-price listg F. \\fii.i.i.\i\rs, l Kingljl, Toponto. Christmas, New .1 car, Birthday ’ CENTS WANTED uvririvwn’ilinia Fon‘ EC 00.. Toronto. 7 7 7 \VORTH Oli‘ FARMING AGENU Y COMPANY, ll Adelaidcst. East, smooth surfacc. heavy and v &. (10.; Steam l’rinters. Toronto. tlirouthy practical school of its kind ,ln (Jana- ()i\'TO. Students can enter from October until January. l’llOl“. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., Principal. Fees. fifty dollars. ‘1 A NA Ill AN M Il’l‘llit ll All) A NJIA'I'IHN. J (Jo-operative Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. IV. PEMBERTON PAGE, Sec. 87 Kim: St. West. Toronto. Agents wanted. ‘1 ROCEIIY AND LIQUOR. BUSINESS FOR )1” Sale in \Vestcrn town of 2,000 population. (loingf: Loco pcrannum; ‘} cash trade: stock about $5,000 : convenient lerins. Til ADKINâ€" TOSH Sr l‘El'EllS. 'l‘orontu. SEDNIll-Z'H'EHEG Nl‘l‘l‘Y.#l"_ made cf good stock, cach'rig: containing: its own holder. Sample-1 will be 1‘! for scv ny- fivc cents per her. (i. ll. HUNT, ill (Jliiii‘clbsl... 'l‘oron‘m. ‘, ANTED l‘AIl'l'l ES OW’NING A POIlT ' A Illil‘} Saw Mill to tender for sawing thclumbor oil" 200 acres of bush land. For partiâ€" culars addr s. AUTHORS & COX, Manut'n of« urch of" Art .ial Limbs, 91 Church street. ’l‘Ol'A onto. fluff)er \VlSlilNG TU le‘l’USE or Ult purchase a business of any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, and 55 Kingstreet ]‘ t. Business A sent and Valuer. \VNEItS 0E FARM LANDS, CITY AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will find purchasers by sending me full descriptions, lowest prices, and terms of payment. J. W. G. WlllTNEY, Estate Agent. 25 Toronto street, Toronto. 77 7 7 AMER BERGEN, BOOKSELLER 8; IM q PORTER, No. 4 Adelaidest. East. Tor- onto, Ont. Beautifully Illustrated and Cheap Editions of the best and most popular Authors in History. Fiction and Poetry: also Family Bibles, Photo. Albums. &c. Monthly Payments Taken. Agents “'anted. 4 OR SALEâ€"FARM 01(‘117 AGNES lN (“(0. being partslof lots 22 in 13th and 11th con- cessionsâ€"fronts on Carthew's Bay. Lake Sim- one, and is beautifully situated; 80 acres cleared, balance in good hardwood; fine large two- storey frame house 46 x 40. and another 20 x 30, kitchen attached: barn 50 x 30; terms easv. CROOKS, KINGSMILL 8:. (.‘ATTANACH Toronto. 77 7‘ HE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OE (lANAl) , having purchased patents of ’l‘clephoncs: which can be rented at reduced rates for private line purposes. parties desiring: to obtain same will be furnished on application to the Ionipanyatits Head ()lllce, Montreal. or to agents. or Manager of Ontario Department Bell Telephone (10.. Hamilton. V ’I. ASHALL. \VATCthAKlCll ANI) .Iewcler. 2le Yonqe St, Toronto. has on largrd his preiniscs.mnl greatly increased his stock or gold and silver jewelry. plated ware. cutlery, clocks. watches. etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet jm clry. Goods imported direct. Every kind of 'ewelry repaired prornptl_v,ncaf- ly, and cheaply. _ E GLIDAY ]>ll,l< , encyclopedia, $18 75 for leather. 1882 edil~ on , 10 vols, Sill for cloth: Worr er‘s Dicâ€" ionary, leather, 1882 edition, 75, .ov a1 Path of Life. leather. 5'] 5f): Guthrie‘s Life. edition for 75c; Scott's Novels. 5.3.18 set for >512, 1;! vols. Annuals, Chatterbox, Horn of Plenty. Little Folks‘ Play Book, ctc.. half price, $125 for (33c ; small Annuals in nrnuortinn 1 free on rectum, nf price. DICKENSON & CRANSTON, “'ood- stock. E .\' hinted States from llrockville during the ‘ nervous debility, loss of memory, premature , pounds. j l s. 7» (iiixiinuns‘ , ‘ urine. ‘ m'mnnâ€"u- Daughters, \Vivcs, Mothers, look to your health ! The many painful and weakening (llseascs from which you suffer, despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator and purifying tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist for proof. 20. Yes, there is quite a difference between an entry clerk and a hall boy. Keep it in your family. The best remedy for accidents and emergencies, for Burns, Scolds, Bruises, Sercness, Sore Throat, Group, Rheumatism, Uhilblains, and Pain or Soreness of all kinds, is that marvellous healing remedy, llagyard’s Yellow Oil. 19. Among the items in a shoemaker’s bill presented to a Kingston man was : “Heels on wife, 25 cents.” lest week a boy of 11 years of age, son of Joseph Latchford, hotel-keeper, Thomas- burg, was kicked by a horse III the head, smashing in a ponion of his skull. The boy (Tied. A Cure for Group. There is no better remedy for Group than llagyard‘s Yellow Oil taken internally and applied according to the special directions. this is the great household panacea for Rheumatism, "ff Joints, PainInflammation doc. ‘23}. Street lighting is agitating the Municipal and private wisdom of Richmond. The. bridch question is temporarily rcsiiug on iis ea: o't'i If your hair is coming out, do not murmur over amisfortunc you can so easily avert. . i i r- A} or s flair V igor w.ll remove the cause of your grief by restoring your hair to its natural color, and thcrmvith your good looks and good nature. WWW-unn- V @ge‘cine llllElllilATlSl‘fl, lilllEV Billfllllllllil' Entirely (lured by the use of "in “ml-Ir? TIE EVE- "-52.32 Hamilton, 0., March ’ll, li‘lf'; . Stevens il)cnr Sir: Although an mf‘ ,- W! lli'. ll, Il. 1» entirc stranger to you. I wish lo inform you what chcfine has done for mc. After suffer- in}; for so 'eral yous with th' Rheumatism, I can truly say, the Vexetme has entirely cured me, I have had not the slightest (ouch of“ if for several months. lIavc also been badly afflicted with Kidney Complaint, suffering .great pain in my bark, hips and sides with great. dillii-uiiy in passing By the use of Vegetinc I find myself entirely cured of this complaint. I take greai pleasure in recommending your remedy lo my acquaintances and friends, and all speak favorâ€" ably of if: good cfl'ccfs llesp’y yours, l’. 11. GILBERT. l'mlcrfnkcr. 1 am personally acqir intod with Mr. Gilbert. and believe iiu perfectly reliable in his state- i ment. Jl. JAMES, Dri 'cisl, llaniilion, 0. Read the Facts. Toronto, Anvil .‘l. 1880. Mr. H. ll, Wovens. Boston. Mass: Sirilliave much pleasure in bearimr icsli» lnony to the efficacy of your invaluabi . ainily medicine cheiinc. For three ypars l was a great sufi‘crcr from Chronic .ltlicimmli.‘~;m and Derangement of the jv'i‘mirg/s, and after testing innumerable so called remedies, in the spring,r of last year, I was recommended to give the Vege , no a. trial and to persevere in using it. for some time, I, did so, and in the course of three months found a perich curc had been effected and] am now, thank (led. in the full enjoy» i. “CLIP/ii. ment of" the best of health. I consider it the most 011' 'fivc remedy for the distrc ' ‘ com- plaints t mentioned and for 11 M ' , jz’z'li‘ous) .93 and Liver Disease. If is very pleasant to take. vitalizing and invigorating. 1 can most confidently recommend it, knowing great benefits 1 have (1 "veil from its use and consider l cannot ove‘ stale its great and im- portant value to those similarly alllicted as [I have been. Yours. faithfully, 11,]; COLE, Accountant. Vegeune 13 Sold by All Druggrsts. TllllEE SONG The lat- est and best things out. lm» mensely popular. In full size sheet music form for Five (.‘iaN'rs per copy or the three for ten cents. S. FRANK WILSON. “TRUTH” Office, 33 85 35 Adelaideâ€"St. W. Toronto. llllSlt. Valuable New Grape Vines 13y lVIail. The undersigned will send by mail to any nart. of Ontario 0r Quebec, and guarantee them to come in good order, good, strong, walla-cored Vines of the following new and valuable varic- tics of Grapes at the annexed prices: Brighton. Burnett. Lady. M001". “'iix'ilcn, 50 (15. each, or 5 fol rly, or ,. Belinda, Duchess, Jefl‘erslm. Pocklington, l’renlis. or "cl'gcncs, $1 each, 6 for $5. Also. a larire assortment of other varieties of GRAPES. ZOOOSEBICRRTES, (llillllANTS. RASPBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, H’l‘ltA “"- BERRIES, ET 1., cheap by mail or express. Also, Fruit & OrnamentalTrees. Address A. M. SMITH. Box 571, St. (latharines, Out. I’. er'l‘he proprietor of any paper sending.r a special notice of this advertisement in his pa- per lo the undersigned will receive $1 worth of vines. A. M. SMITH. Send for catalogue. DIGIL, if? z . 17/ { MAR K. l l’osif'ivolv cures Nervousnoss in all its stages. \Vcak Memory. Loss of Brain Power. Night Sweats, llarrenncss, \‘v’eakncss and (leneral 1 Loss of Power. It repairs Ne ' 'ous Waste, rcâ€" ‘ juvenafcs the Jaded lntcllc rcngiliens the Enfcebled llrain and restore. irprisinqtono and vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex Ln” With each order for Twelve packages, .1. ompanicd with five dollars, we will send our rittcn guarantee to refund the ; money ifflie treatment does not cfl'ect a cure. l It is the (heaven! and Eli-s1 Medicine in the market. Pamphlet soul free by mail to any address. Mac 's Magnetic lllcilli-ineis sold by drug:- gists at 50 cents per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of money. by addressing Mark‘s Magnetic- Merli- elne 1‘o.. “'lmlsor. (MIL, d‘annala. Sold by all druggists in Gunudu. Old and young should use “ Tmnnnuv Then your laugh may be quite merry : Fraqrant breath shall pass your lips And your Teeth shall, pearls eclipse. llizAi‘ii crab-our system for Wi‘rk. Zoâ€" I'ESA, the new Dyspepsia and Liver remedy Atends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bottles, If) cents ; large bottles. 75 Cents. E Send for free illustrated cata- 7 l loguctoltYltlEfiheJeweler, 113 Yonge Effect, ’l oronfo, 7 7 7 CORALKINE Z CORSETS unequallodi‘or health, comfort and durability. Manufactured by the CllOMl’TON CORSETCO., Toronto. 7 777 uvsus’esu E And the sevcrcr forms of INDIG ESTION. A small pamphlet on the above most distressing,r maladies and their (:(nnplcfo cures. post free 1 cents in stamps. lly ll. KING, Esq” Stafl'b‘uiu goon, Royal Navy. England. Apply to Interim") RING. :01: rue. V'l'iiulsor. 0m . ‘l‘na'rf‘iiranta General Trusts 00., :27 and 2'?! W’cllingzon :ii., Toronto. IIONJGI). iiriAicu,o~.rTM.i>., â€" Prr‘siiilmzl. E. A. MEREDl’l‘lI, use, 1.1..n.. rm Pros-idem .l. \‘f. LANUMUIH, - ilszmL 7. This Company; W b has been approved of by the High Mom-i of Justice and the Lieu- tenant. Governor in Council, accepts trusts of every do: ption. and acts as executor, adâ€" ministrator, tee... and also as agent of existing trustees, executors, 8:0. $300,000 of Trust Funds to loan upon real estate and mortgages. li'o further information apply to ill, GhlUIll. Manager Wm, :lo a ~great many ladies still pay from two to four dollars per year for hiin priced American fashion papers. when they can get ilic ltallirs' Journal one ycarl'or fifty cents. The H.:ullc:>‘.' Journal is a 1‘5 page monthly fashâ€" ion paper, containing the sum and substance of all the latestAmcrican high priced fashion magazines. Large full xieeilluslrations of all the newest styles. uscl‘u household hints. short stories, poetry, mi eclluucous selections, and h of other interesting: matter. also one full sized ll'icl-e ol‘slllrcl lullsle in each number, always the lale’sl. and most, popular thing: out. To every p i ‘son who sends Inc fifty cents for one year subscription [‘11 mail postpaid at once an Elli-grunt Silver Plated Bulicr Knife. or Pickle Fork with ivory handle. Don‘t. forget icicll your friends that thallmlics Jenn-qu contains besides the fashion illustrations Ewe. a. full sichicceof' sheet music in each number. H. FRAN l{ \VJLSON, 325 Sc 33 Adelaide Street ’ ', Toronto. l " ‘1 ‘ r1 WHAT lb bAlARRH ? Catarrh is a muco-pniuleut discharge caused by the presence and development of the vcg‘v table parasite amoeba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This parasite is only (le- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are: morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpusclc of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxoemca, from retention of the elfeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apartâ€" ments, and other poisons that are germinattxi in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the Seeds of these gerins,\vlilcli spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part of the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes. causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing lioarseness, usurpingr the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending l‘l pulmonary consumption and death. ‘ :1 cure the parasite must be removed id, hence inhalants and snuii's are worthless. Some time since a well known physician of, 40 years standing. after much ex imenting, sue< coedediu discovering the n ry combina- tion of ingredients. which no. ails in absoâ€" lutely and pr ramnently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standins: for one year or forty yours. Sufferers should, without delay communicate with the business manager, Mr. A. ll. Di on, 307 King,r Sf. \’»'e.~;t, Toronto. and set men .10 free by cnclosim: sfamp. Ask your (lrumris . for it This standard article is compounded with greatest carc. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactor as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthfu color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dan drum and the scalp by its use becomes whit and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing bald ness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressingr noi‘niu fcctual, or desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assaycr of' l\[assachu- sctis, says of“ it : “ 1 consider it (he {)(‘Sl 7n‘cpar ration for its intended purposes. Buckingham’s Dye, um nu wusuiis. This clegantpreparafion may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or an) othcrundcsirable shade, to brown or black. I. discretion. It is easily applied. being in: n, preparalz’on, and quickly and cil’cctually pro- duces a permanent color which will neither rub nor wash ofl'. MANUFACTURED BY 5 R. P. HALL & 00.. NASHUA, N. H. Sell by all. Drimm'sts ari'l Dc. SO 0 s in. Medici):

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