In Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIYE PRICES. SING-LE & DOUBLE ENLERQED 89 IMEEWED. Richmond Hill, Or will be sent post free by the Publishers on meipb of price. Wiiam Harrison’s OAK GR] P ‘S UUMICAL ALMANAC FOR 18%53 FUNNIEST BUCK OUT Get. Oneâ€"850MB. AT A LL BOOKS'I‘ORES. Owing to the mild weather in the former part of the season ' We ï¬nd our stock of overcoats rather heavy consequemle We have resolved to hold a ,,.,. :f. ,ir .1 a“. 0N HAND L WRIWT & SN, Yumxmm r-‘U RNSHED " GRIP " PRINTING & PUBLISHING GD UN DE H'l‘AKERS, Harness Establishment, n Lumd assortment of CARDS, \NIâ€"IIPS, COMES, LASHES, BELTS, GlRTHs, SURCINGLES, &c. IIALERNE SS CALL SULICITED. the shortest notlce and reasonable 00 00 00 000 000 000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 000 000 00 00 AAA A AAA A AAA A AAA A AAA AAAAAAAAA A AAA A AAA AAA (THE (a‘rREA'l‘ ONE PRICE CIAOVI‘EEINC} 1<I()IISEJ. 1&5, 117, 119 121, KING STREET EAST; TORONTO, ONT Au nwm uncut 0 min»... Caskets&c.. constant It twp! 07x1 hand RICHMOND HILL. IS THE terms Wm. Harrison AT WRIGHT & SON AAAA Iâ€"IAL L, ‘ OPPOSITE ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL, TORONTO.‘ Until the stock is brought down to proper dimensions. Every Overcoat within our store has been marked down to Net Whole- Sale Prices, as we are bound to clear out the entire stock. Every one requiring an Overcoat should certainly come and hear the prices which we are oï¬ering the goods at. ‘We have upwards of 5000 to Dispose of, which We consider will not take long, considering the ï¬gnres we are offering them at. To those visiting the‘city from Richmond Hill and vicinity you ard cord- ially invited to call and hear the prices and see the goods re- gardless whether you intend purchasing or not. 30th light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own an wervison. I am also prepared to do all 'inds of black- smithmg db repairmg in the must warli- nianlika manner, on the shortest. notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Bâ€"tf. English, American.‘ and Canadian flats in great variety. Furs Cleaned, Dyed and Altered. awnmomn HILL. )<»( In returning thanks to my numernus friends for their liberal patronage during the past, twetxty~ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modiuus premises, I am enabled to supply PLATFORM SPRING W A G D N S. TRENCH’S -CRRIAGE WORKS.- FURS A SPECIALITY. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, HAMMOND THE HATTER 129 Yonge St. 129, Toronto. LATEST STYLES BEST LT BOTTOM PRICES. Horse â€" Shoeing L A AA AA AAA AAA AAA AAAAA KKKKKK KKKKKK KKKKKK KKKK KK ,KKK K KKK K KKK KKK KKK K KKK KKKK KKK KKK KKK KKKK KKK KKKKKK Hammond, the Hatter. Paid special attention to. ‘1'“ THENCE: Sleighs and BEST GOODS Until the end of the Year. Price $1 per bottle‘, er 6 bottles for 5. All druggisba have it or can get it for you, or it mll be sent to any addreus on receipt of price by the propuetnrs, Dr. B. J. KENDALL dz CO.Enosbur- 1411 Falls. Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Lyman Sons “310.. Montreal, P. Q. 334)! \Vhslcsalt Agents. 18 sure in itu effects, mild in actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as Emwlns, splints, curbs, ringbones. callous, swell- ings and any lameness and all inlurgements of thojoints or limbs. or f0 ' )‘lleumutibm in man or for ny purpose for which n. limlncnt for man :vcrausod, noting mild and yet curtain in ins cr- ects. Send address for mu muted circular wl‘ich we think gives positiVe proof of its virtues. No reme- dy has ever mot with such unqualiï¬ed success to our knowledge, forkepst and man. Patten’s Mills. N. Y., Feb. 2156, 1878. B. J. Kendall & 00., Gents .â€"'l‘he particular case on wliichI used your Kendall’s Smwin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain 01 sixte~n months smutiin -. I had tried many things but in van). Your spiwm cure put the foot to the ground, and for the ï¬rst time since hurt in a. namml position. For a. family liminth it excels anything we ever used. Yours truly, REV. M. P. BELL, Pastor of M. E. Church, Patton's Mills, N. Y. [he most successful remedy ever discoyered as it 1s certain in its effects, and 01.185 not bllster. Read Proof below. Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. HAMILTON, Mo., June 14th, 1881; B. J: Kendall dc (Joni Genzszâ€"Thxs 15 to cerhify that I have used Kendah‘s Spuvin Cure and have found it. to be all in is recommended to be and in fact more too; I have reumvud by usng the above . Cnlloua, Bone bpavins, Ring-bones, Splints and can cheerfully tqstifv and recommend it. to be the best thing 101‘ 'my bony substance I have ever used and I have {ried n1th us 1 have made that my stud_y for ye About the time the advertisement first appear- ed in this paper, Mr. P. G. Seliednerhmn. who resides near Collier, had a spuvined horse. He read the advertisement, and concluded to test the efï¬cacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed 11.1; his credulity. lie bought :1; bolfle of Kendall’s spavin t we and commenced using it on thehorse according with the directions and he informed us this w‘eekthat iteifucieu such unem- plete cure that an expert horseman, Vi ho exam- ined the animal reoently could ï¬nd no truce of the spnviu or the place where it hu d been located Mr. Schermci‘horu has since seemed a copy of Kendall's'l‘reatise on the Horse and its Diseases which he priZes very highly and would be 10th to part with at any price provnled he could not obtain another copy. So much fur advertising reliable articles. KEN DALL’b' SFAVLN {LURE Cneonm, New York, Jan. 6511, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall dz (30,, cf Enosburgh Falls, va, made a cuntmct with the publishers of the Press for a half column ud- verblsement for one yem‘setbing forth the merits of Kendal ’s Spavuu Cure. At, the smne time we secured from the ï¬rm a quantity or books, entit- led Dr. Kendall’s treatise on the Horse and us Diseases, winch we are giving to advance puying subscribeys tovthe lfl'ess, as u premium, FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS.N.Y. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. ON HUMAN FLESH. HHHHHH H HdHHH HUHHH HHHHH H HH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH HHH 4 H H H EH H A HHH HHH A HH H “H H A HH H H H H } Hi HH A HHHHHH HHHHHH AAAA Respsbtfully yours, P. V. GRIT. one month's “cage of DR GOULARD'S Celebrat- ed Infullible Fit. Powders. To convince suflerorfl that these powders will do all we claim for them We Will send them by mail, 11 stpnid, u Free trial box. Dr. Goulard is the only physicituï¬thm has male this disease a. special study, Ind 11,- to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these powders. We will guarantee 1), permanent cure in every caste or re- fund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and be convinced n! their curative powers. Price. for large box,$3.00. (31‘ 4 boxes for $10.00, sent by mail to nnv part of the United States or Canada. on receipt of price, or by cxpress, C. 0. D Address, ASH O: ROBBINS, 36o Fulten 51.. Brooklyn, N.". at End, '62:â€, 5000 Agents W'nnted to sell our methods or charts to every family. Ten nollurs per day can bemade bny‘ 5'5 agglgs, In Me or female; [COPYRIGHT SECUREDJ For starting Children and others in the culture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of learning the element-s of Music by pleasant amusement. '1 his new method teaches you all about the Musical Stuff, Degreesuf the Stuff, (3191's, Nntes :md Resta, Scale, intervals 01 the Scale. LOCnthY! of Letters nn the Stuff, and their rehu ion to the Iievs of the instrument. (This is verv impormnt with children.) Flats and slinrps and their use. All the diï¬erent Keys, how to form Chords or musical words. It teaches the syllables, Do, Re, Mi. atc.,in singing. It contains a. complete mu- sical catechism. It is MULTUM 1x PARVO. All Lil‘s is learned while the learner is amusing himsoll by playing fziiiiilizrr tunes. Perso s with no MU- SICAL TALENT may play the tunes, {13 the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full directions and four pieces of music xix-company the Method, Sent bv mail for $1.00. AJdross, UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS are often enturtaintud reslmciing medicines of real merit. Siifl'erers from complaints of long standing. anticipating and being; dis- appointed in "blaming immediate relief from some remedy which; if presistml in would eventually cure tliein.preuipitalply abandon it. This is unfair and absurd. We would urge, in their own intei'usl,up~ on those trnnhlvd with inflections of the throat and lungs who resort to Nurthrnp & Lyman’s Emulsion of God Liwr Oil and Hypuplmspliltts(‘f Lime and Snda. that they give this sterling and pmvvn remedy a fair trial. In nbstinate cases this is particularly desirable. and through instances are nut, wanting in which it has overcome a severe c rugh with astonishing rapidity, it. \wmld be nnreammable tn ex- pect such a, result in evrey case. Use it for asthma, bronchitis, irritation (if the throat and lungs Sold. my all diuguislu Prepared by NoRTHnor & LA‘IMAN', Toronto. MUSIC for EVERYBODY. METHOD, PERMANENTLY mum 159 HUMBUGtâ€"by AA A LLLLLLL A AA A LIJLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL A AAA LLL AAAAAAAAA LLL x AAA LLL L AAA LLL LL AAA LLL LLL A AAA AA LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 134v. ENGENOUS FITS EPILEPSY. FALLING 7 SICKNESS MERRILL’S CHICAGO PIN“) 6130., 78 «k 80 Van Buren St. , Chicago, 11 6R (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocka, Jewellry, Si]â€" VerWare and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENYED. M. Morphy- Then apply to John Lush he can sup» ply you with a ï¬rstclnss article, ï¬le best is the cheapest, for it is not liable to gm: out of urder. The Williams Singer has now been in use for anards of Twenty- ï¬ve years. Dmiug tllis time filmy hm‘c been cunstumlv growing in favor 711th the public, and are selling more freely to-day than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hm“ Any amount can be had of J. Lunh at reasonable terms, on ï¬rst class property Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. 141 Yonge Street, Toronto 1m, E. 0.. ‘5'er Nm’wn AND 13mm Tm'ma MENT,u;zunI'n.pteed speciflce forHyster-in, Di» ziness. loum‘lsions, Fits, Nerw us 'Neurnlgiz-L > Headache. Nervous Prostmtion caused by" 11m 1190 of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkefulness, ‘Moutab‘. Depression, Softening of ï¬he Bruin, in Insanity nntl loadin;V to vn'i'se'r'y, decay nml’ death. Premature Old Age. Bm’mnesa. Loss nf Power in. either sex, lnraluntna‘y Losses and Spermn torrha‘umausedby over-exertion of the brain“ self-11.111159 Drover-indulgence. One bï¬x will Pure ravens cases. Em'h box contm'ng one month'r treatment One dollars box, or six bnxes 1‘»! ï¬ve (101111113; 50112; by mail prepaid on rcecipt M price. We guarantee six boxes to cure may case With each orderruceived b) us for six boxer; nccnmptmied with ï¬ve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money ifthe treatment does not oï¬ect a. cum, Guarantees issued only by 'I‘. A. Hewitt. & Cu, sole authorized ngcntsfol' 'l‘hornhill mud Anglia, Ont John C West 6: Co aole proprietor: Toronuï¬ Unt. ’ SEWING MABHINES E. M. MORPHY We will pay the above rcqu for any came to Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, lu- digestien. Uunstipution or Constiveness we mm not» cure with West‘s Vegetable Liver l’ills, Win-r" the directiuns are strictly complied with. The} are purely Vegetable, and never fail toglve sum} r faction. Sugar Coated. Ln ge Boxea, conlki mg 30 Pills, 243 cts‘ For sale by all Druggm? Beware of cuuutcrfe-iivs and imitations, The gmz‘ uinenmuumcmred only by JOHN (1. WEST .‘.. "c, “ The Pill .\I,Ll<crs"bl & 83 King St. Esï¬' ’l‘ui'onto,011t. Free trial package sent bv mnil prepaid on receipt of n. 3 cent; tax LOOK! LOOK? I-uâ€"‘fl. LLLLLLL LLLL LLL LLL LLL L LL L LL L LL L LL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLL BEALTH i5 WEALTH! <3 EGAN S. “P MONEY! $580 REWARD! DO YOU WANT AND