A TUMBLE 1N SHEI)S.â€"The sheds in connection with the Methodist \‘Qlinrch here were completely crush- na' with the weight of snow on the F601" On Saturday. \Ve are request- ed by the Trustees to state that the Hotel keepers have hindly placed their sheds at their disposal for the accommodation oftljgse driving to church. ‘ï¬ï¬‚flTE-ERN R‘ R. Tim TRELE. “TORONTO Bxcmwxn HILL, anu, Feb. 9, 1883 “TORONTO. Mu Cisy HM]. 7.: Union St-ntion M ‘ Brock S treat. 8.10. Queeh’e Wharf Nemrmrkat, Aurora, King, . . ‘ Rmnmmm HILL, "Fhomhill, Weston, . Davumnr . Y‘m'kdnln. . ‘T’arkriulo, Davenport, .. . Weston. .. Thornhill, .. RICHMOXDI LL, King. . NCmmom‘swith a.†trains. leaving: the Pulmm‘ House, R' mnud Kill. n.9, follmv Mail 6; Express, North 6: South. 8.00 a. m Aentnnmndutim)‘ “ “ .(YU, “ Express, Nm‘th . .m, )1 m. MaiL Somh . 7.30. " mil furthnr "china “mils xvi“ he 01031311 at the ichmmld Hill Post (“ï¬ve as i'nkluwszâ€" MORNING :ï¬Gnin'i N-‘u‘th. south, ‘nu-zt and \Vest, inrzludinr 'Hmrnhill, Maple, Tï¬â€œo:1?n, Mar];hn‘nx.d‘m. 7.45. EVENING :~Gnï¬nrv southEusc and West (m: vav) G.“ N. B.»-Rmziï¬tered Levers must he h-mderl in at least Fliecu Minutes 3 flier ï¬mn the abnvu mentioned hours for ch Iilght lbs. Green Brazilian Coffee. or {our lbs. Ground Coffee, pure, for $51 at the Concrete House. SCHOOL BOARD.-â€"--Tllere was a meeting of the School 3oard on \Vednesday when the principal husi uesc was of a disciplinary character. Sumiim To THE BAND.~â€"â€"Councilf0r Crosby, having failed to respond to the Serenade of the Band on New Years Morning. in‘lieu thereof treat- ed ihem to an Oyster Supper at his father‘s residence on Wednesday night. which was highly appreciated by the. band. MONTHLY 1“AIR.â€"â€"-The Monthly Fair held here on Wednesday was the best held for some time. A large amount of stock on the ground and :1 number of buyers, who made things lively. Farmers would do well to remember that this fair is held the ï¬rst Wednesday of each month. MONTHLY SALe.â€".AL the Monthly Sale on \Vednesday a quantity of Hardware was put up and sold at a reasonable ï¬gure. At night a quar- :ity of clothing and other goods was sold by public auction. ELECTION PETITION.â€"~â€"The North York electlnn appeal agains: Mr. \Vm. Mulock will be heard at tl*e sesszon ot the Supreme Court to be held in Ottawa which cmnmehces on the 20th of the present month. @DEATHS AT THE HOME.â€"There have been two deaths occurred a- mong the inmates of the Industrial Home already. There is not yet any arrangements made for a bury- ing place {or the inmates. It is high time a place was provided if the Home is going to prove so suc- cessful as this in ridding the County of its paupers. SUPPER TO THE FikEMEN.-â€"â€"Mr. Wm. Trench, ex-Reeve, treated the Fire Company to an Oyster Supper at the Palmer House on Friday night. in recognition of their valuable serVicesst the late ï¬re. A pleasant time was spent, and the treat was thoroughly appreciated by the Com- pany. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES.-â€"-â€"We are pleased to note in the list of the successful candidates for Second Clasq Professional Certiï¬cates at the Toronto Normal School the names of Miss Nellie Frank, torm- crly of Richmond Hill High School, and Miss Hamilton. First Assistant in the Public School here. @sz agime ‘ PEGGTGR’S STMEE LEHE esziri‘oc, Queen": Wharf 1! ockfl met“ Unizm S'L ' City Hull PGST BFFEGE NTFGE. AT HOME. GOING NOB.le Mail. A‘ ..V..."J.~17. GOING SOU TR. WVflERMh'tR bï¬muamnm.musmwm VLIZV'VITEEFY, Pasta-aster A I." m 1:.1v LEW 1.40 L18. 47. 5’7. 9 J 9.1:“ was held in high esteem by all who knew her, and her circle. ofacquaint nrzcoship was large. She was a prominent and active member of the Methodist Church. The funer- al ohsequies took place on Sunday from the residence nf her husband to the Medmdist Church, where a $611110!) was Breached 'by Rev. P. Addison, lhcnce to the cemei'erv. The remains were followed by a large consourse of mourners and friends. Mr. Dobsnn and hisfamily have the warmest sympathy of the entire. community. On Tuesday, 161,}; "ll... \Villie, only son of Mr. Malguch, while out at. recess in the afternoun by some means got under a sleigh heavily! ladened with coal, and received severe injuries \Iln'cl! for game days threatened‘ to prove fatal] hut 11nd. er the careful treatment of Drs. Richard- son and Langslnff he is nnw ablu to ba up. We hope this may be a. warning to many other pupils who run great risks in jumping on passing sleiqhs. l.:/u.'l<mf~~;l£ MEETING.â€"â€"-A meeting 05 tm- Yunng Canadian Lacrosse Clnlx wa~ llt-‘ltl in the Lorne Hall on Friclny evening last: when the fol- lmx 1m: affluers were elected for the L‘leafflll wa r :â€"\’V. Cook. President ; C. Savage, Vice-Pm... ; ‘4. S. Scarle, Sacmtarv ; "V. E. Wiley. Treasurer; J\. l’nvslley, Captain ; B. Brown, \’i(tt~=f‘nnmin ; M. W'ilson, Field (friptaxn ; F. Powell, 8. McDonald, Sl'nllh‘ G. \Vright, \V. Pogne and J. {\‘tchmghy. Managing Commit- .zze. A committee was appointed to ai‘lzu‘gc‘ mr holding a concert. Kim LATE MR5. Donsomiâ€"Jt is Wt?) magnet that we, in this issue, chronicle the death of Mrs. Dnhson, Wife of Mr. Thomas Dobson. of this Mam", which sad event took place on Thursday night last, aftera short illness of one week. M rs. Duhson â€" A Trench of prumiaH case is already get. dnwn fur the swing axs;zes by a L-mdrm, Dun, genr‘emu'l, whusu intend- ed bride, a Toronto Rudy. deswrfed him a.‘ the Instmmnent. at the instigation of her fznhm‘. u Tl‘le funéral 0f Geo. Acey. son of Mr. Acc‘y of this Mace. tnnkplace on Monday, 29th ult., a (l wasvlargely attended. The deceased died of consumption, the result. of a cold contracted three and a half years ago. DOBSONâ€"At Richmcud Hill. on the 15!. inst, the beloved wife at Jumesk‘srbnon, imxa 531d Wm 01 her use. The Elia Brawn Rand gave a cnrcprf and entm'tmvnnem an the (waning HF Inn 25‘h ult. Th» 'I‘urnnln C-u'nl Snciph‘ were presvnt and their smuing was well rocpivml. The readings and recit-mrms were “In†Eflbdm Aflpr Hm cnncvrt the Snciety and several nthera'were ï¬nmrtain. ed to .1 anpner at Mr. Shepherds house. Anniversary a; Newtbnbrook. The annivernary of the C. M. Church Sunday Schnnl was celehrmod here by a tea pal‘i‘y nn 'Phnrsday evening lath. The nmgmmme (immisth of sacred music (in- slrmneuta} and vocal) hv ladies and‘ gon- tlelnen nf the congregation, the semmd part being recitatimm and singing: hy the children. Ahnnt 800 persvn! tnnk tea. and the church was hacked to ifs utmost capacity. On Friday evenng the child- ren were entertained to tea, when the ï¬rst. part of the programme was by special request, repeated, The annual Blissi'mnV-y Meeting in can- nectinu wihh the Baptisl‘ Church was held nn the 23K! ulb.. when the audience had the pleusnye nf hearing two excellent ad- dresses frnm‘Rc-v. Dr. Thomas, 0f Jarvis Street. Rantist Church, Toronto and RPV; Elmore Han-is. B. A. . Yt-rkville. The pastor. Rev. J. Ho‘ighintrh-n. occupied the chair, and the Willowdale choir lur- nished the music. CAMPBELL~THOM~~A€ the residence of the bride’s father, Newton Brook. on the 7th inst. by the Rev. James 'l‘lmui. B A., Rev. 1. Campbel. Presbyterian Minister. of Rich- mond Hill, to Miss Flora. Thom. eldest daughter of the oflmmfning minister. - Some nersnn or persons uuknnwn en- tered SLJt-hn’s Church on Sunday oven- ing, 214: “1%., and hruka open the collect- ion box, but unfortunately for the thieves it cnntaiued but a few cents. (From our own Correspondent.) Your curresnundent has had nothing wnrthy M notice fnr some mumm, but will now forwmd yml a. hrlet- account of various events which have recently oc- curred here. . Mr. Snlumnn Turner recently lost two very valuable harnes of inflnmmafinn of the lungs. and a third has the same dis- ease. ‘ View: an Cnpmm; Smilln I. MCCUI Hi xu'! “a; HIST UNXON.-A[ the meet- [my Quarterly Board of the . (lunch of this Circuit there 2 dissenting votos. At v the Board voted unani- wizi-mr of Union. At An- . vote stood 34 for; and 2 4, Nnuffviile. 14 for; 2 a‘ \‘cm'hnm'. 5 for; 4 against. iwnrg‘, g tor; 6 against. lVAL.-â€"'1‘h(.' Carnival held on v Rink on Saturday night .5 largely attended as it Mu: been. There were a ‘3; 0t costumers, and the were'vcry well gotten un. - nlmn desefves better pat- “1:: it gets. DIARRIAGES Banll Concert. York ,Mills. DIED. Farmers and other: dvsiring a. genï¬eel, hurmrive agency business. by which $5 tu $2.0 1 day can be earned, send addreas at m-cc, (m postal, to H. C. \VIL‘KINSON & (3",. 195 and 197 Fultun Street, New Yurk. Jan 1, ’83-6m. Ix Hcaï¬y Recommendation. Juc-vb A. Ell-pay. «If Cmmnmnre, states he has taken Burdan Bluod Bitters with gram beneï¬t in a lingcring complaint, and adds that. he would gladly recum- mend it. to all. A. D. \VEEKS, Druggist, of U§bridge, says he nevvrsnld any pills that gave such univey'snl satisfaction as the National Pins, and adds, “ I sincerfly bellcve them tn he the best in the Imrket. and can sufer recommend them to my cust- omevs.†*[h is impnssihle to disguise Sghe fact that the Vegetable Cnmpunnd. prepared lludv)‘ persona] directinu of Ma's. Lydia E. PIIIk"a!n, with the superior science and art at umdern pharmacy. is the most. successful medicine for female denilify.aud diseases hitherto known. MR. W. J Guppy, of Newbury, has used Burdock Blnufl Butt-rs in his family \nzh gm-d afl'ect. and says that. Rev. J. R. Smith ms Used it, and speaks of it in high terms uf plaise. It is the great hhwd purlfying tunic that acts upon the lmwels. the Iiver,the kidneys, the skin, he blOud. Il- trade me feel like a. “Band of Mnmc, " was the rather forcible express- urn of an individual who was praising “~Pectnriu†the great remedy fur Coughs and Coughs, Hoarseness, Asllmm. Brut:- (chiuts. It is safe, plvasnnt and vffuctnal. If you snï¬â€˜er, try it. Fur 5:116 dy all Drug gists and general dealers, at. 25 cents a baffle. "KIND Wnlms can never die.†and there .AI‘H nnuo but kind wards spnkan rug-ardng Hugyurd’s Yellow ()1), that old rhuble remedy for external and internal use. It, cures Illenumtism, deafness, cmup, sure throat. and all soreness and wmmds of the flesh Mrs. J. G. ROBERTS'DN, .of Toronto, was cured of general debility, loss of nppet-im, etc. She says “mat. life was burdens-mm until she used Burdock B1001 Bitters." She also states that "she feels better than for years. and cannot pnuse Burdock Blond Bitters too much." The best: medicine known for all diseases of bluud, hvur and kidneys. Pewr Keifer, Bulfalu,says: “I was badly binen by n hursq a few days ago, and was induced by a. friend who witness- l-d the occurrence, to try Dr. Tlmmas’ Eclrc'ric OIL II. relieved the pain al- 111 at immediately. and in four days the “mind was cnmplufely healed. ‘thiug can be better for flesh wounds, A ' Bucklen’s Arnhem Salve. Best Salve in the wmld far Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulwrs, Suit Rheum. Fever Sores, Tenor. Cilappad Hands, Chilbluius, Conn: and «11 Skin Ed'upmons, and Positivin cures Piles; It. is gunmntved to give perfect suns.» faction, 8.: We); refunded. Price 25 acute per box. For sale by R. E. Law, Illchmornd Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & 00., Thornhill. sublime leave behind toconquer time. 506 a week in ynur own town. $5 outï¬t ireo, No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything Many- aro making fortunes. Ladies make as much us men,qu boys and girls nmke grant pay. Render. if you want business at which you can make "nat- pny all the time, writ. for pm’ticulax'! to H. Kim .TI' 4‘" (‘o,,1’vlt‘a;§<l,Mniue. u t, life is sweeping by, go and dare estbeforo you die, something mighty and THE GREAT SOURCE of Consumption and many wasting forms of disease, is Scrnfnlu. lurking in the. system. 'The true speciï¬c fur this condition is fulllld in Burdock Bland Bitters; (JIM. medlcine purities the bluud and builds up the mfm-blnd frame. B aware of Imitations. Since Dr». Thnmaa’ Eclectric Oilhas be- cmm celubmted, a number of unprin- cipled hers-Ins have behn emleavm-ing to palm off Electron and Electric Oil for the yéunine DR 'l‘lIuMAs". ECLECTRIC OIL. Be- ware of these similar ,lmmed articles. If their originator had any faith in the heal~ ing properties of their own,and not trv to sell them on the reputation of amulher; but as they knnw their preparatiun have no merit. they resort. to the most unprin- cipled means :if selling them by getting a. name as near as possible to Eclclric. We therefore ask the public whnn purchasing to see that the name Dr.’l‘hnnms’ Ecletric Oil is on lhe wrapper and the signature of Nommmv & LYMAN, the proprietors for Canada, on the back. With every bottle of Dr. Carson‘s Pal- umnary Ouugh Dmps, a sample bottle is give free (pf charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you are not satisï¬ed with its effect,yuu can return the huge bpttle. to your dealer who will refund the money. Thousands can testify toils prompt act- iun curing Coughs,'Uoldn, Brmncluts ect. If yuu antler. try them. Price 50cm 3 bottle. Sold by all Druggists. The cause oi death. It is known al- most to a certainty that. in ï¬nal dlfleaï¬t‘fl th. individual dies either by the brain, hu- art or lungs. How wise then is the eli'nrt to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Cnnstipatinn Bit- ten are a veritable “ Health Giver.†They free the Hystem from all im- pnritil’fl; cure Bilionsnnss, Dyspepsia and all diseases uf the Stumch, Liver or Howâ€" els. In large bottle: at 50 cents. Suld by all Druggists. A G eneral Sthmpede. .. Never wan such a rush made for any Drug Stare as is nnw at R. E. Law’s, Richmnnd Hil|,and T. A. Hewd’vbtbCo’s, 'l‘lnirrihili, inr a. Trial Buttrle of Dr- Klng’s New Dismwery for Cnnsmnptiom, Coughs nud Colds. All persons aï¬'ecï¬ed with Asthma, Brnnchits. Hparseneaa, Severe Cnnghsurafl‘e'ction of the Throat. and Lungs, camget a Trial Butfle': of. this great reude free, by calling wt above Dx'ug Stones. MISCELLANY. ATKE N‘SON; All Heavy Winter Clothing must and shall 0 regardâ€" less 0“. 103.3,. ANNUAL BIO; Everybody knows what they are. All we request is a ,visit; It ~ will afford us. a world of pleasure to show our goods no matter whether you- intend purchasing 0:- OAK Iâ€"IAL.L.,. QUALITY OF OUR GOODS, OPPOSITE ST. JAMEE’ CATHEDRAL, A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. BUY FROM .US NOW Ready Made Cloth- _ ‘ ing away ahead ' of all. ' BAN KS WILL GIVE B () ’I‘II MEN’S. AND BOYS? ULSTERS Those who wish to procure nice presents for their friemls will ï¬nd THE CONâ€" CRETE just the place. Every Department at THE CONCRETE fully stocked for' the holiday season witlrthe best goods in the market, THE CONCRETE is the best, place 130'th everything you ; want at the correct†. ‘ ‘ ’ price. " Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Peels:EIssences fresh and 10Wer than ever. ' Glass: Sets, China. Tea. Sets, Lamps. Mottoe, Cups~,.&c'j’ a. very ï¬ne assomment.‘ THE CONCRETE-VHEOUSEf Selling at Prices that cannot be ExcelledL FOR THIS M,ONTII mean it and we shall show our patrons that. we do. OVERCOATS. A MERRY TO ALL. OAK HALL ! Men’s, Yonth’s and Boys’ avercuata. Men’s, Youth’s and Boysâ€stlibs. BELOW TORONTO PRICES. BIG INTEREST ‘ At Exactly Half Price. Even if they should not require the gnodsfor two years. RICHMOND HILL.. On their money, four tunes-(hat which the KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. fl lbs» 01 the best Rio Cofl‘ee for $1.00. The lively Clothing House of the Dominion IT WILL PAY ANYONE T0 Greater bargains than ever No use dwelling on the SPECIAL EFFORTS IN 1’REVIOUS_ TO‘ 013R They will make OK. TAKING!