ihiolxmonn HILL, FREDAYrFeb. 16, .1883 didntes. and as yet no public meetings have been held by either candidate. Election Notes. The Campaign is gomg on quietly but vigorously'm West York. A thorough house to house canvas is being made by both can. Mr. W. C. Patterson called on us on Mon- day evening and authorized us'to correct the false statements made by thé York Herald in its last issue, to the effect that he was less sanguine as to the :result (If the campaign than when he started on his canvas. He wishes us to state that he was never more sanguine thanat present, and every day affords {mesh assurances that the result will be allathut he desires. kninc’ident worthy ofrecord. and which is onl) one of many .of a similar nature «which have occurred during Mr. Patterson’s canvas, took place on baturday. Mr. Patter- son. in company with a friend, called upon a gentleman of whom or his politics he knew nothing, 0n making known their business the gentlemen said : “ Mr. Patterson, I am going to vote for you and also canvas for you.†During the conversation which en- sued Mr. Patterson took it for granted that he was a Reformer, whereupon the gentle- man said: “ Mr. Patterson, do not misun- derstand me, I am not a. Reformer, nor ever have been, but I will give you my support irom what I have heard of you an a man. For Major Gray I could not vote.“ The above incident is only one of many with which the popular Reform candidate is meeting every day of his canvas. There is not the shadow of u boubt but he W111 be returned by alarge Majorï¬ty.) That Major Gray is not popular, even in his own locality, is proven by the fact that many good, honest Conservatives are] with- holding their supportâ€"some giving it to Mr. l’uttersou, others intending to remain away (mm the poll. ' Major Gray held a. private meeting on Friday evening in this village, when a con- siderable number of his most enthusiastic supporters mustered and business relative to the campaign was transacted. Mr. Patterson attended a meeting of tbs Reform Association on Monday evening in the Masonic Hall. There was a. good‘ at- tendance, considering the very short notice. Mr. Pasterson addressed the meeting and other important business was transacted, @Ixc fliheml. Major Grav stated in Richmond Hill and elsewhere that Mr. Patterson» declined to" meet him on the platform, and that he even failed to reply to his letters of request. The fact is Mr. Patterson never received any cemmuuication on the subiect, but he land Major Gray met and mutually agreed that they should hold their meeting: together nttcr nomination day, and there should. be none held before. Yet in the face of this fact the Major tells his friends that he can’t get Mr. Patterson to meet him on the public platform. We havu authority to any that if Major Grey is not satisï¬ed to stand by his arrangement with Mr. Patterson, the latter- gentleman is prepared to meet him at any time or place he may desire to discuss the great issues of the day. Some unprincipled electionists are on deavoring to injure Mr. Patterson's pros- pects in the campaign, by circulating to the oï¬eut that all his vested interests are in the L’nited States. We would state for the in- : mutation of such as may be inclined to be- lieve such reports that Mr. Patterson does not possess a foot of propedy on the other side, but his entire interests are in Ontario, where his home has been for more than twenty years, and in West York where he (xpects to make his home for, life. His in. terests in West York are perhaps very much larger than those of Major Gray. Mr. Patterson is an well known and so ] ighly esteemed, while his. opponent is so little known and most unpopular where he is Lest known, that there cannot be a shadow ( f a doubt but that Mr. Patterson will head the poll with a large majority. A delegatipn, headed by Chris. Bunting, Managing Director of the Mail, waited on Sir John Macdonald at Ottawa, it is stated, for the purpose of obtaining “ squidge " to ï¬ght the foe more sucecsst'ully with in On- huip. Now, as txthe kind of n.weapou that “ squidge †ilsLu good many honest. people are at a loss to know. One thing. is certain “if it is the same kmd of. a weapon which they used at the late Dominion elections it may proye sharper than any two edged sword. .ll would be well for Reformers to look out inr “ squidge,"-or by a hip movement my be out-flanked. In its leading cartoon commvnt last week (Trip says : “ If the contest results in a )xmterinl stxjengtbeniug of the local opposit. inn, it will be adeoided beneï¬tâ€"but the drposflion of an admit-tsdly able and honest Government in the present crisis would he a mmnty which Ontario would soon, ice] mason to mourn.†they In East and West Toronto the Working- men have brought out their own candidates. In the West Mr. Carter is their candidate. The Reformers will not offer any opposition to Mr. Carter but Will unite with the work- ingmen. There is therefore little doubt but he will be elected. In the East Mr. Heakas is the workingmen's candidate, and it is un- decided whether a. Reform candidate will be brought out in opposition to him. The Conservative candidates are Messrs. Morris and Bell for the East and West,respectively. In East York, a young and aspiring lawyer of Toronto. is the Conservative candidate who mll oppsse Mr. G. W. Badgerow. Tbr prospects are that. he W111 be left at home by a majority of about 300. In North York C. C. Robinson, of Aurora, has been brought out. to oppose Dr. Widdi- ï¬eld. We should say the Conservatives of North York were pretty hard up for a can- didate when they made this selection, as Mr. Robinson will make another good Alfred Boultbee. We put his stay-at-home major- 1ty at about six to eight. hundred. It now appears that Sir John Macdonald has taken the management of the Ontario electionq out of the hands of Mr. Meredith althogether, and proposes to run the machine hlmself. His agents are now being rapidly spread through the length and breadth of the province, and are said to be snpplied with the necessary funds to carry on the warfare. It is said that Manitoba timbered lands will be held out as an inducement to wavering partlsnns. The Editor of the North York Reformer, having stepped on a needle last week, which had to be extracted by a hand vice, advises his readers not to try' the experiment, as he has now to write with his feat “ at rest.†The overflowlof the Ohio is causing terri- ble disasters. In Louisville, New Albany, and Cincinnatti hundreds of lives have been lost and millions of property destroyed. The Ohio is 64 feet above low water mark. N. Clark Wa‘lnce, Esq. M. P., of West York and Col. Tyrwhit, M. P. of South Simcoo are among the promoters of a. grand lottery in Ottawa. These men sent to Ottawa to be law-makers have turned law- !arenkers. It is high time the illegal “gift distributions" were put. a. stop to. t The writing of the Mail to put a good face on a. bad cause is amusing. It is now trying' to make its readers believe that there is a censpiracy between the governments of the Maritlme Provinces and that of Ontario, to so manipulate affairs that by influencing the popular vote through the Local Govern- ments that they may be able to defeat Sir John Macdonald’s Government and thus 'oyertufn the National Policy and break up the Paciï¬c Railway Syndicate. It however gets round to the old “ sing a song of six- .pence " and winds up its article with "Mow- lnt must go," but it forgot to add the little word, " back.†Ithas been the fortune of the Aurora. Union Bible Clues to secure the services of the prince of Sabbath School workers. Dr. J. H. Vincent, whose name is familiar the world over to christians as the greatest liv- ing writer and worker in the Sabbath School. He is the father of the Chautau. qua. Assembly and all its outgrowths. To hear him is an inspiration never to be for- gotten. It is therefore a chance no one should lose, and we will be greatly dissap- pointed if Richmond Hill, Maple, Laskay, Springhill, Kettleby, Schomberg, Queens- ville, Sharon, Newmarket, and Pine Orchard do not send in large quotas of eager and appreciative listener's. To the'Iï¬ditor of the meun. SlR,â€"- Being, interested in some of the political questions of the day relating to our Province, and feeling there is nothing of an earthly nature that concerns the whole people. of this or any other country as much as the Goverment under which they live, it becomes the electors to see that the best of men are chosen to repres- ent them in Parliament. At present- there is a gentleman before the intelligent electors in the riding of West Yolk. to be Voted tor as Representative in the Legis- lature of Ontario. and, I care not what shade a man’s politics, every man who is possessed of the franchise is. safe in go- ing to the polls on the 27th and cast his vote for Wm. C. Patterson: for in the hands of such men our Gm'erment is safe, our Country is safe, and the prosper- ity and happiness of the people secure. Goon GOVERNMENT. SIR,â€"â€"AS the people of this Province are on the eve of an important crisis, not only as regards the future of this Prov- ince, but as a free and independent. peo- ple whose rights and privileges should not be allowed to be trampled under foot by any one man power, no matter to what party he belongs; and as our rights are now being ignored and trampled under foot by him who presides at the head of afflirs fur the Dominion at Otta- wa, I would call upon every elector «if this Province m xex‘iousiy consider the great and important questions that are now shortly to be decided by them my) To the Editor of the LIBERAL: Vote for the Right Mam. The Issues of the Day. The areat questions now before the people of this Province are their rights as to whether they shall have the amount of territory awarded to them or not. and shall they continue :to enjoy the privilege of making their own local laws to govern their own local afl'airs. As to the Bound- ary Award, I would like to call the at- tention of our Conservative friends to an article that was published in their leading journal, the Mail, on the 15th of Jan- uary last. In speaking of the Award and Mr. Meredith’s position, as a memo~ er and leader of the Opposition in the Legislature, in reference to it the Mail says:â€"â€"" Mr. Meredith supported and would assist to maintain: the just rights and claims of the Province as made by the Award of the Arbitrators, and that, if he should become Premier of Ontario, he would take immediate proceedings to have the Award of the Arbitrators carried out." Now, I Would like to know from any right-thinking man, let him be Con~ servative or Reformer, if the article in the Mail is true, and Mr. Meredith has said it was, then who Is it ï¬ll it is trying to defraud the people of this Prov- ince out of their rights 7 \Vhy, Sir John Macdonald, and no one else; because if he said to his minions at Ottawa, “ yon huxe got to ratify this awar ,†it would it would be done. And again the R - form party are willing to accept the Award as made by the Arbitrators; there- fore if Mr. Meredith and his mouthpiece, the Mail, would ssyjoSir John, unless you ratify the Award and give Ontario her rights you will ï¬nd not only every Re- former but every Conservative in On- tario opposed to vou until you grant us our jnst rights, becaiisc the people of this Province do not. feel disposed- to spend thousands of donors to obtain that which you know justly and rightfully be- longs to them, they would only be acting in the interests of their ‘ own province the future of this Province. Previous to entering into Confederation) in 1869 when the two great parties came to a dead luck in the House of Connnvms of Canadm, on the great questions then between the Provinces 0t Ontariu and Quebec, the leaders of the Conservative party Were then in favor (and I believe are still) of a. Legislative Union, so that one Pin-ha- ment should reign supreme. 0n the other hand the great Reform party, led by the Champinn of Reforms in this Province, the Hon. George Brown, ad- vocated a Confederation of the then ex- isting Provinces, forming one g1 and Do- minion of British North America, with a, House for the whole Dominion, to enact laws that might be required fur the Do- minion, and that each Province should have its Local Legislature to make laws governing its own lucal affairs. And what has been the result 2 The peonle have been perfectly satisï¬ed with the management of their own lucul afl'airs, and. are they nmv, after enjoying those privileges for sixteen years, to have them taken from them because an unprincipled fanatic rules at the head of affairs at Ottawa? I believe the well-thinking people of this Province will, by their votes on the 27th of this month, give him such a rebuke as he deserves. Beware of Imitatiens. Since Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has be- come celebrated, a, number of unprin- cipled persons have'been endeavoring to palm oï¬' Electron nud=Electric Oil for the genuine DR 'I‘HUMAS’ ECLEUTRIC 011., Be- ware of these similar nuined articles. If their originator had any faith in the heal- ing properties of their own,and not trv tu sell them on the reputation of another; but as they knew their preparation have no merit, they resort to the most unprin- cipled means of selling them by getting a name as near as possible to Eclet'ric. We therefore ask the public when purchasing to see that the name Dr.’l‘homes’ Ecletric Oil is on the wrapper and the signature of NORTHROI’ & LYMA‘N, the proprietors for Canada, on the back. ' Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 5th du._v of April, 1883. for the following property belonging to the above estate : 50 acres of the N. E. quarter of Lot No. 8; Also 151; acres of the middle portion of Lot. No. 11, both in the 3rd 0011. of the Township sf Vauchun. The highest or any tender will not be accepted unless satisfactory. DANIEL. REAMANJCanorq. The Estate of the Late Henry White, deceased, ran SALE BY TENDER! Pursuant to Section Thirty Four of Chapter One Hundred and Seven of the Revised Statutes of the Province of Ontario is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the @xmtuxâ€™ï¬ ESTATE OF JOSEPH SUTTON a statement of their names and address and full pnuticulnrs of their claims mud of the securities (if anymeld by them ; and that after the said date last aforesaid the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice has been givâ€" en as above required ; and the saidExecutor wxll not be liable for the said assets or (my part thereof to any person or persons at whnse claims notice shall not have been received by the suid Solicitors at the time of such distribution. late of the Township of Mmklmn in the County of York and Province aforesaid deceased who de~ parted this life on or about the eighteenth day of May A D, 1882 are required to send by pa: 1; pre- paid or to deliver to Messieurs Lennox & Lennox of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Solicitors to the Executor under thalast will and testament of the mid deceased on or before Saturday, February 24, ’83, Imted at Barrie this 23rd day of January, A 1)‘ 588;} 32-6in. NOTICE «I LENNOX & LENNOX. Solicitmts as aforesaid ELECTOR. Eightite. Exocutbr‘ 3(}~liu We also make a specialty of First- Class Milliner to order, and have no hesitation in say- ing that it is quite equal to any in the city, and at prices fully one-third less than West End Houses. ‘ . MILLINERY : Ladies requir- ing Stylish Millin- ery at moderate prices should visit our Milliner show Room, where they will ï¬nd in stock a Splendid Assort- ment of Ladies’, Children’s. and Misses’ Hats and Bonnets. PETLEY & PET LEY, {GOLDEN- 1 GRIFFIN, . King Street. Opposite Marketl ANNUAL CLffEARING SALE Preparatory to ,f'aTaking Stock. 1111111613 86.) -S&Cl‘flï¬06 ALL OUR DEPA RTM ENTS.. PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE... A call will convince every erson Toronto that we are certainly ound begin the year 1883 with the Everything in this line mdrked dowm GREATEST BARGAINS These goods are all marked below cost, and every other kind of ENGLISH CASHMERES, FRENCH CASHM’ERES‘» EVER SEEN IN DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATLNS, VELVET'S. PLUSHES, ETC? In the remarkable values whlch‘asa whole we are prepared to show we the following lots, to which we ask. your " Specxal attention." BL ANKETS,‘ POPULAR DRY-GOODS HOUSE, 15-32 37()N (frE S'EREE '1‘. 2ND DOOR NORTH†OF QUEER DRESS GOODS 25.7PER GEN T. U N PRECEDENTED; TORON TO. EQUALLY CHEAP. in We would call the attention of Housekeepers to the Immense Stock of FINE ALL- WOOL BLANK- ETS, which we are selling at from $2.50 to $12 per pair. No housein: Canada can show the same value, as we buy direct from. the Manufacturers and pay prompt, cash. . PETLEY 8b PEYLE’V SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS‘, ‘ ' TOVVELLINGS,. W'HITE GOODS, CLOAKINGS,. At the end of January we take in-- ventory. Our stock of FANCY GOODS, LAOES. RIBBONS. NEOKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNDERWARE AND GENTS FURNISHING 60008: 15 LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE COMFOR’I‘ABLES, . FLANNELS. We have therefore made great reduct- ions in prices of all goods of which we have a. surplus. No one should miss the opportunity to secure these RARE BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. { Eflï¬ï¬‚x} King St. East. TORONTO. LANKETS :