Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Feb 1883, p. 7

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JOURNALISRI ABRO AD. Contrast between the French and British Press. One of the curious ditl'cronccs between English and lf'rcnch journalism is that the Elritish press gives to sport and stocks about the same space that the (lallic journals acâ€" cord to mt and literature. in London make: American who has been living in Paris wonder why the English do not take as much interest in their great men’s daily doings as in the movements on the race-course. The other day, when James Lice, the popular novelist, died, the Slam]- oxml gave him two lines, but bestowed a column and a half of solid print on the festivities attending the awarding of some " cup " after a horse-race. Mr. Anthony Trollope received a hit column in most of the leading journals the other day, but he had to die before he could achieve this (lis- tincticn. A blackguard who striks some- l> dy in the eye and then kieksthe policeman who arrosrs him has his exploits chronicled in a lengthy narrative. His remarks before the " learned judge,” as the English report'- crs invariably call the magistrate, are set down with lloswcllion fidelity, and the appearance of the person is described as minutely as if he had doneagocd ratlicr than a bad dccd. But of the charming, and, on the whole, quite permissible person- alities about contemporary novelists, editors, painters, ctrhcrs, engravcrs, publishers, musicians, picachcrs, una poets which one finds in such profusion in the 1.’aris'an 1‘ rcss, there is little, or nothing. in the London papers. The Britith ec ebrity nretcnds that he would be horrified at the free and easy discussion of his mental attributes and his personal appearance which is considered allowable in France and America. But I will venture to say that there is a very large portion of the reading public in the British Islands which would be delighted to know more about the human and less of theequinc -,elcl)rities of their country. When a new comedy is brought out in London, the papers indulge in one article of very moderate length about the piece and its author, and then they drop both, as if the editors had said in concert, “ Thank heaven ! that's over; now we can return to horse and cricket ; or, we can dish up a beautiful stew of Irish and Afghan politics-w post the thing for these gloomy winter morn~ jugs!” Fora good oldd'asliioncli, ghastly murder, the editors are ready to give up several columns, and to have “one account,” “another account," “aceountfrom a relative of the deceased,” etc. 1-. does not seem to occur to the editorial mind that by bringing before the public all the picturesque and interesting members of the liberal guilds, piquancy and grace are added to journalism, and people are taught to think about some- thing besrdes the most grim an unpleasant realities of life. But no ! TIM ll’orld. Truth, and other weekly papers of that ilk, which were started for the express purpose of supplying the deficiency already remarked inthcdaily press, are looked askanceat by the English society. Perhaps this is because the pioneers in this kind of journalism, heretofore unused in England, have not yet learned exactly where to “draw the line.” In France it is understood, and the law backs up the undcrstandingâ€"that to enter into details of the private life of a celebrat- ed man or woman is forbidden, unless the person becomes outrageously conspicuous. But everything about a public career is con- sidered fit subject for public gossip. The result is thatâ€"â€"givcn two persons of equal t'ilcntvboth meriting distinctionâ€"one an l‘lnglishman in Englandâ€"the other a French~ man in Franceâ€"and the Frenchman at 40 will have a national reputation, and will be familar and celebrated figure wherever he goes, while the Englishman will be known only to his readers, and to the members of the social circles in which he moves. “'hen Little was alive, especially in the five or six years preceding his death, the daily French press was never tired of printing cslnmns about himflhis methods of workâ€"his unre- mitting industryâ€"his speculative philoso- phyâ€"«his combat with the church, etc. How often does one see an article in the British daily press about Mr. Herbert Spen- cer, describing the man so that the nation can look down upon himâ€"«sympathhe with him in his toilâ€"watch the progress of his ideas, and learn to admire and love him? blot very frequently ; now and then the great man is mentioned in an editorial, but is only incidentally, and as if the editor owed him an apology for bringing him out of his obscurity. If he were a horse or a betting man of celebrityiihc VI ould fare better. \Vheu one reflects how mighty the intel- lectual movement in London is, with its hundreds of publishing houses, its dozens of theatres, its operas, its salons crowded with witty and brilliant folk from all the ends of the earth, its academics and muse» urns and studios, one can not help consider- ing it phenomenal that so little reflection of this higherlilc is seen in the daily press. It would seem as if the new 'spapcr publish- ers had voluntarily closed the most attract- ive. of all the fields against their readers. I will venture to say that a foreigner who reads Labouchcrc’s Trail: in weekly instal- ments f'oronc year will get a Clezu‘erand more comprehensive idea of life in London and the British Islands than he will by perusing the daily issues of The Times during the same period. But Labouchere, in his clever weakly, perpetually offends uppervclass British prejudice against publicityâ€"110.0072. Journal. - F-77‘niâ€"4->~â€" - ‘»-â€"-..-.-.~â€" English Franchise Statistics. As we are likely to have before long an ( xtcnsion of household franchise to the counties, a few statistics from the census of 1881 may prove interesting. The boroughs of England and \Vales contain 2,100,000 houses and give a total of 1,600,000 voters. The counties, excluding boroughs, contain 9,735.00) houses and give a total of 740,000 voters, cxclusc of 87,000 voters who have county qualifications within boroughs. An act assimilatingthc county with the borough franchise would add 1,200,000 to the county votes. The numbers would consequently " County voters 2,000,000; borough *, 1,000,000. llut if there were no rc- . )ution of seats the 2,000,000 ctunty voters would return 187 membrrs and the l,(300,000 borough voters would return 207 members. â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-¢m~‘>o<.®-> we».s..... A fashion writer says the “ lcgof‘mut- ton sleeves has not proved successful.” An opinion got startid that they looked sheep. A week or two ~ 1 Manitoba and the North-west Plthy Paragraphsjnd Newsy Notes, Carefully Collated for our Reader-3’ Perusal. field has been discovered at Minnedoza. A vigorous effort is to be made to have the next Provincial Exhibition held in Win- nipco‘. Messrs. Du'four & Eraser, of \Vcst Lynne will start their saw mill running in acouplc of weeks. The Portage la Prairie town council will petition the local government to appoint a police magistrate for that town. The County of Brandon has purchased lots at the south of the town, (on the Vivian estate)for the purposelof erecting substantial County Buildings. The fuel question has been an important one during the recent cold snap, and owing to a. scarcity wood sold as high as $0 a cord at Emerson. Over thirty mining companies are likely to be engaged in gold mining operations in the North-west- before the close of the present year. The question cf the location of the C. 1’. R. bridge across the Red tiver at Emerson, is not definitely settled, but is in a fair way of being so. It is reported, although not generally be- ' lieved, that a branch bank will be opened shortly at Rat Portage. It is now an ab- solute necessity. .I. H. Kenning, inspector of Inland Revc~ nue, was in \Vcst Lynne on Friday, accom- panied by Frank Bonletter, who succeeds .1. Henry at that place. 1’. Killer, a former resident of Emerson, has returned to fill thcposition of bookkeep- er for J. Robinson. who recently pur- chased the business of .\shdow’n & Co. in Emerson. The Minneilosa Star is confident the Port- age, \Vestborne and N. \V. Railway will reach that place by the lst of June, as the intention of the new com; any is to push the road 300 or 400 miles during the coming season. It is reported that the Dominion Govern- ment will next season erect a new post: office and custom house in Winnipeg. The pelt office will cost $120,000, and will be put up on the present stand. The new cus- tom house will cost over $100,000. Considerable change is being made in the freight oflices of the C. I’. It. at Brandon. They are being enlarged, as the pres- cut accommodation is far too limited for the number of clerks required to do the work. Mr. (I. S. Armitage has closed acontract with parties in \Vinnipeg, to deliver either at M lnnedosa or Brandon 30,000 tics. Mes- sers. John and Alexander Cameron have left with their gangs for Mr. Armitage’s limits for the purpose of erecting shanties and stables. There have been some statements circulat cd recently that the movers in the E, & N.~ \V. railway charter were actuated by per- sonal motives, and that new theirenthusiasm ic very low. The fact that the line is now superfluous will account; better for the pres- eutapathy. News has been received by the Indian De- partment of the destructicn by fire at the I’icguu r :scrvatiou, near Fort MaeLcod, of the budding in which the Indian supplies were stored, with a loss of seven hundred sacks of flour. The Ind'ans will not suffer they have surpluspotatoes equiv- alent to the flour destroyed. Mr. J. Honey, Inland Revenue officer at “"est Lynne, leaves for \Vinnipeg on Mon- day next to take a position in the head office. The mes says : Since Mr. Honey’s short stay with us he has by his genial man- ners attracted a. number of warm friends to- wards him, who deep'y regret his dcparture ir m1 among us. A young man by the name of McLean, left his home, near Newdalc, several weeks ago to go to Portage la Prairie, intending to be absent but afew days, since then no- thing has been heard of him. His father telegraphed to the Portage and received an answer stating that his son had not been seen in that place. His parents are very anxious as to his whereabouts. The Brandon Club has got into temporary trouble, and a number of parties with claims against the proprietors,arc pressing for pay- ment; the money, however, will be forthcom- ing, as one of the owners is wealthy and intends sparing no pains in making the i11- stitution a success. At the present time, however, the merchants seem somewhat un- easy on account of the large amount of the liabilities. Several Winnipeg wine dealers ore interested to a considerable extent. The fact that the Souris and RockyMomr taiu ltiilroad are to push their line through Auburn early in the spring has already in- duced many to invest in lots for building purposes. This town site is situated on section twenty seven, township twelve, range fifteen, being about the centre of the fine farming district known as the Big Plain. l\1.essrs. Roris brothers now have their large grist mill running night and day, and under the able management of Mr. l Robinson are turning out. some of the best flour in the country. There are now two general stores here, Mr. Mucklc having moved his business from Crecford. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-<wâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The Perturbed Thermometer. A Thermometer was observed in aStafcof Excessive Agitation. “Why, my friend,” inquired the Eight-day Clock, “why are you so l’crturbed ?” “ lccausc,” replied the ther- mometer, “I apprehend that I am no Longer Capable of Performing my Functions. At the present Moment I am Registering forty degrees above Zero, when I should be Seve- ral degrees Below.” “Oh, no, I guess Not,” said the Eight-day Clock. “ Yes, I am Confident of it,” persisted the Thermometer, “for from my Position in the \Vindow I just Overheard a policeman Decline Drink, and it must be a Cold Day when such a Pin nomcnon Occurs.” .. ..,,.. -. “ 00. ” The conversation relates to a plaid hung- ing at the shop door. Customer (inquiring of the material)â€"Oo? (wool?) Shopkeepcrâ€" Ay. 00, (yes of wool.) Customerâ€"“A” 00‘.’ (all wool ?) ShopkeepermAy, a’ 00, (yes ; all wool.) CustonicrwA’ ac oo ‘2 (all the same wool?) Shopkeeperâ€"‘Ay,’ a’ ac 00, (yes; all the same wool.)â€"#Dcan Ramsey. l y 1 ALL n: JEST, The question which exc'tes the drivers of public carriages is : “ Does a. back or a coupe best?” A trapeze performer is at the height of his popularity when his head touches the cir- cus canvas at the top. To stand on one’s head is the most difii- cult feat one can perform on ice, and yet the new skater always try, s to do it. If you can’t trust a man for the full mount let him skip. This trying to get an average on hcnesty has always been a fail- urc. Everybody goes to Sara-toga to drink the water, but that doesn’t explain why bar- tenders there are paid $200 a month, and it is hard to get them at that. “ \Vhat can I do for you to induce you to go to bed now ‘5” asked a mamma of her 5~ year old boy. “You can let me stay upa little longer," was the youngster’s response. Aphilosopher says : “In the economy of nature nothing is lost. The inside of an orange may refresh one man, while the out- side of the same fruit may serve as a medi- um for breaking another man’s leg." W'e are told that “ a seismologist is a man who investigates earthquakes for the purpose of ascertaining the laws that go- vcrn them.” Think of that. my boy ! \Vlicn you tell the bartender to mix you an earth- quake you’re a seismologist. Queen’s county, New York, is alllicted with blind hogs. “’e are not informed whe- ther they are of the same breed which are to be found in horse-cars, but 1 robably they are not, as these latter are blind only when somebody wants one of the two or three seats they are. occupying so artistically. In some of the mining towns of Nevada a. common house eat sells for $10 in gold, and the supply is always short. A Navada man who would bootjack a cut would not be allowed to live twenty-four hours. But it doesn’t do any good to post a. notice to this effect in a back-yard, as cats can’t read. Fuller \Vcnham is a very objectionable person. They were talking in his presence of a septuagenarian millionaire. "The state of his health.” said one (i his nearest and dearest relations, “causes us all the gravest anxiety.” “Probably,” remarked Fuller lVenhani, “but the state of his ill- ness wouldn’t." A street railroad convention has recently been held in Boston. It was not decided whether conductors should continue to gaze at the blue vault of heaven when a man is hastening along through mud two feet deep to catch the car. But the conclusion was arrived at that under no circumstance should a. car carry more than 141 passengers at the same time, or stop for any one to get off unless the track was blocked by a freight car. The old French banker, Pout, was by no means lacking in presence of mind, as in- dicated by the following anecdote. Once upon a time, in a crowded church, he felt someone brush against him and then missed his watch. Knowing that the thief could not be gone very far, he contented himself by rcmarki 1g aloud : “ \Vcll if that isn’t the first time I ever knew one of our follows to rob another one of the gang.” His confi- dence was not misplaced, for as he was go- ing out a. well-dresst gentleman slipped the timepiece into his hand, with the words: “ Excuse me, sir! I didn’t know you be- longed to the perfcsh l” A hunter fired at a. bird as it flew over-the door-yard of an Arkansas residence. A boy that was playing around was struck by a. couple of shot, and his cries brought his fa- ther to the scene. “\Vhat have you done?” he demanded of the hunter, drawing a. re- volver. “ I beg ten thousands pardons, ” exclaimed the hunter. “ In my eagerness to secure the bird I fired thoughtlcssly, and I fear I have seriously wounded your son.” “ Son 1” ssid the old man. “ I thought you had hit my dog. Mind how you shoot around here, for it you put ashot into that dog I’ll cutoff both your cars.” a. â€"-â€"â€"»‘-.I'l>â€"â€"â€"-â€"t Stock Company Wanted. lIe satbchind a show-window full of SI cei- mens of silver ore and received his first cus~ tcmor with a bland smile. “ Is that silver ere 2’” asked the man. “Of course.” “Any silver in it 7” “ Certainly.” “ Dig it up around Toledo here “ No. sir; those specimens came from Co lorado.” “ Buy ’cm of some quarry ‘2” “ They came from my mine, sir. “ Any more left 2'” “Thousands of tons.” “ Gomg to use ’cm to pave streets?" "No, sir ; I am here to sell stock in the mine.” “ Is the ore worth anything ‘3" “ It assays at $1,200 to the ton.” “Only $1,200 '2” “Only? \Vhy it is the richest mine in Colorado. ” “ What’s the whole mine worth 2” “ At least $1,000,000." “15 that all? I (lid think of investing, but I don’t care for small speculations. if on want. a dollar bill for those specimens I’ll send a. boy and a cart around here. Reckon they might come handy for chink- ing up the smoke-house or throwing at cats.” 93) ii Delicate Charity. Dr. ,Lomanes, of England, tells a. charm~ ing story of the father of the late Charles Darwin. For the benefit of the district in which he lived, Dr. Darwin offered to dis- pense medicines gratis to any one who ap- plied and was not able to pay. He was sur- prised to find that very few of the sick poor availed themselves of his offer,a.nd, guessing 1 that the reason must have been a dislike to F become a. recipient of charity, be devised a plan to neutralize the feeling. \thnevcr any poor persons applied for medical aid, he told them that he would supply the medi- cine, but they must pay for the bottles. "his little distinction made. all the differ- ence, and ever afterwards the poor used to flock to the doctor‘s house for relief as a matter of right. “M‘I‘Hâ€"â€"â€"v-.â€"-â€" Every sensible man in Chicago who has seen Mrs. Langtry has gone home and said to his wife: “ Well, well; if she’s good- looking I wonder what they’d call you ?” Some wives takeit as a compliment. "‘Accept our Gratitude." 1 Dr. It. V. PIERCE, luffalo. N. Y.: Dcnr Sirâ€"Your “ Golden Medical Discovery" has cured my boy of a fever sore of two years’ standing. Please accept our grati- tude. Yours truly, HE‘IRY \VHITING, Boston, hfass. The true test of civilimtion is not the cen- sus, nor the size of cities. nor the cropsâ€" no, but the kind of man the Country turns out. Dr. l’iercc‘s “ Favmitc Prescription” is not extolled as a “ cureâ€"all,” but admirably fulfills a singlencss of purpose, being a most potent specific in those chronic weaknesses peculiar to women. l’art culars in l’icrcc’s pamphlet treatise on Diseases l’ec- uliur to Women, 00 pages, sent for three stamps. Address WonLD's Illsl’liNSARY111(21)- ch 1. AssoriArioN, illutl‘alo, N. Y. The here is usually considered a harmlc s creatt'irr: or of that class of irrational bipeds who hurt only themselves. Dr. l‘icrce‘s “ I’ellctWâ€"r little liver pills (sug r-coatedk-purify the blood, speedily correct all disorders of the liver, stomach, and bowels. By druggists.‘ God’s livery is a very plain (ne ; but its wearers have good reason to be content. If it have not so much gold lace about it as Satan’s, it keeps our. foul weather better, I and is besides a great deal cheaper. TEETHâ€"157671011:zlliiilgllir V ege‘tine We are not at all surprised to learn that the demand of the people everywhere for that: famous medicine, \‘cgetine, is constantly be- coming more and more extended. 1). has long been in demand all over our own country, and had some time. ago made its way into various 1 foreign lands. At the present time the esteem» ed proprietor, Mr. II. 1:. Stevens, of Boston. is sending it to order to some of the rcmotcst for- eign countries: and it seems now evident that ; Vegetlnc is to become a universal medicine. It isa“patentmedicine,” but it has gained its fame and made its \vayeverywhere on its own intrinsic merits. Such were the unmistakable and undeniable results of the use of this aston- ishing, and, at this day. world-renowned medi- cine, in speedily effecting cures of the very numerous diseases or ills for which it was de~ clared to be a remedy. that people everywhere were open and decided in expressing their onin- ' ion that this “patent medicine" must not only be ranked equal \vlth.but altogether superior to, allthc regular “doetors’ stuff" that had ever. been given in sickess. There Was and there could be no dispute about the astonishing cures effected by the medicine. The doctors could not deny lhom~ especially as many of such cures had been effected in the most respectable, wealthy and well-known families, where the suffering in« Valids had obtained and taken the Vegetinc as a last resort. after the regular physicians had utterly failed to do them any good. Moreover, testimonial letters from perfectly Well-known persons in high standing and of undoubted character and veracity began to pour in upon Mr. 11. It. Stevens, the propric-l tor, in abundance. declaring, and often with the deepest gratituuc, the surprising cures wrought by tho groutinedieinc. Such testimonials have continued to {low in upon Mr. Stevens, from first to last. until he has enough to make volumes were he to print them all. lint, he don‘t niblish even in the newspapers, only a small motion of“ them, Is it any wonder, then, that the sale of chcline is now increasingly at a surprising rapid rateT~ Providence (15. I.) Gaye‘cttc. vcgctin lt.l~‘OitSTE t, klt'l‘ISTJlASRETUI.NEI) i from Europe and opened a Studio, 81 King-st. East. l’ortrai ’n oil life size. luaumm-wv 7m mm»: m 1 nummmm UBBEB MM ifl’s‘.â€"Al)l)lt CBS 1:. II. COX 1 King St. East, Toronto. Agents wantcl , " A’I‘Ulllllrriepaircd. Trade work a special - ; ty. A. Bmenuv, 8 Kiugb‘t. )4), Toronto. I fists: IIRISSHEPPARI),Minuf‘h‘of Iasonicaul other Societv Jewels. 151 King 10..'1‘0l‘0nln) RICE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, Win-l DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for price list. 14‘. \VILLIAMH. 4. King }«1.. Toronto. WATEHE’ 13 l mzc Street. Send for free illustrated cata- . logueto 1tYRIE,the Jeweler, Toronto. 35 FOR. A WORKING MODEL 1 . 0 steam Engincwvith lamp complete. C. POTTER. 31 King-SL, East, Toronto. RUG BUSINESS FOR SALEâ€"IN G001) ‘ _ sized Vill go, Middlescx county; thickly populated dist iot ; no opposition ; stock [tho it :5500': can do about $10 per day. MACKIl - ’I‘OSII & PETERS, Toronto. l 1pc]: SALEâ€"SAlV MILL lllACIIlNEICY. including oscillating stock and stabbing . gangs of Steel and iron, with l’iimruk i'z ~. pulleys. flv wheels and shaft COIHIJlUL\. 71. 1;. l RATHB UN & SON. Desoronto, Ont. TORK FARMERS COLONY, I\'. W. ’1‘. Free Ilomesteads with precmpfions uddâ€" od now open in this fertile tract. For list of present settiers,improvements now going onand full information address Ilcad Olllcc, 1 Vie- toria St.,'1‘oruntn. Intendng settlers wanted as agents. .1. .. Alch‘TltUNG, Munagiug Director. ' 00K AND Sl‘AI‘ION . NY 1 , i i with telegraph olllcc, for sale in live V“ . tern village of 1,200 ponulalion~-thickly s: tlcd district; doing a nice ash business ; stock . about $1,100. MACKIN’IOSU 8.: PETERS, To- l ronto. ‘ ‘1ENERALBUSINESH FORSALE IN ’1'111‘.‘ ‘ I best town on N. k: N. \V. Il.:Sl01‘o ‘23 x so, plate glass windows ; rcnt $1.30 per an.: stock ‘ about $1.000; doing cash trade principally. , MACK TOSH & PETERS, Toronto. : AltDWAI’dfl STOCK FOR SALE AT (:00. on dollar-(shelf goods) in excellent » shape; inventories $3.500; the stand can be leased and is one of the best in a thriving ; manufacturing town, 5,000 population: but one 1 opposition store. MA (.‘KINTOSII & PETERS. , Toronto. IFLOUR AND GlilS'l‘MlLb FD]: SALF , ; close to town of? 7,000 population, Yorki county ; 3 run stones. all necessary modern im- 1 provements; good water power; gristing 21.. 000 bushels per annum ; no other gristing mill 1 within 5 mile. , price $7,000,3‘ cash, balance convenient. M .XL/IIINTOSII 8:. PETERS. Tor- ; onto. q. .» MY ILLUTRATED CATALOGUE FOR 1883 : containingdescription and prices of the choicest kinds of l 1 Field. Garden, and Flower Seeds i l l l I mailed free to all intendingv purchasers upon application. It is thohandsomest Catalogue published in Canada, and ‘ is ll aluahle to all who wish to buy PURE FRESH Semis. Spfl ml attention given to preparing Mixnn (immune {or PERRIANENT PASTUR J. 1 ricca and full particulars will he found in (‘nfalorvum WM. RENNIE, Seedsmau, TORONTO cure nine cases out of ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by Prevention is better than cure. delay amoment. Dr.‘ I Loss of Power. Juvenatcs the Jaded Intellect. strengthens the To have fragrant Breath and 'l‘cethlikc snow, Foolish and careless you’d be very, If you didn’t at once a trial bestow On thatcxcelleutdcntifriceâ€"â€"‘ ‘Tm nrnnr . ” lztfilQ'leW.HEt ' 'L' Indiges'ion, costivcnoss, or constipation, are imrued ately cuer with~ ZOI‘EHA. It stimulates, and gives activity to the liver. It increases the~dissolving juices of the stomach, and causes the food to assimilate. VANAL SCHOONER FOP. SALE-IN GOOD repair; class A 21, valued at $510,000 by In- land Loyds; capacity, 21,000 bushels wheat and 21,000 oak timber. Apply to .l. C. GRAHAM, Si .“ (latharines OIvL. \VORTII ()li‘ FARMING and other property in Ont.- ario for sale. by the CANADA \VEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 1-1 Adelaide-st East, Toronto. Send for list Ontario Pulmonary Institute [35 Church-st. Toronto. Ont. HILTON WILLIAMS M.D..l\’[.C.l’.S.0., rnormn'roh'. M. Over 10000 eases successfully treated during the past 17 years for some form of head, throat and lung trouble. All diseases of the respiratory organs treated by the most 'improvcd medicated inhalations. combined With proper constitutional remedies. Consultation free. If impossible to call personally at the Insti‘ into for an examination, write for List of Quem Lions and Medical Treatise. Address, ONTARIO PULMONARY INSTITUTE. 135 Church Street. Torenlo, Out. all Llw’Sllll’SiiilSl \Vhleh will be sent to your own home at prices considerably lower than what you pay at your town. Send for our price list. choose No. and enclose price in registered letter, and Tea wil be sent to your Express Office free of charge. Ilia” Don't miss this opportunity to get a. Cad dy of Pure Tea. ED WARD LAW SON, Victoria Tea Warehouse, KING STREET. EAST, TORONTO. to It) Mack‘s Magnetic Medicine. \. r "- ‘9' r . ‘4,/ (£1 ’0 C (G C r . a, ‘- \ u, . [D (Barons) TEAM MARK. Positively cures Nervousness in'ull its stages. ‘lcak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Night Sweats, Barrenncss, “Weakness and General It repairs Nervous “’aste, re- Enfecblcd Brain and restores surprising tone and'vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs 1n either sex. to. With each order for Twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our written Guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ell‘cct a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Pamphlet sent free by mail to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by drug- gistsnt 50 cents per box. or 6 boxes for $2.50, or Will be mailed free of postage. on receipt of money. by addressing Mack's .llagnellc Medi- cine Co..“’imlsor. (MIL, (Tuiuieln. Sold by all druggistu in Canada. 2:”; ~vfiâ€"vâ€"twrâ€"uâ€"a. 5:1 a .â€":.x;‘ Trill: GREAT ..'. . to," but for Ix 4 l, S, . l". 1~111EU.\1A‘11:~,1\l, comp aunt; of lllliunm 1 nature, ET to A S STEREO Sold by all druggists. The. Rheumatinc Mun ul'aeturing (70., St. (tollicrincs, Ont, Messrs Northrop & Lyman. Wholesale Ants" Toronto V GROUP, ASTHMA, BRONGHITIS, NEURALGIA. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment .w (for Internal and External Use) will 1' . instantaneously relieve these tcr- ‘ ;. rible diseases, and will positively i' mail. Don’t t. 1. s. Jonnsoh & 00., BOSTON, MAss. ‘, . ., . ,. W, 1:.

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