W. Coate & Colï¬gato their. «Auctioh Rooms, Toronto, on Saturday 10th inst, The Aurora Banner says: “ At no time in the history of Aurora 11% ï¬re- wood been so searce a3 at the [present timeâ€"in fact. it is a difï¬cult thing to get it at any ‘ price. Dry Ilarth<m<l has [brought an high as $4.50 per cord: green, 553.59. ’ Aurora may consider itself well nil in this matter. In Richmond Hill we cannot get a stick of dry wood under $5 pep cord. and green wood $4 and 84 '25. Pine slabs are being sold here f. r Those, we admiï¬ are either famine u!‘ - ‘fnrtmje prices. A social gatherine‘ of the members of the Egiingtan Methodist Church was ‘held on Friday evening. A large number of the members of the Young People’s Improvement Socieï¬y, in connection with the Queen street west Methodist church, Toronto. and other churches attended and took an active part in the proceed- lugs. A large number of Richmond Hillians meturned the visit of the \Voodhridgians, Smade a couple of weeks ago, by attending ‘2» Carnival at \Voodbridge last night A very enjoyable time was spent and they were not a bit cold. They went in coup- les, in single rigs. An apple m perfect preservation, a1~ though 96 years old, is in possession by a gentleman in Ulster county, N. Y. As it'rounded up from the blossom of the parent stem in the early summel of 1787, a. bottle was drawn over it and attached to a branch, and after the apple was ripe- ;md the stem was severed and the bottle sealed tightly. It looks as fresh as when first pluckfdiï¬ Postal Cards. The new twwcent Postal Cards, for convenience of correspondence within the Dominion, are now in general circul- Minn. The double- post cards arej 1st like two nrdinaryposh cards joined at: the top, the idea. being that it affords the nriginal sender of a. card the means of sending, with his communication, a blank post cartito be used in reply. It; will be appreciated by a general public no doubt. \IVeston. The barn and. other outbuildings be- lqngingto James Cruickshanks, of \Ves- ton, were totally destroyed by ï¬re on Saturday. The ï¬re was caused by a. neighbor’s children amusing themselves by lighting matches and burning the ends uf straws protruding through the cracks. The building was insured. Your Attention. The attention of the p11 blic is called to Atkinsons new ad. this week, which, though brief contains an important an- molmcement. Under the Gavil. As'will beseen by an ad. on another page, the Grand Central Hotel, of this place. will be gmldey Public} Auction _by Newmmket, Aurora, King, . RICHMOM) IL“, "l‘hornhill, _. Weston, .. . Davenport . P1er 171,16. TORONTO Until further notice “mils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows 2â€"- MoanNG zâ€"Going North. scum, East and West, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Mm‘kham,&c. 7.45. EVENING :â€"â€"Going south.East and West (a above) 6.00 N. B.-Registerefl Letters must be handed in at least {ï¬fteen Minutes earlier $119.11 the above mentioned hours for closing. M, TEEFY, Postmaster. Monthly Faun The regular Monthly Fair, which pm- mises to be {L good one will be held on \Vednesday hexf. The First Lamb ofthe Season. The anwr says: On Tuesday morn- ing Mr. \Villia’m \Vheadon shipped to Mr. Pugsley the ï¬rst; lamb nf the season. It was purchased from Mr. St. George, of Oak Ridges. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail. -Ac City Hull. 7.55. Union Station &03. Brock Street. 8.10. Queen's Wharf Parkdale, . . 8.17. Davenport .‘25. West/0p!" . . . . . 30 ' ' ‘Connects with All trains, leaving the Palmer 'House, Richmond Hill, as follows: Mail 65 Express, North 6: South" . Accounnndutinu‘ “ “ Express, North ‘ Mail. South .. .. 8.00, n. m. .1200, “ 5.00, p. m. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, March 2, ’83 Tï¬omhin, ......... 8.5-); RICHMOND HILL, King . . . . . . m, e\vmarket,. 9.47. MRTHERN R‘ B. TIMETABLE. @112 flihmï¬ PROGTGB‘S 3 TA GE INE Queen‘s Vflmrf Brook Street; Union Station†City Hall H P0 ST OFFIGE HUGE. Returning the Compliment. Scarcxty of Firewood. The Oldest Apple. AT HOME. ' GOING SOUTH, Exm’s. Eglinton. 9.45. 9.53 ‘9 55 10.03 1010 Accom 11.45. 11.52. Acccm. 12.05. 12.20. 1247. 12.00. 12.10†12.47. 12.57. 1.50. 1.18. 085 110.. 2.22 Mail 7.46. 8.34. 8.45. 8‘57. 9.07. 9.12, (5.48. 9.35. d. Since Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil has beâ€" come celebrated, a. number of unprin- cipled persons have been endeavoring to palm ofl‘ Electron and Electric Oil for the genuine DR THOMAS’ ECLEUTRIC OIL. Be- ware of these similar named articles. If their originator had any faith in the heal- ing properties of their own,and not trv to sell them on the rmmtation of another; but as they know their preparation have no merit, they resort to the most unprin- cipled means of selling them by getting a name as near as possible. to Ecleh'ic, We therefore ask the public when purchasing to see that the name D1‘.Tlmnms’ Ecletric Oil is on the wrapper and the signature of Nom‘nrtor &- LYMA. Ll e proprietors for ' l'L, on the back, ’ Adiress, RUTLEDUE PUBLISHING COM- 1’ xNY, Easton, Penna. Stock Breeders’ Association. Two weeks ago a meeting was held in Schomberg for the purpose of organizing a. Stock Breeders’ Association, the object of which is the protection of owners of entire horses and horse breeders. The meeting was well attended by interested parties throughout the Province. Mr. '1‘. J. T'lintofl‘, of Aurora, was elected chairman, and Thos. Phillips, Bondhead, Sec-Trees. The following gentlemen were selected as an executive committee: John Palmer, Richmond Hill ; Donald Watson, Maple; James Addison, Pine Grove; Geo. Gobiel. Kleinburg; James Ferris, Alliston; John \Vilson, Cooks- town. An assessment of one dollar was made upon each'member, to defrav the expenses which the Association had al- ready incurred, a. resolution was then passrd authoring the Secretary to call a Convention to be held in Toronto on the 6th inst., and that he advertise the same in the daily papers, and also notify horse- men through the province by circular to that effect. The meeting then adjourned. A $20.00 Biblical Reward. ‘ The publishers of Rutledge’s Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for March. among which is the following: W'e will give $20.00. in gold to the person telling;r us which is the longest verse in the Bible by March 10th, 1883. Sln uld two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner March 15th, 1883. Persons try~ ing for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the April Jllonthly, in which the name and address of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be pnblised, and in which several more valuable rew- ards will be offered. A copy of Wiggins’ Storm Herald, with the compliments of the publishers, is on our table. It contains predictions of all the storms that will take place during the present year, the dates on which they will occur with full particulars and class- iï¬cation, criticisms of his predictions by some of the leading meteorologists, opin- ions of the press and his essay on “ Com- ets,†written for the Warner prize. Dr. E. Stone \Viggins is Canada’s ï¬rst native Astronomer and his predictions are at- tracting much attention and apparently curry weight with many of the well known Meteorologists. The work 1s really a very interesting one, in contents and in its mechanical preparation it is a credit to the publishers, the Grip Printing and Publishing Co: ‘ The regulay Monthly Sale, to be held on Wednesday next, will probably be one of the most important ever yet held in Richmond Hill. The posters issued last week announce the Ofleriiig of that well known and valuable property, situated in the very heart of the business portion of our village, the Royal Hotel, for sale by Public Auction; and also the entire furniture, bar fixtures, Lice. Bidding“r will probably be lively, as the stand is la. good one, though we believe it could be turned into a. business place which would be quite as rexnunerative and much more conducive to public interests. It will be offered on its own stand instead of the Palmer House. Missionary Meeting. The annual Missionary Meeting will be held at Patterson this (Friday) even- ing, when John Macdonald, Esq., -of Toronto, will be one of the deputation that will address.I the audience. Mr. Mucdonald is an excellent missionary speaker, and enters the subject with all his soul. He is the largest contributor to the missionary cause in the Canada. Methodist Church, and perhaps the larg- est in Canada. He contributes many thousand a year, his last offer being to support a miasionary to Japan, if a. cer- tain church sent the man. Methodist Church Fmances. The ï¬nances of the Methodist Church here, as will be seen by a. report publised ii] an another column, are in a very satis- uetury condition. During this year the regular inc<une from pew rents, Annivers- zu'ys,drc., have no: only floated the rem- aining expenditure which were unusually heavy this year but it has liquidated the standing debt by about $500. Few chur- ches do this frdm their ordinary sources of income. Quite a. number of our young people took to themselves the pleasure of a drive to Markham on Saturday evening last, each lady and gentleman ch0sing the company of some other persons brother or sister in preference to their own. ’We understand they had a melting time it having rained on them all the way there'and back. At any rate the umbrellas had to have a. melting betore they would consent to re- ceie from their defensive position. Important Monthly Sale. Wiggins’ Storm Herald. Beware of Imitations. Dnve té7M§Fï¬am; DCGALD McMaztcmE,Purplevflicj Dated this 1011) day of t‘ebruary, 1883,_ I‘M-Bin, their christian names and their surnames with their addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims With a. state- ment of the nature of the securities (if my) held by them ; and in default thereof and immediately sitter such last named date the assets of the said John McMitllen will be distributed among the parties entitled there~ to regard being had only to claims of which notice shall have been given as above re- quired and the executors will not be liable for the said aSSets or anv part thereof to any person of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at; the time of such distribution. JOSEPH “700;, LIL > We thought we had a good machine in our household until one day the agent of the Nab Home presented himself at our door and proceeded ‘to deliver an oration upon its‘ charctsristic merits. Racy, witty, wise, simple, deep, vigor; ous, pathetic, it carried his audience of nearly ï¬ve hundred into the mysteries, miseries, pranks, plans, difï¬culties, dangers, assurances and aspirations o£ boy character, management and life, as by magic spell. He stood there before his hearers quiet, easy, earnest, cheerful, deliberate, toying with the precious but often unappreciated, “ten mutilated “ Boy,†till getting the hearts of his hearers fully within range, he sent wizzâ€" ing to the very core a red-hot ball of concentrated power, and seemed to wait just an instant to hear the sharp impact, but before the reverberation! of applause reached his ear, proceeds to take another aim. So adroit were his movements, so simple his recharging, his listeners never lost sight of his theme, and found themselves charged with aphorisms of wisdom and keyâ€"thoughts to the world of parental privilege and re- sponsibility, of which they had seldom realized the value before, One of the wise Among the hearers remarked: “- I gave twenty-ï¬ve cents for my ticket, but got ï¬ve dollars' worth in return.†We are greatly indebted to those who secur- ed for us so rich a treat, rarely available in acountry village. and are sure the hundred or more who came by rail and sleigh from Queensville, Sharon, New- market, Holland Landing, Yonge Street, Kettlehy, Schomberg, Lloydtown, Pot tageville, Springhill, Richmond Hill. Laskay, Patterson and Sherwood, will come next time, and bring many more with them. The weather, sleighing and moonlight were all favorable to the greatest success in the lecture line ever achieved in Aurora.â€"-Bmmer. The Usual Results. It is not to be denied that a. good new. ing machine is one of the most. important appurtenances of modern household. lured by the NEW HOME SEWING EACHINE 00., 30 Union Square, New York, who wishes us to say that all who will send for their new illustrated cata- logue and. enclose' their advertisement (printed on another page), will receive a. net of fancy advertising novelties, of v'alue to those collecbing curds, &c. The Creditors and all others having claims against the Estate of John McMullen late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York and Province of Ontario farmer who ched on 91' about the 23rd day of October 1881 are hereby notiï¬ed to send Icy post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned the Executors of the said John McMullen on or befoxe Saturdav, April 7th. 1883 “But,†we answered, “our machine serves us nicely and suits us well, and we do not care for another. †The agent however, begged the privi- lege of leaving one of his machines with 113,7“f0r the lad?es to try.†The request was not unreasonable. so we granted itâ€"but more to oblige the agent than anything else; for we really did not want the machine, and had not the remotest idea of buying it. The machine once in the house, it was natural that the the ladies should look it over; they did so, and as a. consequence fell in love with it. Thy say that with- Out the slightest wish to decry or dispar- age any other machine, this, all things 0 insidered, is, in their opinion, the most desirable'one to be had. The upshot of the whole matter was the 016. n a whine was disposed of, and the “Lig :â€" Running New Home†in- stalled in our household. It is pronounc- el a genuine beauty and a real comfort, and “our folks†wanted to tell other folks about it. . This unrivalled machine is manufgic- Eflntirn iiiâ€"Gï¬reditiï¬i This annual visitor is always welcome. Printed on the best of paper, abounding in handsome illustrations, it certainly may claim to rank as a sample of the highest typographical art. Its colored plates, three in number, are perfect gems, and we are at a loss to discover how this enterprising ï¬rm can afford to lavish so much expense in beautifying a. publicat- ion for which they only ask ten cents, whilst to each of their last season’s cusw tomers they actually gave it as a Christmas present. As its name indicates, it is a. “Guide†to the pro er treatment and culture of all kinds 0 flowers and vege- tables, such description being accompani- by an illustration of that particular plant or vegetable reigned to. We should advise all who are interested in gardening, whether from the pleasure obtained from raising flowers, or for the more practical occupation of raising vegetables. to send to JAMES Vlex, Rochester, N. Y., for a. copy of this most instructive work. The publisher claims that; “VICK’S Seeds are the best in the world,†and we have no doubt, “the world†endorses the claim. Dr. Vincent’s Lecture. Vlck’s Floral Guide. My, Executors. OPPOSITE ST. JAMEE’ CATHEDPAL, KING ST. EAST, TORONTQ MEN’S OVERCOATSâ€"450, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00, 10.50, II.50, 12.00, 12.50, 13.50, 14.50,, 15.00 and 16.00. Boys’. Overcoaté equally reduced; Tne prices have been brought down to such ï¬gures that it Will well repay anyone to buy, even should thev not require the goods until ' NEXT SEASON. The Great One Price Clothing Store, Larger redu’otigms than ever for FE B;RUAR17 AND 800. Overcoats still to clear out I'hese Reductions are Genuine. which anyone can see by calling .50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00, 10,50,11.00, 11.50, 12.00, 12.50, 13.00. We ate determined to clear out entirely every garment by the middle of March. No trouble to show goods regardless Whether you wish to buy or not. 115, 117, 119, and 121, KING ST., E., TORONTO. OAK HALL ! Note These Reductions, REDUCED TO Wm. Atkinson New S’pring‘ Goods arriv- «- ing‘ daily at the CO NCRE TE C ottonades a Shirtin gs. I; OWER than the IJO‘VE S T