Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1883, p. 8

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A PHISICAL‘WREOK.â€"-A hacking cough snps the physical constitution, not alone because it destroys the tissue of the lungs and developes tubercles which corrode zmd destroy them, but also because it ruins rest and impairs digestion. How important, therefore, ii aresort to judic- mus medication to stay its ravages. A total physical wreck must inevitably en- sue without this. In choice of a, remedy the pulmonary invalid is sometimes 'mis- lead‘by spacious representations, to the serious prejudice of his bodily well-being. The only safe resort is a tried and highly sanctiond remedy. The credentials of Northop & Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda entitled it to the place it occup- ies, viz., that the foremost cough medic- ine and lung invigorant sold 'on the con- tinent. The testimony ' of a. veteran physicians, and a popularity based on merit, combine to give it the prestige of a standard medicine. In cases of asthma, weak chest and lungs, bronchitis, laryn- gits and other throat and lung complaints, 'it may be implicitly relied upon. 141Youge Street, Toronto For good and cheap Watch- es. Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSEN‘» ED. E. M. Morphy= E. M. MORPHY Ears Foo Chad’s Balsam of Slam-ks’ ' Oil. Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the onIy Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. The Oil is abstracted from peculiar specie of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Soi, nnovsz as ARCHARCDON RONDELETH. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues {LS u. restorative of hearing were discovered by a: Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its curesE were so numerous and nmny so seemingly” miraculous, that theremedv was officially pro-' claimed over the entire Empire. Its use becmnsl so universal that for over 300 yean no deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to {my address at $1 per bottle.K It has performed nmimcle in my pase. I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better‘ I have been greatly bencfittod. My deafness helped a. great dentâ€"think another bott‘e will cure me. My hearing is much benefitted, My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been great-1y benefittod, and am rejoiced that I saw the uotics of it. HEAR WHAT THE DEAF' SAY! “Its virtues are unquestionable and tits cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can person- allytesdi‘y, both by experience and observation. Write as once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Day Street. New York, enclosing $1. and you will re- ceive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and Whose curative ef- fects will be pernmuent. You will never regret doing so.”â€"Em[ron or Mimuyijim‘. R_Evmw. ‘ Li-é‘i‘fi avgâ€"fl] iSsE 51 Wife Maiisi; irlréagé send money by Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK &7JEI\:NE_Â¥,__ SOLE AGENTS FOR AMERICA. Jun 8th, ’83-1v. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hand by an East India Missionary the formula of a. simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumpt- ion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma. and all 'I‘hroat.and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonder- ful curatiVe powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his fellows. The recipe, with full particu- lars, directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instructions (or successful treatment at your own home, will he received by you by return mail, tree of charge. by addressing with stamp YELLOW AS A GUINEA.â€"â€"Tl)e complect- ion, in a case of unchecked liver cmnpâ€"-‘ laint, culminating in a. jaundice, is liter~ ally “as yellow as a guinea.” It has this appearance because the bile, which en-l‘ ables the blood. In connection with thist symptom there is nausea, coating of the'- tongue, sick headache, impurity .of the? breath, pains through the right side and shoulder blade, dyspepsia and constipat- ion. These and other concomitants of liver complaints are completely removed by the use of Northrop &, Lyman’s Vege- mble .rliDiscoverv and Dyspeytic Cure, which is also an eradicant 'of scrolula, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulceis, cancers, liunmrs, fenmle weakness, jaundice, and lumbugo. Ir. tones the stomach, rouses the liver, and after relieving them, causes the bowles thereafter to become regular. [Bligh professional sanction has been acc- orded to it; and its claims to public con- fif'leuce are justified by ample evidence. Price $1.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for NORTHKOP cc LYMAN’S VEGE- TABEE DISCOVERY and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a facsimile of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. I Lon I-ma Hm can work in spare tune, or nge mm , u . 9 Ame to the business. No other busi- mm » 1i aw vou nearly as well. No one can fail in u” o anorumus pay, by «engaging at once' “nun . n mt and terms free. Money made fast nub . u lmnnrnbly. Address Tum-2 & Co annals»... AuLIJE. DR. J. C. RAYMOND, 164 \Vashington St, Brooklvn, N. Y. Dec. lat, ’82â€"1y. A woe); made at home by the indus- 9triotrs. Best business before the pub- lic. ‘Cupiml not. needed. We will haunt; you Men, women, boys, and 2-6â€"51'2‘ (40 Years Established) aLrt; W0 116171,, it email); boys; mi mi everywhere; tp work fo_r_us. New is FOR THE Milliun 7 Day sm, NXY MUST PBPULA'R LIGHT-RUNNING 332117 $301112. Rapidly taking the place 01 all other Machines wher- ever introduced. 200.000 SBLD YEARLY ! Has more pomts of excellence than all other Machines combined. gm; game gutting gflmhim Q30. Leading Article. MRS. HARRISON; "RICHMOND HILL. A, Caf'd given with % 1b. of Tea. A Boy]; with every pound. A Handsome Volume, your own choice or a'beautiful Album, w1th every 3 lbs. The Girls’ Annual or Good Words with 6 lbs. LI-QUOR TEA Sunday at Home, or Leisure Hours, with 9 lbs. CHILDREN’S TOYS, Xmas Cards. FANCY GOODS, Dec. 13, ’82â€"3m. RICHMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the [past twenty-five years, I beg to re- minfl; them and the general public, that having erected entirely new mid com- modious premises, I am enabled to. supply HARRISON, TRENCHS :CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfacbion, as the work is under my own supervisor). I am also prepared to do all kinds of black‘ smithmg d': repairing in the most work~ manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING ' WAGUNS LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS, Jan. 20th, ’83â€"1y. SEWING MACHINES Horse - Shoeing BUNFEBTIUNERY 30 UNION sQUARE, N E “I YORK. OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL. Paid special attention to. Groceries, A good assortment of â€"OF ALLâ€" Always on hand. â€"IS THEâ€"- Sleighs and And the best IS THE THE “’M TRENCII. AGENT. â€"â€"IN THEâ€" Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse vaer Country. Tributary to the United Statés Land Office at SECTIONAL MAP and full particulars mailed FREE to any address by H. F. MGN ALLY, Gengyal Pagsenger Ag’t, 320 AGRES FREE ! GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA THURUU‘GHLY RIGHMflND HILL SAW MILL Give Satisfaction TIMBER Taken 149 YONGE STREET, Has all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PARLUR CUSTOM SAWING; Cheaper Bates DINING-ROOM DFHBE FURNITURE Call and Inspect OuI'Goods Before Purchasing. FU RNITURE! QUALITY and CHEAPNESS‘ Unsurpassed. T. A. LUGKINGTON; "28 E. FEBHtWVSVt}, Toronto, Out. Jun. 8th: ’83â€"‘2m ST. PAUL, MINNEAPULIS & MANITOBA B. R. To stxAsxs, COMPLAINTS and Accrmm'rs which HAGYARD'S YELLOW 01:: £51?an- teed to cure or relieve anther 11: AN BEAST. ‘ min Immmu for: GROUP. , COUGHS, 'cmmrs, 501m 11130.41; 451m, COLDS, &c. > ‘ Appu'tn EXTERNAL“ m RHEUMATst NEURALGIA, (mums, 0412110175 Lvms surnames; supp JOINTS, GALLS, v . I FROST 1mm, mmss, comvs, comauomom BRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAJNINBA' OK, arms, 19mm SIDE, a. i Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money refunded. Â¥ ‘ DIREBTIOIIS WITH EAGH BOTTLE PRIDE 95¢. '1'.MILB'U’RN 8g 00.} {mpfletors Toronto, Juno_18, 1881. To all who will favor us with their “BIG BUREAU,” WE ARE IN A POSITION TO Dec. 8th, ’82 â€"3m. Than can be done elsewhere. NORTH DAKOTA, In EXCHANGE. SAMUEL MAGER. SUITES, INDEX. HAVI NG BEEN 149 YONGE ST. 'l‘onon'ro. TORONTO, 6mg -â€"-ANDâ€"- THE )0(' REPAI RED, Proprietor! All sufferers from this disease that are anxxous to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S Celebrat- ed Consumption Powders. These powders are the only preparation known that will cure Con- sumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungsâ€"indee(1,so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no hum- bug, we will forward to evm'y suffered. by mail, post pgid, a. Free Trial Box. ‘ We do not want your money until you are per- fectly satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don’t ueluy in giving those Pgwglersp. trigl, asfihey will ely cure you. I one month‘s usage of DR. GOULARD’S Celebrat- ed Infallible Fit Powders. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them we w111 send them by mail, p-wst paid, a. Free trial box. Dr. Goultml is the only vhysiciungtlmt has um. 10 this disease a, special study, and as to our Knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these powders. “’0 will Guarantee a. permanent; cure in every case or re- fund you all money expended. All sufi‘orers should give these Powders an early trial, and be coininch o_f their curative powers. 7 fPricEJdrralai‘ge box:S‘-3.00,.- 9115130 an"; part of the United States or Canada, bp mail, 01') receipt of price Address, Price, for large box}: )0, (3r 4 boxes SW $10.00,, sent by muil to :xnv 1» of the Uni ca States or Canada on receipt of price, orbycxpress, G. O. D Address, Then apply to John Lush he can sup- ply you with a first-class article, the beat is the cheapest, for it is not liable to get out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twenty- five years. During this time they have been constantly growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely to-day than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill, SEWING MABHHNES Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on first-class property A. WRIGHT & ISDNQ. LOOKI LOOK! William Harrison’s WELL CURE OR RELEEVE. BILIOUSNESS,- DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, H‘EARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROFSY, FLUTTERING OF THE I ACIDITY OF THE 8T0! URYNESS OF THE S PERMNENTLY CURED 111.317.6453- ON HAND Richmond Hill, SINGLE & DOUBLE In Stock, and made’ to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. And every species Of diseases arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, A BALL SULICITED. BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBUIEN & (‘0., Proprietors, Toronto. :«ummmm NJ RNSHED Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. Oct. 2nd, @2431. UNDE ii’l‘AKERSs ASH (ft ROBBINS, 360 Fulmn St.. BrookIy‘n, N.Y. Oct. 2nd. ’8'2.â€"1V. Harness Establishment, FIT; EPILEPSY. FALLINGOEICKNESS a. qood assortment of CARDS, ‘ WHIPS, COMES, LASHES‘, BELTS, GlRTHs, SURCINGLES, &c. O EGAN S ‘9’ UUNSUMPTIUN HARNE S S POSITIVELY CURED. the shortest fiance and reasonable terms ASH a ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St., Brocklyn. N.Y MONEY! u A5501 mutant, 0 hbufi. Caskets&c.. constant A: tip! on hand RICHMOND HILL, DO YOU WANT THE STOMACH, URYNESS OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, ACIDITY 0F AND Wm. Haarrisozz WRIGHT 6: SON Bucliwn’s Arnica salve. Best Salvein the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds,' Chilblnins, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and Positivily cures Piles. It is guaranteed to giva perfect satis- factiou, 31‘ money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by R. E. Law, Rwhmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt dz 00., Thornhill. We will pay the above )cxmm mr any case 0 Liver Complaint Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation orCunstiVeness “9 Con not cure With \Vest’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and ns'rvor mil to give satisâ€" faction. Sugar Coated. Ln'ge Boxes, contain- ing 30 Pills, £55 cts: For sale by all Di-uggistsi Beware of connterfeit-s and imitations. The gen- uine nmnufuctmed only by JOHN (JJVEST & (lu, “ The Pill Mukci’s”sl & 83 King: St. East: Turonto,0nt. Free trial package sent hv mail aid on receipt of n 3 cent stamp. 4-7,~82-iy 1m. E. U. Wus'r‘s NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT" MENT,(1 guarantee-a specifics: forl~lvsterim Diz ziness, Convulsions, Fits. Nervzms Neurulgin, Hemlache, Nervous Frustration caused bv tho use of alcohol or tobacco. \Vakofulness. Manta! Depression, Soft/011111;: <11" tho Bruin, resulting in Insanity and lending to misery, decay and death, Prunmtum Old Age, Bm'rcnes Loss nf Power in either SLA , Involuntary Lose 5 and Spernm tm-rhmn,causedby over-exertion of the brain self-abuse 01‘ovor-indulgcncu. One box will cure recent cases. Em-h box ccntm’ng one nmnth's treatment. One dollars} box, or six boxes for five (1011a . ; senbby n‘mil prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each urder received 1)) us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written gimrunten to refund the moneyifthr: trentmentdoos not (fleet in cure. Guarantees J. nedonlyhy 'J‘. A. Hewitt, & (30., solcuuthm'iuul agenmfm' Thornhill and Angus, Ont John C West & Co sole propriofm‘s Toronto Ont: ‘- 4-7-82-1 yr MUSIC for EVERYBODY: [COPYRIGHT SEGUREDJ For starting Children and othei s in the culture of Music. 1t overcomes the drudgery of learning the element-s of Music by pleasant amusement 'J’his new method teaches you all about the Musical Stuff, Degrees of the Stuff, Clefs, Notes‘ and Rests, Scale, intervals 01 the Scale, Location of Letters on the Stuff, and their relation to the Keys oftho instrument. (This is vcrvimportunt with children) Flats and sharps and their use. All the different Keys, how to form Chords or musical word . It teaches the syllables, Do,1ie, 1\1i.etc.,in singing. It contains a. complete mu- sicnl catechism]. It is MULTUM IN I’ARVO. All this is learned while the learner is amusing himself by playing familiar tunes, “Persons with no MUâ€" SICAL TALENT may play the tunes, as the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full directions and four pieces of music accompany the Method. Sent by mail f0r$1.00. Address. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell our methods or charts to every family. Ten nollms per day can bomnde byA 115 ‘39 agents, male or femalek Pursuant to the power of sale dbmained in an indenture of mortgage (which will b9 produced) the following VALUABLE‘ HOTEL PROPERTY, situate on Yonge street, in the Village of RICHMOND HILL, will be offered tor sale at Public Auction by Messrs. F. W. Comte J; 00.. at their auction rooms, 57 King street east, Toronto, on IMPORTANT . SALE OF HOTEL Saturday, March 10th, ’83,, At 12 o’clock, noon, in one parcel, viz.,â€" That. part of Lot No. 46, in the first conâ€" cession oLthe Township of Markham, in the Countv of York, commencing on the east. Side of Yonge street, in front of the said concession, than north nine degrees west two chains fifty links from the centre of the front of the said lot, then north seventy- {our degrees east five chains, then south nine degrees east two chains, then south seventy-four degrees west five chains~ to Yonge street, then north nine degrees west two chains to the place of beginning, con- taining one acre of land, with the buildings thereon. The buildings comprise the large brick hotel, with mansard roof. built in 1879, known as the GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, 50x40; frame shed, with hall above, 24 x 50, suitable for public meetings, concerts, 310. ; a. frame stable 3!) x 50, and other suitable outbuilfiings. A deposiggf ien dollarsvfor every $100 ofi' purchase money to he paid to the vendorae or their soliciter at the timerof sgxle. lho purchaser is to examine the title at! his own expense, and the vendors are not; be be called upon for any abstract tine deedsl or evidences of utle except those in thein possession . __»-...~ A“ n .v-r‘ TYIi'I‘“ Ar ._1 ".111 Hfiléss Eatisfactox-S' ' TERMSOF SALE LIBERAL, 1 be made known at the time of _sale. For further particulars apply to S. G. WOOD, 12 Union Block. Toronto; or to Mesars. BETBUNH. MOSS, FALCON-r BRIDGE & HOYLES, North of Scotland Chambers, King street west, Toronto. Dated February 16, 1883. S. G. WOOD, The Estate of the Late Henry White, deceased, FUR SALE BY TENDER! Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 5th day of April, 1883, for the following property belonging to the above estate: 5') acres of the N‘ E. quarter of Lot No. 8; Also 15; acres of the middle portion of Lot No. 11, both in the 3rd 0011. of the Township sf VB.“ ban. Tb_e highqst‘or‘nny tender will not be accepted JNGENEQUS 13â€"17. b3 uâ€" 4 IN RICHMON D HILL . HEALTH ES WERTLH I MERRILL’S $500 REWARD! ENGAGE PIANB (30., 7s & so Van Buren Sh. , Chmagé, n DANIEL RI‘AMAN, Concord. Exocu’ ort Vendors” Sdllcitor. BnAI N wilL

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