In the remarkable values whmh asa whole we are prepare! to show are the fullmviuglots, to which we ask your ‘ ' Speczal attention.†These goods are all marked below cost, and every other kind of I’OPULAR DRY-GOODS HOUSE Everything in this line marked down BLANKETS, 182 3.70N'GE STREET. 2ND DOOR NORTH OF QUEEN. A cull will convince every person Toronto that we are certainly bound begin the year 1883 with the ED. ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE. ENGLISH CASHM ERESJ FRENCH CASHMERES. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Preparatory to Taking Stock. EVER SEEN IN DRESS GOODS‘ SII.KS, SATINS, VELVETS. PLUSHES, ETC. Immense Sacraï¬ce GREATEST BARGAINS We begto inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, andthat on MON- DAY,APRIL 2nd, we will show a complete stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the deâ€" ,\ partments, in what we have no hesitation in saying will be the Handsomest Stores in Canada. Our Stock will, Without doubt, com- pare favorably with any on this Continent, our Foreign Goods have been purchased direct from the, ï¬rst manufacturers of Eu- rope by our Mr. J. W. Petiey, who is a resident of MAN- ‘ CHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Es- tablishment, we remain PETLEY 81 PETLEY, TO THE PUBLIC: DRESS GOODS 25 PER CENT. UNPRECED’YENTED EQUALLY CHEAP. King St. East, Toronto. “‘ to] COMFORTABLES F LANNELS. At the end of January we take in- ventory. Our stock of \Ve have therefore made great reduct- ions in prices of all goods of ’which we have a surplus. No one should miss the oppox tunity to secure these SHEETINGS, ' TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGS, WHITE GOODS. CLOAKINGS FANCY GOODS, LAOES. RIBBONS. NEUKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNOERWARE AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IS LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE RARE BARGAINS N EVER BEFUR: 0FFER:D. Has'all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PABLOR DINING-BOOM Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. OFFIBE FURNITURE GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA SECTIONAL MAP and full particulars mailed FREE to any address by H. F. McNALLY, THUROUGHLY TIMBER Taken Tributary to the United States Land Ofï¬ce at QUALITY and CHEAPNESS T. A. LBGKINGTUN. -â€"-IN THEâ€"- Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse vaer Country. Give Saiisiaciiun CUSTOM SAWING, Cheaper Rates 320 AGRES FREE I RIGHWNB‘HILL SAW MILL FU RNITURE! Toronto, June 79, 1881. "28 EjFrbnt Sf.,- Torontd, Ont. Jan. 8th; ’83â€".‘Zm ST. PAUL,- MEN:EAPDLIS & MAITOBA Rr R. . “BIG. BUREAU,†To all who will favor us with their mummgqoggmnmrs 9 Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfam tion or money refunded. 1.0.DISEASES, Com-LMN-rs ind Accmms which HAGYARD'S YRLLO‘V OIL is guaran- teed to cure or relieve eithu in MAN or BEAST. , m- a“ TAKEN [uranium m 0120172. 00170115, Clams, SORE THROAT, 4512mm, comzs d-c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY run RHEUMTISJII, NEURALGIA, UHILBLAJNS, CALLOUSLUM'PI BWELLLVGS, snmv' JOINTS, GALLS, FROST 121m LAMENESS, oomvs, C’ONTRACHONS BRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCII, DEAFNESS, PALvnvnAcx, SPRAINS, PAIN in SIDE, «EC. ‘ Dec. 8th, ’82â€"-3m. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO DIREBTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRIDE 950. Unsurpassed. Than can be done elsewhere. NORTH DAKOTA, 149 YONGE STREET, In EXCHANGE. SAMUEL MAGER. SUITES, 149 YONGE ST. TORONTO. HAVI \G BEEN -â€"ANDâ€"- TORONTO, ONT. General Passenger Ag’t, THE AT REPAIRED, Proprietor. ‘5}ch 3mm 5mm aï¬mï¬inc Qï¬u. Then apply to Julm Lush he can sup- ply you with a ï¬rst-class article, the best is the cheapest, lot it is not liable to get out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twenty- ï¬ve years. During this time they have been constantly growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely 10-day than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. A. WEIGHT 8:. SUN, Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on ï¬rsbclass property Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. 200.000 SELD YEARLY! Has more pomts of excellence than-ad] other Machines combined.» William Harrison’s Rapidly taking the place oi all olller Machines wher- ever introduced. SEWING MACHINES Richmond Hill, SINGLE & DOUBLE ON HAND In Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. 13 CALL SULICITED. Wm. Harrison LIGHT-RUNNING aim gum». LOOKl LOOK! M08T~ PBPULAR rummam w RNSHED BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE,‘ ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, And every species of diseases afiu’ng'from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, QTDMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBIIRN a: (0., Proprietors, Toronto. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO DEALERS Jan. gfl‘th, ’83â€"1y. UNDE R'i‘AKE RS. Harness Establishment, SE WING MACHINES a. good assortment of CARDS, WHIPS, COMES, LASHES, BELTS, GIRTHS, SURCINGLES, &c. AND O EGAN S ‘9 IIARNE S S the shortest notxceand reasonable 30 UNION SQUARE, N E \W YORK. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE. MONEY! A): Adam mutant 0 onâ€... Casketsdï¬c .. co nstant u 5.9! ornmhand RICHMOND HILL, DO YOU WANT -OF ALLâ€"â€" â€"IS THEâ€" terms THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, OF. THE HEART, ACIDITY 0F " DIZZINEi§S, DROPSY, FLUTTERING THE WRIGHT & SON DR. 11. C. WusT’s wan AND BRAIN TREAT- Mnx'r,agunrantecd sycciï¬co forHystm‘ia, Dix ziness. (Zonimlsions, Fits. Nervous 'Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Frustration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Vl’ukefulness, Mental Depression, Softening nf the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading: an misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, lameness. Loss nf Power in- either sex, lnvolun my Losses and Sperma torrhma,-caused by overexertion of the brain self-abuse urovordudulgencc. Ono bnx will cure recent cases. Each box oontaing one month’s treatment. One dollara box, or six boxes fur five dollars; sent; by mail prepaid on receipt ()1 price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received b3 us for six boxes. accompanied with ï¬ve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment (lees not oflect a cure. Guarantees issued only by T. A. Hewitt, 62 00,, sole'authorized agents for Thornhill and Angus,‘ Ont John C West 5: Co sole proprietors Toronto Ont; ‘ 7-82-1 yr “'0 will pay the above 1'0\\'m'dfor any case 0 Liver Q‘umpmint Dysvepsiu. Sick Heutluche, In (ligexti(m.-(Jonstiputmn or (lunsth'eucrs “e can not cure with W'esb's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the (hrcctimls are strictly complied with. They no purely Vegetable,.~:md never fail to glve satis~' motiun. Sugar Coated. 1m ge lion's, contain-- n1g30 Pills, 2.5 cts: For sale b'y all Druggists. Beware 01' cuunterleits and imitations. ’l‘hegen-' uinonmnufuctured only by JOHN QWEST do (10., “ The Pill Mukers"81 &‘ 83 King St. East: Tumntcg-Ont. Free trial package sent. bv nmili iptof 11.3 cont stmnp. 4-7,â€"82-1y [COPYRIGHT SECUREDJ For starting Children and others in the culture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of learning the elements of Music by pleusunt amusement. This new method teaches you all about they Muhical Stnï¬, Degrees of the stuff, Clots, Notes and Rests. Scale, Intervals 01 the Scale, Location of Letters on the Staff, and their relation to the Keys of the instrument. (This is very important, with children.) Flats imd sharps and their use. All the diflerent Keys, how to form Chords or musical words. It teaches the syllables, Do, Re, Mi. otc.,in singing. It contains a. complete mu- sical catechism. It is MULTUM IN mum. All th‘s is learned while the lenrnor is amusing himself by playing familiar tunes. Perso s with no M'Ov SICAL TALENT may play the tunes, as the guide is such that he cannot strike the wrong key. Full directions and four pieces of music accompany the Method. Sent bv mail for $1.00. Address. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell our methods or charts to every family. Ten nollurs per day can bemude by_n_r i_vg ageing, tangle or femuleL Foo Choo’s Balsam of Sharks" oil. Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. The Uilis abstracted from peculiar specie of small, White Shark, cauvht in the Yellow Sew, known as ARCHAncDoN Roxnmazru. Every Chinese ï¬shermen knows it. Its Virtues as u. restorative of heeriui were discovered by {L Buddhist Priest uboutt eyeer 1410. Its cures Were so numerous and many so seemingly" miraculous, that theremedv was ofï¬cially pro-- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became: so universal that for over 300 years no deafness- has existed among the Chinese people. Sent,. chm-gas prawnid, to any address rut $1 per bottle. MUSIC for EVERYBODY. Ears. It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my; head and hear much better. I have been greatly beneï¬tted. My deafness helped a. great dealâ€"think another bottle willcure me. My hearing is much beneflttea. My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly beneflbted, and um rejoiced that I saw the uotics of it. “Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can person- ally testify both by experience and observation. Write as once to HAxLocK & JEVMJY, 7 Day Street New York, enclosmg 81 and you will re- ceive by return 11 remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else.and whose curative ef- fects will be permanent. You will never regret doing §°-"â€"E.‘BI'§‘OB QF Mpncgyrrnn REVIEW. To avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by Registei‘ed Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK 5: JENNEY, 80m; AGEx-rs FOR AMERICA. 7 Day St., N.Y Jan 8th. '83-1V An old physician), retired from active» practice, having had placed in his handt by or. East India. Missionary the formnlw of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumpt- ion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma emf all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after havmg thoroughly tested its wonder- ful curatiVe powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his: fellows. The recipe, with full particu» lzu's, directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instructions for successful treatment z; ' gent ' own home. will he received, by y'nu by}; “ï¬rm mail, tree of charge. l?“ addressing \zj‘lyl‘ï¬' stamp 123%... 35- e. RAFMOï¬IP» 1.64 \yampg‘gog ï¬t.l5moqkly11,11§; 1:5 I)“: ‘Iï¬â€˜ia WEW‘. H:AR WHAT TH: DIAF SAY 1 CONSUMPTION CURED For good and cheap Watch- es blocks, J ewellr Sil-v Verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSEN] ED E. M. Morphy- (Lnâ€"VF»; METHOD; 141 Yonge Street, Toronta E. M. MORPHY 2433M. Iiiâ€"Iv. INGENEOUS (40 Years Established) HEï¬LTH IS WEflTLH! MERRILL’S calciuplnuï¬fcoq $500 REWARD? 73 & 80 Van Buren sc., Chicago", 1 FOR THE oi T'R EATM FNT Million