M ANITOBA MINING STOCK which has yet taken place was the result, the investment being one of 10,000 shares of this favorite stock, which is not to used in abrokerage business, but as a perman- ent investment. In the deal of this stock Lake \Vinnipeg has now advanced $1 per share, an'l very ï¬rm at that. This comes from mining in a commercial and not a spec- ulative sense. Can the same be said of all the other mines? From the Rat Portage Progrcss the following is clipped, not with any desiie to effect the mine spoken of, ‘nut to’lcaution investors to look vi'ell before placing their money in any mine until their 111vestment is sure to repay : “ At the George Heenan mine a gang of eight men have been busy all week erecting the new camp and oiliees, which, when finished, will be the most extensive, substantial and best equipped 011 the lake. This company is is sparing no expenses in developing, but the utmost economy ls being exercised in the ex endituie. A heaxy shipment of tools am liaidwaie passed tuiongh the post this \\ och, and another follous aitcr which pro- visions will be laid in for the close season. it is the manager‘s intention to be well be- low the water line within a month from this date. The w01 king shaft is now down ei ght feet, and 18 being sunk 9 x 7 †Ag ain, irom the same souiee, we clip the follownig: " The timber is being taken out of the Can- ada Minmg company’s buildings, the dimen- sions of which are as follows : Storehouse. if} x 18; boarding house, 18 x 24: ofï¬ce, in x :24; shaft house, 10‘ x 20.†Now all miners know that buildings of this size are the most insigniï¬cant afl‘airs that can he Iound in i 11y mining districts, and only equals the s1ze nf the shaft, ‘l‘lx 7, and 8 feet deep Hut this is not the objective point. Store houses (oili ces which me more than half the "'"e of store house and bonding house com- bined), as well as boarding houses can be eniarged. But have the George Hemian company any right to their claim? The facts are given as below. Mr. Joseph Thomson took up the claim from grass roots and erected a house for working the mine ; sunk a small shaft, but had to suspend op- erations through lack of funds. The present managing director, it is claimed, jumped the claim and oaganized a company to con- tinue the operating of the mines, without Mr. Thompson’s knowledge. This compmy put its stock at a par Value of $200. and which is now offered for nominally nothing Mr. Thompson, finding this out, and backed by men of means, has commenced suit against the compa11y,intending to throw the mine into Chancery. This kind of legal busi- ness, it is sincerely hoped, will not be in- dulged in by many (f the mining, companies. as much of the success of the K .ewatin sec tion depends upon harmony, freedom from wild cats, and a gritty pushing of the miningr inten ' of Manito‘ a. A hi‘migh'nn, :1 dogcmt, and a riding hone \Hil'c always at John Brown’s dis- posal. He had his own suite of rooms at W indsm‘, Osborne, and Balmoral ; a scpm‘ate table was kept for him, and he \ 'as waited on by ohscquious servants specially ap~ pointed to his service. He had the exclusive right of shooting in the (*xteusivc, well- stocked covers on the Osborne estate; he could shoot at \Vindsor and at Billmoral when disposed, and the salmon ï¬shing, on the Queen’s water on the Dec was also under his dominion. s . standing immediately belii:an0L1§s0t, who was ll mked by a pair of gemlannes, was one l’lanehnt, an employee ofthe l’rew newspaper, who had smnelmw contrived to wriggle liimseli into that position without amine-Ling notice. Nem‘vely had the sentence bueu pronouneul when Plane-hat, moved as he aftv-rwanl explaine'l by an uncontrollable impulse passed the side of his handover the prisoner’s neck in imitation of the keen blade of the guillotine, at the seine time emitting ~0 V[‘hm'c recently died at Uharenton a mum who has had a Very curious history. Thirty years ago the deceased, whose name was Rmssu’u, was condemnrd to death at the S inc AaSizos for the murder of an old gentleman, M. Demoul‘y. The case had (xx- cited considex‘a ‘Ie intul st and the court was vmwdud with spcctators. Among the per- a whirring sound. Roussot instantly fell, l'urward with :1. shriek of terror. and the by- standers, indignant at this heartless and shocking act, rmhed upon Planchat and roundly abused him. Plane-hut was subsev quently condemned to two years imprison- ment. As for his victim he never recovered the shock, but remained insane until the (lay of his death. He was pardoned by the Em- peror, but conï¬ned, ï¬rst at Bicetre and afterward at Uharcnton, where he has just expired. The unfortunate man was under the in‘prcssion that he had been actually be. headed in the l’ailais Lle Justice, and when relating the story was in the habit of imi- tating the strange sound that haunted him for thirty ycarsi The Property Rapidly Rising in Valueâ€" lndications of a Rushâ€"Hundreds Already Flocking to the District. So much has been said and wu'tten upon the Keewatiu district that it now becomes :in actual necessity for the press to watch with argue eyes the progress made by the different mines, claims and prospects. The Keewatin, Lake Winnipeg and Hay Island companies have from their ï¬rst formation pushed the developcment of their works with the capital of the promoters alone, and asked no person to invest a single dollar un- til the richness of the ore and test of quan- tity had fully justified their expectations. This was done at a. large outlay which the promoters have not begrudged. Having placed their mines in aposition to defy the scrutiny of all mining engineers, and offer quid pro quo for investors, these companies commenced to place their stock upon the markets, and met with ready demand. This was a business way of proceeding, and their shares, of course sold for nearly par. As- suming that the iieewatin district was real- ly a ï¬rst-class one, English capitalists desiring to invest in the new Eldorado in- stituted a series of inquiries which ï¬nally opened negotiations with the Lake \Vinni- peg company, and the largest deal in inrgl' Invvslmcnls by English (‘ THE KEEWATlN MINES. Crazed by a Cruel Joke. A good many people spend all their life in hunting for a place 111 this world that they never Were intended to ï¬ll. They never settle down to any sort of restful or con- tented fee ing. \Vhat they are doing now is not by any means the work that is snit- ed to their abilities. They have a. sunny ideal of a very noble life which they would iike to r: nah, in which their powers would have iiee scope, and where they could make a very bright record. But in their present condition they cannot do much of anything and there is little use to t1y. Their lite is a hunidruin and aprosy outline, and they can accomplish nothing 1eally worthy and beautiful. 50 they go on discontented “ith their own lot, and sighing for another; and while they sigh the years glide away, and soon they will come to 10 the end, to find 1hat they ha\ e missed eveiy opportunity of doinrr anything 11' 01 thy of :1 rational being 011 the passawe to eteinity The truth is, one’s vocation is never some far-off possibi- lity. It is always the simple round of du- ties that the passing hour brings. No day is common-place if we only had eyes to see its splendor. Theie is no duty that comes to our hand but brings us the possibility of kingly sex\'iee.~«]§lrchan;/c. \Ve are daily tempted and solicited into rush and self-fettering judgments. The mental interests of society are too few to suffer personal character and facul‘y to re- main nneunvassed. Conversation runs on per- sons rather than 011tl’1ings,z111dyou are direet- ly asked for an opinion. Great evils come out of such questions. In the ï¬rst place you may have no opinion. nor be entitled to have one. Your opinions of me slowly and silently grow up in you ; ml scarcely has this prOeess begun when you are suddenly asked to define them. Yet it is probable, such are our luhits, that yOu will not have the simplicity to resist the snare. You will be hurried into‘precipitate judgmentâ€"mere ï¬rst impressions will he hardened into per- manent conclusionr~you will presumptuous- ly speak of the deep inner nature or un- known eapaeity in alnan from slight and insuiiicient hintsâ€"you will commit yourself to some deï¬ned view of him, and never again have the tree privilege of open, can- did, receptive intercourse unbiassed by your own rash judgment. There is a rude- ness and irreverence of nature in thus as- suming to judge any man. It is a. birren attitude. When we have once judged a 111311 we havens it were closed his access to us at all unexpected avenues. “’0 are pledged to one view of himâ€"he is no more an inï¬nite possibility to ns~~we have measured him, and never more can look up- on him, with the freshness and reverence of an undeï¬ned hope. Curious Attempt at Blackmalllng. A correspondent iniorms the London Times of a romantic incident which has re- cently oeeured in a. prosperous London sub- urb. A devoted youngHigh Church curate, oi intetesting appearance unl great popu- larity in his district, was waited. upon by a young lady of considerable attractions, but with an air of deep melancholy and clad in a somewhat ascetic garb. She invited him to her house and revealed to him a. fatal secret. She had conceived a deep, a. pas- sionate, love for the curate himself. She knew, she said, that her pacsmn was hope- less; 110, in his devotion to the Church, for which she loved him all the more, had vow- ed himself to a life of celibacy, and she would carry her attachment to the grave which she felt was not far ofl'. But there was one kindness which was in his power to grant her, the remembrance of which would bring consolation to her dark and v1 eary path. \Vould he, before they parted give her but one kiss? After some timi- dity and agitation the young curate, touched u 1th pity7 complied. lhe lady shed another tour, bade him adieu in a hollow \oice, and he departed A fewdays afterward he received a neat little parcel, gracefully tied with :1 piece of blue ribbon, and on opening it found an instantaneous photowraph (cabinet size) of himself kissing the young lady. Accoml unying this was a, communication from the fair cxea-ture her- slf that there were eleveimnore copies and that he might have the whole dozen at £20 apiece. Should he not be in want of them it was her intuit 011 to dispose of them in {mother quuiter. Negotiations 011 the sub- ject are said to be proceeding. Immense reservoirs of naptlm have been struck at llalachzum and Sabuntscliu, in the um uborhood-of Baku, in Russia. There me at present twenty springs in full flow. The gush is described as extraordinary. The price at: present; is a. little less than two copecks per pood, or a. frac- tion less than one halfpeuny per thirty-six pounds English. One of the greatest natural wonders of Europe is the Hungarian ice cave. At'the foot of the highest group of the Carpathian chain lies the Comitar of Gomar, a. district of Singular beauty and variety, in which are mountains on whcse summit grows the Arctic lichen and the pine, While at their base tobacco, Indian corn ‘and melons flourish. It is in this country, Within a few miles of the town of D0bshamâ€"«that the newly-discovered ice caverns are situated. The existence of these extraordinary caves was well known, but although situated at the low elexation of three thousand ï¬ve hundred feet, where snow rests only in winter, it was left to a youth named Rufliny to exploae these secret recesses of the earth. Having provided himself with everything that cou‘-d be imagined necessary for such an expedition, he entered the chasm, and working his way over blocks of ice and a ohaosof debris, which in the course of ages had accumulated there, he became lost for a time in the darkness of a new world. With inï¬nite difï¬culty he reached what appeared to him a frozen lake, and returned to his point of departure; His companions now joined him, and penetrated still further into these icy solitudes. Not alone do these caves contain pillars and waterfalls of ice, but three walls are studded "with thousands of ice structures, hexangular in form, froma half to one inch in diameter, which, clustered together, resembled ane- mones and other flowers scintillating like diamonds in the magnesium light.†7â€"“... <«--> oo Discontent and Duty. Wonderful Ice Caves. Rash Judgments. â€4.wa l Happy Hours. An accurate observer says : Mankind are always happier for having been happy; so that if you make them happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence from the memory of it. A childhood passed with a mixture of rational indulgence, under fond and wise parents, diffuses over the whole life a feeling of calm pleasure; and in ex‘ tremc old age is the very last remembrance which time can erase from the mind of man. No enjoy ment, however inconsiderable, is conï¬ned to the present moment. A man 15 the happier f >r llfC for having made an agree- able tour, or lived any length of time with pleasant people, or lived any considerable interval of innocent pleasure, which con- tributes to render of men so inattentive to the scenes before them, and carries them back to a world that is passed, and to scenes which are never to be renewed again.â€" Dirlmnx. An Answered Prayer The little children of the Rev. Mr. Mar- shall had been very ill, and one Sunday morning it was feared they could not sur- vive the day. All human aid seeming futile, the parents determined to invoke Divine help, and accordingly two solemn services were held, at which prayers were offered for the restoration an lpreservation of the dying little ones. The prayers must have been heard, for, in the evening the little sufferers fell into 21 tranquil sleep, from which they subsequently awaktned so refreshed and im- proved thit no doubts are now entertained as to their recovery. Their devout parents have never questioned the efï¬cacy of prayer, but now more ï¬rmly than ever before have they an abiding faith in the mercyand good- ness of Him to whom no sufferer appeals in ream-Dower (002.) Tribune. Their Activity and Enterprise. The business of Toronto both in the whole- sale and retail trade, has grown till is de- velopment has become almost a proverb. Not only have its buildings on almost every leading street undergone vast enlargements and improvements of late years, but the amount of business transacted within the same walls has also greatly developed. A representative of TRUTH while taking a stroll down King street east was much struck by these facts on paying a visit to the dry goods establishment of Messrs, Petley & Petley. whose well known emblem of the Golden Griï¬â€˜in is a. prominent land- mark on eastern King street. To all out- side appearances Messrs. Petley & Petley’s store does not seem to be any better than it was five years ago, but when one enters, their improvementsâ€"not only in the extent and character of the business but in the appearance of the placcvarc visible on every hand. The interior of the establishment has, in fact, undergone a complete trans- formation. The old dull looking walls of for.ner days have been replaced by elegant and spxcious walls, whose light and delicate tints are rendered brighter by floods of l1ght from three large skylights, in addition to the front and rear windows, while a ï¬ne outfit of gasalicrs must render the scene a brilliant one at night. VVlnile the old portions of the buildin,r have thus been improved, they have been extended by a space of 55K 90 feet to the rear, giving to the Inuseâ€" which now contains an immense ccllarage stored w.th goodsâ€"about double its former capacity. These improvements have been effecteoLat a cost of about $9,000, and, as showing the energy cf the presiding genius of the Golden Grifï¬n, have been carried on through the Winter weather while still meeting the regular demands of the trade that pours. into the place. Mr. l’etley seems to be a man of unusual energy and perseverance. Since he and his brother purchased the business from Messrs. Hughes Bros. last Septemberâ€"«then conducted under the name of Petlcy & Coâ€"they have had great success. By persistently bringing their claims before the public through the press, and maintaining those claims by the quality of goods they advertise, they have become known throughout the country as perhaps no other ï¬rm ha . Mr. J. W l’et~ lcy is now a permanent resident of Man- chester, England, where, adopting the sys- tem pursued by several of the larg« st whole- sale houses, they have the beneï¬t of a first. hand knowledge of the English max hotsâ€"an advantage which is seen in the superior style and quality of their impo ted goods. Tnc ï¬rst nnllincry opening of the new firm took place on \Vcdncsduy and was attended by crowds of people, who seemed to admire the elegance and taste of the establishment and its stock. The several departments, such as the‘ millinery and mantles, silks, fancy goods, dress goods, staple goods, hosiery and gloves, gents’ furnislnn.s, car- pets, linoleums, oil cloths, &c., (the stock of the latter always being one of the ï¬nest in the city) are stocked with entirely new goods, and the ï¬rm with their present ad- vantages must do a heavy spring trade. --~~â€"â€"-‘â€<<<9->«'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Mrs. Candle in Zuni. K’ia wu troubled herself much with her husband’s actions. They usually slept along the opposite side of my little room. Night after night, hour after hour, I have heard her, in the peculiar sing-song tone of her race and sex, lecture her silent governor. The darkness would grow deeper, the em- bers on the hearth fade to ashes, but the theme lost neither interest nor voice. It used sorely to provoke mo: and in my own language, hopelessly striving to sleep, I would sometimes curse both the persistency of the Zuni Candle and the silence of the matrimonial stoic. “ Ho! the younger brother is thoughtful ; to-morrow I will ï¬x his bed better.†it would say ; and the gov- ernor, ï¬lling the exclamation with the most perfect understanding of the situation, would ejaculate, “' Humph I†but no more. Undisturbed, the currentwould then flow on until later; by considerable distance of the stars, the tone would die away. A moment of (lead silence, then a cough from the governor, followed by the bland in- quiry : “ Is that all ‘3†“ \Vhat more should I say, talklcss ‘3†the old woman would reply, in a. most injured and ill~eontrolled tone. “ \Vell, then†(with a yawn), “let’s us go to s'ecp, old girl (o’JJmi Ixi), for it is time, and the younger brother is resstless.†\Vith which he would turn over, cough again, and layse into silence, hopeless to the tongue- weary woman, as evinced by her long-eon- tinued, half~smothered sobs.~-I’ranlc II‘. Cushing, in the fllal/ Century. TORONTO‘S BUSINESS HOUSES. <49» p- co LERKS AND SCHOOLMASTERSâ€"«WHY not add $5 to $15.00 week i0 your salary atter business hours. A ess with stamp, 11._ MCALISTER, Drawer 2630. Toronto, Ont. It \Vlll pay pure V ,rs of sums to send for my descriptive and p1 cod annual catalogue 01' u “Cultivator‘s Guide" for 1883, sent free on plicution. Address, J. .A... SIMMBRS, STOCK BROKER; fii‘ï¬â€˜ï¬f‘h‘n}: Member Montreal Stock Exchange, 13 Hospital Street. Mnntrmfl. 'A ND ,, Catarrh. Together with diseases of the Eye, Eur and Heart. successfully treated at the (Final-i0 Pulmonary Institute, 125 M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. 1)., M.C.P.S.0.. I-mu’mm'ron. 0m- systcm of practice is by Medicated 1mm. Mions, combined with proper confltutimml remedies. Over 40,000 cases treated during the paisyls yeargt \1 HANNON PERFECTION LE'l‘TER‘ Ellis} k and Transfer Binding Cases ; also the Standard File and Pen Puller. The most nerâ€" foc't letter Iilc invented. Agents wanted. .I. B. DEVLIN, Manufacturer, 1:22 Yonge-st.’l‘0r0nt0. ' AIIRY SI}l'l’lJESaEN‘I-ILISII SALT, A N'- 1mt,to,Rennot, Rennct Extract ; also. full line of Provisions and Canned Goods. JAMES PARK 8:. SONS. ](31_l{ing_ St... West, and 41:0 110V'1()Sbudcnts can enter f10m Octo- ber until Jununm. PROF. SMITH, V. 8., Edin. Principal. lees. Iifw dollars. 47 St; LhWI'binrce Market, T013191? The anuntn ’GEilerl‘éIl’wTifï¬sBS 6:. This Company, which has been approved of by the "million†of Justice and the Lion- tenant Guveruor in Council. accepts trust of evcrydescription. and acts as e‘ ccutor, 1111-- miuistrmor, &c.. and also as agent of existing trustees, executors, 8L0. $300,000 of ’l‘l'ust‘lmmls; to loan upon real estate and mortgages. F0 further iniormation applvy to CGNSUNIPTION! It Impossmlc to call personally for an exam« inution, write for list of Questions and a copy of our new Medical ’i‘rewLisc. Address. UN- TARIO PULMONARX INS’I‘I'I‘I"1‘E, 125 ’1TOCK 0F GOODS \VANTED IN E"- CHANGE for large good form, having vil- lage and Railway station on it 01 would sell cheap. Apply Boxl Dundalk,0nt. UTOPHOVES, $6. 50, I\CLUDIN(: FOUR tunes. '1‘. CleXl‘UN dealm in Musical 113L1'11menL:. Piano Music, Band Music, &c. £1t5Ll()z‘110i~1 free. 197 Yonge St. Toronto. 21 and 29 Wellinglun SL, HON. ED. BLAKE, Q.C., M.P., E. A. MEREDITH, ESQ, LL.1)., J, \V. LANGMUIR, - - $ l’ldl’ DAY C(an be made by agents, 1111110 o1fe111alc.__.VV.DENNIS. ’J‘monto. munnxsruu-s. ADDRESS 11. 11.011x‘ 4 K1111,“ 37 E 151 [‘omnto. Agents wanted WAT CH- F3 Send (or he" illustmtcd cum :3. 10311910 RYRIE, LheJuwcler 13 You :0 Sheet. [0101110. â€7 11011 11 WORKING 11011111 11‘ 1. 0'0 ste11n Engine “111111111111 complete. 0. P0 l‘l‘ FR. .51 Khrr-SL. [011st Toronto. WI 3 W 11\‘ HOW GUARDS, WIRE CLOTH 111111 \Viro Goods at the Toronto \Vire \\ Olks, 116 K1111: St. W cgt. ’1 G. RICE. IGIIL Y ( UL’I IVA’J‘EJ) 89 ACRP‘ FAR W ~lm.st «nil; urmd buildings.}’1i(0 $1.300 V, \ 'VIANQKQ.’ Sparrow Lake, 0111,. a only. ('Hï¬iÃ©ï¬ streét, oronto. Ontario. More TLCKEES‘ , SIIOW CARI)§, WES" DOW' SH \DICS. Newest designs. Sand for price list. F. \VILLIAMS. 4 King E., T mum. of ï¬rst-class brands. Importels,Mont1 'ALLY s: (10., S. W 001) & CO. OAKVILL - FACI‘URERS of Outside and Inside Blinds, Sash, Doors, and Mouldings. Send fo1. prices, Oakville Ont. # 00““; M A'I‘EBIAIS. CARPET AND B11il(lil1g]’aper.s wholesale 11nd retail, at 0w price, at t3101MB] 8; WILLIAMS, 4 Adel- ide, St., East, Toronto. RELIABLE SEED HOUSE. 147 King Street East. Toronto, 0113., Roche-tor. mm, London} Eng. * ARMS.*I’RODUCTIVELIAN DSUN SALT water. Climate mild. Society good. Taxes 10w. Freights cheap. Lists free. ISLER 8L MEEKINS. Cambridge, Md. {)011’1‘ LAND (E ’HtN 1‘ 401m: BRICKS Fire Clay: Sewer l’jp_.e_s &c_. .nge stlmk There In only one way .by which any dis. case can he cured. and that is by rennov lag the causeâ€"wherever It may he. The great medical authorities of the day declare that nearly every disease is caused by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore these therefore is the only way by which health can be se- cured. llere is where WARNER’S SAFE (:URB has achieved its great reputation. it acts directly upon the kidneys and liver and by placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the system. For all Kidney, Liverand Urinary troubled : for the distressing disorders of women; for Malaria, and physical troubles generally. this great remedy hnl no equal. liewa ['01 or impostorn. imitation: and N‘Ileoctluna laid tojre Just as good: For Diabetes 33; To: WARN EB’S BAz‘E DIABETES CURB. For sale by all dealers. FOR THE KIDNEYS. LIVER AND URINARY ORGANS THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. N'I‘ARiOVETERINARY COLLEGE. T0~ H. H. WARNER & 00., (‘lmrch “rm-1, 'l‘lironlu, (but. .MEQELLAN E 0 US: J. \V. LANGMUTR. Mnnmzt‘r Bronchitis, a; Throat Diseases, Asthma, - President, Vice: President - 111mm 7' 01'0““) . E SW N 01‘ TM. INDI -\\' (mm; A HBâ€"Sc'ndjm 111w L19! Illbu'bnbac, 1:15ucau “11.590,qu- ! V stant employment. KENTE BROS I 1653 Yonge Street, Toxon’co. KENT Eflwfl. Watch and Jewele Manufacturers, V ‘ATCHMAKBRS WANTED -» ’ First-class; Highe§§_}ygge§;_gop-_ one of the gm L attractions (111111: city. The i11011a50111:1t1011:1gc, that, has M2011 extended to this imusc for the past; few years, has, cf necessity, caused 2111 culargcnmnt of the al- rmlyspacious; building, to nearly two-thirds more than its firmer 25:511. '1‘11ci111111ensci10v.’ st0ck 1f Ga] and Silver Watches French a11dAmericzm Clocks (f every des 01112131011, Diamonds 10c ';e and mounted ,F2ne Gold and Silver Jewelry, Silverwmc musical Boxes Cutlery, Spectacles,0 were. Glass es, 85:: Selling at 111:11‘\'L‘;11(1u<ylow 111': cos is worth inspec tion to any i11111111i11g purehmer. A gent’s good, sound, iz-efu], steuvwindiug watch 111$?» l.adie~:" Solid (301-1 Watches f2 mm 5510. 0111.1 Day (‘loeksz 11:111'11312 ti111(l1(:-u‘v:1's, for $1. WHOLESALE & RJC'IXAIL, I68 YONGE ST.» TORONTO- DON’T FORGET “11611 Visiting 'i‘orouto, to pay 1» writ to the INDIAN CLOCK No other Newspaper published on this side ()ftlm earth i; bought and N‘ud by so manv men and women. Why! Because it is (lutâ€" Spolmn. truth-toning and always imercsting. It, is m’crybndy’s new - Inner. Subwription: DAILY (4 pages), by mull. a month. 01‘ $4; 51Dnyuur: SUNDAY (1-; LincsL 13:0 pm‘)1:L:‘;WI£I«LKLY 13 pages), $3 11m _'o:\1‘. El. VV.1<1N(ZLAN1),l‘uMIshor.NowYork Citr Before 1}“)‘inï¬â€™ lathe“. son the “Whiteomh,†lmldo by A MICHIGAN VIATCII TOOL (30.. Itï¬â€™lï¬arly Amber Came Seed imp'n-Lcd framï¬hc- Southern State Send for Catalogue and l’nccs. WATGHMAKERS ! E 6; G GURNEY M< mien this paper Draw a. fresh fragrant Breath and be merry Fear no dental display as you smile; For the Virtues of famous “ TEABERRY†V -â€"in city or country, to take a light, work at their own homes; am one can do it; work sont by mm! {.0011 salaxy: distance 110 objec- ï¬rm no tnnvnssinq. Address. with stamp, Bl RT 6; EMMONS, Box 2.178, Boston, Mass. AwMï¬W $33M KEANE 13'; f'air‘h-ézch 13a? Norway 1’. O. uni‘eéd‘lwii.“ GREENWOOD. ‘NIANTEDLLKDIES 'A’NJ) 'YOI‘NG MEN 7â€"in city or country, to take {L liglht wor}; Sums of f1 om 53200 to $10 000 to invest in P.1â€" ft‘nt Rights, Business (‘11.111005, Manufactures Hotels) 511100119 and any kind 01" mars hantab'c 01‘ exchm‘gyculï¬ c pl'opert ' MACEXINER'Y‘. NEH! PARAGON ECHOC’L DEE'SK 1‘1’ BEATTY & ï¬ONS. WEJ’ uAIiD ONT THE SUN WA MIXKREEE; Walthmh. 011E General 6; Financial Agency. “ HIT!) L! ( â€ORV EGGS FOP HAI‘UH I\(}_ Gain and l’ugslcy stun myxm, u. u I W. 11‘N(.] (\IJ'l‘ulmsh(1.I\o\\ )ork City“. Are for Breath and for Teeth nonparell. Will you exchange a Chronic case of Dyspepsia, 01‘ agree to break up a Bil- ious Temperamentwto give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen your Digestion, regain energy, ccmfortJiealth and spirits, all for 750? A single bot- tie of ZOI’ESA will do this. A few doses surprise thos 0 who try Zoposa. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia. in their many forms it is a Panacea. and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleas- santly. T1 y a 10 cent sample, THRONTO. .lf'l EVANS .1 (0.. Lcadcr Lune, ’i‘oronto‘ (ï¬z CO.