2ND DOOR NORTH OF QUEEN. OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARENG SAL-E Preparatory to Taking Stock. We begto inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, andthat on MON- DAY,APRIL 2nd, we will show a complete stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the de- partments, in what we have no hesitation in saying Will be the Handsomest Stores in Canada. Our Stock will, without doubt, com- pare favorably with any ‘on this Continent, our Foreign Goods have been purchased direct from the ï¬rst manufacturers of Eu- rope by our Mr. J. W. Potley, who is a resident of MAN- CHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Es- tablishment, we remain Immense Sacraï¬ce PETLEY & PETLEY, PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE. A call will convince every person in Toronto that we are certainly bound to vegin the year 1883 with the TO THE PUBLIC: ALL ‘ OUR DEPARTMENTS }REATEST BARGAINS EVER SEEN IN BESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. PLUSHES, ETC. veryt‘hing in this line. marked down DRESS GOODS the remarkable. values “’hlf'h asa ole we are prepared to Show ul‘e the Euwing lots, tn which we ask your spectal attention .†{GLISH CASHMERES, FRENCH CASHMERES. These goods are all marked below cost, i every other kind of waning L ANICETS, @PULAE DRY-GOODS HOUSE, 25 PER GEN T. UNPRECEDENTED EQUA LLY CHEAP. King St. East, Toronto. a 37'(:)N‘(} iï¬ 'S’I‘RICE ’1‘. FANCY GOODS, LAGES. RIBBONS. ,NEGKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNDERWARE AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IS LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE At the end of January we take in- ventory. ‘Our stock of \Ve have therefore made great reduct- ions in prices of all goods of which we have a surplus. No one should miss the oppoxcunity to secure these SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, T(’)\VELLINGS, WHITE GOODS, CLOAKINGS. COMFORTABLES, FLANNELS. RARE BARGAINS NEVER BEFUR: OFFER2D. Br‘st Salve in the world for Cum, Bruises, Saws, Ulcers, Hull. lenm, Fever Sores, 'l’ettenClmpm-d Hands, Chillfluins, Corns and all Skill H]'111H1mw,w1ld Pusilivily (-ln'es I’ilvs. IL is gnmmnlm .l to give pvrfoct satis- im lion, nr YII()1](‘_VI'Cfllnlh‘d. Pxiuo Q43 uonts pvr box. F'm sale in R. ]C.L:1w Rutllmond Hill; null l\ A. Hmitt" LC ( 0., Thumhirl. RICIIMON D In LL. _)0(_ In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past. twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- .mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply DINING-ROOM Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own snpervison. I am also prepared tn do all kinds of black» smithing d'c repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Has all the Latest American and Cam adian Designs in PARLUR UFFIGE FURNIWRE Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. QUALITY and CHEAPNESS T. A. lflGKlNGWN. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WURKS.~ Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . FU RNITURE! Toronto. June .‘9, 1881 Horse - Shoeing DIREGTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE PRIDE 95a 12.511303}? 8: ao.,2ropr1etors TORONTO, on '1‘. APPLIED EXTERNALLY I903 RHEUJLMISJI, NEUIMLGtL-l, CIIILBLAINS, CALLOL'S LUMPS surnames, 'srnvp JOINTS, GAL], S, FR 087‘ BITE, LAMEXESS, CORNS, CONTRA CH ONS BR UISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DEAFXESS, PAIN Lv 12.4 CK; SI’RAIXS, PAIN in SIDE, a“. ' Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac. 5011 or money refunded. “IIG BUREAU,†Ta Dismsdg, Cokmmk‘rs and 4cmnxx1‘s which II AhYARL) ’s YKLLO\V On. 15 guaran- teed to cure or relieve either in MAN or BEAST. GROUP. CRAJIPS, ASTHMA, Unsurpassed. Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCII. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 149 YONG E STREET, SUITES, 149 YONGE ST. INDEX. TA‘ER INTERNAL“ FOR COUGHS', 3, 501m 11112041; .4, COLDS, m. â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" Sleighs and THE TORONTO. I 1111011101111 111\\11_1's'1111 the lookout for chances to increase their earnings 111111 in tinic become \v"c111t.l1.1 , those who111111<1Li1l11111ï¬1v1>t11011'o11p01't1111i- ties remain 111 poverty. “is 1111‘0‘1' 1'1 great chance 10111111111 11111111133. “'e \\ 11111, 11111111' 111011 wm111111, boys 111111 girls £11 “11111 1'01'11s 111111t111 11191110- (111,111.11'. ’\11\' «11114 611111111th11, “'1 1k )u'opcrlvf1'mn the! t shut ’11111 Innincss \111 )1.y 1:111 ti mes 1111111111†\1 ayes L‘xln 1151\11 (1111115 11111115111311 from \111111(: 111111 (1111:1111: f11,11.< t1; make moncv 11111111113 X<1111-1111<(u\'11111 5' 11111 \'11<1]e-t1111eto the “111‘?“ 1111111113' vom‘ spam: 11111111111t11. F1111 juror. 11111ti111.1|1111 1thntisncvduzlmnt free. Address 5111151111 5; (711‘ 1’1 11111113 Muihe. SINGLE & DOUBLE L0 WEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. gum gums ï¬ewlug gnarhine (to. William Harrison’s Richmond Hill, 200.000 SOLD YEARLY! Has more pomts of excellence than an other Machines combined. ON HAND Then apply to John Lush be can sup- ply yon with a ï¬rst-class article, the best. is the cheapest, lor it is not liable to get out if order. The Williams Singer has now een in use for upwards of Twenty. ï¬ve years. During this time they have been constantly growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely to-day than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on ï¬rst-class property MOST POPULAR LIGHT-RUNNING 0' . 3" fl ' , , @321» game. Rapidly taking the place 01 all other Machines When-- ever introduced. SEWING MACHINES WILL CURE OR RELiEVE. BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, ‘ IN DIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE } ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY 0F SALT RHEUM, THE STOI HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE 81 BOWELé OR BLOOD. T. MILBL’RN k (0., Proprietors, Torontol And every species of diseases arising from disordered LIVER,» KIDNEYS. STOMACH, LOOK! LOOK! Richmond Hill, July 2‘8, ’80. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS Jan. 20th, ’83â€"1_v. Harness Establishment, SE W ING MACHINES In Stock, and made to order, at the CARDS, WHIPS COMES, LASHES BELTS, GIRTHS SURCINGLES, &c. IIARlVE S S O EGAN S ‘9 L'ALL SULICITED. 30 UNION SQUARE, MONEY! a {good assortment of NE‘V YORK. -â€"OF ALL~ DO YOU WANT â€"IS THEâ€" THE OF THE HEART, ACIDITY 0F THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKiN, AND A'I‘ Wmh Harrison \Ve “'lll pay the above iewnm for {my case 6: Liver Cunmlaim Dyspepsia. Slf'k Headache, lm digestion, Uunstipation or Constivemass v0 cum. not cure with V’Vest’s Vegetable Liver l’ills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give Blltib‘ faction. Sugar Coated. lungs Boxes. contain « mg 30 Pills, ‘25 cts: For sale by all Di‘uggists‘ Beware of countm'feits and imitations. ’J'hegem‘ uinc manufactured only )1}! JOHN P. WEST A: (10., “ The Pill Makorvm & 83 King St. East ’1‘urnntu,0nt. Free trial package sent bv mai} prepaid on receipt of at 3 cent; stamp. ‘1»7,-Hz-ly 1)1z.I<1.1)_ \\ EST'S N12)“ 1', m1) 11mm T111111?- MENT,ugunrnntncd spooiï¬ce for H term, Dix ziness, (Imivulsiuns, Bits. Nervm .‘ Ncurnlgiu, Headache. Nervous l’rostrutinn caused 1W the use of alcohol 01' tnlmcco, \Vnkofulm , Mental I)c1)1'nssinn. Summing 111‘ the Bruin, resulting 1'11 Insanity and lending to misc ' (loo: ' 111111 death, I’mnmturc 0111Ago.]£urre1ms L11. hf Power in either sex. lnvoluntzu‘y I 1s and Spermu tm'rhmn, cnusedlw over-9x1 i011 vi the brain self-abuse 111' over-h11111113411911. 0110 1m; will euro recent cases. Eur-h box tonming 0110 month’s treatment. One (lolhn‘a box, 01' six bnxes in: ï¬ve dollars; sent by 111111] prepaid on receipt 111 price \Voguurzwtee six. buxes to cure unycnse With each 1ml111'1'131'11 \'(,~1l l)) 115 fm‘ Six 110110., rmscompmiiul with ï¬ve llullui's, we will send the [)111'01111901'5an1' written mmrnnteo to refund tht moneï¬iflhc Lmutmvntdms not affect n. cure, (nimuntceq1swe1lnnhl1\"l‘.A Hewitt & Cu ,, sole 1111111011771 (l (Lueiilsfor T1101 nhill and Angus ()nt John C West, (\ (‘11 5011; 1111111110101" Tm' 01m, Foo Choo’s Balsam of Sharks“ 0i]. Positively Restoresthc Hearing, and is the only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. The ()ilisnbstmctod 9mm 12112101111121" specie 1-): 51111111 \Vhite Shank, naughtm thm 3701mm Sou, known as ARUHAIH‘DON mxvnuwx. Every Chineseï¬sherman knows it Its virtues 1111 111 restorative of hearing: “11111; (lisz‘cvercd by n; Buddhist Friest111x111tbhdvg-tu1 1110. It’s cures We'e 51) 111111111111115 111111 many so k11011111114131 Ininwuknw, that L11<11c11101h “as oflim'ulh 1110» 01111111011 ovm the 0111116 11.111111“: Its 1181! bu 1mm so unive) 11 11mm- 01191300191115 1111 deufncss has (1 od 111110115: the Chnmse 110011112. Sent Chur'Ves 11101111111 to miv 1111111 ass at; $1 ne1 bowls It hufl performed 1) miracle in my mute. Illuve no unearthly muses in my head and hem" much hotter, I have lmen greatly bcnoï¬ttml. My «leufncs helped (â€grunt deal “think anotlxm; bottle will cu mu MV hvm'ingi nmvh bone-ï¬tted, My heuring is imprnvimz. it is giving good sutisfxwmm. Ilzwu Jenn grcutly llcuufltLud,an(1am rejoiced that I saw thwxotivs of it “Its virtues are unqu rmxmhle mn‘h iis cm‘u tivo cluu‘ncuu' ubhulutu. gs. the writer can person- ally tesLifgg hnth by oxpm‘umou and nbscrvntiolL \Vrite ub (mm: to HM Lm-n’ & JJCNNV‘IY. 7 DH" Street, New Ym‘k,(+11(-)usiu;.{ $1 21ml you will 1' cm’vu by return :I, rmnmly that “"111 onuhdgymt tn hmu‘ like uuyhmly (2150. 21nd whusv (-lix'altiva Mâ€" fm-Es “‘111hvhvrm'lu-Im \ nu will nm‘el‘ regret doing so."~}ln1'ruu m†AHcm‘Ax’I‘Im, anncw. L“Câ€l‘v> (fluid loss in tho Mnihe, please smnl money by liogisturudl Mun: (Inly impnrtod by .v. “up .- anvvv Unt‘ Ears H:AH WHAT TH: D:AF SAY I SOLE Am rs 1am: Ann» Jun 5:11:31; 1y mammém maï¬$$ï¬Â§ 141Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sfl- Verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRESENIED. E. M. Morphy- 2â€"G~"82 . magma: ï¬ï¬hmï¬ï¬gj Call and see me; No trouble to an» swer questions. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER) _ 0N CELLULOID, â€" I use no cheap materiai and wail‘ans every set. F VUL\LV T", {9.3 Extracws. It will remove hard C: or soft cams, and make a perfect 3'), GMd Filhng, and all other operatinmxs skilhflly performed, an modcrate fees. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of "ECARRS CORN CURE is: a certain. ï¬ne DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, E. M. MORPHY O. P. LENNOX, in a shot: timéwithout the slight- est pain. April 9, â€E FOR SALE AT DilWort-h’s Drug Store, CORN CURE is a gertain, sï¬ecdy x68 King btreet East: between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel BEST SETS HEALTH I8 WEATLH! VITALFZED MR. $509 REWARD! CURE « FOR THE TORONTO '85-1y 'ILh'LouK A' .n‘qxxrtY,‘ may 7 Day “15‘ N. Y pril, 23rd, lBSILx-ly 4-7-82-1 yr ~ $8.00 $10.00