Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1883, p. 5

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The Flrst 'Nheag: The first field of spring crop that we have seen this Rqasnn with a green sur- , fave we viewed On the farm of Mr. Vim} (Stewart. 2nd can. \Vhitclmrch, on Tues- day the 8m inst. It was spring wheat. The first Shipment of Grain. The Northern railway has received the first shipment of grain at Collingwaod from Cnicazo this sezmson‘ which will be promptly forwarded tr» 'l'nrunto and load- ed on stemners from their elevators. That well known property known as the Gooderham & Worts farm, Pine Un:ve, Vaughan, has been sold to Mr. Richard \Villis, of Chmgucousy for t1 8 'sum of $9000. The above estate. lately advertised for sale in file euluum of this paper. was sold at Uninnville lass Week. when Mr. 'i‘hns. Lme, of.'Ihor11hill. was the purchaser. The property went for a little over ten thousand dollars. Ber:avement. We regret to learn of the death of Ber. J- W. Totten‘s child, at Thornhill. Tne funer» n1 took place on_Tuesdn,y to Tottenham. Vin. T. G. &' B. and H. & N. ‘W. Railews. Mr. and Mrs. Tobten have our warmest. sympathy. .There is. some talk of Parkdale and Bruektou uniting and forming one large 0 irpolatinu. ‘ . . . Markhamites are tiled uf having their trees riiined by cattle and a. heavy (i w is now imposed on them for injuring trees. » . .Mr. John Mullums stables, Bruck- tnn, were destroved by fire on Monday n'Uht foul lIorses perishmg In the fl unes One was valued at $200. . . . . A virulent type of measles is prev- alent among children in Riverside. ....Stnnffville is offering Wheeler Brus,$10()0 to rybuild their mills. . . . . About two hundred trees were planted in Richmond Hill on Arbor Day. .. . .Tlie Advance : The Carpet factory in Stuufl'ville is doing a rattling business. . . . . A man named Szwiile had threé lingers taken off in \Vilkinsun’s works Aurora last, week. . ....F day night, James Cooper’s flour min 1.‘ me 2nd cm). of East, Yurk, was burned to the ground. , No insurance. Death’of Rev. Mr. Shanklln. We regret. to announce the death of Rev. Mr. Shanklin. for many years rector of St. Mary‘s Church in this place. and Trinity )‘zmrch, Tlmrnhill. The sad event took place at 384 Sherbnurne St, Toronto, on Tue- Sdry, and the funeral took place yesterday. men: appeals. . . . . " Arlmr Day ” in Richmond Hill, v an a success. . . . .Most of iliefarmers in this vicinity h we finislird seeding. . . . .Beautiful fans at THE LIBERAL, suit» able for not. or cold weather. . . . .Stonffville has organized a. "Young Canadian ” L :cmsse Cluh. ...A. Lluyd, of Aurora, was badly kicked by .‘L horse last week. . . . .The.1501t \Vm‘ks at Parkdale are exrwvfed to be in full blast in about tlm e weeks. . . . .The 'l‘. GEJI B Railway is having: ten thousand larch tljees from Scotland planted along its line. . . . . A large quantity of timber is Coming over the Nnrthern railway, is bein" rafted iu 'l‘urnnm. The Grand Jury Pregentmem. The Grand Jury for the , county of York. in their presentment to the Court of General Sgssions on Saturday, express ragret at the Iargeportinnnf the prisoners committed for drunkness,«and trust. that the law respecting the. traffic will be strongly enforced. Railway Bridge at Rosedale. The constructinn “fa bridtre for the Ontario and Quebec Railway over the nu me at the head of Somewille avenue east of Ynnge St. tollg He, is progressâ€" ing rapidly. The musswe stone abut-- lnenfs starting from a, de‘th of newly two hundred feet are watched daily by a large number of people. . .An oak tree was cut down in Markham u few days ago measurlng seven feet in diameter. The North Yovk Reformer says:â€" The Richmond HiIl Brass B and is detmmined to keep up with the timee, and for that purpose has purchased some splendid new instruments. A series of concerts have been held for the purpose, funn which a considelable sum uf money has been raised. - , They Do Drink. A reliable commemial traveller informs us that they (in drink in Maine, and enn- sidering the character of the liquor sold there it’s a wander that they do. The " bar ” is usually carried in the land lurd‘s inside vest pocket, and is dispensed in a vacant bed room, store mom closet 01‘ under :1 stairWay, where a. dirty tumb- ler is kept hid. The drinkers then makes a rush fur the hotel p Imp to drown the fire. \Vhy people in the in- terior of Maine drink is a. lnystery.â€"E:c' RILHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, May )8, ’83 ”@112 5'i1’5-i11mt1. ABOUT HUME. Great sale of FANS at THE LIBERAL. Tuesday was the lust day for assess- The ngle Esate. Farm Sold Our Band. still and Rev. \V. JfBrIkwell, B A. preached the last of his series of temperance. ser- mons. in the Methodist church nn Sun- day e'Vening. There was a \ery large coiwregatiun, and deep intrest was mani- fest. 'l he sermon was equally able and pointed as the previous ones, and seem- ed to'he just what. 1 needed, though we understand therase are some of the 111e1nl1e‘tsof‘the chinch 11nd congregation who do not exactly appreciate .them. This can be accounted f01 by the fact that they pinch their co1ns pietty seveie ly.’1l1is us only to be expected, as there me those 111 the chmch at, whom those outside point the finuer and say, “let the Ininsiter first 1efur|n their own mem- .rs then preach to others. ” The minis- ters we belieie,:1re t1yi1w to accomplish both of these things. Those Exhibition Posters. We have been repeatedly asked the question. “ where were those Posters Of the It. H. (I) Y. S. Agclu Society’s Spring Fair printed,” and if we thought he knew we would call to our aid in answerâ€" ing each Director and member of the Society, but we understand that none of them know. \Ve can answer that it was not printed at this office. nor were they printed in Richmond Hill, though the job was given to one of our home offices, but they could not do them, and rather than bring them to an office that can turn out a. Heater job than they are, they were taken to Toronto, it is hinted. the Zilcu'l office. This we must admit does not speak well for Richmodd .Hill printing oflices, but we Would hereby inform the public that THE LIBERAL oil'- ice is at all times prepared to do all kinds of colored work. which we are willing to compare with the Mail’s work, neatly, cheaply and promptly. ‘ Charley Atkinson saw a sucker in Resur's MiHmce, and was bound Lu dis- tinguish himselfâ€"which he did. Stea- thily creeping up he made a grab for 1!, and caught, it, but he miscalculated the distance, and fu‘lmv'ed the sucker into sometwo feel: of water, he‘adfirst. No- thing dauntcd he held on, and although when he emerged his cries were minalvd with the subs uf the sucker. he manfully LrOLted off with his prize. Nut bad for a. nine-year-old .â€"-Newmax-ket Reformer. Those Weather Prophets. \Vhen menr numopolized weather "mum-sand isszte‘l his regular weather bulletins we uccasiuunlly had long spells of weather, but since Wiggins hus start. ed oppnsitiou in‘ running weather probab- ilitea the climate. has been thrown ufl' its equilihrum. \Vinter, Spring and Summer have got rather mixed and the result is “ Aw Awful \Venther.” Quee ns Birthday Programme. To those who' are bent on pleasure Seeking on’the Queen's Birthday we would make the inmnrtant' announce- 111eut that Richmond Hill is the gieat centre of attraction in the County of Yo1k l‘he Annual Spring Fair, to \1111111 the whole cuintnside turns out is, “ltlmut doubt the event. of the seaâ€" son. From ten to five o’clouk the Fair ground will present ‘nnmberless attract,- ions. Then to any who may require to replenish the inner man thero are ample attractions. The ladies of the Presby- terian church will serve meals at all hours in the basement of their church. It is unnecessary for us to say that any who patronize them will have a feast of good thing. Also the ladies of the Me- thodist Church will be prepared to min- ister to the wants of the hungry, in the school room of the Church. '1‘ heii tab- les will groan beneath the load of good things. The meaning will perhaps offer the geratest heat of all There will be a concert given in the Melhodlst church at 7.30 conducted by Mr. \Varrinuton, without doubt Canada’s greatest baritone singer, and Mrs Bradley, Canada’s most brilliant warth and songstress. Mrs. Blight, Miss Hardman and Mr. Taylor will also assist. This will be the greatest musical treat that has e1 er been placed befole the public and hope should fail to avail themseh es of this, chance of a lifetime “ THE LIBERAL " from now until January lst, 1884 for 50 cents. Among those who took part in the work of tree planting fur the ornament- ation of our streets on Friday List, were Reeve Brnvm, Councillors Saudersmn and Pugsley. Dr. \Vilson, Messrs. R. E. Law, M. MacNair, 0. Brown, B. Savage, â€"l"}nt,t, J. Pipér. and Walter E. Wiley, representative uf- “ THE LIBERAL.” Me thought before me lately stood A strange prumiscous multitude : Some great-40am small, Some éLIOItâ€"-80m8 tall, Some poor. some middling and some good. In ml this concourse there appeared, No sign of tumult. ; Or was heard One voice in whisper. YM there were some ol'nl] professions there â€"-Divines, Lawyers and Physicians, Poets, Philosophers and Politicians. Much they knew. or seemed to know, Appeared reserved. but were not so, In short ynu need but look within theirface To tell their name, birth, parentage. Tell wlmt i saw. for this ,'re‘ut. wonder still Each day is to be seen at Richmond Hill. A LI-QUOR TEA LIBRARY. . mmyhxmes of the above have been presented to Iurchuers of Li-Quor Tea. by the Cumprny's Agent, Mrs. , Harrison. ' , » ~ Subscribe at once. “ Arbor Day ” Inauguration. Temperance Sermons. Bound to Hold on. A Riddle. All who send fut the Company 3 new illustrated cataluuue, and enclose their advertisement (pnnted on another page,) will lecehe a Set. of udvertisiuu novelties of value to czud collectors. Their addxess ifs,rNE\V HOME SEWING MACHINE 00., 30 Union Square. New York. (From our own Correspondent.) The carriage builder of this place is geniugl'uuud a. great deal more than usual and fixmg things up in general. We fear another female will fall a victim to umn‘lmony. For simplicity, durability, ease of man- agement_ and‘ capizcity ”of wyrk, the “ Light-Running New Home ” has no rival, and the happy possessur of one may rest assured mar. he or 5119 has the very_best. the world affords. Our agent in the insurance business appears to have strong oppnsition but, his persevering (lispnsition and strait; forward manner is establishing himself through- (mt the locality. Peop.e are beginning to place confidence in him which we think they can do with safety. The long winter of unbroken sleighing gave the people every opportunity to get their work done. The residents of Emery appear to have embraced the opportunity; and prepared fencing lumber. On every street there is such an improvement in fences that travellers through this noted village gaze with amazement. There is one gentleman who does not appear to have made a more in that direction. We Would suy to him " do not be behind your poorer neighbors.” Emery is mak- ing such Inpid strides that we would Advise funnels, merchants etc., who inteni retirinu from business to purchase lots in this to“ 11 as there is ere1y con- venience from a. church to 1:. railway station (From our own Correspondent) The English church people lmvu re- vived the services of the Mnsona’ Hall. The incumbent of Lloyton officiating every alternate Sabbath. Some of the. bays were at; Holland River fishing not long ago and now are now enjoyiuu lung fishing stories. Yet some ()I the b >ys insist, that the stones are as good as gold. in order to appreciate the great ad- vancement which has taken place it is only necessary to compare one of the machines built during the infancy uf the invention with one of the latest improved " Light ltunninu New Home.” Inc the manufacture uf thin machine old ideas have been discarded, and in accordance with the progressive move- ment of the age new mechanical princi- ples have been substituted of such inheri- tance aud absolute value as cannot fail to commend themselves tn the most casual observer. â€"All the really good points contained in other machines have been utilized in Its cunstrmtinn. Many new improvements and devnces also have been added, the result at which is a machine as nearly perfect, as it is possible to make one. \Ve understand that a game of base- ball has boen arranged for, between the schools Of the 10th and Nobleton, to take place on the 24th of May. Of course the boys here think they will as usual carry the honors of the day. The clubs play for a two dollar ball. Rev. Mr. Hewshall, of the English Methodist conference, occupied the [\leinburg pulpit. on Sunday morning last..prenchin«.{ the Quarterly Sermon, also [he Nubleton pu|pit in the evening. Both sermons were good, practical dis- cmxrscs, full of thought and energy. For all kinds of domestic and manufac~ turing work the “ New Home ” is nu- equalled. Dame Rumor says that Hague}, late store keeper in Nobleton is about to enier intu partnership with a. young lady of Brantfordâ€"business to be established in Cheltenham. 1f the partnership. re» latinns are sutisfauory tn buth parties, it will be the first instance on, recoxd in his history. L, ,, ,, ,, , A The first productions were crude and uncouth in the extreme, and it were re- served fur American skill and ingenuity tn bring forth a. machine of any practical value. Mrs. Lesllie and family left. for Brand- on last. week to join her husband who has oeen there for about :1 371-1111. “’0 think the reported severity of Manitoba winters has de1erred intendinu 1- ungrants, as very few speak of going there this spring, and some who went have come back Now is the sound of Iamentation heard in the land and the hungry man takes hi< dinner on the wash tub turned up- side down. Reason whyz-wmnen are hunse cleaning. We feel satisfied that this periodical house cleaning is the cause of more unadulterated profan- ity than arises from any other individual cause. What man can step. on a design- ing and wicked carpet tack and not say words which cause his wife to shudder ? The only thing that prevents house clean- ing from being unalloved misery is the fact that the men are so busy during the day that evening finds them suflicient- 1y tired to sleep on the soft side of a plank. Our folks have been house cleanâ€" mg. American Enterprise. No invention of the nineteenth cen- tury has worked a greater revolution in hunsehuld economy or conferred more of a benefit on huumuiey than the sewing machine. Mr. McMnllen, afinew’store keeper in this \‘lllaL'b‘ txied 11‘ ‘11’In on euvs last 11 eek The other store keepers nut, to be out. done put them 11p to fifteen cents. The lalmexs highly approve of the plan, and say they did eggs-accly right. The idleness of the hens 15 more noticeable than ever. ' EMERY GOaSIP NOBLETON. BEAUTIFUL. ALL-WOOL SUITS to Order for $12.00. .. Ask to see our all W001 black worst- ed suits made to order for $16.00, $18.00, and $20.00. ' BEST VALUE EVER. OFFERED IN TORONTO. BOYS’ SUITS Reduced'fl'om 10 to 20 ‘per cent. Suits worth $17.00, sellingfor $15.00. Suits worth $15.00, selling for $13.00. Suits worth $13.00. selling for $11 00. Suits worth $12.00, selling for $100.0 REMEMBER WE SELL CHEAP ALL THE TIME AT THE Gambridgeshire Clothing House, 86 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. « A. W. HOLTBY, Manager. Our assortment of Men’s Suits both in ,Tweeds and Fine Goods is very attractive, ranging. in price from $6 up to $28. Nearlv $100,000 Stock of Fine Readyâ€"Made Clothing for the people to select from, all fresh and new made for this season’s trade. The display we maize in our Youths‘, Boys‘ 80 Childrens‘ department is creating quite a. stir, being thronged daily With custc mers. We show very hobby goods and the manner in which they fit the small ones is a surprise to all. prices range from $2.50 up. We will be pleased to show anyone through our stbck regardless whether they intend purchasing or not. OPPOSITE ST. JAMES’ CATHEDRALL. KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. The Great One Price Clothing House, WE HEAD THE LIST Our Pant department is very large, and Show upwards of 10,000 pairs,.ranging from $1.50 UPWARDS Special Induoements for May ! Great reductions in every department SIZE, QUALITY and FINISH CAMBR‘IDGESHIRE CLOTHING HE 115, 117, 119, and 121, KING ST., E., TORONTO. GOOD WORKINGSUIT FOR $6.00. Do not miss some of those GRAND BARGAINS at the OAK HALL! OAK IE-IA. LL, 86 Yonge Street, Toronto. Opportunities enee Lest can ‘ never be regained.” FULLY REPRESENTED.

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