Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1883, p. 8

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@PULAR DRY-GOODS HQUSE, :52 YONG 11: STREET. 22m DOOR NORTH'OF quEENU OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Immense Sacrafice PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE. We begtoinform you that GUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, andthat on MONv DAY,APRIL 2nd, we will show a complete stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the de- partments, in what we have no hesitation in saying will be the Handsomest Stores in Canada. Our Stock will, without doubt, com- pare favorably with any on this Continent, our Foreign Goods have been purchased direct from the first manufacturers of Eu- rope by our Mr. J. W. Petley, who is a resident of MAN- CHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Es- tablishment, we remain PETLEY & PETLEY, ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS A call will convince every person in Toronto that we are certainly bound to \egin the year 1883 with the lREATEST BARGAINS TO THE PUBLIC: veryching in ibis line marked dbwn EVER SEEN IN RESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. PLUSH ESJ ETC. DRESS GOODS the rcnuu-Ignble values \vhmh asa ole we are prepared to show are the aningluts, to which We ask your Spectal uttmmun.” “in: iGLlSH CASHM ERES, FRENCH CASHM ERES. I‘hcse goods are u]! marked below cost, i chry other kind of L AN KETS, ‘25 PER GEN T. UNPRECEDENTED Preparatory to Taking Stock. EQUALLY CHEAP. King St. East, Taronto. \Ve have therefore made sfreaf reduct- ions in prices of all gnuds of “hick we have a. surplus. No one should miss the uppm tunity to secure these FANCY GOODS, LAOES. RIBBONS. NECKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNDERWAHE AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IS LARGER THAN .~1T SHOULD BE SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, TO\VE LLINGS, \VHITE GOODS CLOAKINb‘rS. At the end of January we take in- veutory. Our stock of RARE BARGAINS COMFORTABLES, FLANNELS. N EVER BEFUR: OFFERZD. &C. Bust Rulvpin file world for (‘nts. Bruises, Sores, 171mm, Sn‘t Rheum, Fever Snres, Teller, (Thnppr-d Hands, Chi‘llfluins, 701115 find all Skin Em! Hons. um] Positivily cures l‘iles. It. is gum; 11m (1 to qivo perfect satis- faction, 211‘ money refundf‘d. Plice 25 cents prr box. For sn‘e by R. E, Law, Illchmond Hill, and T- A. Hewitt & 0C)., Thornhiil. Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. T. A. LUGKINGTUN. DININGâ€"ROOM IFFIGE FURNITURE Has all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PARLOR QUALITY and CHEAPNESS Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own snpervison. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black- smithmg (L'- repairing in the must Wnl‘k- maulike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. FURNITURE! In returning thanks to my numerous friends for Llleir liberal patronage during the past; twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- nmdious premises, I aim enabled to supply PLATFORM SPRING ‘ WAGUNS. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Gutters, Toronto. June 79, 1881 TRENCHS, ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing APPLIED [XTERNALLY rm; Rm‘amnsx, INE‘URALGIA, CIIILBLAINS, ) CALLOL'SLUMPS SWELLLms, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, ‘ FROST BITE, LAIJENESS, conxs, cozrrzu arrays 1m UISEH, LUMBAGO, ITCII, DEAFNESS, PALVLVBA CK, SPRA 11's, P413; in SIDE, 4%. Every bot‘lc guaranteed to give satisfac. tion or money refunded. “BIG BUREAU!” GROUP. 01241: ’5, Aszrzmm, To_stzAsns, COMPLAINTS and Accxmm'rs which I’IAGYARD'S YELLOW OH. is gu‘ .m- teed to cure or relieve either in MAN or BEAST. Unsurpassed. Bucklen‘s Arnica Salve Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCH. 149 YONGE STREET, SUITES, RICHMOND HILL. )0( 149 YONGJfl ST. Tonon'ro. INDEX. mm: [uranium row COUGHS, s, 301:1: THROAT, A, COLDS, «£13. â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"- Sleighs and THE (m the hmkont for I people are nlwz chances to fine) :use their earnings. and in Lima become wealthy: those who do not innn'ovu their ulmm'tnni- Lies remain in pow-rt): “‘0 (”1'0 ‘ 2!. great: chance u» make money. \Vu \mut munv mmn, women, hays and girls to work for 1‘}: rioht in their 10â€" (‘1l1itic<. Anv one can doth» work properlv from the 111 t shn‘b Thu lmsima. ’wi' l puy Yl‘ll iinms ordimu j mules, Expensive «mm: fannishod froo, No one who engage-e mils no make mmwv mpull‘v. You czm dovvbc ymu wnule mmu m the work. or only vour spare numwuw. full infor- mation and all that I» needed Hem {yea [\Lhircsg btlnsou 6; (71,7. I‘m‘th‘vnd. Malina SINGLE & DOUBLE LU W EST R EMUNERATIVE IPRICES. Richmond Hill, William Harrison’s ON HAND gm game ,SmIng'gmuhinc aft. 200,000 SBLD YEARLY! Has more pomts of excellence than all other Machines combined. BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION, JAUNDlCE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBI'RN & (0., Proprietors, Toronto. Rapidly taking the place 01: all other Machines wher- ever introduced. And every species of diseases arising'from dlsord'ered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, LIGHT-RUN N IN G 3% .12 w ii mm. MUST PENN.“ Any amount czm be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on first-class property Richmond Hill,July 28, ’80. Then apply to John Llisli he can sup- ply you with a first-class article, the best. is the cheapest, lor it is not liable to get out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twentyâ€" five years. During this time they have been cmistzuitlv gu‘uwinq in favor With the public, and are selling mun: freely tu-day than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. SEWING MABHINES Harness Establishment, LOOK! LOOK? LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS NE‘V YORK. Jan. 20th. ’83â€"1y. In Stock, and made to order, at the SE WING MACHINES CARDS, ‘VVHIPS COMES, LASHES BELTS, GlRTIâ€"IS SURCINGLES, Sac. IIARNE S S UALL SULICITED. 3U UNION SQUARE, ORGANS ? WILL CURE 0R RELlEVE. a. good assortment of MONEY! â€"-OF ALL~~ DO YOU WANT â€"IS THE“ THESTOMAcm DRYNESS , 7 ”OFTHESKW, OF THE HEART, ACIDITY 0F DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING Wm. Harrison THE AND It has performed .1 miracle in my (an0. 11mm no unen. ‘Llny muses in my head and hour nun-h hatter. 1 have been greatly lmnomtml. My deafness helped :1 grout dankâ€"think another. butt-la “ill cure mu. M y homing; is much bonemtcd. My homing: is improving. {t is; giving: tzond smtisfavtiom Haw; awn groutly benefittcd, and am rcjniced that I saw the “(mica of it. 'eive 11) 1131311111 :1. 111111911) t‘lut 11111 (11111110 yml tn hem 111(11,111\'1mxh else. 11111] \1 hnso 111.191.1111 :1- {111-11111111111111011111111111t \1111 11111 11u\'o1‘ regret 1111111" so] , Em r1111 01‘ “IEM'ANTIM; REVIEW: 51"1‘11nvuid loss In the Mails. wense soml 11101113} by lwglatcud LMMW. Only 11111101101] by HAYLOCK 15:.)1-2NX1-JY, M x FOIL AMI-JILH‘A Jun Sth,’5“5~ly “Tts VII‘th‘S are unquesmmnblc mu] its cum tivn clmrumm' absolute. as bhe writer Hm permm» :L 1)‘ tmshif) , both by uxyermumc um] ubservminu Write 211, nun-L: tn Hn'mwx «Y i _ L 7 DC}, Street, New Ym’k. ellvalrmnm 3*] and 3011 will I‘v- he ()ilisnhstmcted frnm peculiar Specie 0 snml‘ \Vhite Shark, unnuhtin the Yellow Sal. known m; Amumncmm Roxmlxmq'rn. Every Chineset hurmun knows it. lbs vinuos as u. restm‘utive of hearing were (linccx'ered by :L huldhist Priest nbuut the your 1110. Its curoa were so numerous nnd many so ceemingly nn'mcul011‘4, that thermne‘dvwns officially pm» clainmd over the entire Empire. Its use became so 1111i .5le that for over 300 years 110 deafness 11st <, 'ud among tho, (Jlnmwe people. Sent. 0111!, 'e 1‘e1mid,to {my uddr ' at $1 perlmttlu. HEAR WHAT THE DEAF SAY L Foo Choo’s Balsam of Simrks‘ Oil. Positively Restoresthe Hearing, and is the oniy Absolute Cme for Deafness Known. (mt‘ Ears Due 15.0. WEsT’s NEBTE AND BRAIN TREAT: Mlv‘ "r, u gunrxrntced specifice i‘orHysteria, Diz zine s (lonvulshms, Fits, Nervous Neuu'nlginr HezLdncl)0.Nervous Frustration caused bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. \Vrikofulness, Mentul Depression. Softening (if the Brain, resulting in [insanity. and lending to misery. decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bnrrenes ,Loss nf Power in either sex, Involuntary Losnos and Spernm torrlunn,cuuscclby over-exertion of the brain self-ulmse ovcréndulgence. One 11th will cum recontcnses. Emhbnx cumming one month's treatment. One (lollm'u box, or six boxes in! five dollars; sent; by Inuil prepaid mi receipt of price We guarantee six blues to euro anycnse. With each order-received 1)) us for six boxes, accompanied with live dollurs, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money ifthc treatimantducs not effect a cure, Guarantees issuodnnly 12y '1‘.A. Hewitt, 62 (10,, Sale authorized agentsfur Thur hill and Angus Ont John C \Vest d’ (In sole prupric’t Toronto \Ve willpuy Lue ubuve 10“ am my any case 0 Liver Cm’npmint Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, 1n digestion. Constipation 01‘ (funstix'enetâ€"s “8 can not cure with \\’ea3.’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the (lil'ecbiuns are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and nova fail togwe anti».~ faction. Sugar Coated. La ge Boxes, contain- mg :30 Pills, 25 cts: For sale by all Druggistg Beware of countcrfcim and imitations. The gun-- nine manufactured only by JOHN 0. WEST «V 00., “ The Pill A'I.1kers"81 (K: 83 King St. East ’1‘uront0,0nt. Free tl‘izll package svnt; bV mui) prcpmd on receipt 0! a, 3 cont sumnp. 4-1-8243! 141 Youge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch~ es. Clocks, Jeweilry, 811-» verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. E. M. Morphy~ 24:182. fia’flififififgfififi mmmmwk GO TO E. M. MORPHY wslmaflmmm VVA‘L‘ v u L\u AD a LC] nun, Svpccuy ‘_’ and painless g? [PA » “ E.xtractor It will remove hardta ,4} or soft corns and make a pexfect 5“; swer questions. 3C Rng ‘fé‘i CORN CURE IS a cerlain $1366de every set. Gnld Filling, and all other operatinna skilflllly Rol'fnrmed, at muddntu fees. ON RUBBER, A UN CELLULOID, ARTIFICIAL TEETH Absqlutely no pain experienced and ham)- less in all canes. 'Hn‘s the exdnsiveg‘ight fur ‘Hle um of l'm‘d’s New Method of extracting teeth “ifhuut pain, by means of DENTIST, 151 Yo:fl ge street, Toronto, G. _P. LENNQX, April 9, ’83-13/ in a shori time: wiEoGt the slight- est pain. FOR SALE AT Dilworth’s Drug Store, VITALIZED AIR. 168 King btreet East: between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel HEALTH ES WEATLH ! use BEST SETS 186 no cheap material and mutant $500 REWARD! CURE FUR THE TORONTO 0F 13833”. Million 7 Day may 43182-1 yr _. $8IOO $10.00 ?

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