Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1883, p. 8

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We begto inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, andthat on MON- DAY,APRIL 2nd, we will show‘ a complete stock of NEW} SPRING GOODS in all the de- partments, in what we have no hesitation in saying will be the l-Iandsomest Stores in Canada. Our Stock will, without doubt, com- pare favorably with any on this Gontinent, our Foreign Goods have been purchased direct from the first manufacturers of Euâ€" rope by our Mr. J . W. Petley, who is a resident of MAN- CHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Es- tablishment, we remain TO THE PUBLEG: PETLEY 81 PETLEY, OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARENG SALE Preparatory to Taking Stock. Immense Smmfice ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE. A call will cnnvince every person in Torunm that. we are. certainly bound to ‘egm the year 1883 with the "GE’ULAE DRY-GQQBS 'HGUSE, 1' 83:1: §f(}N€-} if} SVEEEEEJECT. :3; m mm MN LN“ gig] NN. ":REATEST BARGAINS EVER SEEN IN RESS GOODS. SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. PLUSHES, ETC! verthing in this line. marked down DRESS GOODS IGLXSH CASHM ERES, FRENCH CASHMERES. the remarkable values wlntrh asa Me we are prepared to Show are the iowiuglots, to which we ask your Specml attention.” [‘hese goods are all marked below cost, 1 every other kind of L AN 11E TS, 25 PER CENT. UNPREEEDENTED EQ UALLY CHEAP. King St. East, Toronto. SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, TO VVELLINGS, “WHITE GOODS, CLOAKINGS. C OB‘IJ‘J‘ORTABLES, FLANNELS. At the end of ‘ January we take in- ventory. Our stock of FANCY GOODS, LACES. RIBBGNS. NEGKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNDERWARE AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IS LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE \Ve have therefore made great reduct- ions in prices of all goods of “13in we have :1 surplus. No one should miss the oppm tunity to secure these RARE BARGAINS N EVER BEFORE OFFERED. k , TRENCH’S. -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICHMOND HILL. )o( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisor}. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black- smithmg ((4 repairing in the must work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Gutters, PLATFORM SPRING WAGUNS. ' Has all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PARLUR FU RNITURE! DINING-ROOM WEBE NRMWRE QUALITY and CHEAPNESS Unsurpassed. Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. Horse - Shoeing Trot ‘1.n1vein the world for Cuts, Bruises, 8111,21: Ulcers. Sn1t Rheum, Fever Sores. Tenet (111111111011. Hands Chilblnius, Corns 111111 1111 Skin 111'11 ptinns‘ and Positivilv cmes 111w. 1:113 gu.1r;1111nm‘1 11mive1wrfef-t satis- 1111111112,armoueyn, 1111111111. Pxico 251201113 pz'r 11111;. For sale by R. E. Law, 11111111310111} U111, 11.1161 '1‘. A. H '.'it,t1&(20.,Thomhi‘11. Toronto, June 78. 1881 “BIG 'EEREME.” APPLIED EXTERNALLY Ina Rnfimmnszt, NELRALGM, CHILBLAINS, CALLOL'S LUMPS smmes, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST BITE,» LAMEMISS, CORNS, CONTRACHONS BRUISES, LUMBAGO, Iron, DEAFNESS, PAINLVBA CK, SPEARS, PAINizz SIDE, 434:. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tlon or money refunded. DIREGT‘OHS‘ WITH EMS“ BOTTLE. PRIDE 950. T. MILBVRN 86 00., Proprietors TORONTO, om. To DISEASES, Com-LAm-rs and ACCIDENTS which HAGYARD’ s YELLOW OIL 15 guaran- teed to cure or relieve either in h AN or BEAST. GROUP. CRAM )3, ASTHJIA, Paid special attention to. 149 YONG“ STREET, SUITES; Bucklen's Amica Salve 149 YONGE ST. Tonom'ro. INDEX TAKE}! INTERNAL” FOR 0017033, 3, 501m THROAT, A, COLDS, ‘c-c. Sleighs and -â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" ‘VM TRENCII. THE )0( Then apply to John Lush he can sup- ply you with a first-class article, the best is the cheapest, for it is not liable to get out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twenty- five years. During this time they have been constantly growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely to-duy than ever. Terms easy, SEWINE MAQHINES Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on first-class property Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. LQOKl LOOK! LIGHT-RUNN ING @211 gwm. Rapidly taking: the place ox all other Machines wher- ever introducua. 200,009 SBLD YEARLY ! Has more pomts of exceflence than all other Machines combined. gm: gm» Srwlug gmtrhiuc mu. SINGLE & DOUBLE Efiéifiaiam Hmrisan’s Richmond Hill, ON HAND in Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE. BIUOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, IAUND'ICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZ!NESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE I ACIDIT‘.’ OF THE STGi DRYNESS OF THE S and in time become woalthy; those who do not improve their opportuni- ties remain in poverty. We offer a. great chance to make money. We want nmuy men, women, boys 11nd mans to work for us right in than 10- cmlitivs. A my one mm do the work propel‘lv from tho, firs» $111.1" ’L‘l‘n, husinn will pay tan times ordinary “anew Expen u o outfit furnished free. )(o one who engupvs fafis to muka mmmv 1' 1‘ " You c:.11(le\'ote your \Vnolo tune to the V w r ' only Your spure moments. F1111 info)» mntiox, 11ml 1L1] that isncedcd sent free. MEMOS Stimun it (‘0. l‘orthmfl. Maine. a people are always on the lookout for Esemances to increase their earnings, A BALL SULICITED. And every species of fiscascs arising; from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, Bow. 8 OR BLOOD. T. MILB‘GIIN I: (0., Proprietors, Toronto. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS, NE‘V YORIK. Jan. 20”), ’83â€"1y. SE WING MACHINES Harness Establishment, O EGAN S ‘P a. {mod assortment of CARDS, \VHIPS COMBS, LASHES BELTS, GIRTHS SURCINGLES, 82c. EIARNE S S 30 mm SQUARE, MQNEY! DO YOU WANT Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. â€"OF ALLâ€"â€" â€"IS THEâ€" THE AND THE STGMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, ACIDIT‘.’ OF Wm. Harrison DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Abshlrutely no pain experienced and harmo less in all can s Has the exicluaive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extracting teeth Without pain, by means uf ON RUBBER, ~ 0N CELLULOID, »â€" G. P. LENNfiOX, ARTIFICIAL TEETH I use no cheap material and warrant, every set Glnld Filling, and all other opembimas skilfully performed, an “luau-M3 fees. \ggéfilirv HE‘J 6*» m3wmÂ¥i¢§ki®fiw Call and was me. No trouble to :m-‘ swer questions. Wmmmwwwr E“ M. fioloRPaâ€"w 3.? 2&1) CARR’S gs; CORN CU REmacertain meedv. 0‘ and painless E CORN Q "" bun“ p U na 15 a. L'CI Lusu, ‘syccuy 5; "x. F3 \JUL\.LV WExtmctor. It will remove hard ' r {301' soft corns, and makea perfect 3:} i CURE E l w , v , â€" . . {mg m a short time, thhout the sight- {‘48 est pain. dc Vil‘ L; x117r'.[lg,’83‘1y 141Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- e3, Clocks, Jeweflry, Silâ€" verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARBANTED AS REPRFSENHD. E. M. Morphy~ 2-6382. “'0 willpny the ubovu rumu‘u 101‘ any cure a Liver Complaint Dysvcpxin, Sick Homiuthe, 11x digestion. Uunstiputl 1 m- Constivcnuw \\ 0 ('un. noficum with West’s Vegetable Liver l’ills, who» thedirectinus are strict)"; complied with. They nre purely Vegetable, Mid never fail togn‘c anti» -‘ faction. Sugar (fumed. Ln ge Bost. contain- 111;; 30 Pills, 25 cm: For sale by all Drngists. Beware of counterfeiis zmd imitutionst Timgen" uine mnnufzwturml only by JL)IL\~ L‘.W]iST & (10., “ The Pill 2\I.11mi‘s"t§l d‘ 8;; King St. Exist 'l‘urmito,0nt. Free trial package gent 11V niui’i prepaid on receivt of u. 3 tans stump. 4-7,»?42-1‘; 1m. RC. W14: ""9. Nmn‘r; AND mum TREA'FV m‘ 'T,u,£',llfl»1‘llllttmd symzifice forllysterm. Diz zincas, lonvulsions, Flts, Nervous Nem‘ulgin., Hemluche.N1,rvu1: l‘rnstrution caused bv the- use of alcohol or tolmcco, \Vach-fulm‘ :, Mentnl'r Daymssion, Snfboninqof the Brain, r 'ulting in) Insanity mu! lnmlimz tn w;1iscry.(ie(my and death, Premature ()fi‘d A :10, Bun-9110s Loss 0f Power in either sex, Involuntary in» ‘4 and Spernm tnrrllmamul‘sedl ox'm 'ernmn of the brain selfluhuso orow "imluluum-o. One hnx will cum rccenbcnses. 10;le lmx nmltning one: month's treatment. @110 dollmr :L box, or six hnx ' (wt five dollars: 9011b by mail prepaid on m:- pt of. price. We gum ‘too six bow» £0 Lauro zmycnsc. With each nrdormocivml [)3 us for six boxes, accompanied with five (lollu we will send the purchaser our written gum nt' 3 to Minna the monoyiftlm tremmnnnhhws no; (:{fem n. cure. Gunmntee‘ ’ umlonlyhy’l‘fll. Hewitt. & C0,, sole authorl l nguntsfor ’l‘hm'nliill mul Angus Ont John 0 \‘Ver. & On sale propricturs Toronw Unt; 417-82-1 y! Chinese flshenmm knows it; Ins-4 virtues as u‘ restorative m” homing were discovered by a. Buddhist Pl‘il‘fit about the your 1410. Tts cures wore so nunmrons and many HO seemingly mirmulmm, that. theremedv was (r‘tl‘mially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use homunc- so univo 1,1 tll‘Ll} for over 3003'0314 1m deafness has ex 11 musing the (111an peoflm Sent, charges preuuidmo any uddm s at 7:51 per bottle. _The.()illis abstractod from peculiar specie 0 snmllwmte Shark, cmurhtm the Yellow Sm. known on AlthiAEcDON HONDEYJ‘TTEI. Every It has performed mmr file in my on. e. Ihuvo no unearthly noises, in my head and hear much better. Ilmve been greatly bonefittod. My deafness helped 2455mm} deu,l~4-i botfle will cure me. Mv hearing is much 'nenefitted. My hearing is improving. It; is giving good satisfaction. Have been grently hmwfiuod, {UH-l zm‘. x‘cjoicetl that I saw the nrmics of it, nk nxothex Foo Che-0’5 Bflififlflfl of Sharks" Gil. Positively Restores the Hearing. and is: the only Absolute Cure for Deafness; Known. HEAR WHAT THE DEAF SAY “Its virtue: are unquesfimmble aid its cura- tive chm-actor absolute, as the writer can person- ully testify. both by experience an: ‘th ~1'Vntion. Write at once to fiA‘rLocK :R' J . \1 7 Dey Street. New York, enolnsing $1. and ~ rm will re- Ceive by rot-urn a remedy that will | ”3th 011 to hem- ]ilm :1 yhmly visa, and who \9 {'1'1‘Wtr , ef- fects will In) parmzmwnt. You mm mm regret (loim: sn."~ EDITOR my Minmwn‘n r l’. - L‘R‘TU zwuial 104$ 51* Hm ‘ rntmnv in: llw'i hm‘ml VIA“. LM‘. Ears mm Winn» T0 avui i1! Hm 1‘ mofley k))‘1§e519t01(,)11.§(" U31} “H x A SOLE Aar' FOE uMIuH Jun 8173, 1531*; mm: FOR SALE AT Dilworth’s Drug Store, VITALEZED MR. BEST SETS 168 King Sheet East, between the Clyde ané Nippissmg Hotel HEAL‘m ES WEATLH! $500 BEWARE]! L-nmn' 1 TORONTO 0F .. $8l00 $10.00

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